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04x06 - Interference

Posted: 04/27/16 15:31
by bunniefuu

Mr. Soo, I apologize.

My assistant did not tell me you were coming in today.

Because I didn't call ahead.

Well, um, welcome.

We may not be the largest music conservatory on the West Coast, but we are most certainly one of the more successful.

Mr. and Mrs. Yutani are well aware of the conservatory's reputation, Mr. Teller.

I am here today because of other factors Mr. Yutani takes into consideration.

Other factors?

It is my duty to ensure that Mr. Yutani's personal values are reflected in the organizations that receive his benefaction.

And what... exactly are those personal values?

One, two, three, four!

(class explodes into playing "I Fought the Law")

♪ Breakin' rocks in the hot sun ♪
♪ I fought the law and the law won ♪
♪ I fought the law and the law won ♪

Steven? Are you up there?

I was thinking maybe Vij's for dinner.

You're leaving?

Yeah, our Montreal distributor's threatening to drop us, so I gotta get out there and smooth things over.

You've just been away so much, and we had plans this weekend.

Yeah, well, I'm trying to keep my company from imploding, so weekends just... they don't exist right now.

Okay, how about this?

We reschedule your flight for first thing in the morning.

I'll order in, and we can take a night off from our troubles.


I would love nothing more... but my flight leaves in an hour.

(cab horn honks)

I'll make it up to you.

I love you.

Good morning!


Oh, my God. Is that bacon?

Oh, yeah. I like a complete breakfast.

Yeah, well, you're gonna want to finish that here.

Is it bad?

(exhales pointedly)


Our victim is female, late 20s.

Another jogger found her, called it in at 11:17.

Wednesday morning in broad daylight.

We found a cell phone, car keys, no I.D.

I've got a uniform checking the parking lot now.

Any other witnesses?

No, just the guy who found her.

The guy?

Yeah, we'll get Dr. Rogers to confirm, but there's no obvious signs of sexual as*ault.


See? No good ever comes from exercise.

I just need some time to think. Alone.

Well, what does that mean?

I don't know yet.

Cindy, I'm worried. You left work today without notifying anyone, and you won't tell me where you are.

I'm sorry. It's just really, really important.

Well, how much time do you need?

I think a few days.

Just tell me that you're okay.

(words catch)

I will be.

Look, Cindy...

I have to go.


The branch penetrated to the left of the vertebral column, between ribs five and six.

Skewered the heart.

Any chance this was an accident?

Oh, not a chance. If she had tripped, her natural reflex would've been to twist or turn to stop from landing on something sharp.

She hit this straight-on.

So she was pushed?

Oh, more than once. That's a lot of muscle to punch through.

I was just running the circuit earlier, and I saw her sitting on the bench.

Yeah? Anything else?

Uh, she's in good shape, needs some muscle tone, though.

Was she with anyone?

No, she was alone.

I think she might've been waiting for somebody.

What gave you that impression?

She kept staring at her phone.

I was kind of hoping she'd look up, you know? So I could go say hi.

Anyone show up?

No. Not that I saw.

Uh, then she went down the trail by herself.

So you followed her?

No. I figured I'd do the circuit a couple more times, you know, while I waited for her to come out, but she was taking a long time.

So you followed her?

Well, I... you know, to start conversation, you know, nothing creepy.

And that's when I found her stuck on the tree.

It was kinda messed up.


I got another hour of cardio, do you think I could get back to it?

Sorry, Jeff. You've gotta wait.

Thanks for your help, Detective.


Listen, I wanted to ask you about another case. Tim Kelly?

His trial's coming up.

Honestly? I have my concerns.

Why? I mean, Kelly's a dangerous criminal.

He assaulted Dr. Rogers in the morgue.

And to make the as*ault stick, we need to put him there, but Dr. Rogers never saw his face.

She lifted his prints.

She collected them herself, off her own body.

Printing a living body... It's a cutting-edge technique.

