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11x14 - The Last Shot at a Second Chance

Posted: 05/06/16 19:38
by bunniefuu
Booth: Bones, you sure you don't want to run over your testimony for the morning?

No need. I'm fully prepared.

Just so you know, I'm hearing talk of suspension, possible anger management classes.

Both a waste of my time and the FBI's resources.

Bones, you know what?

You punched a suspect.

After that misogynist...


Same thing.

He told you to put a muzzle on me.

He's lucky all I did was punch him.

All right, just so you know, that the, uh, the Bureau is very big on accountability and remorse.

But I'm not sorry for my actions.


They don't need to know that.

You're making this a much larger deal than it needs to be, Booth.

So there's no scenario where you-you could take my advice.

Not off the top of my head, unlikely.

Okay, I got it.

What if I do that thing, huh?

That thing that you like.

That you wrote about, uh, in your book on page 187.


Well, as much as I typically enjoy... the thing on page 187, I'm not currently in the mood for that particular thing.

Ah, here's a good one. 92.

The thing that you talk about on 92.

You love that.

That involves a jump.


I'm not sure, but, um...

I'll wear the rabbit ears.

I might be persuaded to take your advice for the thing on page 214.

214. What's 214?


Very tribal.

We are in like Flynn.

214. I will prepare the deck.

I'll grab the masks.

(drumming and screeching)

Is it possible that we just watched seven Star Wars movies in a row?

Well, the extreme pain in my lower back is making me believe that it is.

(chuckles) I told you you should have done those stretches with me.

Eh, I don't know, you know.

The bridges and the splitsy things, that just doesn't come as naturally to me as it does to you.

Well, fair enough.

You know, my yoga coach has mentioned that I have very open hips.

Oh, yeah?


Yoga dude gettin' a little handsy?

Is that jealousy I sense?

Why would I be jealous?

It's not like you and I are...

No, I mean, of course not.

I mean, I would.

You would?

Would you?

Right now?

It feels like a moment.

And we've already let so many other moments pass by.

Oh! Oh, oh. Oh!

Oh, wow, are you okay?

Yeah, no, super, super okay.

(phone rings)

(sighs) It's a dead body.


Nothing says romantic like having your first kiss interrupted by m*rder.

Or dirty street water.


Warren: This is pretty gnarly.

Saroyan: Yeah, the victim was discovered by road crews cleaning up a mudslide near Baltimore.

Was that cause of death?

I don't think so.

The decomp's pretty advanced, but the mudslide sure did a hell of a job on the remains.

Yeah, you're telling me.

Check out all these fractures on the X-rays.

That slide was one bumpy toboggan ride.

Uh, the slightly raised ridge across the central surface of the pubis, plus the anteriorly-positioned mandible tell me the victim is female.

And the receding zygomatics and wear on the dentition suggest that the victim is of Negroid descent and in her early 30s.

Presence of hairy maggot blowfly larvae suggests the victim was buried in a shallow grave, approximately two weeks before the mudslide.

Saroyan: That tracks with the vitreous humor in the remaining eyeball.

Hey, honey, is your shoulder okay?

Hey, what time is Brennan's hearing?

Warren: Wait, hearing?

What hearing?

I think it's going on right now.

Brennan punched a suspect.

That's a big no-no at the FBI.

Go, Dr. B.

I knew there was a reason she's my hero.

Yeah, well, I think it's got her into a bit of trouble now.

Oh, come on.

She's so good at her job, what could they possibly do to her?

Woman: Dr. Brennan,

I'm not sure you understand the severity of the situation.

You assaulted a suspect.

The FBI does not take that lightly.


Between the years 1993 and 2011, FBI agents either injured or k*lled 150 people using firearms.

Your internal investigations let each of those agents off without a charge.

You punched an unarmed man.

And he deserved it.

You seem to believe that that excuses your actions.

That is correct.

I have no more questions at this moment.

Tomorrow, we speak to your partner.

If his testimony goes anything like yours, Dr. Brennan, you will no longer be allowed to work with the Bureau.

The panel is adjourned until tomorrow.

♪ Bones 11x14 ♪
The Last Shot at a Second Chance
Original Air Date on May 5, 2016

♪ Main Title Theme ♪
The Crystal Method

♪ ♪

Montenegro: Hey.

How did the hearing go?

There seems to be a divide in our mutual understanding of what occurred between Mr. Walters and myself.

