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02x06 - The Thaw

Posted: 04/28/16 08:55
by bunniefuu
I do declare that the frozen embryo presently in storage forms part of the estate of Ms Larsson.

What?! Please, Your Honour...

Sorry, but...


The item is now Ms King's to do with as she pleases.

Richard: Keisha knows we had surveillance in her house.

Her flatmates brought pot home yesterday and it'll all be on camera.

OK, don't panic... I'm dealing with it.

Can I call you back later?

What now?

I'm just reminding Richard about the Filippetti case, putting the dr*gs in the communal...

I know, I know.

I'm looking at this bill of lading. See this contact number here?

Simon's mobile?

Except it's not Simon's. It's Amil Nobakht's.

Man: Is that Simon Hamilton?

(ON PHONE) Yes, speaking.

Container JL1349-76 has been cleared for pick-up.

Hey, any activity?

Nothing yet.

Nothing? Have they been tipped off?

Man: If it was anyone in Customs, the State Corruption Commission are the guys we should ask. Roger Embry.

So, Janet doesn't think we finished the job properly.

Is that the implication?


I need an executive summary of what will be in your interim report and I need evidence it will be written.

I can't promise anything.

Hang on, what are you...?

We have authority to confiscate all phones, computers and devices capable of storing or transmitting digital information.

Bianca, if you can get Felix to name the person who shot him, that opens up everything - but now I need him fast.

Did you know about the corruption commission?

Obviously, Lincoln's behind it.

It's got nothing to do with me.

OK, OK. Here he is.

Man: I do not f*ckin' believe you, Steph!




(ON PHONE) It's Brett Bonar.

He knows you're a cop.

Don't let him in.




You'd better not bloody die!


Has the ambulance been sent to 12 Barclay Crescent, Bass Hill?


Bianca: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26...


Ah, Commissioner Janet King.


Andy: Janet.

You OK? No-one's hurt?

We only realised it was him seconds...

As soon as he saw me, he pulled his g*n.

It's a good thing you had yours.

I took on what you said about being prepared.

Good, you needed to be.

Man: This is your w*apon?

We'll need your clothes and swabs of your hands.

But first, walk me through what happened.

I was standing...

Why are you stopping?

There's nothing more we could do.

What do you mean?

It's over.



Did he say anything?

After you shot him, did Brett say anything at all?

No. No.



Owen: Should I ask?

He's dead.


Bahman and Sam Nobakht are at the airport.

We've got pass alerts on the whole family.

They were trying to board a flight to Dubai with a connection to Tehran.

They can't go to Iran, we're not finished with them yet.

And are their visas valid?

Can we stop them from leaving?

Well... the $30,000 in undeclared US currency.

Bahman was carrying might help.

US currency?


Apparently, it's accepted in Iran.

Where did they get that much?

Question on my lips too.

Alright, bring them in.

I'll search Brett's house before his death hits the streets and someone beats us to the punch.


I'm going to meet with Felix, debrief him, make sure he's safe.


Who was Brett working for?

Who did Felix owe?

Do you think he can tell us that?

I'll ask.

Well, seeing the way things have played out here, he's unlikely to give you any more, so don't feel you have to.

I'll do what I can, Janet.

You're sure you're up to it?

I'm fine. Really.

Here's the brief you asked for.

I don't know why I gotta wait here all day, Steph!

I don't f*ckin' know! Hey?

f*ckin' talk! You talked.

I didn't tell them anything.

Will you stop lying to me!

I'm not!

Hey? Just stop lying to me.

You want more of this, huh?


You f*ckin' want more?

You want f*ckin' more?

No, please! No!

This is f*ckin' serious shit, Steph.

This is serious shit, OK?

I've gotta know.


Nobakhts here yet?

Haven't arrived.

Janet, what's going on?

Good, it gives us a moment.

Lina, Richard. Heather!


So, Bianca went undercover to get close to Felix to see if she could get him to reveal who kneecapped him.

Yesterday, she and Andy played out the violent boyfriend scenario, which was designed to convince Felix that the only way to protect her was to contact that man.

