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04x03 - The Stigmata of Progress

Posted: 04/29/16 05:56
by bunniefuu
I quit!

I k*lled Dr. Leekie.

Can't risk transporting him.

Then we bury him in the yard.

Not in the yard.

Mr. Pouzihno, if you could reimburse us for the pills.

There's no refund, Mr. Hendrix.

I got refund.

She said you're gonna be my new mom.


Professor Duncan.

Welcome home.


man: Hey, welcome to the Rabbit Hole.

Secret lab
under a comic-book shop, what more could a girl want, right? Haha!

Congratulations. You're having twins.

I have to tell my sestra.

I've been looking for my birth family.


It's about me finding out who I am.

It's right there.

I've heard rumours of high-level Neos with implanted tech, but this is next level.

I think there's something in my jaw!

What is that?

OK, Rachel, let's begin.


I'm going to flash the light on your eye.

Now off.

On. Now off.

Yes. I've gleaned the pattern, thank you.

Any discomfort to report?


Restricted motility?

Unusual discharge?


It looks like Pluto. Pluto isn't even a planet, you know. It's a runt.

Like your eye.

That's not very nice.

How would you like if I teased you about your... m-mmm... malformed leg?

I wouldn't let it bother me.

You say that... but you don't get to decide what bothers you or not.

That's why it bothers you.

Like our friend Ira here...

Follow the pen please.

I can see it's still quite photo-sensitive.

You've been away.

What makes you say that?

You've missed three consecutive treatments.

Reinforcing my suspicion that wherever we are is somewhat isolated.

A day's journey out and back.

She thinks you went to fetch Professor Duncan.

Locked in this room for six weeks without a single visit.

When can I expect her?

You shouldn't expect anything.

I'm going to apply a small amount of Neomycin...

Yes, I know the process.

And you're a pale shade of Castor, aren't you?

Your brothers may be lackeys, but... at least they're men.

As I have never met them, I don't carry the same... antipathy towards my siblings as you.

Chin, please.

I know Susan's back.

She's watching us right now.

No one is watching.

Ew! Pigment treatment; I hate this part.

It's what's necessary for her eye to look normal again.

(main title theme)

(indie rock music playing)

♪ I feel it getting hotter waiting for the water ♪

Now that the tomb door has been opened, my cave spiders can take their rightful place in the unholy depth.

Your roll, fair Cindrel.

Your mom will be up soon.

♪ My way to the top♪

They never tell me when things are bad...

♪ For just one day♪
♪ I'd be something better♪

...but I always know.

man: Holy cow!

What's it doing to me?

It looks like it's latched on.

You see that? There's some kind of... attaching mechanism.

Is it penetrating the maxillary artery?

What does that mean, "penetrating the artery"?

Why would it do that?

We'd be guessing.

So guess. What's it doing to me?

Oh... looks like there's some non-organic core.

See that in the tissue?

That could hold a payload.

Well, it's not a tracking device. At least not primarily.

It's way too overbuilt for that.

And it must produce an anesthetic. Like a leech when it latches on.

That's why she doesn't feel it.

What does it do?


I'm sorry, Sarah. I'm...

Without further study, there's no way of knowing.

This one's igneous.

This one's sedimentary.

Did you learn that in your online courses?


Lucky you.

I'm not allowed a computer, much less a window to the world.

What's "Adam's Rib"?

An archaic... religious reference.

Where did you hear that?

Ugh! Ugh!

(woman gasping)

I knew you were back.

Hello, Rachel.

Good! Look at you; that is demonstrable progress.

You can go to hell!

If I can't find M.K., I need to find this "Dizzy" guy.

Who now?

The guy who showed me the video.

(man speaking Spanish)

Maybe he knows how to take it out without k*lling me.

Listen to me. I have reached out.

We are going to find a doctor who can remove it.

But you have to get some rest.

When did you last get any sleep?

(Sarah sighs.) I need to tell Fee.

OK. At least, I know where to find you there.

Sarah, if Felix wants to search for his blood family, we have to support him.

I can't think about that right now.