Are you questioning her science?

No. Of course not.

But this is a new procedure. Jurors aren't familiar with it, and given that the scientist and the victim are the same person... this could go sideways on us.

Does she know that?


I can't afford to shake her confidence heading into trial.

It all hinges on her testimony.

If we can't put Kelly in the morgue...

I know.

Lucas. How'd it go with the prosecutor?

All good.

I was gonna go, head out to Central Park, meet up with Angie and Paula.

They already checked in. They got an I.D. on their victim, Tracy Blaine.

Well, I can get started on the victimology for them.

Well, they're on that now. They got a name they'd like tracked down.

Jill Dawes?

The last person Tracy talked to.

I'm on it.

It's 120 for the night. Plus tax. Checkout's at noon.

How many keys there, Ms. Ripley?

Just one. I'm alone.

(playing piano)

Did it have to be The Clash?

It's got a great beat, it's easy to pick up.

It's a great way to teach the basic concepts.

But did it?

No, it didn't have to be The Clash.

Could've been The Sex Pistols.

(Dean chuckles)

The Yutani endowment would have resolved all of my budget issues.

Why don't you let me take your mind off of budgets?

Hey... I was thinking.

I thought the idea was not to. I was kind of enjoying this.

What if... what if I stop taking my pills?

Maybe it's time for us to try again.

Isn't what we have enough?

Tracy had a mommy blog and her husband, Steven, owns "Drink Your Vegetables."

What's that?

Organic juice company.

(cell phone dials)

I ate a bacon doughnut for breakfast.

"Drink Your Vegetables." How may I direct your call?

Yeah, Steven Blaine, please.

I'm sorry, Mr. Blaine is out of town on business.

Would you like to leave a message?

This is Detective Mazur with the MPD.

When will he be back?

He's traveling now, but he should be back in the office tomorrow...

And what time's his flight land?

Not until 9:00 this evening.

Okay, thank you, I'll call back then.

We gotta find out what school their kid goes to, send someone to pick 'em up.

How do you know they have a kid?

Well, they got crumbs all over the backseat, and there's peanut butter on the door handle.

Oh, yeah.

Owen's at Central Trail Elementary.

I can go with you, if you want.

It might help him to see a friendly face.

I appreciate that, but we'll take good care of him.

This is so terrible.

I just talked to Tracy this morning.

What did you talk about?

Well, I applied for a new job, and she called me back to say that she'd be a reference.

How long were you a nanny for Tracy?

Well, Steven hired me after his first wife died.

How did she die?

A car accident.

It was so sad.

And now this.

Poor Steven. (sighs)

I was with Owen for two wonderful years.

And I take it the situation changed when Tracy entered the picture.

Well, Tracy put in a lot of effort with Owen, but he just wasn't bonding with her, so Steven, Tracy, and I felt that it would be best, for Owen's benefit, for me to leave.

Well, still... that couldn't have been easy on you.

It wasn't.

Owen and I...

We were very close.

But I understand. If I was Tracy, I'd probably feel the same.

Now, when you worked for the Blaines, did Tracy spend a lot of time in Central Park?

Central Park?

She'd only go there with Owen.

He has a remote-control boat that he likes to play with.

Lucas says we're looking for a boat.

What kind of boat?


Okay, I'll let you know if we find something.

Hey, Flynn!


(dog barking)

Owen, can you hear me?



It'll be okay.




Hold up, hold up!


A little to the left.

Let us know if you're out there!

Give us a sign. Owen!

Once they're finished there, we need to move them to the southeast corner.

The Amber Alert's out. Owen's school confirmed, he wasn't there this morning.

Tracy called in and said he had an appointment.

We cannot risk Steven Blaine finding out that his kid is missing through the media.

Vega's sent uniforms to meet his plane when it lands.

We gotta widen our search and start collecting surveillance from gas stations and ATMs and...

As soon as we get the manpower.

Tracy was k*lled this morning.

