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02x10 - All In

Posted: 05/25/16 07:21
by bunniefuu
Cameron: Previously on Stitchers.

Said Kirsten was smart, but who knew.

Yeah, who knew.

Ivy, it's so nice to meet you.

You can help me save our father or you can go.

My test results came back. They are not what we had hoped for, Linus.

Give me a swashbuckling scientist any day.

You used to wear your wedding band, but you haven't since the hospital.

It's time to move on. Thanks for getting me off my ass in the hospital.

Golly, don't go all weepy on me now, Fisher.

Kirsten: My father stitching me into my mother k*lled her.

What's your name?


I'm Cameron.

You had no authority to ditch your security detail.

(scoffs) Actually... this says, I do.

Someone's going to visit you to ask a very specific question.

Your answer will show if you're ready to hear the truth.

Will you marry me?

She turned me down. What's plan B?



Liam believes my joining his gym was a coincidence.

I need to find out what his role is.

How far do I go with this?


(knocking on door)

Come in.

How did you get in here?

Good morning to you, too.

Camille let me in.

I didn't know she was still home.

She is.

And she's worried about you, and so am I.

Spare me the lecture, okay?

I'm not here to lecture you about your crazy walls and...

That wasn't a lecture, that was passive-aggressive.

But I'm just here to make sure that you're doing okay after what happened to Liam.

Seriously, though, how are you coping with it?

I'm fine.


Aside from the best chance I have of finding my father, or taking a b*llet to the brain.

God, that's a little cold, don't you think?

What the hell was my father mixed up in?

Have you spoken to Ivy again?

No, I don't want to bring her into this.

Especially after what happened to Liam.

You should see her again.

I don't know, maybe she can help you if you make it more about getting to know your sister and less about finding your father.

Everything is about finding my father.

I don't want her getting hurt, so I'm gonna figure out where Stinger's hiding without dragging her anywhere into it.

Okay, well, I hope you figure it out and soon, 'cause you're getting lost in this obsession.

And yes, I've said that before, and yes, that was a lecture.

That's why I need to find my father as soon as I can.

Before I get so lost I can't find my way out.

(theme music playing)

♪ Take me inside ♪
♪ Take me inside ♪

Hey, yo, is everything okay?

Well... My dad's got a fifty-fifty chance of pulling through, so, other than that, I'm good.

Look, if you have to leave...

No, no.

This is where I need to be.

Good. 'Cause this is where I need you to be, too.

Feels like we're on a collision course with something, and I don't want to go through it without my Samwise Gamgee.

Thanks, man.

Yeah. Anytime.

But... we agreed that you're Samwise and I'm Frodo, remember?

Never agreed to that.

For being a neuroscientist, you have the absolute worst memory.

Hey, tough guy, we're almost ready to stitch.

Yeah, I think I'm going to sit this one out.

Because of Liam?

Yeah, because I could've saved him and I didn't.

Your job was to gather information...

My job wasn't to get him k*lled.

But it happened.

And sometimes, that is the job.

I know, you're trying to... "blunt instrument" my brain into accepting my negligence, but I kind of just need to feel this pain for a little while and figure out if I'm even cut out for this line of work, so, if you could go.

Tell me what you could've done differently.

Okay. I could've warned Liam that people who hang out with Stinger often become dead and he might be next.

Instead, I made out with him.

I can't... I can't do it. I can't look at another person I know in that corpse cassette and not think about how I should've done something.

I'm not strong enough.

Yes, you are.

And I know this because I wouldn't have spent all the time with you that I have.

Oh, lay off, Fisher, please.

You didn't lay off of me when I got shot.

So what is this? My punishment?

No. This is "thank you."

Lights at 20%, please.

So, the trajectory of the b*llet went through the area of Liam's brain where his working memories are stored.

So, I'm not sure how much we can reliably retrieve, so everyone stay sharp.

I need a go, no-go for stitch neurosync. Life-Sci?









Frodo is go.

I'm gonna let that one slide.

