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03x05 - To Play the King

Posted: 05/17/16 16:19
by bunniefuu






Hold them back!



The denizens of Hell will not keep me from my throne.

I am your king, appointed by God, and my kingdom awaits.



Have this place redecorated.

It's my son's birthday today.

It's not fit for a dog, let alone a monarch.


What's happening, Marcheaux?

The prisoners att*cked the guard and stole his keys!

The whole Chatelet is wide open, and they're not going to go back into their cells like nice little sheep.

You think you can do any better?

I know we can.


Put a line at the gates!

You are wasting time!

Fall back!

Fall back!


The prisoners must not return until the midday bell.

It will take the Red Guard that long to secure the Chatelet.

I'm told the whole place is in chaos.

Chaos is good.

A man with a clear purpose always prevails.


Alas, my purpose (GRUNTS) is to play the fawning uncle at the Dauphin's birthday party.

The more distractions at the palace, the better.

We will soon have our w*r chest.

That's all that matters.

And the moment the King is dead, we can move in with Gaston at the head of an army.


Where are the Musketeers?

Marcheaux's keeping them busy.

We're nearly through to the lower chamber.

Grimaud: Get up.

Leave me alone.

I have nothing to do with any of this.

Joubert, you are wrong.

This is all about you.



How many prisoners have escaped into the streets, Marcheaux?

There's no way of telling.

Why don't you go and find out?

Man: Get along, I say!

Captain Marcheaux, if my men and I pursue those unaccounted for, I trust this won't descend into street theatre.

Don't bring them back before midday.

It's chaos inside. It will take time to regain control.

What are we supposed to do with them until then?

You have a garrison.

Use it.

The Red Guard are busy.




You are wasting precious time, Joubert.

You won't k*ll me. You need me alive.

That's what this is about, isn't it?

Your skills are valuable to me.

Your wife, however, is not.


You want to hurt her.

You really don't wanna push me.

Now give me what I want!

Louis: We must transform this little palace into a magical fairyland.

Feron: Anything you desire, Majesty.

Money is no object.

As I promised, the Dauphin will remember this birthday forever!



He must remember every moment, every detail.

It is not everyday a boy turns six.

This is already more than any boy could ever wish for.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated, Governor.

The Governor of Paris has plenty of money, isn't that right, Feron?

It seems the Dutch ambassador will be unable to attend today.

The Dutch government is sending the financier Van Laar in his place.

Van Laar?

You know him?

Louis: Come, I want to see the presents.

We have so many, we have had to put some in another room.

There's a dangerous situation developing at the Chatalet.

I'm quite aware of it, Treville.

Yet your men approved utterly ineffectual in stopping it.

Feron, are you listening?

There are dangerous criminals on the streets of Paris, while you plan party games.

It is expected of me just as it is expected that I pay for all this.

The King doesn't care what is happening out there, Treville.

Today is about one thing.

Open your eyes, look around you.




No, it's mine!

Sylvie: This isn't the kind of world I want to live in, where a man must steal to feed his family.

(SIGHS) There's got to be something better.

That's what my father believed.

One voice... struggles to be heard.

But if we speak together, surely, the King must hear us.

Prisoner: Look in there!

Red Guard.


Stay where you are!

All of you!

You got any food?

Warn Constance there will be more.

Athos: They're heading for the refugee camp.




Who are you?

What do you want?

You have no business with us here, Musketeers. Now, get out.

Four men came this way, escaped prisoners.

You are the only strangers in here.

You better come with me.






Still peddling sedition.

There's nothing written on there that any of us are ashamed of.

They had nothing to do with what happened at the Chatelet.

How can you be sure?

We both know there's a lot more to this...

You have my word.

Let's leave these two alone, shall we?


Athos, what will happen to those men?

That is not my decision.

You sound like a Red Guard.

When Aramis told me you gave away your land and titles, I thought it was because you believe no man to be above any other.

But now I see it was fear.

I just didn't want that life.

What life do you want?

Most of the men you're chasing aren't dangerous, but desperate.

The desperate become dangerous.

Governor Feron makes cellmates of the innocent and the guilty.


Joubert: I will not help you steal the King's gold reserves.

I won't do it. You'll never make me.

Annabelle's locket.

My men have prepared the way for you.

Take him down.


Return to your homes quickly.

It's no longer safe on the streets.

Please, take what you've been given, and go.

Where are you going?

I'm worried about Annabelle Joubert.

She is usually first at the gates.

She's probably just locked her doors and stayed in.

You don't understand. She's blind.

I'm coming with you.

Van Laar, pleasure to see you again.

We're sorry to hear of the Ambassador's incapacity.

