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02x21 - Connection Lost

Posted: 04/24/16 22:28
by bunniefuu
You added fish.

Dr. Sherman: Well, I'm hoping they have more luck than the plants.

I couldn't seem to keep them alive.

Elizabeth: We tried a fish t*nk when the kids were little, but I just kept overfeeding him.

Everything sounds like a metaphor in here, doesn't it?

Anyway... It's good to see you.

It's good to meet you, Henry.

You, too, Dr. Sherman.

Well, um...

Like I said on the voice mail, I thought that maybe we could use one of my tune-up sessions to talk through some of the things that Henry's been going through at work.

Affecting things at home, that's on me.

We're not so much about blame here.

Thankfully, Henry has been really open to giving it a try, so...

We do not need couples therapy.

I-I know you think it's going to be hooey.

I did, too.

But talking with her really helped me after Iran.

I know, and I'm grateful for it, but this is an entirely different situation.

Is it?

Because you are up half the night walking the floors.

You-you say the same moment with Dmitri plays over and over in your head.

That sounds a lot like Okay, what happened what I went through. in Iran happened to you.

What happened with Dmitri, what I let happen, was my doing.

And mine.

Elizabeth, this is not something you need to worry about.

Can I also say that it pisses me off a little that when I'm falling apart, it's off to the shrink, but when you're struggling, you can tough it out.

What is that?

I'm not toughing anything out, I'm just...

You said you think about it every time you look at me.

How are we supposed to get past that?

Someone I cared about, someone I promised to keep safe, ended up losing his life.

Which was due to a decision I was a part of.

That's a terrible burden of responsibility.

Goes with the job.

Do you find your jobs intersect quite a bit?

There's been a shared, um... goal between our departments, so more lately.

It's very supportive and collaborative.

Do you find that you're talking about work at home?

Yeah. I mean, we do sometimes, I think, so...


I mean, I think we both out of the ordinary. know where the boundaries are.

She's not opening up at all under interrogation?

She's too traumatized.

I think working with a translator is holding us back.

Well, you have to establish trust first.

Where do we keep the extra cereal?

Now that you've got the intel on Disah, where does Hijriyyah go?

Well, we'd like to keep her here, but that would mean somehow extending the terms of her rendition.

Mm, if you need any help...

You don't have to say that.

I do have to say I hate your floss.

How can you deal with this stuff?

It's minty.

If Disah is in Islamabad...

I know, it doesn't look good for Pakistan.

Harboring our number one enemy?

Right after we talked them down from a w*r with India?

How did you guys do that anyway?

Oh, never mind.

I hit my security clearance.

I'd tell you if I could.

I think we might be letting things take over a bit.

I think you have both experienced more than your share of professional trauma.

Not least the bombing Henry was in just a few months ago.

But I'm not gonna talk about your jobs.

I'm gonna talk about your marriage.

The connection that brought you together, that built this empire of two, the circle of intimacy that you share, hmm?

I want you both, in the next week, to find your way back to that circle, to take refuge in each other.

And that means no work talk at home.

I want you to come back with, mm... three moments when you reconnected with the people that you were when you first met.

Really try to reconnect with yourselves, hmm?

Through each other.


Okay, she might have gotten a little hooey there at the end.

No, it was good.


Yeah, she's right.

We're been needing to spend more time together, and if this is what it takes to make that happen, I'm in.

Does this mean we're going to the new shabu-shabu place tomorrow night?

Is that that Japanese place where you have to cook your own food?

Isn't that like eating at home?

Okay, now I'm just reconnecting with your dad.


I'll tell you what, you went to my shrink, you get to pick dinner.

Burgers and bowling.

Ooh, we are going back in time.

Listen, that, uh...

International Coalition to Counter Violent Extremism thing tonight, you don't have to go.

Don't be silly, I said I would.

I know, but...

Well, it's not exactly bringing us back to our circle of two.

That's what burgers and bowling are for.


Come on, you know you want to see me in a tuxedo.


