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01x06 - Breaking and Entering

Posted: 04/28/16 03:55
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "The Path"...

Where were you?

Can we talk about this alone?

He's been seeing a girl.

What girl?

An IS girl.

You need to deal with this, Sarah.

You don't know what it's like to lose a child.

Go up to your room, and we'll handle this later.

Is that where you were, with an IS?

Hawk says he doesn't want to leave school.

It's exactly what had happened with Tessa.

She was almost 16.

Let me pray with you.

Alison Kemp?

And how are you so certain your husband didn't k*ll himself?

On the morning that he jumped he told me he was having doubts.

Jason and Alison Kemp.

Check it out. Lima, Lima, Lima.

Feels like trafficking to me.

Your wife and son are in Peru.

My wife is a desperate woman.

You prey on people like that.

My colleague is a f*cking angel, and you are lucky your son crossed paths with her.

Get the f*ck out of my house!

[grunting, groaning]

[suspenseful music]

John Ridge did this to you?

He has a guy who does it for him.

This is all my fault. I am so, so...


You got me to do the right thing.

I'm gonna have to give you a butterfly stitch.

I'll be right back.

You look terrible.

Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for the 18 missing schoolgirls.

In local news, yesterday, in Harmon, upstate New York...

That's right near us.

A factory that makes gift boxes was raided by ICE.

Over 40 illegal workers were arrested.

Many of the workers had children who were born in the United States.

Such a disgrace to separate families.

Local Church of the Sacred Heart is providing refuge for three of the workers and their children, although they're expected to comply with ICE and turn over the families to local authorities.

And then they have no backbone.

Well, that's organized religion for you.

You know, good intentions but no follow-through.



You need that car?

Uh, no, you can take it.

Everything okay?


Just some UR business with a Denier.

You need some help with that, Cal?

'Cause I'd love to come.

[laid-back pop music]

♪ ♪

Should I take my shirt off?


Hawk, you can't keep hating yourself for the way that you feel about me.

It's just, I'm...


What if this isn't real and...

I'm ruining my whole life?

Hawk, it's not gonna be real if we keep hiding or if you, like, can't tell your parents about me or if you have to plant ten trees every time we make out.

[knocking at door]

You think my parents found out I'm still seeing you?

I don't know.

[knocking continues]

Ma'am, I'm afraid you've had 72 hours notice.

I have two children.

You have ten minutes to evacuate the property.

Where am I gonna go with two kids...

If you don't evacuate the property, I'll have to forcibly remove you.

What's happening, Mommy?

We are... we are not leaving our home.

It's not your home, Ma'am.

Mom, we should listen to him.

Zak, we're gonna get your stuff, okay?

I told the bank I would get the money.

Mom, stop fighting. Don't be an assh*le.

You should listen to your daughter.

Otherwise, I'm gonna be forced to take you in and turn your children over to Protective Services.

We're gonna go get your stuff and get your schoolbooks and get some clothes, okay?

[police radio chatter]

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

So what exactly are we doing?

The higher you climb, the more The Movement asks of you.

Sometimes it isn't pleasant, but it's for the greater good.

You took quite a beating.

Yeah, well, it's a perfect example.

It wasn't fun to get the shit kicked out of me, but it was for the right thing.

Whatever happens today, keep it between us.

♪ ♪

[clears throat]

They need our help.

Does this mean you've been seeing her and lying to us the whole time?

We're just friends, Mom.

They'll find someplace else to go, but it... it might take a couple days.

We're supposed to help people.

You raised me to believe that.


Thank you.

Um, one other thing.

Could we be a little low-key with the Movement thing around them?

You can't be ashamed of who you are.

I'm not, it's just... it's... freaks her mom out.



So, uh, what are we doing here?

Looking for something.

How did you get a key?

I rented it for 10 bucks from the front desk.

Got to love America.

So what are we looking for?

Why don't you make sure there isn't anybody hiding in here?

Just check the bathroom.

Nope. So, uh, who's staying here?

What did they do?

Stole $40,000 from the center in San Diego.

Why don't you check the balcony?

[mouths silently]


♪ ♪


[baby crying]

Mm, yeah.

Mommy and Daddy are gonna give you a little treatment.

Babe, can you bring the mouth thing over here?

