01x19 - In the Comet of Us

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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01x19 - In the Comet of Us

Post by bunniefuu »

woman: Put the g*n down, Bethany.

How are you... You're dead.

I told you I wanted to start over, to disappear... and I needed the world...

You faked your su1c1de?


And I'm sorry, I can't imagine what I put you through.

No, you can't.

I was so afraid of someone finding out what we did, of losing my freedom.

I can't...

Where have you been?

Paraguay, some remote village outside San Lorenzo.

Why did you come back? Why...

They found me.

Someone knows about Daylight.

They made a play. I barely escaped with my life.

I need help. I need you and Carter.

Carter is dead.

Oh, God.

They're coming after all of us.

I need new passports.

I need to secure a safe passage into another country.

I need...


You came back to me because you need money.

I know you're angry and I know I've put you through hell, but look at where we are.

I love you, Bethany, but I had to run.

If you were smart you would do the same.

I don't run.

Well, at least help me then, please.

Hey, Patterson.

You want to play a game?

Love games.

Don't get too excited.

It's not one of your wizard and elf games that take four hours to finish.

Well, D&D doesn't ever really finish.

What do these numbers mean to you?

34, 30, 21, 9...


41, 28...

Oh! Oh.

...13, 7.


I have been obsessed with these and I haven't been able to figure this out.

Yeah, I was reading about Levi Hart...

The running back from Hudson University who got kicked off the team for dr*gs... yesterday.

Anyway, the article lists the ups and downs of the football program.

The ups being the last four national championship wins and their scores.

34 to 30.

21 to 9.

41 to 28.

13 to 7.

You're like some kind of wizard.

What do we do now, elf?

Actually, I am a gnome cleric.

Now, we just have to figure out why this tattoo is pointing to the Hudson football program.

I thought you hated tea.

Well, it's grown on me.

Glad you came over to my side.

What's with the bowtie, Bill Nye?

Has anybody heard from Weller?


Weller: Sorry, I'm late.

Bethany: Go ahead, Patterson.

Okay. Well, first and foremost, Tasha unlocked a tattoo.

Wow, what have we got?

Zapata: The last four championship scores from Hudson University's football team, they're on Jane's lower abdomen, hidden in the fingertips of the handprint tattoo.

That's different.

What could that be about?

Hudson was under league investigation last year for scholarship fraud.

A lot of top ranked schools get investigated... it's pretty common.

A few weeks in, the lead investigator, Ed Mackey, said he didn't find any problems with the scholarship system.

So, six months later, this guy becomes the VP of a big-time athletic apparel company, and now he's being reviewed.

Because the former CEO of said company is now the current president of Hudson University, Karen Morris.

So, the investigator might have been paid off with a cushy job.

It's no big deal.

Why draw our attention to that?

This clearly points to Hudson's athletic program.

I know the defensive coordinator over there, I went to his camps as a kid.

Would he be willing to talk to us?

I don't see why not. He's a good guy.

He used to give me rides home from practice when my mom was running late.

We stayed in touch.

Good, head out.

Let me know what you find.

(distant chatter)

The only thing I'm good for here is running a lean three-four defense.

I don't have anything to do with the scholarships.

I know, coach, I just...

We got a tip that there was something off in the program.

Any idea what that could be about?

Something off?

Were they more specific?

It's hard to explain.

They run a tight ship here, Edgar.

Been investigated a few times, nothing sticks.

Coach is a good guy, disciplined.

I can't imagine what that something off might be.

What about this Levi Hart kid?

His story's been all over the news.

Gifted athlete, troubled kid.

Nothing more to it than that.

Karen Morris. I'm the president of the university.

Would you mind telling me what this is all about?

Karen, this is Edgar Reade.

He's one of my favorite camp kids.

Still helps out in the summer when he's not too busy.

Nice to meet you.

It's always a pleasure to meet one of Coach Jones's protégés, but this doesn't feel like a social visit.

Uh, Special Agent Kurt Weller with the FBI.

And this is my team.

And are you talking to Coach Jones in any sort of official capacity?

Yes, but we...

Then I'm afraid I'm going to end this conversation immediately.

Please direct any requests to talk to our personnel to my office. Let's go.

Good to see you.