(engine starts)

Parker: Drone images show the I-8 district of Islamabad, where Jibral Disah is said to be sheltered, to be a highly exposed residential area.

Obviously, we can't do another bin Laden raid.

The hope is that we'll be working with the cooperation of the Pakistani government this time.

Well, given that the Pakastanis appear to be openly harboring Jibral Disah...

In the middle of their own capital, no less.

...I'm not sure we can count on that cooperation.

Without it, we're looking at an on-the-ground operation.

At best risking chaos and noise, but at worst significant collateral damage.

And Prime Minister Khoosat getting blamed for letting the Americans in.

I don't need to explain to any of you how important it is to protect our agreement with the prime minister allowing us to track Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.

Parker: Understood, but given this unique opportunity to target Disah...

Disah might be enemy number one, but that agreement is the key to global nuclear security.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but Disah might not be the top priority here.

Are we standing down then, Mr. President?

The other option, if I may, is to send in Murphy Station.

Cultivate assets on the ground, with access to Disah.

Try to bring him down from the inside.

Of course, that's not without risk either.

Well, I'll sleep a hell of a lot better knowing that we have Pakistan on our side on this.

There's a reception tonight for the International Coalition to Counter Violent Extremism.

Pakistan's Foreign Minister Abedi will be there.

Maybe I can try and bait him.

Feed him disinformation, see if it gets back to anyone at Hizb Al-Shahid and then we'll know for sure if their government is collaborating with them at all.

I suppose we can wait 24 hours, see if it reveals any connections.

If we can't find someone we trust in Pakistan to help us take out Disah, we'll have to send in Murphy Station.

Yes, sir.

You know, I don't suggest Murphy Station lightly.

No, of course, Ellen.

But it may be the best move we've got.

Oh, hey, Jose, you got a minute?


Is that from Otis Beanery?

It's on my dime.

That stuff in the kitchen is swill.


I wanted to check in with you about your informant in Pakistan.


He's someone with direct ties to Hizb Al-Shahid?

Direct? I don't know.

I've got a fixer who's been working with me since Afghanistan.

He deals in whatever black market stuff these groups need: arms, supplies, foreign currency.

He's in Islamabad now.

If HS is there, he'll know.

He's a reliable source of intel?

If the price is right.


Currency exchange, I can work with that, thanks.

A reception for the International Coalition to Counter Violent Extremism, featuring at least six countries who openly sponsor violent extremism.

Welcome to 21st century diplomacy.

I just want to know the dress code for flagrant hypocrisy.

Uh, black tie optional.

Morning, team.

Good morning, ma'am.


Nadine: Our first order of business is tonight's reception for the International Coalition to Counter Violent Extremism.

Two words, people: open bar.

Elizabeth: Oh, love the enthusiasm.

Maybe you can bring it to the second order of business.

Ah, well, now that Congress has approved a new aid package to Pakistan, we'd like to fast-track these proposals.


So, please do get through these as quickly as you can and earmark those that seem worth prioritizing.

Jay: Package was just approved two days ago... why the rush?

Want to include it in tonight's reception.

As a show of our commitment to nonviolent initiatives.

A build-your-own-bear workshop?

Matt: It's hard to get radicalized if you're making a bow tie for Mr. Snookums.

Sorry, didn't we just find out that Hizb Al-Shahid might be hiding out in Pakistan?

We're still sending them $2 billion in aid?

There are times, Jay, when you need to trust that you're part of a larger picture.


Oh, not bad, Professor.


It's been a while.

Any word on our status?

Are they sending us in?

Had a little chat with the secretary of state this morning.


What was that about?

She wanted the rundown on my informant in Islamabad.

Sounds like she's running some kind of test on the ground.

As long as they don't trip any wires.

Only order I got was to stand down until further instructed.

Meanwhile, Disah could be packing up his caravan as we speak.

Guess we're gonna have to trust they know what they're doing.

Being at the mercy of larger forces is not my happy place.

Hey, guys, I have a dinner to get to.

Are we good for weapons certification?

We're good.

You up for a drink?

You know what? Yeah.

