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03x20 - Where Nothing Stays Buried

Posted: 05/07/16 06:39
by bunniefuu
Freya: Previously on "The Originals"...

Freya: If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall.

One by friend, one by foe, and one by family.

This transformed me into something new.

My bite is lethal.


Why are you doing this?

Nik stole the love of my life!

I do love you, you know.

I will carry you with me.

I guess that makes me immortal.

When Cami dies, he will lash out at me.

But I will end him.


The Ancestors are doing this to you.




(Gasps, screams)

(Crunching, screams)

What are you doing here?


(Breathing shakily)

(Sobbing quietly)


The Ancestors had a hold of me.

I-I was out of my head.

I never would've hurt her.

I tried to make it stop.

I made her dagger me.

Nothing worked!

I loved her.

I swear I did.

Get up.

Get up.

This is New Orleans.

Witch spirits can be brought back from the dead, so that is exactly what we are going to do.

We are going to bring her back!

(Birds chirping)

(Knock at door)

Did you bring it?

Jack wrote down everything your father told him about the ancient werewolves.

I've read it.

I don't think there's anything in there that's gonna help us k*ll Lucien, though.

I'll see for myself.

You can go.

Klaus, I think that we should do something about the body, about Cami.

I know that she wanted an Irish wake.

I can... I can make the arrangements.

It doesn't matter what she wanted!

She's gone.

There's no time to sing dirges.

We're at w*r.


(Whispering): Okay.

Good news, Freya, I think I found a spell that'll draw together all the serum that Aurora took.

Now, it's gonna take a little while, but if I can concentrate it in her heart, we can extract it with this... destroy it, and make sure we ain't got no more of these unkillable monsters on our hands.


In the meantime, I think I may have finally found a way to k*ll Lucien.

Now, my mother once tried to end my siblings by reversing the Original vampire spell, and according to her grimoire, only the witch who cast the spell could undo it.

You created that serum; therefore, according to my mother, you can turn Lucien back and then Klaus can rip his head off.

Freya, it wasn't my power that cast that spell.

The Ancestors used me as a conduit for some ugly magic that only the spirits have access to.

I'm sorry, but nobody alive can tap into that.

(Phone ringing)

Marcel has been blowing up my phone.

All right, I'll be back.


Something the matter?

I need a strand of your hair.

I'm working on an early warning system.

Lucien has all the witch Ancestors in New Orleans on his side.

I need to know if they tried to magically interfere with any one of you.

Freya, when we said no rest for the the wicked, I certainly didn't expect you to...

I'm up against centuries of dead witches who are apparently now strong enough to reach beyond the grave and shake the entire city on its foundation.

I'll rest once I've sent them all running back to hell.

Vincent: Okay, we got to get her consecrated right now.

If we don't we can't even attempt to get her back.

We can't consecrate her!

What the hell are you talking about?

The Ancestors despise Davina.

If we consecrate her, she'll wake up in their domain, and they will destroy her.

If we don't, we never see her again.

Hey, that's enough.

All right?

We all want to help her, so we need to make sure that she's consecrated, but she's got to be safe so we're gonna pull her into a place where she's protected, then we can resurrect her.


And that's gonna require a lot of energy, and my power's not what it used to be before I got shunned.

All right, we need Freya.

You think my family's going to help?

Nik hates Davina.

Freya will not defy him.

This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for your family.

Prepare her body.

Come with me.

What do you think, Van?

Surely, you can see that vampirism has its perks.

No lines at the DMV, no hangovers, got the abs of the laborer I once was, and the cuticles of a real housewife, and I can quite literally hear your eyes roll from across the room.

Am I boring you?

No... just wondering why you had your friends bring me here if you were just gonna pick out man jewelry.

I requested your company for a progress update, 'cause I am still waiting for you to get me access to the Mikaelson home.

It's not magic keeping you out.

They signed over the deed to the place; they put it in the sister's name.

You can't get in unless she invites you.

Hmm, perhaps I'll lure him out another way.

If k*lling his girlfriend didn't get him out of the house, I don't know what will.

I do.

I'm going to k*ll his other sister.


Elijah: This is a w*r.

Please, understand, I despise the situation.

No, that's the wrong answer!

No, no, no, I know this is a w*r but I've lost a lot of friends, too.


I need your help.

Then you shall have it.

Come on, Kol.