Comm check, Kirsten. One-two, one-two. Are you sure you're okay to do this?

Whatever gets me to the truth.

Okay. Induce stitch neurosync on my mark.

In three, two, one... mark!

Oh, wow.

Do you see Stinger?

No, I see Liam when we first met at school.

Liam: Advanced Statistics in Information Theory.

That's going to take some time to get through.

That makes no sense. Everything takes time.

I was just making small talk.

Let's make no talk.

God! Did I really used to sound like a robot?


You sounded like an angry robot.

Wait, I'm being pulled.

Guys, I think I found the path of the b*llet.

Excuse me.

Stupid accent, works every time.

Mapping a memory hot spot.

Hold on, C3PO. You're on the move.

I hear buzzing.

What kind of buzzing?

What kind?


Interference maybe?

It's not us.

Well, it could be damage to Liam's brain, Kirsten.

I don't know, it sounds like it's coming from overhead.

Stinger: I want to know everything there is about my daughter.

Who she calls, who she emails, and if anyone approaches her.

Liam: Kirsten will feel like I'm smothering her.

Stinger: No, she won't. That's a time-based emotion.

Just keep using that phony British accent.

Stinger: Girls love it.

Liam wasn't British. He faked it.

Is that a joke?

I wish.

Of course there is a way I can be close to her all the time.

I could marry her.

We have chemistry, at least enough for me to close the deal.

Stinger: What if Kirsten doesn't accept your proposal?

Liam: Then I'll stay in LA.

Circle around, work my way back into her life.

Maybe get to Kirsten through that roommate of hers.

You okay?


Get me out of here!

I've got something near the death memory.

All I got left is the death memory.

Anything is better than this.

Liam's waiting for me in the alley.

Kirsten? Where are you?

Yeah, I'm just around the corner. Stay where you are, I'll come to you.

Wait, no!

I'm bouncing!

Did you get a lead on Stinger?

I'm not sure.

That lying bastard got what he deserved.

Hey, did you, uh... manage to get any sleep last night?

Yeah, a little bit.

Is everything okay?

Every equation that might help me is here.

And it's still not enough.

I can't figure it out.

I've been... racking my brain, hoping that something is going to just jump out of me, or that I'll... that I'll make like some connection.

Oh, my God! What a waste of time.

Hey, hey, hey! Don't do that, I get it!

You're frustrated, you're tired.

I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired and I'm done!

If I'm so smart, how could I be so stupid?

Someone... Someone moved that string.

Don't look at me.

I don't come in your room when you're gone. This creeps me out.

Who else was in here?

Um... Cameron... Nina...

(sighs) Ivy.

She could have done it.

That's... That's the equation for power lost during the transmission of electricity.

I wanted to see how far a power surge could travel.

Of course, you did.

In the stitch, when Liam met with Stinger, I heard a distinct buzzing sound. In the background, It sounded a lot like electricity, a lot of it!

Okay, uh, generator?

Power lines? Substation?

Monterey Park. Monterey Park.

Why would anyone need his own personal substation?

There's only... one DWP substation in the area.

It's old, but it's not abandoned.

He's there.

Ivy couldn't come right out and tell me, so she left me this message.


Because I told her that the only way to protect Stinger... was for me to find him before the NSA did.

Is that true?

Hey, handsome, what's cooking?

Oh, it's the Goodkin breakfast sampler. Don't get up, don't get up.

Ah, it's too late.

Okay, well, I hope you're hungry, it's quite the feast.

Is this for real?

I'm a neuroscientist who works for a classified crime unit at the NSA.


You're not joking, are you?



Hey, hey.

It's okay, I'm glad you found it, in fact, I'm relieved.

I hated keeping that secret from you.

So, the whole working at a video game company...

Is a cover.

And Kirsten?

Is an NSA Agent, yeah.

She's a critical asset to the team. It's my job to keep her safe.

That's how we got to be so close.


Well, this is not at all how I was expecting this morning to go.