Yes, of course. Of course.

Uh, forgive me, Minister, I speak as a loyal servant and admirer of the King, but, um... the loan that His Majesty took out...

The interest repayment is overdue, a trifle, I'm sure.

There must be some mistake.

No, the repayment schedule is quite clear.

I granted the loan only under the strictest terms.

I believe it was a private arrangement.

A necklace that the King has had made for the Queen.

Governor Feron brokered the transaction.


I see.

How much money are we talking about?

A substantial sum.

Two million livre.




It took me six months to design this lock, two smiths a month to construct the door.

It's over a foot thick.

My tools and plans.

You have until midday to dismantle it.

But if I try to remove any of the individual pieces, the mechanism I designed will deadlock the door.


You have to believe me.

If you try to blow it open with gunpowder, you'll bring down the roof.

Drilling at it might take a week.

Open the vault, or she dies.


I will have to make a new key.

How long?

Some time.

It's the only way, I swear it.

I'll need as many keys as you can find.

I can use them to make a new one.

Bring him what he needs.


Annabelle's husband Victor fell ill and got into debt.

They lost everything.

Seems like Paris is full of people that have lost everything.

And the rest are a stroke of bad luck away from having to choose between stealing and starving.


If the husband did escape with the others from the Chatelet he might be desperate.

Annabelle never spoke of him as being violent.

Six months in the wrong company can change any man.



Something's wrong. She wouldn't just desert her home.

She didn't.

Some men took her.


I've been looking for you.

Now you've found me. Well done.

I just had a very interesting conversation with your friend, Van Laar.

Do not touch me, sir.

You took out a loan with him on the King's behalf.

I should've been told.


A private affair, not your concern.

Everything regarding the King is my concern.

Oh, really? The King wants to buy a gift to placate his wife.

But perhaps you'd prefer to question His Majesty yourself concerning the unfortunate state of his marriage.

You won't object then if I deliver these letters to His Majesty on Van Laar's behalf?

Of course not. Why should I?



How much longer?

It's a delicate mechanism.

The key has to be just right.

Don't resist.


Move on.


There's another one.

Need help?

No, I'll deal with it.

I'll be at the garrison.

Captain, Minister Treville is waiting in your office.

Make sure the prisoners get food and water before they go back.

Yes, sir.


Athos: It's yours if you want it back.

Is everything under control?

I think so.

We're on our own out there, the Red Guard are nowhere to be seen.

(SIGHS) Why are the prisoners here and not in the Chatelet?

Marcheaux told us not to return with them until the midday bell.

There's something very wrong about today.

Governor Feron has borrowed two million livre from the Dutch in the King's name.

Louis knows nothing about it.

Tell him.

He won't listen.

Not today.

I've left Van Laar's letters for him to find.

When he does, Feron will be finished.


Oh, oh!

It's you.

Playing a game, Little Majesty, hmm?


Well, perhaps now that I've found you, it would be better if you hid elsewhere?

As far away as possible actually.


Otherwise, we might hide you somewhere Mama and Papa will never find you, mmm?

What're you doing in here, Philippe?


We were playing a game, Majesty.

My ingenious nephew took some seeking, I can assure you.


Forgive me. All that exertion, I'm a little bit in pain.

You mustn't trouble your uncle.

Oh, don't be too hard on the poor boy. I just need a moment, you know.


Let's sit, hmm?

No. No.

I've too much to do, as I'm sure you do.

I think it's time he had a rest.

Well, um, we'll play again soon, Little Majesty.

Good day.


This is where they took her.

Rochelle, you go home now.

Leave this to us.


What do you want with me? Please. I have no money.

The locket, it was a gift from my husband.

Let's say hello, shall we?

Can we, all five of us, discuss this as gentlemen?

Just k*ll them both.


Obviously not!




How did you know?

You have the scent of the garrison.


In a good way.

I'll take that as a compliment, I think.



He's coming. I can hear him.


Where have you been?




Heaven help me.


Hey, hey, hey.

Help me.

I'm frightened.

They're sending assassins to k*ll me.

I have to take you back to the Chatelet.

No. No!

No, no, no. Not that place, please.

Take this. Take it.

Take it. I'm not gonna hurt you.

Just not back there, please.

You're a soldier?

Was I?

Oh, yes.

Yes. That's right.

(SNIFFLES) And I was a brave one, too.

Reckless, some said.


That was before he got in there.

In your head?



The imposter.

The one who says that he's the King.

I need to get to the palace.

Thieves plot to steal my gold on my son's birthday, too.

Perhaps I can help you.

If I find somewhere safe for you to go, will you come with me?