Yeah, I know the timeline we're working with.

Why didn't you tell Detective Flynn about the victim's son?

Oh, the kid with the boat?

I didn't think that was hers. She wasn't paying any attention to him.

I thought the kid was alone.

That didn't strike you as odd?

No, 'cause that other lady showed up.

What other lady?

The lady with him.

I thought that was his mom.

How was the boy?

Was he distressed? Agitated?

He looked like a normal kid.

What about the woman? What did she look like?

Oh, yeah, she was all right. You know, she was a redhead.

Do you think that you'd be able to help us out with a sketch?

I'm really not that good at drawing.

(incredulous sigh)

We need more people!

I know, I know, and I'm sending you everyone that I can, but with last month's budget cuts... the staff we have is the staff we have.

Yeah, I know you're doing what you can.

Your witness is with the sketch artist now. He says he saw no signs of a struggle.

Maybe Owen knew her. Could it be the nanny?

We showed him Jill's driver's license photo, he says no.

We looking at a custody abduction?

Negative. We can confirm that Owen's birth mother died in a car accident three years ago.

(sighs) For a minute there, I was hoping.

Yeah, I know, I know. Believe me, me too.

We're gonna start digging into the Blaine family on this end.

Yeah, okay.

We're losing light.

You need a minute?

It's okay if you do. We've been going hard all day.

I'm good.

I'm not.

I hate these alerts.


You got kids, right?

His name's Manny. He's 21.

I don't think he was ever a "kid," though. Like a little man.

He's going to cooking school. I'm telling you, the stuff we see.

I'd never let 'em out of my sight.

Detective Flynn?

Go ahead.

One of the dogs found something at the edge of the northwest parking lot.

"Owen Blaine."

If Owen's abductor got him into a car, he could be anywhere by now.

I... I think I'm going to take that minute.

Okay. (Flynn sighs)

(text alert chimes)

What's going on?

Can you tell me why I'm here?

I'd like to call my wife.

Drink Your Vegetables was responsible for an E. Coli outbreak eight months ago.

27 people got sick. 3 people died.

One of them was a child.

That's a good enough reason to hate the Blaines.

I know, but eight months? That seems like a long time to wait.

Not if you're a parent.

How are you holding up?

I'm good. Thanks.

Yeah? Okay.

Get some rest. We're no good to anyone if we're exhausted.

I will.

Mr. Blaine, hi.


I'm Detective Angie Flynn.

Thank you very much for your patience.

What's going on? Why am I here?

Would you like to have a seat?

I'd like to ask you some questions about your son, Owen.

Who wants hot chocolate?

What about a spaniel? I like the name Clara.

For a spaniel?

Yeah, they're supposed to be really affectionate.

I didn't realize we were in the market for a dog.

Well, studies have shown that they improve your quality of life, they lower stress. Plus, no tuition fees.

Or maybe a German Shepherd.

A big, nice breed. We could call her Molly.

I don't think I'm really a dog person.

We believe whoever k*lled Tracy also took Owen.

No. This isn't happening.

(shaky breath)

You have to find him.

Yes. We have officers all over the city looking for Owen, but I need your help, too.


But please, you have to find him.

Tell me about the E. Coli contamination?

(sharply): Excuse me. You have to find my son.

Because he's very sick.

Okay? Uh, the doctors...

No one's been able to diagnose it.

Eight years old, abducted from Central Park, wearing a green jacket...



When is Tracy getting here?

She'll be here soon, Owen.

I feel gross.

I think I'm gonna barf.

Oh! Okay. Let's go in here.

Tracy always knows what to do.

Oh, I'm sorry, buddy. You're just gonna have to tough it out right now.

Yeah, no, I got it.

Will do.

How'd it go? Well, Mr. Blaine gave me the rundown on Owen's symptoms.

He suffers from seizures, vomiting, tremors...

That could be any sort of illness.

What's the worst-case scenario?

