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01x08 - Match Game

Posted: 05/12/16 15:43
by bunniefuu
[tense music]

[siren wailing]

Okay, give me some room.

Okay, gurney's here! Clear the way, people!

All right, nice and calm, nice and calm.

Everybody out of the way.

Here we go.

♪ ♪

[all cheering]

[Lucius' "Born Again Teen" playing]

Get in there!

One at a time.

♪ ♪
♪ Would you take my hand, baby ♪

All right, Myron, who do you think's gonna take home the gold this year?

Well, Proctology usually has this tied up, but Urology could surprise us.

Mm, well, the extraction of foreign rectal bodies, really, is anyone's game.


Let's see what we got.

♪ Want to take the lead you know ♪
♪ It's obvious we naturally align ♪

[all gasp]

Is that a cell phone?

That gives a whole new meaning to getting butt-dialed.

And it works!

You know, it looks like he's got three bars on that thing.

Can you hear me now?

Uh, no, I'm in a tunnel.



♪ ♪


You know what?

I think the shape of the object might have cost him a few points in that department.

Who the hell are you guys talking to?

Let's see if Cardiology can recover from last year's devastating loss.

♪ Do you recognize me ♪
♪ I have had my eye on you for quite a while ♪

Ooh, that's not really a great showing for Panttiere.

Shane actually could take this thing.

Wow. Ooh!

Looks like a three-car garage.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. Wait a second.

Where do you find Hot Wheels these days?

Apparently in a rectum.

[all gasp]

Talk about a three-alarmer.

And the tiny ladder is still intact.

Could this be Panttiere's comeback?


It extends!

Let's go to the judges.

[all cheering]

Panttiere takes it!

It was rigged! It's rigged!

Do you believe in miracles?

[all cheering]


Hey, Mom.

Une tarte aux fraises, Papa?

Yeah, strawberry tart for dessert, special delivery from the farm.

Ah, mon petite génie.

Tu m'a manqué, Papa.


Ca va?

Ca va. Where's Maman?

Oh, she's fixing your sink.



Ah, j'ai fini.

Oh, here, let me take that.


Merci, Maman.

Ah, de rien, ma chérie.

Mwah. How long are you gonna stay for?

Two days.

Hi, baby.


The Farm Bureau is sending some insufferable man to talk to us about the profitability of radishes.


Ugh, no.

Well put.

Ouias. We are a strawberry farm.

Vive les fraises!

Les fraises!

Vive les fraises!

Okay, Gerard, found a cabernet in the closet.

Mon dieu.

This is from Sacramento.

[upbeat ukulele music]


Uh, Alex, you want to give me a hand just setting the table real quick?

Excuse me.

Mmm, château Sacramento. [laughs]


You didn't tell me your parents were coming.

I'm sorry. They're so busy. They usually just drop in.

What's wrong?


I've only met them twice; I thought I'd have a little more time to prepare before the next time I saw them.

I wanted to speak perfect French.


[sighs] It's not funny.

I'm sorry.

You know things have been a little rough lately and we're supposed to talk about, you know...

What, yeah, having kids?

You know, can we count that as the talk and avoid it for another week?

Well, it would free me up so your dad could k*ll me over a California wine.

Babe, you don't need to impress them.

You've spent time together; you know they like you.

Yeah, they like me, but do they love me?


Will you look at them?

40 years together and they're still so in love.

You know, I never thought I'd be able to match that till I met you.

That's all they need to know.

Je t'aime.

Moi aussi.



Here to is the fine wines of Sacramento.

Sacramento. I'm sorry, Papa.

Ah, Sacramento.


[glasses clinking]

Okay, okay, okay.

Would you rather be a dinosaur or have a dinosaur?

[scoffs] Easy.

Have a dinosaur.

Then I don't have to drive anymore.


I have one for you, hein?

Um... would you rather be blind or fart once a minute for the rest of your life?

Ooh, that's a good one. I'll have to think about it.

I want to play.

Oh, I wish you luck, Gabriel.

Your mother and grandfather have been playing this game for 30 years.

Marie, uh...


Oh, it was my pleasure.

Uh, thank you guys so much for coming.

I mean, it's really, uh... it's terrific to have authentic Parisians cook for us.

