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07x21 - Requiem for a Dream

Posted: 05/06/16 09:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Vampire Diaries...

Penny: Yes, Mrs. Sergeant Donovan.


No. Oh, God.

I k*lled her.

Stefan: You can't blame yourself, Matt.

I don't. I blame you.

If you want to talk about Stefan, that's okay, all right?

Caroline: I didn't have anything to say to him then, and I don't have anything to say about him now.

But there hasn't been any closure.

I don't need closure.

No, I do.

Enzo: I need to know if the effects of those pills can be reversed.

The effects of my blood can't be reversed.

That would mean you just gave the girl you love a death sentence.

You're on your last mortal life.

We'd like to take that life and transfer it to Bonnie.

Let another take up her burden.

Wait, what?

Rayna: When she wakes, she'll be just like me.

Full of hatred for you and your kind.


(muffled) Bonnie?

(muffled) Nice and slow.

(muffled) Hey.

How you feeling?

Bonnie: I don't know.

Just feel different.

Enzo: Considering you were on death's door, that's probably a good thing.

Okay, here's how I'm feeling.

I'm thirsty and starving.

I'm on it.

I'll get you a glass of water.



I actually think I want a bourbon.


There's the girl I love.


What should we drink to then?

New beginnings.

♪ ♪

Oh, my God. Enzo, no!

What's happening?

Nothing's happening, mate.

That's the problem.

Bonnie won't wake up.

(sighs) Rayna screwed us.

She failed to mention that by giving Bonnie her life, she was actually giving Bonnie her lifestyle.

So now when Bonnie wakes up, she's gonna be Rayna 2.0.

And does that gift begin with a very long nap?

I didn't get a chance to ask as she burst into flames.

And before you ask, no, I did not get a chance to interrogate her little shaman friend, because he vanished at the same time.

Damon, did the spell work or not?!

I don't know, Enzo.

I have no idea why she's not waking up.

I mean, the least she could do to thank us for saving her life is just open her eyes, let us know whether or not she wants to m*rder us.

What if she doesn't?


Oh, you know her as well as I do.

Waking up means she'll have to k*ll us.

So what if the reason Bonnie isn't waking up is because she's Bonnie?

Caroline: I think she's better off in here, don't you think?

It's quieter and more peaceful.

Did you grab those scented candles?

Not exactly.


No, you're not going to do this.

You heard what Damon said.

If she wakes up...

When she wakes up, we do not know what she's going to be or how she's going to feel.

And if we chain her up, we've made that decision for her.

Okay, fine. No chains.

But then I'm not leaving.


The flight's in an hour.

It's the last flight out tonight, and Lizzie and Josie have been stuck with a sitter for two days now.

I know, but if this goes the wrong way, I'm the one person Bonnie's not gonna want to k*ll on sight, okay?

I should be here with you.

While our three-year-old children are in a different time zone?

Okay, then you get on the plane.

Let me stay here and help.

That's the safest, most logical plan anyway.

I am the single best person for Bonnie to see when she wakes up.

And you are the single best person for our girls to see when they wake up.

Take the flight.

I'll be home as soon as I can.

I promise.

I'm gonna hold you to that promise.

We'll get through this.

♪ ♪

(knocking on door)


I know you said you didn't want to be disturbed.

Is there a break in Penny's case?

Yeah, it turns out it was an accident.

You need something, Deputy?

Yeah, you wanted to be notified if there was any activity over at the Salvatore house.

Seem to be some squatters tonight.

Do you want me to go over there and...?

No, I'll take care of it.

(phone rings)

What do you want, Damon?

Do you never check your voicemail?

I left you about nine messages.

Yeah, sorry.

I've been a little busy telling Matt Donovan he's the reason his fiancée's dead.

Ooh. Do I want to know how that went?

Probably not.

You also probably don't want to know how screwed you are with Bonnie either.

I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number.

Because I dialed H for "hero."

Clock's ticking, brother.

You need to get your head in the game.

My head is in the game, Damon.

My life was blown apart when I was marked by Rayna's sword, you remember that?

I had to leave everything I loved behind and run for years.