A kid with an undiagnosed illness, under this kind of stress... he could have an episode soon.

He'll need medical attention.

I'll make sure that E.M.S. and hospitals know to keep an eye out.

How long have you been at it?

We are on hour 13.



I hope it's, uh, it's got some kick to it.

Espresso. I'm your kick.

Angie said you're getting a lot of hits on the hotline?

I'd happily trade volume for value.

It's a missing boy. People want to help, even if they don't have good information.

I know. We're sorting through it, but it's, uh, it's gonna take time.

I need more manpower.

Owen was seen leaving the park with this woman.

She has my son?

Who is she?

We're not sure yet, but we think that Owen went with her willingly, which makes us think that he knew her.

Doesn't look like anyone I know.

What about Tracy?

Could she be one of Tracy's friends?

Uh, Tracy didn't have many friends.

She, uh... well.

Actually, she had hundreds.

You're talking about her blog?

She had a lot of readers.

Was she close to any of them?

Tracy... uh, she was so giving.

Uh, she always put me and Owen first.

I worried about her, but, uh, she said she got all the support she needed from her online community.

Steven, tell us about the E. Coli contamination.

Well, it was a horrible accident.

Mm-hmm. Three people died.

No criminal charges.

What about the class-action suit?

I want to settle, but my insurance company won't let me.

You know, I started this company to offer people healthy alternatives, so to imagine anyone getting sick from it...

Happy birthday, Aiden.

And that concludes Steven's hate mail.


He had a lot of hate. Nothing specific.

Not surprising. Those poor people died.

Thought I can't find anything that would indicate any of them acted on it.

I think we can put the E. Coli people to bed.

What about Tracy's blog?

Well, it's a depressing snapshot of domesticity.

Hey, friends. I took Owen to the gastroenterologist today.

There's another big round of tests to come, but he is being so brave.

That's Central Park.

Mm-hmm. This was posted 30 minutes before she died.

She mention anything other than Owen's appointment?

No. There's no one else visible in the video.

There is, however, a lot of personal information on her blog.

She posted photos of Owen, details about his symptoms, their daily routine.

Well, that's practically a cheatsheet for abduction.

You think someone saw this and then targeted them?

Maybe. I had Digital Forensics pull up a list of viewers on the site.

Bridget Maxson is a frequent flyer.

Oh, yeah, she's a number-one fan.


It's not a great likeness.

Yeah. It's not the worst, either.

Well, let's pick her up.

I don't understand. Why am I here?

You're here because you spend a lot of time on Tracy Blaine's blog.

It is so sad, what's happened to her.

She was so brave.

First, with Owen's sickness, and now with Steven's legal troubles...

You post every single day. Sometimes multiple times a day.

Well, I just feel really connected to Tracy. You know?

I feel like our lives parallel each other.

Do you have a child who's ill as well?

I have a parrot with aspergillosis.

It's a respiratory disease caused by a fungus.

Yeah, that's not her.

You're sure?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, she's at least 28% body fat.

(scoffs quietly) Well, thank you for your time.


I think, uh, I think we're done here.

That's it?

That's it.

Have you arrested Steven yet?

Why would you say that?

Well, his last trip to Montreal really set Tracy off.

She thought that he was having an affair.

Did she tell you that?

Not in person. She e-mailed me.

Would you send me those e-mails?




I want my backpack.

Well, what did you do with it?

I don't know, but I need it.

It has all my stuff.


Well, you know what would help? Let's play a game.

I don't feel like playing.

But this one's gonna be so much fun.

I promise. It's called "Superheroes".

Yeah? Come on, let's go play Superheroes, Owen.

None of these e-mails are on Tracy's phone.

She was probably deleting them.

"I love Owen. I'd give anything to see him healthy again, but it's hard. Steven's away a lot. I know he loves us, but..."

Wow. "...Sometimes, I feel like I'm doing this all by myself."

Whole bunch of 'em like that.

She thought she was marrying Prince Charming.

