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03x01 - Valediction

Posted: 04/26/16 08:11
by bunniefuu
announcer: Previously on "Turn: Washington's Spies."

Major General Benedict Arnold.

I believe in Peggy. She'll turn up.

We need to compile your final report from New York.

Andre will see right through you.

You led the plans to pass on my name to Andre.

(whispering) You only have to k*ll his courier.

(g*nsh*t firing)

(horse neighing)

(g*nsh*t firing)

He has a thing Andre wants most in the world.

And what I want most is my revenge on him.

(drums beating)

(drums continue)

(horse neighs, snorts)

(horse neighs)

Now, we know that you've received upwards of £100 from Mr. Mathews, the so-called mayor of New York.

And Governor Tryon. Your pulse beats high in the Tories' game, gentlemen.

Now, tell me, who else in this camp is under British pay?

What are you offering?

So there are others.

(drums continue)


Ben: The offer is that you hang for counterfeiting, not for treason.

I wish to be hanged for treason.

To mutiny against you traitors is an act of honor.

If you hang as a forger, your family may escape reprisal.

If you're marked as an assassin, I cannot...

We aren't going to hang.

You're going to trade us.


For Culper.

Where did you hear that name?

(drums continue)

Where did you hear that name?!

Sergeant Hickey must have heard it while standing guard outside my tent.

The first man to tell me the true name of our Agent Culper will be traded to safety on Saturday.

The other man will hang tomorrow.

(wind whistling)

They don't know.

The accused... Colonel William Bradford and Sergeant Thomas Hickey... having been found guilty on the charge of attempting to pass counterfeit bills...

My aim was to k*ll Washington, Putnam, and any other... ah!

(crowd shouting)


Man: Have you no mercy?

You! Are you mad?

Get off me!

What's wrong with you?


(crowd shouting)

Washington: Gentlemen, please.


Man: Vengeance!


(men grunting)

♪ There's snakes in the garden ♪

♪ Soul for sale ♪
♪ Blood on the rise ♪
♪ Hush, hush ♪
♪ Know there will come a day ♪
♪ As they're hiding in the cover of night ♪

♪ I can't wait anymore ♪

♪ Soul for sale ♪

♪ I can't wait anymore ♪

♪ Soul for sale ♪
♪ I can't wait anymore ♪
♪ Hush, hush. ♪

(birds warbling)

(crickets chirping)

Where is he?

I warned you not to do this.

I begged both of you.

I just told Aberdeen to clear supper.

Abraham will be home shortly.

You've been saying that since sundown.


Do you know where your father is?

I told you, after he walked Thomas home, Abe went to town.

To get provisions even though we have all we need here.

I'm sure he had good reason.

Now, my little soldier, did Dada take you down to the wharf today?

I told you that they did.

I know what you said.


Thomas, it's getting late.

I am talking to my grandson.

(door opens)

Didn't miss supper, did I?

And breakfast and lunch. Where were you?

I was at the farm.

Yeah, I'm sorry if I kept you all waiting.

Mary said you went into town to get provisions.

Well, yeah. I did, yeah.

After town, I went to the farm.

I have to buy seed if I'm to replant the cabbage.



So you bought cabbage seed from DeJong?

Uh, no, the store was closed, so I have to go back tomorrow.

I think I'm ready for bed.

It's time for Thomas as well.

Yeah. Good night, Father. Come on.


Rest well.




Up you go.

Have you seen my p*stol?

Your p*stol?

I would check with Aberdeen.

(door opens)

(door closes)

Now will you tell me what happened?

It's done.

Can't you please just leave it at that for tonight, huh?

Abe, what is that?

What is that mark on your throat?

Look, Eastin is dead, all right?

But he didn't fall without a fight.

He had a rope?

Mary, please, please, please. It's done.

I don't want to talk about it, all right?

Tomorrow I have to go out and move his body before it's discovered.

You haven't moved his body?

Will you just calm down?

Keep your mind focused on your task.

Don't forget, I still need a copy of Hewlett's encrypting plate.

I need a sample of Major André's handwriting.

I need them both so I can plant that letter.

I will...

Hewlett must believe that André has no interest in meeting me.

Otherwise this is... this is all for nothing.

I will, Abe, I will.

But if your father sees this...

He won't.

He already suspects you.

