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03x07 - Fool's Gold

Posted: 05/24/16 08:55
by bunniefuu


Porthos: Drink.

d'Artagnan: I'll ask you again.

Lucien Grimaud, where is he?

Bit sore, is it?

Grimaud will finish the job soon enough.

Your boss, the one who ran away, he's had his chance.

He failed.

Now it's our turn.

We don't fail.

Got to find him first, fat boy!

(CHUCKLES) Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Brujon, come here.

Come here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no.

Come here, come here.

d'Artagnan: You want to be a Musketeer, don't you?

He's a cadet.

Brujon: I can't.

d'Artagnan: It's fine, take this.

Consider it an entrance test. Take a big deep breath.

Just relax.


Shh, shh, shh... Easy, easy.



He left Paris last night. I don't know where.



He rode east of the city.

I swear I don't know any more.

There we are.

Thank you.



You said he was a cadet.

He is a cadet.

He's a Musketeer cadet.

You can go after him. But you won't find him.

And one night soon you'll wake and he'll be standing over your bed.

And his face will be the last thing you see before you die.


Porthos: Waste of time.

He could be anywhere by now.

Headed for Lorraine?

It's unlikely.

Two hundred mile ride and he's carrying injuries.

A long list of nobles in the East who need sweet-talking.

Athos: If you were him where would you start?

Sylvie: Eparcy.

The village he's from.

Porthos: And how would you know that?

Sylvie: He told me.

When he was trying to win my trust.

Sylvie: I heard you hadn't found him yet.

That he's fled the city.

Where I shot him, it's a wonder he survived at all. He'll need to heal.

Men like him are like rats.

They go back to places they know best.

d'Artagnan: Then it's definitely east.

Middle of the Eastern b*ttlefield, been fought over for decades.

We were stationed near there after the Battle of Arras.

The stories that came out of that place, they were pretty bad.

If he grew up there...

How far?

Porthos: It's maybe a day's ride.

Aramis: Athos, your arm.

I have another.

I told you a full state funeral.

I specifically ordered it!

Your Majesty, we do not give state funerals to traitors!

Louis: Governor Feron, Philippe saved my life.

Is that the act of a traitor?

Louis: A hundred thousand livres to the man who brings me Grimaud's head.

Anne: What do we know of where he is now?

The Musketeers are searching for him as we speak.

He'll be working on his allies, using Gaston to gather support.


Treville: An army.

Your Majesty, he'll be gathering an army.

Well we have our own army.

Treville: Scattered across France and under-equipped.

If even a half the nobles give way, the garrison will not be enough to defend Paris.

We must speak of the Regency.

Not now.

Majesty, surely you cannot still plan to name Gaston?

For all we know he may have been abducted.

One brother of mine is dead.

I do not intend to condemn the other before he has had a chance to speak.

Louis, Gaston has shown no loyalty to you.

To your son.

Oh really, Anne? You wish to speak of this?

Of loyalty?

I merely meant...

Louis: Enough politics.

Escort my wife back to her rooms.

d'Artagnan: We're close now.

I'd say a couple of miles out.

There's a child here?

d'Artagnan: It's alright, no need to be scared.



Where did she...


d'Artagnan: Athos!


Let us down.


Athos: We are Musketeers here on orders from Paris.

Impede us and you will answer to the King himself.

It is he who should be answering to us.

His men run wild through the countryside.

We make no apology for defending ourselves.

There was a child.

The child's seen...

All soldiers will follow a crying girl.

Their reasons vary.

What were yours, I wonder?

Athos: We are pursuing a fugitive.

We need somewhere to spend the night.

And any information you can give us.

You'll be lucky if we let you go with your weapons.

Something amuses you?

I've been tied up by women too but...

It's only ever been recreational.

May I?

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Many soldiers have made the mistake of not taking us seriously.

A mistake I'm sure they've regretted.

Athos: I know what men can become in times like these.

These soldiers are my friends and there's nothing we hold more sacred than a woman's sovereignty over her own life.

We are here for a man.

A man by the name of Lucien Grimaud.

You know him?

There's no one of that name here.

I recommend you continue on your way.

In this village we cannot guarantee your safety.

We do not require your guarantee.

