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01x03 - Part 3

Posted: 05/13/16 18:32
by bunniefuu
♪ Footsteps of Jesus ♪
♪ That make the pathway glow ♪

The church and my family are my life.

I want us to live our whole lives together.

Me, too.

What if Lesley and Trevor were to die?

How would it work?

You'll need to alert me when Trevor's off duty, and he'll have to have been sedated.

If we get caught my life would be over. I'd drive off a cliff.

Nobody is gonna catch us.

It's God's wish that we be together.

I finished with Lesley. Has he taken a sleeping pill?


Colin, I'm so sorry.

Trevor and Lesley have been found.

They were inside her father's garage.

Hazel, are you OK to talk to the police?

Is there any reason why Trevor might have taken his own life?

I'd had an affair with... Lesley's husband.

Yes, that's true.

Hazel and I had been having an affair.

It ended six months ago.

Lesley had tried to k*ll herself before, you see, but I never thought she'd actually go through with it.

It is my belief that you are wholly responsible for this tragedy.

I simply cannot accept that Lesley would've abandoned the children.

Yes, well, it's a rather delicate question, you see.

Um... my wife has taken her own life and I wondered if...

That's very kind of you.

Yeah, she left me with four young children.


So, what I wanted to know was that is there any exclusion in this regard if I were to... claim on her life insurance?

Good morning, Detective Inspector.

I'm sorry to bother you.

How have you been coping, Mr Howell?

Er... just... you know, soldiering on.

Anything I can do to help?

Yes. I've something to show you.

Do you recognise this?

What are you saying? This is what was used?

It's like our old one.

You know, I thought that was in the garage. Let me check.


I can't seem to find it.

People have been saying things to me, Mr Howell.

Nobody ever really gets away with m*rder.

I thought this was su1c1de.

Is this a m*rder?

I know why you're here.

The elders have been talking, saying this and that about me.

And you've got to come round here and do your job.

Detective Inspector...

.. I do have a confession to make.

I said before that the affair with Hazel Buchanan finished six months ago.

Well, the truth is we did relapse.

Not that long ago.

The pastor and the elders were furious.

They suspected as much and now they blame me for what happened and in a way I suppose they're right.

You know, the affair starting up again... must've driven Lesley and Trevor to do what they did.

Um... but please don't... don't blame the elders.

They're not trying to waste your time. I just wasn't as honest as I wanted to be.

I'll be in touch.





Where have you been? I've been trying since...

You shouldn't be calling here. I told you we can't have any contact.

Listen to me. I had to tell the police that we began seeing each other again.

They'll ask.

I don't think I can deal with that.

Just admit it. Tell them it was probably the last straw for Trevor.

I don't think I can.

We should meet up. I need to see you.

I have to go.

Just wait. Why are you avoiding me?


Mrs Buchanan.

I'm very sorry to bother you again but I've just got a few more questions.

OK. Come in.

Would you like a cup of tea?

No, thanks.

Hazel, have you been totally truthful with me?


I've been speaking with Colin Howell and he says your relationship was still going on until recently.

Why didn't you tell me the truth, Hazel?

I was so ashamed.

I promised Pastor Hansford it was over for good.

I felt so bad I didn't want anyone to know.

Hazel, is there anything about the relationship between Colin and your husband that you'd like to tell me?

I don't know what you mean.

Colin liked Trevor.

He felt... bad about the suffering we caused them.

We both did... and Lesley, too.


And what was going on between Trevor and Lesley?


I don't know.

I think...

I think we drove them together.

She has a shoulder to cry on.

Trevor said he'd never get over it -- the affair.

I think... it starting again was... probably the last straw for Trevor.

What are you doing? You've got to be insane.

I had to see you.

We need to talk about what's going to happen now.

To us. I have to know.

Leave. You could get caught. What about the police?

They have no evidence. This is about you and me.

You need to decide our future.

I won't ever try and change your mind however lonely I get.

I know you must be missing Trevor.

I just can't believe he's gone.

I miss Lesley, too.

I'm so sorry I didn't love her enough, and for the wrongs I did her.

But we can move forward now, and give ourselves to each other without looking back.

Cos we love each other.

Decide now.

Don't allow me to think there is hope if there is none.

