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01x17 - Care

Posted: 04/11/16 05:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Quantico"...

You were right about the t*rror1st, even though I couldn't see it.

What is happening?

Oh, my God. They're gonna k*ll her.

Well, we got to do something!


You're not in the clear because I'm coming after you now.

[Crying] My parents are alive.

I-I know.

I should have told you. I'm... I'm so sorry.

Will: If you want to take down Sistemics, there are other ways.

Let me help.

It is time for me to say goodbye... as your teacher.

The Voice: We're almost done. All that's left is your final mission.

Alex would k*ll me if she knew I was here.

And yet here you are.

The fact that I'm even sitting next to you right now...


Look, I'm already late.

If the Director knew I was here...

Simon, I need you to track down an asset for me, someone very important, very hidden.


She came to me, spinning out.

Still running down conspiracy theories that someone other than Elias was responsible for the att*cks.

Apparently Hannah Wyland was helping her, but that didn't end well.

And who is this "asset"?

Someone the CIA's holding.

It's very hush-hush.

He or she doesn't even have a name... just a number.



What else has she told you?

I just came to hand this off.

I'm out.

See ya, man.

Take care of yourself, Ryan.

You know Alex.

She never stops.

That's why you have to stop her.

Nice work. The tracker's live.

Hopefully he'll move fast.

Simon: Fingers crossed, but he's got company. Liam's in town.

♪ ♪

Liam: New York City, Washington D.C., Chicago, L.A.

Only the best of the best end up there.

♪ Hey ♪

In four short weeks, your training will end and you will be assigned to one of the FBI's 56 field offices.

Think you're a little outmatched.

You're dreaming if you think you're gonna take my spot in New York.

[Laughs] It's all right.

I guess even pros lose their footing once in a while.

♪ Give up the ghost and talk about it ♪

Choosing a field office is about more than picking a job.

It's about finding a home, a place many of you will start families.

Samar spoke to your parents, and they know that you know that they're alive, and they want to talk to you.

What's the problem?

As a kid, I used to dream of all the things that I wish that I could say to them.

But now that it's a reality, it's so hard.

If I could just call them...

I could see if Samar has their number.


Where you work is also about what kind of work you want to do.

Is it narcotics in Miami?

Cyber crime in San Francisco?

Maybe you're drawn to undercover work.

So, what happens after they meet "John Baskin"?

You'll transfer the funds, right?

You'll be brought to an advanced Sistemics meeting, and then you will be accelerated down what they call "the path."

So you're really jumping into the deep end here, Will.


You sure you want to do this?

And while you do get to rank your choices, ultimately the Bureau will do what it believes is best for the Bureau.

I wish I had better news, but things are bad here for Miranda.

Everything she's touched is radioactive, including you two going undercover as twins.

And you're not in trouble, but this experiment of hers may soon be coming to an end.

But this project is important.

How can the FBI just give it up?

It was Miranda's idea, not theirs.

And with Miranda on leave, pending her hearing, there's no one left to push it up the hill.

I'm sorry.

Liam: You have until week's end to submit your choices.

And then the praying starts, because those of you who end up in towns like Little Rock never get out.

You sweating from PT or from Alex giving you the Heisman?

[Chuckles] It ain't like that.

I'm not chasing.

Really? So you're telling me you're not into her?

Coach used to say no sex before a big game.

Quantico's one long game.

I haven't let anyone distract me this entire time.

Why would I start now when we're so close to the end of the fourth quarter?

Because in four weeks we might be thousands of miles apart.

So if you want a shot, you better move faster than your '40 time at the combines.


Someone's more chipper than usual.

It's pasta day in the cafeteria.

Oh, so you and Drew are going to "Lady and the Tramp" some linguine?

Don't be ridiculous.

We're just friends.

You're into him.

So ever since I split up with Ryan, I've been feeling a little... light, unencumbered... free.

Free for what?

Don't you have bigger things to focus on than my freedom?

Wow, okay.

You're gonna deflect by bringing up my resurrected parents?

Caleb said you still haven't reached out to them.

Don't you at least want to know why they left?

How do you know that they'd even tell me the truth?

I mean, it would be one thing if I could look them in the eye, but it's not like I can ask them to risk coming to the U.S. to show up for my graduation.

You could fly to them.

And miss my last few weeks of training?

No. T... I don't know them.

I don't need to.

Sh... [Sighs]

We have to prove to the FBI that they're wrong about our project.

