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01x05 - Dig Me Out

Posted: 04/21/16 08:44
by bunniefuu
Eddie: Previously on "The Path"...

What about the guy who did this to me?

f*cking animal has got my daughter.

When I was 11, my dad told me that his friend was coming over and I should do what he said, otherwise I'd get hit.

You believe in the movement.

No, I believe in you.

Love Sean. You're beautiful together.

They k*lled my husband when he tried to leave.

I looked up what happened to Jason, and he took his own life.

Sarah: You take Freddie out of here, and he will have a needle in his arm within 24 hours.

Silas will meet you at the airport.

He's gonna help you to get Freddie better.

So, are you allowed to go to parties?

There's one tomorrow.

I don't think I'm allowed.

You actually came.


I'd like to be your guide, Eddie.

You want me to do 7R?

You just want me to dig?

Dig until you find something.

♪ ♪

[Eddie grunting, breathing heavily]

[grunting, groaning]

What is it? What do you see?

Found something, didn't you?

[cell phone vibrating]

What's going on?

Hawk's not here.

What do you mean he's not there?

I mean he's not here. He didn't sleep in his bed.

I-I don't know where he is.

Okay. Okay, I'll be right home.


[engine turning over]


Ashley, come on, wake up. We slept.

I have to go. My parents are gonna k*ll me.

Hey, maybe they're not up yet.

Oh, I'm so dead.



Mm, morning.

[Sean moaning]

Um... we don't have to if you don't want to.

We can wait.

I don't want to wait.

[Sean chuckles]

[both breathing heavily]

Hey, here he is!



Where you been?

Where were you?

What's everyone doing here?

Wondering where the hell you've been.

Just be honest with us, kid.

Can we talk about this alone?

No, you're gonna answer to all of us.

You put us all through hell this morning.



He's been seeing a girl.



Shut up!

Mom, please, can we have some privacy?

What girl?

An IS girl from school.

I saw them coming out of Matthew's Diner together.

You're a jerk, Joy.

Don't you call Joy a jerk.

She's trying to help you. She's being honest.

She's not helping me.

Look, he can be realigned.

This happened with Robert's girl, remember?

Not everyone can be realigned, Nicole.

I know Steve said 16, but this is too dangerous.

You need to deal with this, Sarah.

I know I do, Mom.

No, you don't know.

You don't know what it's like to lose a child.

All right, I understand that this is very personal for everyone, but I think Sarah and I should take it from here.

Hawk, go up to your room, and we'll handle this later.

Is it true?

Is that where you were, with an IS?


How long have you known about this?

How did this happen?

[train horn blows]

[siren wails]

Look, you want to put her in here?

It's gonna be okay, baby.



What are you doing?

We drove the car in.

I know. I got work to do.

I'll just be gone a couple hours.

After that?

Yeah, and then I'll come right home.

It's just tests, Jocey.

The doctor said the results won't even be back today.

But I'm shook up.

Yeah, so am I, but I still got to go to work.

Hey, I love you, Butterball.

Hmm? Mwah. I'll see you in a bit.

You have a good mimi, okay?

I love you too.

Be back soon.

I promise.

Hey, here you go.

All right.

[door opens]


Where are they?

What are you talking about? What's going on?

I've been in London on business.

I come home, and my wife and son are gone.

You and your people took them somewhere to feed them dr*gs and your mystic bullshit.

Mr. Ridge, I have no idea where your family is.

I'll tell you where they are, Bum-f*ck Peru.

Well, if they are, um, I promise I did not sign off on any of my people taking them anywhere.

Seems to me you don't have much control over your people, then.

I'd imagine that's something someone in charge of a cult might decide to prioritize.

I will get to the bottom of it, John.

I promise you.

You bet you will.

Who is it?

Agent Abraham Gaines, FBI.

Alison Kemp?

Found you through your Website.

I'm looking into the Meyerist Movement.

I'm glad somebody finally is.

Hey, listen...

I'm sorry, but, uh, if you think that they k*lled your husband and that they are trying to k*ll you, why are you staying so close to their campus?

