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01x09 - The Matchmaker

Posted: 05/05/16 14:21
by bunniefuu
Jack: Over 68 million Americans leave the safety of our borders every year. If danger strikes, the FBI's international response team is called into action.

[Middle eastern music plays]

Thank you.

Have a nice day.


[Baglama music playing]

[Cellphone beeps]

[Ringing, beep]

Stephanie: Thank you for calling the Peters residence.

Please leave your name and number, and we'll get back to you.

Hey, Mom, Dad, I'm fine.

[Baglama music playing]

I'm safe.

You don't have to worry about me, okay?


[Door unlocks]

[Machine whirring]


I'll explain everything to you guys soon.

I love you.

And I... oh.

Yeah, hi. I'm Emma. I'm here to see...



And the recording ends there.

16-year-old Emma Peters' cellphone last pinged in Antalya, Turkey, five hours ago.

Her parents, Glenn and Stephanie, thought that she had gone to school, but instead, she'd driven to Dulles Airport and used her credit card to buy a one-way ticket to Turkey.

Simmons: Every parent's worst nightmare.

I take it Emma never exhibited this kind of behavior before?

Never. Uh, she's a straight-"a" student, cheerleader, student council, lots of extracurricular activities.

So why would Emma fly to Turkey?

Her parents are convinced that it has to do with a boy named Emir Bayar, a 17-year-old Turkish exchange student who Emma fell hard for last semester.

According to this school report, Emir Bayar was suspended for an as*ault against another student.

His student visa was rescinded, and he was immediately sent back to his home in Antalya.

So what are we thinking... this Emir kid lures Emma with the promise of a romantic reunion and then pulls a bait-and-switch?

Love is very powerful, especially your first love.

It's an impulsive force.

You know, the language barriers in Turkey, we can deal with.

But what concerns me is the cultural barrier and how that will affect Emma's recovery.

What do you mean?

Well, for one thing, the Antalya police have listened to Emma's voice-mail here, and they don't seem to think it suggests any evidence of a crime.

They think it might rise to the level of a lover's quarrel.

What we consider domestic v*olence isn't a criminal act in Turkey.

Monty, have our legat meet us on the ground at Antalya airport.

He should liaise with the Turkish National Police.

Done and done.

I want to bring them on board soon as we land.

We'll use the jet as a base of operations while in country.

Operational security is Paramount.

Monty, I want you also to...

Dig into Emma's online and personal communications with this Emir Bayar fellow?

Get on it.

Abduction without a ransom demand.

I mean, she could already be dead.

No, I'm not inclined to think that Emir would lure Emma halfway around the world just to k*ll her.

She's alive.

The question is is Emir keeping her for himself or planning to offer her to someone else?

Either way, time is of the essence.

[Emma sobbing]




Please don't hurt me. Please.

Hello, Emma.

We've been waiting for you.

Jack: A Turkish proverb tells us, "who has never been burned in the sun won't know the value of shadow."

Everyone, this is Dale Hanah, our legal attache.

As-salam alaykum.

Alaykum salam.

Welcome to Turkey.

Agents Simmons, Seger, and Jarvis.

Pleasure to meet you all.


I've heard great things from Jack about you.

Yeah, you, too. We hear you guys go way back.

Yes, we were roommates back at the FBI academy.

What was it... class of '95-14?

Yeah. How did we get here from there?

The future has not been written.

There is no fate but what we make.

That's beautiful. Is that from the Qur'an?

"Terminator 2."

Oh, I knew it sounded familiar.


You ready to bring us up to speed?

Of course.

Although the Turkish National Police are not treating Emma Peters' disappearance as a crime, they were cooperative enough to give me some information.

It looks as though Emma's passport was digitally scanned at the Antalya Airport 12 hours ago.

It was. And you can see from the security stills she left the airport in a taxi cab.

For a girl who's never been to Turkey, she looks like she knows where she's going.

Mae: Well, the cab driver was interviewed.

It says that he drove Emma to the intersection of Hesapki and Kocatepe Streets.

And that's all he saw. There's no more eyewitnesses.

Dale, you said the Turkish police were somewhat more cooperative.

That mean they're prepared to shadow our investigation?

They'll provide us with escorts, but, honestly, they think we're wasting our time.

Simmons and Mae, you take Emma's last known location.

Clara and I will see if we can track down Emir Bayar's last known address.

If she came here to see him, we may just get lucky.