Even if Miranda loses her job, I mean, we're still here and no one can do what we do.

Can we even do it?

We've had so much trouble.

We've been training.

We can get better. We already have.

Listen, I'm still committed to this.

Are you?

More than you know.

But no one will listen to us.

Then we make them.

I'm sure you're all buzzing at the prospect of your new field offices, but can any of you tell me what this map represents?

20 best placed to work? Miami, here I come.

Actually, these are the U.S. cities with the highest rates of human trafficking.

Human trafficking is the largest and fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world.

So while you'll soon freely travel to these cities as newly minted agents, thousands of men and women will be trafficked to them against their will.

As you sweat your future locations, I find a little perspective can be helpful, which is why this week you will learn the ins and outs of how people are smuggled across borders.

This will prepare you for a little trip to one of our borders... Canada... where you will liaise with immigration, customs, and TSA agents while learning firsthand how these crimes are perpetrated.

Hey. So, I know Shelby wanted to meet her parents face-to-face and they can't set foot in the U.S., but Canada...?

One final announcement.

As you all know, I've been taking on the assistant director's workload in her absence, which means I've been in need of another staff counselor to help me in your final weeks of training.

So, for those of you who don't know him already, Staff Counselor Ryan Booth.

♪ ♪

Good to see you, Booth.

It's good to see you, too.

"Interim Deputy Director."

Suits you.

Yeah, well, I thought a, uh, a new role might suit you, too.

Head of this JTTF branch... Hannah's job.

Yours now if you want it, though I'm assuming you don't since I heard you put in for a transfer back to L.A.

Yeah, well, working around Alex hasn't been exactly easy.

First it was our history, but recently there's been a whole lot more.

Well, if you ask me, they never should have reinstated her.

But PR said it would be a nightmare if they didn't.

Yeah, well, Alex believes she knows more than the Bureau.

She's still trying to prove that Elias didn't act alone.

And now she's dragging other people into her little crusade.

Pretty sure the only reason Hannah got suspended was because of Alex.

[Sighs] I know I should let it go, but I can't.

And if you want to avoid another embarrassment for the New York office...

[Sighs] I need your help.

What can I do?

Alex is after a CIA asset.

What I want to do is I want to head her off and find out why she's after them before she hurts the Bureau or herself.

I have an old friend at the Company that could arrange an off-the-books meeting, but it's no small favor.

Well, it's the least you can do for the new head of the branch.


Alex: It's happening.

Simon: Once the meeting is set, the CIA will move their asset to a safe house.

That gives us a small window to extract whoever it is and deliver them to the t*rror1st just like they asked.

This is the only way to pull off what we have to pull off.

You're right.

But this is also our final mission, our last chance to figure out what the t*rror1st is planning, and all we have to go on is a break-in at some Columbia University lab.

We know something was stolen.

The question is what did Columbia have that they don't want us to know they had?

Which is why this asset is the key.

If we can extract them, we can question them before we deliver them to the Voice and figure out what the Voice is planning once and for all.

We'd better, because if we don't, we just helped a t*rror1st put the final piece in place of whatever it is they're planning.

Two CIA operatives are escorting the asset to a safe house as we speak.

You'll need a partner.

Nimah Amin. I trust her.

You'll have 10 minutes with the asset, so ask the right questions.

I will. Where am I going?

74 Ridge Road, Buchanan, New York.

Secluded. It's remote.

Will the plan work there?

We're gonna find out.


Liam: Smuggling a person isn't easy.

Many are lured through legal loopholes on sites like Craigslist.

Promised help in acquiring Visas in exchange for service or labor work, then sold to the highest bidder.

So, comb through the intel, find the coded language, and see how the FBI caught these traffickers.

This must be weird for you.

Yeah, I told myself every time I look up, he'd be gone.

Sometimes stopping a t*rror1st means firing your g*n.

Other times is as simple as spotting a fake watermark.

Every year, forgers get more and more sophisticated.

The differences are often invisible to the naked eye.

Fake control numbers, embossed security images... and missing watermarks that can only be seen under UV lights.

Many of these are fakes.

Can you spot the real ones?

♪ Kami-Kamikaze ♪

Hey, Olsen. You've been on that for 15 minutes.

What gives?

I'm almost done.

Caleb: Maybe this trip to the border could be just what you need.

We're going to meet your parents without the U.S. knowing.

I'll think about it, okay?

I can reach out if you want.