Hey, has anybody seen my other earring?

This one?


You look stunning.

I do?

Is that silk organza?

I hope so. Yeah.

I love it.

Elizabeth: Listen, I really need my other earring.

I think I may have seen it somewhere.

Go get it.

Ali! Grr!

Oh, gosh, that smells so much better than the rubber chicken I'm about to eat.

I can make you up a plate before you go.

(cell phone buzzing)


Hey, where are you? I got to leave in ten.

Henry: Babe, I'm really sorry, I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it.

Well, what's going on?

Everything okay?

Yeah, we're just really digging in here in case we got sent into the field.

There's a lot to prepare.

No, no, I understand.

I was just...

Is that, um...

I mean, is that everything?

Of course.

Uh, if we wrap it up early, I'll... I'll try to stop by.


I really hope you can make it.

Me, too.

I'm really sorry.

Don't work too hard.

Okay, bye.

Russia's here.

Why is Russia here?

'Cause they hate !sis as much as we do.

Holy crap, have you tried this?

I would like to.

What Russia's doing to Ukraine totally qualifies as state-sponsored terrorism.

They should not be eating our crab puffs.

If crab puffs bring world peace, then I'm all for sharing.

This whole thing's a joke.

I don't know.

Those proposals for Pakistan looked pretty awesome.

Uh, what was that?

Sounds suspiciously like earnest optimism.

I just think Pakistan could benefit from more than the usual blank check from the U.S.

You know, get in there at the ground level, really make a difference.


It's cool, it's cool.

Wow, faith in the system.

How bracing.

Madam Secretary.

Foreign Minister Abedi would like a word.

Of course.

You'll excuse me, Your Excellency.

Of course.

Madam Secretary.

Minister Abedi.

Thank you for coming.

It's an honor to have you here.

I know it was short notice.

Well, after receiving notice of your generous aid package, I was all too pleased to express our gratitude in person.

Well, we have many promising initiatives in the works.

While you're here, there was a small matter I was hoping to discuss with you.

Of course.


At that point, it was either get the intel however we could or let the kid go home and blow the whole operation.

How old was he?

Maybe 12?

So he's got this goat with him, and I figure this is an easy move.

We cut the goat's throat, tell him he'll be next or whatever.

It's a goat, right?

He probably had one for dinner last Sunday.

The kid lost it.

Like you wouldn't believe.

The goat's a symbol of Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac to God.

It's a big deal in the Qur'an and the Bible.

Yeah, I didn't know that.

But you'd have thought I sliced open his mother's throat the way he was crying.

Not a lot keeps me up at night, but that one...


Think this should be my last one.

I want you to know I've got your back.

It's gonna be an easy op.

I'm not a total lamb, Jose, but thanks.

Yeah? Okay.

I know you've flown overhead, 20,000 feet.

Being on the ground is a whole other game.

I'll tell you my number-one rule, how I made it home from every mission I've been on.

No acts of passion. Ever.

You find yourself wanting to save somebody, take a big risk that wasn't part of the plan, don't do it.

We're way more useful alive than a star on the wall.

I don't think we lost Mimi because of passion.

Hey, man, I... I'm sorry I rode you hard on Mimi.

Nobody knew that guy'd be wired to blow.

The truth is, I might have made the same call.

Maybe I'll have one more.

You want one?


As you know, we've been tracking Hizb Al-Shahid as closely as we can since the attack.

This attack was an affront to us all.

Thank you.

So we've been focusing on the source of HS's funding, and unfortunately some new intel has traced several private accounts back to Islamabad.

This is very disappointing to hear.

I'm hoping to get your help to close these accounts as quickly as possible.

Of course. The prime minister has made it a top priority to root out all ties to radicalism in Pakistan.

I know that he will be very concerned to hear this.

My staff will give you all the information we have.

This is a huge help, Minister.

Thank you so much.

It's the reason we're all here, isn't it?

(coins rattling on floor)

That was quite a strategy meeting.

There was beer... and-and strategy.

Uh, I'm getting a little whiskey, too.

