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01x08 - Episode Eight

Posted: 05/17/16 19:19
by bunniefuu
I don't love you any more.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

I moved... Moved the body.

That's been affecting me.

Dad's busy at work.

Has he met someone else?


So he just had enough.

Have you ever been replaced, Marcella?

The victim was having an affair with your husband.

Giving someone everything, only to find out someone else can do it better.

They just throw you away.


Come on, Juliet.

I moved the body. I didn't...



Why are you doing this?

I'm your friend.

Your best friend.

Whatever you've done, we can fix it. I can help you.

Do you remember when I said I needed to succeed at something?

I showed Sylvie Grace Tower last night.

She loved it.


Is this a good time?

Sure. Come in.

Have you heard anything from Matthew?

No. I'd call you if I had.

You don't know if he's got any friends or relatives in France, do you?

This is the second time you've come to talk to me about Matthew.

Yeah. Does he know anyone in France?

No, not that I know of.

This is my best friend.

Please can you tell me what you think is going on here?

I think he k*lled your sister.

And the others.


No. Matthew?

There's no way.

What about Yann? You arrested Yann?

Yes, we found some evidence on our latest victim.

Yann may be involved. We don't know.

Um... Sorry, could you...

Liz Harper.

Did Matthew ever mention a Liz Harper?



Was Matthew on Sinnr?

What's that?

It's an app for casual sexual encounters.

No. Matthew would never be unfaithful.

What do I know? Maybe...

I don't know him at all, do I?

Did he have relationships with women?

No. No, Matthew has always been gay.

Yann, on the other hand...

Matthew said that Yann suggested that they have a threesome at one point with some woman.

But Matthew said no.

Yann, Matthew, and another woman?

It didn't happen.

Thank you.

Marcella, do you know why he moved Grace's body?

Not yet, no.

Just find him.

Promise me you'll find him.

We will.


This is supposed to help me, hm?

Best friend?!

They weren't meant to arrest Yann!

There was a plan, Matthew.

A perfect plan where you didn't get hurt.

But you share the same f*cking hairbrush, you boys, don't you?


So now they finally believe it's you.

They think you're in France.

But they're not going to find you.

The plan was to set... set me up.

Be a loyal friend.

Visit me in jail.

Not to k*ll me.

You can't k*ll me.

Not me.

DNA under Yann.

It could have been from Matthew's clothes.

Matthew's got connections to all the victims apart from Liz Harper.

Only half a connection with one of them. Carol Fincher was in Yann's AA group.

He could have met her.

Yes, we do have a moved body.

That's not Matthew.

So we're back to thinking they both could have done this together.

Why move Grace? Why move just one of the victims?

That's the last thing Henry Gibson asked.

Why did Matthew move Grace's body?

He couldn't have done.


But if they were like brothers, as he says, he would have known about the back problems.

The point is, he asked why did Matthew move the body, not how.

If he really wanted to clear him, surely that's the first thing he would have thought of. No?


Look, we've got all this, OK?

You've got a guy that's saying why instead of how.

No, we focus on these two only. Is that understood?

Thank you.

Thanks. Cheers. Bye.



You talked to Henry Gibson the night Grace disappeared.

I did, yeah.

Do you remember what he said?

Um... Well, I gave everything to you guys.

I know. Do you remember what he said?

Right, um...

Here somewhere.

How are you?

I'm fine.

Good. Yeah, me too.

Right, here it is.

It was a pub in Queen's Park. The Four Of Spades. He was there till late.

Landlord confirmed.

How late?

The pub closed at 11.

Great. Thanks.

You fancy dinner tonight?

We'll see.

The Four Of Spades closed at 11.

If Henry drove fast, he could get to Grace's house in 20 minutes.

The m*rder could have happened at any time up until 11:30.

I need you to trace where Henry's phone was that night.

You know I can, but I'm not sure I should.

Rav told me not to.

I won't tell if you don't.

I'll see what I can do.

Have you spoken to Matthew?


Are you on Sinnr?

What's that?

Did you ever suggest a threesome to Matthew with a woman?