Look, I'm done with the secrets.

Okay? So is there any chance, any chance at all that we can just move forward together, now that you know the truth?

I guess I got what I always wanted.

My own swashbuckling scientist.

(electricity crackling)



You screwed this up.

You ruined everything.

I followed the clue you left for me.

So you could finally meet our father?

So you could save him, like you told me you would.

Where is he?



This time, he left both of us.

He cleared out everything he was working on.

So, you knew what he was working on, after all?

I never lied to you.

I knew he was working on something big, but what it did, I don't know.

And even if I knew, do you really think I'd tell you anything anymore?

I shared information with you that I promised to keep secret.

You got me to betray my own father.

I'm sorry.

Daniel Stinger is...

Is my father!

Then why did he leave?

He knew you were coming.

I thought he wanted me to.

He knew you weren't coming alone.

(door breaks open)

Man 1: NSA freeze!

Man 2: Spread out, check every room.




Kirsten, where is he?

Not here. Someone tipped him off.



He must be connected to someone inside the NSA.

How were you able to lie to me so completely?

I didn't!

I never said that I wasn't going to bring him in.

He's considered armed and dangerous.

If the NSA find him out there without me... they won't hesitate to sh**t.

I could have protected him.

You know what this looks like, don't you?

Yes, that explains the power plant.

Ivy Brown, I'm Maggie Baptiste with the NSA.

I'd like to ask you a few questions about your father.

Would you mind coming with me?

Anything to not be with her anymore.

Wait. I almost forgot.

My father said to tell you not to waste tears on Ed Clark.

He kept some very important information from you.

Ed told me everything he could. Even after he died, he made sure to leave clues behind, so that I'd know the truth.

Not all of it.

Not this.

Your mother... is still alive.

Is my mother dead?

My door was closed for a reason.

It's a simple question. Yes or no?

You are not the only one with issues at the moment, so back off!

What's going on?

Unlike you, I don't drag everyone into my problems.


I've checked hospital records, birth records, death certificates, even the damn US Census, and nothing, it's like... my mother never existed. There's no record of her anywhere.

Of course not.

And you won't find anything on me, either.

Or Blair, or Turner, or Stinger.

And if you stick with the program long enough... you'll be gone, too.

Is that what's gonna happen to Ivy?

No. She is being questioned and then she will be released.

I'd like to talk to her.

She doesn't want to talk to you.

Guess I can't blame her.

How involved was she with Stinger?

He reached out to her six months ago, but she never knew that he was wanted for m*rder.

She believed that he was working on some top secret technology but didn't know what it was for.

I think she was being groomed.

For what?

The family business, stitching.

We're going to keep a close eye on her to see if Stinger reestablishes contact, but I know that he won't.

He's gone.

Ivy said my mother was still alive.

Is she right?


Until today, I would have told you no.

Now, I don't know.

So, if she's not dead, who's buried in her crypt?

Neither I nor the NSA can be involved in any of this.

Therefore, I have a legal and professional obligation to insist, that you do not call Fisher... and ask him to reach out to the district attorney's office.

Exhumation order for Jacqueline Stinger.

Well, that was fast.

I pulled in a favor from Judge Harvale.

What's with the suit jacket?

I thought you hated them.

Used to.

Do you want to...


You know, after you got shot, I visited you in the hospital.

But you were sleeping.

Could have woken me up.

I didn't know if you really wanted to see me.

I think it would have been okay.

You're not wearing your wedding ring anymore.

Yeah, my hand didn't feel right with it.

Thank you for this stuff.

I hope it wasn't awkward when I called.


I've been meaning to call you, actually. I just...

I didn't know if I should, and...

I've been doing some thinking.

Always thinking.

That's what I loved about you.

Could you?

Again? Love me?

I never stopped.

What would it take to give it another try?

You want to give us another try?

(phone ringing)

It's okay.

No, no, no, no.

No, it's okay. I have to be at, um, court, but we'll talk later.


My hand didn't feel right without it.