You'll k*ll me.

I have taken a mother from her children, but God will provide for them.

And I only hope and pray that you are the one He provides.

I received a note -- item C1 -- from Colin Howell...

.. which he confirmed was written by his late wife Lesley.

He identified to me the length of hose as being part of the family vacuum -- item C3.

I conducted an immediate and thorough investigation into both deaths, which included the interview of a number of witnesses and other persons.

It is believed the deaths were brought about as a result of the affair by the spouses of the victims, up until the time of the su1c1de incident.

Lesley Howell had made previous su1c1de attempts.

Despite reconciliation attempts made by Reverend Hansford, neither of the victims could come to terms with their spouse's infidelity, and was most likely the motivating factor in both of them taking their lives.

Oh, hello.



How about Matthew?


Do you remember Mrs Buchanan from the nursery school?

Oh, you can call me Hazel now.


♪ The wolf is coming to find small children ♪
♪ And eat them up ♪ Aarrgh!

Oh, don't stop. Go.

Oh, you're good. Come on.

You're good.

Right, off you go. Off you go.

You not playing?

You not playing, darling?

I miss Daddy.

I know, pet.

I know.

Why did he want to die?

Well... sometimes... people get... so sad.

So sad that they... have to leave this world.

They'll be in heaven now.



You OK?


Matthew, easy, easy.

Look what I have.



Lucy, you know how this works?





Don't. Don't.




Tell him to...

Isn't it beautiful? Look.


We can go for a nice walk down there.

No children to spoil our fun.

There's a health club.

Beauty treatments.


I signed in as Mr and Mrs Howell.

No. No.


No, no.

What is it?

Hazel, what is it?

He sees us.



I can feel His eyes on us.

Of course He sees us. He sees everything.

But He wouldn't give us this love if He didn't want us to be together.

Second book of Samuel, chapter 11, verse 26:

"And when Bathsheba heard that Uriah her husband was dead she mourned for him, and when the mourning was passed David sent and fetched her to his house and she became his wife."

Well, maybe if we stop short of, you know, making love.

Maybe then...

He'd forgive us.

The Lord put David's sin away... because David repented daily for what he had done.

Well, better we take no pleasure in it, then.

But in time...

God let Bathsheba bear David a second son -- the great King Solomon.

I think we underestimated the response in both our hearts to what we did.

God will pardon us in time. Then we can give ourselves...

We can't even walk down the same street together or be at the same church. What future do we have?

A future in Scotland.

I've looked at a couple of practices.

Baptist communities. We could marry there.

I'd lose the police pension.

I know but we've still got over 200 grand.

Lesley's estate and then there's the money from the insurance on top.



We're all set up.

You know, and...

I will love Lisa and Andrew as my own.


As my own.

I'm not sure I can be the loving mother to yours.

Sorry, it's...

And I don't know if I can give you what you want, you know, as a... wife.

I just...

I feel so guilty I just lock up inside.

Lock up? What does that mean?

I do love you, I just...

Well, I love you.

I just get so tense. I just...

I just can't do it.

I'm sorry.


I've lost my appetite.

That's all right.

Want to just go?

We can go.

I don't know about this.

Come on.

I should be getting home to the babysitter.

No, it'll perk you up.

Your smile is the highlight of your beauty.

It has to sparkle and shine, then you'll feel your best.

Want the gas and air? Help you relax?


Hold on. I'll turn it up.

That good?


Feeling better?

Mm, better.


Much better, yeah.

... That dual carriage way, you have to wait for hours.

Please can we be excused to play now?

Aye, but what do you say to Granny for the cake?

Thanks for the cake, Granny.

My favourite was the icing.

I know, you ate all mine.

No, I didn't!

Wonderful children, Hazel.

Yes. Whatever happened, you're a... devoted mother.

So... Laura and I, we just wanted to say we've forgiven you.

The affair.

It's the Christian thing to do.

Children need their grandparents.

You'd be welcome in our home, whenever you want to bring them round.

Thank you.

Are you ready?

Do you want to take your pants off before while I...?

Yeah, sorry.

All right?



It's going to be OK.

Will it hurt?

No, no, no. Here it goes.

That's it, lie down.

That's just so wrong.

No, it's not.

It's fine.

