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02x04 - Two Deaths of Jamie B.

Posted: 04/13/16 09:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Stitchers"...

Wait. That's weird. There's a boy here.

We use nanobot technology in the bodies.

It's the key into stitching into their memories.

Turner's memory is a mess.

It's making me really dizzy.

I have been just so flooded... with all of these feelings, but...

You just need time. It's... it's what you're trying to tell me.

Meet Theo, my brother.

When Theo shows up, trouble follows.

He just showed up at my door.

So nobody taught you never to feed a stray.

So he's gone.


He cleared out.

You told me that Ed was cremated.

That's what I was told too.

Let's say I was trying to find someone who did want to disappear.

Your father?

Everything is mass, so maybe there is an equation to solving the mystery of finding your father.

Camille: Is that him?


Ed wanted to be cremated.

I'm just glad I was finally able to do it for him.

God, I cannot believe Turner kept Ed's body on ice this whole time. That's just...

Disturbing? Or criminal?

All of the above.

But Turner's dead and nobody's mourning his sorry ash, so... maybe there's karmic justice in the world after all.

Where am I gonna put him?

Well, how 'bout over here?

I made a little, uh, spot for him. See?

Thank you.

Camille: So I have an idea.

How about you, me, Linus, and Cameron just go out tonight and, like, blow off some steam?

Cameron? I don't know.


Are things bad with Goodkin?

No, they're fine.

Just... what I really wanna do is find that son of a bitch father of mine and bring him to karmic justice.

(theme music playing)

♪ Take me inside ♪
♪ Take me inside ♪


♪ Come with me ♪

I need a place to crash.

Oh, what?

Camille's brother stole my stuff.

Wait. Rewind.

Theo took all of my smart appliances.

He took my smart dishwasher, he took my smart oven, he took my smart washer-dryer.

I guess it wasn't so smart to let Theo crash with you then, huh?

Have you called your landlord or...

I'm already on thin ice with her.

Apparently a tenant called and complained about me.

Complained about what?

That I was making too much noise.

It was probably Theo too.

Look, I just need to keep everything on the D.L. and I need to replace all of the appliances on my own.

I just don't have the money.

Well, why don't you just stay with your parents?

Are you kidding? If they ever found out about this, I would never hear the end of it.

I'm getting the feeling you don't want me as a roommate.

I don't.

Dude, I had a roommate freshman year who insisted on writing his term papers in the nude while sitting on my bed, and after that, I was like, "Never again."

First of all, I'm not a clothing optional kind of guy, and secondly, I'm not some stranger who's assigned to you to be your dorm-mate.

I'm your best friend.


(phones chiming)


It's Maggie. New sample.

So, what do you say? Help a brother out?

Fine, you can stay.

All right! I owe you one!

So, how long do you think it'll take to replace all your stuff?

Not long. Three, four months tops.

Hey, Fisher. How are you feeling?

Stronger everyday.

Good. I'm glad.

Uh, any, uh, official leads on my dad?

Stinger did a great job erasing himself.

(coffee pouring)

But maybe my dad's been tech-savvy for so long, he's forgotten there's a whole world of information that isn't digital.

Like, my garage is full of boxes, and before I knew the house was my family's, I kind of assumed that it was Ed's, but... maybe there's something in there from my dad.

Yeah. Well, if you need any help looking through it, let me know.



Hey, Cam.




Oh, sorry.


You take it.

Uh, no.

It's the... it's the last caramel one.

That's fine. I'll grab something else.

Yeah. 'Cause, you know, it's your favorite.

You were here first. Just take it.

It's not...

Cameron, just take it.

Excuse me.

I'll take the...

(machine whirs)


(coffee pours)



Theo stole your stuff?

Why didn't you tell me?

Be... because it's no big deal.

Linus, no big deal is losing a sock in the dryer, not having your smart dryer stolen by my dumb brother!

Why are you yelling at me? I am the victim here.


You're right. I'm sorry.

What about, um, your renters insurance?

Renter's insurance. Is... is that a thing?

Oh, Linus. Okay.

Um, I guess I'll try to cover the cost of whatever he took from you.