Can we just focus on the exercise?

Hey, tell me this isn't another undercover mission, because I can't have my heart broken again.

It's good to see you, too, Hoss.

I wonder if Alex feels the same.

♪ You should fly away with me ♪
♪ We got one, two, three till the... ♪

But most people are still smuggled into the U.S. the old-fashioned way... across physical borders.

Examine this vehicle and see exactly how for yourself.

Report your findings.

♪ Take me to the party ♪
♪ Kami-Kamikaze ♪
♪ Blame it on the bus ♪
♪ I am never gonna get enough ♪
♪ Take me to the party ♪
♪ Kami-Kamikaze ♪

Not a bad place for twins to swap in and out of an operation.

If we can keep it going.

Liam is the A.D. now.

Maybe we should ask him if he wants Miranda's leftovers.

Oh, hey. I almost forgot you were here.

Drew Perales. Heard a ton about you.

Special Agent Ryan Booth. Head nothing about you.

You got a minute?


I'll be right back.

Liam needed someone to fill in who knew the class, and I felt like I owed it to him and Miranda to accept.

I get it. It's your job.

You can't say no to where you've been assigned.


I was gonna reach out, but after the last time we spoke, it didn't seem like you were...

You don't have to explain anything to me, okay?

You're here in a professional capacity, and you're being professional.

And so am I. I'm a NAT, and you're a staff counselor.


Very clear lines that no one in the history of Quantico would ever dream about crossing.

So [sighs] it's nice to meet you, Trainee Parrish.

You too, Agent Booth.

S-Special Agent.

Good luck.

Liam: I know this is hard to accept, but the twins experiment is over.

Now you can both head to the border.

There's no reason to hide you being twins from the outside world anymore.

With all due respect, we'll wait until we hear back from the Bureau that it's officially terminated.

Until then, we'll maintain our cover.

Raina will head to the border alone, and I'll stay here.

Miranda liked your stubborn streak.

So do I.

I'll respect your wishes, but don't get your hopes up.

The Bureau is unlikely to change its mind, and so am I.

All right, fine. I was just getting you off my back.

I don't want to meet my parents.

Okay, Samar says that they want to meet you.

Who cares?

They're just as much con artists as she is.

Yeah, I-I get that, but Samar has been above board ever since you found out.

I mean, she came here, she returned your money, she's even divorcing the jackass husband that conned you out of that extra $5 mil.

And if you ask me, I believe her when she says that your parents want to meet with you and just explain why they did what they've done.

What do you think they're gonna say?

I mean, everybody assumes that parents love their kids unconditionally, but we've run case studies on things like that.

We know that isn't always true.

And honestly, I'm not ready to find out.

I know you don't feel ready, but you're never going to feel ready.

Caleb: What happens if they disappear again and you never get the answers that you need?

I know you, Shelby, and you will never stop wondering.

Alex: When I lost my father, there was so much that was left unsaid.

You have that chance.

Use it.

Caleb can find out for you if it's even possible.

All right.

Do it.

Liam: Welcome to Trudeau International.

I trust you're all excited to get a little break from life at Quantico.

Well, here's your chance.

Hand your passports to Staff Counselor Booth.

[Sighs] Why do I suddenly feel like I'm on the "Amazing Race"?

Your stay in Canada's gonna go differently than advertised.

Instead of working alongside TSA and customs, you will be working against them by trying to illegally cross the border like the traffickers you've been studying.

Wait, you're asking us to deliberately break the law?

Liam: We are.

I don't care if you fly, drive, or walk.

You have until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning to get back across that border.

The first team home will get the field office of their choice.

Special consideration will be given to any team that completes the exercise at all.

Get with your team and move out.

Guess you're odd woman out.

I prefer it.

Alex: I'm with Billy and you're with Angelita?

Why'd they split us up?

Maybe it was a mistake.

I don't think it was a mistake.

Let's team up anyway.

And violate an order this close to graduation?

It's either that or lose and end up in one of the Dakotas instead of of New York, and that's not gonna happen.


Let's go.


Okay, how are we getting back, Clyde Barrow?


I arranged for your parents to meet us here.


And they're staying at a hotel nearby.

Oh, my God.

Come on.

You're early.

Or aggressively punctual.

Nimah Amin.

We don't need your name, you don't need ours.

As far as you know, we don't even have this asset in custody.

Where's your partner?

Making a call.


Agent Booth.

Oh, they don't do names.

