01x17 - Mans Telepathic Loyal Lookouts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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01x17 - Mans Telepathic Loyal Lookouts

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Blindspot"...

Stop looking into Carter's disappearance or people you love will start to die.

I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry, Sarah.

You've spent 25 years convinced Dad committed a m*rder that never even happened.

Matthew Weitz, Assistant U.S. Attorney.

What I am interested in is Tom Carter and what it all has to do with Mayfair.

You think I want you getting closer to him?

Do you have any idea how hard it is to meet with you and not tell you that I love you?

Today would have been my one-year anniversary with David.

The "Times" published his last crossword puzzle.

I feel like I keep getting these messages from him.

This was a mistake.

We love it here.

David, you're dead.

Did you bring my crossword puzzle?

Did you solve another tattoo?

"Got One, Patterson." Wait.

David: Pretty clever, huh?

Took me forever to work it in there.

You solved one of the tattoos!

That's... Which one?


Oh, right.

Of course, you don't know because I'm imagining you.

Something sweet?

Oh, I didn't order it.


Uh... sorry.

This sheep, do you have this on all of your desserts?

No, Miss. It's especially for you.

A gentleman with glasses dropped it off some time ago.


You organized a scavenger hunt.

The crossword clues and...

A piece from our favorite board game.

David, when you solved a tattoo, you should have called me immediately.

And we would have had a two-second phone call instead of an adventure.

You were supposed to be here for all of this.

It was gonna be...

Super romantic.

These tattoos are very serious.

You can't...

Hey, I'm aware, okay?

And the last one I decoded took down a Russian spy ring, so, you know, a little credit.

This could be just as massive.

Or bigger.

I wouldn't rule out bigger.

(both breathing heavily)

That was, uh...


I should go.

Yeah. Yeah, we probably should.

(laughing) Stop. That tickles.

Does that tickle?




(phone trilling)

Hold on.

Oh! No!

Oh, crap.

I have to go.



Is it your boyfriend?


Yeah, he's 5'6", 250 pounds, armed and dangerous, but what can I say?

He makes me laugh.

Should be a fun night. You can stick around.

No. My dad is watching Sawyer.

He might need some company.

Since when do you and your dad talk?

Things have changed since... you know.

We're having a family dinner tomorrow night, celebrating little Sawyer getting into the school play.

He's playing a gallbladder.

We're all very proud. (laughing)

You wanna come?

Ooh, inviting me to meet your dad.

That's a big, big step.

No, it's not. It's just dinner.

Oh, man.


If I didn't have to leave...

So don't.

Uh-uh. Come here.

No! Uhh! No!

(intercom buzzing)


I was asleep!

I'm so sorry. I met you a few times.

I dated David Wagner from 5C.

You mean the kid that just died?

Yes. Yeah, that's him.

Listen, he left something in his apartment and it's really important that I get it.

Absolutely not.

Show him your badge.

Well, what if I was FBI?

You got a warrant?

Not yet, but...

Get a warrant.

Badge was probably a mistake.



What are you...? I need you to leave.

Well, too bad. You don't get to control everything.

Please don't make this harder than it has to be.

Well, if it's so hard, then why are you doing it?

Look, I know this is about Kurt, okay?

This has nothing to do with him.

Then what is it?

Please, just... go.

I know that you love me.

No, I don't love you.

How can I make that any clearer?

(overlapping chatter)

(speaking Chinese)

Oh, good, you're a generous addict.

What are you doing here?


That is not the word I'd use.

Ah, I am a little short on cash.

Um, what does this get me?

(speaking Chinese)

Weitz: Oh, what? Oh, no.

I'm just looking out for my partner.

We're not partners.

No? The deal's off?

Oh, well, I guess I should just put the bracelets on you, call it a night.

I gave you everything I have on Carter.

I know. I know you did, but I'm not interested in Carter anymore.

The focus of the investigation has shifted... to Mayfair.

(jazz playing)

I'd like to close out now, please.

Alexandra: Let go of me.

Dennis: At least finish the bottle with me.

Dennis, come on.

It's a $2,000 bottle of wine.

Leave her alone.

Mind your own business.

Let her go and walk away.

Thank you.

You all right?


Hey, there's still like...

$1,250 of wine left in here.