If Emma's lost in Turkey, how can you even begin to find her?

Mrs. Peters, let me assure you and your husband, in the last year alone, we have successfully resolved 27 non-familial abductions on foreign soil.

This never would have happened if we hadn't let her see that kid.

How could we have known, Glenn?

Agent Montgomery, we didn't want to push our daughter away.

It's just...

She and Emir had nothing in common.

They... they were from different worlds.

And when Emir beat up that kid at school, we put our foot down.

So as far as you know, Emma and Emir have not been in contact since his student visa was taken away?

Absolutely not.

We even monitored her computer time.

Were you able to bring Emma's laptop, as I requested?

But you won't find anything on it.

We, uh, checked her browser histories and her e-mails every day.

I'm sure you did.

I just need to make sure there isn't any other digital information on here that may suggest her whereabouts right now.

Thank you.


I'm very sorry for these circumstances, Emma.

And for not properly introducing myself before.

I'm Abu Hakim Al Badi, a close friend of Emir's.

If you're such a close friend, why didn't he tell me about you?

Why are you doing this to me?

I realize you've traveled a very long way to be with Emir, and I know how much you mean to him.

But you must understand, I will not allow anyone to do harm to Emir.


That's not why I'm here.

I would never hurt Emir. He's...


Why did you bring your phone with you, when you were told very specifically not to do so?

I just wanted to call my parents when I got here to make sure they wouldn't worry...

Weren't you told...

For Emir's own protection, that you needed to follow each and every one of his instructions without fail?

Yes. But...

Emir needs to be able to trust you.

He can!

We shall see.

Why does Emir need protection?

Emir is a very...

Special person, Emma.

You are privileged to know him.

Yes. I am.

When can I see Emir?

Okay. Now, if I was a teenage girl, how would I choose to hide my secret communication with my super-secret boyfriend?


Why hide a calculator app?

Unless it holds the combination key to your heart.



60 seconds.

Must be getting slower.

Also must be getting senile, 'cause now I'm talking to myself.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Cellphone rings]

You got something, Monty?

Emma Peters overt computer accounts were clean, but she did maintain a very active, very on the down-low online life.

So let me guess. She continued to communicate with Emir even after he was kicked out of the country.

Yes and no. See, Emma reached out to Emir through various social media sites, but he never responded for like a month.

Then some guy named Hanim Atvan, who claims to be a friend of Emir, reached out to her.

Emir was probably a little g*n-shy after his run-in with the authorities.

So he uses his friend Hanim to test the waters.

Monty, how long were they communicating with each other before she flew to Turkey?

Uh, six months.

Hanim regaled Emma with stories of how much Emir missed her and how much he wanted to come to the United States and see her, et cetera, et cetera.

Hanim strung her along with this expectation.

Then I'll bet he said Emir couldn't come to the U.S.

That way, she volunteered to come to Turkey and see him.

You are correct.

That's a classic takeaway tactic used by salesmen and con men worldwide.

Yeah, but even more than that, Hanim spelled out for Emma exactly what to do and not to do when coming over there.

No cellphone. Dress like a tourist.

Buy a plane ticket at the last minute so no one had a chance to find out.

She was definitely manipulated.

Thanks, Monty.

[Cellphone beeps]

You know, Emir could be pretending to be this Hanim kid.

Yes, he could.

[Car horn honks]

Our escort's arrived.

Let's go find Emir.

American. FBI.

You leave our son alone.

Emir is not here.

Mr. and Mrs. Bayar, Emma Peters is missing.

We know your son knew her well when he was in the United States.

And we know they've continued to communicate.

Lies. That girl got our son into terrible trouble.

So we made sure Emir would never have any contact with her ever again.

Why do you want to save that whore over our son?!

Mother, please!

Emir Bayar?


So, Emma goes missing in the U.S., and the FBI flies around the world just to accuse me?

We have communications between Emma and your friend Hanim who asks her, on your behalf, to fly here to Turkey to see you.

Emma came here?

And now she's gone.

I do not understand this.

I do not even know anyone named Hanim.

Emir, let's not play games. We know about the as*ault that led to your student visa being revoked.

I was protecting Emma's honor.

On day after school, some guys started hassling her for hanging with the rag head.

One of them tried to grab her.

The other took a swing at me, so I busted open his nose.

Defending Emma's honor isn't exactly how school administrators put it.

You do not think it is possible those people lied?

So you've had no communications with Emma since you returned from the U.S.?