You're saying you didn't punch him?

Not at all.

I merely argued that I should not be held accountable.

(laughs) Bet they loved that.

Unfortunately, I believe it had the opposite effect.

Uh, maybe we should get back to the case.

Hmm. Damage to the heart muscle indicates significant endocarditis.

Heart disease?

Actually, it looks more like the kind of damage I see on drug addicts.

I'll run a tox screen.

Ms. Warren, what do you see regarding the surgical rod in the victim's right femur?


I'm referring to the rod itself.

There are no nails to hold it in place.

This kind of surgical rod has not been used in most orthopedic surgical centers in decades.

The injury's that old?

Well, not according to the remodeling, which appears to be approximately four years old.

Why was a recent injury treated with such outdated equipment?

It's unclear.

However, it should be easy to track the rod itself, given its uncommon nature.

An injury that bad, she must have been laid up for months.

That's got to suck.

Well, at least she walked again.

Brennan: Yes.

I don't believe the injury caused any lasting damage.

No, I think that was about Hodgins.

Warren: Uh, not to be too nosy, but you guys do seem a little...

Cold? Distant?

Or maybe the part where he takes all of his crap out on me?

Is it truly that bad?

I don't think it can get much worse.

Honestly, he's pushing me away.

Yeah, I did see that whole hand to the shoulder shrug-off thing.

Well, that's just par for the course these days.

Oh, here we go.

Got it.

All right.

Now you can go get an ID.

Uh, but you don't have to go right now, 'cause, you know, we're talking.

It's okay.

I, uh, I should stay busy.

Booth: You missed?

(chuckles) Wow.

You've never kissed a girl before, Aubrey?

What? No, of course I have. Lots of times.

It's just... have you ever tried to do something, but the timing was just all off?

You know what? The timing's off now.

Let's just get back to the case, all right?

All right. Okay.

Well, the body dump was in a pretty isolated area.

Not a lot of people around there.

Yeah, but if you go three miles straight into Baltimore, you're gonna be smack right in the middle of Perkins Homes.


So what, you thinking dr*gs?

That tracks with the heart damage that Cam found.

You ever hear of a drug called a Wiley Monkey?

Any relation to the coyote?

Anyhow, it's a, uh, big drug now in, uh, Southeast, uh, Baltimore.

It has, what, cocaine, heroin, household cleaning products in it.

Did you tell Cam?

Well, I was going to until you came in here crying about all your girl problems.

(scoffs) I'm not crying.

I just, I thought, you know, maybe you could give me some words of advice, if you have any.

Okay, look, Aubrey.

You know what? There's, you know, the first kiss is always awkward.

There's lots of awkward moments.

I mean, Bones and I, we had, uh, we had many awkward moments.

Yeah, but now you're happily married.

Yeah, but we wouldn't have been happily married if we gave up after that first awkward moment.

Angela, these are spectacular.


A true improvement.

Uh, you can sit down.

It's just, uh, next time can we meet at my studio?

Oh, yeah.

In-instead of here?

It'd be more private.

Oh, your studio is Cam-free, right?

Oh, uh...

(stammering) don't-don't let me interrupt.

No, no, no, no. No interruption.

I'm actually heading out the door.

Set for next time?


That was weird.


So, what's set for next time?

Oh, just where we're gonna meet up so we can go over these photos.

What's up?

My initial tox screen came back negative, so I tested some adipose tissue.

I'm pretty sure the victim was drug-free for about a decade.

I think I might know why she stopped using.

So, the only facility in the area that still uses those outdated surgical rods is a hospital in West Virginia.

The facility primarily treats inmates from the local penitentiary.

So the victim was Lola Marshall, 32.

She served 10 years for dealing crack.

Wait, does that say "fugitive?"


She was released from prison to the halfway house in January.

But she disappeared from there two weeks ago.

That's when the warrant went out for her rearrest.

I imagine the residents of this neighborhood would be quite displeased to have criminals living among them.

(sighs) It's definitely not the suburban dream.

You must be Agent Aubrey and Dr. Brennan.

Thomas Hemingway.

You the owner of this halfway house Mr. Hemingway?

Thomas, and yes, uh, I've owned and operated Next Step for nearly seven years now.

Hey, Louis.

30 minutes late for curfew last night.

The bus ran late.

You should have called.

You know the rules.

I'm gonna have to write you up.

And you know what happens next time.