I want them to own up to what they did.

I want answers.

And how are you so certain your husband didn't k*ll himself?

I read the police report.

That he jumped off of a mountain he climbed a million times before in the middle of the day and nobody saw?

Yeah, that's f*cking bullshit.


And the morning that he jumped, he called me.

He told me he was having doubts.


They had him on some secret mission, flying him to Peru every other week.

And he never told you what that mission was?

That morning he said, "This is the last time."

"This is the last time."

Was that it?

I said, "You're gone so much," and he said, "This is the last time."

It was the way he said it... with such conviction.

It scared me.

You know, someone who was depressed might say that, who was gonna commit su1c1de.

Why are you even here if you don't give a shit about what I have to say?

I give a shit, Alison.

I'm just trying to get the bigger picture.

All Jason wanted to do was something meaningful with his life, and now he's dead.

And they... they all get to go on with their lives...

Steve Meyer, Cal Roberts, the f*cking cops in Peru, the cops in San Diego.

It's f*cking bullshit!


Hey, I appreciate you talking to me.

Wait, wait, wait.

How can you protect me?

Excuse me?

You're with the f*cking FBI.

You know, you might want to get out of here and start a new life.

Let us figure out what happened.

[door opens, closes]

[inhales sharply]


I think we should pull him out of school on Monday.

Look, let's just...

Can we just slow down for a second?

Our son spent the night with a girl that we didn't even know about, an IS girl, all right?

He's been lying to us for... for who knows how long.

God, I'm starving.

Are you listening?

Do you have any idea how serious this is?

Yes, I do.

I'm just... I can't think until I eat.

I'm freaking out.

I know.

None for me.

7R... no caffeine.

I thought we were close.

I thought Hawk told me everything.

Look, you are close.

Who knows how long this has been going on, you know?

It might just be hormones.

The fact that it is going on makes me sick.

Well, I mean, he's a teenager.

Okay, I understand that this is terrifying for you because of Tessa, but it's...

This has nothing to do with Tessa.

He's nothing like her.

I just remember pushing and pushing my folks, and the best thing they did was not push back, so...

Yeah, well, from what you told me, their lack of intervention didn't work out so well for you, especially not your brother.


That was out of line.

I'm sorry.

I can't lose him.

Look, that is why we need to think this through, okay?

I don't want to push him away.

So you're saying do nothing?

No, I'm not saying we don't do anything.

I'm saying we just let him stew up in his room for a little bit, and then we sit him down...

[knocking on door]


Who's that?

Okay, and then we have a talk, hear the whole story, hear what he has to say for himself, and then you and I will handle this together.



Where are Freddie and Kerry Ridge?

In Cusco with Silas.


They're exactly where they should be, Cal.

I don't care where they should be.

That boy was gonna end up dead.

I ordered you not to do that.

You might be okay with him dying with a needle in his arm, but I am not.

You have no idea how stupid a call that was.

I think it's time for you to leave, Cal.

Did I not make myself clear?

This is my house.

You don't talk to my wife like that in my house or anywhere else, for that matter.

Okay, yeah, you're right. I apologize.

But you did mess this up, Sarah. You really did.

[wind chimes playing]

[phone line trilling]

This is Silas. Send a pigeon.

[answering machine beeps]

Silas, this is Cal. Call me back A-S-A-f*cking-P.

I don't care what Sarah told you.

Do not give Freddie Ridge the medicine.

We did it...

Sean and I, this morning.

Uh, this isn't a good time.

But we had sex.

You know, I understood what the "it" was you were referring to.

Uh, hi.

Yeah, I'd like to reserve your first available flight from New York to Cusco, Peru, departing Newark.


No, no, "first available" means I need it much sooner than that.

What about, uh, uh, Newark to Phoenix, Phoenix...

This is actually... this is the worst possible time, Mary.

Why don't you tell me?

What is the fastest way I can get there?

Please, close the door.

[door closes]

No, no, you know what?

No, that is not fast enough.


[breathing deeply]

Hawk, it's important to us that you know that we're not mad.

