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05x05 - ShotSeeker

Posted: 05/18/16 08:56
by bunniefuu
Finch voice over: You are being watched.

The government has a secret system...

[voice warping] Secret system...

Greer: Un système créé pour, vous protéger.

Finch: Une machine qui vous espionne jour et nuit.

Greer: Qui dit avoir le pouvoir de tout voir, de gérer l'ordre et le contrôle des vies des personnes ordinaires.

Finch: Le gouvernement considère ces personnes non pertinentes.

Mais pas nous.

Greer: Mais pour ça, vous êtes tous non pertinents.

Victime ou agresseur, ne vous dressez pas sur leur chemin...

Finch: Nous vous trouverons.

[people speaking indistinctly]

♪ ♪

[sonnerie de télèphone]

Bonjour, John.

Any updates from the subway?

Are the simulations up and running?

Pas encore de nouvelles.

Professor Whistler needed to check some books out from the campus library, so while I was out I thought I would take the opportunity to update security at the safe house.

Was there a problem with the safe house?

Finch: You can't be too careful.

I take it that you've managed to track down our latest number.

I'm at the Real Time Crime Center.

A watcher watching the watchers.

Or listener, as the case may be.

Ethan Garvin.

A sound analyst for ShotSeeker, an acoustic surveillance system that uses microphones mounted across the city to pinpoint the location of a g*nsh*t, and can do it to within 50 feet.

I see you've done your homework, Professor.

More fun doing it than grading it.

Mr. Garvin's main job is to rule out false positives from loud noises like car backfires, before dispatching police.

Right now he's wrapping up a 12-hour night shift and slamming coffee like he just woke up.

[loud bangs]

Were those g*nshots, Mr. Reese?

Time will tell, Professor.

Garvin's on the case.

Four sensors generating data.

[electronic beeping]

[loud bangs]

148 decibels.

[electronic beeping]

Do you need a hand, Detective?

Riley. My question can wait though.

I want to see ShotSeeker in action.

Well, ShotSeeker says it's g*nf*re, but the question is, what does Garvin say?

[loud bangs]

[electronic beeping]

sh*ts fired.

sh*ts fired near 19026 Hilltop.

Unit 329, you're one block west.

man: Copy that.

Officers in pursuit.

20 bucks says it's a Glock 22.

Any takers?


The city almost scrapped this whole system six months ago.

Too many false alarms, but then Garvin came in, recalibrated the sensors, and efficiency is through the roof.

man: Okay, suspect's in custody.

Nice work, Garvin.

It's a Glock 22.

♪ ♪

Want to grab some lunch, Garvin?

No, thanks.

I promised the old lady we'd go to sushi.

[phone ringing]

And your question was?

Actually, I need to take this call.

Listen, babe, I got to cancel sushi.

I'm getting sucked back into overtime.

Reese: Garvin just lied to his girlfriend.

I wonder who else he's lying to.

[people speaking indistinctly]

All right, you guys are up next.

Nice good warm-up laps. Good job.

This should cover it.

All right.

♪ ♪

Do I know you?

Why don't we take three steps to the left?

Domain Awareness doesn't need to see this.

♪ ♪

Coach: That's it.

I'm on my lunch break, pal.

Your son Lee is not half bad.

His footwork's sloppy, but he's good with a stick.

I know talent when I see it.

I also know you're one of the last people to see Carl Elias alive.

You want to know about Elias?

I want to know who k*lled my friend.

It's in my report.

I don't believe police reports written by dirty cops.

I came here for the truth.

You got the truth.

Now why don't you take off while you still got your teeth?

Let me put it to you this way, I loved Carl Elias like a brother, the way some fathers love their sons.

I swear to God, you look at my kid one more time.

♪ ♪

You don't know what you're talking about.

You're asking questions even I don't know the answers to.


I get it now.

It's your partner that calls the sh*ts even when it's your name on the report.

You tell John Bruce Moran's looking for him.

I'll see you around, Detective.

[electronic beeping]

♪ ♪

I like what you've done with the place.

Padlock's a nice touch.

A necessary precaution.

We copied that malware together, and now you're seriously locking me out?

More like locking Samaritan in.

I used code from that laptop to incubate a miniature clone of our enemy ASI.