What happens next time?

I have to send him back.

I have a responsibility to both these inmates and the community.

It means making a lot of tough choices.

Come on inside.

Through this doorway is our group therapy room.

And, uh, was Lola involved in group therapy as well?

Certainly, yeah.

We-we focus on coping mechanisms in high-stress environments.

Mock interviews, conflict resolution.

And how did Lola do with that?

Well, actually.

Uh, she got a job almost immediately.

Donuts R Us. (chuckles)

Yeah, she was a model inmate.

Never missed curfew, until, uh...

Until she disappeared.


You think Lola might have returned to her old lifestyle, don't you?

I hope not, but...

I couldn't say.

Okay, well, who could?

Lola's roommate, Jasmine.

Uh, if anyone would know, it's her.

You had been Lola's roommate since January-- you two must have been close.

Did she tell you where she was going the night she disappeared?


Like you said, me and Lola were pretty tight.

If she was planning on leaving, she would have told me.

Did she ever tell you about her life before prison?

(chuckles) You mean her slinging dope in the projects?


So do you think it's possible that Lola went back to selling dr*gs?


(sighs) She told me this story.

Like, four years ago in prison, White Angels of Mercy beat the black off her one day in the showers.

What does that have to do with Lola's recidivism?

Uh, she was in the infirmary for months, bored out of her skull.

That's when she got her GED, turned her stuff around.

No way she worked that hard just to give it all up.

Was there anyone she didn't get along with?

There was this chump, Kenny J.

He bounced out after her first two weeks, though.

What did Kenny have against her?

Kenny was Lola's supplier.

She turned state's on him for a reduced sentence.

Okay, did Kenny have a last name?


You know this guy, Booth?

Um, thanks, um, Kenny and I, we were in prison together.

Saroyan: You have something to show me, Ms. Warren?

Oh, Dr. Saroyan, yes.

Um, as I was re-articulating, I noticed extensive fractures on the ribs, skull and scapulae.

The severity makes me think the victim was beaten with some kind of blunt w*apon.

Repeated strikes indicate a crime of passion, so this wasn't premeditated.

Exactly. The k*ller was probably super pissed.

I'm vibing we've got cause of death, but I think Dr. B's gonna want more than that.

Let me know when you have a definitive answer on cause of death.

Hodgins: You do not need my permission to do what you want to do, Angela.

I'm not asking your permission. I...

Can't we even just talk about anything anymore?

I just wanted to know your opinion.

You want to go spend time with Sebastian in his studio.

I support you.

Then why does it sound like you hate the idea?

Forget how I sound.

You do you, I'll do me.

That's not how marriage works.

At least, that's not how our marriage works.

Well, things change.

Uh, sorry. I'll come back.

No, no, Cam.

Your timing is perfect.


Yeah, we... uh... we're fine.

We're done talking, or whatever you want to call what we were just doing.


Hodgins, I wanted you to take a look at this tissue.

It looks like burn marks, but I haven't seen any other signs of burning in the sludge.

Neither did I on the remains.

Okay, all right. Just leave this with me.

I'll test it for particulates and figure out what left such an isolated mark.


I'm just gonna...

Me, too.

Booth: I met Kenny in prison, before they dropped the charges against me.

The guy's got one hell of a record.

Seems kind of dangerous.

Okay, Kenny was the only guy in there who had my back.

It's not easy being friends with a cop.

That's fair enough, but Baltimore PD has him listed as a known suspect in at least two murders.

Rumors. Nothing else.

Why are you protecting this guy?

I told you.

I know him, all right?

He's a good guy, or at least he's a reformed guy.

I'm just saying, try to keep an open mind.

And I'm just saying, innocent until proven guilty, right?


Look at you. Hot damn, that you Seeley Booth? How are you?

Kenny J, he looks good.

Hey, man.

This here is my partner, Agent Aubrey.

Your partner.


I'm guessing this isn't a social call.

I'll tell you what, can we talk over here?

All right, so, um, (clears throat), listen.

Lola Marshall is dead.

And you think I did it.

We just got to rule you out, Kenny. That's all.

Actually, we're here to ask you a few questions.

When was the last time you saw Lola?

I don't know, probably when I left Next Step.

We ignored each other.

All right, you grow up the way I did, you get real good at ignoring schmucks.

Still, living in the same house as the woman who got you locked up-- that must have been hard.

Look, uh, you see that?

