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05x18 - Good to the Bone

Posted: 04/23/16 02:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Grimm"...

You are such a special man, but I can't.

Black Claw wants to take control of the government, and they're starting in Portland with Renard.

Have you noticed any changes in Adalind?

The suppressant you gave her won't last, and if she becomes a Hexenbiest again, she will not be who you know now.



[supernatural whoosh]

[rock band playing]

[indistinct conversation]

[engine turns over]

[David Luning's "Whiskey Bottle" playing over radio]

♪ I just don't know... ♪

Don't drink and drive.


How am I supposed to get home?

[tires squealing]

♪ Won't you marry me, whiskey bottle? ♪
♪ Let me take a sip of your love ♪

[car horn blares]

♪ ♪

[metal crashing]

♪ Turned out to be a man ♪
♪ And Kathy took off with my van ♪
♪ Another one just walked out the door ♪
♪ I ain't got no damn luck, baby, that's for sure ♪

Is Kelly asleep?

[sighs] Finally.

I think he's teething.


Yeah, I think.

I'm not sure. I've never really gotten this far before.

How's work going?


Feels good to be back.

Is Kelly liking it?

Yeah, we make a pretty good team.

He makes some pretty tough clients relax; they kind of forget about their problems.

Maybe I should bring him to the precinct.

I'm sure he'd love a little detective-man-dad time.


I wouldn't mind myself, except substituting "dad" with "lover."

Yeah, I... I... guess we've both been a little too busy lately.


I know things have been a little tense, and...

I'm sorry.

This isn't the easiest relationship because of how we started.

Trust isn't a natural thing for us, but...

I think we need to work on that.

[tender music]

♪ ♪

This is not stopping here.

♪ Marry me, whiskey bottle ♪
♪ Give me a kiss and ♪
♪ Let me take a sip of your love ♪


♪ Kelly said she didn't like my band ♪
♪ And Lucy fell in love with my old man ♪

[dramatic whoosh]



Hey, hey, you got to help me.

I had an accident.

Had an accident?

Man, you are an accident.

Oh, uh...

What are you doing?

I'm calling 911.

Man, don't... Don't call nobody.

Put your phone away. We out.

Hey! Where are you going?

You have to help me, please!


[ominous music]

♪ ♪



How are you?

Good. How are you?

I'm fine.

What are you doing on this side of town?

Oh, I have a client over here.

I still do physical therapy.

By the way, how's your ankle?

Good as new.

No other problems?


How's your brother doing?

Believe it or not, he's a sophomore in Eugene; he's doing really well.

Oh, well, it was good to see you.

Take care of yourself.

Well, Hank, wait.

I've thought a lot about what happened with us.

I'm... I'm really sorry about the way things ended.

Hey, don't be. It's okay.

Well, I'd like to make it up to you.

Really, it's okay.

No, it's not okay.

I mean, when I said "I thought a lot about things,"

I thought a lot about things so, um...

How about dinner?

Okay, I'll call you.

No, you won't. No, you won't...

Listen, I am not leaving here until I know when I'm gonna see you.


How about tomorrow night?

You're on. [chuckles]

Um, I have a new address, so...


I'll pick you up.

Or I could make something.

Or you could make something.


[eerie music]

I apologize.

For what?

For what I have to do.

What do you have to do?

[panicked breathing]


[grunts] [bones crunching]

[brakes squeal]

[screams] [bones crunching]

[groaning and coughing]




[tense music]

♪ ♪

[engine puttering]

[soulful music playing over radio]

♪ ♪
♪ If you should leave... ♪
♪ ♪
♪ She will get him ♪
♪ Now don't you see ♪
♪ That you belong... ♪

[singing indistinctly]

♪ ♪
♪ Well, I'm... ♪


♪ Left me alone in my sorrow ♪

[radio clicks off]

[vicious slurping]

[people groaning]

[alarm beeping]



[eerie music]

♪ ♪


Desk assigned all these forms...

What have we got?

Just reviewing a deposition on the Ryan case, but guess who I ran into last night.

You really want me to guess?



Physical therapist Zuri?

Yeah, ran into her at the grocery store.


She asked me out.

I thought she didn't want to do the whole Wesen-Kerhseite thing.

Apparently she was feeling guilty over that very same thing.