We need it. You need it.

We need each other.

Do we?

You all right for housekeeping?


I don't want your money.

Maybe we should go away again soon.

Somewhere nice.

I can't.


So when shall I see you again?

I can't do Thursday, I'm hosting a prayer meeting.

What about Friday?

I can't. My sister's coming over to stay.

So when will I see you?

I'll give you a call.

Can you go before the children get back?
Hello, you've reached the Buchanan residence.

Leave a message after the beep.

Watch, watch, watch.

Be nice to the lady.

Takeaway for Howell.

Yeah, just a minute.



Can I have a mint?


That's 12.50.

Come on.


OK, night-night.

OK, see you later.

I'll call you tomorrow.

OK. Good night.

What are you doing?

Who's he?

None of your business.

I didn't see you invite him in.


I'm not inviting you in, either.

Colin, get out of my house!


Generous man. Why did he buy you all these?

Are you sleeping with him?



No, you can't be because I am the only man for you!

You and I belong together!

No, we do not.

Hazel, I sacri... We sacrificed so much to be together!

I never wanted any sacrifice!

You drew me in! You wanted me!

You can't just spit me out and throw me away like a piece of paper!

I just want an ordinary life. A normal, peaceful life and I can't have that with you!

We are bound together by all of this!

This isn't finished.

And it never will be.

I'll just be a minute.

Hi, I'm Kyle Jorgensen.

Is this the right place?

Yes, the Barn Fellowship.

I'm Colin.


Come in.




You're it!

Hi, look.

Look, look, who's this?


Who's this? Look.

Katie, Lauren?

Oh, he's so sweet.




Matthew, would you like to say a prayer?

Um... yes.

Come on, guys, hold hands.

Hold hands.

Thank you, God, for... for bringing baby Erik into your family.





After Lesley died, I prayed to God that He'd provide me with a mother for my children.

I once hoped that Hazel would be their new mother, but I now see, within his wisdom, He's provided you and I feel blessed.

He brought you to me, and He has given us a new son.

And that proves that I'm finally on the right path.



I'm a good father and husband to you, aren't I?

Of course.

Well, I need to tell you something.

I k*lled Lesley.


I k*lled Lesley and I k*lled Trevor.

What are you talking about? They k*lled themselves.


I k*lled them and faked their su1c1de.

With Hazel.

I thought it was what God wanted me to do.

They were both so unhappy.

They didn't want to live.

I did it for the children.

To protect them.


Is this true, Colin?

It's the truth, yes.

Then you have to tell someone.

You have to tell the police.

I will if you want me to.

But my duty is to provide for you and our children.

Not just my four, not just Katie and Dylan.

We have Erik to think of now.

He needs both his parents.

Without me, you'll lose the house, everything that we have.

God brought you to me so that I could protect you.

You waited until we had a baby before you told me?


No. I can tell you now because I know that God is smiling on us.

I put all my sins before the cross and He has blessed us with Erik and forgiven me my sin.

I am a good man now.

There is more joy in heaven over one very wicked man who repents than over 99 ordinary sinners.

There is no secret from God.

And now there is no secret between us.

I will do whatever you choose.

I am placing our future in your hands.


I can't. I...

I can't take this.

Kyle, people are arriving.

Will you join us?

We should sing something for Erik now.

I Am Thine.

I Am Thine. Right.

♪ I am thine, O Lord ♪
♪ I have heard Thy voice ♪
♪ And it told Thy love to me ♪
♪ But I long to rise in the arms of faith ♪
♪ And be closer drawn to Thee ♪
♪ Draw me nearer ♪
♪ Nearer, blessed Lord ♪
♪ To Thy cross where Thou hast died ♪
♪ Draw me nearer, nearer ♪
♪ Nearer, blessed Lord ♪
♪ To Thy precious bleeding side ♪
♪ Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord ♪
♪ By the power of grace divine ♪
♪ Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope ♪
♪ And my will be lost in Thine ♪
♪ Draw me nearer ♪
♪ Nearer, blessed Lord ♪
♪ To the cross where Thou hast died ♪
♪ Draw me nearer, nearer ♪
♪ Nearer, blessed Lord ♪
♪ To Thy precious bleeding side ♪
♪ O the pure delight of a single hour ♪
♪ That before Thy throne I spend ♪
♪ When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my Lord ♪
♪ I commune as friend with friend ♪
♪ Draw me nearer ♪
♪ Nearer, blessed Lord ♪
♪ To the cross where Thou hast died ♪
♪ Draw me nearer, nearer ♪
♪ Nearer, blessed Lord ♪
♪ To Thy precious bleeding side ♪
♪ There are depths of love that I cannot know ♪
♪ Till I cross the narrow sea ♪
♪ There are heights of joy that I may not reach ♪
♪ Till I rest in peace with Thee ♪
♪ Draw me nearer ♪
♪ Nearer, blessed Lord ♪
♪ To the cross where Thou hast died ♪
♪ Draw me nearer, nearer ♪
♪ Nearer, blessed Lord ♪
♪ To Thy precious bleeding side ♪