I'm mad.

I'm furious.

Well, we are not any more mad than we have every right to be.

These people, this girl... she will try to destroy everything good about you.

Do you understand that?

They're bringing The Future.



This is all they care about... themselves, the moment.

Look, I'm sorry. I'll Offset.

You can't just Offset and go through the motions.

You have to truly understand...

Who is this girl?

She's just a girl.

Okay, what's her name?

Why does that matter?


Her name is Ashley.

All right, well, how long have you been seeing Ashley?

A few weeks, maybe a month.

Are you having sex?


She invited me to a party, and I went, and we fell asleep in the grass.


He will leave school on Monday just like he wanted.

He'll almost be 16.

You can take your vows early.

Sarah, I think we should...

I don't want to leave school... at least not right now.


You will leave school when you are 16, regardless.

I'm... I'm sorry, Dad.

Look, I just hope... that, uh, with all this stuff... all this stuff that's been going on lately, all the stuff that I did...

I just hope you're not making these decisions because of... because of that, because of me.


It doesn't have anything to do with you.

Okay, good.

I was always taught to believe the IS were bad.

Ashley doesn't seem... bad.

Is she bad?

She doesn't know what she is yet.

Okay, she's, um... she's an Ignorant, and Ignorants either bring The Future, or they find The Light.

Abe: Hold up, let me... let me see March again, the joint ones... the Chase accounts.

Chase. Jason and Alison Kemp.

That's the solo account. I need the joint one.

Come on, man, open that back up.



All right, man, Jesus.

All right, now the Delta page. The other Delta page.
Seriously, man, are you okay?

Yes, I'm okay.

Beth said you had to take your kid to the hospital.

Is that what she said?

'Cause she's not supposed to give out my personal information.

No, don't be mad.

She's the best secretary we've had.

I'm just saying, if you need to talk, my priest is...

Your priest?

You knew I converted.

Uh, yeah, yeah, I heard.

Your fiancée, right?

Check it out.

Lima, Lima, Lima.

That's a lot of Limas.

That sure is, and that's within a two-week span.

That's just in March.

It's 11 Limas in 3 months.

In his final 3 months.

Open up our backlog and add all the Limas.

Shit, that's a lot of moving around.

With his checking accounts inflating and deflating radically over that same period of time.

Feels like trafficking to me, doesn't it?

Feels exactly like trafficking.


I'm just saying, my priest is really great to talk to, and, you know, he doesn't care if you're not, you know, Catholic.


Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you.

Looks like you're deep.

I am.

I was.

Um, I just... wanted to apologize for yesterday.

I was angry.

I-I-I am angry, but you deserve more respect than I gave you.

I shouldn't have shouted at you like that.

You okay?


What is it, if I may?


And an IS girl.

He says he doesn't want to leave school.

It's exactly what had happened with Tessa.

You remember?

She was almost 16, ready to take her vows.

What if he leaves us?

I mean, what if he... he chooses to be Ignorant?

The Garden without Hawk...

Let me pray with you...

For Hawk.

Eddie: 7, 15, 12, 32, 54, 76, 94, 115.

First combination backwards.

115, 94, 76, 54, 30, uh...

30-something. Shit.

Once you know the words, the code forwards, backwards, in detail, it's in every cell of your body.

You live with the doors unlocked.

7, 15, 12, 32, 54, 76.

76, 76... f*ck!

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck. f*ck!

f*ck, 76... shit, man.

Um, 94.

Uh, f*ck me.


Point is to free yourself of delusion, not turn you into a drunken sailor.

Let's take a break.

I don't need a break.

Let's just keep going.

No, no, break.

Seriously, it's okay. It's okay.


I know it seems impenetrable, but, uh, one day...

[pops lips, snaps fingers]

It'll happen.

You'll know it.

You'll understand what it is to live with the words embedded and that glorious sense of freedom you feel when those doors are unchained.



So may I ask what you found in the hole?

Um... nothing.

Well, I don't believe that for a second.

What'd you find?

You mean when I dug a long time ago?

Well, I, um...

I had a vision... that I was...