No. Absolutely not.

Maggie: Listen up, everyone.


Maggie: A John Doe was found dead in a dumpster in Carson.

Cause of death: repeated blunt force trauma to the head and body.

Ligature marks on his wrists and ankles suggest that he was restrained during the attack.

Did we get a hit on his fingerprints?

John Doe's fingerprints are missing.

Looks like they were burned off.

Based on scar tissue, it appears it happened at least a year ago.

So, his fingerprints were removed long before he was beaten to death.

Don't criminals sometimes burn their fingerprints off to conceal their identities?

Which is why we need to figure out who he was and why he was m*rder*d.

Com check one, two.

I hear you.

Hey, Stretch, go to a private channel for a moment.


Can you hear me?


We've got a job to do.

Yeah. Your point?

You know, you and me working together, it's not gonna be awkward, is it?

Oh. Wait, you mean like you just made it?


I never actually figured out what you do here.


Well... uh, initially I was recruited to spy on Kirsten, but that mission's been aborted obviously.

So, now I stand here and hold this tablet computer.

That's it?

No, no.

Sometimes I stand over there and occasionally save everyone's life.

I'm itching for another assignment of some kind.

Like in the field?

Yes. God.

Then you should take your self-defense training to the next level.

I'd hate to see something happen to you.

But I thought you were my coach.


You need something more... brutal.

More brutal than you?

I didn't know that was possible.

Oh. Why, thank you.



Any chance you might switch back to an open channel before John Doe becomes unstitchable?

Right. Sorry.

Okay, we are back on the air.

Mission clock set to five minute, please.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark.

In three, two, one, mark!


Your total is $36.05.

I am in a supermarket.

The Green Basket.

Looking up The Green Basket.

See? I am important.

John Doe is bagging groceries.

Bagging like he's in one of those self checkout lines or...

No, bagging like... he's a bag boy.

The Green Basket is an independent family-owned market in Culver City.

Mr. Hughes, I have another one.

Okay, Jamie.

Let me hear it.

John Doe's name is Jamie.

Jamie B.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Peanut butter.

Peanut butter who?

Clean up on aisle five!


That... Now, that's your best one yet.


Now go on ahead and help Mrs. Wilkins out to her car.

Okay. Don't forget your receipt, Mrs. Wilkins.

Jamie couldn't have been a spy or a criminal.

Why is that?

He just couldn't.

Wait, something's going on.

Uh, remember the boy in the red baseball hat?

The one I saw in Captain Mulaney's memory?

Yeah. What about him?

He's here in Jamie's memory too.

In the store.

He must be connected to both cases.

Fisher, let's get the security cam video from the store.

Let Linus take a look.

Maybe we can I.D. this kid.

Okay, Kirsten, I'm moving you to a memory hotspot.

Everything just went dark.

Nothing wrong on my end. Linus?


Man: Stop the act, Rain Man!

(punching, grunt)


Kirsten, what's wrong?

Jamie just got punched.

Guys, I think he's blindfolded and tied down to something.

Jamie: Please!


He's scared and confused.

Man: I'll stop when you give us what we want!



(groans) There's a man here.

Man: We know you have it!

Jamie: I don't understand what your words mean.



(fast blipping)

Heart rate and blood pressure rising.

She's in the death memory.

This is the end of the line.

Kirsten, you're getting closer to the memory of Jamie's death.

Make the bounce!

Jamie: No!



Kirsten: He just died.

(jazz music playing)




Jamie's under water! He's drowning!

Drowning? Linus, where is she?

She's in an earlier memory.

This is much earlier.

He can't have two death memories. It's impossible.

Kirsten, make the bounce!

I heart Linus.



Hey, hey, hey, hey. Deep breaths, deep breaths.

Kirsten, how did Jamie B. die?

Was he beaten to death or did he drown?


He... he died twice.

Guys, the medical examiner's report said there was no water in his lungs.

He died of blunt force trauma, not drowning.

Poor guy.

Who would want to hurt him?

Whoever it was wanted information from him, but he didn't know what they were talking about.

It must have been mistaken identity.

They got the wrong guy.

Yeah, but why two death memories?