You force me to insist.

Or your consent.

Come, Juliette.

One night can't hurt.

In the morning we will send them on their way.

One night only.

You built this place?

Elodie: Us women?

No need to sound so surprised.

I'm not surprised.

I'm impressed.

Elodie: Juliette doesn't really like strangers.

We'd never have guessed.

We've had raids recently. Looters.

You look like you're managing all right.

We're learning.

I can see that, your traps are very effective.

Elodie: Well they keep most of the vermin out.

Some sneak through.

Don't tell her, it's ale, it's not water.

Elodie: Bastien's been staying with us for a couple of days.

We found him in the forest.

Bastien: Well, you rescued me, more like.

d'Artagnan: What? You injured?

Yes, I was on my way to Eparcy, looking for work when I came across some bored soldiers who saw a cr*pple and an afternoon's amusement.

My husband's away fighting.

As are all our men.

He's in the Picardy regiment, under the Compte de Bauvais.

Have you heard anything of them?


Tell me.

They were due to advance on Freiburg.

That's all we know.

Put him out of your mind.

If he isn't dead, he may as well be.

Fetch some firewood for them.

I'll help you.

Elodie: So this Lucien Grimaud.

What do you want with him?

He's a criminal.

Hardly a rarity these days.

This isn't just some boy stealing sheep.

He's dangerous, a m*rder*r.

If we don't find him he will k*ll again.

Athos: You know that name.

I saw it in your eyes.

I knew his mother once.


We were children together. She was my best friend.

But her family disowned her.

She left here a long time ago.

Where is she now?

Juliette: Dead, I expect.

Therese: The day we let our guests go hungry is the day we are truly lost.


Thank you.

You haven't found your man then, yet?

He grew up near here, we believe.

In, um...


Therese: Ah, a few miles that way.

Porthos: So have you got a name for this place?

It has no name. That's how they keep themselves safe.

Therese: It's um...

It was built by us.

After our men first left and the soldiers kept coming, we took as much as we could carry from Eparcy.

A few tools and animals. Came here.

It's not much.

But it's safe.

At least we thought it was.

Athos: If Grimaud is alive and here, you won't be.

If you know anything. Help us keep you safe.


Was walking this morning.

There's a cabin in the forest.

It's abandoned, but...


I saw a fire.

A pair of man's boots.

Bloody bandages.

And this.


Athos: Stop there! Stop!

Is it Grimaud?

It's not him.

They're soldiers. French.

I heard, I heard them coming and I, I tried to stop them.

Aramis: Let's get her inside.

Porthos: How many of these raids have there been?

Elodie: That's the third this week.

They're looking for food.

Bastien: Um...

I tried to defend them.

It's not your fault if you can't fight.

He's injured.

And he can't get far.


We'll need more torches.

Athos: For Christ's sake, where's that ale?

Will you let me see?

What do you want?

Clean needle and thread, if you have it.

A poultice.

Athos was badly injured two days ago.

We have little to spare and too many injuries to spare it for strangers.

I see.

I want you to understand. We're not like those other men.

Juliette: That's what you all say.

Make him sleep.

Then take him home.

We're not going to leave you. Not with these looters.

Juliette: We've survived long enough without you.

And I intend to keep it that way.


I grew up on a farm.

Porthos: You shouldn't be working.

What else am I going to do?

Let me take that.

I can manage.

I know you were trying to be kind.

But I also know you were lying.

About my husband.


Tell me what you know.

Bauvais' men did advance on Freiburg...

Six months ago.

And there were heavy losses.

The whole company.


I'm so sorry.


At least I know now.


I just wish my son had met his father.

Just once.

You know it's a boy, do you?

I hope so.

My mother raised me alone.

She had strength, like you.

And I turned out all right.

Yes. You did.

I don't think we can do this for much longer on our own.

You're not on your own.

I should go.

d'Artagnan: He's a deserter.

Porthos: What?

d'Artagnan: Bastien. A deserter.

I found this hidden in his things.

Same regimental uniform as the men we saw last night.

Porthos: He's working with the looters.

Aramis: Last night, when they ran, they left empty-handed.

They took no food, no blankets, nothing.

Maybe they came looking for something else.


