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04x05 - The Scorpion and the Frog

Posted: 04/20/16 14:32
by bunniefuu
(Indistinct commentator speech)

(Indistinct commentator speech)

Go, Dawn go! Go!

I haven't seen a wall like this since Berlin!

Oh! A desperate Hail Mary low block from Check and Destroy...

(Indistinct commentator speech)


Diablo pushes back in to form a truck and trailer...

(Indistinct commentator speech)

Go, Dawn, go!

Dawn looking for help here, whips Spooky Homemaker into that free wall!

She pulls Dawn through the carnage! Dawn turns off and powers through the last few seconds!

For the win! For the win!


Whoo! Yeah!



Yeah! Dawn!

(grumbling in protest)

Come on, man.


Well, good morning. You have a good night?

Yeah, it was pretty quiet. You?

Yeah, it was good.

Didn't really do anything.

(police radios squawk)

Hey, Bets.

Dr. Rogers.

Hey, Angie. Detective Mazur.

Our victim is Dawn Richards, 22.

Roommate found the body.

According to the first responders, it looks like someone broke in.

Uh, we just got here at the same time.

Paula sometimes calls ahead.


Dawn was stabbed repeatedly in the throat.

The w*apon pierced the jugular. Not a knife.

The wounds are linear, but with abraded margins.

Could be scissors.

That's my thought.

Was she sexually assaulted?

There is bruising on her arms.

Signs of a struggle.

Maybe, but some of the bruising is significantly older than the others.

Roller derby, that could account for the bruising.

Robbery gone wrong?

Thief breaks in, victim caught him in the act...

Yeah, or a home invasion attack, something like that.

I'll talk to the roommate?

(distractedly) Okay... great.

(soft knock)

Come in.

Officer Tarchuk, good to see you.

You too, Staff Sergeant.

I've got a walk-in who wants to talk to a detective.

A psychiatrist, says he's worried about a violent patient of his.

What do you think?

I think he's worth talking to.

You want me to give him to someone?

No, show him in. I'll talk to him.

You sure? I don't want to waste your time.

No, it'll be a nice change of pace. Thank you.

Hi. Staff Sergeant Vega.

Dr. Henry Price.

Nice to meet you.

I want you to know, that I take doctor-patient confidentiality very seriously.


But in this case, I really felt that I had a duty to warn.

And I appreciate that. Tell me about your patient.

His name is Peter Carver, and I think he's going to k*ll someone.

At around 7:30, I started thinking Dawn should be up.

I knocked on her door, and there was no answer, so I went in.

Tell me about last night.

Dawn had a date.

I went out so she could have the apartment to herself.

And what time did you get home?

Around 1:00 a.m.

Her door was closed. I... I figured she'd gone to sleep.

Oh, God... She could have been... I should have checked...

Stacey, don't get caught up in the what-ifs.

It's a game you can't win.

Who was Dawn with last night?

Uh, he was new.

She didn't tell me his name.

New, as in, like, a first date?

Did she tell you where they met?

Look, I don't know, okay?

I don't know anything about him.

I first met Peter six months ago.

His treatment was a condition of his suspended sentence.

What were the charges?

Criminal harassment. Stalking.

Peter develops unhealthy obsessions alarmingly quickly, and there's a new woman from his neighborhood, a blonde.

He follows her and fantasizes about her.

Do we have a name?

I'm not even sure he knows it.

But you think he's escalating.

Lately, he's been describing... gruesome fantasies. In a recent session, he admitted he broke into this woman's apartment when she wasn't home.

He broke into her apartment?

I know, I should have come in sooner.

Yeah. Well, you're here now. What's the second part of the fantasy?

He wants to "cut open her throat" and watch the life bleed out of her."


Thank you, Doctor. I'll, uh, I'll look into it.

Well, please don't wait. I'm nervous for this woman, and for him.

Okay. Thank you.

Yeah, we're friends.