Oh, I took an Uber.

How was the thing?

You know, just a thing.

Sorry I didn't make it.

Baby, I lied.

I didn't have to work.

I told you you didn't have to go.

I was about to leave, then I just... I...

I-I... I thought if I ran into some Russian minister who was eating caviar on the U.S.'s dime, I would throw him against the wall and demand to know what they're doing with Talia Petrov.

Well, why didn't you just tell me that when you called?

Uh, I... I didn't know that was it.


I didn't want to face it.

Then say that.

Any of that.

We're... we're in therapy so we can work through it.

We're in therapy because I can't accept what happened to Dmitri and what's still happening to his sister.

Which means that you can't accept me either.

Hey, come on.

I'm scared, Henry.


Tomorrow we're gonna go out to dinner like we planned.

And then we're gonna take shelter in our... our culture...


Circle of two.

I'm sorry about tonight.

I... I'm getting through it.

But I'm not going anywhere.

Definitely some whiskey.

Okay, yeah, I'll go brush.


I'll brush 'em.

♪ ♪



Nice suit.

Thank you.

Is that the right word?

Uh, that works.

Can I help you?

I'm sorry.

I'm a little jangly.

I got home kind of late after the thing, and then I was up the rest of the night putting this together.

You asked us to... to, uh, pick the proposals that we liked for the aid package to Pakistan.


This one really jumped out at me.

Okay, it's, um, it's a plan to create community gardens and, uh, parks for the tribal areas.

Here, check this out.

You can do fruit trees or, uh, decorative plants.

Ah, this one's a meditation garden.

Mmm, that's lovely.

You'll have to enumerate how this counters violent extremism.

Page seven.

Benefits health, uh, fosters community, Hi. encourages youth participation.

Good morning.

Morning, ma'am.

Good morning, Madam Secretary.

Hey, we're all here early, huh?

Nadine: This looks very promising.

Why don't you take the lead and present it to the secretary?

Awesome. Thank you.

Thank you.


And that is a really great suit.

Thank you.

I mean, it suits you.

Good morning.

Elizabeth: Morning.

Did somebody put rocket fuel in Matt's coffee?

I'll look into that.

Not really. I don't care.

Here's a copy of your schedule.

And, uh, I just got word that Murphy Station would like to see you.

See me? Not just a call?

Matt: Madam Secretary, um, I want to put this on the-the morning agenda.

I think it's really...

Yeah, you know, Matt, I think we're gonna have to push the morning meeting.

Um, tell the guys I'll be right back down.

Yes, ma'am.

♪ ♪

Jose: I don't know what you said last night, but it definitely got a reaction.

My fixer says HS reached out to him early this morning, looking to empty several bank accounts, move the cash back to Libya.

Wow, that fast.

Sounds like a pretty close connection between Hizb Al-Shahid and, uh... Who was it?

The foreign minister of Pakistan.

He said he'd tell the prime minister right after we spoke.

(sighs) So it goes all the way to the top.


Good news is we made contact, so we can get to work.

The bad news is it doesn't look like we'll be getting any help from the government.

That is bad news.

So are we going in?
Dalton: We'll give Murphy Station a diplomatic cover, have them work from inside the embassy, using operatives we already have on the ground.

They can poison Disah's food, or get a messenger to bring a g*n in with the weekly groceries, but I want him taken out fast, with nothing to trace it back to us.

I'll dispatch orders.

I get giving private aid to radical groups.

I mean, I don't like it, but...

Saudi Arabia does it, Pakistanis have given aid to the Taliban.

But official collaboration with t*rrorists, right up to the prime minister?

It's like giving protection money to the mob, pay them so they don't turn on you.

At the expense of... of all the aid and-and support we've given them?

We're right in the middle of negotiating a free trade deal and debt cancellation.

Why jeopardize that by getting into bed with jihadists who want to destroy us? Just...

You're trying to use logic to understand how radical ideology can exert itself to the point where ethical and moral structures become threatened.

Logic does not apply.

That's not comforting, like, at all.

You know, it's a diplomatic cover.