Let's see if you can stand up to the power of Lord Merrick Farrow.

♪ I just wanna be somebody else, somebody new ♪

You're still with me?

Kira, what are you doing?

This game is stupid.

Kira! Ah!

Hey, what's going on here?

I knocked over the game.

You did?!

It was just an accident.

Hey, you behave, alright?

Got a lot to do today. I'll be back soon. Yeah, sorry.

S is downstairs if you need her.

♪ I need some of your powers, need some of... ♪

woman: Ah, do you have to go so deep?

Honey, if I don't go deep, I'm not gonna feel anything.

You're gonna want to get all the way to the back.

Right behind the wisdom tooth.

I'm definitely pretty far back there.


OK, uh, now slide your finger down into the cheek.

Anything there?

Honey, honey, be still, be still. No.

Feels normal. Both sides.

God! What...

What is that godforsaken thing?

Is it harming Sarah?

Apparently, Neolutionists get them, like, voluntarily.

Some kind of research device maybe.

Biometric data collection? We just... We don't know.

Wait, they're in Neolutionists?

According to Sarah's contact, yeah.

(liquid swishing)

If you had one to study, would that be helpful?

Invaluable. Yeah, why?

Just thinking out loud.

(liquid swishing)

Ali, we are not going to exhume the dead guy in our garage!

That is a haywire plan.

Donnie, my sister has a robot maggot in her face.

You tell me what the solid plan is.


Now, go rent a jackhammer.

Maybe we should just buy one.


(knocking on door)


(woman humming)


(glasses clinking)


Who are you?

(with American accent): Oh, you're expecting Felix. I'm...

I'm sorry. My brain's a little... Splat!

Hahaha! Yeah, he said he had a hook-up. He must've pulled the trigger, I just gotta find my bag.

Uh, mind you, I was picturing a fat-legged man wearing Crocs.

No offense.

It's just how you all look where I come from. Haha!


Is it molly that we're getting?


You know what? Don't matter.

I'm not that choosy this time in the morning.

Here we are. Alright.

How much do I owe you, honey?

Who are you? Why are you going through Felix's stuff?

Wow, you are protective... for a drug dealer.

You don't see that very often.

Adele! You should see how crisp it looks outside. It's like...

Oh, shit.

What's this all about then?

Sarah, this is Adele, This is my biological sister.


This is my foster sister.

Oh, Sarah!

I... Hahaha!

I'm such a halfwit!

Oh, of course, you're Sarah!


You don't happen to be a drug dealer too, do you?

Not anymore, no.

Oh, OK. That would have been too handy. Well, this calls for a celebration.

Actually, Adele, I need to talk to my brother.

Privately. If you'd mind...

Uh-huh. Absolutely, yeah.

Two. What?

What is wrong with you?

What?! I told you that I was gonna look for my family!

I didn't know you met her.

She is so bloody cool!

OK, you are gonna think she's amazing.

She's a lawyer. Or she was, but there's some kind of, like, "disbarment" situation or something, so she's...

How high are you right now?

Quite, I'd say, If I had to put a number to it. Why?

Well, something came up, so tell her you need to rain check.

No, I will not.

It's important, Fee.

This might come as a shock to you, but this is important to me, too. This is a profound moment for me.

How do you even know she's your sister. She's probably a Neolutionist plant.

Adele! What's your favourite colour?


What's your favourite drink?

Oh, this one's nice.

You ever had sex for material gain?

Haha! Who hasn't? C'mon!

I can see you're upset, I get it, but this means a lot to me. And frankly, I'm not just gonna drop all my shit yet again, because you're short a sidekick.

Then you can piss off.

Great. You too then.

(jackhammer pounding)


Thank you, Donnie Hendrix.

Uh, I need you to watch the kids for a few hours.

Alison and I have a project in the garage.

What is project?

(jackhammer pounding)

Nothing for you to worry about.

Sarah won't answer my calls.

I can help with trouble.

Sometimes, your kind of "help" isn't the kind that's needed.

Know what I mean?