You get 10 minutes. Not a second more.

You're lucky O'Connor's well-connected, or this meeting never would have happened.

What meeting is that?

Now you're learning.

Alex: Oh, my God.

Will Olsen?

Alex Parrish.

Um, this is...

Simon Asher.

Graduated summa cum laude from Yale.

Worked as an accountant for your family's business in Scarsdale, spent nearly two years in the Israeli Defense Forces, trained at Quantico before being terminated for v*olence against a fellow NAT.

Danny from my class vetted you... poorly.


Will, how did you end up in CIA custody?

A little more pressing question might be what are you doing here?

[Sighs] A story for another time.

But it involves whoever's responsible for the att*cks on New York in July.

What att*cks?

How long have they had you?

Uh, judging from my sleeping patterns, I roughly estimate 7 months, 13 days, and 9 hours.

It's almost 4:00 p.m.?



Then judging from your rapid breathing and dilated pupils, I surmise this is not an FBI-approved visit?

We're gonna break you out, Will.

There are two armed, highly trained CIA operatives waiting outside that door.

How do you expect to do that without getting us arrested or k*lled?

So, what the hell do we do now?

Rent a car and crash across the border "Mad Max" style?

[Sighs] Funny.

But if we want to finish first, we have to fly.

Well, how do you expect to get across airport security without passports?

I guess I could hide in someone's luggage.

Give me your bag.


Trust me.

Turn around.


Not the solution to this particular problem, but I like how you're thinking.

[Giggles] Thank you. Now... pretend to struggle.

I was hoping you were gonna say that.

Special Agent Alexandra Parrish, FBI, escorting a fugitive back to the States.

Lost my ID when he evaded capture.

Is that right?

Threw them in a snowbank.

Put up a hell of a fight.

Look, if you will just verify my identity by calling in, we'll be on our way.

If I miss this flight, I'm gonna have to spend the night with this scumbag, and I really don't want to.

I know this is extremely unusual...

Not as unusual as you'd think.


I don't know what game this is, but if you don't want to spend the rest of the night detained, searched, and questioned repeatedly, get the hell out of my airport.



They're clearly not here.

I mean, it would have taken them the entire day to even travel.

The answers to all of your questions are on the other side of this door.

And our future is on the other side of the border.

We're gonna fail.

So what?

Then we'll spend the rest of our days busting Palins in Anchorage, but it'll be worth it.

Shelby, you'll have your answers whether they're good or bad, but at least you'll have them.

15 years of my life change forever if I open that door.

We could always head back.

My beautiful girl.


I barely made the last flight up.

This better work.

It has to.

They really took your passport?

[Chuckles] They took all of ours.

But we have something they don't have... we match.

It was September 11, 2001, when we were sitting on the tarmac at Logan when the Untied flight ahead of us flew right into the second tower.

Friends of ours in the intelligence community helped us piece together that bin Laden was responsible.

And what does that have to do with you?

In the late '90s, McGregor-Wyatt was on the verge of bankruptcy.

But an associate of ours had an intermediary to the Afghani government.

We, um, sold them weapons systems software.

We had no idea it would be used for what it was used for.

It was just off-the-books money that allowed us to survive.

Then a year later we found out that our intermediary had conspired all along to place our product in the hands of the Taliban.

So, we sat there on the runway knowing a w*r was coming.

It was just awful knowing that what we sold would be used against our own troops, and knowing that the U.S. government would hold us accountable for arming an enemy, whether intentionally or not.

If they came after us, we would have lost everything... you, the company, our freedom.

We had to make a decision fast, and we did.

We changed the flight manifest.

We made that software, too, after all.

We still do.

Yeah, we made it look like we died on 175.

We got on a private jet the next day out of the country and disappeared for good.

Why didn't you send for me?

Oh, sweetheart...

You will never know how hard that was for us.

I mean, we wanted to be with you so badly, but we just didn't want this life for you.

No home, always on the run, fugitives.

It was better you mourn us than hide with us.

Seeing the successful, strong woman that you've become, we know we made the right choice.

We're just sorry we caused you so much pain.

But all that time, why didn't you just reach out?

Sweetheart, we... we just couldn't risk it.

But we kept in touch with you through Samar.

Every photo, every memory you shared with her, you shared with us.

And even though we were a lifetime away, we were watching over you.

I understand if you hate us for what we've done, Shelby.

But we love you.

Caleb, I'd like you to meet my parents.