Although are you guys Californian now or...

Oh, yes, uh, we arrived in the summer of '74.

Uh, we were hippies in love.

Now we are just old hippies in love.

Hein, Gérard?

Je ne me sens pas bien.

[dramatic music]



♪ ♪

[high-pitched tone]




Carson, call 9-1-1.

Okay, got it, Mom.

You're gonna be fine. Just listen to my voice.

Okay, his airway's okay. Okay, just breathe.


[siren wailing]

Is that my father's chart?

I ordered tests two hours ago.

Did you get any sleep last night?

This says he's pregnant.

He's not pregnant.

No, Mrs. Kirkwood is.

You sure you got my father's full medical history?

Alex, I was his doctor ten years ago, all right?

I'm the one that diagnosed him with renal disease.

His creatinine's been stable for six months.

He's been managing fine on reduced function.

Before we panic, let's just wait for the test results.

Maybe we just need to readjust his treatment plan.

You didn't see him on the floor of my dining room.

No, but I saw him an hour ago and he was awake.

He was talking my ear off.

I just need to know how bad it is.

I understand, but you got to calm down, all right?

You're scaring the nurses.

[indistinct chatter]


Oh, hey.

I have a backup Ho Ho in my office.

Just say the word.


How you doing?


You okay?

Yeah, let's do this.

All right.




Five years, I cannot believe it.

I think you've actually aged backward, Marie.

Oh, stop.

No, really, look at you. It's unbelievable.

Oh, please, stop.

Only an Australian would chat up a man's wife when he is in the hospital.

Oh, yes, yes, please, do the Australian.

[as Paul Hogan] That's not a knife.

That's a knife.


Gets you every time.


We are glad you are here.

[monitor beeping]

Gérard? Is he okay?

On s'occupe de lui.

Uh, Marie, let's... let's grab you a cup of coffee.

He's gonna be fine.

It's his A-fib. His potassium's 6.1.

Peaked T waves in his precordial leads.

Okay, we're gonna cardiovert. We'll need some Versed.


Okay, just focus on your breathing and listen to my voice, okay?

We're gonna give you some low-energy shocks to trigger a normal heart rhythm.

We're gonna have to put you to sleep first, Papa.

Non, non. Alex, non.

Ca va aller, Papa.

Je remettre le masque, d'accord?

Ecoute-moi. Ecoute-moi.

Envelope. Dans ma veste.

Maybe he's confused. Don't worry.

Promise me you will not open it till you are alone.

[coughs] Promise me.

I know I can trust you both.

[pensive instrumental music]

♪ ♪

[toilet flushes]


[clears throat]

Hi, Dr. Panttiere.


[faucet running]

How's your dad?

The cardioversion was successful.

He'll be sleeping it off for a few hours, but he's stable.

That's good.


I'm... Uh, sorry.


♪ ♪


Excuse me.



"La Bohème" is my favorite.

I'm not really a fan.


What's your criticism?

I just don't understand why they have to sing the whole time.


Excuse me.

[instruments tuning]

Is he dead?


Your father, Gerard.

[dramatic orchestral music playing]

How do you know my father?

I didn't know my father liked opera or cheating on my mother.

Oh, my God, my mother.

Does she know?


I'm so sorry he told you. I really am.

It's a terrible burden, and I wish I could take it away.

You know, I met you once when you were a little girl.

I don't remember.

Well, you couldn't have been more than ten.

You were fishing at a lake.

McGrath Lake. My dad used to take me there.

Just me and him.

Yeah, you had your dad's camera.

You were chasing the ducks around.

Oh, and I...

I taught you a game.

You loved it. You wouldn't stop playing it.

What was it called?

Oh, Would You Rather?

[soulful guitar music]

♪ ♪

My father taught me that game, not his mistress.

♪ Feels like we're swimming through ♪
♪ Feels like we're swimming through ♪

Oh, oh, Alexandra, I need another worm.

Which one?

Surprise me.

A big, juicy one.

Ah, that's a nice one.

[camera shutter clicks]

Happy Alexandra Day.

Happy Alexandra Day.

I think, next year, everyone should get this day off so they don't have to work.

I like the way you think.

