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01x03 - Episode Three

Posted: 04/19/16 00:54
by bunniefuu
A colleague of mine has gone missing.

Why are they talking to you about it?

They're questioning everyone.

I want you to start looking into this immediately!


You don't give up.

Why would I?

Because you're wrong.

What's the boyfriend gonna say about you?

I haven't got one.

Serial K*llers don't take trophies to sell them.

My guess is she stole them from him.

Who sold you this?

A girl.

My name's Marcella Backland. You know my husband!

Headmistress called me.

Did she tell you what it was about?

Just said it was important.

You seem stressed.

Well, I am stressed!

We will be curtailing Emma's privileges for the next few weeks.

And we'd like the two of you to talk with her so she understands the gravity of the situation.

We will.


Yeah. Absolutely.


You can wait for her in the library. I'll go and get her.

And, yes...

We want this off school property.

You coming?

Hm? You do it.

No, we should do it together. Our daughter's taking dr*gs.

She's reacting to our breakup.

You told them?

Well, someone had to.

She's 13, Marcella.

She blames me, she listens to you.

And it is your fault.

If that makes you feel better then...

No, it doesn't.

We have to do this together.

And we should've told them about us together, too.

It's OK.

It's OK.

You all right?

Dad's gonna stay. And I'll see you soon.

Sorry, guv. He said it was important.

Fine. Thank you.


I've been thinking it over, you see.

Oh, yeah!

That girl, the one I bought stuff off...

The one you bought stolen goods from. Yeah.

Yeah, all right. Yeah. Anyway.

Couple of days ago, this bloke got beaten up behind the shop.

Think she might've been involved.


Because someone saw her come out of the shop.

And this kid started talking to her.


So the officers investigating that as*ault have spoken to you.


And what did you tell 'em?

That I'd never seen her. Look. I didn't wanna get involved.

But I'm telling you now.


I'll look into it. Thanks for coming in.

You know, if this leads anywhere, if this helps you find her...


Do you think you could drop the charge? The receiving thing?

What do you think?

Probably not.

Probably not.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday, dear Lea ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Happy birthday, bestie.

Thank you. Aren't you supposed to get breakfast in bed on your birthday?

You would've done if you hadn't woken up so early.

It's gone eleven.

Did you steal it?



Cross my heart.

I... I bought it with the money that I got from the stuff.

You're cool with that, right?

Yeah, I'm cool.

Thank you.

I thought you were gonna wait at the school.

Why would I do that?

To find out what Emma said.

It was her first time, she wanted to try it.

She feels stupid and she'll never do it again. Am I getting warm?

You don't believe her?

What difference will it make?

You talked to her, we'll talk again when she comes home and the school's on it.

One more thing. Erm...

You're gonna find out sooner or later.

Grace and I are in a relationship.


Gibson. At work.

No-one knows about us, so I can't...

I walk around... being politely concerned when really what I want...

I'm sorry. I shouldn't.

It's all right.

Not with you.

It's OK.

I'm sorry.

(It's OK.)

I'll see you soon.


You're late. Where have you been?

Erm... I had to go to my daughter's school.

Emma's been smoking weed.

What, you want me to lie about it?

Well, keep your jacket on.

You and Alex are gonna go and see Evan Jones.

Who's he?

He was robbed and assaulted behind the pawn shop where we found those trophies.

By her.


Yeah, that's her.



Do you know who she is?

Never seen her before.

Never. No.

But it says here that she followed you into the backyard.

Yeah. And then she yelled at me to stop.

And when I turned around, she knocked me down. Then she stole my phone and wallet.

Right. How far away was she when she... when she yelled?

Right behind me. A yard or two, maybe.

So it happened quickly.

Yeah. I didn't have time to react.

Well, you did have enough time to make an absolutely positive identification of that drawing.


Oh, erm...

I'd... I'd seen her before. But... I don't know her name.

And I don't know who she is.


The net.

Come on.