Let's get you cleaned up.

Thank you.

My daddy used to tell us that the Ancestors linger on to give us a safe place to land after a hard life comes to an end... but if they're responsible for taking you... and Cami...


I don't know.

Maybe death does something to us.

Twists us all up into something ugly.

That ain't gonna happen to you.

We're bringing you home.

Freya: I'll draw Davina's spirit to a circle.

As long as she's there, the Ancestors won't be able to torment her.

With luck that will buy you some time to find a way to resurrect her, but...

I'll need to channel an Original if I'm going to sustain the spell.

Well, take me. Put me down for all I care, if it keeps her safe.

No, you've... been marred by the Ancestors' magic, so, Klaus, Elijah, rock, paper, scissors.

That can't be good.

My early warning system.

I think a New Orleans witch is trying to meddle with one of you.

Lucien has the new Regent at his beck and call.

It's me he's coming after.


He's going after Rebekah.

Klaus: Lucien thought that k*lling Cami would have me charging into his lair on a su1c1de mission.

When it didn't, he set his sights on Rebekah.

He's kicking hornets' nests, until we have no choice but to confront him.

Presumably, he still believes she's at the bottom of the ocean.

I cloaked all of you, but with the Ancestors working for Lucien, it may take awhile, but if he wants to find Rebekah, he will.

I'll go get her.

It's not safe out there.

What then?!

Are we to sit here and play cards until Lucien slides Rebekah's bitten corpse down the hall?

Let me go.

I moved her.

What, don't look so surprised.

I never did like you two sharing secrets.

Tell me where she is, unless you expect me to stay here and leave our sister entirely defenseless.

I expect you to prevent Kol from suffering the same loss that I did.

Lucien deserves our collective ire.

Today, your grievances are tabled.

(Jazz saxophone playing)


Look, Klaus, we both know how this is going to go down.

You're going to tell me that I can't come, and then I'm going to tell you that I love Rebekah, too.

Then you're going to say, I'm going to slow you down, and I'm going to remind you that you're the one who cursed me to be a werewolf for six months, and therefore, I know every inch of the bayou.

Now, unless you want to be delayed by an angry werewolf grandma with a shotgun, you should just admit that you need me.

I'll drive.


I need this to work.

Don't worry, brother.

Eleventh hour spells happen to be my specialty.

Tell Vincent to begin the consecration.


Okay, kid.

See you soon.

No. Kol.

Kara: We've been waiting for you, Davina.

(Ancestors whispering)


(Reciting incantation)


We have such... plans for you.

(Reciting incantation)


There will be nothing left of you.


(Reciting incantation)

(Reciting incantation)

(Reciting incantation)


(Reciting incantation)



Whatever it is you did, thank you.

Hayley: Klaus, I know that you're angry.

I don't need advice on healthy mourning from the girl who kept her husband's rotting heart in a box, thank you.

Look, I get it.

You think that if you revert to being the cruel bastard that you were before you met Cami, you can pretend like she was never there.

Like she never changed you.

You want to commiserate with me, Hayley, but our experiences of grief are not the same.

Your husband is dead.

It hurts, but we both know the person you share a true connection with is still breathing.

So you and I are not the same.

Kol: What happened?

What did you see?

Van's mother. Kara Nguyen.

The witch I had assassinated.

She was there.

She tried to magically mark me.

As she did it, I felt freezing cold and then this impossible sadness.

Did she have a dark green stone?

La Gemme Vital.

The Lifeblood Stone.

They tried to use it on me, but my vampire soul was too stained for their magic to work.

Davina, if she had succeeded at marking you, your very soul would have shredded into pieces.

A fate worse than death.

There'd be no rescuing you.

All right, that stone is your Ancestors' greatest punishment.

Well, it's a good thing she didn't then.

I'm right here, and you're going to bring me back.

Today... right?

I swear it.

(Phone buzzing)

It's Vincent.

He's ready.

We'll have the magic to resurrect you soon.

Freya: I think there's a way to k*ll Lucien.

What is it?

As long as Davina's caught between our worlds, I can use her as a conduit to channel power from the Ancestors.

The same power that was used to create Lucien.

Once I have it, I can make Lucien killable again.

So what's the problem?

Everything comes with a price.

In order to take power from the Ancestors, you have to steal it.

Which means, to make Lucien killable, I'll have to draw through Davina, while she's in the Ancestral Well.