It was not by choice.

My parents... they were not lying when they told you they forbid it.

And you're not familiar with anyone by the name of Hanim?

No. I am not.

Honestly, I never told any of my friends about Emma.

If she's in trouble, I'll do whatever I can to help.

Jack: Looks like we may have hit a dead end with Emir Bayar.

So whoever this Hanim guy is, he must have seen Emma's posts and searches for Emir online.

And he set his sights on her.

If this isn't about reuniting with Emir, then what does Hanim have in mind for Emma?

There are a few possibilities, and none of them good.

Let's hope you're about to find something.

Call you as soon as we do, boss.

[Cellphone beeps]

This is where the taxi dropped off Emma.

Okay, so Monty was able to remove Emma's voice from the answering machine message and then boost the background and the ambient noise.

[Baglama music playing]

So if this place is true to pattern, then Emma didn't go very far from these street musicians.


And that buzz sounds almost like a...

Building with a secure entrance.

Something with remote access control.

It looks like we have a couple of those on this block.

Keep playing it a little further.


Wow, that almost sounds like...

An industrial sewing machine.

Yeah, which I don't see or hear around here.

That is why...

I brought my sh**t's headphones.

Amplifies the ambient sound, blocks out the higher decibel noises.


This is it. This is it.

[Emma panting]

Emma's breaths are getting deeper.

She took the stairs.


Yeah, the footsteps end... shh, shh, shh.


Where is she?!

Where is Emma Peters?!

The place is empty, but she was definitely here.

You sure?


We found this.

Cracked cellphone case.

It's Emma's.

There was a couple empty beds in the room.

Could have been used as some kind of a way station.

On the road to where?

All right. Turkish Intelligence, they identified our guy back there.

His name is Marko Bashir.

Iraqi National.

Well, his left hook says he's probably not the brains behind all this.

Yeah, I would agree.

The Turks have him pegged as a smuggler... weapons and women.

That's some callus on your forehead.

Take his shoes off.

As well as on your feet.

Calluses earned from years of rigorous prayer.

Many of my devout friends, they have marks like this.

It comes from hours and hours of sitting on your feet and pressing your forehead to the rug, but... they're not smugglers, who also see themselves as true believers.

Extremists like this, they make me sick.

Desecrate Islam.

Twisting the words of Allah into a call for criminality and v*olence.

Jack, if this guy's a t*rror1st, he could have taken Emma to be a sex sl*ve or a w*r bride.

Which means she could be all the way to Syria by now.

Damn it.

[Cellphone rings]

Emma was gone before we even got here.

What do you have, Monty?

Even though your suspect was using a burner phone, I was able to get a pretty general picture of his activity.

In the last 72 hours, he had a pretty steady stream of calls coming back and forth between cell towers about 450 miles from you... in and around Istanbul.

Istanbul is the primary way point in the Middle East.

They would have taken Emma there first.

Monty, let the jet know we need to be wheels-up immediately.

We're on our way.

[Door slams]

You say you love Emir, and yet you betray him?!


I would... I would never betray him.

Your FBI just barged into Emir's apartment in Antalya.

They took Emir's friend Marko into custody!

Do you have any idea what they will do to that man?

No, I don't understand!

They will t*rture him until he tells them where to find Emir!

I wanted to trust you.

I just came here to be with Emir.

Oh, but my parents...

They might have called the police at home.

Because you called them.

What else are you lying to us about, Emma?

Please, don't do this.


Please! Please don't do this.


We'll be on the ground in Istanbul in 20.

Talk to me, Monty. What do you got?

Per Dale's request, Turkish Intelligence provided local police with all known associates and addresses for Marko Bashir.

They're following up now. Nothing yet.

So Bashir's not tied to any specific t*rror1st group?

Well, the C.I.A. is telling me that he will work for any t*rror1st organization that pays on time and in cash.

This doesn't make any sense when you think about it, Jack.

This whole scheme to lure Emma to Antalya seems too elaborate for sex trafficking, don't you think?

I agree. This Hanim ruse seems more sophisticated.

Six months of dedication to bring her over here.

And this recruiter was methodical, lulling Emma into compliance by tapping very specifically into her sensitivities and vulnerabilities.

Monty, where are we on tracking the origins of these communications between Hanim and Emma?

Okay, we're fighting firewalls and re-routes.

So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say these countermeasures mean that there is no Hanim Atvan.

