03x07 - Into the Dark Dimension

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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03x07 - Into the Dark Dimension

Post by bunniefuu »

[bats screeching]

together: Trick or treat!

I told you, there's no way the Avengers are gonna be home on Halloween.

What do you mean? Their lights are on.

[grunts] Huh?

Who wants some candy?


Awesome, it's Hulk!

I do!





[lightning whooshes]

Nay, Hulk. It is my turn to bestow the candy.

Actually, Thor, it's my turn.


It's always my turn.

[kids cheering]

[Hulk landing]

Hit me!



Not all my tech's about taking out bad guys.

Hey, Hulk, you and I are tied for the lead.

It has been ages since a young one has come dressed as the mighty Thor.

Um... Actually like 20 minutes.

[portal opening]


Doctor Strange!

I apologize for my appearance.

Halloween is always a busy night, but this year the threats are coming faster than ever.

I can't keep up.

Oh, interesting.

The Sorcerer Supreme.

Protector of Earth against mystical threats.

Mr. Magic needs my help.

I might find it of some assistance.

Dormammu has been unleashing his mindless ones and flying demons across the city.

And his att*cks are only intensifying.

[screams, panicking]

[demons growling]

Don't tell me. Let me guess... mindless ones and flying demons.

So, Avengers, will you join me in this fight?

It will be my pleasure.


Kids, go home. Things are about to get ugly.


And they didn't even say, "trick or treat."


[warrior yell]



Hey, Hulk aren't food!


These monsters are no match for my hammer.

Nor are they a match for the Vapors of Valtorr!

[beam cannon firing]

And we don't taste good either!

[struggling, roars]

Magic stuff is fun to smash.




My powers are depleted for now.

Then let us do what we do best.


And what I do best is science.

[demon growls]



Ha! And stay down.




Fly away, brute!


[beam whooshes]


We must send them back to the Dark Dimension.

If I can generate enough power to create a portal...


Mjolnir, to me!


[dragon roars]

Hurry! Push them into the portal before it loses stability.

[dragons growling]



Go on! Get!




I guess I'll just send you the bill for the damage?

I'm afraid there's more to come.

What is it?

It's far from over.

Come with me.

Doctor Strange: I sense a great and powerful danger here.

[kids chatting]

Iron Man: Okay. If you say so.


Ha! Finally! One more for each of us.

Good thing Captain Marvel's not playing.

Captain Marvel power! Woo!

Do I have to remind you how serious this situation is?

We need to find the Mindless Ones now.

They could be anyw...

Found them.

[people screaming]

A whole army for me to smash!


Trick or beat!

Save some for me!


By the Warrior Whips of Jefallen!

[beam shot]

[people screaming]

Iron Man: Trick or treating's over for tonight, folks. [grunts]

Oh... uh, Stark will pay for that.




You're a brave kid.

All clear, Hulk.


That didn't feel good at all!

[rubble crumbling]

[grunts loudly]

Any more tricks up your sleeve?


Can't you just zap them away?

Doctor Strange: There are too many.

Well, at least they're easy to smash.


Hit the road!


Is there an off switch for this thing?

Dormammu's att*cks have been relentless.

This should be easy for me but in my fatigue state... I...


Friday, can you analyze the energy Strange uses?

Friday: There is no match to anything in my database.

The closest is a form of electrochemical energy.

All right, then tweak the frequency of my repulsors to match it.

Friday: I can get close, but it will take some of your reserve power.

My magic skill took years to perfect.

Technology can't replace it.


Unless you've got another idea, I think it's time to give real science a try.


Looks like they're all gone... thanks to me.

[panting] This time.

And smashing. Every time.

Friday: Security breach at a Stark Facility.

Your security breach is no ordinary one. We must go there.

Okay, everyone follow...

Me. Or follow Strange. Either one.

Uh, this is not good.

Not good at all.

This looks like your arc reactor. But not so puny.

What use do you possibly have for an arc reactor that big... unless, of course, it's to match the size of your ego.

This is where Stark Industries conducts experiments that need massive amounts of energy.

Why would Dormammu's creatures need your arc reactor?

[creatures growling]

Iron Man: I don't know, but I'm not the kind of guy who likes to share his toys.


I'm starting to get mad!

It's not working. Friday, boost power!

Friday: But your reserves are...

Do it!

It's too big. We don't have enough energy.

I know where we can find some.

[grunts, roars]


Let's try this again.

I'll siphon off some power from the arc reactor to boost my repulsors.

Now to shut down the reactor.

[computerized clicking]

Uh-oh! It ain't stayin' closed.
And we have a new visitor.

[fire rumbling]

[evil laughter]


This is my pathetic welcome committee?

You do not belong here.

Earth is exactly where I belong.

And I intend to rule it until the end of time!

But first, to get rid of my nemesis, Doctor Strange and his little friends.

Feel the power of Dormammu!


Keeping Dormammu in check should be child's play but not tonight.

My Mindless Ones weakened you.

[blow hits]


Avengers, are you...

[painful yelling]


[evil cackling]

Not the Eye of Agamotto!

This cannot be.

[evil laughter]

With Dormammu in control of its powers, we're doomed.

Dormammu, ruler of the Dark Dimension has stolen the Eye of Agamotto.

With this increase in his power, he will soon become unstoppable.

Then let's go get it!

I must warn you, it's a land ruled by dark magic.

I am used to it, of course, but...

Dark magic, light magic... it's all just energy.

The rules you're used to, especially from other realms like Asgard, don't always apply.