Well, she wound up the castle nanny.


So, you got a new marriage, absent husband...

Throw in a sick kid and a big helping of money trouble...

All right, that's it. I'll take the hit for this. Where is "the Affair Jar"?

Having your wife k*lled while you're out of town...

That's a great way to get out of an expensive divorce.

Yeah, having your son kidnapped is a good way to divert suspicion from yourself, too.

Superheroes wear disguises... so we need disguises, too.

Oh, wow. That looks great.

I wouldn't even know it was you.

And now that we're superheroes, we can go on an adventure.

"Steven is away again. I'm doing my best to be both parents for Owen, but he misses his dad, and I'm running out of excuses for him."

I can't believe Tracy would say that.

Well, it's kind of a recurring theme for her. A few more.

(stammers) I was trying to keep the company from falling apart.

I get it. That lawsuit must've put a strain on your marriage.

And I thought we were in it together.

With Owen sick...

Mm, must've been hard.

It was awful.

But we both agreed that Owen was our top priority.

So, then why all the travel, Steven?

I mean, you have to admit, it makes it look like you were avoiding something.

If my company folds, I have nothing.

Do you think I wanted to be away?

Is that what you're asking? Do you think that I enjoyed hearing to my son cry over the phone?

Owen needs doctors, he needs specialists.

No one else is gonna pay for that.

Why haven't you... found my son?

Why are we still in here? Why are you accusing me, while my son is out there somewhere, sick?


I can't even imagine what a nightmare this must be for you.

I can't, I'm sorry.

But asking these hard questions is how I find Tracy's k*ller and Owen.


Oh! Beware of Homicide Detective bearing gifts.

Yeah, it's the good stuff, too, with the fancy shapes in the foam.


You do know that I've already sent Tracy Blaine's autopsy report upstairs?



I ran into the prosecutor yesterday... and we spoke about Tim Kelly.

There's only four weeks until his trial.

How are you feeling about your testimony?

I can talk about the attack if it puts that creep away.

And how you lifted his prints?

Your science is the star of the show.

Yeah. That's the best part.

Knowing that I'm gonna be the one who brings him down.

I'll let Angie know about the autopsy report.

Thanks for my coffee.

Fast as you can now, Buddy.

There we go.

(remote entry chirps)

Ms. Ripley?

Are you checking out now, or...?

Yeah. The key's in the room.

Thank you.

You know what? I'm starting to regret that 20 in the Affair Jar, because I don't think Steven had anything to do with his wife's death.

What is going on here?

(takes a breath)


Are you throwing up?

I'm good.

(quietly): I'm pregnant.


The guy from the break-up?

Yeah, he's the father.

That isn't even the reason we broke up.

I ended it because he wanted to get more serious.

(stifles a laugh) Sorry.


This is "more serious."


So, should I be happy for you?

I don't know. I... This certainly wasn't part of the plan.

I mean, not at this point of my life.


Well, yay! Your body's working.


I do know one thing, though. That... ginger tablets don't do anything for nausea.

Don't let anyone tell you different.

It's Vega. We got a sighting.

You gonna be okay?

Oh, God.

(indistinct exchange)

Cool boat! Is that a runabout?

So how come you're not playing with all the other kids?

I'm not feeling very good.


I'm sorry to hear that. What's wrong?

I don't know.

Can I join you?

It's cool. I know your stepmom, Tracy.

You're Owen, right?

That's her. Ellen Ripley.

Okay, she didn't show you any I.D.?

No. She paid cash.

All right. When did she check in?

Yesterday. She said she was by herself, but this morning, I saw her with a kid.

I thought that was weird, 'cause kids stay free. It says so on the sign.

I couldn't figure out why she would lie, then I remembered that missing kid on the TV.

What about the vehicle? Can you describe it?

It was a grey Ford Fusion.

All right, perfect. Thank you.

You're welcome.


There's a good chance that Owen's still alive.