Uh, just... gestate and watch the kids.

And nobody goes in the garage. Clear?

Like crystals.

Great. Hey, why don't we close that fridge door?

(jackhammer pounding)

(distant siren blaring)

(cell phone ringing)

Alright. Who the hell are you?

I just want to talk. Can I come in?

You stole my phone.

Brought it back.

I'm Sarah. I'm M.K.'s sister.

Didn't mean to lie, just was trying to find her.


Listen, whatever your deal is, I'm gonna take a pass.

Yeah. Hey.

Holy Jesus!

Just give me five minutes.

I started hearing some chatter a couple of months ago.

Piece of tech like that turns up, word travels pretty fast.

What do people think it's for?

There's a bunch of theories.

Biometrics monitor.

Delivery system, like, for insulin.


What do you think it's for?

I think, uh... you're not gonna like my answer.

I don't like any of the answers.

Why place it in the jaw, where so much can go wrong?

If it's for insulin, like, why not your thigh or your gut?

I don't know, you tell me.

Proximity to the brain...


You know what, don't mind me.

It's just a theory.

I need to get in touch with M.K. How do you contact her?

How do I contact my own sister?

What's that all about?

I didn't even know I had one till a couple days ago.

Well, you don't find M.K.; she finds you.

But if you wanna tell me what's going on... maybe I could help.

You can help me by telling me who that guy in the video is.

Please, I need to get it out.

Word going around, his name was Alonzo Martinez.

I should think you'd be grateful, Rachel: testing one of the first cybernetic eyes.

Back on your feet again thanks to Ira's help.

Perhaps she's upset because her pituitary hormone therapy has given her facial hair.

Nonsense! Can't see it at all.

I kept thinking: Why else would she disappear for two months without a word?

Now I smell it.

You failed to find the original, haven't you?

So, Sarah Manning and her people have outfoxed us again.

While you leave Castor and Leda alone in a... (Rachel sighs.) bloody terrarium!

Well, at least she's kind to Charlotte.

Yes, I'm glad you're forming a bond with the child.

She's had an unfortunate series of guardians.

Charlotte was cloned from you, you know.

"Adam's rib..."

400 attempts, I believe. Not a viable way to replicate you, but... important nonetheless.

Get out!

I beg your pardon?

I prefer to eat alone.

I have given you... everything. the keys to the future, and your obsession with Sarah Manning blinded you.

You failed to find the original. You failed to cure us by other means.

Just leave me here to die alone.

You are the failure, Rachel. You carry my last name and you are the biggest disappointment of you all!

Why would you upset her like that?

(door opening and closing)

(grunting with effort)

Ah! Ah, Jesus! There it is!

Is it... soft?

Oh, God, must be like a root cellar down there keeping him moist.

(both gagging and coughing)

Oh, God, the smell!

(Donnie coughing)

Bear down, Donnie.

Almost there.

Smells like hot garbage juice!


I said it smells...

It smells like hot garbage juice.

(both coughing and gagging)

(inaudible talking)

(knocking on door)



Jesus, you OK?

(quietly) Yeah.

Come on in.

(man in video speaking Spanish)

Ah! Ah! - The missing cheek case; that's what Beth was onto.


Implanted Neolution tech.

God, Sarah!

They put one of these things in your mouth too?

I'm too scared to even bloody brush my teeth, Art.

(man in video speaking Spanish)

Oh Jesus, Sarah.

(man in video screaming)

Art, I have to get this thing out.

You really do.

S and Benjamin are looking into doctors, but I don't know which doctors gonna even know what to do with this.

It exploded in that guy's face.

Wait, you said you had a name. Maybe I can help.

Alonzo Martinez.


Listen, I'm gonna head down to the station and see what I can dig up, OK? Sarah, you stay here.

Get some rest.

You look like you need it.

(door opening)


Yeah. (door closing)
(Sarah sighing)

I met Julian Schnabel once... at a retrospective in LA.

I was sort of bulimic at the time, so I thought... Thank you.

You're welcome.

I thought it would be fun to leave a puddle of barf in front of Dog in the Revolving Door.