You put a baby Samaritan in a nursery.

Just a kernel of its code trapped inside this Faraday cage.

What's your plan, Harry?

Zip tie it to a chair and ask it questions?

No, I thought I'd leave that to the Machine.

I've begun incubating a similar kernel of our own ASI.

Soon I'll allow the two entities to engage one another in a series of controlled simulations with the Machine code probing the Samaritan code for weaknesses.

Like rival ASIs playing online chess.

The results of the simulations might indicate a strategy we could use against Samaritan in the real world.

When's show time?

I need an hour or so.

I'll go get the popcorn.

Actually, Ms. Groves, this is more of a closed performance.

♪ ♪

So you are locking me out.

Not just you. Everyone.

If you want me to do whatever it takes, I'll have to do it on my own terms.

[phone ringing]

Yes, Mr. Reese.

Reese: Hold on a sec, Finch.

♪ ♪

Well, we know how Garvin gets his second wind, and it's not Jamba Juice.

Just tailed him to 607 West 126th.

Finch: Low-income housing on the edge of campus.

Equally popular among the working poor or graduate students whose parents don't pay their rent.




Finch, what's behind door number 4J?

[keys clacking]

Krupa Naik.

She's pursuing a doctorate in chemistry at the university.

Perhaps Mr. Garvin's chemical stash ran low.



Hey, yo, come on, man.

You again?

I'm looking for Krupa Naik. You seen her?

Get lost before I call the real cops.

When was the last time you saw her?

[door slams]

♪ ♪

[door squeaks]

W-w-wait, please. It's about Krupa.

He's badgering the girl from 4E now.

[keys clacking]

[electronic beeping]

Mary Mulhall.

She's in the same graduate program as Krupa.

I don't even know you.

But you must've known Krupa.


I need to know if you hear from her.

[door slams]

Okay, Garvin might be a good listener, but he's an even better stalker.

♪ ♪

Hold the phone, Finch.

[wood cracks]

Think we just found our perp.

He just broke into Krupa's apartment.

[escalating dramatic music]

[g*n clicks]


Lower your w*apon, nobody gets hurt.

♪ ♪

You were at the RTCC this morning.

John Riley. Homicide.

Took you long enough.


[electronic whirring and beeping]

[phone beeps]

[dramatic music]

It's a ShotSeeker alert.

It just recognized those g*nshots.

man: sh*ts fired near 607 West 126th Street.

Unit 214, you are two blocks east.

Scratch that, dispatch.

This is John Riley, Homicide.

I'm at the location now. Suspect's in custody.

♪ ♪

What's going on with you, Garvin?

Three nights ago at 2:00 a.m., ShotSeeker microphones picked up three loud pops from inside this building.

It was unmistakably g*nf*re, but the program said that it was firecrackers.

So, how many pills you pop before you unmistakably heard g*nf*re?

Look, the woman who lives here, grad student named Krupa Naik, she hasn't been seen for days.

Official story says that she went missing after setting off three M80s in her living room, but the last time I checked, this ain't the fourth of July, and it's not something PhD chemists do for fun.

So you think she was shot.

It was g*nf*re, and I can prove it.


Easy now.

♪ ♪

Trust me.

[lighter clicks]

[sparks crackling]

[firecrackers exploding]

These are the M80 firecrackers that ShotSeeker picked up a half an hour ago.

See how precise?

ShotSeeker picked up the sound, located it correctly, and identified it as firecrackers.

Now here's what ShotSeeker recorded three nights ago at Krupa's place.

[loud bangs]

That's firecracker, right?

Yeah, same sound, same waveform.


I could see why you would think that, but you see that spike?

It's pressurized gas escaping as the b*llet exits the barrel.

It's also called a muzzle blast.

From a Ruger 22.

How can you tell that?

I can hear it.

I was just born this way.

♪ ♪

And here's the Ruger that you watched me unload into Krupa's fireplace.


Now if we compare that with the so-called firecrackers from the other night.

[loud bangs]



Krupa disappeared after three b*ll*ts were fired in her living room three nights ago.

And no one seems to give a damn.

Unless you feel inspired, Detective.

Mary Mulhall.

She's Krupa's neighbor and classmate.