Yeah, give me a second. This thing is all twisted up.

Okay, sweetie.

It's gonna make you feel so much better.

God, I hate this.

[sighs] Well...

We should've just done the operation.

The doctor said give her the medication for a few weeks.

The ductus arteriosus might close up on its own.

Oh, someone's been researching.

[baby crying]

I'm gonna put this over your mouth, okay, Lucy-Lou?


All right.

Good girl.


Good girl.


We should've moved.

The house didn't make her a preemie, and it didn't cause her PDA.

But Sandy might have.

All the toxins and stuff, pollution, and the other kids were healthy, full-term.

Jack was two weeks late.

Ah, it wasn't the storm either.

Anyway, everything is gonna be fine.

I know it is.

How do you know?

I saw it when I looked in the light.

You're not using this, are you?

I mean, to get in with the cult people.

You're not using our baby?

[baby continues crying]

I thought you and Zak could take this room.

Ashley can have the couch.

We don't have a lot of room.

You know, if this is too much trouble...

No, of course not.

Thank you.

Do you see Hawk a lot?


Does he come to your house often?

Once in a while.

Zak wants to try the M Machine.

What is the M Machine?

It's electrostimulation.

We use it for a lot of things.

It's great for stress.

I want to try it.

It's a machine?


It's great for their immune system.

It tickles.

It does tickle.

I don't think so.

But I want to.


You know, Meg's not comfortable with that, so why don't we find something else to do, huh?

It's just, I'm not a very religious person, so...

Why don't you finish getting settled in?

We forage on Friday, so you can just go ahead and help yourself to whatever you find in the cabinets or the refrigerator.

Thank you.

You're so kind.

So where am I sleeping?

With us.

A sleepover!

[knocking at door]


Kemp never came back to The Pine Wood.

She doesn't usually go far.

We'll keep looking.

I don't get it.

If I was her, I'd be hiding out in Mexico, not 2 miles from the people she stole money from.

You know, I keep thinking it means she wants to be found.

You know, she wants help in some way.

Sit down. I was about to make tea.

Uh, I got to get home.

Wife and kids.

All right.

[door opens]

Her husband k*lled himself, you know?


I heard that.

I imagine she's in a lot of pain.

You know, maybe we've been going about this wrong.

We've been so eager to get our money back, but maybe if we stop pushing her, she'll come to us.

You want me to stop looking for her?

No, no, no. Just, you know, next time we find her, we'll alter our approach.


Good night.

Unless there's something...

No, no, no, go home.

Enjoy your family.

♪ ♪

[bedsprings squeaking]

Can we have lots of stories and stay up very, very late?

She's never gonna sleep.

Hey, I'm upset too.

I think he was seeing her the whole time he was telling us he wasn't.

Let me talk to Hawk about this.

I tried.

He literally came into the chapel and said that his friends needed help, and they were standing outside with their suitcases.

Is Hawk in trouble?

No, honey.

Mommy and Daddy are having some grown-up time.

Is Ashley the girl who wants to take Hawk away from us?

Where did you hear that?


You've got to talk to Nicole.

No, honey.

No one's gonna take Hawk away from us.

Now get under the covers and do your G & I, and then I will read you three stories.

I have gratitude for my mom and my dad and Hawk and the rest of my family and my new friend, Zak.

Look, we just need to talk to Hawk before we jump to conclusions about what's going on.

Why do you insist on being so naive about this?

I'm not naive. I'm just sick of pretending that we know the truth when maybe we don't have a f*cking clue.

What does that mean?

Are you guys fighting?

No, we're not fighting.

I just...

♪ ♪


Hi. Didn't mean to interrupt.

You weren't.

We were just talking.

Did you need me, Cal?

No. No.

Actually, I was looking for Sean.

I need a good man on the ground in Milton.

We're opening an office there.


It's... it's in Delaware.

Um... okay.

♪ ♪

[clock ticking]


Mm, I can't sleep either.

I know it's a tense situation, but maybe it's a good thing Ashley and her family are here.

At least nothing's happening behind our backs.

You know that work that Cal and I did earlier?


We went to a cheap motel and basically broke into a room.

Cal was looking for somebody who apparently stole a bunch of money from the center in San Diego.

Do you know anything about this?