You should take a suit.

We're doing it again, aren't we?

Well, I just thought, under the circumstances, maybe we get a pass for talking shop.

You can tell me not to go, you know.

I'll let Jose and Jane handle it.

I say this with love.

That's such a load of crap, and you know it.

Mmm. Mmm.

You're racked with guilt over a horrible loss, and you're Catholic to boot.

Now you get a chance to atone by going into the lion's den and slaying the dragon.

It's a mixed metaphor.

Mixed metaphor.

I know that, but you know what I mean.

We both know you're going.

Listen, this is not just some kind of personal crusade.

I know that.

And you know I would never purposely put myself in danger.

Conrad wants you guys working from inside the embassy, and that's what's gonna let me sleep at night, so... tell me you're gonna respect that.

Of course.

We didn't get to our therapy homework.


Burgers and bowling the second I get back, and what's the cover story with the kids again?

Jace, Stevie, come say good-bye to your dad.

Stevie: When are you back?

Sunday at this point, but it could go a little later.

Oh, right, because a weekend with a think t*nk Bye. in San Diego could totally run into overtime.

Oh, there's my little conspiracy theorist.

Wherever you're going, have a wonderful time.

A small break from the texting, please?

Sorry. See you Sunday.



You do realize it's psychologically damaging to grow up in a false reality?

I'll remember that next time you ask me for an Oculus Rift.

Oh, walked right into that one!

(both chuckle)

(clears throat)

Oh, hey, I'm sorry.

I-I need M Sec's eye line for my presentation.

And this is my spot.

I know.

Could you just shake it up a little?

I've got visual aids.

And this is my spot.

Oh, goodie.

Weirdly obsessive versus blind creature of habit.

My money's on weirdly obsessive.

I have to root for my team.

Good morning, everyone.


Good morning.

Good morning, Madam Secretary.

Oh, gosh.

Well, thank you. These are lovely.

It's for my presentation.

You'll see in a minute.

Nadine: Oh, there's been a slight change to the morning's agenda.

Yes, uh, first, I want to thank all of you for putting together those proposals for Pakistan on such short notice.

The foreign minister was deeply impressed.

However, some new developments have put the congressional aid package on hold for the time being.

Possibly permanently.

The situation on the ground has changed...


Is there a problem?

Uh, no, I-I'm sorry.

Elizabeth: I-I know this is frustrating.

And I apologize.

Obviously, as soon as...

Blake: Of course. Ma'am?

Call from the embassy in Islamabad.

Oh, um, excuse me. I got to take this.

Moving on to the arrival of the Kurdish delegation...

♪ ♪

Elizabeth: So you made it. How's it going?

Well, the mosques are just incredible.

The whole city's getting ready for a big military parade tomorrow.

Which will look beautiful from the windows of the embassy.

(chuckles) Jane and I are shut up in here like a harem.

Jose's out meeting his fixer.

He wants to sell HS some burner phones.

There's a tracking device in one of them.

Once it goes live, we'll know Disah's every move.

Yeah, if it goes live.

And then you're handing over all that intel to the ops team on the ground?

Okay. (chuckles)

Now we're just repeating briefings to each other.

This isn't even creative work talk.

I just want to hear verbal conformation about the part where all the work of actually taking Disah out is done by...

The ops team.

Verbally confirmed.

You get any sleep?

A little.


Not much.

Jose: Tell me you got the tracking up!

Hang on, Jose's back.

Just established a connection.

HS bought the phones already?

Who's that?

Uh, I'm putting you on speaker.

This is the secretary of state, Jose.

What's going on?

My fixer just heard from his HS contact.

They want to buy some military-grade EFPs.


That's a roadside b*mb, right?

An incredibly badass one.

Basically, it's a pipe filled with any kind of expl*sive that can sh**t a copper slug hard enough to penetrate armor.

It's heavy-duty damage.

Do we know what their target is?

No, but some upper-level HS lieutenants are meeting him in an hour.

We'll get eyes on the purchase.

Hopefully, they'll follow these guys right back to their base of operation.