They were here two hours ago.

Anyone see them go?

Yes. They were in a grey Ford Fusion.

Okay, Lucas is on it.

All right. Hold on, Flynn.

We got to update the Amber Alert. She changed his appearance.

Okay. I'll get on it. Anything?

I'm crossreferencing vehicle registration with visitors to Tracy's blog.

Cindy Vernon. That's a pretty good match to the sketch.

Yeah, we gotta get a B.O.L.O. out.

Okay, Owen. You all set for our big adventure?

Oh, my God. Owen?


What's going on? Why are you taking my computer?

Do you recognize these people?


Wait. Maybe. He does look familiar.

Please, can you just tell me...

Is Cindy okay?

Does a boy named Owen Blaine attend the conservatory?

I don't... what... does this have something to do with the Amber Alert?

Answer the question, please.

I don't recognize him.

She has a lot of students. Her class is very popular.

When's the last time you spoke with her?

No. Y... You've got this all wrong.

Cindy would never hurt a child.

She's a music teacher.


The best way you can help Cindy right now is by being as honest as possible with us.

When was the last time you spoke with her?


She called to say that she needed some time away.


She needed to think about things.

What things?

She wanted to get pregnant and I didn't.

Cindy loved kids. She would've been a great mother.

"Would've been"?

We were pregnant last year, for eight months.

We were both very happy.

But the baby...

There were complications.

We didn't know until it was too late.

It was stillborn.

And Cindy, she was... so devastated.

I'm sorry.

(shouts): Help!

Someone help me!


I think he's having a seizure!

How long has he been like this?

The kid's got hardly any pulse.

Pupils are dilated. No response.


(sirens approaching)

Cindy's still in the wind.

She was definitely obsessed with Owen, though.

We, uh, we found her tablet in her house.

What, she, uh, she read Tracy's blog?

Yeah, a couple times, but Forensics found this...

"Tuesday... Tracy took Owen to the park.

Wednesday... Owen threw up at school... Aiden.

Friday, Owen went to a baseball game." This is creepy.

Mm-hmm. Looks like Cindy was following Tracy and her stepson for weeks.

What does "Aiden" mean?

We looked into it.

Cindy had a young student at the conservatory about Owen's age, his name was Aiden Harris.

He died four years ago.

Paula's looking to contact his family now.


You there yet?

I was hopeful.

Until I heard about the second kid, but...


Yeah. No, same. I mean...

And we just passed the 24-hour mark.

(phone rings)

Staff Sergeant Vega.

Thank you.

Saint Quentin Hospital. They have Owen Blaine.

CCTV footage from the E.R. entrance confirms that Cindy dropped Owen off an hour ago. Forensics is going through the car now.

How is he?

I don't know.

They won't let me see him. They're waiting until he's stable.

I hate these cases.

The ones that make you feel helpless.

I hate that feeling... knowing that someone might get away with it.

Yeah, it's the toughest part of the job.

I don't know if I can handle it.

Sometimes, you can't.

How is he?

Uh, he's weak, but, uh, the doctors say you can talk to him.

Mr. Harris, do you know this woman?

Cindy Vernon. Yes, I know her.

She was Aiden's music teacher.

They were really close.

Have you spoken to Cindy recently?

Not since Aiden died.

We took him to every doctor... they couldn't figure it out.

Then he just died.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Do you... know this woman?

Yes, I know her. That's Tracy. My ex-fiancée.

We broke up after Aiden died.



My name's Angie.

I've waited a long time to meet you.


I hear you're not feeling very well.

I have some questions for you, okay?

Let's start with yesterday at the park.

Do you remember what happened?

We went to the doctor in the morning.

After, Tracy said I didn't have to go to school if I didn't want to.

Oh! Is that why you went to the pond?

She gave me some candy and said I could play with my boat.

Then she was gone. Then I saw Cindy.


Who's Cindy?

One of Tracy's friends. I've met her before.


Why did you leave with her?