Thank you so much.


There you go.

Oh, thanks so much. I'm glad you had fun.

Dawn? Hello, Dawn?

Hi. You were really great out there today.


Did you want an autograph?

I want to go on a date with you.

Oh... that's so sweet.

There you go, take care.


Okay, I just talked to the building manager...

If an intruder jimmied the window open when they broke in, would they leave that window open or closed behind them?

That's a rhetorical question...

I think that they would leave it open.

So then, why is there blood on the inside of this window frame?

Oh, you're asking. Uh, that would mean that the window was closed during the m*rder, and opened after.

Which means the break-in could be staged?

Yeah. Have you talked to the building manager?

Yes, I did. He says that Dawn was kicking Stacey out, taking her name off the lease, changing the locks.

Okay, so, Stacey, tell us again about last night.

I went to see a movie at Tinseltown.

Who were you with?

I was by myself.

So, you have no alibi?

I just told you...

You told us you bought a ticket to sit in a dark room by yourself.

Stacey, we talked to the building manager, and we know that Dawn was kicking you out.

So, what happened? Did you get mad? Did you have a fight? Did you s*ab her?

What? No!

I could never k*ll Dawn. She was my best friend!

Okay, well, then help us understand what's going on here.

Over the past few weeks, Dawn started acting really weird.


She accused me of stealing from her.

Stealing what?

Her jacket, perfume...

Did you?

No. It was our derby jacket.

I have my own.

And I hated the perfume. It made her smell like a grandmother.

Thanks for meeting me.

No problem. I'd want back-up, too.

I think I want a tetanus shot.

Did you do anything last night?

I'd like to say yes.


So, what's the deal with your Dr. Price?

I did a background check. He works at a respected clinic.


Peter Carver? Police. We'd like to ask you a few questions.

(knocking insistently)


Detective Brian Lucas requesting back-up. 1457 Victoria Drive.

Do you want to wait?

No, we should make sure he's okay.

Yeah... You like her for this, don't you?


I'm not sure I like her for this.

Friends k*ll each other all the time.

Yeah, but so do strangers.

Hey, what's up?

That case you're working on, what can you tell me about your victim?

Uh, what do you want to know?

Start with a physical description.

Dawn Richards, she's 22. She's got long blonde hair.

Any chance she plays roller derby?

Yeah, she does.



I'm going to text you an address.

Good morning.

What happened, Peter?

I can't help you if you don't talk to me.

Why would you help me?

Because I'm your doctor, Peter. It's what I'm here for.

You know you can talk to me about anything.

What happened?


I think I k*lled her.

You don't know?

I woke up on the couch, and there were scissors... and a lot of blood.

Oh, Peter.

What are you doing? Are you calling the police?

I'm sorry, but I have no choice...

You're calling the police?

You said you were going to help me.

I am going to help you, but you have to turn yourself in.

We'll do it together. I'll be right here with you. Now give me the phone.

Sit down.


Sit down!



Look at this, half a day in the field, you already I.D.'d a k*ller.

Just think what you could do with a whole day.

I cannot take that credit.

Don't be so modest.

You gotta see this guy's bathroom.

No thanks, if it's anything like this room, I'm gonna let you take the lead on that.

He's got a scrip for every anti-psychotic that you can think of, plus a few more.

How does this guy get through the cracks?

Maybe because he wants to. He's got an apartment, and a job.

He's functioning.

I'll talk to his employer.

Okay. Flynn, Sarge.

That's the jacket that Dawn accused Stacey of stealing.

Mm-hmm, and a hell of a lot more.

Nice scarf.

There's the grandma perfume.

Why did you take this from her?

She humiliated me.

They all laughed at me.

And how did that make you feel?



Of course it would.

That bitch made a fool out of you, and all you did was steal her perfume.

I wanted to do more.

Did you?

I wanted to hurt her, punish her.


Now we're getting somewhere. Tell me how.