That part is a puzzle.

We just spoke to Mr. Hughes, the store manager at The Green Basket.

Told him about Jamie B.

How'd he take it?

Not well.

He said that Jamie wandered into the store eight months ago with virtually no memory just repeating his name.

"Jamie B."

Was it amnesia?

Usually, in amnesia cases, there's at least a missing person's report, but I checked. Nobody was looking for Jamie B.

Mr. Hughes took to Jamie so much, he gave him a job, a place to live.

A room in the back of the store.

See what you can find there.

I'll head back to the crime scene.

See if we missed anything.

Hey, wait, hold on.

Um, listen, I feel awful that Theo ripped you off.

I should have insisted you not take him in.

I mean, I did...

Don't. It's okay.

It's just stuff.

He had nowhere to go, no home... no family.

At least, nothing he remembered.

And... and when did you last see him?

Two days ago.

That Jamie was a wanderer.

Did Jamie leave anything behind?

Some clothes, uh... a notebook.

He only had what I gave him, which wasn't very much.

Our boss said that, um, you had a video card for us.

Oh, yeah.

Thank you.

(sighs shakily)

You were there for him when no one else was.

You all right?

It's family drama.

Theo's a handful, isn't he?

I've vetted everyone involved with this program.

I have to be able to predict my team based on behavior patterns and family history.

Well, I bet you had a field day with my family history.

Well, your upbringing wasn't a picnic.

You rose above it.

Yeah, until Hurricane Theo blew into town.

You're strong, smart.

I think that you are a natural for this line of work.

Well, no one stands around and holds a tablet like I do.

That's not the work I'm talking about.

I know you're anxious to do something more challenging.

I just need to make sure you're ready for it.

How will you know?

Trust me, we'll both know.

You're not the same girl with the crappy past that left Bakersfield a few years ago.

So, do what you need to do to make things right.

(mellow music playing)

It is wall to wall "Jamie B.".

So, I may be a little new at this, but when did hugging become part of our investigative tools?

What do you mean?

You and the manager at the supermarket.


Well, I don't know. It just, um... came over me.

It seemed like the right thing to do.

Mr. Hughes was like a father to Jamie.

Ed Clark... he took care of me when my father left.

He didn't have to, but he did, and I guess, um...


I guess in my way, I was grateful.

But I never told him.

You know, and now he's dead, so...

I waited too long to tell him how I felt.

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

Dude, I feel like a new man!

That tea tree body wash is amazing!

All the tingling and sensation in the right places, you know?

Did I walk in on something?

Both: No.


Uh... but you know what?

I should go actually.

Uh... so... um... I'll see you guys in the morning.


Yeah. Okay.

Yeah. Okay.

See you tomorrow.



(door opens)

Yo, bro, I'm so sorry.

What are you talking about?

I just made that moment crazy awkward for you and Kirsten.

Dude, trust me, me and Kirsten don't need any help being awkward.

No, no, no, no, no.

What are you doing?

What is going on with you guys?

Nothing. Just when she stitched into my memories, she basically tripped over my feelings for her.

That's all.

She knows how you feel.


Oh, that sucks.


Because she has all the power now.

No, I know how she feels too though.

No, you just think you do.

Let me guess...

"I need time to understand my feelings."


Look, it's typical!

Dude, just cut her some slack, man.

I mean, until recently, she didn't have many feelings to understand.

Look, I love both of you guys.

I just don't see it happening.


You greased the wheels with wine, you shared a pizza, you were face to face and you...

And you ruined the moment.

If the moment was meant to happen, an Indian guy in his boxers wouldn't be able to ruin it.

Okay, I gotta get out of here.


Driving me nuts!

(door opens, closes)

That was our first fight.

My father left in a rush, so he probably didn't have time to cover his tracks.

I mean, his analog ones, that is.

Well, maybe something here will lead us to him.

Can I ask you a question?


When did you first know you loved your wife?

You mean the wife who left me?

The wife who was convinced that I was 51% cop and 49% husband?

You mean that wife?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...

No, it's... it's okay.

I don't know that she was wrong.

We did love each other once.

A lot.