Who turned out to be Brett Bonar?


Why did he play the boyfriend when there was a risk whoever shot Felix might be someone he'd met?

We had to work fast.

No time to bring in anyone else.


Do we think Brett shot up the Nobakhts' house?

That doesn't make sense.

He was a mate.

And weapons are passed around all the time.

Brett probably onsold that g*n months ago.

Considering he used it to put a hole the size of a dim sim in Felix's patella first, I think we can safely assume he was involved in criminal activity of some kind.

Although what and who for, unfortunately he's no longer in a position to tell us.

This undercover thing's been going on for a while?


Known only to you and Bianca and Andy and Owen?

It's standard security protocol.

So, the police are running Brett's DNA against crimes under our terms of reference - in particular, does it match either trace found at George Healy's m*rder.

But we know that one of the people that k*lled George k*lled Ash.

What if that was Brett?

I said under OUR terms of reference, Richard.

Get the police, Lina, to chase up the lab.

They'll have only just got the sample. Tell them it's urgent.

Tell me as soon as the Nobakhts come in.


Where's Andy now?

Doing his job.




Bag 'em up.


God, I'm so glad to see you.

For you.


I knew that bastard would do the trick.

He's a seriously scary dude, eh?

Your ex won't have known what hit him.



My name's not Steph.


It's Bianca.

I'm a sergeant with the Australian Federal Police.

The man you asked to help me, Brett Bonar, I... he was shot dead this morning.


I'm working for the King Royal Commission.

That g*n that was used to sh**t you in the leg, that matched a w*apon used in other crimes under our terms of reference.

I was tasked with getting you to reveal who shot you.

When Brett turned up at the house, he, um... recognised my colleague and fired on us both.

So... so you... you k*lled Brett?

After I sent him to you?


Well, then they'll know it's me.

They'll know I've talked.

We'll protect you.

I knew this was too good to be true.

The surest way to be safe, though, is for us to find out exactly who was behind this and get them off the street.

I really must have 'sucker' stamped on my forehead.

We will provide security, get you into witness protection.

Witness bloody protection?

There's nothing you can do to protect me.


You got me to sign my own death warrant.

Ah, Janet?

It's Roger Embry from the State Corruption Commission.

Line three.

Right, thanks.


Just a courtesy call to let you know your initial hearing is scheduled for tomorrow.

Listen, what's this actually about?

The paperwork's being couriered over.

Hope the RC's progressing.

Hey, when the Nobakhts get here, do you want me...

What have they got on me?


The SCC?

Well, have you ever defamed anyone?

Judge? Pollie?

Well, every now and then I send Tony texts when some idiot overturns a conviction, but that's hardly evidence of corruption.

Lina, have you got a moment?

So, I'll now be appearing before the SCC in the morning and, given they took both your phones, it's a fair bet that you'll be called as witnesses.

Do you know what it's about?

No, but whatever it is, they'll want to catch me in a lie, make me look unethical.

And if they can do that with the help of my own staff, even better.

So, is there anything on your phones the SCC might throw in my face?

Some texts to me or from me that aren't quite appropriate?

Oh, like that sext you sent me.

Have I ever sent you anything off-colour?

Alright, have you ever texted or emailed anyone about me, about my work?

How... how far back?

Oh, I don't know.

Let's start with the last couple of weeks, I suppose.

Well, I...

I texted Andy about your... your manner.

What about it?

Well, it's hard to remember the exact words.

Try a precis.

I think it had to do with you knowing it all and making the rest of us feel stupid.

Any others?

I might have suggested that sometimes you can be a little bit... unyielding and maybe something about, um... you being condescending and patronising.

Thank you, Lina.


Oh, no, no, nothing like that.

Ah, Heather did send me a text once, um, comparing you to an ice queen, all phenomenal cosmic powers and a heart of ice, But I set her straight - I replied and said that you're not an ice queen, you're just a control freak.

But in a good way.

In... in a good way.

There was that text you sent me after I told you I found that bracelet that Todd bought for Elaheh.

