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01x09 - Necromanteion

Posted: 05/09/16 16:39
by bunniefuu







Man: Mrs Reid?

Mrs Reid.

There's so much blood.

Your husband was already dead when you found him?

It k*lled him.


The poltergeist.

It's in the house.

Man: So you're saying an evil spirit... pinned your husband to the wall with swords?


And you didn't hear anything?

I've been... taking a tonic to help me sleep.

Why didn't the poltergeist k*ll you, too?

I don't... I don't know.

I do.

Because there is no poltergeist, Mrs Reid.

You k*lled your husband.


You're under arrest on the charge of m*rder.

Doyle: Seasick already?

Six more days to go.

This is why I've never been to America.

Buffalo's on the way to Falcroft Manor.

We should stop there first.

Mr Walbridge hasn't responded to any of my telegrams.

Doyle: Once we arrive at his shop, he'll have to explain why Benjamin contacted him about buying firearms.

You deserve answers about your husband's m*rder.

And I'll get them... but right now, Mrs Reid's case should be our first priority.

Stratton: Where have you been?

Cargo hold.

Your mother would be happy you're bringing her home.

Stratton: Are you sure you don't want us to come to the funeral?

I'll be fine. Thanks. And you guys have a new case.

In my absence, your job is to discredit every theory he comes up with.

I'll do my best.

Doyle: The original owners of the house, the Turner family, all died tragically there.

That's compelling evidence that Falcroft Manor is haunted.

Thomas Edison wouldn't be participating otherwise.

Might I suggest Edison is a liar and a cheat?

Insult the greatest scientific mind of our generation?

The title Tesla would have if Edison wasn't a liar and a cheat.

Ah. He's friends with Tesla.

Edison didn't need Tesla to develop a device to communicate with the dead.

My shoe does the same thing.

Houdini: There's just as much proof that Edison's Necrophone does anything.

He claims he's heard voices.

(CHUCKLES) In his head.

You have to admit, such a device would be revolutionary.

To be able to talk to loved ones you've lost.

It could also save a woman from execution.

Mrs Reid: Thank you so much for helping me.

Doyle: We haven't done anything yet.

Mrs Reid: It wasn't the first time I experienced something strange.

Another time, I woke up and the room was ice cold.

I wanted to get another blanket, but I couldn't move. I felt like something was pinning me to the bed. So, I tried to scream... but I had no voice.

And then, all of a sudden, it just stopped.

I read about something similar... in a medical journal.

A state between wakefulness and sleep, where people experience a type of paralysis.

There was an evil presence in that room. I could feel it.

Mrs Reid...

I understand you recently lost your son, Maxwell.

Please accept our deepest condolences.

Was there anything unusual in the manner of his death?


No, he died of influenza just... a month old.

Constable McKellar said that a few months ago, your husband struck you quite violently in front of several witnesses.

If a man is willing to do that to his wife in public, one can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors.

(WHISPERING) Emmett had a temper.

I should've known better than to argue with him.

He had no right to strike you.

I was his wife.

He could do as he pleased.

Clara, I've met other women in your position.

Victimised by their husbands.

Sometimes it seems like k*lling is the only way out.

I did not k*ll Emmett.

I swear to you, it was a poltergeist.

Man: Dr Doyle and Constable Stratton.

Roland Carson. Thank you so much for coming.

When Mrs Reid's lawyer contacted me, I knew I was in over my head. I mean, I'm an amateur paranormal investigator, yes, but you've actually investigated the paranormal.

You've solved crimes.

We're happy to be of assistance.

May I introduce Millie Pasternak? She's an empath from Toronto.

A medium?

Not exactly.

I feel the emotions of other people, including those who have passed.

And this is...

A man who needs no introduction.

It's an honour, Mr Edison.

You were the inspiration for a character in one of my stories.

Mr Hatherley in The Adventure Of The Engineer's Thumb.

I don't have much time for fiction.

Other man: As you can imagine, Mr Edison is a very busy man.

I am Rustom Avari, Mr Edison's assistant.

Pleased to meet you.

What can you tell us about the Turner family?

The home's previous owners.

The police were not very forthcoming with details.

Yes, well, ten years ago, Mr Turner went... on a rampage.

Woman: No, please!


Then he went upstairs to where his two sons were sleeping.

The Turners' young daughter tried to barricade the door with a chair.



Carson: Then Mr Turner took his own life.

He jumped off the cliff at the edge of the property.

Now, I think... that Mr Turner's spirit... is what k*lled Mr Reid.


I...can feel their pain.

Oh, those poor people.

Hopefully, we'll be able to make contact through the Necrophone.