Nice play.

Got lucky.

Oh, now he's modest.

Hang on a sec.

What does HS want with expl*sives in Pakistan?

Exactly. This is not the kind of thing you want to go bouncing around on dirt roads with.

Why would they want to target anything in Pakistan, the one country that gives them support and shelter?

All I know is, I have less than an hour to set this up.

You guys want to think this to death, you let me know what you come up with.

I'll keep you posted.


I'll fill in the White House.



Do you have a minute?

Oh, I don't know.

I'm pretty busy canceling projects for no good reason.

I am so sorry a-about reacting.

I'm not the one you need to apologize to, but thank you.

I'll also apologize to the secretary.

You know, my job is to write things for other people, which... which I love, you know, and I think I'm pretty good at.

I would agree.

But it's like being a songwriter in Nashville.

There's always someone else singing my song.

Sometimes... I just want to sing my own.

And, um, a gardening project in Pakistan is your song?


My mom was born in Karachi.

I'm half Pakistani.

I'm sure you thought I was Sephardic Jew or half Sicilian?


My mom came here when she was 16 to get away from her family, and she never went back.

When I ask her to tell me what she remembers about growing up in Karachi, she always says two things: a song this sabzi wala used to sing while selling vegetables on the street, and the smell of Arabian jasmine in her family's garden.

She came here to get an education, and met my dad, built this whole life for herself, but to this day, she still calls Pakistan home, you know?

And I... (sighs)

You wanted to restore a world your mother lost?


Obviously, I tried to bring too much of myself to the job, and I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

Go ahead, Murphy Station. What's your progress?

Mr. President, we've been actively tracking a purchase of expl*sives by two high-ranking members of Hizb Al-Shahid.

When our operatives followed them after the purchase, we got something we weren't expecting.

Okay. These are the two lieutenants of Disah just after the purchase of the EFPs.

Now, this is a highly lethal roadside b*mb that can penetrate an armored vehicle.

Frequently employed against U.S. troops in Iraq.

Where the hell is this fixer getting an EFP?

Most likely Iranian military.

They make deals.


Where are they going?

Tomorrow is a national holiday commemorating the Lahore Resolution.

Prime Minister Khoosat will be riding through the streets in a parade.

And these are the members of HS planting an EFP on the prime minister's parade route.

Dalton: You're telling me Hizb Al-Shahid is planning an attack on the head of the country offering them shelter and aid?

Jose: That appears to be the case.

Elizabeth: Can you send us a secure link to this video, please?

Fellows: Of course.

Sir, we'll have to disarm that EFP as soon as possible.

We'll get a team on it.

Await further instructions. We'll be in touch.

Ware: What the hell is Hizb Al-Shahid doing?

We can't wait to figure it out.

We've got to warn Khoosat and get him to safety.

Hill: With respect, sir, is showing our hand the best course of action at this point?

Maybe we don't have to show our entire hand, but we cannot risk an attack on Khoosat.

This t*rror1st group already infiltrated the United States with a dirty b*mb.

If Pakistan falls to them, it's everyone's worst nightmare: nuclear weapons in the hands of jihadists with no hesitation to use them.

You must forgive me for not calling first to thank you for your extremely generous support, Mr. President.

This is not a call about our aid package, Prime Minister.

This is a warning.

We know Pakistan is harboring Jibral Disah and members of Hizb Al-Shahid.

Um, excuse me?

We have indisputable proof that Jibral Disah and members of Hizb Al-Shahid are receiving aid from within your borders, that, in fact, Disah is harbored in Islamabad as we speak.


Let me understand.

Against the wishes of every member of my cabinet, against the fierce convictions of virtually every citizen of Pakistan, I have given the United States unprecedented access to track all of our nuclear weapons, and now you come to me outraged about what your additional secret intelligence inside our borders supposedly shows you?

Pretending to be shocked that our countries spy on each other may not be your best line of defense here, Prime Minister.

I have no strategy, Conrad.

You know the work I've done with my administration to cut our ties to radicalism.