So... that's her. But she's not online now because she's got a red marker by her name.

How does it work?

You log in... you click on someone online and you... you ask them... to do things.

Sexual things.


Mm. Yeah.

Thanks for your help.



Grace Gibson has been found dead.

There's evidence to indicate it's our m*rder*r. Rav, get someone out to the scene.

Steve, John, get on it straight away.

Make sure they send out everything they've got on her disappearance. We treat her as our 4th victim.



Tim said the victim was having an affair with your husband.


How long have you known?

I found out the day before yesterday.



He had a talk with Jason and...

Look, I didn't know anything about it until then.

Are you going to take me off it?

I should.

You are not allowed near the victim's home or place of work.

And you are not to question Jason.

All right?


Are you erm... Are you gonna get in shit for this?

Maybe. So make it worth taking some shit for.

Our planning chief Andrew Barnes has been in touch.

He wants to see detailed plans for Lambeth and visit the construction site.

I'm stalling, but we ought to have a strategy in place.

All right.

They've found a body on Hampstead Heath.


They haven't said. A woman -- that's all.

It's not Grace.

I'm just saying.

It's not Grace!

If you don't actually know, why bother saying anything?



I'm very sorry.

Congratulations. You're a free man. Here's your paperwork.

And a letter of recommendation.

Thank you.

So, what are you gonna do now?

Do you know? I'm not really sure.

I think I might see a bit more of Maddy.

Yeah, she seems nice.

Oh, she is.

She's fantastic. All right.


For everything, yeah?

Good luck.


Pop by sometime.

I will.



Where's Guy?

He's gone.

I'm free. Released this morning.

That's fantastic.

Come on. Let's go and grab a coffee.

Er, yeah. Only... I can't.

I've only got 10 minutes till my next lecture.

Another time, though.

We ought to decide... when a bit beforehand, just to make sure I can.

Yeah. No, of course. Of course.

Let's make it soon, yeah?


I'm really looking forward to it.

Me, too. All right. I'll see you soon.

Yeah. Yeah.


Tape, bag, cable ties.

Everything is identical to the other victims.

Only, he moves this one. Why?

He didn't want her found straight away.


He wasn't bothered about that before. Fincher lay there for weeks.

Could've been disturbed by something.

Could be. How are we doing on CCTV?

There's nothing by her house, according to the DI. The next closest is a side street.

Well, check it out. Cos I'm sure he had a car.

I can do that.

It's usually DCs doing that.

Yeah, but I don't mind. I've gotta learn.

Did erm... they find any kind of trophy?

We don't know yet.

The family are looking into it.

But there was something else. Alex.

Yeah. We found blood on the kitchen table.

So if we're lucky Grace put up a fight and it's his.

We need samples from the family and we need to find a boyfriend.

Because there are traces of a man in the bedroom and bathroom, although she's listed as the sole occupant.

She was having a... a relationship with my husband.

Are you serious?

I didn't know until... after Grace went missing.

Laura's been informed and she's OK with me continuing work on the investigation.

Did you know about this?


This is completely crazy.

I know, Alex. It's not up to me.

You got a problem with it, go talk to Laura.

You know she's DCI Porter to the rest of us?

The webcam girl from the pawn shop.

Anyway, I contacted admin at the sex site. A lot of umming and ahing, toing and froing.

But they give me an account number.

Just got off the phone with the bank --

Short version, Mark.

I found her.


Great. Marcella. Get Alex and get on it straight away. If we're right, she's seen the k*ller.


I dunno where she is. Why are you looking for her?

She didn't say where she was going?

She wasn't here when I got back.

Look, I'm not interested in her stealing.

I want to know who she stole from.

He could be dangerous. Do you get that?

Get her to call me.

We'll see ourselves out.
Cara, it's me. Where are you?

Yeah, the police are looking for you.

They wanna know who you nicked stuff from. They said -- - Where is she?

I said, where is she?!


Have you seen this girl? Have you seen this girl?