That's just the one I got for being chill with this guy.

All right, I got no interest in living with my head on a swivel again.

I'll tell you what, all we need is an alibi.

Where were you, uh, two weeks ago, late Friday?

I had to guess, I'd say at home, sleeping.

Watching TV.

Life's pretty boring, now.

So, in other words, you don't have an alibi.

Look, Booth, you know me.

I-I'm no k*ller.

Look, I'll tell you what, we know how to get in touch with you if we have any more questions, okay?

I got a few quest...

I'm proud of you, Kenny.

Take care of yourself, all right?

Come on.

The hell was that? He doesn't need an alibi?

Booth, you're too close to this. Stop, okay?

You saw him. The guy got stabbed for me.

Yeah, but just because he protected you then, doesn't mean it's right for you to protect him now.

Don't tell me how to do my job, Aubrey.

The guy's a suspect in a m*rder investigation.

My gut says there's nothing here.

Your gut?

Booth, are you the lead on this case or his friend?

Get in the car.

I'm here, caffeinated and I'm ready to jam on some bones.

Good timing.

Hodgins just gave me his analysis of the burn mark I found.

It's g*nsh*t residue, which means the victim wasn't just beaten, she was shot.

Aubrey tried to kiss me.

Tried to kiss you?

Yeah, it was a weird timing thing.

Um, but, our entire relationship has been a weird timing thing.

Oh, well, I didn't know that it was technically a relationship.

Because of the slowness.

Glaciers move faster.

Um, I mean, I think the feelings are there, but what if it doesn't matter?

What if the physical is just never there?

And then I never have another orgasm, and life is just a futile existence of jumping from one binge-watched show to another.


Jessica, Aubrey is crazy about you.

It's obvious.

You think the fact that it's taken you guys months to get to an actual kiss, may have built it up a bit?


It's so frustrating.

I mean, I'm normally the forward one.

Why can't I be here?

Because you're scared.

Maybe you feel differently about him than you have about anyone else.

You know, it's easy to want to run away from things that scare you.

Easier than trying to fight through the complications.

Do you want to talk about things?

Yes. This g*nsh*t wound.

Until we find what part of the body this tissue is from...

We won't know whether the g*nsh*t wound was fatal.


I'm on it.

Oh, my God.

These are incredible.

Each is a piece of my soul.

That's what photography is, Angela.

It's finding the truth, the beauty, where you least expect it.

Yeah, but how do you... how do you know where to look?

You don't.

Not at first, at least.

It calls to me, though.

What does?




Oh, Angela.

Hodgins: Angela.



Hi, what are you... what are you doing here?

I thought you were having a bad dream.

Uh, yeah, I-I was.

I-I-I have not been sleeping well lately.

Anyway, I think I narrowed down where the victim was the day she died.

Great. Great. You should...

You should tell Booth and Aubrey.

Yeah, that's where I was heading before I heard you talking in your sleep.

You said his name, you know.

Aubrey: So we know that our victim was somewhere in Northeast Baltimore the day she was k*lled.

The tower that her cell phone pinged off of, it services this three-mile radius right around here.

I'm a visual person, okay?

I got to be able to see it.

Identifying the problem-- that's half the battle.

I-I found two other anomalies, when I was searching through the sludge, right?

The first one being rock salt.

The stuff that they use to defrost the streets when it snows?

Yeah, that's right.

Now, this type of rock salt, it's composed of sodium chloride and contains traces of cyanide.

Great, so the public service departments are trying to k*ll us.

Well, unfortunately, due to its toxicity, it's only used in certain poorer neighborhoods, like this one right in here.

That is still a lot of territory to cover.

You still haven't heard the pièce de résistance: Fresh tar on the victim's shoe treads.

In our narrowed-down area here, of French fry quarter, the only street being re-paved on the day of Lola's m*rder, was this one here, Kennison Avenue, right by the Arlington Estate Co-ops.

So what was Lola doing at the Co-ops?

I don't know, man.

That's all you.

I found slight fractures on the inferior surfaces of the carpals.

At first, I thought they were postmortem, maybe even the result of the mudslide she was buried in.

You were mistaken.

Yes. The inferior surfaces of the carpals and tarsals, are fractured in the same way, indicative of a repeated stress injury over a short period of time.


Suggesting the victim fought back.

These are defensive wounds.

You are incorrect again, Ms. Warren.