Well, yeah, he always does.

Like always, he'll do nothing.

There's something you're not saying.

You're right. Come here.


I never said thank you.

Our plan is working.

Your plan.


I couldn't have done this without you, do you know that?

One more day and this will all be behind us.

All right?

No more pistols.

No more plots.

Do you like it? It's a Phaeton Spider.

Oh, General, welcome!

I had it fit with a Collinge axle for a smoother ride.

Indeed, very smooth.

Woman: General Arnold!

So, have you been able to find a husband for your sister yet?

I'm afraid I must first find her a suitor who in time may become a fiancé and then eventually a husband.

And how long with this take?

Because you already have a suitor and fiancé champing at the bit.

General Cadwalader bet me a dozen pair of gloves that a dozen of my friends would be wed by next Christmas.

Next Christmas.

Next Christmas?

Don't worry.

I expect to win, of course.

Man: We love you, sir!

Man #2: Welcome home, sir!

When were you talking to John Cadwalader?

He's engaged to my friend Williamina Bond.

You remember Williamina.


Who was that?

Joseph Reed, former aide-de-camp to General Washington.

He now lords over Pennsylvania's supreme executive council and believes Philadelphia to be his very own fiefdom.

I thought Washington put you in charge of the city.


General, sir.



Why have we stopped?

Because we are here.

I give you Penn Mansion.

The British have stripped it of its furnishings, but I am rectifying that.

Would you care to see your future home, Mrs. Arnold?

Benedict, you know I can't accompany you in without a chaperone.

Oh, come now. We're in plain sight of the entire city.


All of Philadelphia sees and all of Philadelphia talks, making it all the more important to adhere to etiquette and protocol.

I will abide by protocol if you promise to abide by our understanding.

If you cannot see the house now, then perhaps you will find a way to visit tonight when no one will be watching.

Take Miss Shippen home.

(horse neighs)


(door closes)

What in hell's name?

Ah, General Arnold. Well met, sir.

What is this?

This? This is the shipment, sir.

The sequestered property from Stansbury Manor.

Yes, I know what it is.

What is it doing here in a pile?

My instructions were clear.

The clock is to be placed in that corner.

The dining room table in the dining room with the chairs surrounding it.

Yes, my foreman had your instructions.

I told him there must be some mistake.


General Arnold, as commissioner of forfeiture for this district, my charge is to transport these items confiscated from the enemies of America to a military storehouse for safekeeping...

They are perfectly safe here.

...whereupon the seized items are to be sold at public auction within 10 days.

Whereupon the proceeds go to you.

No, they go to purchase provisions needed by the army.

I am the army.

And your reimbursement will have to wait as I have been forced to wait for three years for Congress to repay me one pound of the 10,000 owed to me.

Three whole years fighting for our country with no recompense save wounds got in battle while you sit in a chair sequestering, collecting from those enemies of America, your former neighbors, as they are forced to sell their possessions upon flight like the Hebrews out of old Egypt.

Not enough time to take out their parlor chairs!

Get out!

(door opens)

(door closes)

(Abigail humming)

(whispers) Cicero.



You know what.

If Major André saw you with his papers...

Why did you teach me to read, then?



Lord looking out for you.

Good morning, Abigail.

Is your master home?

Major André isn't here, sir, nor is he my master.

Quite right. My apologies.

He is mine, however, insofar as I owe him my current station and must harken to his summons.

Oh, I see Akinbode succeeded in his task of delivering your son to you.

Do you happen to know where he went afterward?

No, sir. I assumed he went to you.

That was our understanding, but he hasn't rejoined the unit even after we returned to the main column.

I... I can't... I can't guess where else he'd be.

He did speak of how proud he was to be a Queen's Ranger.

If he's absent for much longer, I shall have to consider the possibility of desertion.

I do hope that isn't the case for his sake.


Captain Simcoe.

Please excuse my late arrival.

Abigail, a flask of the Palomino for the captain and myself.

Yes, sir.

Please sit.

I just came from a meeting with General Clinton.

He specifically praised the performance of the Queen's Rangers at Monmouth.

And I quote, "Under Captain Simcoe's command, the provincial forces have matured into a proper fighting unit.

Indeed, with great contrast to the motley rabble raised by Robert Rogers."

Thank you, sir.

We eagerly await our next deployment.