I think she knows something but is too afraid to talk.

[phone ringing]

I've hacked into ShotSeeker from here, Mr. Reese, and while I can't claim Mr. Garvin's sharp ears, I'm inclined to believe his case.

He appears to have stumbled on a possible m*rder.

Whoever shot Krupa may be targeting Garvin to scuttle his investigation.

♪ ♪

The best way to protect Ethan Garvin is to find out who's responsible for Krupa's disappearance.

Why don't you and Mr. Garvin run down your first lead?

An official missing persons report for Krupa Naik was filed today by Benjamin Haas, president of an anti-hunger non-profit called Feed The Globe.

Let's get going.

Where to now?

Hold on a second, partner.

We got a problem.

This guy Bruce Moran threatened my kid.

He's Elias's closest ally.

He's been underground for months.

Yeah, well, he decided to get some sun.

You know, it's one thing to keep me in the dark, but it's something completely different to put my family at risk.

Don't worry, I'll make it right.

Tell him the truth.

'Cause if you won't, I will.

At least my end of it.

I told you, I will handle it, but now, I need you to work this missing persons case with my new friend Ethan Garvin.

♪ ♪

Another missing persons.

[people speaking indistinctly]

All right, Ms. Groves.

The miniature machine clone is on this laptop.

You know, for a man with such serious concerns about the proliferation of artificial super intelligence, you sure do love to build new ones.

[metal clanging]

I can connect this Machine laptop to the Samaritan laptop via this central computer, which will function as a forum for their virtual engagement.

Or a Roman Colosseum for an unlimited series of virtual battles.

If Samaritan has a fatal flaw, we'll know it soon enough.

This is what She wanted, Harold.

Let the games begin.

[key clacks]

[electronic beeping]

♪ ♪

It's working.

[electronic beeping]

[people speaking indistinctly]

♪ ♪

When's the last time you slept?

Couple days. I don't know.

Not since Krupa went missing.

I hear you.

My last couple of missing person cases hit a brick wall, but you got to take care of yourself.

You know those guys?



That's weird.

♪ ♪

Americans throw out enough food every year to fill 730 football stadiums.

The world doesn't have an abundance problem when it comes to food.

It has a distribution problem.

What's that have to do with our Krupa Naik problem?

Krupa developed a freeze-drying process that would convert fresh produce to powder, and extend its shelf life by two years.

She was going to license her research to us for a modest fee so we could feed millions, but someone didn't want us to have it.


[bright instrumental music]

♪ ♪

I'm J.D. Carrick, CEO of Harvesta.

J.D. Carrick offered Krupa a fortune to buy her research outright.

And that's a bad thing how?

Well, she said no, and then vanished.

Harvesta opposition has a habit of disappearing, including six farming activists in Ecuador last month.

Why do you think it was this guy?

Well, Carrick got pretty hostile during negotiations.

Three days ago, Krupa chose Feed The Globe over Harvesta, and that was the last time anyone saw her.

Then, about 2:00 a.m. that night...

Same time Krupa went missing.

Somebody hacked our company servers and stole just one file.

Let me guess.

The one with Krupa's research on it.

So, you think whoever stole that file is behind her disappearance.

I know it, but my IT guy can't trace the hack.

Maybe my IT guy's better than yours.

[people speaking indistinctly]

[intense music]


[car horn honks]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

You've been underground for months, and you chose to resurface by threatening Detective Fusco's son.

I thought you were smarter than that, Bruce.

It worked.

I got your attention.

I need you to listen to me.

Go back underground and stay there until you're ready to die.

Carl Elias and Anthony Marconi were my brothers since childhood, and I lost them both within a matter of months.

Anthony's death was suitably avenged.

Elias saw to that.

Elias's final chapter has yet to be written.

♪ ♪

But I can't write it until I know who k*lled him, which I think you do.

That's not a question you want the answer to.

Whoever went after Elias would k*ll you just for asking it, let alone seeking vengeance.

I made my peace with that.

Well, I'm sorry for your loss, Bruce, but that's what it is.

A loss.

You want to talk about loyalty?

I'll k*ll you myself you ever go near Fusco again.

♪ ♪

730 stadiums, that's a lot of leftovers.