Remember when I said we'd have to spend $1,750 and you said, "Don't tell the taxpayer."

You don't think...

Yeah, no.

Can't be that. It's too trivial.

If I was the Attorney-General with evidence that a political enemy had misappropriated public funds...

The Nobakhts are here.

Bahman's up first.

Start with the money?

Or go back to the sh**ting?



You alright?

Yes. Let's get going.

Ms King, can we get on with this, please?

Sam and I have already missed our flight and we've got to get home so we can rebook for tomorrow.

I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere, Mr Nobakht.


You were trying to leave the country with more than twice the permitted amount of cash.

Our credit cards don't work in Iran.

We have to take cash.

$30,000 American?

I need it to stay out of the Army, to avoid compulsory military service.

We are still Iranian citizens, so I have to.

Although, you can buy an exemption certificate.

That's how Amil got off.

That's how all Iranian guys who live overseas get off.

But now with the w*r with !sis, Iran needs soldiers more than money, so we cannot buy certificate after this week.

If I don't go back to Tehran by Friday, I will be sent to the Iraqi border.

Just don't go back at all.

I mean, they can't extradite you for missing military service.

You're an Australian resident.

My mother.

Her exit visa was rejected so she can only visit once or twice a year.

And we can go back, but it's very difficult to all live in Australia.

If I don't get exemption in time, they will find a reason to arrest her.

So please, Ms King, can we just go?

We haven't finished with Sam's evidence, Mr Nobakht.

Please sit down.

Sit down.

Where did you get US $30,000?

We've accessed your family bank statements.

There's no record of you having anything like this kind of cash available before.

Amil and Todd have a friend from school.

I think you have spoken to him.

Brett Bonar?

Brett knew we needed the money for Sam, so he come to Amil and he said he could pay us $40,000... if we could put our business name and address on the bill of lading for some overseas container.


What was in the container?

I don't know.

Weren't you curious?

I didn't particularly like the arrangement.

Was Brett setting this up for himself or someone else?

I don't know anything more about it.

I just needed the money.

I told you what you wanted to know!

May we please go?

You're not going anywhere, Mr Nobakht, until you're straight with us.

I am!

Night of the 31st, someone shot 14 b*ll*ts into your house.


I don't know.

Not cooperating with the royal commission - that's contempt.

Committing perjury is worse and now you face charges of taking undeclared cash out of the country.

So I'll ask you once again.

Who shot up your house?

It was Brett, OK?


I changed my mind about the container, wanted nothing to do with it.

But when I told Brett, he said we still had to be the point of contact, had to.

You understand?

He shot up your house to warn you?

It was very upsetting.

Brett was the first friend Amil made when we come to Australia, and for him to do this...

Why didn't you want to be involved with the container anymore?

Todd was m*rder*d!

Whatever was going on, I wanted no more part of it!

But you still took the money.

We were desperate!

By then, it was our only choice.

Did Todd tell someone about the arrangement with the container?

Is that why Brett k*lled him?

Brett didn't k*ll Todd.

How can you be sure?

Brett loved Todd.

He was shocked when he die.

Devastated! We were all devastated!

Do you know who shot him?

No. He was a good young man.

A bit foolish sometimes, but a good husband to my daughter.

And he would have been a good father to my grandchild.

Do you really think I wouldn't tell you who k*lled him if I knew?

Alright. Thank you, Mr Nobakht.

We'll take a short break.

Then I'll call Amil for evidence.

Thank you.

Well, you've had one hell of a morning.

Hey, you OK?


Look what just turned up at Brett's place.

Whoa! Who needs that many g*ns?

Someone who sh**t people for a living.

And also, I found this in Brett Bonar's fish t*nk.

It's a 9mm Zodiac PT92.

Ballistics just confirmed it put one round into Felix Murphy's leg and 14 into Bahman's house.


Oh, that's great news.

Lina Badir? Thank you.

Brett's DNA results are in.

Brett's DNA matches one of the two traces found at George Healy's m*rder.

And he did the drive-by and shot Felix.

Got around, didn't he?

Has Bahman said who Brett was arranging the container importation for?