It was a different life ago.

When I first met you, you used to wear your wedding band, but you haven't since the hospital.

It was time to move on.

So, based on my inability to stay married, maybe I shouldn't be the one that gives you relationship advice.

That being said, I do know how hard it is to find someone you really connect with.

It's more rare than you think.

Hold up.

Think I found something.

Oh, that's Ed's old tux.

Yeah, if Ed could fit into a 38 regular.

It's tailored by Nardini's Beverly Hills.

I mean, it's thin.

Paper thin.

It's more than you had 20 seconds ago.

♪ When the night is dark ♪
♪ And I see you there ♪
♪ I could be your light ♪
♪ From the midnight terror ♪
♪ When you're feeling lost ♪

Excuse me.


Oh. Um...



You need to... Got it.



Shut up. No way.

Tales to Astonish? That's a classic.

It's one of my faves.



Like, which one?

Okay, here we go. You wanna give me the quiz?

Make sure the girl who works at the comic book store knows what she's talking about?

No, no, no, no. Of course not, of course not.

Which major character is introduced in #35?

Hank Pym, Ant-Man!


Trick question.

Also Hank Pym, but this time as Giant-Man.

Well played, well played.

Mm, you sound surprised.

No, no.

You know, most comic book fans these days are all about zombies, you know?

Ah, give me a swashbuckling scientist any day.

Now a question for you.


What would you say if I told you that at some point tomorrow I will have a copy of The Incredible Hulk #102?

Shut up.

Wait, like, his first issue of his first series that was ignobly canceled in 1963?

So I take it you're interested?

Yeah! Hell yeah! Yeah!

Then, uh, type your number in my phone and I'll give you a call when it comes in.

Cameron: Induce stitch neurosync on my mark.

In three, two, one, mark!

We've been here before, Cameron.

I need to go further back in Jamie's memory.

Finding a hotspot. Stand by.

Hold up. Something is not right.

I am seeing two separate memories overlapping.

Jamie at The Green Basket... and Jamie in a lab?

What lab?

Can you stabilize the image?

I see the anomaly. Let me try something.

(keyboard clicking)


Here you go.

Kirsten, you still seeing doubles?

It's stable.

I'm in a research lab of some kind.

Half the time.

Jamie's talking to a woman.

What's a bag boy doing in a lab?

What's Jamie doing there?

They can navigate across the surface of the water, consuming the hydrocarbons of the oil in half the time.

Jamie was a scientist.

I thought Jamie was...

He was, but now he's talking about hydrocarbons.

How soon do you think you'll be able to replicate your nanobots?

Two weeks?

I still need to make some programming changes.

Jamie worked at MeriCorp Energy.

It's an oil company with a research facility in Pasadena.

Linus: Found another hotspot.

Hang on. You're going on the move.




Just give it to me.

(Jamie screams)

He's at the underwater death memory moment.

Kirsten, make the bounce!

Jamie was a scientist who was working on nanobot technology for MeriCorp Energy.

Something went wrong and he was trying to keep it secure.

What about the drowning?

Someone cornered him for the code.

That's when he fell off the cliff and into the water.

Only he survived, but he suffered brain damage.

Cut to yesterday when Jamie's body was found... this time, really dead.

Whatever Jamie was working on at MeriCorp Energy is what got him k*lled.

Let's talk nanobots.

Microscopic, programmable, self-replicating machines.

We know about nanobots. We have plenty of our own.

Hello. Talking.

So our nanobots, programmed by the quantum computer.

We circulate them through our subjects to bridge the gaps in their synapses.

That's what makes stitching work.

Now Kirsten, in the stitch, you said you heard Jamie talking about hydrocarbons, right?


Okay, so story time.

About, like, five years ago, I was dating this oil rig worker named Dirk.

Dirk? You dated a Dirk?

What's he got to do with anything?

Only everything. Let me elaborate.

My ex-boyfriend, Dirk...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I thought you just dated him. Now he's an ex-boyfriend?

Still talking.

So Dirk said there was a company working on technology to clean oil spills using hydrocarbon-eating nanobots.