So as much as I want Bonnie to wake up, I'm not exactly looking forward to doing that again.

All right, all right, I get it.

You don't have any ideas.

I don't either.

This conversation just got really depressing.

Well, I never said I didn't have an idea.

Rayna used to say that she had to k*ll me, but she didn't want to.

She could sense my humanity through some sort of psychic link.

So if Bonnie's fighting the same w*r in her head, we need to give her some amm*nit*on.

What, so one of us needs to delve into her subconscious, and... do what exactly?

Convince her hunter-brain that not all vampires are selfish vicious monsters.

It's exactly why I'm the worst person for the job.

She's my girl.

I'll do it.

No, it should be me.

I was her best friend before I was a vampire.

I can show her the difference between the two.

She's right.


I'm not really in the mood for a backseat head-driver right now.

Stefan: I just wanted to see if you needed anything.

You want to be helpful?

Then do your thing and run away so I can focus on my friend.

Okay, I can take a hint.

If you thought that was a hint, you were not paying attention.

Alaric: Now for our favorite subject.




Real or myth?


(chuckles) Myth.


Vampires are as common today as mosquitoes.

They can walk in the daylight, k*ll from the shadows.

Hell, some of your best friends might be vampires.

So what do we do when we meet a vampire?


Woman: Invite them to the party.

(class laughs)


Very funny.

Anyone else?

How about you, Bonnie?

What would you do, huh?

Would you sit there, or would you run?

Or would you fight back?

Show me how to k*ll a vampire, Bonnie.

This isn't real! (grunts)



Caroline: My God.

This is what you've been going through?

Get away from me.

You're not real.

Well, you're half right.

I'm in your head.

Your body is safe in Damon's bedroom.

This isn't real.

And you just need to stay focused on me, Bonnie, your friend.


Something's messing with my head.

All my memories are being twisted into these freakish nightmares.

It's your brain rewiring itself to hate vampires, to become the hunter.

You have to resist.

I'm trying.

I don't want to hurt you.

You just have to concentrate on who I am, you know, not what I am.

I have kids now, Bonnie, and a family.

You should see the girls.

They are just getting so big.

You have to fight the voices in your head.

Open your eyes and just come and have dinner with us.

We miss you so much.

Do your kids know... that you're a vampire?

Uh, no, we haven't had that talk with them yet.

Kind of waiting for the birds and the bees first.

And when you tuck them in at night, and you brush the hair off their pretty necks, admire it a little?

Bonnie, that's gross.

This is your lizard brain talking.

Fight it.

I can't help it.

All I see is you losing control.

Hurting those little girls.

No, that's not me.

You know that's not me.

And you have the nerve to call them your kids.


What happened? How'd it go?

About as bad as it could have.

Oh, no.

She stabbed me.

In the dream?


How is that possible?

I don't know. You may have been marked.

Tell me this isn't real.

It's real.

And if Bonnie wakes up, you're the first person she kills.

I just need some air.

Well, you can slow down and talk to me.


You don't understand how she marked me any more than I do.

Caroline, when you were in Bonnie's head, she must have created some sort of psychic link.

The scar is just a manifestation of that connection.

You need to get as far away from her as you can.

Starting now.

No, that is not an option.

Enzo's gonna figure it out.

He's gonna get through to her.

Caroline, I carried that scar with me for three years.

I've lived through this before.

So all of a sudden the past three years have just been a living hell for you?

I saw the postmarks on your letters, Stefan.

Paris, Marrakech, Bora Bora.

I'm shocked you even had time to write between escaping certain death and sipping mai tais.

Meanwhile, I was so desperate, I called Klaus for help.

Who's nowhere to be found, by the way.

Caroline, just...

No, I do not want an explanation.

All I want is for you to respect my choice to not run away.

Enzo: Something wrong, Deputy?

It's sheriff now.

You got a lot of balls coming back to Mystic Falls.

Bonnie is comatose on Damon's bed.

Have your pathetic rules ever meant less?

Those rules are the last shred of what my fiancée and I built together.