She met up with people on Sinnr.

What is that?

It's an app for people who want to cheat on their partners.

She'd sleep with them and then nick their stuff before they woke.

Counting on the fact that they wouldn't go to the police.

Because they'd be unfaithful.



So our man's on Sinnr.

That's how she got the trophies.

Can you think of anything else?

She did webcams.

One of her punters threatened her.

Did she know who?

No. She was completely freaked out.

He said he'd find her and he was gonna k*ll her.

I told her there was no way he could find her.

She felt safe when I said that.

Oh, look.

We're gonna find him.


You think he's m*rder*d three people?

You know he beat his wife to death. And now he's a free man.

Look. He fits the profile I'm building.

It's gonna mean more to my career than my dissertation if I'm right.

You are completely out of your mind!

So you don't like it.


I don't like you flirting with your clients.

There's no comparison, Maddy. Come on!

Listen to me. I won't have you seeing him. All right?

I can't deal with this right now.

I won't have you seeing him! All right?

You finishing soon so we can finally head home?

Yeah, just a minute. Just a minute.


That's too little.


It's not what we agreed.

You shouldn't even be in the country.

You should be glad I pay you at all, you f*cking parasite!

So I called Patrick and er... I can get my old job back.

That's in Norwich, though.

Yeah, I know.

We don't live in Norwich.

No. But we could.

They've got computers that need fixing there as well.

What do you want me to say?

How about...

"We are good here, too, Yann. This is just a bump in the road"?

Or..."I love you, Yann"?

Try that.


Things are slow at work.

All right?

And that's why you're consulting at Gibson's.

Fine. So Henry knows about our financial situation, but not me.

He's what bothers you with this?

Yeah. You're totally dependent on him.

No, I'm not!

OK. You keep telling yourself that.

(Oh, Jesus!)

Hey. Your boyfriend's here!

Oh, that's really mature, Yann!


They've found Grace.

I erm... heard about that webcam girl.


Yep. The erm...

The jewellery from the pawn shop.


There was definitely nothing of Grace Gibson's?


Webcam girl must've slept with him before he m*rder*d Gibson.

Yeah, I suppose.


Her name was Cara.

What is it?

The interview with Jason.

Oh, I'm supposed to keep my distance from him. Part of the investigation.

I know.

Why the question mark?

It's a different M-O.

What, copycat?


So how's the rest of it going?

We lost a witness today.

Yeah. Yeah, I heard.

Where was Cullen at the time?

No idea. I'm not allowed anywhere near him.

What, and you're doing what they tell you?

Laura'll chuck me off the case otherwise.

I've not managed to keep all my friends.

Are you staying?

For a bit, sure.



Call it in.

There you are. Good.

How are you?

We identified Grace last night.

I know. It must be very hard for you.

They had a police specialist there who took DNA samples... in order to rule us out.

He was asking how he could get hold of Henry.

And her boyfriend.

Sylvie... I can explain.

No, really. Don't even try.

We're done here.

I've got a case review in 15 minutes, so...

Right, then. Mark.

Cara's mobile's crushed.

Without her log-in details, we won't be able to get anything. We don't even know her e-mail.

How about her computer?

We're trying to restore her chat to find out who threatened her.


We've checked black Ford Fiestas. None have been registered as stolen so far.

And there's no CCTV at the end of that tunnel.

He moved Grace. Even if he changes it, he used some sort of vehicle.


See if we missed anything in the witness reports.

Alex, Marcella -- you do it.

We've also got the post mortem from Gibson.

Single blow to the head. Same C-O-D as the others.

But she had cocaine in her blood, scratch marks on her throat and bruising on one forearm as if someone had grabbed her.

And she might have put up a fight. We found blood.

She was also six to seven weeks pregnant.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.

No, it's fine.

I'm sorry.

I'm gonna decide the places.

Just cafes, things like that.

Among people.

Never get in the car with him, never go to his home.