We are quite excited to see this remarkable device.

I'm sure you are.

Ha ha ha!

Marvellous. How does it work?

Oh, it's quite complicated.

Ahem. Erm...electromagnetic waves.

When Marconi stumbled upon the radio, he reported hearing anomalous sounds and voices.

Stratton: And you believe those were spirits?

If we can find the right frequency, I believe we can open the door to the other side.

It was my understanding you had already made contact.

I did. I did. However, I was unable to replicate my results.

But I will. I'm determined... to put a Necrophone in every home.

Millie: Do you really think that's wise?

Giving spirits an open portal?

You're afraid they'll abuse it?

I'm afraid we will.

Yes, it would also have the effect of putting you out of a job.

All great inventions have been met with fear and trepidation.

Look at the steam engine.

People were afraid of traveling at such speeds, and now, we can't imagine our lives without it.

Stratton: The train was a logical extension of man's capabilities.

Communicating with the dead is entirely different.

What if opening the door to the afterlife was never part of God's plan?

If God wasn't in favour of scientific advancement, He never would have granted man the knowledge to change the world.

Doyle: Progress always comes at a price, and it is always worth it.

Not unlike the truth.

Edison: With the invention of the light bulb, I conquered the darkness.

With the Necrophone...


I shall conquer death.

Tonight, I believe we will make history.



Eric, stop!

Rabbi rattling on about God.

Ma wasn't even religious.

We kept kosher. Went to temple every week.

Yeah, because our father insisted on it.

This isn't about Ma. It's about you.

And all those other people she hasn't seen in years.

And whose fault is that?

Ma wanted to go to Europe.

She would've followed you anywhere.

She wouldn't have wanted us sobbing over her grave, wallowing in self-pity.

I am trying to honour her memory.

Then throw a party.

Ma believed that life was meant to be lived!

Can I help you with that?

No. I'm all right. Thank you.

Can I get you some coffee?

Oh, no, I'm more of a tea drinker.

Ah, me too.

These are Mr Edison's favourite.

He's an interesting man.

I know he lacks certain social graces, but he's a genius.

Dedicated too. Works 18 hours a day.

The last scientist I worked for took shortcuts, exaggerated his findings.

Mr Edison would never do that.

He works on something until he gets it right.

What about the Necrophone?

Do you believe the bridge to the afterlife is made of... bulbs and wires?

I don't know.

But... what if it is?

What if that box allows us to talk to anyone who has ever lived?

To Guru Nanak, to Jesus, to Moses, anyone... ever.

That's not who you really want to talk to.



My wife passed away four years ago.

Very suddenly.

We had so much ahead of us.

And so much unsaid.

I know.

I lost my husband. Benjamin.

It was also sudden.

I'm so sorry.

Perhaps we are here for the same reason.

Perhaps we are.

I have recently met someone new.

But I need Karishma's blessing.

I know she will give it to me, but I need to hear it from her.

Have you met anyone new?

Oh. No.

I don't think so.

My husband was m*rder*d.

Oh, no.

And I don't know... how or why... or anything.

So, you are here seeking answers from Benjamin.

And when you get them, you will move on.

That's the miracle of Mr Edison's invention.

But if we know our loved ones are there, just on the other side, watching us, talking to us, waiting for us...

How will we ever be able to move on?

Edison: I found it!

The right frequency?

I'm almost certain.

Now we just have to see if anyone makes contact.

Show yourself.




Doyle: Millie.

Mr Turner... He's here.

Thank you.

Mr Turner's presence was overwhelming.

So much rage.

"Unto the woman,' he said,' I will greatly multiply thy sorrow."

Book of Genesis.

Maybe Mrs Turner was here as well.

She was k*lled in this very room.

You're suggesting her spirit turned the pages of the Bible to this passage?

Carson: Something paranormal did.

We all witnessed it.

Perhaps it was a breeze. This window is open.

Doyle: Not enough wind to knock over and smash those figurines.

Let's see what the Necrophone recorded.



Did you hear that?

Right before Millie screamed, I think heard a voice.

Play it again.




I heard a noise, not a voice.

I can amplify it.

Man's voice: Resurrect me.


Bring back... Holmes.


In the flesh.

Doyle: What are you doing here?

I wanted to join your sleepover.

Nice call on the breeze, Adelaide.

Once again proving that beautiful doesn't have to mean dumb.

And the counterargument. Hello, Tom.

Houdini: Tesla sends his regards. Says you still owe him 50 grand.

Don't tell me you spent it all on this piece of junk?

Tesla is a sad man prone to wild misconceptions.

And the Necrophone utilises the most sophisticated technology ever developed.