Doesn't know, or says he doesn't.

Andy, did Brett's DNA match traces found at any other crime scene?

It didn't match the DNA at Ash's m*rder.

Brett didn't k*ll her.

But he knew who did.

Must have, he worked with him.

He m*rder*d George alongside him and... and now we can't ask Brett who that man is.



Felix: Who is it?


Get them to say their name.

"Me"? Could be anyone.

Yeah, could.

I've briefed the witness security team.

You should have a new identity and a ticket to the UK within 24 hours.

The UK?

Well, given the level of threat, overseas was deemed safest.

What about my car? My stuff?

You can't.

Mum. I gotta...

You can't go home.

That part of your life's over.

Dead and buried.

Felix, you're safe here.

We weren't followed and I've organised a police guard for overnight.

You really are a cop, aren't you?

That doesn't mean I don't know how scary this must be.

Or that I didn't enjoy getting to know you.

I felt good with you... or with Steph.

Felt like a better person for a minute.

You are a good person, Felix.

You tried to help a woman in fear of her life.

Seems you can look after yourself.

Giving us Brett was a really important piece of this g*n crime puzzle the royal commission's trying to solve.

But he didn't sh**t you for free.

Whoever you owed money to paid him.

And that person, he's up to his eyeballs in the drive-bys, the kneecappings, the murders.

Who lent you the money?

Oh, so that's how this works?

I don't tell you what you want and my shiny new identity and ticket to Neverland just goes away?


And I get shoved out the door to be shot and dumped in the Parramatta River!

You gave us Brett. Tomorrow, we're getting you out of here.

But if we don't take down whoever he worked for, tomorrow there'll be another Brett in Western Sydney, sh**ting people for money.
I can't tell you.

They'll find out.

No, they won't. You're safe here.

Well, how do you know?

They could have got in and bugged the place.

This place is secure, Felix.

Trust me.

Trust you?

I already did.

The phone number on the bill of lading for the container was yours.

Yes, I put my number on the form.

When I was told the container arrived, I let Brett know, but that's it.

Who did Brett report to?

No idea.

Get the call it was there, let Brett know.

It was a straightforward arrangement.

Which included falsifying Port Authority documents and knowingly making bogus claims to Customs.

For which you were paid.

Thank you, you're excused.

My hands are tied on the money.

My wife faces jail in three days.

If you give me your wife's address, I can make sure that we involve the relevant authorities.

Australian police have no power there!

!sis is 100km from the Iran-Iraq border.

Sam is not a soldier.

This royal commission of yours is set up to protect us from g*n v*olence.

And you're going to send my youngest boy, a film student, to face the b*ll*ts of !sis?

Are you?

Shame on you, Miss King!

Janet. Janet, please.

You know what it's like to lose someone that you love.

We've already lost Todd.


Owen: Do we believe that the Nobakhts had no idea that the container was full of g*ns or who Brett was working for or with or...

I believe them.

I think they considered him to be part of the family.

And now they've lost him too.


Live by the sword...



Ever noticed how undercover work on TV seems so glamorous?

I saw Felix.

He's not gonna tell us anything.

Right. The expression 'square one' springs to mind.

Did you explain how critical that name is?

He's terrified they'll blame him for Brett's death.

Short odds.

I've got him into WitSec.

They're moving him OS. But for him, the only safe path is silence.

I'll speak to him.

You won't change his mind.

I'm the one who's lost a partner.

He won't see just another cop. He'll see a victim of crime, just like him.

Just another cop?

That's not what I meant.

Why didn't you speak to him yourself?

Instead of creating a situation where someone got k*lled!

We need that name.

He's traumatised, Janet.

We've stirred up serious shit for him. It's not fair do this.

If Felix doesn't tell what he knows, another innocent person's gonna end up with a b*llet in them.

That's not fair.

Briefing room now.

Lina, the woman Keisha heard scream when Todd was shot?

I'm going through the police interviews, contacting every female in the area - there are hundreds.

Alright, what about Brett?

I've been going through his phones.