All of the girls stay home from school, their fathers stay home from work, and everybody goes fishing.

A national holiday.

♪ ♪

Qu'elle est jolie.


You must be Alex.

I am delighted to meet you finally.

I'm Isabelle.

♪ Feels like we're swimming through ♪
♪ Feels like we're swimming through ♪



I went to the opera.


Ma petite puce...

I'm not your little flea anymore.

I didn't want to involve you.


[sighs] C'est compliqué.

You made it complicated.

I didn't know what to do.

In my mind, all I could see was her standing outside of the opera house, waiting for me, confused, terrified.

Someone had to be there for her.

Why did it have to be me?

Is everything all right?


You look upset.

I am.

He shouldn't be eating dessert.

Were you planning on telling Mom?


You know, that you've been enjoying dessert?

Alexandra, perhaps you should go take one of your angry walks.

Peut-être que tu devrais aller faire un de tes angry walks.

[upbeat ukulele music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

Why's the line so long?

You kidding me? This guy's a barbecue genius.

I feel a bulgogi dance coming on.

Ah, Korean food.


Is he from Seoul?

Is it...

Seoul food?

Get it? "Seoul."

Yeah, I get it.

No, but "soul"...

It's not funny.

Haven't you had enough sensitivity training for one year?

You know what? Forget it, Callahan.

It's too spicy.

It's bad for your stomach ulcers.

You know you have zero chance with her, right?

She promised her family she'd marry a Korean guy, and you can't even eat the food.

And you're from Connecticut.

Upstate New York.

[indistinct chatter]

His GFR is low. It's less than 15.

Your father needs a new kidney.

Listen, we've already convened a transplant committee meeting.

I've got calls in to UNOS to try and get him listed immediately.

100,000 people are waiting on that list for a kidney.

He... he needs one now.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

Do you want me to explain ything about Papa's condition?

No, it is quite clear.


Because I threw a lot of medical terms at you.

No, I mean it is quite clear that I will give him my kidney.

Wait, give him your kidney?

We didn't talk about this.

He needs one. I have one.

It is just, uh, what must be done.

There can be complications, not just physical but emotional.

I will be fine.

I just don't think you have all the facts.

Your father taught me to take chances in life.

He gave me a gift.

So I think the least I can do is give him my kidney.

Clé à molette.

He really is the love of your life.

Tu es si têtu!

Ah, oui, j'ai eu un bon professeur.

You will not give up a kidney.

Absolument pas.



She listens to you.

Tell her she's out of her mind.

Actually, Marie's not a bad candidate 'cause she's got a compatible blood type...

Non! Non! I forbid it!




Non. I forbid it.

Oh, I'd like to see you try.


Maman, Papa.

[all arguing in French]

Quite something, isn't it?

I like it.

My family, we just fester around in this WASPy silence until someone "accidentally" gets stabbed at dinner.

[both arguing]


Ca suffit.



This isn't about you, Papa.

It's about the people who love you.

Tu comprends?

I don't want her to make the sacrifice.

Tough. I'm being tested too.

Ah, c'est trop.

C'est trop.

Oui, c'est trop!

C'est trop!



You will not do this. Promise me.


Come along, Alex.


Bravo, Papa.


You're not gonna listen to him, are you?

Oh, please.

Jesse, how soon will we know if we are a match?

The hospital's agreed to fast-track you, so we'll know in 24 hours.

Pierce will help us every step of the way.

Uh, yeah, so we got a full day.

Uh, EKG, stress test, urine analysis, and your chest X-ray awaits, milady.
[pop rock music playing]

♪ ♪


Hey, where's your mum?

Oh, she's exhausted.

I convinced her to crash on Millicent's couch until we get the test results.

Oh, that's too bad. I've got a thing for your mum.

I'm serious, there's something about you Panttiere women.

Come on.

You still haven't been to bed yet, have you?

When I lie down, I can feel my heart in my ears.


I wouldn't worry about your old man.

He's... he's gonna be fine.

I mean, he's a survivor.

He tried to arm-wrestle me this morning.

He almost won, the bugger.

Maybe it's 'cause he's a farmer.

He's got strength, integrity. I just...

He's been having a cheap affair for 30 years.