Never be alone with him.

He is dangerous.

I know.

But I need to build a profile. And to do that, I need to meet him.

I'm just looking out for you.

Yeah, I'm gonna be careful.

I promise.

I love you.

Nothing about a black Ford Fiesta anywhere.

What do you have?


Two people saw a delivery van... or lorry with a logo on the side outside Benjamin Williams' flat.

Delivery van. That would explain how he knows the way around their homes.

Oh, I forgot. Peter Cullen doesn't drive a delivery van so it's probably not important!

I didn't say that.

Didn't have to.

You don't know him.

No, but I'm starting to know you.

What's that supposed to mean?

Just that.

Social worker said a minicab took a parking spot around the time Williams was k*lled.

Yep. Minicab was also spotted outside Liz Harper's.

Not parked, but it passed by twice, although... the witness wasn't sure it was the same car.

Great. So we've got... a delivery van and a minicab. I'll tell Rav.

You're not gonna help?

You know me!

You didn't know we issued those appeals to hospitals, did you?

You were stabbed with scissors while breaking and entering.

We've got blood from the crime scene.

You know, it's better for you to talk to us about it.

Otherwise, we'll be looking at including four murders as well.

Was Peter Cullen there?

Was he with you? Was he waiting outside?

He wasn't even there, was he?

He was leaving Cullen unsupervised and he was his only alibi.

Can I go somewhere near him now?

DS Backland. I'm here to see Peter Cullen.

Peter Cullen?


Released yesterday.

He's out on parole as of yesterday.

He's got a place in a halfway house and he's yet to be seen.

How the hell did we miss this?!

Come on!

Maddy? Cullen's out.

Did you know that?


Well, have you seen him?

Yeah. He turned up at my college yesterday.

If he contacts you again, you call me.

I know what I'm doing. I'm being careful.

He's dangerous.

I know he is.

If he shows up again, don't lie, don't reject him.

Nothing that he'll see as a betrayal. Just get away from him.

But I need him for my studies.

He is sick!

You do know that, don't you?

You call me.

Yeah, I'll call.


Adrian, are you home?

That's one less problem.

So... tell me about Maddy.

What does she like?




You made me jump, Bendek.

Sorry. Sorry.

I didn't mean to.

The rent.

Oh, thank you.

Where is Stuart?

He'll be home soon, I'm sure. I'm erm...

I'm gonna get something to eat.

Do you want company?

Sure. Why not?


Bounty, where are you?



It's been a long day.

I can do massage.

I'm very good.

My ex-girlfriend said, "Bendek, you are so good with massage."

No, it's OK. Thanks.

'I slept at her place the night before last.'

'Not last night.'


'I saw Marcella earlier on today. I got the impression that you were still married.'

'We are.'

'But we've separated.'

'Sorry to hear that.'

'How long ago were you separated?'

'A week or two.'

'Bit more.'

'How long have you been in a relationship with Grace Gibson?'

'You're not... taking any notes.'

'How long?'

'Three years.'

'Three years.'

'Three years.'

'Three years. Three years.'

'Just over.'


What are you doing here?

You don't live here any more.

I got the sack today.

Did you have to ruin everything?

Why couldn't you just go on sleeping with her? I didn't have to know.

Are you glad she's dead?


I have to see her.

I've got no right to ask.

And you've got every right to tell me to go to hell.

But I have to see her.

She was pregnant.

When she died.

She was seven weeks pregnant!


What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be at home?

Come and have a look at this.

I got hold of the CCTV from Hampstead Heath.

There's no camera where we found Gibson's body, or on the next street.

Closest one's in a car park. So...

I planned to start there and kind of work my way outwards.

Anyway, look who I found.

Jesus! It's Clive Bonn.

Good work, Mark.

There's something else.

Marcella. She's been looking at the CCTV from Grace Gibson's house.

I know. We told her to.

Yeah, yeah. But... before that.

Three days ago.

Before we found Gibson dead.