It's a glorified Ouija board.

Don't pretend it has any basis in science.

This coming from a man who performs card tricks for a living.

Not as impressive as the light bulb.

How did you do that?

So, I'm guessing the poltergeist activity was your handiwork?

I had help from Mother Nature. It's a blustery night.

I angled the chimney cap to create a wind tunnel.

I saw Mr Turner in the mirror.

Power of suggestion. When you tell someone they're in a haunted house, they're gonna see spooks.

Edison: You went to all this trouble for a prank?

No. To prove that people can be fooled.

All that rage you felt? That wasn't Mr Turner, that was Mr Draught.

Don't worry, I'm sure that you were right every other time that you blindly sensed something in an empty room.

Perhaps it wasn't Mr Turner.

But there is someone in this room filled with rage.

As well there should be. They've all been duped.

(OFFSCREEN)There are no such things as poltergeists.

Oh, I'm sure you'll find my...

"piece of junk" will prove differently.

We're surprised to see you.

Thought you might want to spend some time with your family.

(CHUCKLES) There's a reason I moved to Europe.

You just laid to rest the most important person in your life.

You need to allow yourself to grieve.

I've been grieving ever since I found her.

It's time for me to focus on living again.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I found this on the train. I thought you should see it.

Walbridge's is going out of business?

That paper is from last week. They're already closed.

So I took the liberty of tracking down the real estate agent.

Got a forwarding address for Walbridge.

Now you'll be able to send a telegram, set up a meeting.

Wonderful. Thank you.


Are you sure you want separate rooms?

With a k*ller ghost on the loose, you'll need protection.

Ah. So now we believe in poltergeists.

Mm-mm. For the next eight hours, absolutely.

Spooks prey on lone victims!

Your persistence is quite astounding.

Ah. Thank you.

It wasn't a compliment.

Have you ever seen the Grand Canyon?

Persistence can change the world.

And I'm guessing that, similarly, in a billion years or so, you may be able to erode Miss Stratton's defenses.



Benjamin: Penny.






Benjamin: I'm here, my love. Please, don't cry.



(VOICE BREAKING) I know you didn't commit su1c1de.

Who m*rder*d you?

You have to tell me.


Benjamin: You are not meant to know.

I need to know.

However painful the truth, knowing it is far better than not.



Please... Benjamin?

Come back!



Hey. What took you so long?

You think you're pretty clever.

Scaring me so I'll sleep in your room?

Wow, that is clever. Wish I'd thought of it.


Look, a man in a night shirt.

What's going on?

This is the room where the Turners' daughter was m*rder*d.

Mr Carson said she tried to escape her father's attack by blocking the door with a chair.

Perhaps her spirits are trying to protect you from the same fate.

Or perhaps she simply dreamt it.

No, I was having quite a different dream.

(OFFSCREEN) Woke me up.

Really? Was I in it?


Clearly someone has rigged this to mess with you.

Doyle: No wires.

The floor must be slanted.



Do you hear that?

The Necrophone.


What are you doing?

I set it to record a few hours ago.

I think it picked something up.


Man's voice: Falcroft Point.

Falcroft Point.

We all heard it.

The cliff.

Where Mr Turner took his own life.


Doyle: Someone was here.


Mr Avari.

Mckellar: Did Mr Avari ever show any signs of depression?

Stratton: You think he committed su1c1de?

Edison: I knew the man for five years.

I refuse to believe he took his own life.

Stratton: Mr Avari had just met someone.

He was talking about the future.

Then it must have been a tragic accident.

Or m*rder.

There was only one set of footprints at the edge of the cliff. The victim's.

Poltergeists don't leave footprints.

Doyle: Mr Avari has bruises on his wrist.

It suggests he was in a struggle.

Or a fall.

Doyle: Mr Avari fell on his back, but there are scratches on his chest.

And there are no marks on the shirt.

Carson: Unexplained injuries, classic sign of a poltergeist attack.

There have been cases reported in Russia, Japan.

His injuries could have occurred earlier in the night.

The coroner will make that determination.

Mr Turner did this.

Houdini: The dead guy?

He must have... lured Avari to the cliff, they struggled, he pushed him over.

Stratton: It is eerily similar to Turner's own death ten years ago.

Eerily or conveniently?

Mr Reid. Now Mr Avari. Who's next?

It was my Necrophone that led us to the body.

The Necrophone?

You haven't heard of it yet.

Houdini: It's like the telephone, except without any paying customers.

Did it tell you what happened to the deceased?

Well, no.

Then that's all I need to know about your Necrophone.

Doyle: Adelaide's talking to the others.