Good seeing you, coach.

(distant shouting)

They're hiding something, Reade.

Could be, just doesn't seem tattoo worthy.

Scholarship fraud isn't that bug of a deal.

Which probably means it's probably more than scholarship fraud.

Patterson: Hey, are you guys there?

Patterson. Go.

Any luck?

No, they lawyered up. Did you find anything?

I looked into terminated scholarships (radio static) and for any other information I could get.

And? Patterson?

I lost the comms.

Anyone else got her?


We must be in a dead zone.

(distant g*nf*re)

Run, run!

He's got a g*n!

(crowd screaming)




Weller: Active sh**t! Active sh**t!

man: Lauren?


Just wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to share before we wrap things up.

I'm good.

Well, it's customary for people to share in their first meet.

Customary, but not mandatory, right?

That's right.

I'm good.

Part of being here is admitting that you're not good.

Let's wrap it up then.

all: God give us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change.

The courage...

Take care, man.

It's nice meeting you.

Good luck with everything.

I mean, I'll come back.

Oh, okay.

Isn't that like bringing a bottle to AA?

I have enough self-control to read the sports pages.

I just flip past the point spreads to get to the stories.

You finished with that?

(students screaming)



Patterson! We have no comms.

sh**t must be jamming our signal.

Landline's dead.

All right, I'll take the upper levels with Jane.

You two, clear this floor. All right?

On it.

Exit through the lobby.


Exit through the lobby.

Get to safety guys, get outside.


Go, keep going.

I'll go this way.

All right.

man on PA: This is an emergency announcement.

A suspect with a w*apon is on campus.

If you can't get to safety, shelter in place.

Wait for instructions from authorities.

(g*nf*re, man screams)

Stay down.

Help me.

Just stay down.

Drop your w*apon! Show me your hands!

Hey, hey! I need help.


I gotta get you out of here.



Come on.


Ohh, son of a bitch!

Zapata: Do you know who the sh**t is?


But he came straight for me.

He was targeting you?

I don't know.

(groaning and panting)

We have to get you out front.

The ambulances should be here soon.

There's an auditorium around here with an exit at the back.

It's just up the stairs and through the lobby.

That's it. You're doing good.

Keep going.

Keep going.

Ahh! I can't.

No, you can, you can.

I'm don't...

Coach. Coach. You gotta keep moving.

We gotta get someone to look at your leg.

(breathing heavy)



Coach, move!


(g*n clicking)

He's coming! Do something!

I'm out of a*mo, and he knows it.

I got you something.


I don't like tea.

You're not drinking the right kind.


Chinese for black dragon.


It's pretty amazing.

(Jane chuckles)

I don't think I should be your handler anymore.


Wh... Why?

No, I... I don't want that...

It's not about what you want. It's not about what I want.

It's about what's best... for the mission.

You... you sleep with me and you... you make me feel...

Do you have any idea how hard all of this has been for me?

And the second it gets too hard for you, you just walk away?


No, you're a coward.

(phone buzzing)

God, I... I have to go to my safe house... 'cause they're... packing me up.

But please don't...

Don't disappear on me.

Promise me that we can talk about this tonight.

You owe me that.

Weller: All right.

I'll take the upper levels with Jane.

You two, clear this floor.

All right?

On it.

Exit through the lobby!

(students screaming)

Weller: Get out of here.

Go. Get out of here.

Jane, this way.

I think we should split up, cover more ground.

No, not while our comms are down.


We're FBI. Keep going.

Get out!


Weller, we need to split up to cover more ground.

I'll go up and over, come back down that side, try and box him in.

All right? Go.

Put it down!

I'm not the sh**t.


Drop the w*apon!

man on PA: This is an emergency announcement. A suspect with a w*apon is on campus. If you can't get to safety, shelter in place. Wait for instructions from authorities.

I said drop it!


I'm gonna put it down.

Don't sh**t me, I'm FBI.

You don't look like FBI.

Get your hands up!

My hands are already up.

Calm down.

Turn around.

Do it, now!

You're making a mistake.

My team...

Shut up.

Don't sh**t me, please.

I'm not going to sh**t you.

I told you, I'm FBI.

Okay, I was chasing the gunman.

He went out that door.