(phone ringing)

Yeah, Kirsten.

My friend came through.

I have the exhumation order.


You sure about this?


Got your message.

You wanted to talk, let's talk.

Oh, yes, I see.

You, too, have a flair for the dramatic, Ms. Clark. I like that.

Tell me about Jacqueline Stinger.

What about her?

Where is she?

Dead and buried, last I heard.

I'm going to ask you one more time, and if I don't get a real answer, I'm leaving the Stitchers program.

The confidence you have in your position here... it's naive at best.

Where is she?

I know she's not dead. Her coffin is empty!

Well, an empty coffin does not a live person make.

And now, if you'll excuse me, the lovely Mrs. Blair is waiting for me in the limo.

That's not good enough for me!

What do you imagine you can do to find out more? k*ll me?

A deputy chief of the NSA?

How is that going to work out for you?

You have no power, Ms. Clark.

You have no future beyond what I'm willing to let you have.

So, you be very, very careful because I own you and I do not allow myself to be threatened by my possessions!

(phone ringing)

What's up?

I just wanted to, you know... to say... I just wanted to thank you for yesterday, for our talk, in the lab.

No problem.

I enjoy hearing you whine about yourself, though.

(chuckles) Well... in that case, you wanna come over?

I could do a little whining, we can drink a little wine.

Sorry, I can't.

(scoffs) All right, fine. More Chardonnay for me.

You sure?

I'm having dinner with my wife.

Your wife? That's...

Unexpected? Yeah.

She came by the office today, asked if I thought we could give another shot.

Well, that's really... (clears throat)

How do you...

How do you feel? How are you feeling?

I'm not sure.

We're talking it through tonight.

You still there?

Yeah, no, I'm just...

(clears throat) That's... This is...

For sure, this is amazing.

Try not to eff it up this time.

Hey, it's me.

That's what I'm worried about.

Yeah, yeah.

Have a good night, tough guy.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Yeah, I can't wait to hear.


I'm so stupid.

(knocking on door)


What's going on?

I'm sorry, I...

I feel like... I feel lost. I feel... trapped, I don't know.


God, I'm sorry. I'm just barging in.

Is Nina here? Is somebody here?

No, no! It's fine, it's fine.

Hey, Kirsten.

I just really screwed things up, didn't I?

No, come here. Look, okay, Kirsten, you've had a few setbacks, okay, but... you're just being hard on yourself.

You're smart, okay? You're going to figure this out.

I don't know that I want to anymore.

Okay... Look at me, look at me.

What do you want?

I want to be with my mother.

I want the childhood that I never had.

They say you can't go home again.

I know.

I don't even remember ever being home in the first place, ever.

Except here, with you. Here feels like home.

Hey, come here, come here.

I'm sorry. I'll go. I'm sorry.

(door opens)

(door closes)

Oh, hey, Queen.

Care for some Vino?

This has been the worst day of my adult life.

Hence the "Care for some Vino?"

No, thanks.

My ability to make decisions is already at an all-time low.

Well, boo-frickin'-hoo.

Excuse me?

I said, boo-frickin'-hoo.

What's gotten in to you?

Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc.

And a burrito, but that doesn't mean I'm not in top shape to be the Watson to your Sherlock, or whatever. So hit me, what do you got?

I don't know if my mother is alive or dead.

Cameron is with Nina.

My sister hates me, my father's in the wind, Maggie can't help.

Blair is a psycho.

I'm at rock bottom.

Since when, do either of us, need somebody else, when we've got each other?

Why don't we do what we always do when we have a problem and solve the crap out of it, together.


Ivy said that Ed Clark knew my mother was alive.

I thought he told you everything.

Apparently not.

Unless he did and you just didn't realize it.

The last conversation I had with him was months before he died.

He told me that if anything should happen to him, he wanted to be cremated and his ashes put into that urn.

That urn?


So, he chose that urn for a reason.


It's a pattern.



Camille: Holy hell! It's an address.

10816 Eastham Blvd.

Wait, what's 2319?