He had three. He had numbers for all the powerful men in Western Sydney, including Patrick Boccaro, Sam Hall, Luigi Alfarno, Ahmed Mohammed, Mustafa Ibrahim, Bao Long - practically every POI on the board, including Simon Hamilton.

Brett Bonar called Simon Hamilton three weeks before Todd was k*lled.

This major's looking dodgier by the minute.

OK, unless we get any more out of Brett's phone, the Nobakhts are unlikely.

And until Felix Murphy reveals at whose behest he was kneecapped, best line of inquiry for Todd Wilson's m*rder and the container of g*ns is now Major Simon Hamilton.

There are connections.

Todd stole Simon's identity.

We can't prove Simon knew that.

Todd was shot with a 3D-printed g*n Simon had a file for one of these on his computer.

But we searched his house.

No printer, no filaments.

No evidence he'd ever actually made a w*apon.

Could have made it at work, taken it home.

And Simon's never said where he was the night that Todd was m*rder*d.

Should we recall him?

No, he stonewalls.

Let's wait until we've got a plan and we can break him down.

How far back have you gone into Simon's phone?

Two weeks before Todd's m*rder.

Maybe we should go further.

Two months, three.

You can find all sorts of things on phones.

It's the best sav blanc the house can provide.


Are you not drinking? Shit day?

What do you think?

You were almost k*lled.

No, the worst thing that happened to me was a mountain of post-sh**ting paperwork.

I hear this place does great falafel.

How was it, being undercover?

It wasn't really. I just came in to play out a scenario with Bianca.

I saw the surveillance footage.

From the reserve.


That's pretty intense, watching... watching what you did to her.

It had to convince Felix.

It looked like when you grabbed her you were doing it for real.

We'd talked about it.

Bianca knew what was coming.

That you'd toss her to the ground and put a g*n to her head?

She said I had to go that far.

It was all with her consent.

And I'm sorry you had to see it.

I'm sorry you had to do it.

Um... I've got some news.

Um... I'm pregnant.

(WHISPERS) You're joking?

(LAUGHING) No, I'm not.

Oh, my God, are you serious?

Come in.

Is it true Brett was k*lled by the police?

Something to do with the royal commission?


So like him to want to help find out who k*lled Todd.


Why did you let him be there?

He was helping you.

You should have protected him.

You shouldn't have let him get shot!


Brett wasn't working FOR the royal commission.

What do you mean?

What do you mean, Richard?

I mean, we were focusing on him.

What, he... he was a suspect?

Royal commissions don't use that terminology.

We prefer 'person of interest'.

Yes, Brett's activities brought him under our terms of reference...

What activities?

I can't reveal the details.

He was into some pretty nasty stuff.

I'm sure he wasn't a saint, but... he was always completely sweet to me.

He was involved in g*n crime.

You're not telling me he k*lled his best friend?

No, other crimes.

Brett wouldn't hurt anyone.

I don't... I don't believe it.

Well, that's up to you.

You're not telling me what he's done!

God forbid you do anything that might upset your boss!

It's nothing to do with Janet.

You always do what she tells you!

Yeah, she's usually right!


Why are you here?

Why are you here?

What do you want?

To see you.







Liam: Then I made a Play-Doh.

Oh, Liam, how fun.

What did you make?

A blue snake.


Well, I can't wait to meet Mr Blue Snake.

Emma: I bit his head off.


Did you put it back on for Liam?

Robyn: Come on. Wash your hands, you two. Then fish fingers.

Are you coming up Saturday?

Yeah, I'm hoping to.

Things are just a little bit hectic at the moment.

OK, keep me informed.

Did you find your iPad?

The kids like seeing your face, you know.

No, not yet. But I promise I'll FaceTime them tomorrow, OK?

Alright. I'd better get them fed.

Say goodbye to Mummy.

Bye, Mummy.

Bye, Mummy!

Bye, darlings! I love you!


Nourishing noodles.

Nourishing enough.

Did you speak to Felix?

I decided it was a bad look.

For you?

For the royal commission.

So you're on stand-down?

a*t*matic, after a sh**ting.