We need to work together.




We need to move.

Stay close, cover our backs.

Can you handle that?

Don't point it at me, all right?

(distant g*nf*re)

Sounds like it's coming from the cafeteria.


All right, which way?

Around this corner and then all the way to the right.

Hey... there's no body.




She's lost a lot of blood.

All right, take these, press down really hard.

Okay. You're okay.

It's okay.

There's too much.


(metal clanking)


Okay. This is going to hurt.

I need you to bite down on this.

Okay. Just like that.

Lift her shirt up.

Ready? Ready?

(skin sizzling, woman screaming)

Jane: Okay. Okay.

That should stop the bleeding for now, I need you to get her out of here.

(guard speaks indistinctly)

(distant g*nf*re)

Agh! Uhh!

(g*n clatters to ground)

(Zapata grunting)


You okay?

(handcuffs snapping)

But the coach needs medical attention ASAP.


What the hell was that?

You can't hide from this.

You have no idea what's coming.

(heart monitor beeping) _

(labored speech) I was fine at the hospital.

I know you were.

I want you here... with family.

I don't want to cramp your style.


I live with my sister and her ten-year-old kid.

I think my style is cramped.


You know you... you don't owe me anything.

The whole town thought I k*lled her.

I... you were a kid.

I don't blame you.

Dad, we... we don't have to do this now.

(gravelly sigh)

That's my boy.

I'm so... so grateful... to have you back.

I don't want you carrying the guilt for the... those years we missed.


I for...

I forgive you, son.


Weller, we need to split up to cover more ground.

I'll go up and over, come back down that side, try and box him in.

All right? Go.
Show me your hands.

Don't sh**t, please!

Both of them.

I can't!


Don't worry, I'm FBI.

Here. Just keep pressure on that.

What happened?

I heard the sh*ts first.

I didn't even know it was a g*n until the kid ran up on me.

This kid. What's he look like?

What's he wearing?

It's Levi Hart.


The player that just got busted?


All right, where'd he go?

Defensive meeting room.

He took my keys.

This is an emergency announcement.

A suspect with a w*apon is on campus.

If you can't get to safety, shelter in place.

Wait for instructions from authorities.

(g*nf*re, screaming)

Stop. Hey! Stop.

Don't worry, don't worry. Kid, look.

I'm with the FBI. Okay?

I need you to get out of here.

You can't go through that door, they're rigged with expl*sives.

I need you to do me a favor.

Go to the end of the hallway where it's safe.

Stop anyone coming through those doors.

You hear me?




(door opening)

Stop! Stop.

FBI, all right.

You can't go this way. It's too dangerous.

Touch that door it'll explode.

Come with me. All right?

You stay right behind me.

You stay behind me.

Stay there, stay there. Stay!


All right, go down those stairs, get out of this building.

All right?



(loud thumping)




This is the FBI!

This whole building's surrounded.

There's nowhere to go!



Drop your w*apon!

Let's walk out of here!

I don't want you to die today!

Good. Come on out, lay down on the ground.

Drop your w*apon!


(ears ringing)




Were you hit?

Not my blood.

Thanks to Jane.

I'm just glad we got him.

One of them.

There's two?

Yeah, the other one's still out there.

Found this on our guy.

It's a jammer.

Great, so we can get our comms back online.

(keyboard clacking)


Weller's on the line.

There's an active sh**t situation at Hudson.

Started a few minutes ago.

Weller, what's going on?

Got two active sh**t on campus.

One's in custody.

Weller: One's still at large.

Why am I just hearing about this?

They had a jammer that cut communication lines.

I've regrouped with Tasha and Jane.

What about Reade?

We haven't been able to make contact with him yet.

We might be an agent down.

A little bulkier than the last time you came in.

Also I had to take in the waste half an inch.

Who was she?

Come on, extra time at the gym getting ripped, you're not eating.

You going through a breakup?


It's okay, you always bounce back.

New month, new flavor, right?

That's not what I'm looking for right now.

If that's not what you're looking for, then maybe you should start making some changes, inside and out, you know.

I'm not sure you're the guy who should be giving me love advice.

You've been coming to me for six years.

Who else in the city knows you better?

Plenty of people know me better than you.