We do hope it will not involve another retreat.


During your patrols of Long Island, did you ever come across a fellow by the name of Samuel Culper?

I'm afraid not. Who is he?

Well, according to the personal notes of Major Benjamin Tallmadge... you do remember that name, don't you?

Most definitely.

A small but effective spy ring has been operating right under our nose, smuggling intelligence across the sound.

So, Tallmadge is running a man inside New York.

Or Long Island.

Or both.

Using a whale boatman as a courier.

It appears that this Samuel Culper is the anchor to the conspiracy.

Officially, your orders will be to resume your hunt for hidden rebels, though your real target is this one man.

Could be an alias.


Could be a false name to hide his true one.

Abraham, your father made mention that you will be departing Whitehall and returning to your farm.

Yes, sir. I believe I've relied on the hospitality of my father long enough.


Where will you live?

Luke and Jeremiah's cabin is still standing, so...

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make sure of that roof.


Of all days?

It's the anniversary of your mother's death.

I intend to visit her stone after breakfast and hoped you, Mary, and Thomas would accompany me.

Uh, well, I can...

I mean, I can see if I can get finished with the roof early.

You know?

She knows that I visit her often enough.

And I... I'm very sorry, Father, but if I had known that today was...

Father, why don't you take Thomas?

Yes, that's a wonderful idea. Why don't you take Thomas?

"Ingratitude, more strong than traitors' arm, quite vanquished him, then burst his mighty heart."

(clock chiming)

Get him dressed.

(bird screeching)



Did you bring me breakfast?


Did you?


We should move off this road before someone sees you.

It's safe down in the root cellar. No one will...



Much obliged.

Stay down.

Ah, what have we here?


Compliments to your wife.

You didn't tell her about us, did you?

No. No.

Of course you didn't.

That's why you tried to fix it by yourself.

Tried to rid yourself of old Robert Rogers.

You can't k*ll your secrets, lad, because they have a nasty habit of coming back from the dead.

You can't k*ll me either.

I can and I will, just not yet.

You're nothing to me but bait, boy.

I'm gonna use you like a squishy worm to get close to my old friend John André.

And live bait is better than dead.

Where did you move the body?

Went looking for him, did you?

Where is he?

Where's Eastin?

Trying to get back into his britches?

No, no, I was looking for his dispatch case.

I need to replace the letter that's inside. It's very important.

If you want to start a w*r between the Rangers and the redcoats, why not just leave the body there?

Why all the extra hugger-mugger?


All right, I... I convinced Major Hewlett that I was a double agent.

Now he wants to pass my name up the chain on to André so that now I have to report to him.

So I k*lled Hewlett's messenger on the way to the city, but I need to make it look like he was k*lled on his way back carrying a letter from André that says he has no need to meet a simple farmer.

All right? If I don't do that, Hewlett sends another messenger and then I'm not live bait, I'm dead.

So if you want to use me, you're gonna have to help me.

That's some serpentine shite there, boy.


You and I are going to have a grand time together.

Just grand.

Come on.

I'll show you where I buried the body.


Come on.

(harpsichord playing)

(no audible dialogue)

You're improving.

Not really.

(clock ticking)

Mary said that you wanted to speak to me.

Did she?

Yes. Something of a private, personal matter that you were debating whether or not to come forward with.


Um... yes, I... there was something I wish to speak with you about.

I was thinking, and I wonder if it may not be better for all, if I moved back into Strong Manor.

When Abraham spoke of intruding on his father's hospitality,

I was forced to examine my own imposition.

I see.

Well, that might be a problem.

Well, I don't seek to reclaim ownership, of course.

Just residence.


I mean a problem for me.

When you say it would be better for all, I can't help but think that you're referring to the magistrate.

For you, leaving Whitehall could not be seen as anything else than a very dark day for the man who now sits before you.

A year ago, I would not have been able to say these things without tripping over my tongue, but I'm not the same man as I was.

I've been changed by this place, by what I've seen... what I have survived.

And by the people I've met.

My dear Anna, ever since I've had the opportunity of knowing you, I've been in love with you.

And I have no doubts that you perceive my passions to be sincere.

If you allow me to be your protector through life, I swear that I will commit myself to your happiness and I pray that you know that I make my intentions clear and from the deepest and strictest motives of respect.

Uh... thank you.