Well, no disrespect to your dead girl, but my still-alive girl is hanging on by a thread, and I'm about to use my vampire powers to try to find a loophole in her subconscious, knowing full well that if I fail, I'll be forever marked for death at her hands.

She wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for you and Damon.

It's an endless cycle.

Penny knew that.

She knew that we needed to take a stand.

Yeah? How'd that work out for her?

If you want to follow in her footsteps, be my guest.

Barge in there, g*ns blazing, the great... cowboy sheriff of Mystic Falls, or you could table your feelings about vampires until your friend is awake.

Your choice.

Damon: All right, Bonnie, I really need this to work.

Look, I admit, I was a bit skeptical when I found out you and Enzo were a thing, okay?

Well, real skeptical.

But if he can't get through to you, and I'm your last lifeline, we're screwed.

(punk rock music playing)

Hey, (whistles) short skirt, you want to join us?

Uh, I don't think so.

What about now?



I-I'm sorry.

Let me go.

Like I said, I don't think so.

(Bonnie screams)


Guess it's true what they say.

Public school system in the States really has gone to rot.


So you're in control of what I'm seeing now?

Uh, so long as you don't fight my mucking around in your subconscious.

Meaning we could have gone anywhere?

"Anywhere" means Paris, by the way.

So why are we walking around in my old high school?

I might ask you the same question.

I guess I'm trying to find something to hold onto.

A time before vampires were a part of my life.

Take those stoners.

Chad Carpenter used to annoy me after practice every day, but he was a jerk.

Not a vampire.

It's like the spell is overriding who I was.

Who I am.

Maybe you've just been looking in the wrong place, luv.

♪ ♪

Still not Paris.

No, this is my fantasy now, remember?

Yeah, I'm still wearing my cheerleading uniform.

How could I forget?

You're trying to remember your life without vampires.

Remember us instead.

When we wrote music together... you not only tolerated a vampire, you fell in love with one.

Play that song and you will have something to hold onto.

Like I do.

I have always wanted to be loved by someone in the way that you loved me.

And I would rather have those memories than any future where I destroy them.

Well, you don't have a choice.

If you don't take Rayna's life...

Then I'll die.


No, that is not an option.

Do you hear me?

I love you.

But this, this is my choice.

And I've already made it.

Now get out of here and let me go.

I'm sorry, Bonnie, but the one thing I can't do is leave you.

(Bonnie screams)


The hell happened?


Well, I hope you got some quality time with her, because when she wakes up, your relationship is officially on the rocks.

That's the least of my concerns.

She's fighting it, all right.

Just not the way we want her to.

If waking up means k*lling us, she'd rather just slip away.

Oh, good. You're up.

Did you seriously just vervain me?


Is this a hostage situation?

Be mad all you want, just do it while you're looking at these.

"Hong Kong." Yeah, that's really funny.

All that matters is that we get moving, and we stay moving now.

"We"? There's no such thing as "we," Stefan.

There hasn't been for a very long time.

Fine. You want to do this alone, that's your choice.

Oh, how ironic, considering that the only reason I'm even here is that you decided to go all caveman and kidnapped me against my will.

This is not you.

You usually respect people's choices.

Yeah, until it comes to life and death, and then it's not up for discussion.

There's always a choice.

You gave Elena that choice.

And then I lost her.

Elena asked me to rescue her friend from the bottom of a river instead of her, and she died because I respected her damn choice.

Well, maybe one day you'll wake up and realize that I deserve the same respect that she did.

But I stopped waiting for that day a long time ago.

Whatever I decide to do about Bonnie is a decision that I'm going to make by myself or with my family, but not you.

Caroline, listen to me.

When you bring your family into this, you're putting them in danger too.

And if I leave them behind, then I'm abandoning them, which is just as bad.

Maybe even worse.
(phone rings)


Where'd you run off to?

Got Caroline out of town.

Huh, guess that's progress.

Honestly, I'm surprised she went anywhere with you.

Well, jamming her with a syringe full of vervain might have had something to do with it.

Good call.

Rinse and repeat as needed.

(sighs) If you're agreeing with me, then I know I really screwed up.

Hey, doing the wrong thing for the right reason has always worked for me.