A no one... a nothing.

I guess that's a fear a lot of people have... that their lives are totally unimportant.

You know what?

I actually do not have that fear.

No, I know you don't.

I've always envied that about you.

Oh, yeah? You envy something about me?


I do, Eddie.

More than one thing.

Your turn. What'd you find?

Actually, I, uh...

[clears throat]

I saw you, Cal.



What was I doing?

You were yelling at my wife... about Freddie Ridge, and then it happened a few hours later, which was kind of weird.

I am sorry about that.

I shouldn't have behaved that way.

I was... I was pretty pissed, though.

Yeah, but still, you're supposed to have self-control.

I mean, 10R.


Well, luckily, Sarah and I have talked since.

You have?

Did you apologize?

I did.

I mean, if I had any idea what was happening in your house with Hawk, I-I would never.


Luckily we prayed about it... together.

That's good.

Thank you.

You know what? I, uh... I get it.

I do.

I mean, you're in a bureaucratic position.

Ridge could be a big donor.

It's no surprise you were a little rattled.

I mean, someone around here has to worry about money.


[knocking on door]

Mary, are you in there?


What are you doing?



I don't know yet. Somewhere new.

D.C., maybe.


Doesn't matter.

It does.

It should.

Was it because we... because of the other day?

Did I make you feel like you had to do something you didn't want to?

It has nothing to do with you or us or the other day.

I just... I don't belong here.

Yes, you do.

No, I don't. I'm not...


Like you. Like them.

I'm not like them either.

We're just all different with all different stories looking for a better world, 'cause the world out there, it's...

I mean, it's all the same.

You go to sleep. You wake up.

You have a day, a nice enough day.

You go to sleep, wake up, same thing, and then with no warning, the next day someone sh**t your sister right in front of you and four of your friends... third period, Mr. Reimers' biology class, because of the color of their skin.

"Aunt Jemima bitch"...

That was the last thing that Sheila ever heard, and that, that is the rest of the world.

It is all the same.

It feeds on lies and hate, but here there is not that world.

Here there is only this world, and I want you in it with me.

I understand, Dr. Woodruff.

You'll talk us through it on Monday, all right.

Excuse me, Abe.

No, no, no.

I promise we won't do any online research, okay?

All right, thanks. Yeah?

There's a Mr. Cox waiting for you.


Mr. Cox, I told you to wait in reception.

Beth, Beth, it's... it's okay.

Mr. Cox.

Hey, I, uh, was near here getting my prescription re-upped.

Thought I'd swing by, touch base, 'cause I'm really concerned about my daughter.

What's the latest?

We have a full-fledged investigation going on.


Yeah, well, where are the loonies that took her?

I mean, where is their bunker or their circus tents or whatever?

We're working day and night.

I promise you that.

What do you know so far?

We know a hell of a lot more than we knew a few days ago, and when we're ready to act on it, I promise you, you will be the first person I call.


[door opens]

[breathes deeply]

How was your day?

I didn't see her, if that's what you're asking.

I don't want to do this, Mom.

I want to tell you a story.

Close your eyes.

I was six weeks pregnant when I had a feeling something was wrong.

I was about to go to Peru, so I went to the doctor.

There was no heartbeat.

I'd lost the baby.

I was devastated.

[Shamanistic rattling]

I had to wait for the baby to miscarry, so I went...

I went to Peru.

[rattling continues]


[rattling continues rapidly]

[Shaman speaking Spanish]

Arrorró mi sol
Arrorró pedacito
De mi corazón
Este niño lindo
No quiere dormir
Cierre sus ojitos
Y los vuelve de abrir

Sarah: I lost you...

But you came back.

I won't lose you again.



What's going on?


Well, you're avoiding me.

I just... I-I've been thinking a lot, and I-I don't want to hang out anymore with you.

Wait. You don't...

Wait, Hawk. What are you doing?

You have to tell me why you don't want to see me anymore.

What, is it because of your parents, your religion?

'Cause if it is, you're an idiot.

A religion that tells you who you can and can't like is stupid, and I know that you like me, Hawk.