How much guilt are we talking about?

She's cooking dinner for me tonight at her house.

That is very guilty.

Yeah, speaking of guilt, I wonder if the Captain's feeling any over not being here.

I found this on my windshield this morning.

I think he's got a real shot at winning this thing.

If Black Claw starts controlling politics, they'll be able to manipulate the entire system.

And Wesen will control the whole city.

That would not be good.

[phone ringing]




Got it.

That sounds like we're busy.

We are.

Remember to apply it just before bedtime, and be sure to wash your hands before and after you use it.

Thank you.

[front door bells chime twice]


Adalind has her powers back.

I know.

How long has she had them back?

I'm not sure.

Maybe three or four weeks.

Does she know you know?


Does Nick know?


Did Adalind tell him?


You did.

I waited for Adalind to tell him, but she didn't, and I felt I had to.

Has Nick told Adalind that he knows?

I don't think so.

You were in the tunnel, weren't you?

Uh, yeah.

It wasn't because of you we didn't come out.

It was because of Adalind.

She didn't know you were there.

I sensed you; she didn't.

She's out of practice, Rosalee.

She won't be for long.

You threatened her.

You said if she did anything to Nick, you'd go after her.

You have a problem with that?

It's what I would have said...

If I was Juliette.

Sanitation worker found him at 7:35 this morning.

He was a little on the freaked-out side...

And with good reason.

I know I've said, "This is a really weird one," before, but this is a really weird one.

Is there more than one piece?


Bite marks?

Not that I could tell.

Is there something missing?

Uh, I believe there is.

I don't think there's a bone left in this guy's body.

Well, this guy got boned.

[dramatic music swells]

Well, no wallet, keys, or phone.

Looks like a crusty residue around his mouth.

You had to say "crusty."

Okay, I have no idea if we're gonna get any useable fingerprints; these are gonna be pretty distorted.

There is no bone in the fingers.

Those are tire tracks.

It looks like he was run over.

Yeah, more than once.

Then somebody took his wallet, keys, phone, and bones.

This is one sick dude.

Well, let's see if we can get an ID on the Vic and send him over to the M.E.

Well, this is not the first flat body on the books.

That's sort of depressing.

One case in Fresno County, California, January of this year.

Two more cases in Humboldt County in February.

Well, if he's moving to Oregon, Portland makes sense.

All right, if there's three cases this year, there's got to be more.

We should take it back five more years.

Took a little squeezing, but I finally got a readable fingerprint.

Our victim is Kevin Carl Salesky, and he does have a bit of a record.

Arrested for a couple drunk and disorderlies, public urination, three DUls, the last one resulting in a vehicular manslaughter charge, of which he was acquitted on a technicality, and that was just last year.

I ran his license.

His car was reported about 30 minutes ago, crashed and abandoned at Dekum Park.

The Graveyard? That Dekum Park?

It's on the other side of the river.

How the hell did he get where he did?

Car's still at the park, pending investigation.

Blood was found at the scene but no body.

[cell phone ringing]


Okay, I will do them now. Send him up to get them.

Assignment reviews have got to be signed.

You guys good?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So we got a car smashed up in the park.

Car could have been stolen before he was k*lled or after he was k*lled.

Or maybe it wasn't stolen at all.

I mean, this guy's got three DUls.

He could have crashed it on his own.

I'm gonna make sure no one touches that car before we get there.

Hey, this is Detective Griffin. Who's the officer on duty?

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[intense tone]

[animalistic snarling]


Hey, Wu!

You okay?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, don't worry.

Uh, I got dizzy.

Must have gotten up too fast.

You might be having low blood sugar.

When was the last time you ate?


I think I had something last night.

I'm fine. I'm fine now.

You sure?

Yeah, yeah, I'm good.

Look, we're gonna go check out that car.

Make sure you get something to eat.


[ominous music]

[indistinct radio chatter]

Hey, fellas.

Scavengers got here before we did, stripped it pretty clean.

I got a guy who says he saw the driver last night.

Not much of a witness, but he's all we got.

Where is he?

Sleeping in the back of my car.

I think he kind of had a rough year last night.

Name's Pinklon Williams.


You know him?

Yeah, I know him.


Wake up!

Oh, no, uh, Detective Griffin, man.

What are you doing here? I didn't do nothing.

