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02x04 - The Smoking g*n

Posted: 04/14/16 14:21
by bunniefuu
Well, seeing as we're both not working, why don't we get a drink?


Keisha, it's Richard. Is everything alright?

Now is a bad time.

It's always a bad time with you.

You don't just need Ash's consent. You need the sperm donor's consent.

The donor was anonymous. His name's Tim Dolan.

Well, we clearly won't be settling this today.

We still have Felix Murphy, yes?

Man: Correct.

He was knee-capped by the same g*n used in the Nobakht drive-by... and Ash's m*rder.

Mr Murphy, please describe to this commission who shot you that day.

I don't know who.

I want to organise another undercover operation but this time we'll use a woman.

I looked up who else in Sydney has a Ferrari 458.

Major Simon Hamilton.

And what about Uruzgan?

That was the ambush in Afghanistan in 2013.


Ten wounded and two fatalities.

Todd doesn't have any connection to Simon Hamilton at all.

It doesn't make sense.

Yes, it does.

That's Holsworthy.

Karen Parker?

Woman: If you know anything that could be relevant, please contact the police.

♪ Theme music ♪

(Electronics beep)

(Distant telephone rings)

(Electronics beep)

Lance Corporal Parker?

We're ready for you upstairs.

Come through.

Uh, it's a closed hearing today.

All this and we can't come in?

It's OK. Grab a coffee outside.


Man: Did you see Todd Wilson on Australia Day?

Yes. He picked me up from work and he bought me a coffee in Glenfield.

What time was that?

It was after the parades, so maybe 2:30, 3:00?

We only spoke for about 20 minutes.

And Todd gave you something, yeah?

He gave me a watch.

Anything else?

Just a watch.

Why don't you tell us what you were really meeting about?

Look, I never asked him to...

Please, continue.

He told me that he'd paid for the watch using Major Hamilton's credit card details.

So you gave Todd Major Hamilton's credit card so he could buy you a watch?

No, no. I just said he was a nightmare, and Todd said we should steal his credit card and go on a spree to get even.

I thought he was joking.

100%. And then he shows up with this $500 watch.

I mean, I dunno...

He fixed EFTPOS machines.

Were you aware that Todd and his wife, Elaheh, were saving to rebuild a nursery?


And you also knew that their insurance claim had been rejected after the fire?

The insurance company said it was arson. Todd was shattered.

You were working in concert with Todd to obtain Simon Hamilton's personal details...

No, no, that's not true.

..for mutual gain.

He helped you, you helped him.

That's not true!

Todd wanted to know if we were having a boy or a girl.

I wanted the surprise, and he agreed to wait and see.

When he died, I decided to find out...

So, why did you take part in the public appeal, when you knew very well where Todd was that afternoon?

I only saw him for 20 minutes, not three hours.

Your extended family were desperate for answers.

Yeah, so am I!

I don't know what Todd was up to!

I... I...

I was also scared, I thought Hamilton would find out and assume that I bought the watch, and then...

Look, I thought it was irrelevant.

That Todd must have been messed up in dr*gs, or...

You'd love us to believe that, wouldn't you?

I'm sorry?

You wanted revenge.

You knew Todd needed money, so after finding out your boss had a new Ferrari, you decided to help Todd steal it.

He was giving you your cut when he came to see you, only Major Hamilton found out and got his own revenge later that night and that's the reason you haven't come forward.

You feel responsible for Todd's death, don't you?

Major Hamilton doesn't drive a Ferrari.

Can you describe the document I've just given you?

Registration papers... for a Ferrari 458 in Simon Hamilton's name.

If he does have one, and I don't even see how he could afford it, I didn't help Todd steal it...

When are you gonna stop lying?

I'm not lying!

Ever since you've walked in here it's been lie after lie after lie!

The watch was... I'm not...

Corporal Parker, contempt of this commission carries serious consequences and may result in a custodial sentence.

You understand?


This hearing's adjourned.


This is how you get your kicks?!

She doesn't deserve this!

Don't you have a family?

Walk away.

Do you think they know about Karen's deal with Todd?