[shrug] I pretty much never follow rules anyway.

Know this, once the portal closes, the only way back is to find the Eye of Agamotto.

Without it, you will be trapped in the Dark Dimension forever.

Well, then the sooner we find it, the better.

If I can reopen it in my weakened state.

Let me give it an energy boost.


Age before beauty!


[demon roars]

He is a coward. He dares not face us.

Dormammu keeps his most precious possessions at his castle, deep in the heart of the Dark Dimension.

I'm already down to 78 percent. My energy is not regenerating.

We have to go now.

We walk.

The closer we get to Dormammu, the weaker you'll get.

You need to save your power. As do I.

You'll find that all your science doesn't help much in a magical realm.

Magic is just an advanced form of science.

Everything has a rational explanation.

Except for this landscaping.

Doctor Strange: For someone trained in the use of powerful forces, I guess magic has a sort of logic, to use a simplistic term.


Magic goes beyond science.

Only those who are worthy can understand.



Hard work and study makes you worthy.

What do you think, Hulk? You're a scientist at heart.

Less talking and more walking.

Awfully quiet, Strange.

He has fallen into the pit!

Doctor Strange: Avengers! Avengers!

No, it was Dormammu.

And if the castle is where he keeps his treasures, that's where we'll find Strange.

You seen any signs pointing us towards the castle?



They could use some work on their hospitality.

Attacking Tony Stark's arc reactor drew you and the eye of Agamotto to me and gave me the power I needed to take it from you.

Now that I have the eye of Agamotto, I am not limited to ruling over the Dark Dimension.

The whole universe will be mine.

You will witness the new world order, dominated forever by Dormammu!

Starting with Earth, the keystone to the universe!

The Eye was never meant to be yours.


Give up hope, my old foe.


My armies await me, as does your doomed little world.


[Hulk sighs]

For an evil headquarters, they sure make it hard to find.

Friday: Power reserve at 60 percent.

You're a real downer, you know that, Friday.

[creature growling]

[creature hits]


[creature hits]


Thor! Not a good time for punching!

Thor: 'Twas not me.

[blow hits]




[hammer blow]


[hammer blow]



[creature growls]


My sensors are picking up energy readings, but I don't see anything.

[beam blow]



It's only visible when it's hit.


Then keep hitting!

[roars, grunts]

[roars, grunts]



'Twas still not me, this time.




[grunts, yells]

Have at thee!

[lightning fizzles]

Strange man did say something about powers not working like you expect.

The Mindless Ones were herding those invisible creatures.

They must be part of Dormammu's army.

Then let's follow 'em!

[demons growling]

That is where we will find Dormammu.

My power's down to 50 percent.

We don't have time to fight all these things.

Let's circle around. Maybe there's a back entrance.


So much for avoiding a fight.


Mjolnir still packs a...




They're stronger than ever!

[creature bites]


Since when did the Mindless Ones become the indestructible ones?

It's because Dormammu has the Eye of Agamotto.

Gotta save my power.

Hulk, get me to that ledge.

My pleasure.


Okay, I've got a plan.

I'll scan the lock and have Friday run through all the poss...

That must be the Dark Dimension affecting your "powers" again.


Dormammu: Your friends are near, but my army has already caught them.

There is nothing left to stop me from reigning over the world for eternity.

[beam shot]


Hate to rain on your parade, but eternity is a really, really long time.

You'll get so bored.

Friday: Power down to 20 percent.




[smashing grunts]


You've already lost.




[lightning surging]


[armor whizzing]


[bindings glitching]



Friday, draw from all non-critical systems.



[powering down]



[beam hit]


You thought your bindings could hold me?

I may have lost most of my power, but what I do have is control... something you'll never understand.

By the Seven Suns of Cinnibus!



Destroying a whole world of creatures this pathetic will be easy.

Iron Man, can you fight without your gauntlets? I have a use for them.

Any chance you can power up my arc reactor?

If you're willing to put your trust in the manipulation of "magic."

I'm at 12 percent. Trust is all I've got left.

Friday: Esoteric Energy flooding armor. Batteries recharged for now.

I'm good with now.

Nice... for magic.

When we combined our powers to close the portals, they fed off each other.

It strengthened both of us.

[pained yell]


By the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak!


[ground rumbles]


The Eye of Agamotto shall be returned to it's rightful place and the balance of the universe restored!


The thrilling tech of Tony Stark.

And the mighty magic of Doctor Strange.

Now, let the light of the All-seeing Eye of Agamotto drive away the darkness!



What are you waiting for? Destroy him!

Unfortunately, I cannot.

This is Dormammu's domain.

As long as he rules, he can never be eliminated.

I got a good-bye message!


The way home.

Finally, someone who's good with directions.

Dormammu: This is far from over, Strange. Expect me again soon.

Doctor Strange: I owe you thanks for your help.

Without it, the creatures of the Dark Dimension would already rule the Earth.

I've realized that magic problems don't always have a magic solution.

I will have more respect for your technology in the future.

I'm gonna remember this moment forever.


Tony, have something to say?

Thank you.


Uh, all right, yeah. I guess, uh, I don't have all the answers either.


If magic is a science I don't understand, I'm glad there's someone who does.

And that Crimson Bands of Cyttorak spell would come in kind of handy at times.

[doorbell rings]

Relinquish your sweets, and I will spare you the wrath of Asgard!

Umm... Seriously?



Fine. Trick or treat.

Come, young Asgardians!

Who would like to hear how I battled the Serpent of Midgard and Mangog on the same day? Hmm?
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