(laughing) Yeah, sure.




For the new you.

Come on.

Oh, I hate it.

Which is exactly why you're gonna wear it.

Or else you can stick with the same ol' same ol'.

Your call.

Reade: Get to safety, FBI.

(g*nf*re, screaming)

Guys, get to safety.

Zapata: You need to take your friend here and exit through the lobby.

Get as far away from the building as you can.

Go, move. If you can get to safety, go.

Go, keep going!

I'll go this way.

All right.

Hey, FBI, get out of here!

Come on. Go. Move!

Get out of here.

(girl crying)

(girl crying)

You okay?

All right, I'm gonna get you to safety.

Come with me.

(sobbing) I can't.

I won't leave Nick.

What's your name?

Va... Valerie.

Hey, Valerie, my name is Edgar.

I'm a special agent with the FBI.

I'm sorry to tell you this, but there's nothing we can do for Nick now.

(sobbing) It's my fault.

He was trying to protect me.

I know, I know, Val.

What Nick did for you was really brave, but right now...

Hey, right now I need you to be brave, okay?

Once I get you to safety, I promise I'll come back for him.

All right, come on.

All right.

This is an emergency announcement.

Come on.

A suspect with a w*apon is on campus. If you can't get to safety, shelter in place.

Come on.

Wait for instructions from authorities.

Guys, wait! Wait!

I'm FBI.

Get behind me. Get behind me!

All right, stay together.

(distant g*nf*re)

Stay calm. Stay calm.

All right, we got to find another exit.

This way, everybody follow me.

This way!

(clicking, pin drops)

Everybody get back.


I think I just... triggered a b*mb here.

And I don't want anyone to panic.

Everybody, just carefully...

woman: Oh, my God!

...get to safety.

Go on, Val.

How can I help?

All right, stand back.

It's a pin removal pressure release switch.

It's like a grenade. When the handle went down it ejected the pin, triggering the b*mb.

Right now, I'm the only one I'm the only thing keeping it from going off.


What the hell was that?

Uh, a mini-fridge?

All right, I saw the pin go down the hallway.

We just need something small and strong enough to keep this clip from springing free.

Let me see one of your earrings.

(whispers) Okay.

You know what, it just might be strong enough to hold.

Might give me a chance to run.

Y-You're sure?

Nope, but... we're about to find out.

All right.

Valerie: Will that hold it?

Not for long.

Now, you get really, really far from here.

All right. Go. Go.


Far, Val!

(broken glass crunching)



(ears ringing)



Get up.

You're a cop?




Get up.


All right.

(whispers) All right.

Hey, you Levi Hart?

Man, I played ball too.

Shut up!

I want Coach Jones. Where is he?

I don't know. I saw you talking to him.

Okay, okay, okay! Calm down, calm down.

Listen, I was right with him right before all this happened.

I'll take you to him.

If you're lying, I will put a b*llet in your head.

Understood, I'll take you to him.

Let's go.

Levi: Where's Jones?

Just a little farther.

Come on, pick up the pace.

All right, take it easy.

I'll take it easy when he's dead.

Weller: Reade, come in.

You hear me?

Reade: You can put the g*n down now, Levi.

No one else needs to get hurt.

A lot of innocent people died today.

He's alive.

What's he trying to say to us?

I think he's talking to the sh**t.


Give us your location.

Levi, k*lling Jones won't solve anything man.

Whatever trouble you were in before...

This ain't about none of that.

Well, talk to me. Let me help you, man.

Quit stalling.

Tell me where Jones is... now.

All right, he's on the west side of the building, where I left him barricaded.

What room?

I don't remember, but if you get me to the field house I can take you to him.

Just... just get me to the field house.

Levi, why you doing this, bruh?

Doesn't matter.

It matters to you.

My life is in your hands, so it matters to me.

So what happened, your coach is on you, riding you hard?

At Michigan, my coach...

This ain't about football.

Jones ruined my life.

How? What did he do?

At first, I thought maybe it was just Tim and me.

But... that camp he runs... it's just... a way to get close to kids.

He's sick.

Okay, tell me what happened.

He ever give you a lift home?

Yeah, he did for a lot of kids.

He ever... invite you in for dinner?


First, it was dinner.

