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01x02 - Episode Two

Posted: 04/11/16 17:34
by bunniefuu
It's about the Grove Park murders.


Two women, one man, k*lled in their homes.

We never got him.

It looks like he's back.

Peter Cullen, have you talked to him -- our prime suspect.

Peter, long time, no see.

We've got a third victim. Benjamin Williams.

What am I supposed to think about? You didn't say anything.

I don't know anything.

I don't love you any more.

300 quid.


My name's Marcella Backland. You know my husband.

Last night?


The last time was four years ago, is that right?

When my daughter, Emma, she went missing at the shopping centre.

Three incidents of fugue prior to that.

The first, of course, was with little Juliet.


Last time, you were quite violent.

Do you have a feeling that that might have happened again?

Erm... I don't know. Maybe.

I can arrange a CAT scan, but we found nothing wrong the last time.

We think these episodes are triggered by extreme stress.

My husband left me.


That's been affecting me.



How long would you say you were in this state on this occasion?

Erm, the first time was an hour and the second time, it was a bit longer. I was driving.

It's happened twice?

Yeah. The first one was closer to the break-up.


Am I going to remember what I've done?


Perhaps some fragments.

You didn't get memories back from the previous incidents, did you?


Obviously, if you were to talk to someone, who --

No. No, no. No-one can know.

No-one must know.

DTG Construction?

Hi. I'd like to speak to Grace Gibson, please.

One moment, please.

Grace Gibson's office. How may I help you?

Hi. Can I speak to Grace Gibson?

I'm sorry. She's in a meeting.

Who can I say called?

Erm, it's OK.

I'll call back. Thanks.

Hi. This is Grace Gibson. I'm unavailable right now.

Please leave a message and I'll get back to you.

Grace, you're late.

I hope you're on your way.

Still no answer.

Postpone the meeting. It's pointless without Grace.



Go over to our house.

Why? She's just late.


I'm gonna grab some air and I'll try her again.

Do you want to come along?

To Grace's?


Why would I do that?

I'm assuming you've got the keys, if nothing else.

Yeah, I know.

It's OK.



Grace, are you here?

Is she here?



Hey, I'm just heading home.

No, I'm just about to check out, actually.

Er, one or two hours?

All right. Love you.


Marcella Backland. Sorry I'm late.

You're meeting up with Peter Cullen, aren't you?

Why are you interested in Peter?

His name's come up as part of an investigation.

What investigation?

I can help you.

He trusts me.

I hope you don't trust him.

Why are you meeting Peter?

I'm studying a masters degree in Investigative Forensic Psychology.

I'm writing an essay on domestic v*olence that results in death.

So you know he's a very dangerous man.

Has he talked about the period of time before he k*lled his wife?

We've talked a bit about his early years, yes.

Early crimes?

No. Has he committed any?

Where'd you meet?

Sometimes in the open prison he's in, sometimes in town.


Him or me?


No, he's always got some bloke with him.

The guy who runs the bakery.

So, as far as you're aware, he's never left unattended?

Yeah. That's right.

All right, Steve.


Hey, Ashley, the Chief Super's looking for you.

Mrs Gibson?


DI Tim Williamson. You wanted to see me.

The man in reception said it had to be 24 hours before you could do anything.

Yeah, that is normal procedure, unless there's evidence a crime's been committed.

Well, she didn't take her wallet, keys or phone.

No clothes are missing. Her car's still in the drive.

What more do you need?

When did you last see her?


How did she seem?

Usual self.

She wasn't depressed? Upset about something?


Was she on any medication? Taking dr*gs?


Has she gone missing before?

No, never.

Can you think of any reason why she might do so now, voluntarily?

I want you to start looking into this immediately.

That's not how this works.

You know who we are?

It doesn't matter.

I think you'll find it does.

Well, I'll need to take this up with my boss.

Then, let's do that. I'll come with you.


Are those from another date?

Yeah. I worked really hard for them.

I bet you did.

If you're married and you cheat, you deserve it, OK?


Right. Forensic report from Benjamin Williams' flat.

Same plastic bag, tape, cable ties, the lot.

No DNA or fingerprints yet.

Have we got yours?


Have we got your DNA on file?

Well, you attend crime scenes, Marcella. Get it done.

There was nothing on the CCTV from the shop downstairs.

Camera didn't pick up anyone going in or out of those flats.

There's nothing about anyone breaking in there.

Do they just let him in?

No, they don't have to let him. They just open a door.

He shoves them inside and then closes the door behind him.

No, the victims were found a long way from the front door.

No signs of struggle.

He's already there when they get home.

You're late.

A client called, so I popped in on the way.

All right.

Come here.



They're all there.

I wasn't counting.

Oh, yeah?

Did you get my message?


My text about Grace Gibson?

No. What?

She's gone missing.

I thought I'd give Henry a ring, see if he wants to meet up.


You just got home.

I'm going to go lay down for a bit.

I didn't really sleep last night.


Noisy hotel.


Just give me a nudge when the food's ready.





No! Oh!


Oh! I did hear something about you being back.