Five bucks says it's an entry code.

Should we go see if you've earned that five bucks?

All right, but we need backup.

I thought we didn't need anyone.

No, backup.

I'll call a taxi.

We have a winner.

(door opens)


Camille: Um... Kirsten?

I don't think I've had enough backup in me for this.

The blood is old. Whatever happened, happened a long time ago.

It's okay.


JAS is Jacqueline Adele Stinger.

6/13 is her birthday.

Same as mine.

He's dead.

Dr. Jean-Simone Khouri.



Jacqueline Stinger. Where is she?

JAS6/13. Who took her?

Cameron: His name is Dr. Jean-Simone Khouri.

He helped develop NASA's deep space sleep technology.

It's how they kept my mother alive all these years.

May have kept her alive. We still don't know what happened to her.

What's up with Maggie?

Something's going on, I'm not sure.

Look, I am sorry, about last night, at your place.

Hey, don't worry about it.

We hadn't been awkward with each other in practically a whole afternoon.

We were due.

Okay, I better change.


Samir: You should go.

Linus: I'm not leaving you.

You should get back to work, Linus.

Do you guys think I'm the only person at the office who can program a video game?

Your colleagues at the Stitch lab are depending on you.

(scoffs) "Stitch lab"? No, Baba.

I work at a video game company, remember?

Mom, tell him.

We know what you really do.

We have known, since Ms. Baptiste and Mr. Turner first approached us when you were in high school.

Baba, this doesn't...

They recognized your potential.

They knew how valuable a brilliant young man like you could be to their program.

Which apparently isn't as secret as I thought.

(chuckles) It is.

But your mother and I had clearance from when we were software engineers for the government.

So you've known this the whole time?

Your work is very, very important, Linus.

You're helping to bring justice to the most silent of victims.

Linus, you're a Stitcher.

You should have told me you knew.

We are telling you now.


Because, Linus... if something should happen to me...

Samir, stop it.

Linus, I want you to stitch into my memories...


So you could know... how I've always been proud of you.

And how much I love you, Linus.

I don't need to stitch to know that.

Lights to 20%, please.

I need a go, no-go for stitch neurosync.

Blair: No go!

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Stitching, Mr. Blair, and the thing is, I don't like outsiders in here while I work. So...

Get out of the t*nk.

She has the right to know the truth about her mother.

She has no right to use the resources of my lab.

What are you so afraid we'll find?

Baptiste, end this. Right now.

Mission clock to five minutes.

Okay, let's light this candle.


Sir, you can watch from over here...

With Camille.

Hey, there.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark. In three, two, one.


You're doing very well today, Mrs. Stinger.

I'm with Dr. Khouri outside the hibernation chamber.

Oh, it's nice of you to ask.

My family is fine.

Yes, I'm sure you do miss your family.

Someday, Mrs. Stinger.

He's talking to my mother, like he knows her. He's pretending to talk to her.

Kirsten, do you see your mother?

Kirsten: No, she's sealed inside the chamber.

After 15 years, I'm looking forward to talking to you face-to-face.

Kirsten: She's been here since the accident.

I can't wait for you to tell everyone, everything you've been telling me.

I'm being pulled to another memory.

Director Turner wants the asset moved now!

The "asset" is a human being.

My mother was the "asset" Stinger fought with Turner about.

Why is she an asset?

Mrs. Stinger hasn't been prepared for extraction.

Step aside.

You can't take her like that!

Khouri won't let them get to her.


NSA Guard: Dammit!

He grabbed my g*n!

What does she see?

Kirsten, what's going on?

They opened the chamber.

They took her.

Khouri, he's crawling into the chamber. He's trying to...

He's trying to survive.

Dr. Khouri took care of your mother for over 15 years.

Guess what's back?

The anomaly?

Track it!

I'm working on it!

Kirsten? What's going on in there?

Do you know where she is?

Shh. They can hear you.

I don't care who can hear me.

Do you know where my mother is?