And the obligatory counselling.

You'll have to talk about what happened.

Plenty of opportunity.

Between us, police complaints, the coroner.

Well, you won't have a case to answer.

I mean, you had to sh**t him.

Didn't you?

If I didn't want him to sh**t Andy and then me, yes.

God, all that work.

We don't know that Brett would have talked.

But to get that close and lose everything.

You know I'm the one who...

Taking a human life is not insignificant, no matter what horrific things that person has done.

Of course...

And Felix, he rebuilt his life and now it's ruined, because I did a brilliant job winning him over, which got us nowhere.

On top of that, the SCC has taken my phone, trawling through it looking for God knows what...

I'm sorry all this has happened.

I just don't think I can talk about your commission right now, Janet.

Then perhaps we should leave things.

Newsreader: The 28-year-old man shot here by police this morning has been identified as Brett Ian Bonar.

Police are refusing to confirm.

Mr Bonar's death is connected to investigations arising from the King Royal Commission into g*n crime.

Meanwhile, Robert Carter maintains his vigil at his wife Jane's bedside in Bankstown Hospital.

Mrs Carter has been in a coma since her car was struck by a vehicle driven by George Healy, another person of interest to the royal commission.


Mr Healy was found dead a week later in what police have called suspicious circumstances.

With violent crime showing no sign of abating in the city's west, Commissioner Janet King has yet to issue even an interim report.

The Attorney General has also not commented.



I have to go to work.


Work schmerk.

This morning's important, OK?

There's a hearing, and Janet, she really expects...

Oh, I thought you'd ditched that security blanket.

I can't let her down, OK?

I'm steeped in Protestant work ethic, like, up to here.

Dutiful to my core.

I like your hair like that.

It's more you.

The people of New South Wales expect their public officials to be of impeccable character and to display behaviour that is beyond reproach.

Now, when it comes to allegations of corruption against public officials, they apply what is quaintly referred to as 'the pub test'.

That is, if behaviour looks, sounds or smells corrupt, then it probably is.

This State Corruption Commission hearing is the result of information received.

Information which suggests, Ms King, that you, someone who holds one of the highest of public offices, attempted to pervert the course of justice.

Commissioner Embry, may I ask when this alleged attempt took place, and what it actually was?

No, Mr Gillies, you may not.

While Ms King may wish to listen to you, I do not.

Sit down.

Ms King, as a lawyer, a member of the Bar, Senior Counsel, an employee of the DPP and now a royal commissioner, would you agree that your conduct must be of the highest order?

Yes, and mine is.

(WHISPERS) Didn't want to get out of bed, Richard?


So your colleagues would have no reason to criticise your professionalism?

Well, there are personal niggles in any workplace, and differences of opinion, but beyond that, no.

What about these texts from your colleagues?

"She's patronising and doesn't listen to advice from anyone else on principle."


"Always has to be right."

"Judge, jury, executioner, J's got it all covered."

"She's an ice queen."

"Blizzards of opinions, spears dissent with icicles, snowflake emoji, snowflake emoji."

"Not an ice queen, just a control freak."

Hardly a ringing endorsement of your objectivity.

My team and I work under high pressure.

I mean, it's natural that fuses blow every now and again, but none of this comes even close to evidence of perverting the course of justice.

We've received a complaint alleging you've engaged in inappropriate behaviour.

Who made that complaint?

The informant has chosen to remain anonymous.

But our searches through your personal devices have confirmed the allegation had substance.

"Tell her about Filippetti. She'll be fine."

By Filippetti, you were referring to...

Crown versus Filippetti, 1984.

And what happened in that case?

The accused was not convicted of possession because the dr*gs were found in the living room of a house shared by many people, so the Crown could not...

So the Crown could not prove who actually owned the dr*gs.

In other words, you were giving Mr Stirling advice on what his friend needed to do to avoid charges of drug possession.

Advising on ways to avoid criminal charges - that is perverting the course of justice, Ms King, is it not?

Janet, I'm so, so sorry.

I never should have gotten you involved.

It's a bit late now. She's already facing a full public hearing.