Until we work out who or what k*lled Mr Avari, I think we should avoid being alone.

Good idea.

If Edison can contact Mr Avari's spirit, perhaps he can offer testimony that a poltergeist m*rder*d him.

The Necrophone doesn't work.

Oh, yeah, I heard a voice. That doesn't mean it came from the other side.

You're suggesting someone tampered with the device?

Houdini: Same person that k*lled Avari. A human being.

If someone pushed him, there would be two sets of shoe prints.

The mud on Avari's shoes had a reddish hue. This soil doesn't.

Where did it come from?


What is it?

The woman in the coroner's wagon.

I think she may be following me.

You've seen her before?

Yeah. At my mother's funeral.

And now she's here in Canada, working with the coroner?

I swear it was her.

It may take a while to get over your mother's passing.

Thanks for the homily. I'm fine.

You're running. You couldn't wait to get out of New York.

Jumped into this case.

You needed me.

Do you think, if you don't grieve, your mother's death won't be real?

Hey. I know she's dead.

Knowing it and accepting it are two separate things.

You came here for the Necrophone, didn't you? You want to try and contact your mother.

That's ridiculous.

I saw your face when you first saw the machine, you were fascinated.

You have me confused with you.

I admit I have a vested interest.

No, you don't.

Touie's not dead.

I have to prepare for the inevitable.

The Necrophone will keep Touie in our family forever.

My children will never know the pain of losing their mother.

And as long as she's alive, there's hope.

Stop planning for her death.

You claim you love your wife so much?

Then fight for her.

So you think I've tampered with my own invention? Is that it?

No one knows the machine better than you.

Whatever else you may think of me, Mr Houdini, I am first and foremost a scientist.

The last thing I would ever do... is falsify data.

And what's the second last thing you'd do? m*rder?

Mr Avari was a good man and a hard worker.

Why on earth would I k*ll him?

Because he knew the Necrophone was a fraud.

And you couldn't let that get out.

Let's face it, if you could market a device to communicate to the dead, it would be bigger than the lightbulb.

No better motive than that.

You think I did this for money?

(OFFSCREEN) I'm trying to give people a chance to reconnect with those who have passed.

To find some closure. To say, "I love you."

To a machine.

I was 24... when my mother died.

She believed in me when no one else would.

(OFFSCREEN) But she died before she saw my success.

I want her to know...

I want her to know that her faith in me... was not misplaced.



Woman: Ehrie.

Is this your idea of a joke?

How did you know about my mother?

You heard her? What did she say?

(SPEAKING LOUDER) What did she say?



You're drinking.

(SIGHS) Care to join me?

No, thank you.


Stratton: Are you all right?

Edison told me you heard your mother's voice.

I heard... the power of suggestion screaming in my head.

That won't help.

What? Go on a bash after your husband died?

I did a lot of things.

Houdini: Like changing your name?

Becoming a cop?

I did that to find answers.

You hear back from Walbridge yet?

You never did send him a telegram, did you?

You've stopped looking for answers... because you're afraid.

What if Benjamin was an assassin involved with the anarchists?

But, whatever the truth, you'll deal with it.

You're one of the strongest people I know.

So are you.

But it's all right not to be sometimes.

She wanted to go to Coney Island.

Eat salt water taffy.


I'm sorry. I didn't...

Oh... good. You're both here.

I have something to show you.

Doyle: I was looking for the source of the red mud on Mr Avari's shoes.

I recalled, from our tour of the house, that the cellar had a dirt floor.

Stratton: Smells damp.

Doyle: Pipe's rusted through. It's leaking.

Red-coloured mud. You think Avari was down here before he was k*lled?

Doyle: Maybe he heard something, came to investigate.

Listen. About what happened... I'm sorry.

You're hurting. I understand.

Thank you. It won't happen again.


Doyle: Over here.

Stratton: More rust?

Doyle: No pipes.

It's a drop of blood. Half a drop, anyway.

There's something behind here.

Houdini: More than just one drop.

Avari was m*rder*d here.

In all likelihood, he was never on the cliff.

Doyle: The k*ller planted his footprints there.

Then staged the body to blame it on a spirit.

You were right.

Avari was k*lled by a human being.

Who rigged the Necrophone to lead us right to the body.

Oh... Hello.

Stratton: What is that?

An electromagnet.

Very clever.

That's how the chair in Addie's bedroom moved on its own.

Legs had metal fittings. Someone held this under the floor.

Avari probably discovered this.

Doyle: That's why he was k*lled.

Look at this.

Stratton: Maxwell.

The Reids' baby.

He died of influenza, just a month old.

