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01x06 - Episode Six

Posted: 05/09/16 18:12
by bunniefuu
I remember seeing someone... leaving the house. A woman.

I pay you to get rid of my problems. Now just do it. Give me a call when it's done.

What happened?

He was outside Gibson's house the night she died, now he's dead. We don't think that's a coincidence?

What was he doing here?

Because I still care about you.

I can loan you the money.

I need to fix this myself.

Who would like to do deliveries?


Sweet dreams, princess.

You talk about him all the time.

Yeah, I do. He's my best friend.

Your boyfriend's here.

They found Grace.

Plenty of crazies out there.



Just follow procedure.

No-one go off-piste, OK? Don't panic anyone. Nice and calm.

Any questions, I'll be back at the MCU, OK? Off you go.

Hey. Body's in there. No sign of the girl.


Yeah, it's him. No doubt.

That guy over there, that's Dad. And the girl's name is May.

Hi there, sir. I'm DI Rav Sangha. This is DS Marcella Backland.

Have you found her? Have you heard anything?

I'm afraid not yet, no.

When's the last time you saw May?

When I left for work.

I got a text about an extra delivery, a last-minute thing.

Who was she with?


My neighbour. She babysits.

If I get a late call-out, I carry May over, I put her in Beth's bed. She loves waking up there.

Beth spoils her.

And what time was that?

Jackpot247 was finishing, so around three.

And what time did you get back?

A few minutes after four.

It was just a short airport run.

And then I went to Beth's and I found her.

I appreciate this is difficult for you, but...

Hang on. Why did you go over?

Sorry, what?

You said that May liked waking up there. So why did you go over?

Because the door was open, but it was dark in the flat...


.. so I thought I needed to check on them, you know?

Where are you going?

He talks too much, too much detail.

Yeah, Marcella, he's in shock.

Yes, or well rehearsed.


Oh, Christ.


Yeah, they found some strands of hair in her right hand, not hers.


Yeah. Looks like it.

Poor girl.

What did you do with her?

You didn't put her in Beth's bed.

No, no, I normally do, but...

Don't lie to me! Do not lie to me.

What did you do with that little girl? You're meant to keep her safe and I want to know what you did with her.


Tell me what you did with your little girl.


What did you do to her?

I left her sleeping!


In her room. On her own.

You left her sleeping in a room alone at night?

A six-year-old child? Are you out of your mind?

Did you tell your neighbour?

I thought if I told you I'd lose custody, that you'd take her away.

Well, we'll have to find her before we can do that, won't we?

Eyewitness saw a man in a dark hoodie carrying a little girl through the estate.

DS Backland. I've got the footage outside the flat.

Oh, my God, May.

What's he doing with her?

And the other angle...

Freeze it there. Punch in.

So she was alive when he took her.

Are you OK to work on this?

Why wouldn't I be?

Come on.

Her backpack. Have you found her backpack?

Why do you ask?

She must have it, then she's got her phone.

In her backpack?


It's on. You can track it.

How do you know it's on?

You didn't call it, did you?

Yeah, but she didn't pick up.

So you can track it, right?

If it's still on.

The person who took your daughter might also have heard it.

Located her phone signal. They're travelling fast, driving east.

OK, get mobile units there right away and find that car.

Over here!

Come on!

Why dump the phone and not the body?

Because, Alex, she's still alive.

But we don't know he'll keep her that way, do we?

'A car was reported stolen behind May Weir's house.

The ANPR picked it up two minutes ago. I'll send it through.'

Tell me it's on there. Come on. Come on, come on.

He's down by the river!




Please, dear God, don't let it be her.

Come on!

I'm requesting urgent backup now!



Oh, no!

No! No!


Oh, God.

Oh, God.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven...

It's DI Rav Sangha. I need an ambulance and full SOCO unit down to the wasteland adjacent to London City Airport.

I need it now!

.. four, five, six, seven...

Alex, get a defib.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Come on.

Come on, Juliet.

.. three, four, five.