Did you forward that text to anyone?


Well, did one of Keisha's flatmates get a hold of your phone, or...

I didn't even see them.

They were all out at some gig.

Would it help if I explained?

Fell on my sword? Self-immolated?

It's not your fault, Richard.

Roger Embry's had it in for me for years.

Never forgiven me for turning down his drunken proposition at uni.

Don't forget he's a mate of the Attorney-General. Hello?

What I want to know is how the SCC found out about that text.

Not from me.

Well, somebody found out about it.

Janet, listen...

Don't you have somewhere to be?

Ah, how are you feeling?

Strong? Weak? Icy?

Spit it out.

Your sister-in-law's appealing the probate judge's ruling on the frozen embryo.

Now, it's listed for hearing, but with everything on your plate at the moment, my advice would be to seriously consider whether it's worth pursuing.

I don't know. I don't know.


Deb's the anonymous informant.

Well, how do you figure that?

You remember when I texted Richard and she was sitting nearby.

Do you think she overheard me talking about dr*gs in the living room, or could she possibly have googled Filippetti?


Aunty Deb with her platitudes about family and love.

Janet. Janet.

You know, I won that probate ruling, Tony.

Jesus, Janet, you do not want another court case now.

You're already the subject of a corruption investigation, and you're running a royal commission.

Not to mention giving Lincoln 'God's gift to Attorney-Generalling' Priest another stick to beat you with.

Let me know when you want to talk appeal tactics.


I take it Roger Embry's off the Christmas card list?

Oh, good to hear the grapevine's healthy.

Couple of journalists phoned already, asking why you've been caught by the SCC.

I gave them my best finger.

As only you can. Anything else?

Andy sorted out the infra-red cameras, but he stopped short of buying you a new iPad.

Simon Hamilton's phone?

Barren as a boulder so far.

Screaming female witness? Richard?

Ballistics on the g*ns Andy found at Brett's are starting to come in.

I'm checking those against other firearm incidents.

Keep up the good work.

Did she say "Keep up the good work"?

I think I like her better as an ice queen.

Simon Hamilton's phone -

I've been going through everything he had on it.

Calls, texts, emails, photos.

I'm about three months back and there's nothing you wouldn't expect.

But just now the signal came up showing that an app had been deleted.

I ran it through the recon program, reconstructed it.

Turned out to be a dating app.

Well, not so much dating as a "meet and let's have sex right away" app.

Soon as you open it up, up comes photos of people in your area who're up for it.

I know what a hook-up app is.

Ah. This one was a gay one.


Yeah, I know.

I pegged Simon Hamilton for as straight as they come too, so I started going through all the profiles of the blokes he'd checked out.

Look, his sexual orientation's of no relevance to us.

I know it's not. It's not that.

This was the last guy Simon hooked up with.

After this, he deleted the app.

Robbie Carter?

How's that for a coincidence?

That's not a coincidence.

It can't be.

Who is it?


Sergeant Grieve.

So you say.


Oh, I play myself.

A form of therapy.

Most people in your situation would go for scotch.

Passport and a new name.

Midday flight to Heathrow.

References for you as a chef and bank account details.

Ten thousand dollars?

Well, it's not a sheep station, but it's enough to keep you going till you find a job.

Blow that all in one night if my luck turned south.


Don't worry, I won't. I hope.


Constable will take you to the airport, if you're ready.


You ready?


Just hate leaving a game unfinished.

Thanks, mate. Cheers.

Well, goodbye, Sergeant.

Good luck, Felix.


Oi, Steph.

That game.

You should make the next move.

You cannot keep saying that you have nothing to do with the tragedies that happen around you!

Please, we have the answers.

Please go.

Answers hardly matter now.

We know who k*lled Todd.

I think it's time.

What will you do?

It's been an honour, Janet.

It was you, wasn't it?

The anonymous call that could end my career.

So what would it take for you to be an ally rather than an enemy?

I have no choice but to suspend this royal commission and all current operations will cease immediately.

So really I have two choices.

Resignation or a completely ruined reputation.