Then it was watching the game.

Just the two of you.


(sobbing) I didn't know how to stop it.

I was gonna come forward in high school, but then Jones got me a full ride to Hudson.

I took the money.

I thought I could put it behind me, but then he brought in some kids in to watch practice.

I saw 'em, and I knew it wasn't just Tim and me.

I lost it.

We were going to blow the lid off everything, then they busted me for dr*gs.

Take away all our credibility.

They all covered for him!

I didn't mean to k*ll any of those students, but they got in the way.

Listen, Levi, you have another choice.

Put the g*n down and let me help you.

You can't help me.

I believe you.

Okay, we can open an investigation, we can put Jones away forever, but you gotta stop, or else you're gonna die.

I'm trying to offer you another way out.


I died a long time ago.



Reade: It didn't have to end this way.

Weller: I'm sorry, buddy.

You did everything you could to get him out of here alive.



All the bloodshed, everyone who died, all the families that lost someone... is because of you.

Is it true?

What are you talking about?

You know what I'm talking about!

If what those two boys said is really true, I'll find out, I'll find you, and I'll put you away myself.

(police radio chatter)

(sirens chirping)

(sirens wailing)

The scores on Jane weren't from every championship Hudson ever won, just the four since Jones was hired.

The creepy hand tattoo was pointing us straight at him.

What happens next?

Well, the sh**t we took alive, Tim Scott, corroborated Levi's story.

We're launching an investigation.

It looks like the scholarship fund was how the university handed out hush money to the victims.

So this was bigger than Jones.

Much bigger.

The athletic director, the university president and some very wealthy donors all helped to keep this quiet.

Why would anybody cover for this guy?

Well, their football program brings in millions of dollars to the school.

They didn't want anything to mess with that.

Well, Rikers has plenty of room for all of them.

You should all head home, get some rest.

I'm here because I promised I would...

You're the only one who knows who I really am.

You know me.

You make me feel real.

And who you are and who we are together doesn't make you the wrong person for the job, it makes you the only person for the job.

I almost died today.


My life is...

When I see you here at the end of the day I feel safe.

What happened?

A lot.

You hungry?


(Weller sighing)

You all done?

I'll walk out with you.

I don't feel like going home yet.

Thought you might say that.

(locker opens and shuts)

For days like today.


I'm not much of a bartender.

Hope you like your scotch neat.

(scotch pouring)

And in a paper cup.

I know what you're gonna say.

That none of this is my fault.

There's no way I could have known a man I looked up to since I was a kid is such a monster.

None of the lives he ruined are my responsibility.

And you're right.

I know all this.

But it doesn't make it any easier to live with.

And I can do without the lecture, to be honest.

(bottle thuds)

All I was gonna say is, uh... this is real expensive... and really nice scotch.

So... you better drink it.

man: So, you ready to share or are you just here for the good company and the stale Danishes?

I was a cop, the 96th precinct.

One night on patrol, my partner and I, we, uh, answered a domestic call, some drunk beating on his wife.

And we get there and the woman, she's hysterical, nose broken, lacerations... it was bad.

And so I'm helping her while my partner talks to the husband.

I didn't see it happen.

I didn't see the g*n he pulled from the couch.

Didn't see him sh**t my partner point blank before turning the g*n on himself.

After that, I, uh...

My life was a mess.

His death was so random.


(chuckling) You know, as dumb as it sounds, when I was gambling, I knew the rules.

Even when I was losing, it was on my terms, it was something I could control.

But it doesn't really feel that way anymore.

(door opening)

It's all I have: $48,345.

Bethany, thank you.

You could stay.

I have resources at the FBI that could keep you safe.

Like the CIA kept Carter safe?

Come with me.

Cash out your retirement. Sell this place.

It would be like a second chance.

We could... disappear together.

You know what I went through when you died?

I loved you.

I still love you.

But I can never forgive you for what you did.

You want a second chance?

Accept my protection and stop running.

Otherwise, get the hell out of my house.

(door opens and shuts)

You okay? You seem different.

I'm fine.

You're not getting cold feet?

It's just...

I think we need more time to make sure everything's in place.

You've gotten too close to her.

Let's get this done.

(zipper unzipping)

(Jane panting)

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