Henry, are you in there?

We need to talk.


(groans) Thank you.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

This man att*cked you in your own office. You're lucky to be alive.

How many notifications do you need before you act?

Well, Dr. Price only notified us this morning.

He was making progress.


Henry, Peter's a paranoid schizophrenic.

No, Peter displays tendencies of paranoid schizophrenia.

He's not a schizophrenic.

Okay, I'm a lay-person here. What's the difference?

Peter's mother was a paranoid schizophrenic.

Henry believes that Peter's mental illness is actually learned behavior.

Because it is.

That's why I made him stop taking his medication.

It never worked for him. He doesn't need chemical realignment.

Huh, well, that's fascinating, but I need something practical.

Such as?

What do you think he'll do next?

Uh, Peter hates the act of being observed.

Under stress, he'll try to avoid contact with other people.

Look for isolated places.


If either of you think of anything else, here's my card.

I'd appreciate a call.

Thank you.


Thank you.


It was irresponsible of me to continue to treat him.

You were only trying to help. That's natural.

But Henry, Peter needs more than what he can get as an outpatient.

Colony Farm is the best place for him.

I wish I'd realized it earlier. A woman is dead because of me.

You can't blame yourself.

Then who else do I blame?

Stacey, do you recognize this man?

Uh... I think so.

He looks familiar.

I think he comes to our bouts.

Any chance this was Dawn's mystery date?

Dawn didn't date fans.

This guy's a perfect example of why.

What do you mean?

Look at him.

The items that Dawn accused you of stealing.

Can you describe them?

It was our derby jacket.

Black leather, with the Public Frenemy logo on it.


And her perfume.

I don't remember the name, but it was purple.


That's it.

So, Dawn wasn't missing any other articles of clothing, accessories, jewellery?

Believe me, if there was anything else missing, I would have heard about it.

Okay, thank you.


These people are animals.

Executive washroom, my ass.

Can we get back to Peter Carver?

Yeah, yeah, he worked for me until a couple days ago.

What happened?

Well, I had to let him go.

You think I'm doing this for my health? I'm the manager.

I shouldn't have to deal with this crap anymore.

No pun intended?


So, why did you fire Peter?

Well, he was always a little strange, but then he started acting real strange.

You know, I started getting complaints, and not just from the people who complain all the time.

What kind of complaints?

He stared at certain people.

There was a couple thought he stole from them.

And, uh, well, the guy had a problem with, uh, personal hygiene, you know what I mean?

Yeah, I think I do.

The places Peter cleaned, I'm going to need those locations.

Well, there were some office buildings downtown, there was the library, the hockey rink, um...

You know, I'll just send you the list.

Great. Thanks.

You know, I was sorry to let him go, though.

Besides all the weird stuff, he was actually a really good worker.

He didn't mind dealing with the real crap.


I get it.

Hey, Detective, perfect timing.

I just finished my external. I was hoping to hear your preliminary findings.

Do you mind?


The scissors are a perfect match.

They are your m*rder w*apon.


Looks like we know who our k*ller is. Now we need to find him.

Well, I'm about to start my internal.

Okay, if you find anything useful...?

You bet.

Uh... Detective?

You think these might be useful?

You just tell me when it's ready for Show and Tell time?

I'm comparing Dawn's m*rder to a case of mine three years ago.

The details are strikingly similar.

Britta Morris... college student.

Blonde. Stabbed in the neck.

Yeah, six times, with scissors, and the scene was staged to look like a break-in.

She had pearls shoved down her throat?


Well, these murders aren't just similar, they're identical.

Yeah, except I put Britta's k*ller in prison three years ago.

Britta Morris lived in Kitsilano with her roommate, Miranda Hurst.

The night that Britta was m*rder*d, Miranda claimed that a deranged man broke into their apartment, and made her watch him k*ll Britta.

But you made a case against Miranda, right?