Can I pour you a glass?


You're a horrible influence.

This was your idea.

I wouldn't be here if you had just told me which tattoo you'd solved.

That's no fun.

Neither is this!

But, I mean, this is a little fun.

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Here we go.





Oh, my God!


(groaning) Oh, my God!


Hey! What's wrong with you?


What are you doing?

Are you crazy?

Get off of there!

Sorry. I would have helped, but...

Whoa, are you gonna...?

Yes. Yes, you are.

Why didn't you tell me all your stuff had been moved?

I don't know anything you don't know.


Wait, wait. Not so fast.

David, look around. The clue is not here.

You don't know that.

(banging on door)

Open up!

We have to get out, David.

Wait, wait. Think sheep.

(banging on door)

super: Open up!

David, the Agricola box is gone.

All of your stuff has been moved.

Okay, but in that game, what do you do with the sheep?

You cook the sheep in... the fireplace!

(banging continues)

Open up!


"Carson Clock Company." What is this?

Let's maybe not figure that out right here.

Okay. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.

(jazz playing)

There's always that one straight guy at work that thinks "You just haven't met the right man."

I had one of those.

Oh, yeah? What did you do?

I married him.

(laughing) How long did that last?

Too long.

I wasn't...

It took me a while to get here.

Well, I'm glad you're here now.

I'm in the city a lot nowadays... and I think that's probably the last time I'm gonna let Dennis buy me a drink.

So I was thinking...

(ringtone chiming)

There you go.

Now you have mine, too.



Bethany... very nice to meet you.

Weitz: Mayfair's dirty.

No, she's not.

Oh, great, there's a PowerPoint.

Exhibit A... Carter visits Mayfair 24 hours before Guerrero is k*lled.

What if that meeting was about finalizing his hit?

And what if it wasn't?

She was in the prison when Guerrero got shanked!

A federal prosecutor should know the difference between correlation and causation.

After Guerrero is k*lled, Carter suddenly disappears, his car abandoned by a bridge.

Everybody hated Carter, not just Mayfair.

Huh, well, that doesn't explain Sofia Varma.

She and Mayfair were lovers until, you guessed it, she commits su1c1de, her car abandoned by a bridge.

Sound familiar?

Everybody Mayfair gets close to winds up dead.

And if you're as smart as you seem, I know you've had suspicions about her.

I have suspicions about you.

I know you're gunning for a congressional seat.

Come on, Harvard Law, federal clerkship, and a sudden passion for union meetings?

It's pretty obvious.

Just 'cause I'm ambitious doesn't mean there's not corruption in your Bureau.

And I am going to end it.

So you need to choose what side you wanna be on.

Patterson: Okay, so what does this key unlock?

Meet Stefan... the Great.

Ah, an automaton.

This must be the magic speakeasy he always wanted to take me to.

And he's over a hundred years old, so... unfortunately, he doesn't really work anymore.

But that is what your key is for.

Wow, what did he used to do?

Here, pick one.

All right.

Remember it?





(mechanical whirring)



Oh, uh, king of hearts?

Yes! How did you know?

Magic. Stefan is supposed to s*ab the chosen card.

But lately he's being leaving us to pick up the slack.

Well, I gotta get back to the bar.

"I love you to the moon and back."

David: It's definitely my chicken scratch.

"To the moon and back."

Wait, these holes don't look random.

You see what I see?

It's a constellation.

David, you left me another clue.

(scanner whirring)

Okay, I am 99% sure this is Andromeda, which is a large northern constell...

I know my constellations.

Okay, of course, of course.

Thank you, space camp.

Huh, there's an extra star here.

Why would you add an extra star?

Okay, okay.

So there are only a few female constellations.

What if the extra star is a marker?

Maybe if I line this up with Jane's body, it'll pinpoint the tattoo you solved.

The bull!


We solved the bull already.

Weeks ago.

(sighs) What am I doing?

Having a romantic adventure?

David... you're dead.

You solved this tattoo and... you thought if we...

You know what?

You were probably right.

You probably would have charmed me into getting back together with you.

But you're dead.

I don't get a second chance.

But what if you do?

Second chances.

Some of the tattoos have multiple meanings.

The bull was used in conjunction with another tattoo.