And to do that, I will have to break the circle that protects her.

We can't do that.

Freya, that will destroy her.

I know what's at stake, Elijah.

I know.

What the hell do we do?

And Freya is certain this power will be enough to k*ll Lucien?

Elijah: Yes.

But we'd be placing Davina in terrible danger.

The only thing protecting her from the Ancestors is Freya's circle.

Now, if it is broken...

They'll rip her apart, Elijah. She's just a kid.

What choice do we have?


Find another way.

If we destroy Davina, we lose both Kol and Marcel.

I won't have us all turning on each other.

Keep looking, brother.

(Reciting incantation)

Have you found Rebekah's body yet?


She's not buried in any ocean.

My magic tells me she's close by.

Buried somewhere in the bayou.

You did a nice thing today, Klaus, for Davina, who you hate.

It was a purely strategic decision, I assure you.


Or maybe you knew that Cami cared about her, and would have wanted you to fight for her.

You know, I thought I told Camille everything.

Every moment that mattered from my past, and yet, in the mere hours since she died, I've thought of a thousand things I forgot to say.

Yeah. I know the feeling.

Do you?

Because the prophecy is still upon us.

And my brother's immortality suddenly seems quite fragile.

Talk to him, Hayley.

Stop wasting your time.
It's a nice piece you got.

What are you, a m*rder*r for hire now?

I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.

I'm not supposed to be in the cemetery.

It's hard for me to stay away after what the Ancestors did to Davina.

Why are they targeting her, Van?

She betrayed our community.

No. This community betrayed itself.

I mean, look at you.

You're a Regent of New Orleans, and you're doing spells for Lucien Castle?

A vampire who's dead set on destroying this city.

I bet your mama's real proud.

The Ancestors have a vision for a Mikaelson-free New Orleans.

Lucien is a means to their ends, and they won't let anyone stand in their way.

They k*lled Davina for working with vampires.

I bet you're next in line.

Van, you have no clue what sort of trouble you're in, man.

Tell me this, did the Ancestors lay out their plan for you, or are you in the dark, like everybody else?

What do you know?

You've been shunned, Vincent.

Your magic doesn't compare to mine anymore.

Careful now, 'cause my magic is still plenty strong.

Especially when coupled with head trauma.

I pushed him away for so long, Klaus, what if...

What if he doesn't...

He does.

(Phone buzzes)

Ask him yourself.

They're not answering.

And the Strix tell me that Lucien is headed to the bayou.


He knows where Rebekah is.

We're out of time.

We need to put an end to this.

The only way to get the power I need to k*ll Lucien is to use Davina.

Davina: This wasn't your fault, or Kol's.

The Ancestors hate me because of choices that I made.

I'm not a kid.

I'm not your responsibility.

Honey, you will always be my responsibility.

What were you supposed to do?

Lock me in an attic and keep the world at bay forever?

You didn't let me down.

I just grew up.

Thank you for saving me that first time.

And for everything else after.

I love you, Marcel.

I love...

Forgive me, Marcel.

(Reciting incantation)

No, please. You'll break the circle!

Please, please stop this!

Don't do this to me!

Don't make me go back, please! Marcel!


(Incantation continues)

No, please, don't let go! Marcel!

No! Don't let go!

Don't let go!

Please don't let go!

(Incantation continues)


(Whispering incantation)



It had to be done.


Who broke the circle?

Elijah jumped me.

Freya took Davina down somehow.

My brother?

Why would he do that?

Forget about that.

We need to resurrect Davina now.

Van's going to use every bit of his Regency power to bring her back.


I'll get Davina's body.


Nik. I was hoping to run into you.

Oh, come now, it's no fun if it's easy.

At least Cami went down swinging.


(Ancestors whispering)


Haven't you learned yet, Nik?

I am finally your superior in every way.


(Lucien howling)


I can smell it.

The stench of fear.

Uncomfortable, isn't it?

Knowing your life could be snuffed out any second.

(Reciting incantation)

No, please, no please, no.



Count your heart beats, Klaus.


(Reciting incantation)

Please! Please! No! Please.


Okay, it's time to begin.

(Reciting incantation)

Wake up, Davina.

(Incantation continues)

Come on...

Wake up, come on. Wake up!

(Incantation continues)

(Incantation stops, groans)

What happened?


It's like she wasn't there at all.