We'll hitch a ride two hours south of the border, and we can hoof it the last eight miles through here, but it won't be easy.

It's already dark outside, it's remote, it's rough terrain, but it's only surveilled by drones.

From there it's another six miles to Franklin, Vermont, and then back to civilization.

Smells like adventure. What do you think?

I think we should be halfway home already.

[Sighs] I'm so off my game right now.

I think I know why.

Could you hold onto this for me for a sec?


Just one sec.

[Sighs] Hey!

Um, excuse me for a second, please.

Alex, how's the assignment going?

I thought we were trying to keep things professional.

We are. Aren't we?


Did you not deliberately switch teams to keep Drew and I apart?

Now why would I do that?

I'm pretty sure you don't want me answering that question in front of all these people.

Alex, I had nothing to do with the teams.

Oh, I bet.

I have a job to do.

And so do you.

All right. You ready?

Make it look good.



What happened? Where's the asset?

Should have restrained him! He got the drop on my partner.

Stop! Freeze!

Took her g*n, cold-cocked me.


Let's go.

He's heading for the van!

They're getting away!

[Engine starts, horn honks]

Man: You're blocking us in!

All right, drive!

[Horn honks]

[Tires squealing]

Go, go, go, go!

[Tires screech, horn honks]

♪ ♪

A white van?

They have a 100% chance of catching us.

Just... Just keep driving.

Man: That's him! That's him!

Step out of the vehicle!

Step out of the vehicle now.

We're not stupid.

Before Simon got here, he created a power outage in the area.

We're not the only white van out here.

Whenever something big happened in my life, I would always imagine what it'd be like if you guys were there.

What you would say, what you might wear.

There was this one day, graduation.

I had this horrible panic because I was trying to picture you out in the crowd, and I realized I couldn't remember what you looked like.

My memory of you had faded.

I was devastated.

It was like losing you all over again.

But now, looking at you, your face is so familiar.

So I guess I never really did forget.

Sweetheart, you know, you cry just like when you were little.

[Laughs] That furrowed brow.

[Sniffles] You said I'd get wrinkles.

[Laughs] Well, clearly I was wrong.

I'm afraid if I do something wrong or make any sudden movements that you're gonna disappear again.

You know, this means the world to Shelby.

I hope it was the right choice.

Oh, of course it was. Look how happy she is.

What if this is the only visit that we can afford?

Staying under the radar comes at a pretty premium.

We've got just enough to keep ourselves invisible.

Do you need money?

No. We're done taking from her.

We put her through enough.

The last I'd ever want is for her to think we only came for that.

If this is the only time we can see her, we should make it count.

We should celebrate.

How about going out for a late dinner?

Somewhere not... not in an airport?


Hey, that sounds great.

♪ ♪
[Cellphone camera clicks]

♪ No one else can replace what you ♪
♪ Did to me when you said we're through ♪
♪ Miss you so ♪
♪ Never thought you'd go ♪
♪ Aw, baby, bring your sweet stuff home to me ♪
♪ Baby, bring your sweet stuff home to me ♪

Says here you're 44.

I moisturize.

Sit tight, okay?

I thought you said they were good fakes.

I thought they were. I made them myself.

♪ Gonna make things right ♪

Let's go.

Drew: If my GPS were working out here, I'm pretty sure it'll tell you we made it across the border.

Alex: [Shivers] Great.

So, just another six more miles before we find civilization, assuming we don't freeze to death before that.


Sorry. I'm just really pissed off at Ryan.

What did he do? Besides show up.

Oh, he just likes to get into my head, keep us tied together.

It's so...

[Wind howling]


As much as I love for you to hate the guy, Ryan didn't switch teams.

I did.

But it doesn't matter, right?

'Cause we're out here in the cold, it's getting late...

Hope you know how to pick a lock.

You were right. I'm glad we came.

I really can't thank you enough for pushing me to do this.

Hey, I want to go get changed for dinner, but I can't find my phone. Have you seen it?

Uh, no. Go get changed. I'll find it.

I'm sure it's around here somewhere.

Laura: You think he took the bait?

Glenn: Well, he loves her, so he'll sell her on it.

And she'll do anything if she thinks it means seeing us again.

Once the transfer goes through, we'll get the next flight out.


Ryan: You're late. Where's the asset?

Who the hell are you?

So they need you for whatever they're planning.

Which makes you our last chance at stopping this monster.

Any idea what the t*rror1st might need from you?