Pinky, you look awful.

I know, uh, I do, Detective.

I know I do.

Hey, man, come on out of there.

Am I under arrest?


You were wearing that jersey the last time I arrested you.

Yeah, I've been wearing this jersey every day since 1999.

Look, this is my man. This is Scotty Pippen.

This is Trail Blazers. This is Rip City.

Everybody said that his career was over when Jordan retired.

They was wrong!

All right, listen, the sergeant here says you saw the person who was driving that car.

I saw a guy who looked like he went through a windshield.

This him?

Maybe, if you threw him through a windshield.

Did you talk to him?

Not really. He was extremely inebriated.

Not that I'm judging.

All right, did you see where he went?

Uh, last time I saw him, he was down here by the trash cans.

So what... what'd he do?

Did he say anything to you?

I didn't stick around.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Do I get, um, like a... a... a reward for all this pertinent information?

[cell phone ringing]



Where is that coming from?

Go on, Pinky, get out of here.

I got a wallet.

Let's dust it for prints and see what we get.

There's our guy.

Credit cards and cash still in there?

Yep. Wasn't a robbery.

Well, let's talk to the M.E.

See if she's ever seen anything like this before.

I have never seen anything like this before.

The entire skeletal structure has dissolved.

I mean, it's gone.

The only way I can explain it is, I found a high level of chitinase throughout the body.

And chitinase is what?

A digestive enzyme usually found in bats.

The only other thing I found in his system was alcohol.

[whispering] A lot of it.

But that doesn't dissolve bones.

What about all the crusty stuff around his mouth?

I believe that's liquefied bone.

So somehow he regurgitated his entire skeletal structure out of his mouth?

It... it's a possibility, but I-I'm not gonna put that in my report.

Sorry, guys, I wish I could be more help.

What is this? I gave you $40.

This is only $20 worth. What are you doing?

No, man, you gave me 20.

Come on. Don't give me that.

Give me what I paid... what are you...




[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[groans] Oh, God.

Don't rob me, man.

What are you...

I was just sh... I was shot, man, call 9...

[whimpers and coughs]


I apologize.

Wha... what?


I mean it.

If I didn't have to do this, I wouldn't.

But I don't expect you to understand.

[moaning] Please...

No, no! No!



[bones crunching]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[gargles] Ah!

♪ ♪
[both gasp]



Did you bring us something?

Yeah, Pa.

You are such a good boy.

What would we ever do without him?

We'd starve.

I know.


[both snarling]

[engine powering off]

[dog barking]



Come on in.


Pinot Noir. I love Pinot Noir.

Yeah, I, uh...

I was hoping you loved Pinot Noir, 'cause, uh, that's what I got.

Well, let's open it.

Here you go.

I hope you like salmon.

I figured, you know, that was safe.

Yeah, who doesn't love salmon?


You know, um, I never thought this would happen.


Yeah, I didn't either.

So do you still work, uh, with the Grimm?

I do.

Does he know that you're here tonight?

Well, I told him we ran into each other.


How long have you two been working together, now?

Uh, going on six years.


How are you dealing with all that?

Well, I try not to judge.

Well, then, you must be very open minded.

What changed your mind?

You know what I am, and you accept me for what I am.

I was too quick to overlook that.

Then I just got mad at myself, 'cause I knew I blew an opportunity.


Then when I saw you in the frozen food section, I just figured, you know, well, "He really needs someone to cook him a decent meal."

Well, that works for me.

[glasses clink]

Okay, well, you can give me a hand and stir this sauce while I finish setting the table.



I can do that.

[whispering] Nick.


You need to wake up.

What's wrong?

I need to tell you something.


I talked to Sean Renard.


He called.

He wouldn't tell me on the phone what it was about.

He wanted to meet. It's Diana.

He said she's with the Resistance.

Why would he be telling you this now?

I don't know.

I think he's gonna use Diana to get to me for some reason.

I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner.

We think Renard is working with Black Claw.

Are you sure?


But he doesn't know that we know, and, for now, it's better that way.

I'm scared.

If you hear from him again, tell me.


[somber music]


So how was last night?

Very nice.

You didn't sleep with her?

I did not.

Doesn't mean I won't, but we're just getting reacquainted.

I'm in no hurry.

No, I spoke with him just the other day. Yeah.