Those men were desperate. I'd say it's something they need.

We split up.

D'Artagnan and I continue the search for Grimaud.

You two deal with Bastien.

What took you so long?

What are you looking for?

I think you know.

We gave you work.

We thought you needed help.

You found it in the caves, didn't you?


Where is it now?

Somewhere you'll never find it.

We just want our property back.

I'm afraid it's ours now.

We paid for that gold with our blood!

So did we.

Juliette: Stop him!

Porthos: Stay where you are!

Did you see that?

A figure.

Athos: I don't know.

d'Artagnan: Was it him?

I don't know.

Go. Go!


Bastien's a deserter.
They're looking for something. Do you know what it could be?

Bastien: We just want what is ours!

Porthos: Well put your weapons down!

Then we can talk.

All right.

It's a trap!

k*ll her!

Take cover! (GRUNTS)

Bastien: Pull back!

Bastien: Pull back!

We'll be back to take what is ours!





I'm going to ask you once.

Are you working for Grimaud?


You heard me.

Don't know what you're talking about.

We saw you running away last night, from the woman you'd just m*rder*d.

What were you after?

Put him in a room with Porthos. Ten minutes.

Five would be enough.

It's loot, isn't it?

Isn't it stashed somewhere? What is it? Hmm?


You're the King's soldiers! You k*lled women for this.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

It weren't me that k*lled her!

She shouldn't have died.

It's not what we...

It's not what we agreed.

I might be a thief but I'm no woman-k*ller.

I don't know what I expected from a bunch of murderers and rapists.

You're convicts?

The army said we'd be spared the noose if we'd fight.

As if we had a choice in the matter.

I'd rather have swung than all this.

They didn't want soldiers.

They just wanted meat to throw at the enemy's g*ns.

We've seen things you wouldn't believe men could do to other men.

Oh believe me. We would.

So you fled.

Robert: We wanted to run for the border, but Bastien made us come back for the gold.

He said it was our only way out.

And now we've got nothing else to show for four bastard years of w*r!

But you don't remember where you stashed it.

Robert: Yeah we remember.

In the caves.

But it'd gone!

Whatever you do to me, they'll be back. They...

Will not leave until they find it.

They're broken.

Low on amm*nit*on.

We can take them.

Most dangerous kind of enemy.

Ones with nothing left to lose.


Aramis: Who's that?

Someone had to clear up the mess.

His throat's been cut. When did that happen?

He att*cked us.

Athos is missing, his horse came back riderless.

He must be in the forest somewhere.

Your friend shouldn't have gone into the forest alone.





I'm sorry.

But I can't let you find him.

You, you're protecting him.

He was here and you are protecting him?

I nursed a young man who might've died.

(SIGHS) Where is he?

By the time your friends find you he'll be across the other side of France.

No, no, no, no. Do you realise what you've done?

He's a monster. Do you understand?

He's evil.

No. No, you are the one who doesn't understand.

I pulled him out of the water, when he was a boy.

When his own mother tried to drown him!

She was such a sweet girl.


But she'd tried to make friends with the soldiers.

And then she was passed around them.

They kept her tied up.

Every time she tried to escape she was flogged.

By the time Lucien was born, it was all she could do to drag him round like an animal.

She was barely a child herself.

I got him out of the water. I raised him as best I could.

Do you know, he didn't even know how to cry.

Do you think this changes a thing?

Do you think this makes any difference at all?

I want you to unders...

You should have left him to drown.

You will never catch him.

He's endured worse things than you can even imagine.

He's stronger than you. He's smarter than you will ever be.

You were outwitted by a woman.





Do it. Do whatever you like. I don't care any more.


I've known soldiers like you before.

And maybe you were good men once.

But when you see so much v*olence, it becomes the only thing you truly understand.

I will find him, he shall face justice.

I didn't want to do this...

But you've given me no choice.






Let's split up. You three, with me.

That boy didn't attack you, did he?

You k*lled him because he was after his gold.

The gold you found.

I'm right, aren't I?

What has this w*r done to you?

Taught me to survive.




Athos: It was Therese.

She fled.



Is there an antidote?

What do we do now?

Wait. And hope.









Athos: No!