One, two...

Please, darling. Come on, Juliet.

Marcella. Marcella.

Come on, baby.


Come on.

Marcella, she's gone. She's gone.

Come on.

Oh, no.

Where have you been at this hour?

For a drive.

Couldn't sleep.

Did you try?


Where did you go?


Just driving around.

Well, after today there'll be a grave to go to.

I'm gonna... get a shower.

I want you to go home, get some sleep.

Get out of here, do something normal.

Grace Gibson's funeral's at three.

Do you want us there?

One of you. With a photographer.

Hi. Um, sorry. Is it OK if I...

Sure. What is it, Mark?

I've just heard from forensics.

The DNA results from the hair found in the babysitter's hand won't be back till tomorrow.

Thanks, Mark.

Where's Marcella?

She burned her hand.

She's getting it looked at. She'll be fine.

OK. Good.

Well, erm, I've got a lot to do, so...

Yeah, me too.

Who's Juliet?

You heard that?


Her daughter.

She would have been six now.



Are you OK?

Want an update?

OK, so um... we had to release Bendek Krol.

Didn't have enough to keep him.

And, er, there's no sign of Mohammed El-Sayed.

I mean, he hasn't left the country as far as we know.

We've put out a general warrant for him.

And there was something else.

Hey. It's Mum.

'Mum? What do you want?'

Oh, nothing. I, um...


I just wanted to hear your voice.

What are you doing?

'Speaking to you.'

No, I meant before I called, silly.

'I've got netball. Got to go. Love you, Mum.'


Jason? What are you doing here?

Just dropped Marcella off.

You're looking better than the last time I saw you.

What were you doing at my house?

You left her, man.

But we're still married. So keep away from her.

Is there an 'or else' coming, or...?

Just stay away from her.



I need to talk to you.

I'm sorry, but you can't stay here any more.

You're kicking me out?

We're not comfortable with you living here.

Got till the end of the week.

It's about the police?


It's that, and the fighting.


I paid... I paid for a whole month.

I want you out.

I can't go.

What is it now?

Nothing. It's just that I can't...

I can't deal with death right now.

It's just one thing too many, you know?

I can't... I can't go. I... I just can't.

OK. Well, I'll, um... I'll just go straight home after the ceremony.

So you're go... you're going?

Yeah. It's Grace.

I drove all the way here to pay my respects. I'm going.

But hurry back home.

Grace saved me. Grace saved my life.

When our dad died, I ran away.

In all the years that I was travelling, Grace never stopped calling, writing, letting me know that I was important to her.

I think she made a lot of people feel like that.

Maybe that was her gift.

Cos that's what makes life worth living.

When people... let you know that... that you matter to them.

So sorry.



You, er... you weren't in the briefing.

Not that you missed much.

The car he used was reported stolen this morning, and there's no facial sh*ts from the cameras we know he passed.

Whereabouts of Mohammed El-Sayed are still unknown.

I know. Mark told me.

What about the DNA, the hair we found?

There's no match yet.

And there's no cameras outside the Premier Lodge that can help us with the man who took the key card.

Marcella, Laura... Laura told me about Juliet.

I'm so sorry.

I have a seven-year-old at home. Sally. She's my eldest...

I didn't know.

Are you OK?

I have to ask, are you still able to be a part of this?

Yes, I am.

I have to find him.

Look, May has forced him to improvise.

He is bound to have made mistakes.

We're gonna get him.

Should we send flowers to Andrew Barnes' widow?

We didn't know him that well and her, not at all.

I mean, we did business together. She is an MP.

We should, shouldn't we?

Any idea who his replacement might be?

There are some options.

Do we know anything about these options?

Daughton has intel on everyone in the planning committee.

Barnes's replacement?


As soon as we find out who it is, I'll send him the new plans straight away.

That plan was a good one when Andrew Barnes was alive, but maybe... we can persuade his replacement to go back to the original.

Get the intel on the others.

Thanks, Jason.

The new plan is sustainable and it has a green space.