You guys, I bet Jamie was developing that technology for MeriCorp Energy, only he accidentally his nanobots to consume carbon instead of hydrocarbon.

Carbon, as in living tissue, as in...


It's worse than that.

Guys, we all know that people are not the only carbon-based life forms on the planet.

Plants, animals, insects, everything up and down the food chain.

And if those nanobots are self-replicating, they won't stop making more of themselves until they run out of food.

So, we're talking about, like, a whole world of gray goo.

Where are you going?

To poke a bear.

You're welcome.

(phone chimes)

(phone beeps)

So you went out with someone named Dirk?

Oh, Dirk and I only dated for about a week.


I dated his sister a lot longer.


Wait, his sister? What?

Kirsten, we need to talk.

Yeah, agreed.

When we get upstairs, I'll handle the whole "Who the hell k*lled Jamie?" and you do... just do the nanobot of it all.

I mean we need to talk.

Last night when you were at my apartment, you were acting a little...

A little what?

(phone rings)

Just a second.




Um, yeah, no, no, it's okay.

I know, right?

Shut up.

The Incredible Hulk #102?

You're amazing! That...

No, you're... Yes.

And funny. Yeah.

Um... (whispers) Sorry. Just... one second.

Nina, you're... You're kinda breaking up.

Can... can you hear me?


Hi. I was wondering if you could help me.

I'd like to talk to a scientist named Jamie B.

He works in nanotechnology.

Excuse me.

I overheard you. I'm Jamison Barrett, but people call me...

Jamie B.

How do you know about our nanobot initiative?

We need to talk.

Let's go to my office.

Okay. Anytime after 8:30 works for me, if that's cool with you.


All right. Okay. Bye.

Where the...

I was lead bio-engineer on the hydrocarbon team and only had peripheral involvement with the nanobot group.

I'm not sure what I can help you with.

Who is that next to you in the picture?

That's Dr. Steven Benning.

He... he used to work here?

Until he disappeared.

It's been over a year.

What happened to him?

We don't know for sure.

His car was found on PCH, but he never turned up anywhere.

Never went to his house, never touched his bank accounts.

Steve had been stressed at work, so the police think he simply took off.

Ran away from his life.

I guess that's why it's still difficult for me to process.

Who are you?

Why are you talking to Dr. Barrett?

Actually, it's you that I really want to talk to.

I'm a big fan of nanobot technology and complex encryption coding.

Dr. Barrett, the strategic planning session is starting.

You should go.

Okay, who are you and what do you want?

I have the encryption code that you need to open the nanobot storage device Dr. Benning locked up.

I have no idea what you're talking about.



Call me if you happen to get an idea and you want to make a deal.

I can find my way out.

♪ Rrr, I rip it like chainsaw ♪
♪ Respect, that's what I came for ♪
♪ Just keep the jaws dropping ♪

Millie! What's up?

You're early.

Yeah, I was hungry.

Su casa es mi casa, right?

No, no. Mi casa es mi casa.

Touch that and I'll end you.

Give Linus his stuff back.

Ooh, not gonna happen.

So, why don't you tell your boy toy that having you fight his battle didn't work out so good.


And while you're at it, tell Linus he should thank me for teaching him to be less trusting.

You're out of toilet paper.


Get up, get Linus' stuff back to him. Now.

Who does she think she is?

Giving me orders.



Who do I think I am?


I think I'm NSA, bitch.

♪ You're not ready for the new beat ♪

FYI, Jamie B., our Jamie B., was actually Dr. Steven Benning.

He was the head of MeriCorp Energy's nanobot program, and Jamie B. is really Dr. Jamison Barrett.

The woman you spoke with today without me even though I was literally right there?


Wait, like, you mean when you were talking to Nina?

Nina works at a comic book store.

She was calling about an order.


Anyway, I think Dr. Benning took Jamie B.'s name because even though he forget everything else, he could never forget her.

(phone rings)

Linus. Hey.

I reviewed the security camera footage you got.

I went through it frame by frame at the exact time you said.

All I see is Jamie B.

Helping a lady with her groceries, but there's no boy in a red hat there.

But that's impossible. I know I saw him in two different stitches.

Check it again.