Yeah, well, she caught Britta stealing, so she stabbed her, shoved the pearl necklace down her throat, staged a B-&-E, then tied herself up, and screamed for help.

Except, uh, now there's new evidence.

Yeah, well, Forensics proved that the break-in was staged, and that there was no deranged man, and Miranda tied herself up.

Well, none of us want to believe we might have put the wrong person away.

I didn't.

What's your theory now?

That Miranda Hurst and Peter Carver colluded to k*ll Britta, and now Peter is k*lling on his own.

Mm-hmm, or Miranda told the truth, and a deranged man...

Peter... broke in, k*lled her roommate?

That's not what happened.

I'm just saying that maybe Stacey was supposed be the audience to Dawn's m*rder, and it was just dumb luck that she wasn't home.

Just maybe.


Peter had trophies that didn't belong to Dawn Richards?


All right, so, there might be other potential victims out there.

If Peter is our serial k*ller in the making, our priority has got to be finding him.

I'd like to go to Benning Women's Prison and talk to Miranda Hurst.

Okay, go ahead.

Thank you.

They still teach Freeman?


Ugh. I know.

Are you a social worker?

Counselor. At-risk teens.

I studied Freeman, too.

Don't suppose you'd want to summarize it for me?

You'd save me some time, and possibly a migraine.

Well, let's see, uh...

Get as close to the patient as you can.

Do as they do.

Wear their skin?

(chuckles) Counseling is messy, but not that messy.


Yeah, I gotta admit, sometimes, I just get so tired of all the theory.

Nobody talks about what it'll be like actually doing the job.

Well, you can ask me anything you want.


That would be great.

Thursday, 8:00?

Ah... smooth.



What's your name?


Thursday at 8:00.
Hey, how's it going with those trophies?

Forensics found a stray hair on the scarf that doesn't belong to Britta or Dawn.

So there could be at least one other victim.

Well, given the amount of stuff that was in that drawer, I'd say at least one other.

We're tracing the serial number on the watch, and we're hoping that it's registered to a warranty.

And the pearls that were found in Dawn's throat are exactly the same as the ones that were in Britta Morris.

They're a single strand of Ayoka Pearls. So, maybe Mom wore pearls.

Or Dad.

When we find Peter, I will ask him, was it mom or dad?

Yeah, I don't think I want to find out.

Have you heard from Lucas?

Yeah, he's just about finished.

Listen, uh, everything's good?

What, you mean with...



I mean, it's not you and me, but...

I'm right there.

It's too far away.


Peter Carver!



If you're here, you need to come out!

Okay, you stay high, I'll go low.


You're only making this harder on yourself.



Stop running!

Stop! Stop!


Hey, take it easy.

(groaning in pain)

(handcuffs rattle)


Come on.

Hello, Miranda.

What are you doing here?

I'd like you to tell me again about the night that Britta died.

But we've gone through it all so many times.

Humor me.

You don't believe me anyway.

You never did. That's why I'm here.

You're here because you k*lled Britta Morris.

That's not true.

Yes, you guys were fighting because she took your pearls.

Does she have a habit of taking your things?


She also borrowed my scarf once.

You probably think I'd k*ll her over that, too.

What's it look like?

Why are you really here?

Just going over your story.

Did you find him?

The man who k*lled Britta?

Who, your partner?


I... I don't understand.

You can drop the innocent act with me.

It's not an act.

Why is it so hard for you to believe I didn't k*ll Britta? I loved her.

You can love someone and still k*ll them, honey.

I see it all the time.

That man tied me up, and made me watch him m*rder my best friend.

And the whole time, I didn't know if he was going to k*ll me next.

It was like a nightmare I couldn't wake up from.

And because of you, I'm still in hell.




I need to speak to my lawyer.

Peter will play harmless. He excels at getting people to underestimate him.

Okay, good to know.

He was likely in a dissociative state when he k*lled that poor woman. He'll only remember snippets, if anything at all.

