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01x02 - Part 2

Posted: 05/06/16 19:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Footsteps of Jesus ♪
♪ That make the pathway glow ♪

I'll take them to school.

Does he know the way?

Probably not.

Morning, Mrs Buchanan.

Hello, Lauren.

You dropping off -- that's a surprise.

This is C, remember? There.

The strings are just digging into you.

Someone from the church has said that you are involved in an inappropriate relationship with Hazel Buchanan.

You animal! How could you?!

As of now, me and the children are financially independent.

My father's taken care of us.

He's leaving me his house and he's been very generous.

If you were to leave Trevor, would he survive it?

He said he'd die if I ever left.

What about Lesley?

She's lost the will to live.

Get out. Get out!

She's already tried to take her own life once.

I kept it a secret, for her sake.

Now, what if we could help end their suffering?


That'd never work.

How would it work?

You'll need to alert me when Trevor's off duty.

And he'll have to have been sedated.

If we get caught, my life would be over. I'd drive off a cliff.

Nobody is gonna catch us.

It's God's wish that we be together.

It's the best way.

Lesley and Trevor will be in heaven soon, and they'll be happier there.

Which one are you eating, Dan?

Are you not going to put your hat on?


Well, birthday boy.

Big present ready?

Ah, yeah, almost.

I'll just go and get it.

Right, shall we do the cake?


Thanks for coming.





Where are you going?

Where are you going?

Mum, where are you going?

Mum? Where are you going?

She's probably going to the shops.

She's just going to the shops, aye, exactly. Come on.

Back in, please.

A lot of tidying to do now.

.. the start of talks on Northern Ireland's political future which begin next week.

You OK?

Is he home?


Has he taken a sleeping pill?


Tonight's on. We're going to do it.


Matthew! Matthew!


I finished with Lesley.

'Is everything ready?

Is he asleep?'


Is the garage clear?

It will be.

I'm coming round now.

Is that Lesley?


Go and check on Trevor again.

Go on.



Open the windows.

Keep the curtains closed.

Get rid of that.

Make sure you vacuum the whole house.

Wash the bed linen.

Open as many windows as you can.

I'll do the door.


♪ .. from the pain I have to bear ♪
♪ The night is cold and quiet, my Lord ♪
♪ Oh, let this cup pass from my lips ♪
♪ For I am so afraid ♪
♪ The nails are sharp and cruel, my Lord ♪
♪ Oh, save me from a cross of wood ♪


Listen, I've got a bump on the head, so the story has to be that you heard Trevor -- Hold on.

Hey, come here.

It's OK, it's OK.

Lie down. Shhh.

The story has to be that you heard Trevor and Lesley in your house at about three, OK?

Did I speak with them?

No. You stayed in bed.


'It's all right, it's all right.'


Just stick to the story. Everything will be fine.

Shhhhh. Shhhhh.

♪ This I know, for the Bible tells me... ♪
Oh, hello, Derek, it's Colin here.

I'm sorry to bother you so early in the morning.

I'm just a bit concerned.

Lesley's disappeared.

I think she's with Trevor.

It's too sweet.

I don't know why you don't like it.

Do you know what's gross?

Chocolate with banana.

It's really not.

It's absolutely disgusting.

It's really nice.


Hazel, Colin's just called Derek.

We heard that Trevor's gone missing with Lesley in the night.

Is he here?

He wasn't here when I woke up.

Can I come in?


No. No, you broke it.


I built that up myself.

Where are you going to find this?

Any news?

I'm so sorry. I've got some bad news.


I'm... terribly sorry to say that Lesley has been found, and Trevor too.

And I'm afraid it appears that they've taken their own lives.



They were in your car.

Inside her father's garage.

It was...

.. carbon monoxide poisoning.

Are you sure?

Are you sure it wasn't an accident?

Colin, I'm so very, very sorry.

Shall we offer a prayer for her soul?

Yes, let's do that.


I need to tell the children first.



I'm afraid the Pastor's got some very bad news.

Trevor's been found dead, Hazel.

In a car, with Lesley.

It seems they took their own lives.


Are you OK to talk to the police?

Detective Inspector Hutchinson, Mrs Buchanan.

I'm very sorry about your husband.

He was a fine officer and a great loss to the force.

I appreciate this is a difficult time for you, but I have a few questions. Is that OK?


And is there any reason, do you think, why Trevor might have taken his own life?

Well... we had problems in our marriage.


I'd had an affair with Lesley's husband.

Trevor just couldn't get over it.

Maybe... it was also the job.

You know?

Yes, I understand it takes its toll.

So what do you remember of last night?


I was wakened, very late.

What time would you say?


I think it would have been around three or four, maybe...

I heard...

Trevor talking a while in the hallway with Lesley.

I recognised her voice.

Then they were gone.

Did you not go out and talk to them, see what was going on?

She and I aren't really on speaking terms.

I haven't been seeing her husband for months, but... it's still very difficult.

Yes, that's true.

Hazel and I had been having an affair.

It ended six months ago.

But Trevor couldn't get over what had happened.

He was still so angry.

He came round last night and it got a bit out of hand.

He sort of went for me and I got a bump on the head here.

But then I calmed him down.

He apologised.

Then he left and I went back to bed.

And do you know what Lesley did?

I thought she'd stayed up drinking.

Since her dad died, she'd taken to sleeping on the sofa.

So it wasn't till this morning, when I woke up, that I knew she was gone.

Which aroused your concern?

Yes, especially...

.. when I read this.

"Dear Colin, I'm just trying to go to sleep now.

How long for I don't know.

Thank you for all your help over the past few days and for the good times in our marriage.

If I wake up in the morning, let this be our secret."


Can we take it with us?

Oh, yeah, of course, please do.


What "help" was she referring to, Mr Howell?

Erm... well, you know, her father dying such a short while before.


I did what I could.

But obviously not enough.

I blame myself.

She tried to... k*ll herself before, you see, but...

I never thought she'd actually go through with it.

Jim, I'm so sorry.

I'm very sorry.


He was a real credit to the force.

Why did you do it, son? Hm?

Why didn't you come to me?

Why didn't you come to me?

You OK?

Hazel, can I have a quick word, please?

Perhaps just go through there.

Let's go in there.

I won't be a moment.

Chris. Andy.

As her brother, I'm sure she'd have wanted you to have this.

It was the actual music she was listening to on her Walkman when she passed away.

No. No.


Come on, you. Let's go and hand those out.

You're doing a good job.

Thanks very much for having us.

Pastor, I really appreciate the church's support during our hour of need.

I'll just be a second.

Colin, the elders and I have been thinking that once this is all done, that you would maybe find yourself more welcome at another church, if you understand me.

What? Please.

Now I have -- - Pastor, please. What about the children?

The children have -- - I have said the same to Hazel and she's agreed.

She also said she never wishes to see you again.


Colin, it is my belief that you are wholly responsible for this terrible tragedy.

What are you saying, Pastor?

I simply cannot accept that Lesley would have abandoned the children.

Andy. Derek.