Do not assume, based on the faults in our past...

I make no assumptions.

These are known operatives of HS on the streets of Islamabad about two hours ago.

They're planting expl*sives along your parade route.

I'll need proof of their identity.

Elizabeth: We can provide that.

And you should know, Prime Minister, I gave coded information about Hizb Al-Shahid to your foreign minister at our state reception.

And after assuring us he would pass that information on to you, that information was instead received by HS in Islamabad, where they promptly acted on it.

Mr. President, you must believe...

Dalton: It doesn't matter what you knew or didn't know.

Not now.

What matters is that you stay safe.

For whatever reason, these t*rrorists your administration is in bed with are turning on you.

And if you're not safe, neither is our nuclear agreement.


Your concern for my well-being is... touching.

Elizabeth: We have a team on the ground ready to take out Disah.

We politely ask for your help.

Or, even better, do the job yourself.

That means root out all members of HS and send them packing.

Then get your own house in order.

Madam Secretary, you say it was my foreign minister you shared this information with?


I thank you for your candor.

Mr. President, Madam Secretary.

(click, beep)

Whatever's going on, I don't think Khoosat is in on it.

Well, we'll see what his next moves are, and let's hope this is the end of it.


Jose: Damn it!

We just lost our eyes.

Our ops team got called off to cover this damn parade.

(exhales) We really need that phone to go live.


What? What is it?

Something just posted on the foreign ministry's Twitter account.

(phone ringing)

I'm here, I'm here. What is it? Are you okay?

Did Pakistan give the U.S. access to track its nuclear weapons?

Where did you get that?

The foreign minister just posted it on his Twitter account.

He did what?

He has pictures of U.S. nuclear inspectors at three different bases, all in the last week.

Is it true?

I-I got to call the White House.


People are going crazy in the streets.

(glass shattering in distance)

Is it true?

Do you, uh... do you remember when we thought the prime minister might be cooperating with Hizb Al-Shahid?

All I can say is we let him know, and now his foreign minister just played his ace.

And it is a really big ace, Henry.

I-I got to go.

I-I'll call you back, okay?

I love you. Bye.

(elevator dings)

(speaking indistinctly)

Blake: I'm here. I'm here.

Great. Thanks, everyone.

Daisy: Matt's still on his way.

Blake: Regular drip.

The best I could do.

Thank you.

What's the latest on the embassy evacuation?

The first Chinook disembarked from Shindand Air Base.

It's due to arrive within the hour.

An airlift? Is that really necessary?

The streets are already chaos.

Jay: Here's to social media. Unrest at the speed of light.

Do we really think the government will fall?

I mean, they re-stabilized after the conflict with India.

The only thing worse to Pakistanis than giving in to India is giving in to the United States.

Elizabeth: Tell Minister Avdonin I'm ready for the call.

Yes, ma'am.

Elizabeth: And try and get Henry!

Blake: Yep!


Why is she calling the Russian foreign minister?

Render safe mission.

The agreement between the U.S. and Russia to secure Pakistan's nuclear arsenal if the government falters.

Even after everything we've been through with Russia?

Probably the one thing that trumps politics.

If Pakistan's nukes fall into the hands of radicals, that's not just a problem for Pakistan... that's a problem for humanity.

Okay. Let's go, let's go.


Elizabeth: Can you hear me?

Yeah. Sorry.

It's a little hectic here.

There's a Chinook coming for you.

It's-it's due in less than an hour.

We'll be ready.

Listen, Henry, I know that y-you're gonna want to help everybody else first, but... you need to think of the kids. We need you back.

Let's go! This way!

Hey, you know Becky, that crazy roommate you had when you lived on Kimbark?

The Jane Austen girl?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I don't know if you remember, but the second time I asked you out, you put me off because you said Becky invited you to a Pride and Prejudice ball and you didn't want to let her down.

You remember that?

Yeah, I remember it, 'cause I went to it.

(chuckles) You did not.

I did. Tom Hodges was going out with this girl in the theater department. She got me a morning coat and a top hat from My Fair Lady.