[phone beeps]

Multiple g*nshots fired at 64 West 21st Street.

That's here.

man: Multiple sh*ts fired at 64 West 21st Street.

There's no g*nf*re.

All units respond.

ShotSeeker must be wrong.

man: sh**t is a male, 5'10", wearing a plaid shirt and a black hoodie, and is considered armed and extremely dangerous.

[sirens wailing]

That's you. Drop the phone.

I'm calling the ShotSeeker tech.

Drop your phone!

What's happening?

[g*n clicks]

Drop the g*n!

It's not a g*n! It's not a g*n!

I'm a cop! Don't sh**t!

[escalating dramatic music]

[people speaking indistinctly]

Boy, you look more strung out than usual.

Yeah, four cops almost shot me.

Yeah, and I almost took the b*ll*ts.

[phone buzzes]

Someone just tried to set him up for a su1c1de by cop, and they used ShotSeeker to do it.

I saw two guys in a van that might be tracking us.

Could be working for Harvesta.

RTCC's trying to pull up some visuals now.

I've already checked, Detective.

There are cameras outside Feed The Globe, but that van was never in their sight.

However, the anonymous phone call with Garvin's exact description came from a nearby payphone, also off camera.

Anonymous, huh?

Send me the address. I'll go check it out.

That's interesting.

Someone hacks Feed The Globe to steal Krupa's research, and then ShotSeeker is hacked to orchestrate a su1c1de by cop.

Ms. Groves and I will follow the cyber trail.

Okay, I'll take Garvin to...


Krupa's neighbor from apartment 4E, Mary.

She wants to meet.

Very good.

Keep me posted.

No rest for the weary.

Let's go.

Hey, you settle that thing with Bruce?

Well, settled's a stretch, but I got him off your back.

Got to go, Lionel.

[dramatic music]

I'll take ShotSeeker, you look at Feed The Globe.

Okay, Harry.

Let's hack these hackers.

♪ ♪

How goes the ASI death match?

Too soon to tell, I'm afraid.

Is it?

Even her replica's overmatched.

Have you considered recoding Her with a more defensive stance?

You mean arm the Machine?

More like equip Her with the tools She needs to better protect herself.

Self-preservation is a very close cousin to aggression.

A child, your child, needs to learn to push back on the playground.

That's not an instinct we should hope to nurture in any artificial super intelligence.

Not even one that we call our own.

She's our only ally in this w*r.

You need to learn to trust Her.

But I do, Ms. Groves.

The Machine is infinitely smarter than either of us.

If anyone here needs to recode the Machine, it should be the Machine.

♪ ♪

[people speaking indistinctly]

Garvin: Mary's late.

Maybe she got scared.

That's no way to live, Garvin.

You're gonna run yourself into the ground.

You know, I must've dispatched a thousand cops to a thousand different crime scenes.

Every sh**ting victim never more than just a name in a file, and then three nights ago, back from dispatch I heard the name like a shot from the past.

Krupa Naik.

Like, whoa. I know that name.

First time on the job, you know?

You knew her?

No, I mean, we weren't friends.

I knew who she was way back in high school, and to be honest, I never even really liked her.

Got the best grades, but I always thought she was kind of a kiss-ass.

Turns out she's out there changing the world while the rest of us are wearing headphones, and now she's gone, and nobody cares.

You care.

Another missing persons, three days gone.

You know how this ends, don't you?

No, and neither do you.

♪ ♪

Never lose that.

I can't find any evidence that ShotSeeker was ever hacked.

It's possible we're looking at this all wrong.

Hmm. Not so fast, Harry.

I just found evidence of the cyber attack on Feed The Globe's servers.

Thee nights ago at 2:00 a.m.

Can you tell where it originated?

Inside Harvesta on a laptop belonging to its CEO, J.D. Carrick.

There's the missing research file right there.

Looks like Carrick stole the file right before he had Krupa k*lled.

Let's have a look.


[electronic beeping]

I can't seem to open it.

That's some pretty wily encryption.

Detective, any luck locating that anonymous caller?

Nah, nobody saw anything.

By the way, this phone's out of order.

That doesn't seem possible.

[phone rings]

Good for you. A phone that works.

I'll call you back, Detective.