Yeah, I mean, they ended up not being there, but what if they were?

I mean, what were... what were we gonna do?

What, like, thr*aten them for the money or hurt them?

We don't hurt people.

You sure about that?

Because it sure seemed like something serious was gonna go down if someone was there.

Eddie, that's insane.

Is it?

Because I don't know.

Maybe that's what we do, hurt people, now that Cal's in charge.

No, we don't.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Eddie told me about yesterday.

Of course he did.

What were you doing?

You heard of Alison Kemp?

Vaguely, from our San Diego Center.

Her husband took his life.

And she stole $40,000 from us.

I was trying to get it back.

By breaking into a room?

What would you have done if she was there?

I'm trying to run things here, Sarah.

I'm not gonna let people think they can steal from us.

Breaking into rooms and intimidating people is not who we are.

No, we're also not an organization that can afford to let a Denier walk off with 40 grand.

Believe me, the last thing I want is to bang on doors, but if we send the message that people can just walk into our house and rob it, we not only lose every ounce of dignity, but the very limited resources we have to do good in the world.

Her husband committed su1c1de, Cal.

Screw the money.

♪ ♪

Where do we keep the Denier files?

I hear you have that girl's family at your house.

What's going on? Is Hawk still seeing her?

I don't know, I'm just trying to figure it out.

I need to see a whole file on someone.

You need a key.

Thank you.

It's that.

Who are you looking for?

Alison Kemp.

I took too long trying to figure it out with Tessa.

Your dad knew.

He tried to get me to do something, but I...

I had this faith that Light would win out, and now it's been almost 20 years.

Can you get me a new folder?

This one's damaged.

♪ ♪

New folder.

Thank you.

[Bobby Vinton's "Blue Velvet" plays]

♪ She wore blue velvet ♪



You sure you weren't followed?

Pretty sure.

Thanks for coming.

Thanks for not giving me up to Cal.

Why didn't you tell me about the 40 grand you stole?

I didn't think it was relevant.


'Cause you told me they were following you because they k*lled your husband 'cause you wanted to leave.

Seems pretty f*cking relevant.

I'm sorry.

I thought it would hurt my case with you.

So where's the money?

Is that why you're here?

To get the money back from me?

No, I just want to know the truth.


There was 40 grand in my bank account when Jason died.

Granted, yes, it was theirs, but it was in my account, and I felt that I had the right to take it.

Okay, what was it doing there?

They were always putting money in for his missions in Peru.

And what kind of missions?

I don't know.

I mean, was it good missions like cleft palates, helping the poor, or bad shit?

What are you asking me, Eddie?

I'm asking if we are good.

If we are good people doing good things for this world.

Jason was good.

I know that.

I know he wouldn't have done bad things to people, so whatever it is that he was doing, I know it was good.

Did you ever go to Peru with him?

A few times.

And you saw him doing these things like feeding the poor?

Yeah, taking care of sick people.

I did.

That's good.

That's great.

That helps because, you know, I have tried... am trying.

Doing everything to be back in, to believe that what we are doing is right, but I don't know.

Ever since Peru, since the medicine, since meeting you, I'm just...

I'm just messed up.


Once you see the first crack, you begin to realize it's cracked all over.

It's like my grandpa used to say, "Once you've seen the freak show, you can't unsee it."

Yeah, well, I don't want to see the cracks.

Okay, I don't have that luxury.

I just have to be vigilant about the work and stay on top of it.

I mean, why don't you just get out of here, you know, get the hell away from us?

I was the one that brought him into The Movement.

It's my fault.

He didn't k*ll himself.

Stay safe, Alison.

You can't fake belief, you know?

♪ Blue velvet ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ♪

Jason could've been the top of his field.

He was first of his class at Yale.

He was a great doctor.

Could have been a great doctor.

His widow, Alison, doesn't believe he committed su1c1de.


That's because she k*lled him.

She... she got him involved in that crazy cult.

He wouldn't speak to us once he joined.

We were, um... Ignorant Systemites.


You hadn't spoken to your son in years when he died.

Strangely, he called a month bef...

He asked for a colleague's phone number, Dr. Alan Rothstein.

He's a researcher at Stanford.

And what did your son want with Dr. Rothstein?

I didn't ask questions.