The Captain contacted Adalind, didn't tell me anything about it.

Okay, what don't I know that I should know?

Said that Diana is with the Resistance.

I thought she was with the Royals.

So did I.

If the Captain is working with Black Claw, they're gonna use Adalind to get to you.

[cell phone ringing]

We're associating with some very unsavory characters.



We got another flat one.

Number 33, that's Pinky.

b*llet wound to the gut.

The likelihood of him getting shot here is pretty small.

Pinky never left that park.

And it's just like the last one.

Now, I'm thinking our perp finds his victims in the park, takes them elsewhere to run them over.

We need to find out exactly what we're dealing with.

They stalked places of death, battlefields, workhouses, and slums.

Barbatus Ossifrage?

Yeah, they prey on the mortally wounded.

So they k*ll the already dying?


So technically, they're not K*llers.

They sort of serve the same purpose in the ecosystem as, like, vultures, providing clean-up and recycling of dead bodies, which, in turn, prevents the spread of plague and pestilence.

They roam in packs called "tristitudo," which translate to "a group of grief."

So we could be dealing with more than one.

Definitely, but the thing is, unlike vultures, these guys don't hang around one area for more than, like, three or four bodies because, you know... [chuckles]

Hauling off a human corpse is a little more obvious than, like, pecking at carrion.

Were the bodies dropped from a high place?

Because they'd have to break the bones before they could dissolve them and suck them out.

Our bodies were run over.

Well, I guess that's a sacrifice you have to make when you don't have a cliff.

Both of our victims were taken from Dekum Park.

Well, then the Barbatus Ossifrage is probably scavenging Dekum Park.

That's where you're gonna find him.

We have no idea who this guy is.

He has no relationship with the victims.

How can you even arrest this guy for m*rder, anyway?

I mean, he didn't k*ll anybody.

I guess he helps it along.

He's an accessory, and he screws up our crime scenes.

There's no way we'll be able to get a conviction with a boneless body.

I don't know how you're gonna find an Ossifrage without another body.

Well, it says here that, "They're attracted to the smell of blood."

Not just the smell of blood; it has to be the scent of imminent death.

Maybe we can borrow a body from the morgue.

Um, that won't be enough.

The victim is gonna have to smell like it's alive.

So we have to find someone who's alive but dying?

How are we gonna do that?

Well, there is something called the Parfum de la Mort; it's the scent of dying.

You know, if you get me a body, I could probably make that up.

Well, I guess one of us could do it.

Any volunteers?

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no, no, wait a minute.

I've already done this once before.

Well, technically, no, you don't have to ingest anything that's gonna actually risk your life.

Sweetie, you just have to lay there and endure the Parfum de la Mort.

How bad is it?

It's no worse than certain cheeses.

When do you want to do this?


[foreboding music]

[cell phone ringing]


Can you talk?


I need to see you tonight, alone.

Don't bring Kelly or anybody else.

Well, what am I supposed to tell Nick?

Well, I heard you're working again.

Why don't you tell him you're meeting with a client?

Is this about Diana?

I'll text you where and when.

Don't be late.


[keys clacking, electronic beeping]

[computer beeping]

[alert blaring]

[keys clacking]

[computer whirring]

[alert blaring]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[liquid dropping]

Hey, is that stuff just about done?

No, no, no! You don't want to...


[yelling] Oh, my God!

You do not want to breathe this stuff!

Thank you! Thank you for that.

Just make it stop.

I'm almost done.

[door bells chime]

Is it ready?

Almost done.

[blows nose]

No! No! No! No! No!



My brain is on fire.


Just wait a second, you guys.

She's almost done.

I'm s... I'm so sorry.

This stuff is... It's really potent.

That is unlike anything I have ever smelled before.

Okay, here.

Don't spray this until you have to and only on his clothes, not on his skin.

And you need to wear these.

It's not fresh blood, but...

If there are any Barbatus Ossifrage in the area, trust me, you will get their attention.

You ready?

Can we get this over with?

[door bells chime]

I'll be back as soon as I can.

Remember, take off your clothes before you come in the house and go directly to the shower; I think that would be best.

All right.

[phone ringing]

Spice & Tea. Oh, hey, it's me.

I have a big favor to ask of you.