Oh, my God, what I would give to barf on a Schnabel! Jesus!


Now, Felix...

I know you didn't go to all the trouble of finding me for a drinking buddy.

No. Alright.

OK. Your dad, my dad... so weird.

It's crazy.

He was an American, and he had an affair in England with a dancer.

That's right.

I barely knew my birth mom actually 'cause, you know, she died, like, I was really young. And then I fell into the foster system, then I bounced around here and there for a bit until Siobhan adopted me.

Do you remember your mom?

It's more like I... have a sense of her.

Like, you know, I can feel her presence or I got this sensation.

Beam of sunlight comes through the window and falls just a certain way.


Yeah, but so your mom, she knew then?

About the affair, yeah. Yeah, not about you.

That came out on his deathbed, so...

I spat in a cup for Gene Connexion. Here we are.

Family science.

So, what does your other family think about you looking for your roots?

Your foster sister seemed like she was pretty upset.

To be honest? You know, I don't really care.

(cell phone ringing)


Sestra, you finally answered.

I have news to tell you.

Yes. Sorry I haven't been...

I am having twins.


Meathead, that's huge.

Are you OK?

Yes, much OK.

Because I know they will always have each other. Like us.

But, sestra, Can I say something?

Yeah, yeah.

I don't want them to grow up like me.

Yeah. I get that feeling.

(doorbell ringing)

Doorbellings. I have to go.

OK, you, uh, rub that belly for me.

I will rub it.


Mrs. Hendrix? I'm Detective Lindstein, this is Detective Collier.


We're investigating a triple homicide at a local garage a few weeks back.

Can we come in?

We just have a couple of questions, Mrs. Hendrix. Won't take long.

Yes, I will kindly offer to take your coats...

No, we're good.

After examinations, forensics were able to place the incidents at 12 to 24 hours before his arrival on the scene, putting it at some time during the previous day.

We're building a timeline of that day, so any details could help.

Hello, husband Donald.

Some detectives are here.


OK. Uh, what is this pertaining to?


Of several Portuguese.


Why don't you join us, Mr. Hendrix?

Yeah, of course, of course. I'll just... get myself cleaned up a bit.

I will continue to be hostess.

(chuckling): OK, honey. Ah...


Abort! (Donnie coughing)

Heavens! What is it?

Police. Living room.

With Helena!

For this?!

No. For Pouchy's garage.

(Donnie gagging)

Donnie! Christ on a crab cake! Get in there, Donnie! Go!

(door closing)

It's from Benjamin.

He might have found a doctor who can help Sarah.

Oh... You want me to keep an eye on Kira?

Is that OK? Do you mind.

Yeah. Of course.

Thank you.

Chicken... I, uh...

I have to go out, just for a little while, but you stay here with Auntie Cosima.

I'll let you know if Benjamin's found someone to help.


Should we do a little science experiment?



Oof... you're exhausted, eh?

Why don't we go make a little nap nest on the couch?


I was dreaming.

Just now?

All the aunties were there.

You set Mom on fire.

(Cosima sighs.)

You know we'd never do that, right?


You had to.

She was changing.

How was she changing?

I don't know.

I couldn't see.

These were found at the scene of the crime.

Oh, gosh, they were supporters.

That makes this tragedy even worse.

Yes, this doubles it.

Can I offer you some breads?

We're fine, thanks.

Lindstein: The victims were known to police, but not exactly for their civic engagement.

Which is a little odd, considering their interest in your wife's campaign.

Did you know the Pouzihno family?



Donnie: No, never met them. Did you meet them?

No, they died.

Well, before?


We're gonna need to know who had access to your campaign materials, starting with your campaign manager.

My campaign manager?

Sarah Stubbs.

Sarah Stubbs.

That's right, Sarah Stubbs.

Mr. Hendrix, when we ask your wife a question, you need to let her answer.


I... I don't know if that's true.


I'm just saying, legally, I don't think that's true.

So... other than this Sarah Stubbs, who else had involvement in your campaign, Mrs. Hendrix?