I don't know, somewhere I had this hope, this stupid hope that the call was a sign that he wanted out, that... to come back, to be a real doctor, and I didn't want to push.

Next thing I knew, he was dead.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

Come on, hurry up.

Come on, we're gonna be late for karate.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

[peaceful music]

♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪

I have something to say to you.

Apparently, the whole Lane family does.

Look, I am here for a reason, and I want to stay here, but I'm not doing shit like we did the other day.


Because if that's the kind of thing that goes on around here, I'm done.


I was a man who followed orders for a long time, and now I've been put in charge, and I will make mistakes.

All right.

You want some tea?

No, I got, uh... I got dinner.

You know, Hawk has brought his girlfriend and her family to stay with us.

They got evicted.

It's a whole crazy situation, but, um, next time.

All right, well, if there's anything I can do...

Yeah, no, I think we're gonna be... we're gonna be fine, but if you want to do something, turn on the radio.

Check out what's going on with the nuns down at Sacred Heart.

It's all f*cked.

It is f*cked.

[children squealing]

[M Machine buzzing]

[children chattering]

[M Machine buzzing]



Could you...

What's up?



Is your grandpa smoking pot?

It's sacred herb.

It's not for recreation.

It's a medicinal compound that provides a superhighway to deeper consciousness.

[M Machine whirring]

Hey, would you mind taking some of that stuff over to the table?



Uh, sorry I'm late.

Where were you?

I got held up at work.

How was your day?

It was good.

I need you to help me manage the situation with Hawk and Ashley.

Sarah, shouldn't we let him find his own way?





You're leaving already?


I have a good idea.

What's that?

I could come with you.

I don't, uh, think so.

Why not?

Because I should, um, focus on work.

Am I too distracting for you?

I promise not to bother...

Please, just...



Does he want you?



Why was he coming in your bedroom in the middle of the night?

Did you two have a thing or...

Not really.

Not really?

It's not a thing.

Then what?


Seemed like something.

Enough of something to send me to Delaware.

He told me to be with you.

Is that why you asked me on a date?


So this... this whole thing, us, it's ju...



No, because now I... I...

Okay, what?

You what?

I saw you when I looked into The Light.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

Oh, you're doing so good. You're doing so good.

Look, it's only ten more seconds left.

Ten more seconds, go!

Make sure you get the back ones.

Okay, that's pretty good.

All ri...

[phone rings, buzzes]

Hey, Joce!


Hey, I got to take this.

It's after hours. It's after hours.

Uh, yes, Dr. Rothstein.

Thank you for getting back to me.

Jason called me about nine months ago.

He was inquiring about a clinical test we're running here for fourth stage pancreatic cancer.

Was he looking for a job?

No, he wanted to buy the drug.

Was he sick?

I don't think it was for him.

Well, did he say who it was for?

No, but it must've been for a person with means.

Dr. Rothstein... how much would a drug like that go for on the black market?

How much is a person's life worth?

I didn't even know where our bank accounts were when my husband died.

He was in control of everything.

I keep thinking that if he had died in a more normal way like cancer or a heart attack, I could have asked for support.

You poor thing.

You should've been supported no matter what.

That's the problem with Systemites.

They lack compassion.


It's true.

Meg here is walking proof.

We support each other no matter what.

His blood alcohol level was 2.0, which is very high.

Mom, no one wants to know that.

That's not true, honey.

It is so good for your mom to be getting this stuff out.

We call it unburdening.

Sometimes I wonder if he wanted to die.

Alcoholism is a disease, Mrs. Fields.

A Systemites' disease.

They want us to be alcoholics.

It's the way his Damage chose to work its way through the body.

♪ ♪

You should come to one of our gatherings.

You should.

Oh, well, as I said, I'm not very religious.

That's why you're alone now.

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

They came.

[indistinct chatter]

Hey, you okay?

Mom was totally in their face last night.

I can't believe she invited them.

Well, maybe they wanted to come, kid.


She's staying with us.

How was she supposed to say no?

Your mom is just trying to do what's best for you, all right?

So easy to lose our way, to be distracted by our egos, our desires, our anger, and... and fears, and forget what we're meant to do, and by forgetting, we hurt others.

We... we hurt ourselves.

It happened to me this week.