So... maybe it has its own meaning, too.

This could lead to a second totally different case.

We're not done yet.

Ha ha.

Mmm. This is amazing.

It's yakisoba... your favorite.

Something wrong?

It's just that, um... you know more about me than I do.

What was I like before all of this?

You were compassionate.

Loyal, patient.

So damn stubborn.

I'm not that stubborn.

Yeah, said every stubborn person ever.

What else?


(music playing on phone)

What is this?

Come here.

woman: ♪ Imagine me ♪
♪ Still loving you ♪
♪ After all ♪
♪ You've put me through♪

(phone ringing)

Who the hell is this?

distorted voice: You haven't followed our instructions.

If you do anything to her, I'll do everything in my power...

You don't get to make the threats.

I told you to stop looking into Tom Carter's disappearance.

I did everything you asked.

Your boss requisitioned the footage.

I had no idea she...

How'd you even know that?

Destroy the file before she sees it.




I mean, it makes sense that it would have something to do with Taurus.

That's why you used the whole constellation theme when you pre-programmed the automaton.

That does sound like me.

Yeah, but I mean, the Taurus is so general, I could never just...

Here, look.

The bull is solid except for right there.

Oh, yeah, his right eye is blank.

Maybe if we just...

That star lands perfectly in the circle.

And the name of that star is...


Oh, we solved it!

Oh, this is great!

What is Aldebaran?

This is the only place within 300 miles with Aldebaran in the name.

I can't imagine why. I mean, it just rolls off the tongue.

The tattoo must point to something in here.
(knocking on window)

Can I help you?

Hi. What time do you open?

Not for a couple hours.


But you're welcome to browse while I set up.

That would be great. Thank you so much.

(sighs) This could take days.


Can you give me a hint or something?

Look for something with a bull?

Oh... (chuckles) Thank you, Professor Helpful.


man: Excuse me.

I'm just sitting down for tea.

Do you want some?

Oh, uh, yes.

Thank you.

I could, uh, really use some caffeine.

Mark Waterman.


distorted voice: You don't get to make the threats.

So... yes, I know... it seems crazy, but I think this whole treasure hunt he made for me ends here.

Um, I think it's something about Taurus or constellations or something I'm supposed to find.

So someone coded messages all over this city sending you to my shop?

Yeah. (chuckling)

Ah... see, it's crazy.


I mean...

I do have a rather large astrological collection.

Some very rare pieces.

You do?


Just here in the back.

Let me get them for you.

(glass shattering in distance)





(metal scraping)

I know why they sent you.

No, no. No one's sent me.

I... I'm... I'm not here in any official way.

I know they've been watching me.



The FBI is not watching you.

I... I just... I stumbled in here because of some stupid crossword puzzle.

They've resumed their messages.

No. No.


Who's they?

Maybe I can help you.


Don't you call me that.

They need a sacrifice under Taurus.

They thirst.


(groaning) Oh, oh.

Patience. Wait for the moon.

Where's Patterson?

She missed her 7:15 with the new recruits.

That's not like her.

I know.

I tried her, but she's not picking up.

Straight to voice mail.

Tasha, turn it on remotely.

Maybe she's just finally taking time to mourn David.

Patterson's been at the Bureau nine years.

She's been absent never.

The phone's dead.

But you're right, she's not taking time off.

She accessed the building late last night.

Signed in at 2:04 a.m., signed out three hours later.

Why would she come into the office in the middle of the night?

She accessed the tattoo database.

She went after a tattoo.

By herself?

She wouldn't do that.

She's done it before.

Reade, put out a BOLO.

Tasha, I want to know everything that she looked at in that database.

We find the tattoo, we find Patterson.

I've got her downstairs.

Healthy blonde, lovely veins.

Yes, FBI.

Yes, I'm sure!

No, listen to me, they left a message in "The New York Times"!

They need it.

They need her.

Why would you send me to this place?

I didn't know it was gonna lead to Buffalo Bill up there.

I figured you'd hand it over to your team once we solved the tattoo, like you always do.

I'm so stupid.

Hey, opposite, opposite.

Now focus.

We gotta get you out of here.

(sighs) Okay.

You're right. (exhales sharply)


Here, pass me that chair.

How do you imagine I do that?