I have seen injuries similar to these in instances where the victim was buried alive.

The fractures are reflective of clawing or kicking her way out of an enclosed space.


This just got way darker and creepier.

Oh, um, I found something else.

Note the slight widening of the victim's pubic symphysis.

The victim has given birth before.

While she was still maturing.

You are speculating that the baby is now old enough to be the k*ller.

An angry kid abandoned by his mother?

Booth: You know, it's interesting to me that you didn't even visit or-or speak to your mother the whole time that she was in prison.

She didn't want me, why should I want her?

Anger and resentment are very rational feelings after being abandoned by a parent.

So what?

So those feelings didn't just go away when she moved to the halfway house.

Maybe she tried to look you up, and you couldn't see that she'd changed.

You're bitter, so you lashed out, and you k*lled her.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Okay, then what changed?

Why go back and visit her now, after all of these years?

You're sweating, and it's only 70 degrees in here.

You're showing evidence of ptyalism, and your nostrils have begun broadening.

Ptyalism, right.

Except, what does that mean?

She's pregnant.

I'm right, aren't I?


I'm three months.

Well, taking care of yourself after aging out of the system is scary enough.

Taking care of a baby on top of that...

Maybe you thought that your mother owed you something.

Then maybe you thought you can get something from her.

Then you found out that she had nothing.

And then you snapped.

You think I k*lled her?!

No way!

She said she wanted us to be a family.

She said she wanted to take care of us.

That she had a real job, and that she was gonna break the cycle.

So I said okay.

(crying): I wanted that, too.

I didn't k*ll her.

I let myself believe that I have a future, but, I...

...I'm alone again.

Kalani, you need to tell us if there's anything about your mother's life that may have gotten her k*lled.

She seemed... excited.

She-she was saving up so that when I turn 18 we could get an apartment together.

We were making plans.

Okay, look, were there any changes in habit here?

Did she have any new acquaintances in her life?

Anything like that?

Uh, the last time I saw her, sh-she was frustrated, because she had to leave early.

Something a-about some friend, some Kenny guy, was waiting in the car for her.

Kenny, Kenny Johnson?

I don't know his last name.

Just that they were at the halfway house together.

Note the slight abrasions on the superior nuchal line.

Damage from the mudslide?

Uh, I do not believe so.

These appear to be perimortem and are inconsistent with any of the other injuries sustained during the victim's m*rder.

Which is why I want you to swab for trace.

Booth and I spoke with Lola's daughter, Kalani.

The foster kid.

How did that go?

I remember being her age, and having no one to turn to, and having no idea what was coming next.

I recall a feeling of being overtaken, as though, if I forced myself, to think about the future, I would implode.

Angela tell you to talk to me?


But, Dr. Hodgins, you're my friend and my colleague, and I care about you.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if you have the whole world supporting you, success can be just out of reach.

Then success must be redefined as that which can be accomplished.

If Kalani can't have a family with her mother and her child, then she must find an alternative that she can live with.

And if I can't find an alternative?

You have to to survive.

You make a faulty assumption, Dr. Brennan.

Survival doesn't necessarily mean living.

Booth: Kenny.

Booth, what's up, man?

What's up is that you lied to me.

Last time I asked you if you saw Lola, and you said it was, like, months.

Now I find out that you saw her the day she disappeared?

Look, you don't know what it's like.

All right, you got out of prison, right back to your cush job.


To the world, I'm just an ex-con.

Do you know how hard it was for me to get a job with my record?

I mean, they find out I'm involved in an FBI investigation, how long you think they'll let me stay?

And I didn't k*ll that woman.

Then why didn't you just say you were with her?

You know, back in the day, Lola ran product for me.

All right, best thing you can do right now is tell me something that I don't know.

Kalani's mine.

You and Lola were in a relationship?

No, it was casual, part of the lifestyle.

Of course, she didn't tell me the baby was mine until a month ago.


It's not like you guys were on good terms, though.

She was all about giving Kalani a family.

It wasn't about me and her getting together, she just...

I don't know, man, she just wanted Kalani to know she has a dad.

Uh, sounds like to me, that she wanted the three of you to have a second chance.

Well, anyway, I couldn't go through with it.

I mean, look at me, man.

You think I'm a worthy dad?

If I was my dad, I'd run the other way.

All right, so yeah, I stayed in the car.

And then drove Lola back to Next Step.

And that's the last I saw her.