Carol Lombart was coordinator, Trevor Sawatzky did transportation, and Kathy Melichi hung posters.

But my biggest support was my husband.

He's my rock.

Good to see you.

Yes, thank you.


(car engine revving up)

Donnie: How the hell did Helena know all that?

I don't know. She's a trained assassin.

That's what they do; they "shrak" people, and... observe things.

(Alison sighs.)

Oh, dear. Oh, God! Oh, God!

AH! Oh!

AH! God!

Ah, Jesus Christ! (both gasping)

Ah! God!

Oh, come on. Don't...


(Donnie gasping in disgust)

Oh, God!

Oh, God!

(both gasping)

Holy Jesus, what is that? What is that?

I think... I think that's what we need.

(Donnie gagging and coughing)

Ira said you made Susan lose her temper.

Yes. I shouldn't have, but I did.

We all... need to work harder at being a family.

How are your online courses?

Charlotte: Fine.

Are you still studying geology?


I'm learning about magma, how it explodes up from the molten core and goes sizzling into the sea.

(Rachel sighs.)

Magma has always been here, you know?

Has it really?

It's older than us. Older than dinosaurs.

Then Magma, I suppose, is Mother Nature.

(Charlotte coughing)


W-what is that?

Nothing. It happens when I cough sometimes.

(cell phone ringing)

Hey, what did you find?

That my Spanish is pretty shitty.

But your man Martinez had a local address last year, until he moved back to Bogota. But check this out: four months ago, he comes into town, stays one night, and then flies back home again.

It was a long trip for a short visit.

Yeah. His credit-card records show that he took a cab from his hotel room to the corner of Queen and Broadview and then back home. That's it.

What's at Queen and Broadview?

Get this:

it's a dental clinic specializing in implants.

(indistinct chatter)

Listen, I gotta bounce, OK?

I'm gonna check it out, Art.

You check in with me about an hour, alright?

Yeah, I will.


Marty, right?


Yeah, you worked my partner's sh**ting. Union Steward.

That's right. Art Bell?

That's right.

But see, it's bugging me because I know that you paid her a visit at home.

O-O-OK. Yeah.

See, that doesn't usually happen. House calls.

Sometimes, it does.

When I'm personally concerned for the officer's well-being.

You know?


Well, I appreciate that then.



Cosima, we found something that might help Sarah, but we need some assistance.


Right and, um, just to give you a little background, um...

You know what? One second, Cosima.

Why do we have to tell her where it came from?

Let's just tell her we procured it.

Maybe she'll let it slide. She's a scientist and a lesbian; she's not gonna let it slide.

(nervous chuckle by Donnie)

So, uh, the thing is, a few months ago, there was an occurrence that... occurred on a cold autumn night. It was very rainy...

I remember that distinctly... and the wipers on that car were crap, so I was having tr...


Anyway, one thing led to another, and I did sh**t Doctor Leekie and bury him in the garage, but... but, but, but...

What?! looks like he has one of those

Neolutionist things in his face, so sometimes, stuff works out.

You k*lled Aldous Leekie?

Boy, did I ever. Yeah.

Cosima, there will be time to debate the do's and don'ts of certain decisions later, but you said you needed one of these things, and we've gone to great lengths to find one.

So do you want it or not?

Yeah. Uh...

Good, then!

Someone with science knowledge has to come get it because right now it's encased in so kind of awful polyp. OK? Great!

I'm good. No, I'm not good.

Donnie, use a towel!

(Donnie gagging)

Oh, my God!

(pop music on the radio)

(hubbub from street)

All done?

That's fine.

Thank you, have a seat.

(suspenseful music)

(cell ringing)

(buzz of a dentist's drill)


Are you crazy? You can't be here.

Who saw you come in?

No one.

OK. Come, come, just uh...

I told you, OK?

I'm done. No more. I wouldn't have come if it wasn't important.

They know you're digging, Beth. But you covered for me, right?

How could you ask me that?

I just...

I don't want to put you in a tough spot.

Of course I covered for you.