[Computer beeps]

Simmons: Well, Hanim or no Hanim, the recruiter who sent those communications knows where she is.

Boss, I got bad news.

Istanbul police found a body.

It matches Emma Peters' physical description.

Dale, have the police hold that crime scene for us.

And as the victim appears to be American, I want Mae to perform the autopsy.

Consider it done.

Okay, you two take the crime scene and the body.

You and I will figure out who's pretending to be Hanim.


This isn't Emma.

There's no I.D., but a Hughes College tattoo and very Western dental work suggests that she is also an American.

What are the chances that two nearly identical American girls get in trouble in Turkey at the same time?

About the same as being hit by lightning while being eaten by a shark.

She's got a single g*nsh*t wound to the posterior cranial cavity.

You know, the way her body's positioned, it suggests that she could have been shot while running down the street.

She was probably running from the same people who got Emma Peters.

Okay, I'm gonna go start the autopsy and have Monty run our Jane Doe's DNA through codis.

Maybe she'll lead us to Emma.

Are you all right, my dear?

Who are you?

My name is Marion.

Emir is a friend, as is Hanim.

Please... let me go.

You really do love him, don't you?

We value that which is rare in this world... gold, diamonds.

But the rarest of all is love.

True love.

Why won't you let me see Emir?

You will see him. I promise.

But what is happening to you is happening for a reason.

I'm not lying to you...

Or them. I don't know anything.

I came here because I thought Emir and I could be together.

I lied to my parents.

You made a choice.

That is what growing up means... making choices, choosing between childlike needs and adult desires.

I don't understand.

Right now, you're living in two separate worlds.

You can't continue to live both lives.

It isn't fair to Emir.

In fact, it's dangerous for him.


Emir is much more than you think he is.

He's a fighter.

He fought for me, protected me.

And you witnessed firsthand how he was treated, didn't you?

Emir has never given up doing what is right.

Will you give up on him?



Monty: Our Jane Doe is 18-year-old Julie Allen, from Columbus, Ohio.

Why wasn't Julie a missing person?

Technically 'cause she was a legal adult who just left home.

It looks like Julie ran off for the same reason that Emma did... she was lonely, looking for love.

Both were targeted online based on vulnerability and desirability.

Make sense, but desired for what?

Whatever it is, it's going down soon.

'Cause according to both sets of communications, somebody wanted Emma and Julie to arrive there no less than 48 hours ago.

Clara: These girls are a specific type, Jack.

I think it's safe to assume this t*rror1st group has tried to recruit others just like them.

Young, innocent. Both could pass as tourists without suspicion.

As young and naive as these girls are, surely they would never willingly participate in a t*rror1st plot.

I think we need to leave the possibility of anything open right now.

Why hasn't Emir come to see me?

Is he mad at me?

I know this is hard for you.

You believe that love requires sacrifice, don't you?


Sometimes great sacrifice.

You so remind me of myself at your age.

What did you have to sacrifice?


But what they say is true, Emma.

What doesn't k*ll you makes you stronger.

I want to be strong.

You will be.

And I want there to be no secrets between us.

You deserve to know the truth.

Emir's parents are much like yours.

They want him to conform to certain rules.

They want him to remain in the family home, to continue with the family business, as is customary.

And that's why they've chosen a bride for him.

A br... a bride?

Emir's family is forcing him to choose who he will love.


And he chooses you, Emma.


It's time to get you ready for him, don't you think?

Clara: We analyzed the linguistics used in the e-mails that lured both girls to Turkey.

Each person's use of language is surprisingly distinct.

And it's often a very good way to determine someone's identity.

Let's start with how language subtly encodes gender within sentence structure.

Both recruiters repeatedly used pronouns such as "I, she," and "myself," which, statistically, are attributed to females more than males.

Note the phrase "on the cards."

But isn't that just a typo for the expression "in the cards"?

No, no, it's a British expression, and it's used multiple times in both chains of communication, just like the use of the British idiom "wood for the trees."

The use of these turns of phrase strongly suggest that the writer of both lines of communication is someone of British origin.

So you're sure that Emma Peters and Julie Allen were recruited by the same person?

Yes... female, British, well-educated, most likely in her 40s.

And the recruiter's strategy of inducing guilt to flip each girl is strongly indicative of an advanced interrogation technique.

Well, wouldn't that imply they have a background in intelligence work?

Yes, and there can't be that many women who fit that description.

It's kind of hard for me to wrap my brain around a female British spy who is enticing these young American girls into the hands of islamic t*rrorists.