Lying and cheating on my mom for three decades.

He's a cheating... cheater.

I hate to break it to you, but if it's been 30 years, it doesn't sound like a cheap affair.

It sounds like love.

Oh, please, if it's love, then why is he still with my mother?

Maybe he still loves her too.

It's pretty clear they're still crazy about one another.

Oh, oh, okay, so he can just do whatever he wants, betray his family.

I could strangle him.

I'm sure he didn't mean for it to turn out that way.

Things happen, don't they?

I mean, bad timing never stopped people falling in love.

He's just a man who loves two women.

How did you get like this?

I'm sorry, I don't know...

Talking like that, you know, compassionate.


I've been texting you.

Uh, your... your dad's tests came back, and you're a positive crossmatch against both you and your mom.

Neither of you are a match.

You know his chances are better with a compatible donor.

But I don't want you to give up hope.

I'm in constant contact with Cedars, USC, and UCLA.

They're all testing Good Samaritans right now.

I'm sorry.

I wish I didn't know what his chances were.

Are you feeling quite well, my darling?

I'm sorry, Maman.

I should be asking you that.

I know you're disappointed you're not a match.

Ah, oui.

But what can you do, hmm?

You know, if you want to be sad or upset in front of me, I can take it.

I have no doubt.

We've been through this before, haven't we?

When we lost your sister, I thought my world was ending.

I think about her every day.

So do I.

And I'm so grateful I have you and your father to love.

It is how I survived.

So you must know by now that I am not someone who falls apart on the outside.

You really are the badass in the family, aren't you?


How are we feeling today?

Any heart palpitations?

Alex, don't treat me like one of your patients.

Can we please just talk?

I'm trying to give you the best possible care, and I can't do that if I want to m*rder you.

I love your mother.

I love her, Alex.

[cell phone chimes]

[sighs] It's Pierce. I have to go.

I want things to be as they were.

Me too.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

You better hide that.

[elevator dings]

So I had Cedars fast-track one of their altruistic donors when they reported a compatible blood type with no crossmatch issue.

They're a match. We have a donor.

I don't believe this!

Donor just checked in.

Your father's transplant surgery is on the books.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

What an amazing human being...

Oh, my...

[playful music]

♪ ♪


That woman in there is my father's mistress.

And my mother doesn't know.

We can talk about this later when I've had some freaking time to think straight, but right now, you need to get her out of here before her entire world collapses.

♪ ♪

Marie! [laughs]


It's 11:00 a.m.

Exactly, it's... it's time for lunch.

Is it?

Yeah, yeah.

Come on, we'll go to the cafeteria.

We can, uh, share a croissant.

I can get a little mom action.


Here we go.

I want to thank you.

I didn't expect you to be so calm.

I'm not someone who falls apart on the outside.

Well, you didn't get that from your father.

He cried like an infant at "La Traviata."

You know, maybe you shouldn't talk about him while you're here.

Believe me, if I could mail in my kidney, I would.

Please don't tell Gerard.

He won't accept it if he knows that it's from me.



He cries at the opera?

You must have a lot of questions.

I thought if I saw you again, I'd ask you if... if you love him.

I guess I know the answer.

[knocking on glass]

Uh, Ms. Dixon, I'm Dr. Hackett, here for your donor psych evaluation.

Well, I can tell you right now, I'm completely insane.

Great, then you... you're gonna fit right in.

I just, uh, want to chat, make sure you understand the risks and review certain lifestyle circumstances that may be affected by donation.


It involves a lot of personal questions.

[chair scraping]

What are you doing?


Helping you.

No, you're not.

Some of this information might be pertinent to her care.

I'm gonna stay and listen.

No, no, you're not gonna do that.

Yeah, I am.

You're gonna get out...

Yeah, I'm staying right here.

You're gonna leave.


Yeah, you have to. You're gonna get out, right now.


Get out right...


Get out.

What are you doing?

Just getting some DNA.

Is it time for your annual STD scare?

Uh, more like the STD festival.

That's gross.

No, this is an ancestry kit.

I have reason to believe that I may be Korean.

You're about as Korean as I am Kardashian.


I have a great-grandfather Theodore...


Who was a missionary over in Korea.