Your Majesty.

Will you come with me?



We need more time.

Have Feron delay the return of the prisoners until the late bell.

We make our escape this evening. Go.


I shouldn't have done that.


You won't take me back to that place?


No, I won't. I want to help you.

Very well.

We will return to the palace.

Very good.


Three paces behind.

Of course.

All this excitement...

Why are you making such a fuss of this particular birthday?

You're exhausting yourself.


We used to talk together.

Now I feel I hardly know you.

It is you none of us really know, my dear.

So many secrets.

I don't understand.

My son must remember this day.

But there will be many others.


I am your wife.

Will you not speak to me?



I'm lonely.



I've a message from a friend.


We haven't even got through to the vault, yet.


If we're to escape with the gold as the prisoners are returned to the Chatelet, we need more time.

Grimaud says don't send them back in until the late bell this evening.

Do not mention that name here.

Now, go before anyone sees you. Get out!

Van Laar?

A word, if you pray.

Governor Feron!

How good it is to see you again.

We had quite a time of it last time we met, hmm?

Dear friend. Come.


You were expressly told our transaction was a private matter.

There has been some misunderstanding.

Minister Treville is the King's trusted advisor.

Minister Treville is not family.

You must retrieve your grubby letters from him and leave here at once.

My intention was not to offend His Majesty.

But you have not responded to any of my appeals, there has been no interest paid on the loan.

I must have my money.

I am giving you the chance to leave. Why do you not go?

What is going on, Feron?

What exactly are you trying to prove here?

Perhaps I should speak to the King.

You could just... pick up your letters and walk away.



I gave you the chance.



Take a seat.


Those men...

We've gathered most of the prisoners, and will soon have the rest back at the Chatelet.

Those men, they weren't from the Chatelet.

What do you mean?

No convict wears rings on every finger.

One of them had fur around his cuffs, I could feel it.

Then who were they?

What would they want with you?

Well, my husband, I think...

They were using me to get to Victor.

He was once a locksmith for the King. He designed locks for the royal vault.

The King's gold reserves are beneath the Chatelet.

Please. Help save my husband.

d'Artagnan: Thank you, Sisters.


The voice in my head.

(SOBS) It still hurts me. (SNIFFLES)

You can rest here.

The Sisters will look after you.




I will make you a comte for this.



I need more lead.

I can't do it without more lead.

Where are we supposed to get the lead? From the roof?

Your round. Give me your shot.

I can't put the elements together without it.

You think by wasting more time you can save your wife.

No lead, no key.

Give him what he wants.


Finish the job.



Why did you let him go?

I couldn't send him back to the Chatelet. He's not a well man.


I felt for him.

You weren't at the Siege of Salas, Porthos.

What happened?

The Spanish had that town surrounded for almost a year.

And the people defending it were driven to eating dogs, rats...


And each other.

If the rumours were true.

And that's enough to make any man mad.

I'd rather have starved.

Well, you don't know what you're talking about.

Do you?



You did the right thing.

The midday bell!

The Chatelet is secure now.

Captain Marcheaux has ordered us to escort the prisoners back.

It's about time. Brujon.

In case you need any more of our help.

Good day. (WHISTLES)

We've been played for fools.

Quickly, we need to find Athos.

They're stealing the King's gold from under the Chatelet.

You, get out!








Get rid of them.



What happened here?

Oh, that?

I had hoped it had been a dream.

Van Laar...

I will need you to dispose of him.


The prisoners?

The midday bell has been rung.

They're being returned to the Chatelet as instructed.

We were supposed to delay it.

I got no message.

Grimaud needed time.

They should only have been returned at the evening bell.

George, what have we done?

They'll never be able to get out.


It's done.

Back to your cells, you vermin.



Open the doors!

The King's gold reserves are under attack!

No one in or out.

Barbier: They are bringing the prisoners back.

It's too soon!

If we don't get out now, we'll be trapped in here.

You failed me.

I gave Governor Feron the message just as you told me, I swear it.


What do you mean to do with me now?

(g*n COCKS)

I took your shot, remember?





Lock this door.



It's an escape route.

Sit him up.








d'Artagnan: Stop!


Secure the Chatelet!


Open the door!


Easy, easy.


All right. All right.

All right. I'm gonna talk to Minister Treville, all right?

Try and get you out of here and get you back to your wife.

Everything the man told me turned out to be true.

The gold, the robbery, everything.




You're telling me a lunatic is going to reveal who's behind all of this?


Borel thinks he's the King.

Why? You know him?

We shared a cell.

Be careful with him.

He seems harmless, but he's not.

He m*rder*d a jailor in front of my eyes.