[chuckles] I had revenge in my heart, and, uh, you know where it left me?


[group laughs]

Sadder. Lonelier.

Because I forgot.

I forgot.

I forgot that we have it all.

Right, the road, the map, the compass is all right here.

We have The Ladder, The Light.


But still we forget because the human condition is to strive for my fulfillment.

Screw the environment.

Screw, uh, people in far off lands.

Screw your neighbors.

Live for ourselves today.

Well, maybe... maybe that's what the human experience is, but I refuse for that to be my human experience.

I don't want to live for this moment.

I want to live forever in The Garden that we are creating here together.



That's... that's not to say it won't be sad too.

All right, there will be tears to shed for the ones we love who choose the shadows and who will be left to the floods and the fires and v*olence.

They'll be lost to us forever, but we will remain in love and light and warmth, and that will see us through the pain of loss.

I hate organized religion.

We're not a religion.

Yeah, you are.

It's always the same.

If you're in, you're saved.

If you're not, you're damned.

That's not true.

I just heard your preacher.

He's not a preacher.

I'm gonna burn or drown or get r*ped and shot, and you guys are all gonna be gardening together.

Okay, it's this equation where you all think that you're... you're better than the rest of us, and it's just... it's bullshit. It's ridiculous.

I don't think I'm better, honestly.

Well, what about my dad?

What happens with that?

What happens if I ever want to see him again?

I mean, even if I join your stupid cult, I can't because he's an alcoholic and an Ignorant.

I'm... I'm so sorry.

I don't even know what's real anymore and what I...

You need to figure it out because you're real to me.

♪ ♪

[group chanting, clapping]

Yes to The Light.

[chanting, clapping continues]

Yes to The Light.

Yes to The Ladder. Yes to The Light.

Yes to The Ladder.

Yes to The Light.

Yes to The Ladder.

Yes to The Light.

Now, as we all know, Steve is away transcribing the next three rungs of The Ladder, but, uh, I think he would be incredibly excited about some special guests that will be staying here for a while.

Evelyn Hernandez and her three children, Gabriel, Clarissa, and Miguel, and this is Maria and Silvio Gomez and their American-born daughter, Betty.

Sadly, the sisters of the Church of the Sacred Heart couldn't take the risk, but I told them we will.

[children chattering]

Hey, what'd you think?

Yeah, it's very interesting.

Yeah, so I, um, I have great news.

I spoke with my dentist, and he needs a receptionist.



Wow, I could do that.

I could be a receptionist.

That's what I told him.

That's amazing. Thank you.

Oh, my God, you're welcome.

It's my pleasure.

[strumming acoustic guitar]

♪ ♪

I can't find Hawk anywhere.

I'm sorry.

I couldn't let you go after him.

Why not?

I'm impressed.

Well, actually, it was your husband who got me back on track.

The magic of 7R.

Still, you did it.

Is Hawk okay? I saw him leave.

I don't know.


That was pretty amazing in there.

I mean, you guys are right to take that stand.

We're a country of immigrants.

We weren't shackled and brought here.

We braved seas.



You know, how long has Steve been away writing those rungs?




♪ ♪


♪ ♪

All: ♪ To the top of Huayna Picchu ♪
♪ Our brave Doc Meyer climbed ♪
♪ So much evil in this world ♪
♪ That he promised to make right ♪
♪ After many years of searching ♪

[singing fades, echoes]

♪ And nothing to be found ♪
♪ The tears fell down, down, down his cheekbones ♪
♪ Like raindrops to the ground ♪
♪ Once the dark skies parted ♪
♪ Heard a thunderous sound ♪
♪ That shiny Golden Ladder ♪
♪ Fell down from the clouds ♪

[singing fades out]

♪ ♪
♪ He climbed up, up, up The Ladder ♪
♪ To The Garden in the sky ♪

[singing fades out]

[wind howling]


[voice echoing]

Hey, you all right, man?

[sound returns to normal]

I, uh... I got to go.

All: ♪ To The Garden in the sky ♪
♪ I climb up, up, up The Ladder ♪
♪ To The Garden in the sky ♪

One more time!

All: ♪ Up, up, up The Ladder ♪
♪ To The Garden in the sky ♪

[dog barks]

[birds tweeting]