I've already done that.

Do it again. He's gotta be there.


(sighs) Okay.

He was there. I know he was.

(phone rings)


Naomi: Let's make the deal.

Kirsten told Naomi Burke that she has the encryption code and made a deal to give it to her.

It's a smart move. If we can get Burke to offer us money for it...

We can turn around and arrest her.

Burke and the security guard have already k*lled a man.


She's not gonna hand over money without proof the code works.

Yeah, but we can't prove it without cracking it.

Any idea what kind of encryption key Benning used?

Yeah, a 2048-bit SSL key.



You guys are geniuses. How hard can it be to crack a 2048 character code?

Well, using a conventional computer, only 400,000 times longer than the universe has existed.

But with the help of our quantum computer, we can do it in half the time.

Kay, not geniuses.

But Dr. Benning was.

We just need to think like him.

I heard music in Benning's memory when he was programming the code.

Well, music is mathematical. Do you remember the song?

Not well.

Just fire up the old temporal dysplasia.


Hello, I'm not a walking DVR player anymore, remember?

I can't just replay memories.

Do you at least remember what kind of music it was?

Jazz. I... It sounded like jazz.

Okay then. Idea.

What are you searching for?

Jazz songs with exactly 2,048 notes.

Maybe Benning used the song as the encryption key.

Oh, what? There are four possibilities.

Okay, let me hear 'em.

(jazz music plays)


(jazz music plays)


(jazz music plays)

That's it. That's the song.

Kiss me Now, recorded in 1949 by Cal Metzinger.

I'll upload Kiss Me Now to the quantum computer, I'll reprogram it to convert all 2,048 musical notes on the chromatic scale to the corresponding numbers, and...



We got ourselves an encryption key.

I just...

Okay, maybe geniuses.

Thank you so much.

Then we can download the code from the quantum computer onto a flash drive so I can sell it to Naomi.

Wait a sec. We are talking about a code that could unlock a hoard of flesh-eating nanobots.

Okay? What if something goes wrong?

Cameron's right. I'm not gonna send you out there cold.

You know, our quantum computer uses nanobots, right?

If Dr. Benning reprogrammed his nanobots, why can't we reprogram ours?

(gasps) To do what?

Oh, man. I really wish Kirsten wore a wire.

Naomi'd be expecting that though.

We got eyes on her. We should be good.

As soon as the exchange is made, we'll grab her.

All right.



Yo, Fish... so... hypothetically, if a... if a guy wanted to... you know, bust out of the friend zone before it's too late...

God, not more relationship advice.

But the girl's not even sure she likes me... and...

And you want to know if this connection is actual love or a really deep friendship?

Is that it?



I don't know, buddy.

It's different for everyone.

But what I can tell you from personal experience, some people make better friends than they do couples.

(inhales deeply)

Now put your game face on. Naomi's here.

(phone beeping)

I'm not wired.

You can never be too safe.

You have no idea the lengths people will go to steal corporate secrets.

Oh, I can imagine.

Which is why I'm curious.

How did you acquire the encryption key?

That's my business.

And are we making a deal or not?

I'm always happy to help another woman get her slice of the American pie.

You have my key?

You have my pie?

Actually, there's an alley out back.

It's a little less public.

I like public.

I'm going.

Dude, something's wrong. She's not making the exchange.

Come with me, and we make the deal.

Stay here, and enjoy your dinner.

Wait. Look.

Okay. Let's give her a minute.

We've gotta trust her.

Here's mine. Now show me yours.

Not so fast.

I need to make sure the code works.

The device is at the lab.

Let's take a ride.

Then you'll get your money.

(car door opens, closes)

(car engine starts)

Okay, dude, something's wrong.

How long does it take to pass off a briefcase?

I agree. Let's go.

Come on.


♪ Ooh ♪

There is a monkey-vomit green van parked downstairs.

If you look inside, you will find everything that Theo stole from you.

All of it.

What, did you steal his van when he wasn't looking?

Uh, psh.

I mean, I'm not typically one to brag, you know me, but I kicked Theo's ass!

Like... like kicked-kicked?