The nuns.


No, no, no.


What have I done?

My friend, we're too late for them.

We need to find Borel to stop this happening again.

He knows about the Dauphin's party.



The King is determined the party will go ahead.

We need to find this man quickly and quietly.

Captain Marcheaux, have your men search the palace and the grounds.

This man, Borel, is dangerous.


He wouldn't be at large if you and your men had done a better job at the Chatelet.

He's already k*lled three today. Perhaps more.

Well, you... You can stay here. I've got this.

You don't need to see the Queen or the Dauphin.

But if you're going, it's my duty.

We shouldn't be doing this.

The Musketeers are here, Majesty. You're well protected.

It's not our safety that concerns me, Treville.

What kind of message does all of this send to the people?

That the King loves his son.

And will spend more time indulging him than feeding his subjects.

How about you and D'Artagnan search the gardens?


Man: The King awaits.


I've put the royal family at risk.

No, you haven't.

You couldn't have measured the full consequences of your actions.

Believe me, I know.

Your intentions were good.

That's what matters.

Now let's find this madman.

Well, it's not much of a throne, is it?




No! No, no, no.




Oh, yes.


Thank you.

Thank you.

My son, I can barely believe it, has reached this most important of milestones in a young boy's life.

His sixth birthday.



Such an important day reminds us of the destiny of every firstborn son in the House of Bourbon.

My boy will one day be your king.

(WHISPERS) Excuse me.

Your many tributes are touching.

But you must show me that you love my son as I love him.

And swear your loyalty.

First, Philippe Feron, Governor of Paris.

I, Philippe Feron, pledge my loyalty to the boy with the purest blood in the whole of France.




He's embarrassing our son.

Can't you see he's ill?




I pledge my loyalty to the future King of France.

May God forgive me.


Thank you, Philippe.

I need a moment.


I can't bear this spectacle any longer.

Well, hurry back.

We still have the presents.


Do we know who this is?

Van Laar, the Dutch financier.

Borel's here in the palace.



Don't, don't, don't.

Don't you know your real husband, my dear?

I have come back for you.

Who are you?

What are you doing in here?

Shh. We must be careful.

There are imposters at the palace, you know.

And one of them...


...he whispers to me, and he won't stop.


And he thinks that he's the King.

Not me.

(SIGHS) Well, we must find him.

Perhaps in the grounds.

The grounds?




I will find that creature that's calling himself the King, and I'll cut out his heart.


Surely as King, you might show a little mercy.


I can hear the whispers.

You are against me, aren't you?


What have we got?

The Queen, she's not in her quarters.

She's missing.


If you have a shot, take it.

You knew, you knew he put me into that place.


You let him get inside of my head, didn't you?

No, no, you're wrong.

Now you must calm down. We can talk this through.

We can talk this through.


Even my Queen is against me.

She's not the Queen. She's not the Queen!

She's an imposter.


No, no, no. You're trying to trick me.

No. I swear it. She is.


What? She's what?

She's mine.


Now I know you're lying.

She must die.


(g*n FIRING)



My comte.

(g*n FIRING)



What is this?

Your Majesty, an intruder found his way into the palace.

He has been dispatched.

Get away from her.

Are you hurt? Summon a physician.

I am unharmed.

Thanks to the Musketeers.


If I get lost, they need only ask you where to find me.

Do sit down.

You heard about the attempted robbery on the vault?

Oh. Shocking, wasn't it?

And all the time, we were at the Dauphin's birthday party, oblivious.

Once again, the Red Guards saw and suspected nothing.

Something rotten is at work here, Feron, and I know who's behind it.


Say anything to the King, and I'll have his secret spread halfway across Europe before nightfall.

What secret?


The King is dying, which leaves a six-year-old on the throne and possibly a Spanish queen as Regent when we are at w*r with Spain.

Just think of the damage, if that gets out.

Riots in the city, armies at the gates.

Breathe one word, and I'll bring everything you hold most dear crashing down.


Today is a day I'd rather forget.

Treville knows Feron is behind all of this.

Why won't he just go to the King?

And say what?

The loan documents were destroyed, Van Laar is dead.

He's still a traitor.

He wasn't acting alone.

I shot a sick and desperate man today.

Who wanted to k*ll the Queen.

Why do I feel like I'm fighting for the wrong side?

Where are you going?



I should k*ll you now.

It was not me who ruined our plans.

It was the Musketeers.

There will be no army.

The King will die, and we have no means to take advantage of it.

We still have Gaston.

We still have his allies.

You need me, Grimaud.

Gaston will not deal with you alone.



And the Musketeers?

Those four will not stand in my way again.