♪ ♪
Finch: Mr. Reese, have you made contact with Mary yet?

Not yet. Why?

[loud bangs]

Were those sh*ts fired, Finch?

[electronic beeping]

ShotSeeker pinpoints the noise to a university facilities yard not far from the chemistry lab where Krupa and Mary work, but...

[electronic beep]

Oh, that's odd.

ShotSeeker says it's car backfire, but...


Those are definitely g*nshots.

It's another cover-up in progress.

The police won't be alerted, Mr. Reese.

You need to get there fast.

[electronic beeping]

The number. It's Mary.

Detective Fusco, we have an emergency.

[electronic whirring]

♪ ♪

I heard something up there.

Please, help, please.


We found Mary, Finch.

We're gonna need an ambulance.


I heard something.

He's still here.

Get down now.


You all right?

[tires squeal]

What's your status, Mr. Reese?

Fusco's here. I'm in pursuit now.

Wait here for my partner.

♪ ♪

An ambulance is on the way, Mary, but listen.

We can still find Krupa.

[stuttering] He knows.

Knows? What?

What does he know?

[whispering] He's... he's...


The anonymous call originated at a broken pay phone.

The ShotSeeker hack is real, but is completely invisible, and yes, Harvesta is the beneficiary of this conspiracy, but only one entity is sophisticated enough to execute it.

Root: Samaritan.

Finch: Proceed with caution, Mr. Reese.

The sh**t's with Samaritan.

Got it.

[tires squeal]

♪ ♪

Suspect's moving east on 119th Street.

Gray van. New York plates KDD-0327.

Where's my partner?

You can relax, Finch.

He's gone.

[gravel crunches]


man: My boss wants to talk to you.

Mr. Reese?

Mr. Reese?

♪ ♪

[people speaking indistinctly]

Mary Mulhall is dead.

My partner's gone and he's not answering his phone.

Any bright ideas, Finch?

One moment please, Detective.

I'm afraid Samaritan has John.

[dramatic music]

Locate primary asset.

[electronic beeping]

♪ ♪

Show me John Reese.

[electronic beeping]

Shaw's trail's cold, but John's isn't yet.

We need a lead fast before we lose him too.

Sit tight, Detective.

Fusco: No way, glasses.

I don't think so. My partner's missing.

He's NYPD. Everybody listen up.

I am Detective Lionel Fusco from the Homicide Task Force.

My partner, Detective John Riley, disappeared from this location

22 minutes ago in pursuit of the pissant who k*lled this woman.

One of ours is missing, guys, and we're gonna get him back.

You, get on the RTCC and get a hit on that gray van I called in.

You, I want you to find J.D. Carrick from Harvesta.

Bring him to the 8th for questioning, and I want to talk to him.

Everyone else, clock's ticking. Let's go.

Oh, dear, Detective Fusco is running headlong into Samaritan's crosshairs.

Detective, I understand your zeal, but I would urge you to use caution until we know what we're up against.

See, that's the thing, Mr. Wizard.

I think you know exactly what we're up against, but you flat-out refuse to tell me.

Detective Fusco, I assure you...

Don't tell me you haven't noticed that homicides are dropping, but suicides are up, and so are missing persons.

There are people disappearing all over this town.

Now John's gone too.

I am not gonna let this one lie.

Not this time.


Now we have to save Mr. Reese from Samaritan and Detective Fusco from himself.

John needs our help now.

You have to give us something to work with.

[electronic beeping]

Mulhall: Krupa gave me a hard drive.

man: Where? Your apartment?

Mulhall: If I tell you, w-will I see her again?

man: What do you think?

Mulhall: Go to hell.


man: We'll find it.

♪ ♪

That hard drive, it's our best chance to get a lead on Reese.

I'll come with you.


I need you here more than ever.

Don't worry.

If there's trouble on the playground...

[metal clangs]

I'll push first.

Locate New York plates KDD-0327.

[people speaking indistinctly]

Mary must've told them something.

I think your heart's in the right place, kid, but maybe you should leave the police work to the real police, so no one else gets hurt, huh?

[metal clanging]

This is for your own good.

Everywhere you go, a b*llet seems to follow.

♪ ♪

J.D. Carrick from Harvesta.

Are you responsible for this?