It has everything stated in the planning agreement, and we make decent money.

Yeah, but not as much.

It was a compromise.

This is how we have to do business in the future.

Your way?

Well, listening to me, yeah.

Yes, but the future isn't here yet, is it?

Andrew Barnes. Overdose of antidepressants.

A presumed su1c1de.

Come on, you know I don't like it down here. Just make it quick.

It's a tracheal contusion consistent with a solid object being pushed down his oesophagus.

In English.

Someone's pushed something down his throat.


So why don't you just say so?

I went to med school.

Someone shoved what?

Wouldn't like to say.

Thin enough to fit his throat, thick enough to injure it.

Someone fed him an overdose of antidepressants?

Mm, probably.

The injury occurred less than an hour before his death.

So you're telling me that Andrew Barnes was m*rder*d?

I'm telling you you can't rule it out.

Why is it so dark in here?

Oh, my God!
Hi, Mum.


Hi, gorgeous.

What a nice surprise!

OK, enough.

Are you all right?



Is this your work, Mum?

Eddy, don't look at that.

Is this your job?

Um, yeah.

And it's not for you, nosey parker, go on.

You need to cover it up, Marcella.

Right, help me.


What are you doing here?

What do you mean?

It's family dinner.

We agreed we needed it.

We did?

When I picked you up this morning.

From the hospital?

Sorry, my... mind was elsewhere. I didn't realise you meant tonight.

So dinner is...?

It's non-existent.

Right, change of plan!

Who wants Thai?



You should try to eat something.

Will this be enough?

With her gone.

Will I be enough?

Nothing ever happened.

Just seeing how happy you were when she was in the room.

You loved her.

Like a daughter, yes.

Not the way you think.

I'm not sure I believe that.

I miss her.

I'll always miss her.

But yes,... this will be enough.

The coin is here.

It's great. Well done.

I'm doing eight more tricks at my talent show.

Will you come?

Of course.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Will you both come?

Course. Of course I'll come.

Hey. I can't wait to see you up on that stage.


Right, so what else has been happening?

I got a B in the last chemistry test.

That's rubbish. I get A's.




I will hit you.

OK, stop it.


Do not play with prawn crackers.

You'll never make it in the NBA, Mum.


Because you have to...


I thought tonight went well.


You seemed a bit... off.

I'm just thinking.

It dawned on me that everybody just leaves.

Or they're taken away.

Blaming me for the kids going to boarding school?

I blame you for everything.

Except Juliet, you know that.

I think they need to get away.

So you're saying it's my fault?


Are you saying that I drive people away?

Even my own children?

Look, for six years I tried to...

You tried for three.

I know about Grace. Tim told me.

It was three years, Jason.

For three years I wanted us to move on.

To get our lives back.

Get what back?

What had we lost?

We lost us.

How we used to be.

We had ten amazing years.

That's more then most people have. And things changed, of course they did, but we dealt with that.

You deal with it. Things were different, they weren't bad.

It wasn't bad but it wasn't good enough.

We lost us.

And that was always our strength.

That connection that we had.

And I couldn't reach you.

Like I said before, I felt lonely.

What, and you're not lonely now?


I am.

Well, maybe if you'd have talked to me about it then we wouldn't be here now.

I came back for Grace. To grow up.

Finally get involved in the family business.

But Grace is gone.

Sylvie doesn't care about anything that I do.

Sylvie is going through a lot right now.

Sylvie's made me feel like a failure my entire life, so...

I just need to succeed at one thing.

You fixed Lambeth.

Yeah, but now she's changed her mind about that again.

But I don't care, you can't leave.

What's the point in staying?




Should probably go.

Did he bury his sister today?

'Can't get to the phone right now. Leave a message after the tone.'

All right, bubba.

Ohh! You take care, OK?

I love you.




Look after your sister, bubba.

I will.

Love you.

I'll see you soon. I love you too.

Bye, guys.



Let's go. And I call shotgun.

I want them to come home.

I think you should ask them what they want.