Suzy and Amile might, but Elaheh, she's... she's always seemed genuinely shocked by the m*rder of her husband, why someone would want to k*ll him.

Unless she's a great actress.

Like Karen.

I still don't see how Simon could even afford a Ferrari.

Well, a novated lease on a $400,000 car with a 40% residual would leave you with monthly repayments of, maybe, $5,000 or $6,000,so if he's paid off his house and he doesn't have any dependents, it might be possible.

Really? What do you think a Major gets paid?

OK, you might be right.

He must deal dr*gs on the side.

The default explanation for spare cash anywhere in the world.

Lina, can you have a search warrant issued for Karen Parker's home?

Sure. We need to check the export records for both Simon and Todd's names.



$100 says it was shipped to the Middle East. Or Eastern Europe.

I don't get why Karen even told us about the watch.

Why not say they just met up and talked footy?

Well, she wants us to think she's telling the truth.

You definitely think she's lying?

About stealing Hamilton's car with Todd? Yeah.

Although he hasn't even reported the car as stolen.

If he bought it with drug money and shot Todd in revenge, he probably wouldn't.

And he's thinking he got away with it.

We've called all sorts of people and haven't gone near him.

We should move while we've got the element of surprise.

Lina: What are we expecting to find?

The g*n that shot Todd and whatever illegal activity paid for the Ferrari.

(Scoffs) No, no, hang on.

Even a royal commission needs evidence of criminal activity.

We can't get a search warrant just hoping to find it.

Let's talk to him first.

Mr Hamilton.

Major Hamilton.

A summons to appear at the King Royal Commission.

What's this about?

No obligation to tell you, Mr Hamilton.

OK, let's begin on the 26th.

Were you across Lance Corporal Parker's movements on the 26th of January?

Lance Corporal Parker?


Karen Parker?


I saw her for morning PT and then later for the Australia Day parade.

Did you notice her leaving the base after that?

I didn't see her leave but I assume she went home after lunch.

I wouldn't be very popular if I didn't let my men knock off early on a public holiday.

And are you? Very popular?

Respected, yes.

No-one's liked by everyone.


What's your opinion of Karen Parker?

She's a good soldier.

Tough, intuitive in the field.

Don't have to ask anything of her.

Mentally, I suspect she's edged closer to burnout than most.

Do you have your credit card with you today?

The one ending in 7493.


Are you aware that Karen Parker and a relative of hers made a recent purchase using that card's details?

No. What did they buy?

We'll come back to that.

But how did they get my details?

When did you first tell Karen you were buying a Ferrari?

A what?

Your Ferrari 458. When did Karen first know you'd bought it?

I drive a Falcon.

So you're denying that you bought a Ferrari 458 on the 25th of January, even though we have RMS records that show that the purchase was made under your name and your address.


What time did you finish work on Australia Day?

Left around 3:30.

After that, where were you?

I don't recall.

Were you at home?

Did you go out for dinner?

I couldn't say.

I just don't remember.

You need to elaborate, Mr Hamilton.

I don't need to do anything.

We're talking about last month, not last year.

I'm aware of that.

There's no right to silence in this commission. That's clear.

We have powers to ensure your cooperation.

Was that a question?

Let's not waste any more time.

Please answer the question so we can move on from here.

I'm afraid I'm having trouble placing events in my long-term memory.

Two things - get that search warrant for his house, and can someone confirm that he did buy this Ferrari?

From Karen's flat.

The watch.

Unopened. Matches the amount on Simon's statement.

So she was telling the truth.

About that part.

It was lucky, really.

We might only see one or two second-hand 458s a year.

Mr Hamilton had been in a week earlier and said if I got one in, he'd buy it.

And I did, and he did.

Less than 10,000 on the clock - as good as new.

Was he in uniform?


Simon Hamilton - was he in his army uniform?


Well, he's a major in the army.

No, no, he's a foreign exchange trader.

We rang his company to verify his salary.

I think you're mixing him up with somebody else.

Have you got any security cameras?

We couldn't see a picture, could we?