All right. I checked interagency databases, and I found five candidates that fit your age, sex, and background parameters.

Five. That's a start.

Actually, we may only need to focus on one.

Here's a full dossier on Ms. Marion Codwell, C.E.O. of the Marion Codwell Group, a consulting firm based right there in Istanbul.

Now, the icing on the cake is that she likes to flaunt her 10 years experience with MI6.


Do you think Emir will like this?


What's wrong?

Oh, my dear child.

Emir is dead.




The Americans have m*rder*d him.


Why would they k*ll him?

When Emir was thrown out of the U.S., your government labeled him an enemy of the state.

They put a bounty on his head.


He got kicked out because of me.

He was defending me.

You mustn't blame yourself.

How could you know the FBI was using you to get to Emir?

[Gasping, sobbing]

This is all my fault.


It's not your fault.

But only you can make it right.


Emma Peters and Julie Allen were recruited for a purpose.

We need to know what Codwell and her t*rror1st friends have in mind.

Well, according to Codwell's background, in '04, she was an interrogator on loan from MI6 at Abu Ghareb when the abuse took place.

She also spent time in '06 working with one of the C.I.A.'s black sites in the Balkans.

She's been witness to a lot of death and depravity.

That's a level of trauma that will desensitize anyone.

Maybe even radicalized her.

Right now, I think our best plan is for Clara to pay Codwell a visit, see if she can shake the tree.

Simmons, let's wire Clara up.

Let's go fishing.

Good afternoon.

I'm special agent Clara Seger, FBI.

I need to speak with Ms. Marion Codwell.

Please follow me.

[Indistinct conversations]

Ms. Codwell, this is agent Seger from the FBI.

Agent Seger, what can I do for you?

We have reason to believe that your office's servers have been hacked and used to send a series of illicit communications.

Our server is the envy of your friends at Fort Meade in Maryland.

It's literally impossible for it to have been hacked.

Well, if that's the case, Ms. Codwell, that means these communications originated in this building...

In your office.


The truth is that finding the inspiration to descend to such a pedestrian level is often my foremost challenge.

So you admit to luring these girls?

Luring? I wouldn't call it that, Agent Seger.

I'm a headhunter, a recruiter.

I find people who want to be found, and I match them with people who want to find them.

I'm sorry. I'm unfamiliar with the Turkish law that forbids, for lack of a better term, role-playing.

Julie Allen is dead, and Emma Peters was kidnapped.

Looking for love in all the wrong places.

Turkey can be such a treacherous place, I'm afraid.

She's right, Jack. These communications alone are not enough to charge her with a crime here.

And we have no authority to detain Codwell in Turkey.

I know. But Codwell's sense of superiority is her Achilles' heel.

Clara will be able to exploit it.

I find it extraordinary, your indignation at one girl's untimely passing.

Like Stalin said, one death is a tragedy.

One million is a statistic.

Every death is a tragedy.

Unless those deaths are beset upon the children of Ishmael.

And here I presumed your loyalties were traded on the open market.

You deign to question my loyalties, but you see no irony in your work supporting the follies of an empire of lies, masquerading as the great arbiter of peace.

That's it.

What's it?

Jack, she's toying with us.


What's up, boss?

Jack: Monty, I need you to look up something for me.

If you Americans had any real sense of history, then you would know that your country's very inception is founded upon the acts and atrocities that you so earnestly now condemn.

Let me get this straight. You are comparing military battles between the British and American colonists to su1c1de bombings of churches and mosques?

Much as I have enjoyed our little tête-à-tête, it's clear to me that you are out of your league, not to mention your jurisdiction.

We're done.

Not nearly, miss Codwell.

You're right, Jack.

Codwell needs to find herself a new writer, 'cause she just kept dropping lines directly from the mouth of Iraqi t*rror1st leader Abu Hakim Al Badi... specifically from a speech he gave in Mosul last March.

Clara: Al Badi's ideology and beliefs are second nature to Codwell.

She can't help but pay homage to him.

Which says to me that she and Al Badi have been working together for a very long time.

Yeah, but it looks like this is the first time they've recruited teenage girls.

Yes, but if they're not trying to turn them into sex slaves and brides, then what is their value to Al Badi?

Well, as Americans, these girls can easily gain access to Western sites...

American sites.

Jack, you don't really think they're trying to get Emma to participate in a t*rror1st attack, do you?