I beg your pardon.


(lock clicks)

(door opens)

(door closes)

(coughs, gags)



(birds squawking)


Why'd you have to bury him?

'Cause you k*lled him yesterday.

And a three-day-old body ain't nothing like a one-day-old body.

Any Ranger or redcoat who's seen combat will know the difference.

(sniffs, groans)

What are you doing?

I am inviting the forest to feast and cover your mistakes.

Aye, you've got a lot to learn from me, eh?

About k*lling. About farming.

I can't wait.

You plant cabbages in the early summer, you get loose heads.


Why have you come back here?

I told you, I was betrayed.

Betrayed by the king.

The King of England in London, not by John André in New York.

Shut up.

You've got no stake left in this w*r.


I mean, I don't... I don't see why you just don't run.

Why you don't just make for the frontier.

Eh? I'm a hunted man with nothing left to lose.

But you've got everything to lose, haven't you, Woodhull?

So why don't you run?


Maybe you should go and get that letter you intend to plant.

Go and hurry along. I'll finish digging him out.

I'll meet you back at the root cellar.

Oh, I still need my... the p*stol, it's my father's. He's noticed it's gone.



I reloaded it for you.



It's quite all right. Don't be afraid.

I was...

There's no need to explain.

Though I might suggest that if you wish to conceal your movements, you leave no trace.


And if you wish to improve your reading, then let's try something simpler.

No, not those. Those are military posts which you must never read.

Note the red tape.

But these are personal correspondents.

No classification.


Here's one from Philadelphia.

From a Miss Peggy Shippen to Miss Rebecca Franks in the care of yours truly.

But I thought Philadelphia was in the rebel army now.


That letter was delivered through the lines under the flag of truce.

Its contents read and resealed by both sides.

I offered to teach your mother to read, but she declined.

Let's demonstrate the benefit, shall we? Please.

"My dear Rebecca.

I write to you with affection and longing for our days of amusement in Philadelphia.

The most important news to be sure is of my engagement to wed General Benedict Arnold following his repeated proposals and appr... appro... approbation."

You trying to get whupped?

I was looking for something to send to Miss Anna.


We are not spies.

That's something I had to do to make you safe.

And now that you are, I ain't gonna see you strung up for some business don't concern us at all.

You understand me?

Or you need me to write that down?

When... when is Miss Shippen to be married, sir?

As soon as her sister is engaged.

It's the only barrier between her and... and...


Her sister Betsy?

Could be weeks.

It could be months.

It could be months.

I need privacy.

André's voice: "Dear Miss Shippen, I am pleased to hear from Miss Franks of your impending union. Allow me to wish you the greatest joy. Your friends here remark how they hope one day to meet your future husband, but they well understand the obstacles to such a meeting. And though they miss you dreadfully, they know you are doing everything you can to ensure the brightest future possible."

Edward: Mr. Goodrich, I don't know what else to tell you.

Just listen to us, Edward.

What can I possibly do?

Speak to him. Speak reason to him.

Edward: Benedict Arnold is military commandant of Philadelphia and he is the highest power in this city.

We can no longer tolerate this, Edward.

Arnold uses his station to line his own pockets at the expense of our interests.

Edward: Your interests?

Goodrich: Yours as well.

His reach extends to the shipping lines.

Dearborn: He's to be your family.

What do you expect me to do?

The Continental Army answers to the Continental Congress.

If they were to be made aware of his abuses...

Oh, fine, yes. You should do that.

Me? I was hoping you would be the one.

Crane: We should all go to Congress and speak.

Dearborn: He's your relation.

Edward: No, I couldn't possibly!

(chattering, laughing)

Boy. Boy, come here.

You look like a sweet lad.

May I ask you to run this letter in through that door, drop it on the big desk just inside, and then run back out?

Who's it for?

If you're too frightened, I understand.

What do I get for it?

Well, a kiss, of course.

You've got yourself a deal.


(men chattering)

Oh, gentlemen.

Good God, man, you... you smell a fright.

It's farm work.

(exhales) Ooh.


Oh, there you are.

I've been seeding all morning and I'm dead starving, so...

It's because you forgot vittles again. Come here.

You forget your stomach, it'll be the death of you.

Take some fruit.

Well, actually, maybe I should take dinner whilst I'm here 'cause I might not be back until late.