I also have an aunt who loves kimchi and golf, so...

I think that might be the food of my people.



Can I see that report?

What is going on with you?

I know you're worried about your dad, but...

I can't talk about it right now.

I just... I can't talk about it.

Listen, if you can't talk about it right now and you're losing your mind, I've got some five-second advice for you.

Have a... have a big cry, like, a big, ugly cry.

I can't cry on command.

It's not a traffic ticket.

I know you, Panttiere; I've seen you tear up on life insurance commercials.

The one where the puppy thinks the horse is its mother.


That's your professional opinion?

Gives you perspective.



Hey, your, uh... ‭your father's going into surgery in a half hour; are you okay?

Gee, I... Alex, this whole Isabelle thing, I mean, I couldn't even imagine what you're going through right now.

Confusion, anger, and a Tammy Wynette song.

But what I need to do right now is focus.

You need to make me cry.


Yeah, Hackett thinks I need to cry to relieve some stress, and I can't seem to do it.


Come on, Harrison.

Make your girlfriend cry.

No, I'm not gonna make you cry.

[crying] Please.

If you're got to relieve stress, why don't we just, you know, have sex?

Oh, my God, you're a genius.

Not here.

Not here.

Maybe here.


Pierce, you're operating on Isabelle Dixon, Is that correct?

Yes, I am.

She has a couple of questions for you.



Dr. Harrison.

Does Pierce know who Isabelle really is?


So you told him too?


Well, Alex.

Did you and Pierce... you didn't...



You know she's saving your father's life.

Yeah, I know.

It makes it really hard to hate her.

But I'm gonna... I'm gonna power through.

Well, here's an idea, maybe... maybe don't hate her.

You know, we had a saying in my family.

"If your arms are full from carrying the burden of anger, you won't be able to see where to put it down."

Is that like a Hindu proverb?

Yeah, no, it's from a Bollywood movie.

But I think it applies here.

If you're so angry with your father and Isabelle and you can't see past that to forgive them, then...

We can't always help whom we fall in love with, can we, Alex?

[Verdi's "Chorus of Hebrew Slaves" playing]

[chorus singing in Italian]

[music playing over record]

How are you doing?

[sighs] I'm okay, except for this horrible music.

Your dad requested it, so... we all thought it'd be a nice change.

He can listen to whatever he wants as long as he wakes up.

Bonsoir, Papa.

Bonsoir, ma petite puce.

Are you okay?

Alive and well.

So I suppose you can hate me for many years to come, huh?

You hurt me.

Ah, ma petite puce.

[pensive instrumental music]

Are you done?

Every time you talk, I have to start over.

Well, you haven't told me how Gerard's doing.

I'm sorry. He's fine. The surgeries went great.

His vitals look good. He's in recovery.

I'm not worried.

You know, he talks about you all the time.

He is so proud of you, Alex.

Thank you.

I'm okay. I'm just a little stressed.

You want some of my morphine?

I need to examine you first.

Take a deep breath.

How could you do this?

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

How could you give your kidney to a perfect stranger?

Uh, s-strange... stranger?

I must apologize for the intrusion.

Alexandra said you were to be anonymous.

But this idea of a, uh... how do you say... altruistic donor, it is so selfless.

I just had to meet you.

Um, je suis...

Um, I am Marie Panttiere, the wife of Gérard.

Enchantée, Marie.

Ah, vous parlez français?

Um, I don't think we need to parlez right now.

She needs to rest.

I am sorry. I just...

Are... are you crying?

[crying] I am just so grateful to you.

I don't know you, but... perhaps you know what it is like to love someone with every atom in your body, to be so intertwined with him for most of your life.

The thought of losing him...

No, no, no, it's all right.

It's all right.

May I be so bold as to ask you, why did you do this?

It was... because of a man.


But of course.


And then she said, "Merci, Isabelle."

I thought they were gonna have to defibrillate me right in the middle of the room.

What'd you end up saying to your dad?

I haven't talked to him yet.

Oh, come on, Alex.

You know what?

Let me get to the bottom of the pitcher first.

No, no, no, no. Come on, tell me why.

Pretend I'm Dr. Hackett or Pierce.

Or you.

Or me.