I swear.

I had a sex dream about Sebastian.

(sighs) And Hodgins knows.


Well, um...

Angela, do you intend to cheat on Hodgins with Sebastian?



Except what if part of me wants to?

I mean, I don't, I don't want to cheat on Hodgins.

I love him.

At least, I love the Hodgins that I married.

You believe his injury has damaged him irreparably?

Hasn't it?

It's not even about him not walking.

It's-it's him.

He's different. He's... distant.

It just... it doesn't feel like a real marriage anymore.

The injury didn't impact Hodgins' spinal reflexes at a sacral level.

He's still sexually capable.

Yeah, everything about him is still capable of it.

It just doesn't make a difference if he's given up.

He can't fix that void, if he doesn't take responsibility for creating it.

I-I-I can't make him change unless he wants to.

And if he never wants to?

Warren: The rug in here is a definite match for the fiber Hodgins found in the occipital injury.

So Jasmine and Lola's room could be our crime scene.

Hodgins also found trace of brass.

Uh, maybe from what she was beaten with?

Hey, um, so should we talk?

You mean, instead of awkwardly avoiding the pink elephant in the room?

Yeah, something like that.

Then, no.

Uh, not now.

Let's get through this case.

This looks like brass.

It's not working.

It's got a broken bulb in it.

For a lamp that's not working, this one sure is lighting up like a Christmas tree.



What the hell are y'all doing in my room?

This here's private property.

Jasmine Santangelo, you're under arrest for the m*rder of your roommate, Lola Marshall.

Man, hell no... what the...


Got something else.

(sighs) You gonna deny that those dr*gs belong to you, too?

I didn't think so.

Let's go.

Found over a half kilo of Wiley Monkey in your room, Jasmine.

You can't prove that's mine.

Shouldn't be hard to convince a jury that a k*ller, fresh out of jail, got involved in the drug trade and another m*rder.

I didn't mean to k*ll my stepdad.

I just wanted him to leave me alone and stop touching me, and I swear I didn't k*ll Lola.

Here's how it went down in my head.

She found your stash, threatened to turn you in, so you beat her to death with that lamp.

Man, I didn't even know she was dead until y'all FBI agents showed up at Next Step.

I liked Lola.

She was good to me.

I didn't hurt her.

Somebody did.

Maybe your supplier found out that she knew your little secret.

Jasmine, listen to me. I want to believe you, but you've got to give me something to go on here.

I can't.

It doesn't matter if I talk.

Either you'll throw me back in prison, or he will k*ll me.

He who?

I can't tell you.

I can't.

Brennan: Ms. Warren.

Please take a look at the posterior surfaces of the left third through fifth vertebral ribs.

Now, run your finger along the damage.

It feels like pitting.

I don't understand.

How does this help us find the path of the b*llet?

It doesn't.

This pitting is not the direct result of the b*llet wound.

So how does that help us?

Have Dr. Hodgins swab for trace.

I need to find Angela.

Montenegro: So the victim was leaning up against something, like a wall?

Based on the severity of the blunt force trauma, I would postulate that it's much more likely that at least initially, she was lying down, near unconsciousness.

Now, I believe when the b*llet passed through her body, it hit the surface she was lying on, causing debris to blow back into her ribs.

Debris that was hard enough to cause pitting on the bones.

Got something for you.

Dr. Hodgins.

Do you have the results of your swabs of the injuries?

Yeah, I ran them through microspectrophotometry, and found traces of steel and also carpet fiber.

It's a polyester and polyolefin blend, like what you'd find in the trunk of a car.

Angela, now place the victim inside the trunk of a car.

The amount of damage caused by the beating suggests the k*ller presumed Lola was dead when he placed her in the vehicle.

You think she regained consciousness and tried to claw her way out as he was driving.

Brennan: Then when the k*ller reached the dumpsite, he found she was still alive, and he shot her.

Hodgins: The b*llet hit the bottom of the trunk with enough force to cause the blowback which ricocheted into her body.

Dr. Hodgins, can you determine the kind of car based on the carpet fibers and the metal alloy?

Uh, yeah, actually, I already did.

Mazda, BMW, Ford Mustang and Fusion.

Wait, BMW?

There was a BMW at the halfway house.

Uh, I'll notify Booth and Aubrey.

I-I already told you guys everything I know.

No. We think you might have left out a few details.

Such as the fact that you're the m*rder*r.