She said she was gonna help me find Tracy.

Did she hurt you?

No. I wanted Tracy or my dad.

She said she would take me to him, but she never did, and I woke up here.

I drew a picture of her.

You did? Can I see it?

It's in my jacket.

That's her... and that's the motel room.

Well, I love it. This is an excellent drawing.

Do you mind if I keep it for a while?

Okay. Thanks, Lucas.


Lucas and Paula just pulled over the 136 bus, and Cindy Vernon was not on it.

No sightings of her at the station, either.

Well, we also got eyes at the train station and at airport, just in case.

She's not gonna leave the city.

Yeah, maybe Owen's seizure changed her plans.

Owen has sodium poisoning!

You figured it out?

With a little help from Forensics.

The "candy" in Owen's backpack is actually fruit-flavored antacid.

Very high in sodium bicarbonate. I called the hospital.

They did a tox screen and confirmed sodium levels are off the chart.

So Tracy gives Owen a "treat" and tricks him into poisoning himself?

What about Aiden Harris?

Yep. I compared their medical charts.

Symptoms are exactly the same.

She poisoned him the same way?

I believe so.

And with a child that size, it's very easy to overdose.

It can get fatal, fast.

Maybe Cindy figured out what Tracy was doing?

Yeah. She was really close to Aiden.

Aiden Harris. It all started with him.

(police radio crackles)

I was only trying to help Owen.

Is he gonna be okay?

We don't know yet.

Aiden Harris's father says he was a very gifted piano player.

He was a natural.

So full of life.

He also said that you were his favorite teacher.

I can't think of him without hearing his laugh.

I always thought, if I had a son, I hoped he would be just like Aiden.

Then he got sick.

When Aiden died, everyone thought it was a tragic accident.

Except for you.

And then you found out about Owen.



Hey! Stop!

Let go of me!

How long have you been following us?

You're sick, Tracy. You need help.

What are you talking about?

You hurt those boys.

You're hurting Owen.

If I see you again, I'm calling the cops.

Oh, yeah? Never mind. I'll do it myself. I'll call the police.

Fine. It'll make getting a restraining order that much easier.

Yeah? Two boys. Both sick.

Let's see what they say now.

You stay away from us!

You stay away from him.


(gasping in pain)

(ragged breathing)

Help me.

(cries out)


We found your complaint with Child Services.

The one you made after Aiden passed away.

I've been a teacher for years.

I've seen every type of kid, every type of parent, and I just knew, there was something wrong with that woman.

But you had no proof?

No. So they didn't do anything, and Tracy got away with m*rder.

You were right about her.

We believe she suffered from Munchausen by Proxy.

She poisoned the boys to get attention.

(exhales deeply)

I swear, I didn't plan to k*ll her.

I know. I believe you.

Thank you.

I still have to arrest you.

Doctors say he'll make a full recovery.

I still can't believe she was poisoning my son.

That she almost...

I can't condone what Cindy did, but, uh...

But she saved your son's life.

Because of her, I get a second chance with Owen.

I was outside the station and I, uh, I see a guy hanging around the building, like he was casing it, you know?

Describe him.

He was tall. Six, six-one, maybe.

Short brown hair.

Brown eyes?

And a beard.

And then what happened?

Then he waited until someone in a lab coat showed up, and he followed 'em in.

Why are you coming forward now?

See, the night I saw him, I was...

I was dealing, but I'm... I'm clean now. Straight.

I'm... I should've come forward sooner.

Kelly's got blue eyes.

Now, if you don't know the answer, you don't say anything. You got it?

So, I, uh... I say all this, you gonna make those possession charges go away, right?

Again. From the top.

Long day, huh?

Long couple days.

Yeah, well... cases with kids are always hard.


Hey, you wanna join me for a, I don't know, virgin pina colada? (chuckles)

Sure, that'd be nice.


Although, to be clear, mine will not be virgin.

Yeah, I figured.