I have a meeting tonight, and I know Nick's working late, and I was just wondering if there's any way you can watch Kelly for a couple of hours?


Should I come right over?

[text message chimes]


[ominous music]

Uh... no, no, no, no. I'll bring him to you.

Oh, okay. Then I'll get cleaned up, then.

See you in a few.

All right.

This is good enough.

[sighs] Okay.

Can you hold this, please?

You guys might want to, you know, clear.

Thank you.

[inhales deeply]


[Hank groans]

Oh, my God.

I can feel how bad this stuff smells.

Time to go.




[dramatic whoosh]

[sniffs and sighs]


[dramatic drum music]



I can't thank you enough for doing this.

Gosh, I should be thanking you.

It really should only take a couple of hours.

Don't even worry about it. Take your time.

Kelly and I have a lot to talk about.


Yes, you... we do, don't we?

Ah, we do. [giggles]

How are things at work, going back?

Oh, good.

I mean, I like not being at the loft all day, and I think it's good for Kelly to get out and meet other people.


I just couldn't be without him right now.

I know, I think if I ever have a baby, I'd want to bring him to work too, so...

This will be good test run, huh?

How are things with you and Nick?

Uh... [sighs]

I haven't told him, if that's what you're asking.

Every time I'm about to, I just freeze up, and nothing comes out.

You can't keep it from him forever.

I know.

Uh, well, everything you need is right here.

And I... I have my cell, so if you need anything.


We're gonna be okay.

Don't worry.

Bye, bud.

Okay, okay.


Are we gonna have some fun here?

You gonna have some fun?

[ominous music]


[garbage rattling]

[dog sniffing]

[dog whimpers]

[dramatic music]

[dog growling]




[g*n clicks]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[panting heavily]




[foreboding music]

♪ ♪

Was that him?

I don't know.

He didn't take the bait.

Maybe something spooked him.

All right, where's Wu?

[dramatic music]

We better find out.

Hank! Over here!

I can't do this anymore.

I can't feed them day after day, month after month.

What about me?

What about my life?

Doesn't that mean anything to anybody?

I hate them.

They are ruining my life.

I wish that they would both just die.

Oh. Damn it!

Don't they see?

Don't they even see what they're doing to me?

They don't see it.

They never have.

I apologize.

I really do.

This isn't something that I want to do.

I don't have anything against you.

Believe me.

It's just... who we are.

You can never get away from that.

[ominous music]

You know how they say you can't go home again?

I don't want to go home again!

[engine grinding]


He got him. I think he's got Wu.

That means he came in from this way.

He's headed that way.

"I'm hungry, I'm hungry, feed me, Charlie, feed me."

I'm sick of it!

[engine revving]

There's the van!


Out of the van!

[dramatic music builds]




Put your hands on your head.



Yeah, Barbatus Ossifrage, we know.

[brakes squeal]

He ran right in front of me.

I... I couldn't stop.

My parents... depend on me.

They're always so hungry.

Tell them that I tried.


He came out of nowhere.

I didn't see him until it was...

Oh... oh, my God.

Oh, sorry. That's me.

Hang in there, Wu.

We'll check in with you at the hospital.

He gonna be okay?

He hit his head pretty hard, but I think so, yeah.

I found a registration for a trailer in the glove box.

I put a BOLO out on it.

If we find the trailer, we'll find his parents.


So what do you want to do about Monroe?

[sighs] He's not coming in our car.

I'll call him a cab.

[engine turns over]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


I'm sorry it has to be this way.

What way?





[tires squealing]

You bastard...

I know.

[soulful music playing over radio]

♪ ♪

Yeah, that's it.

Registration matches.

Hi, I'm, uh, Detective Burkhardt.

This is Detective Griffin.


[shakily] No.


Is that Charlie?

I'm hungry.

He was such a good boy. [crying]

He took good care of us.

[sobbing] Yes.

That is our Charlie.

God, what... what happened to him?

Looks like he got hit by a truck.


We're very sorry for your loss.

Could we have a few moments alone with him?

Of course.


Can't let this go to waste.

You're right.

He... he'd want it this way.

You... you go first.


But leave some for me.


You hear something?


You don't think they're...

You think we should stop them?

Not a chance.


No. Wait.

[tender music]




I missed you so much.

I missed you too.

[dramatic music swells]