Detective Fusco, Homicide.


That's a big game badge, Detective.

That's gonna look great stuffed and mounted on my wall.

Let's go, tough guy.

Yeah, sit down.

My partner's missing, and every minute I don't find him, your life's gonna get worse.

I've got one dead girl, another one missing, a cyber crime trail that leads from Krupa's missing research directly back to your laptop.

Krupa. Krupa Naik?

Look, pal.

You can help yourself out here by telling me where my partner is.

Krupa Naik is an impressive chemist who chose to waste her brilliant scientific innovation on delivering food to starving Africans who insist on living where they can't actually grow any food themselves.

You'd be better off arresting her for idiocy.

Yeah, but I can't do that because you've already m*rder*d her for a business deal.

Hang on.

Krupa's dead?

Hey, look, this stuff might work in Ecuador, but this is New York City, pal.

Exactly right, my friend, this is New York, where guys like me have lawyers for cops like you.

You do your job and go wake up my attorney.

♪ ♪

[lock clicks]

[escalating dramatic music]

Let's try this again, big time.

[electronic beeping]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Finch: I could use some good news, Root.

I wish I had some.

Looks like Samaritan's already been here.


He's still here, but he hasn't found the hard drive yet.


Wish me luck, Harry.

Ms. Groves?

[electronic beeping]

[electronic beep]

Please tell me you found Mr. Reese.

You found the van.

At the precinct.

♪ ♪

Detective Fusco, Mary's k*ller is heading into the 8th precinct.

Mary's too smart to hide it in her things.



Where is he? Where's Reese?



Welcome back to Brooklyn, John.

This time we're gonna talk on my terms.

♪ ♪

[electronic whirring and beeping]

[dramatic music]

Elias spoke well of you, John.

You're a man of honor with impeccable training, so it'd be doubly pointless to tie you up, but they'll sh**t you if you move from that chair.

I'll keep that in mind.

It's been four months since Elias and Dominic were assassinated, along with at least four other kingpins.

What four other kingpins?

In Boston, Philly, Chicago.

That mean something to you?

I think it means crime doesn't pay.

[door creaks]

♪ ♪

Four long months, I've been lying in wait to retaliate against whomever rose up to fill the void.

And nobody rose up, and I'm tired of waiting.

I think you know who k*lled Elias, and I'd like for you to tell me who.

I know you.

Never forget a face.

Maybe you have me confused with the last guy you held at gunpoint.

If you don't tell me where Reese is, I'm gonna do more than just point.

Don't know, don't care, but I can't let you leave with that hard drive.


What's on it?

All I know is it's dangerous, and my boss is paying good money for it.

On top of murdering the poor woman who lived here.

♪ ♪

I don't know anything about that.

[sirens wailing]

Tell me where Samaritan's taken Reese.


You really don't know.

You're just a cog in a wheel you can't possibly comprehend.

You don't know a damn thing about me.

You just know this: I'm not going back to jail.

You can forget about the drive too.

[sirens wailing, tires screeching]

Agree to disagree?

♪ ♪

You work for an organization called Samaritan.

They may have convinced you of their own good intentions, but believe me, they're lying.

[electronic whirring]

[handcuffs clinking]

Detective Fusco!


You need something, kid?

♪ ♪

Don't move. Hands behind your back.

[exhales heavily]

You're gonna be okay, kid.

Still no word from John.

The guy they sent was a runner.

He didn't know anything, but we know him.

It's Jeff Blackwell.

He was a number.

One we dismissed.

Guess She was right after all.

He's off the grid doing Samaritan's bidding now.

Got a feeling we haven't seen the last of him.

How's our twitchy tech?

Detective Fusco stopped one assassin, but Samaritan will just keep sending more.

And we can't put a stop to it until we understand why Garvin's targeted in the first place.

Oh, maybe this will help.

Blackwell said Samaritan thinks it's dangerous.

It's a backup of Krupa's research.

You saw this exact file on Carrick's computer earlier today, didn't you?

I couldn't open it, remember?

Wily encryption.

That's interesting. May I?


♪ ♪

Samaritan has encrypted the file so that no human can ever open it.

It's a decoy, Ms. Groves.

A fake.