Unfortunately the cameras are only on at night, when we need security.

Ah, I could call head office to get the paperwork.

So, if I said 6'4", big, strong, um... crew cut, 40-ish.

No, no - think 5'10", late 20s.

And he's about to be a dad.

He joked about how terrible the car would be for a baby capsule.

Wait, wait.

The finance company would never have approved the loan if it didn't check out.

Yes, that's him!

Mr Hamilton.

Todd bought the Ferrari?

He didn't just steal Simon's credit card.

He stole his whole identity.

Pretty much.

Address, driver's license, passport details...

The only thing he changed was his job.

An elegant plan, really.

He gets a novated lease, he pays nothing up front.

He passes the credit checks, drives away, sells it for $322,000, cash, ships it overseas.

So, when the lease defaulted, the finance company would have gone looking for Simon, and Todd was untraceable.

At least we know how he got the cash.

It still can't be a complete coincidence.

He steals Simon's identity, he meets Karen to give her a watch he's bought with Simon's credit card, and he's shot dead five hours later.

At a point in time when Simon refuses to tell us where he was.

So, what was he doing that he doesn't want us to find out?

Shall we?

Simon read the warrant and left - probably to see his lawyer.

Angry? Defensive?

Placid. Like he knew we'd be coming.

And what have we found?

Nothing - no weapons, money, or dr*gs.

But we have his computers.

And phones.

They live with his ex-wife.

(Equipment beeps)

Pretty heavy security.

Let's find the hard drive.

If it's still here.

Sorry, excuse me.

Tim, hi. I'm so sorry!

No, it's fine, here you go.

How are you going?

Good. I'm glad to see you've eaten.

Mmm, mmm.

I'm not usually this late.

No problem.

Kids with the babysitter?

Um, Mum has them during the week, just while I... while I do night hearings.

They good?

Yeah. Um, could I get a glass of sav blanc?

Just your house, thanks. Um...

Kids. They good?


I mean, they're each their own special thing, I have to say.


You should come over Saturday, they would love that.

I'd love to, I've got to fly back tomorrow though.

I've got a lecture I can't get out of.

Thank you.

I wonder what Ash would think about all this - the three people she was closest to, squabbling over an embryo.

So, you've joined as the second respondent and...

Sorry, could you take that? Thanks.

...but we can save you the hassle of coming to court.

I thought I was supposed to weigh in?

Not if you support my declaration and withdraw.

I've drafted up a set of proposed final orders, which I can hand up as our mutual position, so... there's no need for us to squabble.

(Laughs) It's, um, not as simple as hanging on to your petticoat.

Have you spoken to Deb?

Yeah, yeah, we had dinner last night.

She's quite a terrific lady!

It's not about who's the better parent, it's about honouring the agreement.

Isn't it about honouring Ash?

Andy: If Felix is ever going to tell Bianca who shot him, she'll have to play her cards very carefully.

But I'm sure the Feds have trained her well.

Janet: Well, I've certainly put my life in their hands, so I hope so.

They have got this place under 24/7, yeah?

That's what they tell me.

Good. So, in here you can relax.

It's not a holiday, Owen.


It's just this place.

It feels...

It reminds me of the safehouse that Ash and the kids were in.

It's just this isolation.


They'll make the best of it.

They're kids, eh?

They're adaptable.

It just kills me, not being with them.

I know, but agonising over it is not going to help you... or them.

I know.


We all good?


OK. We've analysed six months of Felix's movements using his phone's GPS.

All of that from one phone?

We want you guys to bump into each other as organically as possible.

With the view of meeting up again.

One step at a time.

Let's just focus on the where.

The Sushi Train. He goes there every Monday after his shift.

Yeah. I mean, that's one option, but if he goes there every week, he might wonder why he's never seen you before.

What if on the way to one of these places she bumps into him with her groceries?

It's too much traffic noise.

So we need to be somewhere indoors?

Preferably, yeah.

I mean, supermarkets have always worked well for us, but the bastard eats at work and never goes shopping.

I've been there.

Everyone's been there.