If he was in a dissociative state during the m*rder, can he appreciate what he was doing?

He's not clinically insane, he knew it was wrong.

If you get a confession, it'll stand.

Okay, great.

How you feeling, Peter?

Can we get you anything?

Okay, well, I'm sure by now your social worker has told you that you're entitled to a lawyer.

I have.

Would you like us to get you one?


I don't want a lawyer.

Do you understand why you were arrested?

Yeah, avoidance coping. It's his way of refusing to engage with a stressor.

In this case, the truth of the violent crime he committed.

Your detective should show him photos. Is there a way that I can talk to her?

She's done this before, Doctor.

Let her do her job.

Oh. Oh, there we go. Very good.

So, here's what I think happened.

That's Dawn Richards.

You followed her home, and you broke into house to spy on her.

Then you stole her belongings because you wanted a little piece of her.

But then it wasn't enough.

You wanted her to belong to you, didn't you?

You couldn't control her, though, and that made you angry, didn't it, Peter?

I never meant to hurt them.

What did you do, Peter?

I stabbed them.

Over and over.

And the blood sprayed everywhere.

And then I stuffed the pearls down their throats.

And who is "them"?

Dawn and Britta. I k*lled them.

Both of them...

Peter Carver was involved.

Involved, yeah.

He confessed to both murders.

Well, I'm telling you, he's not alone in this.

Forensics found a DNA match from that hair found on the scarf in Peter's apartment.

It belongs to Miranda Hurst, and it matches her story.

Or, Peter had Miranda's scarf because they know each other.

Listen, I know why you don't want to kick Miranda loose, but the evidence against Peter is overwhelming.

Look, Miranda Hurst k*lled Britta Morris, and Peter was involved then, and he k*lled Dawn now.

Did Peter ever visit Miranda in prison?

There's no record of it in the visitor log.

How about where they work, or where they lived?

Um, I haven't made a connection yet.

We should keep looking.

Okay, thanks.

Maybe she can't find a connection because there is no connection.


You still going to let her look?

If you were that convinced, I'd let you do the same thing.

Fair enough. We traced the owner of that watch.

Her name's Renee Bermingham. She was att*cked a month ago, but survived.

Lucas is interviewing her now.

I was coming into my building.

A man in a mask grabbed me from behind.

He tried to force his way into the lobby.

I fought him off, locked him out, and called the police.

He was gone before they arrived.

How did you fight him off?

I started with a rear head butt, then I stomped on his foot.

Then I shifted my hips and elbowed his groin.

I take self-defense classes.


Well, no one seems interested in teaching men a "how not to r*pe" class.

Have you ever seen this man?

He's a janitor at my office.

You ever talk to him?

He never talked to anyone.

You think he att*cked me?

You don't?


I would've known it was him.

Because of his smell.



Listen, uh, you did the, uh, Britta Morris autopsy, didn't you?

I did.

That must have been an intense case.

Yeah, it was.

Did it put everyone through the ringer?

You know, you can just ask.

I know, but I don't want you to think I'm throwing shade on another detective.

Oh, please, I know you better than that.

I'm worried that Paula's got tunnel vision.

It must be tough thinking that you might have put an innocent woman in jail.

Are there any discrepancies between the murders?

From a medical standpoint? No. They're exactly the same.

They are, aren't they? They're exactly the same.

Right down to the signature pearls.

How do you know Dawn?

I went to see her at the arena.

She was strong, even though she was small.

Why did you steal her jacket?

It made her too strong.


And Renee?

I stole her watch.

She was always so busy.

Tell me about the night you att*cked her.

Just tell her the truth.

I never hurt Renee.

What did you take from Britta?

I took... her scarf.


Everything you take has some kind of meaning, right?

Why can't you remember why you took Britta's scarf?

Let's talk about what you leave behind.

The... the pearls.


What do they mean?

They... remind me of my mom?


Miranda's lawyers petitioned to have her released on bail, pending a new trial.