We're both gay.

You know that, right?

Why would Matthew steal a keycard from a Premier Lodge?

Ask him.

We can't. We can't find him.

You can't find him? Why?

What has happened? Where is he?

The keycard.

He's just saving money.

You know, when he's...

Instead of sleeping in a cheap hotel when he's working out of town, he sleeps in his car.

Then he sneaks in to use their bathroom in the morning.


Thank you.

Why? What's happened?

Where is Matthew?

Mrs Gibson.

Thank you, Jessica.

I thought you were supposed to go through the lawyers in future.

They can't help me with this. Who is that?

I don't know.

He's at your daughter's funeral.

We had a photographer there.

Yes, he was there to meet Jason.

He's an informant of some kind.

Might work at Doughton's.

Doughton's? Where's that?

It's a company we rely on for information.

About our competitors.

Entirely legally.

Doughton's. Thank you.

I see the police were here again.

Who was that man you spoke to at the funeral?

I told you, an informant.

And he works for Doughton's?


Stuart Callaghan. He secured the information we got on Andrew Barnes.

If there's anything you should tell me, do it now.

What could that be?

(Something's not right.)


(Something's not right.)

What are you doing sitting behind me?

You said the Four Of Spades shut at 11.


Henry Gibson's phone was there till ten to twelve that night.

Ten to twelve?

I know. It's weird.

You're welcome.

Are you absolutely sure he was here? - Yeah.

He comes here quite a lot.

What time did you close that night?

Eleven. It was the first week of our new opening hours.

Are you sure you can't have made a mistake about the date?

No, I remember because we had a burglary later that night.

When? - Window got smashed. Nothing stolen.

But the alarm went off... a little before 12.

Ten to twelve?

Yeah, about that.

Thank you.

He broke in and got his phone?

Yes. He went to Grace's. Came back expecting the pub to be open till its usual 1am.

But it closed at 11.

Laura, he left his phone in the pub so he'd have an alibi if we traced it.

Well? Can we go after him now?

This is Rav's investigation. If he doesn't want to pursue it, I can't make him.

Yes, you can.

But I won't.

It's not enough.

I need your help.

Why should I help you? We're nothing.

Because I'm still investigating the m*rder of your girlfriend.

Are you free?

Sylvie wanted to see us about something. A new development.

Grace Tower?

Is there a Grace Tower?

In a year or two maybe.


We're very excited about it.

We're to meet her in the restaurant.


You want to see these?


Sylvie loves it.

Of course she loved it. She loves Grace.

Sorry, what's that supposed to mean?

Change the name of that development and you'll find out.

Where is Sylvie?

I'll give her a call.


No answer.

OK. She knows where to find me.


Come on! Come on!

You wanted to see me.

Yes, um...

We've been thinking about the Andrew Barnes situation.


Well, with all the police interest... we need to distance ourselves from you for a while.

That's like saying you think I'm guilty.

We've discussed it. It's what's best for the company.


Don't take this personally.

Do you know how I found out about the Lambeth problems?


I found him crying.

On Grace's bed, hugging one of her dresses.

So I blackmailed him.

Maybe I'm not the only person you should distance yourself from.

Have you got a minute?

Now is not a good time.

I've got a theory.

I think you went to Doughton's to get dirt on Andrew Barnes.

But you didn't get any. So you paid this man, Stuart Callaghan, ex-military, dodgy character, to k*ll him.

Now Callaghan's tenant, Bendek Krol, he finds out about it somehow.

He tries to squeeze you, or both of you, with money.

But then he dies in an auto-erotic accident.

Or what seems to be an auto-erotic accident.

Are you out of your f*cking mind?!

It's where the evidence is pointing.

If it was pointing anywhere, we wouldn't be here.

This is speculation verging on harassment.

You remember saying it was all about Marcella?

If it was, it's not any longer.

What do you mean?

I'm just saying, if there ever was a competition, I think I won it last night.

What are you looking at?!

What are you doing?
Have you got anything?

There must have been something.

Nothing you're going to like.