Dinner's not ready yet, but there's pork outside in the smokehouse.

That sounds good, yeah. I'll take a look.

I've only a few more rows left to plant, so shouldn't be too much longer.

All right? You... kiss that boy for me.


Mary, I feel as if we should open some windows.

(men chattering)



You already know what I've come here to say.

I failed.

Failed to save our firstborn from being k*lled in battle.

And failed to raise our second as a moral man, and for that I'm... I'm so sorry.

Though all is not lost, thank God.

I may not have been able to save Abraham...

but there is still hope in young Thomas.

Perhaps the mistakes I made in raising our son can be corrected through his own.

I swear I will dedicate my life to him and this time I will not fail.

All that remains is to ask your forgiveness and grant me the strength to do what I must.

(Thomas giggles) Dead.

Dead. Dead. Dead.

"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."

You know "Macbeth," boy?

Yeah, I just need to concentrate on this.


And you're wrong about André, by the by.

It ain't revenge I'm after, it's justice.


All men are created equal.

Mmm, the Declaration.

I read it, you know. (sighs)

All men are created equal.

That's the truth that His Majesty Farmer George can't face.

That's what really terrifies him.

It really does and that's what all those cowards like Tommy Gage and Johnny André all run away from.

All those commissioned officers who look down on me, spat on me, took credit for my scalps, cursed me with half pay.


They saw themselves above me.

They refused to treat me like an equal just as Britain refuses America.

I mean to teach them different by the justice I deliver to John André.

That will be my Declaration before I leave these colonies.

That they were never better than me.

Sorry, what was that?


Serves me right, I suppose.


Come on, come on.

Let's move a body.

(both panting)

(bird screeching)

So if I plant cabbage now...


If I plant now, you reckon loose heads?

Eh? Oh, aye.

When I was a lad, we used to plant cabbages back up in Mountalona.

And if you plant later in the fall,
you get less maggots, too.

You hear that?

(bird screeching)



(horse whinnies)

(horse neighs)

(horse snorting)



(horses neighing)

It's Eastin.

(rain pattering)

(wind whistling)

(man panting)


(thunder crashes)



You are truly the most beautiful woman in all of England and America.

Thank you.

Do you like the house?

It's for you.

It's all for you.

It's very grand.

I must be getting back now.

No, no, no, stay.

Stay, please.

(pounding at door)

Reed: General Arnold!



Go there.

(pounding continues)

Reed: General Arnold!

Check the inventory against the manifest.

What is this?

A warrant signed by Congress.

I want it all marked.

Signed by you.

This is a bloody writ of assistance.

Do you serve Great Britain now?

Do you?

For amongst the many charges lain against you, most disturbing is the use of military wagons to offload the Charming Nancy, a known smuggling vessel.

An action which could be seen as trafficking with the enemy.

The enemy? How?

Don't touch that!

What charges, man?

Six in total.

And they have been sent to Congress and to General Washington.

Charges of corruption, of impropriety, and perhaps worse.

Since those charges are lies, I will assume that you have no evidence to back up this slander that I will see you charged with.

What is that?

An anonymous letter sent by a concerned Patriot led us to your nest of schemes and bad business.


I will fight these charges to the bitter end.

Man: All done, sir.

I will see you there.

(door opens)

Benedict... are these things true?


They are the att*cks of an anonymous coward who thinks he can hide behind a disgrace like Reed.

No, this will go away by morning.

In the meantime, I think it best that you return home for tonight.

(bird warbling)

(crickets chirping)

(crickets chirping)

(knock at door)

I asked not to be disturbed.

Richard: I'm afraid I must.

Oh, Richard.

I heard about Corporal Eastin.

I don't know how he's done it with his Rangers deployed, but Simcoe has somehow managed to strike a double blow against me.

I suppose it is the perfect alibi.

What do you mean?

Not only has he k*lled another one of my men, but now he has apparently poisoned Major André's trust with me.

His letter from New York indicates that he is not interested in hearing what intelligence Abraham has gathered about the Sons of Liberty.

Perhaps it's for the best that you don't send Abraham to New York anymore.

What are you talking about?

I'm... I'm talking about my son.

I've come here after much deliberation to inform you that he is a criminal, a traitor against the Crown, and that he is and has been for some time... a spy for the Continental Army.