I know you do.

So I'm thinking about doing it.

You know, 1R or whatever.

You know, first rung.


So what do I have to do?

I have to give you money or what?

You're not hungry?


No, I-I just... I...

I don't have a appetite for some reason, you know.

What's going on, Sam?


Nothing much, I just... you know, just having these thoughts.

You know, just feeling, um... feeling at sea.

So I thought if I get on The Ladder, you know, I'd just... it would...

Well, any idea what's making you feel that way?

It's my daughter.

Little girl?


What is it?

She's sick.

Patent ductus arteriosus.

It's like, a vessel is supposed to close after birth, and Lucy's didn't.

So it's putting a strain on her lungs.

She's wheezing a lot, and, um...

She's so very uncomfortable.


I don't know how much longer...

The doctor's gonna talk us through it next week.

Hey, but I've been online, man, and... and she might have to have open-heart f*cking surgery, and I don't know if I can take that shit.




You don't know anything yet, right?

Yeah, I...

I mean, you don't know shit.

I mean, don't get me wrong.

I'd be f*cking terrified, too, but this is the worst part...

I mean, not knowing.

I mean, not knowing is, uh... it's fear.

You know, it's... it's an abyss.

So don't get caught up in it, Sam, and...

'cause it will destroy you.

I mean, fear is worse than the worst thing happening.

So, yeah, I mean, getting on The Ladder... might help, but it's not gonna change whether your kid is sick or not.


[Meyer Machine buzzing]

[door opens, closes]

You're home early.

I was thinking I'd plant trees for my Offset.

That's a great idea.

I'm sorry, Mom.

I am.

I know it must be hard.

[buzzing resumes]

Cal: Peru.

Your wife and son are in Peru.

Tell me something I don't already know.

Look, I didn't condone this happening, but your son is over 18, and he and your wife made a decision.

My son's a f*cking junkie, and my wife is a desperate woman, but then you know that.

You prey on people like that.

You asked us for help, and my colleague made the recommendation she thought best for your son.

Your colleague?

Are you a lawyer or something?

You own a brokerage house? Your colleague?

You mean your follower, your disciple, your brainwashed weirdo?

My colleague is anything but brainwashed, and, in fact, no, she went against my orders because... because she actually... she actually gives a shit, all right?

And she believes that someone as f*cked up as your son is capable of real change and transformation.

My colleague... is a f*cking angel, and you are lucky your son crossed paths with her.

Get the f*ck out of my house!

I predict that when they come back in a few days, they'll be better off than when they left... both of them.

[door opens]

[David Bowie's "Wild Is The Wind"]

♪ Love me, love me, love me ♪
♪ Love me, say you do ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Let me fly ♪
♪ Away with you ♪
♪ ♪
♪ For my love is like the wind ♪

[inhaling sharply]

[exhaling deeply]

♪ Oh, wild is the wind ♪
♪ Wild is the wind ♪
♪ You ♪
♪ Touch me ♪
♪ ♪
♪ You ♪
♪ Kiss me ♪
♪ ♪

Not yet.

[retching violently]

♪ My life begins ♪

♪ You're spring to me ♪


♪ All things to me ♪

What's going on?


They broke up.

♪ ♪
♪ Like the leaf ♪
♪ Clings to the tree ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Oh, my darling ♪
♪ Cling to me ♪
♪ ♪
♪ For we're like creatures ♪
♪ Of the wind ♪
♪ And wild is the wind ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Wild is the wind ♪
♪ You ♪
♪ Touch me ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I hear the sound ♪
♪ Of mandolins ♪
♪ Don't you know ♪
♪ You're life itself? ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Like the leaf ♪
♪ Clings to the tree ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Oh, my darling ♪
♪ Cling to me ♪
♪ ♪
♪ For we're like creatures ♪
♪ In the wind ♪
♪ And wild is the wind ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Wild is the wind ♪


You're okay.

♪ Wild is the wind ♪
♪ Wild ♪
♪ Is the wind ♪
♪ ♪

[groans, breathing heavily]