Samaritan planted this decoy on Carrick's computer to frame him for Krupa's m*rder.

How adorably ruthless and elaborate.

Carrick has done this sort of thing before in Ecuador, so it's more than easy to assume he did it here.

Good work, Harry.


But how do we save Ethan Garvin's life?

Let's assume that Samaritan is targeting Garvin because his investigation threatens to unearth a copy of Krupa's research.

Which is exactly what happened.

By that logic, if we disseminate the research now, Garvin ceases to be a threat.

The danger that he represents would've already come to pass.

I can upload it to 15 online science journals right now.

You could, but should we?

Why does Samaritan want to bury that research so badly?

Could solving world hunger lead to an overpopulation problem?

We can't pretend to understand Samaritan's motivations.

For all we know, it did all of this just to assume control of the global food supply, but what we do know is we can save a life today by doing the opposite of what Samaritan wants.

All I have to do is hit this button.

Do it.

[electronic beeping]

[electronic whirring]

Did it work?

We'll know soon enough.

[electronic beeping]

I'll tell you what you want to know, but these men need to leave the room.

I'm not gonna put their lives at risk too.

These men are Elias's men.

They were loyal to Elias.

They're every bit as invested in my mission.

In that case, I'm leaving now, but first I got to find my cell phone.

[g*ns clicking]

Oh, come on, fellas.

I thought we were men of honor.

I can't control them, John.


[escalating dramatic music]




[g*n clicks]


Now we can talk.

We saved a life today, but at what cost?

♪ ♪

[phone rings]

John? Hello?

Are you okay?

I'm with Bruce.

He wants the truth.

Won't take no for an answer.

I understand.

30 minutes.

[phone beeps]


I guess we can take Helper Monkey off the endangered species list.

For now at least.

Chin up, Harry.

Our path to victory will reveal itself soon enough.

♪ ♪

Let's hope you're right.

[electronic beeping]

You did good, Garvin.

We got two guys in custody thanks to you.

Krupa's still missing. Mary's dead.

Yeah, we did the best we could.

It wasn't enough.

Hey, it never is.

That's the curse of what we do, and why we never stop.

I'm not giving up on Krupa.

She's not alone among the missing.

Thanks, Detective.

Go home and get some sleep.

Hey, and get yourself a razor, will you?

[electronic whirring]

Hello, old friend.


I apologize for not contacting you sooner, but it was for your own good.

How so?

I knew you'd take vengeance, Bruce.

Would surely get you k*lled.

They said you burned up in that transport van.

Detective Fusco took a big risk that night.

He got me here.

John and Harold brought me back from the brink.

Speaking of the good detective, he's worried about you, John.

We all were.

I'm telling you, this guy knows something about Riley.

[phone ringing]

♪ ♪


Hey, Lionel.

Hey, buddy, you okay? Where are you?

I'm with Bruce at the safe house.

He's not gonna bother you anymore.

As long as you're okay.

Reese: Listen, Lionel, you stuck your neck out for me, and we appreciate it.

Thank you.

From all of us.

Yeah, sure.

As long as you know I'm not done asking questions.

I don't even think the CEO's guilty.

He thinks he got framed up, and guess what.

So do I.

Can we pick this up tomorrow?

No, we can't.

There's something strange going on right now, and I'm gonna investigate it with or without the nerd herd.

[phone beeping]

Who did this to you?

There's a new player out there.

An adversary that we can't beat, and one we best not try and fight.

What are you even talking about?

We always faced our enemies head on.

We built a whole world that way.

Me, you, Anthony.

There's no room for guys like us anymore, and you always understood the value of the shadows.

Well, I don't have that luxury anymore.

With you gone, someone's got to step up and handle the business, lest we lost everything we created.

Go back to the shadows, Bruce.

Embrace them fully.

We all must.

I won't give up that easily.

You know me better than that.

Take care of yourself.


What's the word from the subway?

Are the simulations up and running?

There have been over 10 billion scenarios so far, and I'm sorry to say, the Machine is struggling.

So how bad?

She's lost every one, John.

I'm afraid we're fighting a w*r we can't win.

[indistinct radio chatter]

[electronic whirring and beeping]

Spare some change, brother?

Spare come change, brother?

[people speaking indistinctly growing louder]