I learned the quadrille.

How did I not know about this until just now?

Uh, because you didn't show up.

Because I begged off to write a paper.

Well, I showed up. Looking like...

Oscar Wilde at a pet funeral.

Pictures or it didn't happen.

You're gonna have to take my word for it.

I will always show up for you.


Do you think that this counts as our homework for Dr. Sherman?

Jose: Henry.

I got to go.

Just got word from the fixer.

I love you.

Disah's using the phone with the tracker right now.

It went live?

Jane's hooking us back up.

Hopefully we can still get a signal.

Jose, we're evacuating the embassy.

I didn't travel halfway around the world to get on a chopper the moment we have this guy in our sights.

Have you looked outside? This city is falling apart.

Which is the perfect cover we need to get this done, like POTUS wants.

We'll evacuate with the ops team after it's done.

I said I'd get you back, and I will.

You also said never do anything out of passion.

This isn't passion.

This is finishing the job we came here to do. You go if you want. I'm staying with Jane.

(indistinct chatter)

(g*nf*re, indistinct shouting on TV)

Ware: Sir, given the increasing civil unrest, I recommend we move immediately to secure all nuclear weapons in Pakistan.

With NNSA's recent inspections, JSOC will know exactly where to go.

Elizabeth: I've spoken with Russia.

They're on board and ready when we say the word.

You know why those people are rioting?

National pride.

The very idea that their prime minister agreed to allow us to simply track where their weapons are is sending them into the streets demanding his head.

And given the volatility...

Given the volatility, those people will see our efforts to secure their arsenal as nothing less than... an invasion by a foreign enemy.

We do need to consider the known collaboration between members of the Pakistani Parliament and HS.

The greater risk is allowing any of those groups to gain access to a single warhead.

I'm aware of the risk, Ephraim.

And if I'd truly lost hope that Khoosat could pull out of this, I wouldn't hesitate to send the troops in.

But once we do that, Khoosat is finished, along with our nuclear agreement.

Hell, the whole country could become a bigger mess than Syria.

We've got to let this play out a little longer. Let's... offer Khoosat military escort to one of our air bases.

Get him to safety, let him regroup.

I'll reach out and make the offer.

Thanks for coming in, everyone.

(door opens)

How's Murphy Station?

They're evacuating with the rest of the embassy.

Just waiting to hear when they arrive at Shindand Air Base.


Good night, sir.

Good night.




We're gathering.

I didn't know if you wanted to come.

No, yeah. Um, sorry.

What's this?

It was delivered while you were sleeping.

That's, um, Arabian jasmine.

At least, that's what I ordered.

I really have no idea.

Hey... Oh!

That's... Okay.

Very nice.


Off to the meeting.

(elevator dings)

No, no. You go ahead.



The prime minister is en route to the air base now.

However, the Chinook carrying the employees from the Islamabad embassy just arrived at Shindand, and Murphy Station is not on board.


I've put out word to locate them immediately, but given the chaos of the evacuation...

No, no, no, no. They have to find them.

Daisy: Ma'am.

Prime Minister Khoosat left without our military escort.

(indistinct shouting)

(horn honking)

(loud thumping)

(indistinct shouting)


(shouting, grunting)

Dalton: This is nothing less than a hit on Prime Minister Khoosat called by his own foreign minister.

He knew exactly what he was doing by sending that tweet.

And now it's done.

Parker: JSOC is ready to initiate render safe, Mr. President.

SecDef recommends we do it immediately.

It'll unleash total chaos.

But it's hard to see our way out of it now.

I believe it's the right call, Mr. President.

I would agree, sir.

What about Murphy Station?

I'm assured they'll be brought to safety.

Once they're located.

I'd like to wait until all of our citizens are out of danger.

Elizabeth: I appreciate that, Mr. President, but securing over 100 nuclear warheads in a fallen regime with ties to multiple jihadist groups has to take precedence.

I agree. It's time to send in the troops and render safe.

Do it.

(line ringing)

Come on, Henry. Come on.

Pick up.