Given Peter's confession, she will be out by tomorrow.

Have you found anything to connect Miranda to Peter?

No. Flynn, maybe you're right.

Maybe Peter acted alone.

Actually, I'm not so sure about that now.



You had an overwhelming urge to k*ll her. Didn't you, Peter?

Yes. I wanted to k*ll her.

Now, tell me how you wanted to do it.

I wanted to s*ab her in the throat six times.

And the knife...

Not a knife.

Scissors... The scissors would be covered in her blood.


Now, feel the scissors, Peter.

In fact, you did k*ll her, didn't you?


What happened after you stabbed her?

I shoved a necklace down her throat.

The pearls...

And why the pearls, Peter?

Because they remind me of my mom?

Very good.

Was it the same with Britta Morris?

You k*lled Britta Morris, too, didn't you?

Very good.

Peter's the perfect suspect, on paper.

The scissors were found in his apartment.

He confessed to both murders.

And his own psychiatrist warned us that he was capable of the murders.

There's all kinds of stuff that's not right, though.

Like, Renee's attack, that doesn't fit with Peter's M.O.

That seems like a botched ramp-up to m*rder, like a k*ller just figuring things out.

There was a successful k*ll before and after.

And why would Peter confess to both murders, and not the as*ault on Renee?

Yeah, his memory is sketchy on that, and the details of Britta's m*rder.

Yet all the evidence points to him.

Someone who might not ever have been on our radar if Dr. Henry Price hadn't pointed him out in the first place.


What's this?

It's my letter of resignation.

Henry, you can't blame yourself for what happened.

We're psychiatrists, not mind readers.

But we have to recognize when we've done more harm than good.

You don't have to fall on your sword.

It's fine. This way, I'll absorb any bad publicity.

You and the clinic are protected.

You'll get an excellent reference.

I'm not sure that will be necessary, but... thank you.

What will you do?

I don't know yet.

I think I need to focus on myself for a while.

Who knows, maybe I'll just disappear.

I'm sorry, Detectives, but Henry resigned yesterday.

Any idea what his plans were?

Uh, no, but I got the impression that he was taking some personal time.

Did he say where?

He didn't, and I didn't press.

Do you mind if we look around?

Sure. His office is this way, if you like.

Peter was Henry's patient for six months, is that correct?

Yes, and I'll admit that, at times, I did have reservations about his treatment approach.

If that was the case, why did you let Henry continue to treat Peter?

Henry Price is an excellent doctor.

Yes, his treatment of Peter was unorthodox, but he'd had success with similar patients in the past, and he deserved the benefit of the doubt.

How long have you known him?

Two years.

I was one of his clinical supervisors during his last year of medicine, and when he graduated, I invited him to join the practice.


That's strange.

Henry wasn't prescribing that to anyone.

In fact, he tried to avoid prescribing medications.

Where do you keep your narcotics?

This way.

This wasn't supposed to be open.

What do these dr*gs do?

Alprazolam is a sedative, and Scopalamine is used for the treatment of anxiety.

And what if they're taken together?

Well, that would be unusual, but a combination of the two would most likely cause the patient to go into a trance-like state.

Do you think it's possible that Henry is our k*ller?

Well, if he is, he found the perfect patsy in Peter Carver.

I mean, that guy was already stalking and stealing from women, including some blondes.

Mm-hmm, yeah, and Henry could have used the sedative cocktail, along with some role playing, to convince Peter that he'd committed murders he hadn't.

Mm-hmm. If he was going to plant memories of m*rder in Peter's mind, Henry had to know all the details.

So, maybe Henry k*lled Britta and Dawn.

Yeah, but Henry came to us about Peter.

Why would he waltz into the station and risk being exposed?

Maybe that's part of his game.

You know, I still cannot figure out the connection between Henry and Britta.

It's gotta be out there.

Maybe she was a patient of his.

It's worth a try.