It's good to see you.

And you. How are you? And the kids?

I'm good.

Emma's 13, Edward's 11, both at boarding school, so I don't get to see them as much as I'd like.

That must be tough.

Yeah, it was Jason's idea.

And Jason -- is he still at Gibsons'?

Yeah, why?

I'm heading over there now.

Grace Gibson's gone missing.

She's only been gone one night, but we're looking into it.

Do they know what happened?

Well, nothing, most likely.

I'm going to spend hours arriving at that conclusion.

Listen, we should get lunch or something. Catch up soon.

Yeah. That'd be great.

Great seeing you.

You too.

Henry Gibson?

DI Tim Williamson.

Have you found her?

No, we haven't, but about your sister's disappearance --

Half-sister. Same father.

I see. Your mother -- well, your stepmother -- said you were at Grace's house this morning.

Yeah. That's right.

Was there anything you saw there that gave you cause for concern?

Like what?

Object missing, something maybe had been moved, signs of someone having been there?

No, no, but I'm not to her place very often, so you should probably talk to Jason.

Backland. Our head of Legal. He was with me.

They're erm...

They're in a relationship.


Yeah, but no-one here knows and Sylvie wouldn't approve, so maybe keep that to yourself.

But Grace told you?

Mm. Yeah.

We tell each other most things.

Well, then, I've come to the right person.

Has there been any news?


Can I get you anything? Cup of tea?

No, thank you.

I ought to go back to work.

They can manage a day without you.

Do you think it has anything to do with the company?

Well, maybe she's been kidnapped. You do hear about that happening.

We're not in South America.

All the same, we have assets.

I don't want to speculate. And neither should you.

Mark, have you got a second?


CCTV wasn't really that big when I was here before.

What do you need?


Access to the films.

Any specific area?

No, not really. I just wanna learn.

OK, all right, well, if we start at the beginning.

Rule number one, you never work with the originals, you always...

Right. There's been an as*ault.

Masked man inside a flat when the owner came home.

No signs of forced entry.

What happened?

The perpetrator ran off when he was stabbed in the shoulder with a pair of scissors.

Take Alex with you and find out what you can.

What did she want?

Just to know how CCTV works.

Any particular aspect?

No, just in general.


Will you just give me a minute?

When you find out, let me know.


Got it. We'll send a uniform for him shortly.

OK. Thanks.

Two. Three. 350, all right?

That's fine.

Oi, Lea! How about a lot of drinks?

On me.


Is he here?

Yeah, he's downstairs.

OK. Thanks.

Sorry I'm late.

It doesn't matter. You're here now.

That's the main thing.

Well, you said it would be worth it.

The police had a talk with me today.



Someone called Marcella Backland.

What did she want?

She wanted to know about our meetings.

Why does she want to know about our meetings?

She's persecuting me.

Harassing me.

Because of what you did to your wife?

Is it something else?

The police are here.

They want to talk to you.


Yeah, uniformed officers.

One minute.

I don't think they're gonna wait.

Just one minute. OK?


You know, I can tell you a lot more the next time we meet.

When will that be?


What's the boyfriend going to say about you meeting up with me the whole time?

I haven't got one.

Now, get going.

I'll give you a call soon.


Well, thanks for coming in.

Can you find your own way out?


What are you doing here?

A colleague of mine has gone missing.

Grace -- Sylvie's daughter.

Why are they talking to you about it?

They're questioning everyone.

Do they know what happened?

Not yet.

I've got to get back.

Erm, the weekend, when the kids get back from school...

.. do you want to come over and talk?

I know we should, but I'm up to my eyes and then there's Grace.

You know her well?

She's on the executive committee.

I've worked with her for years. It affects me.

Of course.

Let's talk some other time.


You don't give up.

Why would I?

Cos you're wrong.

You know, I didn't have to come.

Take your shirt off.


Cos I want you to.


You'd have to arrest me, bring some kind of charge, make it official.

Use force.

Only, for that, you'd have to have a lot more to go on.

Not on very firm ground, are you, Marcella?

I don't know, you seem a bit desperate.

Coming down to the bakery.

Talking to Maddy.

Asking her questions.

All right, Peter.

All right.

Don't touch me, please.

You told the police about Grace and me.

Yes, I did.

There was a reason we were keeping it secret.

Don't worry, I haven't said a word to Her Majesty.

Do you know where she is?

How could I?

Cos you're sleeping with her.

Don't you think I would have said something?

Yeah. Yeah, of course. You erm...

Sorry. I'm just worried.



Have you found Grace Gibson?

We haven't, no.

This is erm, it's about something else.

Could I come in for a minute?


Can I get you anything?

No, I'm fine.


No, thanks, really.

Erm, what do you want?

Well, I'm er, not supposed to say, it's just I felt that...


What is it?

Jason came up in the investigation into Grace Gibson's disappearance.

They, er... well, they were in a relationship.


I thought as much, I just didn't know who.

He said you were separated.

Er... Yeah, you could say that.

He took me out for dinner.