I'm not sure.

It might have something to do with the fact that I cracked the NSA's encryption software and got all the U.S. military codes.

Are you kidding me?


Where are they?

In here.


You're a living, breathing threat to national security.

Why would you do something like that?

The short answer? To prevent a third world w*r.

If we hand you over without figuring out what the Voice is planning, you might play a part in starting one right now.

Exactly. We don't know anything.

And the Voice might call any minute.

The only clue we have is a break-in at the Columbia University lab.

So keep talking, okay?

Where are you going?

To handle Ryan.

Glad you could join us.

Looks like we need to talk.

What's up?

Oh, I don't know.

How about identity theft, fraud, conspiring to steal a government asset, stealing a government asset?

Look, Ryan, I know you've been under a lot of pressure lately, but this is crazy.

I figured it out when I got to the safe house.

What safe house?

Look... I've been in the office all day today.


Check the logs. Go ahead.

[Chuckles] That's impossible, unless... unless you were working with Simon.

You both took that asset.

Alex, you're putting everybody at risk by lying, so why don't you just come clean and tell O'Connor what you did, or this thing's gonna come right back at you and bite you in the...

Enough. Enough, okay?

Clearly, Alex knows nothing about this.

None of us have really been ourselves the past few months, have we?

I understand.

Excuse me.

What? She's lying. She was there.

She must have hacked the system.

You're starting to sound like her.

Talk to the CIA!

They'll tell you what happened because they can ID her.

After you created a situation that left a CIA asset exposed?

An asset that they now claim they never had in the first place.

I wonder why.

The FBI can't suffer another black eye from the hands of one of its own leaders.

Now my ass is on the line with the CIA.

And yours is, too.

[Pounding on door]

Caleb, what are you doing here?

I'm here to make sure that you guys are leaving.

Laura: And why should we do that?

You came here to con Shelby out of more money.

Our allowance dried up. I-It... You know that.

We need more.

I left Shelby's phone so I could listen in.

I heard everything.

You do realize that this will destroy her?

I have never worried about her.

And that's exactly your problem.

You have no idea the choices that we had to make.

We gave Shelby a good life, kept her out of all this.

She's lucky.

She's lucky to have parents that came all the way here not because they love her but be...

Because it was necessary. Yes.

You guys are not getting a cent.

Shelby may feel differently about that after we discuss it over dinner.

What exactly makes you think that I'm gonna let you lie to her again?

And what is your plan, exactly?

15 years apart, and Shelby's finally reunited with her long-lost parents.

You said it herself... this will destroy her.

Do you really want to be the person to do that?

Shelby's gonna give us the money.

We'll stay in touch with her. Shelby stays happy.

Everybody wins.

I will transfer $5 million into your account right now under one condition.

This is the last time.

Shelby never sees or hears from either one of you again.

Is that clear?

And what if we don't agree?

You guys are w*r criminals.

I'll just tell the FBI that you guys are still alive.

And then I'll personally make sure that you guys hang for every single thing that you've done.

I made it.

My plane boards in 10.

Nice job, Amin, but you're not the first one to make it through security.

No, but my sister has already landed in D.C.

We worked together.

Having a twin presents certain strategic advantages.

Maybe now you'll reconsider your position on our program?

Well, that's all well and good, but you failed.

You were the one that was supposed to make it back, Raina, not your sister.

Raina's home.

I'm Nimah.


This is our last chance. You sure it's gonna work?

80%... if we commit.

Please remove all belts and shoes.

♪ ♪

I'm afraid this isn't enough public indecency to get us deported.



[Yells in native language]

Hey, sorry I'm late. Are my parents down yet?

Uh, they had to cancel.


They said that they had a security scare and they had to take off.

But that they also said that they want to see you again soon, that they'll be in touch.


You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, no. I'm glad they're staying safe.

For years, I'd pray for a miracle that I could see them one more time.

And now I'm just so happy that we found them.

Well, that you found them.

I would have liked to say goodbye, but...

I'm good.

Well, you know, let me make it a little better.

My dad pulled some strings, and he got us a private jet.

So, that means no customs or security to worry about.


Oh, kiss that Anchorage office goodbye.


♪ One month till February ♪
♪ Keep on holdin' on ♪
♪ And I know it's short ♪
♪ And I know it's short ♪

You mad at me?

No, I'm mad at myself.

First I meddle in your life, and then I force you to pair up just to prove a point.