They didn't ask to go. They're there because it suited you and now I want it to suit me.

OK. I'm not gonna fight you on this. But I think you should ask them.

All right.

They like it there, Marcella.

OK, um...


Look after your hand.

Listen up. Forensics just called.

We've got a match on the hair from Beth's hand.

D and D from a few years back. Let's finish this.

Open up! Police!

Go on, just break it down.


Get on the ground!

Yann Hall, I'm arresting you on the suspicion of the m*rder of Beth Bachchan and the kidnap and m*rder of May Weir.

You do not have to say anything but anything you do say may be used in court or in evidence against you.



Yann Hall. He's Matthew Neil's boyfriend.

That's the computer bloke we spoke to about the sex chat.

Wait till the solicitor gets here. See what the search of the house gives us. Keep me in the loop.


Good job.

I shouldn't be here.

No-one says anything.



You won't return my calls.

Why would I?

Well, to discuss our financial settlement.

Is that the intel from Daughton that I prepared for you?

Yeah. So?

Then you'll find that I'm good at what I do.

Very good.

You've got till noon.

Otherwise I tell Sylvie about this and Marcella and the police.

You've got my number, haven't you?

It's, um, DI Tim Williamson.

I'm just looking into the circumstances surrounding the death of Andrew Barnes.

No, we have to look into every su1c1de.

Yes. Yeah, it's very tragic.

Listen, um, did he, um, upset anyone?

Is anybody angry with him?


Well, maybe they didn't like something he was doing.

What's that?

Mm. Yes.

And, er, who was the developer?

Yes, I am familiar with them. Thank you.

Where were you between 3am and 6.30 yesterday morning?

Yesterday? I was at home.

Doing what?

Watching telly. Asleep.

Were you with anyone?


My partner, he works away a lot, so...

In bed, asleep alone?



What happened there?

Er, burned myself.

I was cooking.


Why are you asking me all this?

A six-year-old girl was drowned.

We found... these in your house.

The six-year-old girl's hands were tied.

With ones just like that.

And hers.

And hers.

And his.

And you see there?

You see that around their necks?

Yann, look at that. What is that?

That's right.

Where do you think we found that?

I don't know.

Where did we find that, Yann?

I have no idea.

Shall I tell you where we found it? We found it in a cupboard in your kitchen.

Circumstantial at best.

We've got DNA.

Your DNA. From the babysitter.

Were you in a rush? Hm?

Did May walk in on you? Did she scream or cry?

Did she know that she was gonna die?

You couldn't k*ll her, could you?

So you just threw her away like a piece of rubbish.

If she didn't freeze to death then she'd drown.

As long as you didn't have to see it, right?



Cos you're a f*cking coward.

You're a f*cking coward.


Shut up! Shut up!

Get off me. Get off!

Women and children, huh? Huh?

You did it, didn't you? You did it!

I don't know what you're talking about!

I want to stay.

Well, I'm sorry, Bendek.

That's out of the question.

Linda doesn't know, does she?

That you're leaving? Yes, she does.

About your illness.

The multiple sclerosis.

You think that's gonna keep you here, do you?

That you found out?

I'll just tell her.

I mean, I've got to sooner or later anyway.

Are you going to tell her about this as well?

It says here he was found a little after 2am.

Two nights ago.

End of the week, Bendek.

According to the search history on your computer, you searched for "Andrew Barnes' su1c1de", "Barnes found dead", and, er, "MP Barnes' husband dead from midnight onwards."

That's two hours before he was found.

I took a screenshot.

And downloaded it.

So I'm staying.

Everywhere else will be so expensive since I'm living here for free now.

I haven't done anything.

I'm not supposed to be here!

I'm not supposed...

I'm not supposed to be here. Please, just come, come.

Come, I'm... I'm...

You all right?

I did not ask you to do anything.

And this isn't saying that.

This is so I never see or hear from you again.




Please just go.

Go and get someone. Please.

Get someone.

Get someone.

Breathe. Breathe out.