And in the middle of the main course, he told me he was leaving me so I wouldn't make a fuss, but I did.

Then, he put me in a taxi and he went back to work.

So, if you examine his car and you find dents and broken glass, that'll be me.

I don't know what to say.

Do you want that beer now?

Yes, please.

Cheers, mate. Good to see you.


I'm not likely to be the most entertaining company, I'm afraid.

We can be worried together.

Best-case scenario, she's just lying low somewhere.

I'm sure she is. She's probably just fine.

Did I tell you there was a woman in my AA group that went missing?

Carol Fincher. She was gone for seven weeks.

Yann, please don't.

They found her m*rder*d when her body started oozing into the shop below.

Please, shut up.

What? We're just talking about people who are missing.

No, we weren't talking about people. We are talking about Grace.



Excuse me.



Can you wait for the money till next month?

It's not a loan.

It's just things have been bloody slow this month.

Do you know what I can do for you? I can... Don't interrupt me.

I can give you a job at the company.

A real job, a consultancy, not a non-charity in disguise.

They're looking for an IT guy right now. Are you in?

Yeah. All right.

Thanks. Again.

Hey. It's OK.

It's all right.


We've got to help each other.

You know, Grace was trying to help me before she disappeared and I blew up at her.

Dude, she'll be back. Yeah?

There you are.

You guys left these in the bar.

Any ideas how many drinks get spiked in pubs every year?

Are we in danger? Don't you have to be prettier, younger and a woman?

Who knows? There's plenty of crazies out there.

Oh, Yann!




It's just like the good old days.

The case.

It's taking over.

Peter Cullen --

I know it's him.

Don't be too sure.

It's not a bad idea to take a step back every now and then.

That's not really me, is it?

I know, but maybe this time it should be.

It's not the same.

The Hexton case was different.

It was different.



I should get going. Thanks for the beer.

Do you want to stay?


But I'm not going to.

Why did you come?

Cos I care about you.

And that's why I'm going.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Earrings, bracelet. Your mate's got the watch. That's what she sold me.

Yeah, that's Carol Fincher's. Liz Harper's.

And Benjamin Williams's watch.

The brother recognised it. The inscription confirms it.

Who sold you this?

A girl.

What girl?

She's supposed to show you some form of ID, isn't she?

Well, yeah, but -- - Do you know her name?


But you have seen her, haven't you?

Identifying this woman is top priority.

What do we know about her? Mark?

She may have been in trouble before.

Got the guy from the pawnshop looking through mugshots.

We're trying to get fingerprints off the bracelet, the watch and the earrings.


Serial K*llers don't take trophies to sell them.

They've got a different value.

How do you explain this jewellery?

My guess is she stole them from him.

If that's the case, the k*ller's gonna try and find her.

Well, then, make sure we find her first.

Hi. What would you like?


I'm not going to hurt myself, so you can forget about that.

I like you too.

You don't know what I smell like.

Did you send officers to pick up Peter Cullen yesterday?


On what grounds?

I wanted to talk to him.

If we want to talk to someone, we ask them to come and see us voluntarily.

He's involved in this, Laura.

You don't know that.

The murders began when he got in touch with the outside world.

He's supervised.

He's been seeing a psychologist for several years. I've read his report.

He's file a complaint for harassment. His lawyers are involved.

We have no grounds to continue inv Yes, we do.

Peter shows signs of a personality disorder.

That means?

An unstable self-image.

He switches rapidly between emotional states and demonstrates intense rage that's out of all proportion to the case.

Dominant traits: an intense fear of abandonment and an inability to handle rejection.

I'm sorry, that's not enough.

Stay away from Cullen. No contact at all.

Can I show him this? See how he responds?

We weren't asking for a favour, DS Backland. Stay away from him.

I am so sorry this has happened.

Why aren't you both here?

Because Dad's at work. He's busy.

Are we going to be living in two different places now?

Yeah, probably.

That doesn't mean we're not going to spend lots of time together, the four of us.

We're still your parents.

Are you sad?

Honey, of course I'm sad.

So this wasn't your idea?

He left you, didn't he?

He left you.

What did you do?

I didn't do anything.

Things like this just happen sometimes.

Has he met someone else?


So he'd just had enough?


Would you like it if I talked to the school and asked if you can come home with me for a few days?

No, thanks.

I'm good.


I guess I'd rather stay here too.

You don't want to come home with Mummy?

Hey, come here. It's OK.



Since when did we start using that?

Are you all right?



Some guy threatened to k*ll me.


Someone I'd nicked stuff from.

He threatened me on the webcam.

They chat a load of shit online, he's not gonna do anything in person.

He doesn't know who you are, does he?

There are eight million people in London, Cara.

There's no way he could ever find out who you are.


Are you my husband's girlfriend?

Are you seeing my husband?

Look at me!

No. You should speak to Jason. Calm... Calm down.

Tell me. I want to hear it from you. Are you seeing my f*cking husband?

I don't have anything to say. You need to speak to Jason.

Come on.


You're a f*cking g*dd*mn liar. Stay away from me!

Look at me!