(scoffs) I hate that you get away with it.

Well, that's why we're a good team.

I screw up, you wear the cape.


Hero never gets the girl, right?

You of all people should know that.

Well, take it from the guy who supposedly got it all and is currently sitting with bubkes.

Stop moping about who you are not and try being who you are, the guy that's in love with Caroline Forbes.

You just vervained her, Stefan.

In my playbook, that's a notch above flowers and chocolates, because when you love someone, sometimes you have to go to those extremes.

Listen, I know that you've been locked up in a coffin for the last three years of actual civilization, but that is legitimately terrible advice.

Actually, brother, that advice is so good that I have to take it myself.


All right, Bon.

I couldn't reach your good side, I can sure as hell reach your bad side.

No more Stefaning this situation.

I got to be me.



You're not the imaginary pizza guy.


You sound disappointed.

Hoping for someone else?

Leave me alone.

You're literally the last person I want to see.

Oh, come on, we both know why you're really here.

We also know that you can't ever see Elena again.

Neither can I.

That's just, not until...

I die.

Which brings us to the reason I'm here.

I just wanted to say thank you, before it was too late.

Thank me for what?

For fighting the good fight.

Going gently into that good night, and a whole slew of other sappy clichés.

Bottom line... you're gonna die, Bon.

As much as I hate to admit it, it's gonna make me a very happy man, which is why I figured the least I could do was dive into your brain and say good-bye.


You usually don't bother.


Hurtful... and untrue.

I present exhibit A for the defense, so if you'd finally just read the damn thing, we could both go on our own way.

You to peace.

Me to my girl.

What do you say?

Not good enough.

Never has been.

Never will be.

Lucky for you, I memorized it.

(clears throat) Dear Bonnie, have a nice life, if your guilty conscience allows you to.

If there's one thing I would change about our friendship...

I never would have pulled you off of that street in Amsterdam.

Screw you, Damon.

Oh... you screwed me, all right.

Got your life all intertwined with Elena's, dooming me, and let's be honest, all of our friends, to a lifetime without the one person we miss the most, which, to be perfectly clear, ain't you.

That's why we're on this porch, because it's the first place Elena and I ever kissed.

Over there by that bench?

The first time she ever had the courage to tell me she loved me, and merely one foot to my right, is where I watched her take the cure so that she could have the life that she dreamed of before you screwed it up, but the very spot you're standing, is the happiest place of all.

You know why?

Because that's the spot where you're gonna decide to give me my Elena back.

So, why don't you close those pretty little eyes and give up the ghost for me?

You're a monster.

Sure am, but I usually get my way.


Sorry, Bon-Bon.

I had to get you to wake up somehow.

Catch me if you can.

♪ Oh, gravity ♪
♪ Damn gravity ♪
♪ He keeps floating ♪

You're still here.

♪ Away from me... ♪

You're right.

It's not safe.

I'm not safe because of this stupid scar, and any chance that my girls might get caught up in this whole hunt.

I know.

Believe me, I've been there. You think?

I am in the exact same situation that you were in three years ago, and now that I finally understand how you felt, I'm even more furious with you, because I know what a huge decision you had to make, and you made it without me.


When I went to go find you in Dallas, here's what I saw... I saw you and Ric and the kids, and you were happy.

You know what I didn't see?


So, I convinced myself that I was doing right by you, even though I had no idea what I was doing.

I'm sorry.

And you have every right to hate me for what I did to you three years ago.

And three hours ago.

Just don't pretend that you wouldn't act any differently.

You're doing the same thing with Bonnie right now.

You can't accept a world where Bonnie dies.

Even though that's a choice that she's trying to make for herself, and you know why?

Because you love her too much, and there's nothing wrong with that, and I love you, and the thought of you getting hurt... it's not an option that I'm willing to entertain.

You hurt me.

More than anyone else has ever hurt me.

I loved you... and you left me.

I know.

All I can do is say that I'm sorry and hope that you'll forgive me one day.

I just don't think that I can do that.

(phone rings)


Caroline, I can see you.

I can feel you.

You're marked and I know exactly where you are.