Oh, the garlic sauce.


I mean, is it less of a coincidence if it's well-known?

Slightly, but it means we have to be on standby for the day Felix happens to go.

We'd be paying investigators to watch him for weeks, potentially.

And then when he does go, we'd have 20 minutes to get Bianca there.

We can't wait that long. Sorry.

Let me know what you decide.

Emily: Look at mine!

Oh, show me. Show me your picture.

Oh, Em. That's gorgeous!

Oh, Liam. That's a good one.

I love your symmetry, Emma.

And look at your swirls.

We should have an exhibition.

Do you wanna do that?


(Knock at door)

No, look at mine, Mummy!

One sec.

Anyway, listen. You need to go to bed now 'cause it's very late.

I love you.

Love, love, love. (Blows kisses)

I love you.

Bye-bye. Bye.

Liam: I love you, Mummy!

(Video call ends)


I thought you might be hungry.

Sorry, I'm interrupting.

No. No, it's fine.

I was just Skyping with the kids.

They had to go to sleep.

I'm starving.

That would be... Thank you.

I just wanted to check you're settled in alright. Everything good?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good.

How are the plans going?

Yeah, Andy came up with a good idea, made a few phone calls, got it organised.

What time do I need to be here?

I'm leaving early, but it's not actually on till later in the afternoon.

Let me find out for you.


(Phone vibrates)

Andy's phone.

Um, sorry.


Lina answered. Shit.

Do you think she recognised your voice?

I don't think so.

No harm done. Don't worry about it.

I'll speak to Andy tomorrow.

OK. Enjoy your pizza. Night.

You don't want any more?



Thank you.

Who's Steph?


Steph Baker just called but when I answered, she hung up.

Oh, right.

She's just... she's in homicide.

She started there after I moved in with you guys.

Why is she calling at 9:00 at night?

I don't know.

I said if she had any questions to call any time.

What did she say?


Well, it couldn't have been that important then.

Well, if it's not important, can you ask her to call during business hours?

We could've been in the middle of anything.

That sounds promising.

This is an hour before Todd was shot.

And that's an hour and a half after.

Plenty of time to head to Bankstown and deal with Todd.

If Simon turned off the cameras, can we even prove he left the house?

What did the data technicians pull from his phone?

No activity after 2:00 - that was a call that pinged through Holsworthy.

There's no links on his call records to Todd, George Healy, or any of the other Nobakht numbers.

Though there is a call from an unidentified prepaid mobile.


Not used on the day Todd was k*lled.

What about his computer?

Techies say some files were deleted after we served him the summons.

Data recovery is in process.

Might be a bit flimsy, but a few privates were dismissed last year after being caught with cocaine.

Hamilton was their CO.

Let's bring them in.

That could be tricky.

They're in Tijuana.

Still can't ignore it.

I remember that. The media said it was this big distribution ring.

It was just two guys and personal use.

Was Major Hamilton close to them?

Possibly. He did defend them.

And they'd clearly broken the law.

His attitude was 'Let's not demonise returned soldiers who obviously needed help.'

And yet, at the inquest last month, Hamilton was rather less understanding with Corporal Allman's PTSD and su1c1de.

So, if he found out what Todd did, potentially saddling him with $500,000 in debt, would he be understanding or... not so understanding?

Well, I-I don't see him k*lling Todd.

But then, he's not good with anything where he comes out looking weak.

Karen, you've alluded to having... issues with Major Hamilton before.

Please, could you... expand on that?

It goes back to the ambush in Uruzgan.

(Sighs) Afterwards, we were in the mess, all trying to decompress - showers, food.

But Major Hamilton was edgy.

He kept scoping the exits.

People started to filter out and then it was just the two of us and there was this bang and he just hit the deck, like we were being att*cked again.

And I worked out it was just the fridge - the compressor had...

But he just... he flipped.

He was on the floor, screaming.

And I told him it was just the fridge, I said we were safe, but he... couldn't hear me.

So I just... I sat with him until he stopped.

And then what happened.

He got up and walked out.

Didn't look me in the eye for a week.