This the last tattoo Patterson accessed.

Didn't we already solve the bull?

We did, but Patterson revisited it last night for three hours.

There's another case here.

Mayfair: Where's it lead?

(sighs) That we don't know.

Patterson conducted all of her research under her secure login.

Well, can't we hack in?

We could if Patterson were here.

Her car just arrived at an impound in midtown.

Where'd they tow it from?

Tribeca, corner of Murray and Church.

Let's move.

(Patterson grunting)

I know it hurts, but you can't stop.



It's gotta be around here somewhere.

It could be any one of these buildings.

Aldebaran is the brightest star in Taurus, as in the Taurus bull.


I like stars, and I was very unpopular in high school.


Patterson's coat.

Reade: What you thinking?

Weller: We're going in. Quietly.

Tasha, unlock that.


(footsteps above)

(floor creaking)

(Weller) Nothing down here.


Where am I?

(bird cawing)

According to the deed, Aldebaran Antiques is owned by a Mark Waterman.

What else do we know?

Aside from buying this place five years ago, the guy's a ghost.

No birth certificate, no driver's license, no tax returns.

IAFIS got a hit off the prints from the cash register.

Former high school history teacher Owen Lyman.

When did he stop teaching?

Six years ago. No record of him since.

So Mark Waterman's a cover for Owen Lyman.

Makes sense. Owen was a prime suspect in the m*rder investigation of one of his former students.

She was found in a remote field with a constellation carved into her chest.

He taught at a public school, but he was represented by one of the best law firms in the state.

Someone else footed the bill.

Owen's brother is Rhode Island State Senator Patrick Lyman.

Patrick: Do you know what I've done to keep this quiet?

The people that help us, Owen, they don't do it for free.

This is the last time.

Thank you.


Unh, come on.

Patrick: She's loose!

I thought you tied her up!

Patrick Lyman has a real rags-to-riches story.

He's a Southie kid, attends Brown on an ROTC scholarship, serves in the Gulf, then goes on to become this golden boy of the Democratic Party.

They're priming him for a federal election.

Patrick treated his brother to a one-year stint at McLean Psychiatric Hospital.

So he tried to get Owen help?

By having him chemically castrated.

Trying to stop him from k*lling anyone else.



(Mark wailing)

We're on our way to Owen's apartment.

It looks like the Lyman brothers have three other properties.

Got locations?

Patrick owns places in Boston and Providence, and they own 30 acres on Long Island.

They share a cabin out there.

Owen's student was found outside in a field.

These guys never change their M.O.'s.

Send us the cabin address.

Mayfair: Just did.

(siren whooping)

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Don't do that.

I thought you left.

I'm not letting you give up.

Baby, get up. Stand up.

Shh! Shh!

Patrick, distant: I found more prints!

Those men are coming for me.

If they find me...

That's why you need to stay here.

Stay low and stay hidden.

David, I'm so cold.

I know.

Weller: Team... you see those footprints? Bare feet!

She might have escaped.

Looks like they went after her.

All right, Tasha, Reade, clear the cabin.

Jane and I will search the woods.


Her prints stop here.

She's used that stream to cover her tracks.

We gotta split up.

I'll take the left.

Weller, distant: Patterson!

(bird cawing)



That's real.

He is real.

Just like you're real, right?

Get up.

You have to get up.

You need to find your team.

Come on.


(softly) Okay.

Weller, distant: Patterson!


I'm here!

(softly) I'm here.

Patterson, distant: Weller?

Weller, distant: Patterson!

That's the feds.

We gotta get out of here.

(quietly) She's so close!


Drop that w*apon.

Put that w*apon down.


Take it easy. I'm just here to stop...

Get on your knees.

Let's talk about this.

Get on your knees!

Come on, we can work this out.

I can get you anything you want.

Shut up!

You tell me where she is.

Jane, distant: Patterson!




(g*nsh*t, grunting)

Weller, distant: Where is she?!

(loud grunt)

(Patterson grunts, g*nsh*t)



We need to get you warm, okay?

Everything's gonna be all right. Okay.

You're safe, okay?

Do you hear me? Do you hear me?


Owen Lyman, who was living in New York under the alias Mark Waterman, not only m*rder*d his former student, but a dozen other women.