I do not require my wife's company today.

Louis, please.

We must prepare for all that is to come.

Anne, who knows how long I have left in this world.

I do not intend to spend it listening to your lies.

I spent a night with Aramis.

He is the father of our boy, by blood, but by blood alone.

Everything he has known and learnt and loved, has come from you.

I cannot forgive you Anne.

I will never be able to forgive you.

I do not expect your forgiveness.

We cannot change what has happened.

But we can change how it is written.

Name me as Regent. And I swear to spend my life keeping your memory alive for him.

I will write a history worthy of you and your son.

You ask too much.

He's still very weak.


You had bad dreams. About Grimaud.

I learnt things from Therese about what happened to him and his mother.

She played us for fools, kept us here while he got as far away as possible.

He could be in Lorraine by now.

Oh, you dreamt of Sylvie too.



Juliette: What do you want?

Athos told me of Grimaud and his mother, the...

The things that happened to her.

It's you, isn't it?

Your friend, the girl whose family disowned her.

I imagine such an invention makes memories easier to bear.


I will sh**t.

Death will come slow.

The gold. I want it brought out.

All of it.

To the clearing in the forest.


No, the village, where your women are, your children.

Try anything and I swear, they'll die.

Tell Elodie. Get the strong box.

Thank you.

For what you did for Athos.

Elodie: What's it like, being on a b*ttlefield?



Boring a lot of the time.

You get used to it.

Were you ever scared?


(PANTING) It's Juliette...

Make the exchange down by the smithy.

We'll be up here for cover.

We lose control of this, he'll k*ll everyone, including the children.

I'll be right next to you. All right?

What we gonna do with him?

Your friends have taken Juliette.

You haven't got long.

Go on and get it over with.

I've had enough of waiting to die.


We're all afraid of dying.

The trick is just to find something worth dying for.

It's too late for that.

I saw you before, with Elodie.

You could have k*lled her, but you didn't.

If we give you this w*apon, will you fight with us?


Try anything, you're gonna find out I'm not as nice as her.

Yeah. (SIGHS)

We're all afraid of dying.

I've heard people say it.

I want you all to listen to Elodie.

Do exactly what she says.

Get them all into the caves. Block the entrances.

We know what we're doing.

So do we.

Queens have been beheaded for less.

And yet no king has been beheaded for such a crime.

Your Majesty, may I offer some advice?


Make your peace with her, before it's too late.


You all right?


I'll be right behind you.

Weapons on the ground.

Hands where we can see them.



The baby's coming.




Come on!


Have you ever seen a birth?

Grew up in a slum.

Neighbour had ten children.

How many of them survived?

That's it.




Cut the ropes!

Relax. Breathe.

I can't do it. I can't do it.

Yes you can.

Yes you can...

Elodie, Elodie! Hey! Hey! Listen to me.

I know a lot about fear.

You asked me if I've ever been scared on the b*ttlefield.

Well I was.

When I was on the front line at one point, we were losing more men than we could bury.

Seeing things like that, it does something to your mind, fear takes over.

One night it got so bad, I left.

I got five miles away. Then I realised what I was doing and I came back.

No one ever knew.

Why did you come back?

My men.

My friends, I...

However bad it gets you keep going for them, for Juliette, for your people, now your baby.

You don't give up.

Fear has no power over you.


What did you spend it all on?

This! On a home for us.

What a waste that turned out to be.





Will you have a drink with me?

I was never expecting love, Anne.

Our union was nothing to do with you or I.

France married Spain.

But we began as friends, didn't we?

Can we not end that way?

The Bourbon blood dies with me.

But the Bourbon line does not.

Our son will never be anything else.

I swear it.

I will name you.

After I am dead you will never speak of this.


Carrying this secret will be your punishment.




What are you going to do now?

Grow crops.

Raise my daughter.

On your own?

I could stay for a while. Help.

Thank you.

But France needs men like you.

More than we do.

Do you have children of your own?


You'd have made a good father.


In another life, perhaps.

I made myself forget what happened, for years, it seemed like it happened to someone else.

Well, well. There's a beating heart there after all.

Behave yourself.

Yes, this is all very romantic, gentlemen, but we do have work to do.