Now, I-I get his reaction.

One moment you're in control and then the next, you're outnumbered, in the open, facing relentless machine-g*n fire.

It's a horrific feeling.

And what's his attitude towards you now?

He hates that I saw him like that.

And he's been at me ever since.

In front of other soldiers, he'll accuse me of malingering, and then he'll punish everyone and then I get ostracised.

I think... I think it's all aimed at getting me to quit the Army and get out of his life so he doesn't have to be... you know, reminded every time he sees me.

Are we clutching at straws, trying to link Simon to dr*gs?

He's definitely hiding something.

I kept looking back through his security tapes.

The day Todd died wasn't the first time he'd turned the cameras off.

It's almost weekly, but never the same day or time of day.

Have you compared that with his phone records?

So far, it doesn't correspond to calls to or from any one person.

I'll keep looking.

So, he's hiding his movements.

And he has the means and motive for m*rder. The means?

We haven't found a g*n.

He's in the Army.

Todd was k*lled with one shot.

It's either sheer luck or a trained marksman.

Do we have anything to suggest that Simon knew what Todd had done?

That's what I thought.

Do you recognise him?

Keisha: Mm-mm.

Think back to Australia Day.

You were at work, you were in Todd's car.

He wasn't a customer at the club?

He could have been, but I didn't see him.

You didn't see him after you got into the car?


We just have to check.

You know, sometimes the photos trigger something.

My only trigger is bright lights and confined spaces.

No more raves, then.

She likes you.

You think?

Oh, God, Richard, of course she does.

What did Janet say about you and her?

Oh... there's no rule against it but, you know, be discreet.

It's not a good look.

Exactly my thoughts.

We're a Royal Commission.

There's no trial to compromise.

No, I think it should wait.

You're overthinking.

Rule of thumb - when in public, keep it G-rated.

Somewhere not too loud, or crowded.

Rena's, opposite the karaoke place.

Told Andy the same.

We should all go there one night.

Funny - I think that's where we went last time.

She didn't like it?

She liked the bar.

Just... the date wasn't a raging success.

Still, maybe it's time to get back on the horse.

Who's the lucky girl?

Just a friend.


Do we still have Todd's phone?

I gave you his contacts.

No, I need the actual phone.

Come and have a look at this.

When I first saw the list of people Todd called in the week before his death, initially I had thought that this one... was a mistake.

It's no name, just a little square symbol.

That's what your phone displays when it doesn't have emoji.

So I went through Todd's contacts, thinking maybe one was lost in translation, and... voila.

Todd saved his Ferrari dealer into his phone using an emoji of a car.

How'd you think of this?

Um, I was just texting someone myself and I thought, 'Will they see the emoji or just the square symbol?'

Bloody Gen Y.


Anyway, the number is registered to a Faraz Assan, convicted in 2012 of car rebirthing.

Who, two days ago, boarded a plane to Beirut.

Get this to State Crime Command.

If he's in Lebanon, there's only so much they can do.

At least we've made some progress for the victim, even if it's small.

Todd bought the car using another person's identity and, in all likelihood, on-sold it to a foreign buyer.

That's where the money came from.

And the finance company he fooled also insured your house, Elaheh.

In his mind, he was probably just righting a wrong.

Yes, he was. Todd hated injustice.

Unfortunately, his solution was a crime.

Are you saying that if he were alive, you'd be charging him now?

Us? No!

The police, yes.

Identity theft, fraud - they're criminal acts.

So is m*rder!

So, who k*lled my husband?

Was it the man whose identity he took or the guy who sold him the car?

Is that who put b*ll*ts through our windows and almost k*lled us?

I promised to give you answers as we found them.

So... you still don't know?

Don't do that.

Don't push your bowl away, Emma.

You said they loved cereal as a snack.

Emma does, but she likes it dry with a cup of milk on the side.

I've told you that, Mum. It's no...

Did you do drawings at preschool?

Oh, that's fantastic! I love that.

Do you like Liam's drawing?


That's not very nice.

I like yours.

See, he likes yours.

'Cause it's scribbly.