It's okay.

You're alive.

No, it's not okay.

I'm not in control.

I'm gonna come for you.

Please, don't let it come to that.


We run.

How's it feel to be alive?

I don't think there's a word to describe the depths of hatred I feel towards you right now.

On the bright side, your skin's never looked better.


Dead man's last comfort.

Come on, Bon-Bon, you know everything I've said was just a ploy to make you wake up, right?


Is that why you're running through the woods scared?

You can see me?

Not only can I see you... but I can sense what you're feeling, which is how I know deep down, there's a part of you that meant what you said to me on Elena's porch.

Hey, I said what I said to save your life.

It's not the first time I've saved your bacon, by the way.

Don't actions speak louder than words?

The only reason you saved me time and time again is because you believe that if you didn't, Elena would never forgive you.

A conundrum that you're now familiar with because if you k*ll me, Elena will never forgive you.

That's the thing, Damon.

As you were so eager to remind me...

I'm never gonna have to explain myself to her.

Out of my way, Matt.

Not until you hear what I have to say.

I couldn't get in your head, so I've been waiting out here to do it the normal way.

You're too late.

I'm not the person you used to know.

Well, in case you haven't noticed, I'm not the person you used to know, either.

That guy died two years ago with Penny.

Then come with me.

You helped Rayna Cruz before, so help me now.

I came here to talk you out of murdering our friends, not lend a hand, because I do know you, Bonnie.

I've known you since we were little kids, and I refuse to believe that the girl who bought me my first football when we were nine is gone for good.

Then help me not do this.

Keep me connected to my human side.

I don't know if fighting this will work, but I'll try if you will.

I'm in.

Now get in the truck, and we'll drive somewhere safe.

There is one condition.

What's that?

I need to k*ll Damon first.

Damon Salvatore.

The vampire who has ruined my life in more ways than I can count.

Who has brought nothing but pain and suffering to our friends, and will continue to do it as long as he's alive.

The vampire who k*lled your sister because he was bored.

Like I said...

I'm in.

Well, you caught me.


Did you raid a cosplay convention or something?

Oh, they're real.

Courtesy of Matt, who is also setting up a perimeter around the forest as we speak.

I'm not so sure you want to do that.

You know, given Matt's track record, I'd say you've got about a 60% chance of taking on some friendly fire.

Nice toss, Bonnie.

This hunter thing might be your best look yet.

Truth is, I don't have to run from you.

Why is that?

'Cause you're not gonna k*ll me, Bonnie.

You're right.

I'm gonna dismember you.

I'm gonna set you on fire, then I'm gonna carve out your hateful heart.

You are a living, breathing reminder of everything that I've lost.

When I look at you, I see a smug, selfish parasite where my friend Elena should be.

See the history that we have?

That feeling... I mean, it's almost...

(bone snaps)



(whimpering softly)


Can you put Daddy back on the phone, please?

When are you coming home, Mommy?

Uh, that's what I need to talk to Daddy about.

I love you.

You know that, right?

We love you, too.

All right, girls.

It's time to go back to bed, okay?

Daddy's got to talk to Mommy.

(sobbing quietly)

I'll tuck you in a little bit, all right?

Come home, Caroline.

We'll deal with this.


I don't know.

We just will.

We'll... we'll run. Together, as a family.

No. If anything ever happened to the girls, or you...

I won't let it. I promise.

You know you can't promise that.

Just stop being so supportive, will you?

Just yell at me and tell me this is all my fault, because it is.

If I had just left when I had the chance...


Where are you guys gonna go?

Wait. Don't tell me.

It's safer that way.

(sighs) I'm so sorry, Ric.

Don't be.

You just keep moving.

And, Caroline... you know I love you, right?

I know.

I'll call you when... I get a chance.

♪ 'Cause I'm fragile. ♪
♪ ♪

(thunder rumbling)





(thunder rumbling)

Giving up already?

On the contrary.

You're actually walking into my carefully laid trap.

Oh, no.

A stump.

It's not just any stump, honey.

My grave.

From Remembrance Day.

A memorial to one of the many lives of Bonnie Bennett.