That's bull.

I mean, you don't have any proof.

Lola discovered Jasmine was working for you.

She refused to participate in your scam, didn't she?

Maybe she even threatened to turn you in?

You couldn't stand for that, so you beat her, and you threw her in your car.

When you saw she was still alive, you shot her.

That's a great story.

Great story.

I don't know who's gonna believe you.

I-I-I'm a public servant.

I have years of experience.

But our lab can tie Lola's body and injuries directly to your car.

We have indisputable physical evidence, Mr. Hemingway.

Was it so wrong wanting to make a little something on the side?

You know, do something for myself for once.

I mean, half those fools, they'd be back in the lifestyle with or without me.

I bet they can't wait to see you on the other side of the bars.

Okay, you can't send me there.

They'll k*ll me.

Relax, Thomas. I'm sure they'll show you the same kindness that you showed them.

You ready to go home?

Yes, but not with you.

Okay, look, if this is about the dream, then I think that we...

This has nothing to do with your dream, Angela.

What is this?

That's everything.

It's all my money, property, and it's all yours.

Whoa, wait, um, I'm sorry.

I... this feels like, um, are you trying to...

We're broken.

And it's my fault, because I am... miserable.

And what's worse is I'm making you miserable.

So change.

I know that this is painful for you, and I know that you think that I couldn't possibly understand what it's like.

But this is life.

It's hard, and it is painful, and it is every day.

But we fight.

We fight together.

This is my decision.

No, this is a coward's decision.

I am not letting you make it.

I don't care about any of the stuff in this folder.

I need you.

See you at home.

♪ And I break up ♪
♪ Thinking that I did... ♪

Brennan: It's a beautiful thing you've done for them, Booth.

Kenny's done bad things.

He's paid the price, but you know, he's taking responsibility.

He's reformed.

He deserves a second chance.

And a family.

They both do.

We're gonna be late for your testimony.


Are you ready?

Yeah, I'm ready.

Let's go, Bones.

♪ And I wake up ♪
♪ Seeing everything... ♪


♪ Of what will come ♪
♪ And everything that's been ♪
♪ And I wake up ♪
♪ From everything that's been. ♪

Have you ever noticed it's never too cold for ice cream?

Oh, are you cold?


Aw, thanks, boyfriend.

I mean, my friend who is a boy.

Attaboy, Aubrey.

So, I, uh, want to kiss you.

Uh, do you think maybe it means something that you haven't yet, that we haven't...

No, it's my fault.

I mean, I built it up in my head, and now it's like this big T. Rex.

Big with short arms?

Yeah, it's-it's scary.

Yeah, I get that, um.

Yeah, but, um, uh, I'm not in a rush.

Are you?

I mean, normally, I'm really good at this kind of thing.

You know what that tells me?

That what you and I have isn't normal.

It's more special than that.


See you tomorrow?

Count on it.

(tires squealing)


I take full responsibility for my aggressive actions against Paul Walters, and I am prepared to accept the punishment that fits the crime.

Agent Booth, are you in agreement with your partner's assessment of the situation in question?


And you are convinced that such actions will not be repeated in the future?

You see, Dr. Brennan represents this Bureau and its values more than any agent that I have ever worked with.

I mean, sh-she made a mistake.

Look, we all do.

And we all are gonna make mistakes in the future, and we should be able to make those mistakes.

We should be able to learn from them, grow from them, and be given a second chance.

I mean, will Bones here ever punch anyone again?

I-I-I can't say, but you should give her a chance to try.

You want this committee to forego punishment so Dr. Brennan can try not to hit people?

I will not be trying; I will succeed.

I have no doubt you will.

With Agent Booth's help.

Exactly. I'm sorry?

Dr. Brennan, this committee is placing you on six month's probation, to be overseen by Agent Booth.

A failure on your part will be considered a failure on his part.

We'll take it.

No, no. Agent Booth didn't do anything wrong.

He should not be held accountable for my actions.

It doesn't matter because you're not going to do it again, right?

That's not the point.

It is the point.

You're... you are gonna do it again?




Has a decision been made here?

Can you just give me one second?

Clearly not the point.

The point is, that you're not gonna hit anyone again, right?

That's not the point.

She's not... she's not going to hit anyone ever again.

We accept.

We're not accepting.

We accept.

No. We are not...

Not gonna take that.

That's fine, yes, we'll take that.

What's that mean?