I'm as upset about all of this as you are.

But I'm exposed here, OK? I signed an NDA.

I've witnessed the procedures. The procedures...

They do it on purpose. They bring me in, so now I'm just as guilty as everyone. Because I stood there, I watched. Like... with Martinez?

How did you know about that?

Alonzo Martinez came here. Right?

Look, I'm sorry, I've said all I can. You need you to go.

What if I told you that they did the procedure to me?

You came to get it out...

Can you?

Well, I can, but... it's really dangerous, Beth.

But you know how to do it? You could do it.

OK, wait here.

(ring tone and sirens nearby)

Leave a message; call you back.


Benjamin, where are you? I'm still waiting.

Somebody call for a doctor?


I hope you're better at protecting the Original than your communication networks.

How did you find me? Where's Benjamin?

He's fine.

I thought we were friends, Siobahn.

You k*lled 2 of my friends, so that would be a no.

What do you want?

Would you believe I'm looking for love?

Well, I'm concerned because you're investigating Neolution tech. Seeking a doctor with a certain expertise, why?

Maybe you and I could help one another.

What would you have that I would want?

I know a thing or two about bots.

Like how dangerous they can be.

Someone in your organization has one.

Kira? Sarah?

There's a Neo network here that does them. I know who they are.

And what would you want in return?

(phone ringing)


Yeah, it's Art.

Sarah's not answering her phone.

She's with Felix.

No she's not. She was supposed to check in an hour ago.

She was investigating a dental clinic.

Yes, I think she could be in trouble.

Just finishing up a few things.

I'll see you tomorrow, OK? Good night!

OK, have a good night!



I'm just, um... a little unclear on what the devices are for.

Right, OK, so I'm gonna get you to open up.

Great. OK, now this might pinch just a little bit, OK?

(little moans)

OK, good.

Beth, if the pain gets to be too much at any point, I just want you to let me know.


OK? So open up. Yup!


Here we go...

OK... Uh.

Does that hurt?


Sh... No, no, no. No movement.


Alright. OK.


OK, so, um, I've penetrated the device, which now means that the slightest movement on your part will cause it to erupt. Do you understand?

Don't nod, just blink once if you understand.


If you do move, a burst of tendrils will release a fatal dose of tetrodotoxin.

So, again, just need you to... blink once so that you understand.

(little moan)

(breathing): Great.

Beth, I'm so sorry, but you really don't know what you're getting into here. (moaning)

I had to call my superiors, so...

Well, they'll probably be here any minute. But until then, honestly? No movement.

It is... it is super critical.

(little moan) God.

You know, when you first came sniffing around here, I had instructions: Misdirect you, send you on your way. But nobody told me you'd be coming back. Or that you're one of the test subjects.

God! You don't know how lucky you are to be chosen for this.

(door opening and closing)

Oh thank God, they're here.

Don't move.



(choking and moaning)

(gasping for air)




(more mumbling)

I can't understand a word you're saying with that thing in your mouth.

Be still...

(breathing loudly)

Nothing to worry about. If she'd punctured it, you'd already be dead!

What the hell are you doing here?

Earlier today I received some rather interesting news from Rachel. Susan Duncan is alive.


(door opening and closing)


It's my curse.


I've spent my whole life observing you, but I don't know how...

(breathing in): to be with you.

Because you abandoned me.

Father thought Neolution m*rder*d you, but you are Neolution.

So are you.

I'm sorry, Rachel. I wanted to be your mother, but it was necessary to cut the cord.

You raised a Castor clone instead.

Please be kind to Ira.

Castor was never completely under my control to be raised h*m* like that.

I wanted him to be different.

And me?

Raised by Aldous Leekie.

Sent off to boarding school.



You weren't supposed to know about... Helsinki.

Well I do.

And yet, here I am.

Rachel, you are the experiment.

One day, you may take over.

But be patient.


Everyone needs a purpose in life.

Ours is all in service... of the greater good.

What is it, Mother?

What is our greater good?

To control human evolution, darling.

To create a more perfect human being.