I started with the diary you downloaded.

See for yourself. If he was at all the places listed, that rules him out.

That's not his. That's Matthew's diary.

So Henry knew exactly when he was out of town.

I'm telling you, he's framing him.

Sorry, I've got to get this.

Thank you.


Did you sleep with him?

I'm sorry?

Tim. Did you sleep with him?!

What? That's none of your business.

f*ck! You did, didn't you?

Jason, will you calm down?

And Henry.

Why are you f*cking looking into Henry?

You know I can't tell you.

Do you think it's him?

Jason --

Marcella, is it him?

He k*lled Grace?

Will you stop shouting?

If you think he k*lled Grace, why haven't you arrested him?

Because we haven't got enough on him yet.

I'll get you enough. I'll get you a f*cking confession!


Jason, you scared the shit out of me! What are you doing here?

You k*lled her!

Oh, God!




It's OK. It's all right.

Jason, look at me.

Look at me. It's going to be OK.

Oh, God.

It was self-defence.

Put the knife down.

Put the knife down.

I thought he was a burglar.

So what are you going to do about me?



So why don't you drop the knife?


All right. All right.

You're not very good at improvising. It's not your strong suit.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about May.

What are you going to do?

Are you going to k*ll me and try to pin it on Matthew?

Who's May?

It was a good plan.

It was a great plan until someone moved the body and f*cked it all up.

I know who did that.

I know who moved Grace's body.

It was a perfect plan.

Oh, no!

You're so screwed.

You are so screwed.



Jason, baby! It's OK.


It's OK! It's OK, baby.

This is Marcella Backland requesting urgent back-up and an ambulance!

She's meant to be a police officer! I was att*cked in my own home.

Mr Gibson, we'll see you at the police station.

Just calm down.

Hitting him? Handcuffs?

Putting a plastic bag over his face?

He's lying.

You compromised the investigation.

He confessed, Laura.

All you had was circumstantial.

And it still is. We've got nothing to charge him with.

He stabbed Jason!

We'll talk about this tomorrow.


Go home.

You've got to question him about the pub. It doesn't add up, Laura!

I know it's him!

You do realise that they broke into my house.

Right? Both of them.

This was self-defence.

OK, Henry. Tell us what happened.

I was in my wine cellar cleaning up. One of the shelves had fallen down.

Yep, we noticed that.

And I heard glass shatter.

I get a knife.


Because I was alone and because I was scared.

So you took the knife. And then what happens?

I go upstairs.

He came at me from behind.

I turned.

And I... I had no idea it was Jason.

What the f*ck was he doing there?


So Henry, you stabbed him in the stomach. Twice.

I find it very hard to believe that you didn't recognise him.

I... It was just instinct. It happened so fast.

The night your half-sister was m*rder*d, were you at a pub?

What is happening with Marcella Backland, please?

We understand the seriousness of the allegations. We're looking into it.

Do you? She broke into my house. She assaulted me in my own home.

She placed a plastic bag over my head in the same...

As I said, we're looking into it.

So, the pub?

Yes, I was at the Four Of Spades.

It closed at 11. But we traced your phone there until ten to 12.

Why are you asking my client about this?

It's OK. The phone was in my car.

Which was parked right next to the pub.

Maybe your tracing equipment is not pinpoint accurate.

OK, so going back to the house.

So I'm going to call an ambulance and then she comes in.

And she att*cks me.

Is she... Is she working here?

Not on this case, no.

But she is still a police officer.

Yes, I am.


After she tried to k*ll me?

We don't yet know what occurred.

Jason Backland and Marcella Backland assaulted me!

That is what happened in my house! Clearly out of her bloody mind!

Would you mind telling me where you were on these dates?

He's made sure he has alibis.

We've got to find new evidence.

You're not meant to be here.

You think you can do better without me?

It's not that, Marcella.


You are so screwed.

I know who did that.

It was a perfect plan.


Hi. I heard about Jason. Are you --

Yeah, I'm fine.

And Jason?

He's fine. He'll be out of surgery soon.