I think that's been their plan from the beginning.

But she would have to go in on her own volition, alone.

I just don't see how you transform a lovesick girl into a su1c1de bomber in 72 hours.

Well, the truth is we've been able to flip hardened t*rrorists against their buddies in less time.

Honestly, breaking and turning Emma would be surprisingly simple.

Both Al Badi and Codwell began by exploiting Emma's love for Emir.

Monty: Right, they probably welcomed her and raised her expectation and anticipation for their reunion.

But they keep dangling that carrot just out of reach.

Gradually isolating her emotionally.

Once they have Emma convinced that she will finally get the love that she craves...

They tell her Emir's been m*rder*d.

And this insecure girl's world comes crashing in on itself.

And it's in that moment that Emma's most susceptible to the suggestion that she has something to k*ll for.

I want to speak with Marion.


I can understand you're confused and uncertain about who we are and who Emir was.

But the real reason Emir avoided contact with you was because he wanted to protect you.

Protect me?

From what?

Emir had uncovered crimes...

Murders carried out by your government against those who opposed them in the region.

I need to show you something.

This was an Islamic school in Ramadi.

That was the venue of a wedding ceremony in Mosul.

And this was a local prayer group in Haditha.

Okay, you're saying that Al Badi and Codwell can convince Emma to avenge Emir's m*rder.

So, then, who will they say k*lled Emir?

The same man Al Badi holds responsible for the drone strike last year in Ramadi that k*lled his younger brother, Ahmed...

U.S. ambassador Tom Wilson.

Right, they will say the ambassador is the one who put the bounty out on Emir's head.

And don't forget, Ambassador Wilson is about to secure an alliance between Iraq and Turkey against Al Badi and his t*rror1st group.

The signing ceremony is this afternoon at the U.S. consulate.

Al Badi's days are numbered if that deal goes down.

And that's why he's prepared to sacrifice Emma Peters to make sure it doesn't happen.

These atrocities were all committed by your government.

Emir gave his life trying to avenge these crimes.

And now I can no longer protect you.

I think it would be best for all of us...

If you returned home.

I have no home.

I chose to leave to be here...

With the one I love.


Let me help you.

For Emir.

Right now, the ambassador and his guests will be safer on consulate grounds than anywhere else.

Absolutely. The diplomatic security service and the marines will have everything locked down.

I'll make sure the Turkish forces reinforce the consulate's outer perimeter.

But, Jack, if Emma manages to get close, they'll have no choice but to sh**t to k*ll.

That's the last thing we want. We need to try to save her.

What if she doesn't want to be saved?

Once she knows the truth, she will.

[Indistinct conversations]

You must get inside the courtyard.

You must get close to the ambassador.

Within 10 feet.

Emir awaits you in eternity.


My name is Jack with the FBI.

I know why you're here.

I know why you think you need to do this.

You don't know anything.

Emir is alive, Emma.

They told you he died, didn't they?

Al Badi and Codwell lied to you.

No. You're lying.

Emma, you traveled all this way for love.

Don't let the hate they filled you with take hold.

Get out of my way.


They're not gonna let you get near the ambassador.

sn*pers are standing by.

Take one more step, and they'll sh**t you.

So just drop the switch right now.

Man: We need everyone to clear the courtyard.

There's someone you need to talk to.

Emma, it's me, Emir!

Please, do not do this!

Whatever they told you, they're all lies!

You're trying to trick me.

No, he's not! I am alive! I love you!

Listen to him.

You both have your lives to live together.

You just need to let go of that switch.

Emir is dead.

[Tires squeal]

And we can only be to...



Emir: Emma!

Don't sh**t!

It's all right. It's okay.



It's all right. Emir.





Jack: Al Badi and Codwell had no doubt that Emma would carry out the mission and die in the expl*si*n.

They were so arrogant, they concealed nothing from her... their identities, their locations.

They never imagined Emma would be alive to lead us right back to them, or that Emma's testimony would let us arrest them for t*rror1st conspiracy under Turkish law.

And it allowed us to arrest Marion Codwell and have her face justice in the United States for acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries.

Emir's heroics earned him a new visa to study in the U.S., where he will reunite with Emma.

Clara: Can you imagine running out on your family to go halfway around the world, only to find yourself right back at home?

Yeah, this isn't gonna be easy.

Monty: For any of them.

They need time to heal.

And to regain each other's trust.

They will.

Family is a powerful thing.

Let's go home.