Like, imagine a purple softball in the region where his gaping forehead used to be.

You're amazing!


Thank you so, so much.

No, listen to me.

Thank you.

If you hadn't been so sweet, and overly trusting, I never would have been able to put Theo in my rear-view mirror.

♪ I want to sleep in my own bed ♪


I'm sorry. Um...

I just... I... I just got caught up in the moment and... and I thought maybe...

(car beeps)

I just had to lock the van.

♪ Ooh ♪


♪ Ooh ♪

(mumbling) It's coming off.

I hate polka dots.

I'm sorry.

Never wear that for me.

I'm good. It's gone.

♪ Ooh ♪

We've been at a standstill without the code.

Well, that shouldn't be a problem now.

What are you doing?

What is she doing here?

I... I don't know.

They came to my apartment and told me to come.

Well, I thought you'd like to see Dr. Benning's work in action.

I know you two were close.

Let her go.

Give me the key.

Barrett has nothing to do with it.

I wasn't aware we were still negotiating.

The key.


See? I told you I had it.

Now let us go.

Oh, you can't leave now. You're gonna miss the best part: the test.

Let's try releasing 100 nanobots.



Oh, impressive.

MeriCorp Energy invented an air freshener.

Keep watching.

Criss-cross applesauce.

Thank you for the demonstration.

Now let us...

Nothing personal, but our buyers don't want any complications.

Wh... what buyers?

Naomi, what's going on?

Dr. Benning mistakenly reprogrammed the nanobots to consume carbon-based material.

Naomi here decided to turn it into w*apon.

That's why she k*lled him.

You k*lled Steve?

Get in.

Did it ever occur to you that if these nanobots were released into the world that everything, including both of you, would turn into gray goo?

She's lying.

Oh, my God... you are so naive.

I knew you weren't gonna cooperate.


See, what you're feeling right now are my nanobots building stronger connections between the synapses in your brains.

Unfortunately for you, your synapses don't need stronger connections, so your brains are short-circuiting.

(both gasping, wailing)

But don't worry, the bots are programmed to stop after a few hours.

You have nanobots?


Doesn't everybody?

We infected the USB drive with our nanobots.

When they both handled it, the nanobots entered their bodies through their skin.

But they didn't affect you.

We reprogrammed our nanobots to avoid my DNA.

They're still unconscious, but I'm told they should be fine.

They don't deserve to be. They k*lled Steve.

Well, they can't hurt anyone else now.

(police radio chatter)

Good work. I'll catch you guys later.

What was Steve like?

I mean, after he forgot who he was.

He was a good person.

He was kind and loving and he never forgot you.

He kept a notebook and wrote your name in it over and over, and that's why we thought his name was Jamie B.

Did he remember anything else?

Um, a song.


(jazz music plays)

That song was playing... the first time we kissed.

Cameron: Are you all right?

♪ Can't find the words ♪

(sighs) Cameron...

♪ I'm falling apart ♪

I don't think it's fair for me to make you wait.

♪ Can't find a leg to stand on ♪

Are you saying there's no reason for me to wait?

No, I'm saying that...

I don't want things to be awkward between us and I want to protect our friendship.

Is that what I am?

♪ Now I'm broken ♪

Your friend?


You're my best friend.

♪ I didn't have to see you go ♪

I'll see you tomorrow.


♪ I didn't have to see you go ♪




Camille: Ooh! Shh! Shh!







May I present The Incredible Hulk #102.

Wow. This... this is... This is a big moment.


You are now the envy of fanboys and fangirls everywhere.



Oh, man. Thank you.

And thank you for bringing it over.

You're a very lucky guy.

A chance like this comes once in a lifetime.

What are you... what are you doing now?

You mean besides delivering the Holy Grail to a fellow comic book nerd?



You wanna get something to eat?

U... unless... unless it's too late.

It's not too late.

Not yet anyway.

So I heard back from the tailor's son.

His father died five years ago.

Fisher: Did he leave any records?

No. It's another dead end.

Mm. All right. Well, don't get discouraged, kiddo. You're smart. You'll find a different way to go.


Kirsten, you did good today. Today was a win.

Thanks, Fisher.