It's not scribbly!

No, it's not!

Yes, it is!

Liam, it's beautiful.

No, it's not!

Yes, it is!

Don't fight! Can you not fight?

Oh, there's milk on the keyboard.

Mum, just wipe it off!

I haven't seen them for...

Bye for now.

Can I... I just wanna see them one...

(Call disconnects) more time.

We might have time for lunch after.

Ah, just passed a place that does Bloody Marys. (Chuckles)

How'd it go with Tim?

Well, I thought, but he hasn't emailed consent.

Today is housekeeping. You won't need that until the trial, anyway.

Stop saying the T-word!

But of course there won't be a trial!

Over there.

The substantial question is to the measure of damages.

I order that the first and second defendants file any affidavits on which they seek to rely ahead of a final hearing in two weeks' time.

You're excused.

Tim's here.

Perhaps he brought the form with him.

Right. Larsson and King.

I see by your presence today that mediation wasn't successful.

Uh, Your Honour, I'm wondering if we could resolve this matter today.

This is a directions list, Ms King.

But if Your Honour would hear submissions today, I don't think they'd take very long.

Mr Cusack?

If Your Honour pleases.

Sorry, can I speak?

Who are you?

Timothy Dolan, the paternal donor.

Your Honour, if I can assist the court, Mr Dolan is the second-named respondent and I can speak on his behalf today.

As I understand it, Ms Larsson, the applicant, is seeking a declaration that the frozen embryo belongs to her.

Ms King, the first-named respondent, is seeking the same.

What is your position, Mr Dolan?

I don't consent to either of them having it.

Do you wish for it to remain in storage?

Or do you want it for yourself?

I'm seeking an order that it be destroyed.

Your Honour, Mr Dolan waived parental responsibility at the ti...

In regards to a child.

We're talking about an embryo.

It's my genetic material, so I should have the right to decide what happens to it.

Is a frozen embryo a potential child?

That is the issue at hand, Your Honour.

It's eight undifferentiated cells, Your Honour.

It can no more be defined as life than nail clippings.

But it's not your egg, Ms King.

No. My partner, Ash - Ms Larsson - provided the egg.

And she's deceased.

Yes, but if Your Honour would...

On reflection, I believe that you are all in the wrong jurisdiction, because there is someone deceased and there is potential property to be distributed.

This is a probate issue.

This is ridiculous.

You can't just palm us off!

Ms King!

Your language is intemperate.

It's a simple declaration.

I'm the next of kin...

I beg your pardon, Your Honour.

I seek leave to appear as a friend of the court for Ms King.

Mr Gillies?

That's correct, Your Honour.

Would anyone else like to join?

Shall we have a show of hands?

What Ms King is trying to say...

I am making orders to transfer this matter to the probate contentious matters list.

Next, we have the matter of Paul and Robb.

Uh, Janet...

What was that?

Tim: I can't choose between you and Deb.

You could've said, 'Store it until they work it out,' not 'Melt it, Your Honour.'

What happened?

Why would you do that?

My donation was based on certain circumstances.

We're in a different place now.

What place would that be?

If I give it to you, Deb hates me.

If I give it to her, you hate me.

It's not about you! Don't you understand what this means to us?

I'm thinking of the child!

I don't want it being forbidden to see Aunty Janet or Aunty Deb because of a decision I made.

Ash was my sister.

I'd never stop them seeing Janet.

I can't believe you're doing this.

It wasn't an easy decision.

It shouldn't be your decision!

You can't do this.

Yes, we disagree, but it's not your place to come in...

It actually is my place. It would be my child in this toxic situation.

Ash wouldn't have wanted...

Don't you dare speak for her!

Why couldn't you have just let me have it?

It's still a part of Ash.

I'm sorry.

You can't blame me for this.

For ages, I thought if they found who k*lled her, it would... unlock everything.

I could move on.

Make decisions about the embryo, start seeing other people.

It's not that at all.

I'm still with her.

I'm still... in the relationship.


Could have told you this.

What we know, what we do and what we feel... it has no unity.