(telephone rings)


Hi, Dr. Garrison.

This is Detective Paula Mazur.

Um, was Henry...

Did Henry have a patient named Britta Morris?

The name doesn't ring a bell, but let me check.

Not that I can see.

But hang on, I need to confirm one other thing.

No. No Britta Morris.

What was the other thing?

Oh, I had to check that her name wasn't on the patient list for my group sessions.

Henry attended a few of those when he doing his residency.

Group sessions?

I do pro-bono work with inmates.

At Benning Women's Prison?


Okay, thank you.

The connection between Henry and Britta is Miranda.

(alert beeps)

Oh, we just got a ping on Henry's credit card.

He used it a couple hours ago on the Sea to Sky highway.

The Hurst family has a cabin near Whistler, and Miranda was released this morning.

Could Miranda be Henry's next victim?

It's a long shot...

I'm good with a long shot.

Let's do it.

(door bangs)


You know, there is another possibility here.

They crossed paths at Benning Women's Correctional Facility, right?


Miranda's a beautiful woman.

She's claiming innocence. It's very "damsel in distress."

What, and Henry fell for her?


It worked.

It really worked.

I told you I'd take care of you.

Natasha. It's possible that Charlie's trust issues stem from the fact that you set him on fire?

Okay, I'd like us all to journal this week.

Make two lists, one of the people you trust, and one of the people who trust you, see if they match up. And if they don't, ask yourselves why.

See you all next week.

Okay, so, how do they fall in love...

"love"... an hour a week?

They have to find some way to be together, right?


Just make sure you empty the garbage can.

It's got an odd smell.


Talking with you is my favourite part of the day.

I feel the same way.

I never would have thought that you could feel for me the way I feel for you, especially considering all of the horrible things that have been said about me. I mean, any other man would have just...

I'm not like other men, Miranda.

Which is why you deserve more than this.

You should be with someone you can have a life with.

I want a life with you.

By the time I'm free, I'll be an old woman.

It's not fair to you.

You should just forget about me.

We'll appeal again.

Your family...

My family won't help me.

Then I'll help.

You're innocent, they've got to see that.


Henry, I just don't think it's going to happen.

Why should I believe that there'll be justice now?

There has to be a way.

I swear to you, I will find a way.

Henry knew that if a m*rder exactly the same as Britta's took place now, we'd think a serial k*ller was out there.

Right, and the woman he loves would be set free.

Yeah, but in order for that to happen, he needed someone to go down for both murders.

If this is true, then why did Henry choose Dawn?

He must have cross-referenced Britta's traits with all the women that Peter was already obsessed with.

He found the perfect blonde victim in Renee, but when he tried to k*ll Renee, he botched it.

So he had to start again.



So, what do you have planned for us tonight?

I thought we could play it by ear.

Let me go grab my coat.


Four, five, six...

(gasping for air)

I'm so sorry.

(cork squeaks)

You remembered.

After three years locked away, I thought you deserved your favourite.

Thank you.

For everything.

You don't have to thank me, Miranda.

I'd do anything for you.

We're so much alike.

How so?

(gasping in pain)

(choking and gasping)

(gasping for air)


Thank God, you're here!

This man broke in and att*cked me!

Shut up.

He really fell for your act, huh?

What was your plan? Tie up loose ends and disappear?

Detective, you don't know me at all.

Move it.


For you.

Oh, thank you.

So, Peter Carver's been transferred to Colony Farm, so he'll get the help that he needs.

Ah, that's good.

Henry sure did a number on him, huh?

Uh, yeah, not before Miranda did a number on Henry.

What do you think goes wrong to make a Miranda Hurst?

I think that's just who she is.

She's like the scorpion in that old story.

It's just her nature to k*ll.

Yeah, except the scorpion evolved over millions of years.

Something must have happened to make Miranda the k*ller she is.

Somewhere in there, I'm guessing someone wore pearls.