What's that supposed to prove?

That you're a survivor.

That you will get through this.

I'm not the one that needs to be worried about that.


I'm gonna k*ll you.

No, you're not.

You know why I brought you to this stupid stump?


Because if I have to die, I wanted it to be here, Bonnie.

In honor of you.

Stop doing this.

I hate you.

I get it.

The Bonnie that I knew yesterday is gone, and she may never come back.

(thunder rumbles)

But I'm talking to you, crazy bitch Bonnie in all her glory.

I still care about you.



Look, Bonnie.

Look at the stump, Bonnie.

You remember it? Huh?

You died.

We mourned you.

And you came back.

You've been so many things, Bonnie.

A witch, a human, a ghost, a corpse.

An anchor to the afterlife, and now, the woman who's gonna k*ll me.


And every time, you come back stronger.

Do you know how incredible that is, Bonnie?

Do you know how much I envy you?


Hell, some days I can't even handle just being myself.

Stop... talking.

I can't.

Because if this is my last moment with you, Bonnie Bennett, I need you to hear me.

I admire you.

I believe in you.

And I love you the same way Elena loved you.

If you k*ll me right now, it's not your fault.

I did this to us.

But please... forgive me before you do what you have to do.


♪ ♪

(bellowing, g*nshots)

I gotta hand it to you, Sheriff.

You're a better shot than Liz Forbes ever was.

May she rest in peace.

Those sh*ts bought us eight hours to get Bonnie as far away from the rest of you as I can.

I don't want to waste a second of it talking to you.


That was my way of saying thanks.

Now that you're in charge, maybe you and I should start getting along.

I've actually got a pretty good track record with the sheriffs in this town.

I did it for her, not for you.

Even if you absolved her of k*lling you, she'd never forgive herself.

I'd never forgive myself.

Look, man, what happened with Penny...

Is my fault.

And I'll be paying for it the rest of my life, starting with taking responsibility for Bonnie.

So if you want to thank me, figure out a way to fix her.

(engine starts)

Caroline: In 30 miles, take 95 north, and we should be in Maine by tomorrow night.

And from there?

I have no idea.

But I will figure it out when I have to.

You can't keep putting these decisions off.


Uh, from Maine, we will take the ferry to Nova Scotia.


If not, feel free to swim.

I wasn't talking about that decision.

♪ ♪

Do you love him?

♪ Broken windows ♪
♪ Empty hallways ♪

I don't know.

Can you love someone and leave them behind right when you need each other the most?

♪ In the sky ♪
♪ Streaked with gray ♪

Just... ask me whatever you want about directions and travel plans and anything related to Bonnie.

Those decisions, I can make.

Ric and me...

♪ And I think it's going to rain ♪

.. just please don't ask me to make that choice right now.

♪ No, I think it's going to rain ♪
♪ Today. ♪

(thunder rumbling)

(radio clicks)

(indistinct radio transmission)

(tires screech)

Matt: Bonnie! Bonnie, I can help you!

(door opens)

Mind if I join you?

Help yourself.

But this isn't a celebration.

Bonnie's alive.

That's all that matters to me.

I couldn't get through to her.

I would've been just another notch on her belt if Matt Donovan hadn't stepped in.

Well, as much as it pains me to say it, Matt was man of the match tonight.

He found a lead on the shaman who helped Rayna turn Bonnie.

Turns out that shaman was quite willing to talk, once he had a good look at his own entrails.

Tell me you have a way to help her.


Maybe not.

♪ This is the House of Death ♪
♪ Even angels die ♪

Bonnie's life is linked to that of the final Everlasting.

Sever the link,
it might also sever the curse.

Unfortunately for us, the Everlasting resides in the Armory.

Damon: Yeah. In a coffin.

In a forever nap.

Piece of cake.

Uh, you're forgetting why Bonnie the Good Witch sealed the whole building shut.

The evil in the basement escaped from its vault, and now it could be anywhere in that bloody maze.

Well, evil be damned.

We're gonna open the place back up.



Make it stop.

♪ Exempt ♪
♪ From the odds ♪
♪ Of even. ♪