Well, if everything we felt and did were logical, there'd be no need for places like this.

(Sighs) But that isn't life.

Ah, life's a shit fight.

And we can't do right by everyone.

So we stick to our principles, ride out the mess... embrace single malt scotch.

And keep moving.

Come on.




Maybe not now.

I think I found something important.

(Door slams)

What happened?

I don't know exactly. Just...

(Phone rings)

There you are.

Wondered where you got to.

What's happened?

Are you alone? Yes.

We've commenced the operation on Felix.

I've sent you the link if you want to follow the audio.

Bit of a problem, yeah?

Yeah, alternator apparently.

Oh, yeah? Bloody annoying, eh?

Still, shouldn't be a problem.

Just get it down to the shop.

They should be able to have it fixed pretty quick.

Don't have to be anywhere, do you?

Oh, not now.

But I'll need it tomorrow for work.

Oh, no worries.

They'll have it done in half an hour if you're lucky.

How far away's the shop?

Five minutes, just across the railway line.

Oh, OK. Cool.

Felix is en route, we're all set.

Oh, great.

Listen, I'll have to call you back.

As soon as I can. Thanks, bye.


I've got something.

One of the programs Simon deleted off his laptop was for 3D printing.

Is that it?

Well, what was he printing?

We're still recovering the files but we know they're attached to that program.

I saw this documentary on 3D organs.

They use living cells instead of ink and build up a cornea in layers.

Yeah, they've done 3D cars.

They're working on aircraft parts.

Owen Mitchell.

Why delete it though if it's just body bits or car parts?

Can we tell when he used the program?

If he was printing something when the security system was down, it might tell us something.


There's a container arriving at the docks tonight, imported by Simon Hamilton.



Why's something coming in? Todd got his money from exporting a car.

Well, obviously, Simon's onto a different form of income.

And I doubt it's got anything to do with cars.

The bill of loading says 'fridges'.

I'll believe that when I see it.

Is it Simon Hamilton or Todd using his identity?

If it is Simon, what's he importing?

Well, he's either opened a wholesale business in fridges or it's a prohibited substance.

What's this about fridges?

Simon Hamilton's importing a container load.

Where from, San Diego?


It's often cocaine from Mexico.

It comes over the land border with California, sails down the green line from San Diego to Brisbane, then here and then Melbourne.

In fridges?

All sorts of ways.

White goods, soup cans, clothing.

Usually without much relevance to the importer's core business.

Maybe Simon's still in touch with those privates in Tijuana?

We won't know what's in the container until we look.

The port authority will call tonight when it's off the ship.

We can open it, examine it, lock it back up.

They'll tell Simon it's landed when we want them to.

Do we have to stay back tonight?

Not you. You've done enough overtime.

Shouldn't be too long, mate.

You'll be right.


Hey there.


Yeah, I'm just, um...

Just getting my wheels fixed.

Think it's the alternator.

Shouldn't be too long.

You good to wait?

Yeah, definitely.

Have we...?

Have we met before?

Far out.

We have.

In the...



I'll just replace the alternator and whack in a new battery. Ten minutes?


Look, I'm...

Are you with Roadside Assist?

Ah, yeah. Yeah, I've got it here.

All good then. Nothing to pay.


Well, Steph...

So, how's your world been since we last met?

Getting any better?

Do you want the two-second answer or the two-hour answer?

Let's start with two seconds.


You have a map?

Geography's not my forte, alright?

You're lucky I found this bar.

It was your idea.

Well, I'd heard about it, I just haven't been here before.

Hey, I just wanted to say, the reason I was at that g*n commission thing... it's not because I've done something wrong.

Steph, you don't need to explain.

I don't need the full two-hour answer.

It's the same for me.

It's in the past.

It's not who I am.

Well, at least you left your past in the past.

My problem is... mine keeps finding me.

Well, it's up to you.

Happy to listen if you want to vent.

Or we can drink wine and discuss geography.

I'm happy either way.

Or I could watch you text someone else while I completely fail to hold your attention.

No, sorry. It's just work -

I forgot something.

Done now.