Owen's Brooklyn residence had a stash of mementos that catalogued his kills.

So the people who tattooed Jane knew he was looking to k*ll under Taurus?

How could they have known that?

They knew about Patrick's cover-up.

Mayfair: Correct.

Senator Lyman took great strides to keep his brother's crimes a secret.

He cut a deal with DC Littlefield, the powerful pharmaceutical lobby, after they found out about the murders.

He was their puppet in Providence.

They bought him off.

They covered up his brother's killings, he voted any way they wanted.

And some pretty terrible legislation that benefited Big Pharma got through again and again.

Senator Lyman has been charged with 13 counts of accessory to m*rder and accessory after the fact for systematically covering up his brother's crimes.

He'll also face a slew of corruption charges, as will DC Littlefield.

So this wasn't just about the two brothers.

It's much deeper than that.

No wonder it was on Jane's body.

Good work today.

If you're having another moment of clarity, tell someone else.

I lied.

Someone's been threatening me.

They don't want me to look into Carter's disappearance.

What? Who?

I don't know.

They wear a mask. They use a voice modulator.

They told me they'd k*ll Sarah if I didn't delete the D.O.T. files.

I don't understand it.

The footage is a dead end.

It's impossible to I.D. this guy.

Then why the threats?

That's not your concern anymore.

They've got to have a guy on the inside at the D.O.T.

No more theories. You're off this.

I'm putting a detail on you and Sarah.

You'll tip them off.

They're very discreet.

And I'm not asking.

I've never questioned your judgment.

Don't make me start.

Thank you.

What's up with you and Mayfair?

What, are you spying on me now?

Hey! I'm just asking.

And I'm telling you not to.

So, clearly it's something.

Look, I'm here if you need to talk.

Let it go.

Hello there.

Oh, if I'd known you were coming, I would have bought more cupcakes. Ah.

I guess we can split half a vanilla...

Thought about what you said... about Mayfair.

If Mayfair's going down, she goes down alone.

I don't want my friends being dragged down with her.

You got it, partner.

I'm not your partner.

Sarah... you don't have to move out.

Tonight's about Sawyer, okay? That's it.

Guys, come on, dig in. It's gonna get cold.

It looks delicious.


I'd like to say, to Sawyer... our little gallbladder, if anybody in this family's gonna win "The Voice," it's you.

And I'd also like to say... to Dad.

I know there's been some distance between us.

I'm glad that distance is going away.

I'm really happy we're all a family again.

Come here, son.

I love you, Kurt.

I had this memory of us at my memorial service.

I can't make sense of it.

Why were we surveilling Weller?

You wanted to make sure he was still... connected to you.

So we were assessing his vulnerability?

Your coming back has helped him.

We need you to tell Weller you're having memories.

Remembering him. Remembering Clearfield.

But I'm... I'm not.

That's what these are for.

They're from when you were little.

These aren't memories. They're pictures.

Pictures that will help you compose memories that will be familiar to him.

He's mourned you his whole life.

A memory will provide him comfort, keep you close.

Are we just gonna pretend like nothing happened last night?

Well, I think that was, uh, that was probably a mistake.




(bag zipping)

Thank you... for saying that to Dad.

I meant it.

Look, I shouldn't have blamed you for what happened with Edgar.

I just, um...

I don't know what happened.



Sawyer: Mom! Mom!

Oh, my God.

Dad. Dad!

Call an ambulance.


Thank you.

For what?


Today and... scavenger hunt.

Have you forgotten that I almost got you k*lled?


I'm so sorry.

I... I don't know how I'm ever gonna forgive myself...

You can't blame yourself.

But I do. I... if I hadn't have...

It's not your fault.

You loved me.

I know that.

And I loved you.

You know that.

That won't go away.

I know you think you're never gonna find someone like me again, and... well, you're right.

It'll be impossible to find someone with my specific intellectual and sexual gifts.


I know it seems impossible, but one day you're gonna be ready for someone else.

And he's gonna be incredible.

Know who I've always liked?

That Borden guy.

You've never even met him.

Oh, you're right.

It's almost like I'm the manifestation of your subconscious.

I'm gonna go.

I don't want you to.

I know... but I'm already gone.

Good-bye, David.
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