He's coming.

Tell him to hurry up.

You got everything?

What about end of term?

You back here?

Come on, you're making me late.

All right.

He'd like you here for Easter.


I'll take that.

Thank you.

I'm going to go and check out.

Would you hold that a second?

Hello, Hazel. How are you?

I'm well, thanks. How are you?

Grand, grand.

How are the kids?

Um... they're grown up.

Matt's at university.

Oh, time flies, doesn't it?

Well, um... great seeing you.

I'm sorry, darling.

Thank you.

That was Colin Howell, wasn't it?


Are you all right?


Not really.

Yeah, yeah.

OK, let's get out of here. Come on.

Colin. Colin?

Oh, hi. How are you?

Sorry, that was an old friend of mine.

No-no problem at all. I have everything you need right here.

Ah, oh, yeah, I have one, but, um... Here, sit down.

Thank you.

Um... yes, uh...

So, very exciting.

Your next patient's here.

Mr Howell, we were wondering about a staff outing.

Great idea.

What about Mamma Mia?

No, no. I'm sorry, but that's a story about a woman who doesn't know who the father of her daughter is. I can't make myself go to a show like that.

I don't approve.



Do you want to come through?

Yeah, sure.

Just into the left here.

All right?


How long is this going to take?

Oh, half an hour.

Give this a wipe.

When the needle goes in, your arm will feel a little cold, but it won't take too long for this to take effect.


It's going in now.

There we go.

Will you put those through for me now, please?

Are you sure?



Good to see you.

I know, I understand. You're very welcome.

We pray to the Lord...



That was lovely. Thank you, Kyle.

Lauren, everyone's finished, you're in charge.

Let's get these plates cleared away.

I'll take the cups.

Kyle, no, no, no. Dessert is still forbidden.

It's just some coated raisins. I wouldn't quite call it dessert.

We agreed as a family to forego sweets of all kinds for one month in order to reflect upon those less fortunate.

Go on, take them back.

Thou shalt not lay a stumbling block before the righteous.

So, Erik, what Bible story tonight? You can choose.

I don't mind.

It's Matt.

Maybe it should be the Prodigal Son.


We've put his stuff out on the landing.

So I was here when...

Well, um...

Well, I was... I was leaving the building down there.

But not realising I'd left my keys, at which point Matt comes running out of our flat up there, onto the landing after me to let me know but he was in his socks, no shoes, so...

I think he must have slipped and fallen over the banister because he cried out and when I looked up he was, um... he was dangling up there.

As soon as I see him I start running up the stairs two or three at a time.

Till I get here, halfway.

And that's when he fell?

I'm so sorry, Colin.

Show me exactly what you did.


William, follow me.


10.5 seconds to there.

2.1 seconds.

Are you all right, Colin?

Assuming it took five seconds for you to see and react...


.. that totals 17.6 seconds for my son to contemplate his imminent death.

You have seen my sin, O God.

Have mercy on me.

Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me of my sins for I know my transgressions and my sin is always before me.

Against you, and you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight.

Cleanse me and I will be clean.

Wash me of the sin I committed.

Create in me a new heart, O God.

Do not cast me from your presence.

You have punished me as you punished King David.

Now, Lord, restore in me the joy of your salvation.

Save me from bloodguilt, O God, the God who saves me, and I will sing of your righteousness.

Show me I am forgiven.

Let me prosper, as King David prospered.