Phones away?


Phones away.

(Text alert pings)

Owen: Is that her?

'RK here too.'


Who the hell's RK?



Richard and Keisha?


What if he says hi to Bianca?

Let's have a drink. Tequila sh*ts?

Wow. Ah, beer's fine.

I was kidding. Two beers then.

OK. Well, no, let... let me get them.

No. I've got to make up for last time.


Hey. Ah, two pints of pale ale.


You sure you should text her?


She has to get out.

(Message alert pings)

Well, if you have to get it, that's...

No, it's probably just him and he's everything I want to keep away from.

(Phone rings)



Yes, it's just me and Owen.

Did Bianca just text you? My eyes in the room says she used her phone.

But I didn't receive anything.

Yeah. Richard and Keisha are there.

Oh, shit!

Wait - why is she texting you?

I'm only the field commander.

I told her to get out.


I thought you were only observing my operation.

Look, I have got time for 'who's the boss' games, alright?

She texted me.

This is really important.

I know that. But you can't make arbitrary decisions.

We don't know where Richard is in that bar.

Keisha: Girl in the blue, guy in the blazer.

What date - first or second?

What date?


Solid eye contact.


Ooh, their knees touched.



It's gotta be first.

Definitely first date.

Oh, OK. Ah...

Guy in the aqua shirt, Girl in the... Don't look now.


Girl in the floral dress.

Behind you.

Behind me?

Yeah. What do you think?

They look like cousins.


Oh, my God.

OK. What do we do now?

You call Richard right now and you tell him you want him back at the office immediately.


How long ago did you leave him?

Oh, like... six months ago.

He just won't accept it.

That's the problem.

Have you tried an AVO?

Yeah, right. Like they really work.

Um, OK...

Ooh - brunette with the hoop earrings, guy in green shirt who looks like he's punching above his weight.


Um, about your two o'clock.

(Phone chimes)

Damn it!


Ah, yes. Janet.

What, now?

No, no. No, it's fine.

I can come back.

Alright. I'll see you soon.

I am so sorry.

When Janet calls, you jump?

Well, she's the boss.

Still, at half past eight...

Well, I'll make it up to you, OK?

We'll have a night together, I promise.

Or dinner, at least.

I mean, when I say a night together I don't mean... overnight. Not necessarily.

I should stop talking, before it is impossible to get out of this conversation gracefully.

You sure you don't have a girlfriend stuck in some law firm in the city?


I, I like you.

Well, go then, not-boyfriend.

Nothing gets through.

I can scream, yell, beg - nothing.

But at least he's not here now...

That's one good thing.

It's just you and me here now, which... I hope that's OK to say.


(Phone rings)

Owen Mitchell.

Janet? Simon's container's here.

Yup, OK.

Yeah, got it.

Customs and Federal Police are going to meet us there.

Lina: Good luck!

Come on, Richard!

What happened to too much overtime?

Follow us.

Heather, could you help me out a second?

Sure, I was just doing bugger-all.

What are these files, recovered from Simon's computer?

Let the search engine do the work.


Upload it, search by image.

There you go, girl.

Where's Bianca?

Don't worry, she's safe.

Felix is none the wiser and they've texted up to meet again.

This is the one?


We often find the cocaine in the door panels, but sometimes, if they think they're hiding under our radar, they'll just have the packets sitting on the shelves, and it's just inside the fridge.

So, anything's possible.

Let's compare the image search on the screen to Simon's files.

Look at this -

'The Liberator'.


Oh, my God.


(Phone rings)



Um, that file that Simon deleted from his computer...


It's a g*n.

A file to 3D-print a g*n.


Let's see what we've got here.

Janet: We're on. Shut the container, we'll make the call.

No calls to anyone, no sense of excitement, fear - nothing.

Have they been tipped off?

Janet doesn't think we finished the job.

Is that the implication?


We do not respond to threats.

I merely explain what I need to happen!

If you hang me out to dry... I will destroy you.

They got me...

What, what happened?

...please! Please! (Sobs)

You talked, didn't you?

I've got to know!