The Ancestors got to her first.

Where the bloody hell is she?!

That's it, man.

She's gone.

(Quietly): No, no, no, no.


(Coughing, choking)


(Distant bellowing)

It's a shame Aurora isn't here to witness your victory.

You think this is inspired by lost love?

No. This is about station.

A simple stable-boy better than a tyrannical king.

You have to admit, it's a hell of a story.

I am not the villain of this fairy tale you've conjured.

Lucien, we were friends.




Do it again!

I can't.

If I had a chance at it, it's gone now.

Then you just became disposable.

Whoa, Kol, let him go.

It's over.

Davina would have wanted it that way.



I should have known better than to trust your family.

You people destroy everything you touch.

(Choking, gasping)

Oh, wow.

A queen and a king, caught by a one time pawn.

Thus the game comes to its inevitable end.

What are proving by k*lling her?

It's me you hate.

Was I not clear when I m*rder*d Finn and Camille?

I don't care who dies.

But since you do, indulge me.


And I just might spare the mother of your child.


Get on your knees.

(Hayley groaning)

I can feel her heart pounding in my fist.

Do you really want to measure your pride against my mercy?

(Coughing, gasping continue)


(Reciting incantation)


His power's gone.

He's nothing but an ordinary vampire now.

You see that family drama you so joyfully deride, does have its merits.

You can k*ll me, but the prophecy still stands.

You cannot outrun it.

I've had about a thousand years too much from you.

For a century, you lived with my name, and you never did quite recover from losing it, did you?

You became a man of wealth and stature, but you never could crawl from my shadow.

And in the end... despite the gift of immortality, you have always known what you truly are.


(Gasping, sobbing)


You... are... nothing.

(Gasping, choking)



Camille liked the Preservation Hall Jazz Band.

For the funeral, the second night, we should hold the wake at Rousseau's.

Come on.

Let's let Lucien burn alone, eh?

We should get back to Kol and Marcel.


There's something you need to know.

(Jazz trumpet solo playing)


(Sighs, sniffles)


I did everything you asked.

I joined your stupid cult, I left my friends in the dust because that's what you needed!


I fought for Hope!

I kept Hayley breathing!

I kept white oak from piercing your cold, black heart.

I did everything!

We know.


No, you don't.

No, you don't.

Marcel, he had no choice.

Oh, they were right about you.


Aurora, Tristan, Lucien.

Anybody who's not your family is nothing to you.


Marcellus, you are family.

No, I'm not.

Not anymore.

Never again.

I am not your family.

Marcel, come on.


(Softly): No.


Vincent was right.

Davina wouldn't have wanted you dead.

Thing is, she was the only one keeping me from being... well, me.



You destroyed somebody good today in order to save people who have had more than their share of lifetimes.

(Whispering): I know.

I am so sorry.

I had to preserve my family.

I couldn't just...

Stop, Freya!

You're just much of a bloodsucker as the rest of them.

♪ I got a fear ♪
♪ Oh, in my blood ♪
♪ She was carried up ♪
♪ Into the clouds ♪
♪ High above ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ If you bled ♪
♪ I bleed the same ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ If you're scared ♪
♪ I'm on my way ♪
♪ Did you run away ♪
♪ Did you run away ♪
♪ I don't need to know?

♪ If you ran away ♪
♪ If you ran away ♪
♪ Come back home ♪
♪ Just come home ♪


Seeking some respite from the darkness?


Perhaps there's solace in that fact that you avenged Cami today.

And yet, to do right by Camille, we sacrifice someone she cared about.

(Cooing continues)

Our family is safe, Klaus.

Our family is fractured.

There is no victory to celebrate today.

My demons won.

Lucien is not your demon.

You may have sired him, but you did not create that monster.

Today, I feel, we may have created a new monster entirely.

I'm not in the mood for company.

Neither am I, Marcel.

Neither am I.

But, see, what happened to Cami, what happened to Davina... cannot go unanswered.


I don't like vampires.

I don't like you.

But I do respect you.

Same stuff that made Lucien.

I extracted it from Aurora's heart.

And you decided to bring it to me?

Marcel, you once drove the Mikaelson's out of this city by summoning the one person they fear most.

That was brilliant.

And I want you to do that one more time.

Only this time, you be the thing that they fear.

New Orleans is our home, Marcel.

And it's time we took it back.