Who the hell is she speaking to?

It's enough, already. I need answers, please?

Kirsten, who are you talking to?

I... I'm talking to you.

You, as a boy, you as I remember you when we were in the hospital as kids.

Whoever that is, that's not me.

Son of a bitch! Linus, track where that source of the signal is coming from!

You said the time for answers was coming.

Well, it's come. Now is the time.

I got it! It's coming from inside the lab!

Wait, no! It's outside the lab.

Wait, it's inside the lab again.

It's inside the quantum computer.

It's a hack!

You can't hack a quantum computer.

You don't have to if you have your own quantum computer.

They're entangled.

Talk to me, people. What's going on?

Entanglement, it's a quantum phenomenon.

It happens when one quantum device affects another, even without being psychically connected.

It's the ultimate hack!

There are five quantum computers in the world, we only know the whereabouts of four of them.

Daniel Stinger owns the fifth one.

Stinger's been running the anomaly on us this entire time.

You're right. It is time.

Are you ready to see your mother?



Kirsten's... gone.

What do you mean gone?

She's off the map.

Well, get her back!

(elevator beeps)

Well, I'm sure you all remember, Captain Stamperson?

Shut it down, Captain.

You heard him, Goodkin. It's over.

Stamperson, listen to me...

Listen to you, what?

Mock me? Insult my men?

We've lost Kirsten.

She's right there!

Cameron: Not her body, you idiot. Her mind, we cannot shut down right now.

Not so fast, Detective.

All of you, step away from your equipment.

You, put down that tablet.

This is my one thing.

I am not messing around, move it!

That's more like it.

Remember when we met? When you thought it was fun giving me a hard time?

Well, payback's a bitch.

Tim: Excuse me?

Tim, well done.

Secure them in the interrogation room.

You haven't just crossed a line, Baptiste, you've crossed me.

Fisher, please escort Mr. Blair to our interrogation room.

We're good together.

This is what I've been saying.

There's still no sign of her on Khouri's memory map.

That's because she's in a another memory.




Whoever's hacked the system, rerouted the stitch away from Khouri and back into Kirsten.

Kirsten, where are you?

How do you feel?

Like I'm home.

Stinger must be using a digital avatar, he created of you as a kid to pull Kirsten deeper into her own mind.

Kirsten, you gotta get out of there, make the bounce!

Kirsten? Kirsten!

How long can she stay in there without bouncing?

I don't know, it's not a stitch, so there's no time limit.

Cameron: Linus, can you isolate the signal that's driving this avatar?

Yes! Do you want me to cut it off?


Wait, no!

I want you to hijack it.

It's so beautiful.

I never want to leave.

You never have to.

You want to hijack the hijacker's signal?

Yes, that way I can talk to Kirsten directly from inside of her own memory.

As the kid version of you?

I don't know, she already trusts the little bastard, so maybe, I or he or whatever can convince her to make the bounce.

Okay, Linus, when I cue you, cut the hijack connection, at that exact same moment, Camille, I want you to reroute that over to my station.

All right, go!

Severing the h*jacked signal...

And rerouting to your station...

Both: Now!

Okay, got it.

Kirsten, can you hear me?

Kirsten, can you hear me?


Okay, it's time to go now.


Why would I ever leave this memory?

Whatever you think you're seeing, it's not your mother.

But it is.

That's my mother.

And she's so beautiful, she's perfect.

She's not real.

But somewhere out there, is your real mother and I'm going to help you find her, okay?

No, no. I'm done.

I'm tired of looking.

You have Nina.

And I have her.

I'm finally home!

You're right. I do have Nina.

But that doesn't mean that you don't have me.

You have a flesh and blood family who loves you.

Your friends.

Don't leave us behind.

Kirsten: Sooner or later, everyone leaves everyone.

But my mother never left me.

I know that now.

She was in my heart the whole time.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe most people leave sooner or later... but you and I... are not most people.

No matter what you think, no matter how long it takes...

I will never leave you.