Why would the Reids bury their son in a secret room in the basement?

Doyle: See the contusions on the back of the skull?

This baby was m*rder*d.

Stratton: Mrs Reid said he died of influenza.

She also said a poltergeist k*lled her husband. Maybe she k*lled both of them.

We know she wasn't responsible for Mr Avari's death.

Someone's helping her.

Someone who's willing to k*ll to propagate her haunted-house theory.

That's a good friend.

I'll bet she's having an affair with this guy.

And this is his baby.

Doyle: Why else would he put fresh flowers on this grave?

Emmett found a love letter.

I had never seen him so angry.

He hit me over and over again.

And then he turned his rage on the baby.

Why didn't you go to the police?

He said he'd k*ll me, too.

You k*lled your husband because of what he did to your son?

No! No, I told you, a poltergeist k*lled Emmett.

Houdini: Mrs Reid, we know the haunting was faked.


What are you talking about?

We found evidence, in the same room your son was buried.

No. No, it's not possible.

Mrs Reid, your lover is orchestrating the haunting.

Was he the one who k*lled your husband?

You can't protect him any more. Give him up.

Then maybe the dearly departed Mr Reid will.


Man's voice: You k*lled me.

Is that Mr Avari?

I'm not sure.

It does sound male.

Man's voice: You k*lled me.


I'll try to amplify it.

Man's voice: You... k*lled me.

That's not Avari.

Then it must be Mr Reid.

Man's voice: You k*lled me, Carson.

You k*lled me, Carson.

You're making it say that.

You're trying to set me up.

I did no such thing.

Man's voice: Clara's mine. Clara's mine.

It's not possible Clara's mine.

Were you involved with Mrs Reid?

Is that why you k*lled him?

Look out!

Confess. Confess. Confess.

Doyle: It's the only way to make it stop!

Confess. Confess!

Wait. All right! All right, all right, all right! I...

I k*lled Reid!

You m*rder*d him so you could be with his wife.

I didn't plan it! He... found out I was in love with Clara.

He came at me with a knife.

Then he tried to pin it on a ghost.

There were already rumours that this place was haunted. Clara believed it.

She called me to investigate some strange things that were happening.

I thought that if I could convince people that this place was haunted, then she would be set free and we would be together.

Once I contact the police, you'll formally be charged with the murders of Emmett Reid and Rustom Avari.

Knife was a bit much, don't you think?

Yeah? Maybe you're right.

Oh, wait, it worked, so scratch that.


Woman's voice: Ehrie.


Woman's voice: Ehrie.

Millie: They're all coming through! All the lost souls!

Ahh! Argh!



I've opened the gates of hell.

Houdini: No!

Millie: Ahh!



What happened downstairs, that was... something. (CHUCKLES)

I'm sorry you didn't get to contact your mother.

Yeah, well, it's a nice fantasy, being able to talk to the dead.

The Necrophone worked. All those voices.

Manufactured by Edison.

Edison destroyed his own machine?

He knew it didn't work, so he came up with an elaborate show to cover up his failure.

You don't mean that.

Don't quit on your wife.

There's nothing more medicine can do for her.

Hey, you can't say that.

Not until you've tried the doctors in New York, who are the best in the world.

You gotta go.

I can't.

Waking up every morning, desperately hoping.

Going to bed every evening, broken.

I have to face reality.

You can't give up on hope.

You're not capable of it. That's reality.

You know, she's alive.

And maybe that's a nightmare.

But that's your reality too.

And your reality?



Yes, my love, it's me.

You're alive.

Look, I know this is an awful shock.

I saw you hanging.

That was a rope trick.

The coroner's report said...

I have a friend there.

I deserve far worse than that.

Why would you do this?

It's very complicated.



My cousin in the Home Office, he came to me, desperate.

They were investigating an anarchist group and... as a foreign securities broker...

I could travel anywhere.

You were an undercover agent?

Until they found me out.

That's when I had to disappear.

Without telling me?

You needed deniability.

You could have taken me with you.

Into hiding?

What kind of life would it be?

What kind of life did you leave me with?

These are dangerous people.

They sent you that threatening note.

They ransacked your flat.

I know all about that.

They took all of your things.


Except your copy of Tom Sawyer. (CHUCKLES)

I lent it to Houdini.

You've become good friends.

As if you have the right to comment.

Do you know how hard I tried not to fall in love with you?

So... what now?

Once I'm done, I'll come home.

But you have to stop pursuing this.

You have to trust me.

They k*lled Nigel Pennington.

And they won't hesitate to k*ll you too.

Please, Penny...

I love you.

I have to go. It's not safe for us.