When you watched "Wizard of Oz" as a kid, what was the scariest thing?

The witch.

No, flying monkeys.

Yeah, for me, it's when they see the man behind the curtain and realize none of it's true.

There is no Great and Powerful Oz.

The world as we know it is a lie.


I feel like I'm nine years old again, having an existential crisis, only instead of Oz, it's my parents.

So where's the lie? They're both...

All those moments we spent together as a family, they're different.

I have to go back and rethink everything.

Well, while you're rethinking the past, the rest of us will be in the present, waiting for you when you finally catch up.

Catch up to what?

Reality. You're still avoiding it.

You know, it's starting to sink in how he can love both of them and want both of them in his life.

What's the matter with me?

What kind of person does that make me?

[upbeat ukulele music]

Oh, your ancestry results?

That was fast.

I know somebody in the lab.

[sighs] You should do the honors.

Let's share this moment together.

Who are you?

Oh, my God!

Not Korean.

Damn it.

I'm sorry.

But you do have some Scottish ancestry.

That might explain the golf.

No, stop. What are you doing?

That's called "fire chicken" in English, okay?

I'm not giving up.

Seriously, you're gonna feel like dying later.

You don't have to... eat that for me.


Where's Isabelle Dixon?

Uh, she checked out early, but I think she left you something.

[somber music]

Dear Alex, Gerard taught me to always drink wine with someone when you part ways.

That way, you're sure to remember them fondly.

I hope that someday, you'll come to remember me fondly and understand that your father doesn't love you and your mother any less for loving me.

Yours, Isabelle.

♪ So this is where we are ♪
♪ Me alone ♪
♪ And you'll follow ♪
♪ ♪
♪ So this is how it goes ♪

Code blue! Code blue!

So I think your mom likes me.

I told you.

I never knew your parents were so close to Jesse.

[elevator dings]

[intense music]

Excuse me.

Still no pulse.

Coming through.

I'm right behind her.

Nurse, where's that bag?

Excuse me.

Come on, come on!

♪ ♪

She was found with no pulse.

No spontaneous respirations.

Somebody get a portable monitor and an intubation tray.

Holding compressions.

Excuse me, sorry.

Still no pulse.

Okay, resuming CPR.

I need another dose of epi and bicarb.

It's been 36 minutes.

She's on her fifth round of meds.

Alex needs to call it.

Just wait.


[Puccini's "Humming Chorus" playing]

[dramatic whoosh]


I got a pulse.

[indistinct chatter]

Is she going to be all right?

We're testing for a rare cardiac arrhythmia.

It has nothing to do with giving you a kidney, Papa.

You should have told me about this.

Did you really just say that?

You see now what Isabelle means to me, what kind of person she is.

Yes, I get it.

But I'm your daughter, and I know how much you love Mom.

You and I are so much alike, Alexandra.

I can see what is in your heart.

What is it you think you can see?

Someone who understands that it is possible to truly love two people.

Do you know why I love "La Bohème"?

There is a character who possesses a wisdom that none of the other characters have.


Her name is Musetta.

[Puccini's "Musetta's Waltz" playing]

And she understands that true love is undeniable.

♪ ♪

The heart wants what it wants.

♪ ♪

Hide from that, we will be miserable.

All that's in "La Bohème"?


Go see for yourself.

♪ ♪

Papa... would you rather fight 20 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck?

Je ne sais pas, ma chérie.

[instruments tuning]

[indistinct chatter]

♪ You've been running round in circles ♪

Excuse me.

♪ Chasing daydreams late at night ♪
♪ I've been holding out for nothing ♪
♪ Skipping heartbeats every time ♪

[upbeat pop music]

♪ But I'm addicted to your roller-coaster high ♪

Excuse me.

♪ ♪


What are you doing here?

Gerard gave me his ticket.

What are you doing here?

My dad.


[opera music playing]

♪ ♪

[upbeat pop music]

♪ I'm addicted to your heartbeat, heartbeat ♪
♪ I'm addicted to your heartbeat, heartbeat ♪
♪ I'm addicted to your heartbeat, heartbeat ♪
♪ I'm addicted to your roll-roller coaster ♪
♪ I'm addicted ♪