[Fire iron clangs]

You have every right to doubt my abilities, to... to be annoyed with me.

You don't annoy me, Alex.

You distract me.

You pull my focus.

I tried not to lean into it... and then Ryan showed up.

And after everything that I heard about you two...

I had to step away.

When you're around... you're all I can think about.


You're... You're shivering.

It's 12 below out, and my clothes are soaking wet.

Thought that stuff would warm me up, but it tastes like... maple syrup.

Well, then we should get you out of those clothes.

Don't tell me that line has ever actually worked for you.

♪ One month till February ♪
♪ 'Cause you could say this is not too far to carry this ♪
♪ 'Cause you could say this is not too far to carry this ♪

Please tell me you guys have figured out what the Voice is planning.

We still don't know anything.

Everything Will knows poses a threat to national security, but we can't draw a clear line between any of it and the break-in at the lab.

[Cellphone chimes]

Ryan again?


The coordinates to the drop point.

We just ran out of time.

You have to run, Will.

We can deal with the consequences, but we can't give the Voice the final piece that they need.

And I'm not sending you to your death.

Turning me over has the highest chance for success given the current circumstances.

No one is going to get hurt, and you'll have a fighting chance at stopping the Voice with me in there.

We have no leads.

You don't need any more leads.

All you need is me.

The voice is smart, but so am I.

I will help you stop this t*rror1st from the inside.

As soon as I figure out their plan, I will find a way to contact you.

Just think of me as your personal Trojan horse.

It's a big risk.

Alex, the CIA was never going to let me go.

If this was 10 years ago, they would have already k*lled me.

At least this way I have a chance to do some good.

Look, um, about what I said at the airport...

I'm glad you made it back in one piece.

I heard it was cold out there.

I'm also glad you're about to apologize.

Thought you knew me better than that.

I don't think so.

I'd like to say I wish I didn't assume the worst in you...

Then why don't you?

Because I don't know you at all, Ryan.

I know your heart, but I don't know you.

I slept with Ryan Booth, the Marine I met on a plane.

I fell for Special Agent Booth, undercover at Quantico.

I said goodbye to Ryan at a party with his lovely ex-wife.

And here you are, Staff Counselor Booth, who I'm supposed to have a professional relationship with?


All those people that you met are still me.

And any one of them would have been more than fine.

But all of them together? It's just... too many pieces of too many different puzzles.

♪ We're broken now ♪
♪ We're broken now ♪

I should probably get going, Staff Counselor.

Yeah, Parrish, you probably should.

♪ And I get the feeling that we've shuffled on ♪

To the 18 of you who made it across the border last night, your success is not a victory.

If you can sneak across so easily, then so can the very traffickers you will be working against in the field.

That being said, I was impressed, especially with our winners, who displayed great determination.

Congratulations to Raina and Nimah.

They won not just because of hard work, but because of resourcefulness, which will be one of your most indispensable assets in the field, because this job will force you to confront many difficult questions.

Ask yourself, what risks will you take when everything is on the line?

Caleb: The money for Sistemics is gone, so we have to find another way in.

Well, they already scheduled my intake meeting.

I'll use my own money.

No, they'll trace it back to you.

No, they won't.

I'll put it in a safety deposit box at the same bank you were using.

You really want to help, don't you?

How will you convince some that you know the right way forward when they think they know best?

I spoke with the Bureau.

It seems like your project might have some life in it after all.

I hope you understand that this means working harder than ever.

It means moving back in together, being committed to matching perfectly.

The end is near.

Now is the time to get it right.

Out in the field, there is no room for mistakes.

Liam: Can you allow yourself to tell the truth even if you know the consequences?

So, I'm thinking St. Kitts for the next meet-up with my parents.

What do you think?

[Chuckles] Yeah, St. Kitts.

That... That sounds great.

Because I promise you there will be questions without easy answers and moments you never see coming.

Wait! Are you sure about this?

[Breathes heavily] It's the only way.

I promise.

[Cellphone rings]


You said this was the last thing.

The Voice: It is the last thing for you.

Not for him.

Send Simon with Will.


No, that was not part of the deal.

No. No, Simon. No.

I got no choice.

That's what everyone else said, too.

I can't lose you.

You got to let me go.

It's okay.

I'll be all right.

I've come back from the dead before, right?

Thank you, Alex. You've been very helpful.


You won't hear from me again.

Now hand your phone to the driver of the car.

[Car door closes]

And take care.

♪ ♪