Did you... Did you tell him about us?

No. No. Of course not.

He called and asked if we were sleeping together. Why would he do that?

I don't know. He's been jealous since that night when he saw me at your house.

Every time we talk, he brings it up.

Did he do that?

Oh... No. Wife-beater tried picking on someone his own size!

What do you and Jason talk about?

Take a look at this when you get a moment.

Hey, Marcella...

You had Matthew Neil's diary on your computer.

How did you get hold of the contents of my client's computer?

Marcella Backland broke into my office and stole it actually.

Yes, I got Matthew a job at DTG.

Therefore it's very useful for me to know when he's away.

Where is Matthew?

You thought France, if I remember correctly.

Let's take a break.

Marcella, you really messed up.

Everything is ruined. He's going to get bail.

Bail? He stabbed Jason!

And when we check the phone records, we're going to see that you spoke to Jason right before he got there?

There is evidence of two break-ins.

And he's clearly been assaulted!

I don't believe this.

You stole information from his office?!

It's him! He confessed!

It doesn't matter!

He looks like the victim of a personal vendetta.

He's going to get bail.

No, you've got to give me 24 hours.

You're not even on this case.

12. Give me 12 hours, Laura.



You've got until tomorrow morning. Then we've got to let him go.



You were right. All his alibis held up.

Of course they do.

Thank you.

I want to see your shoulder.


She's not allowed to be in here.

Show me your f*cking shoulder!

I want to see his shoulder!

I have to insist on her removal.


Show me!

Calm down, Marcella! Calm down.

And we will be leaving.

You know. You f*cking know!

She should still be a police officer?

Mr Gibson. No. Rav.

You are kidding me. This is ridiculous.


Get the hell off me!

Just --

The whole investigation --

Run by a mad woman. A vicious monster!

Emma, do something!

May bit him.

She was missing a front tooth and she had a crooked molar.

She bit him.

May bit you, didn't she?

Grace is the only person connected to you.

So she was the real target.

But you had to k*ll seven innocent people to conceal that fact.

Where is he? Where's Matthew?

He's on my boat in the South Dock marina.

Is he alive?

Of course.

He's my best friend.

Why him?

He's the only person I know well enough to frame.

And you couldn't k*ll him, could you?

But you could k*ll a six-year-old child, couldn't you?

You could k*ll a six-year-old girl.

I was not planning to do that.

I was trying to find any way to avoid doing that.

But then she bit me and... I snapped.

I'm genuinely very sorry about that.

I don't believe you.

I think you k*lled all of them easily.

It's not easy.

The first one, Carol Fincher, I...

I almost couldn't do it.

It's all about crossing that line.

Well, you know.

We found Matthew.

And released Yann.

We got him, Marcella.

Mm, but at what cost?

I don't know what I've become.

I was a married stay-at-home mum. And now...

Am I ever going to know what happened at Henry Gibson's house?

Not at any of the houses.

This is the last time that you'll see us.

It wasn't Grace's fault, you know.

That you couldn't see anybody else.

You know why I came back?


Just wanted to be part of something.

A family, a business.


You couldn't do it, could you?

Could never let me in.

You couldn't let me in... until I k*lled her.

Shut up, Henry! Not interested in you passing blame.

We're here to tell you that one day, tomorrow, next week, next year, you're going to die.

And it will happen so slowly that you will have time to realise that we were the ones that did it.


Did you read the material I gave you?


I expected to hear from you.

I thought it was a joke.

You honestly think Jason has k*lled someone?

Paid to get someone k*lled, yeah.

And I was hoping that you would help me prove it.

That's not going to happen.

What did you expect? We nearly lost him.

I read the transcripts from Henry Gibson's interviews.

He confessed to everything, didn't he?

Except he never confessed to moving his sister's body.

And then I remembered Laura saying you watched the CCTV from outside Grace's house before her body was found.

That's you.

Leaving Grace Gibson's house on the night of the m*rder.

It's nicely edited out in the working copy, but that's from the original.

I can erase that altogether.

Or not.

You do what you think's right.

