02x19 - Desperate Remedies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Madam Secretary". Aired: September 2014 to December 2019.*
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"Madam Secretary" follows a former CIA analyst and college professor who is promoted to United States Secretary of State as she tries to balance her work and family life.
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02x19 - Desperate Remedies

Post by bunniefuu »

As-salaam alaikum.

Wa alaikum salaam.

Nice, isn't it?

Sharp, anyway.

A gift from Jibral Disah.

You've done your homework.

I like that.

Yeah, the caliph in Libya sent it when we pledged our allegiance after his glorious attack on America.

Surprised they sent you.

(in deep voice): "No negotiating with t*rrorists" and all that.

I'm not here as a U.S. official.

Tonight, I bring a proposal from the government of Iraq.

Go on then.

They're prepared to return five of your fighters captured on the b*ttlefield in Ramadi, in return for the 106 Nigerian schoolgirls in your captivity.

It's a good offer.

What's your answer?

I like a practical gift.

How about I send you back with this one's head in a bag?

What'd you think of that for an answer?

I think such an answer would be beneath the dignity of an emir like yourself.

You're a clever one, aren't you?

Where you from, anyway?

New York... but my parents are from Abuja, like yours.


That's why they sent you, 'cause we're both Hausa.

We're gonna bond over our immigrant experience, are we?

Nah, mate.

I am a king... and you're just a messenger.

Give him your answer in your best schoolgirl English.

My sisters and I are most happy here as wives to the glorious defenders of the one true faith.

The only way we will part from our husbands is as martyrs in death.

Which is what they'll be if anyone comes looking for them again.

Blood... death... and cleansing fire.

That is the emir's answer, now and always.

Your ranks are depleted.

You need those fighters...

Go, messenger, and tell them what I said... before I forget my dignity.

Blake: And at 9:00, you've got

Dan Hass from the Office of Management Policy, Rightsizing, and Innovation.

I wonder if he's the innovator behind the word "rightsizing."

Hey, that's Jareth.

Pull over, pull over.

Oh, ma'am, we're already running late.



Oh, Madam Sec... Mrs... uh, Stevie's mum.


Oh, good, Elizabeth.

Rubicon crossed.

Um... I... do you... I'm just running late.

I can see that.

Can't we give you a ride?

I wouldn't want to impose...

Oh, just get in the car already.

You're not the only one running late.

Right, thank you.

Of course.

Jareth: This is unnecessary, but totally appreciated.

Don't be silly. Where are you going?

Uh, Metro station three blocks up would be perfect.


Jareth, you cannot run around in the snow in those.

Are you crazy?

They're fine.

You'll catch pneumonia.

You need a good pair of winter boots.

W-what was the name, Blake, of those boots that I got Henry for Christmas?

Uh, I will double-check and send Jareth the link.

Jareth: Oh, oh... really, that's-that's not necessary.

Do yourself a favor and do your mother a favor, and invest in a pair of these boots.


Okay, I promise.


Jay: Chris, you're one of the few Westerners to meet Hadi Bangote face-to-face and live to tell the tale.

Did you learn anything about him that you think could be useful?

Well... he's got a huge ego, that's for sure.

Loved being called the emir.

Other than that, he's as close to pure evil as I've ever seen.

So, your opinion is that Boko Haram is opposed to any further attempts at negotiation to get the girls back?

Oh, violently opposed.

Woman: So as far as this working group is concerned, our recommendation for securing the girls' release is...?

Back to the drawing board, in so many words.

Folks, I know this is a setback, after all the months of work we've put in, but let's keep thinking outside the box.

The Secretary remains committed to seeing these girls get home to their families... and, Chris, Secretary McCord wanted me to personally convey her appreciation for your bravery and commitment.

We can't let them down, Jay.

We're going to stay after it.

We can't let them... can't let them down.

You all right?

Yeah, uh, just had a headache come on all of a sudden.

Can I get you some aspirin?

I just need some air... I'm...

(Chris groans)


Quick, call 911.

Chris! Chris...

Jareth: Thank you again for the lift.

Appreciate it.

Thank you.

Of course.

And say hi to my daughter for me when you see her.

Yes, absolutely, thank you.

And get those boots, you!

Yes, the boots!

(clears throat)

Too much?

Did I come on too strong?

(phone dings)

Oh, ma'am, we can't go to the State Department.

Why, is that the White House?

No, I mean, we can't go to the State Department.

It's being evacuated.

Since we pinged Jibral Disah's new wife Hijriyyah in Libya at this location several days ago, we've had a high-altitude drone surveilling the compound... but so far we've had no sign of Disah.

Or Hijriyyah.

Or anyone else, for that matter.

What's that supposed to mean?

For a compound that size, you'd expect a lot more activity, vehicles coming in and out... that sort of thing.

Disah is the most wanted t*rror1st in the world.

We know he's gone to a lot of trouble to keep his new wife a secret.

Of course, but other than one older woman limping off to the mosque every now and then, there's been nothing.

No movement.

It's hinky.

And no visual I.D. on Hijriyyah?

If she's in there, she has not set foot outside in a week.

We're considering the possibility that perhaps SIGINT was inaccurate.

Meaning what?

That the wife's not there... at all?

We've got nothing?

Okay, guys, ask yourselves: is this the kind of report that will bring a smile to the president's weary visage?

Will he brighten and say, "Looks like my crack team hasn't found anything. That's okay. (door opens) I just like having them around."

Aide: Excuse me, sir.


All right, you get where I'm going with this.

Think of something fast, or it's your asses.

Now I've got other problems.

Because he'd recently been in West Africa, they took him to NIH in Bethesda.

The doctors there spun his blood, and he's... got Marburg virus.

Oh, God.

How's he doing?

Well, he's got a hemorrhagic fever.

How do you think he's doing?


Media's gonna be all over this.

Tell me his cover's watertight.

Well, officially, he was on a USAID mission to Cameroon to explore alternative energy sources.

He visited a wind farm or whatever to back that up, right?

We can't have it getting around who he was really meeting with.

Yeah, Russell, he visited a wind farm.

Meanwhile, the Truman building is being scoured by guys in Hazmat suits, one of my best diplomats was just admitted to a Level Four bio-containment ward, and dozens of others were potentially exposed, including by the way, my top policy guy, okay.

So how about we put a pin in second-guessing?

Yeah, sorry.

Fair enough.

Damn shame about those schoolgirls, though.

I swear, if I could get my hands on the bastards who took them...

I don't get off on watching people suffer, but those guys...

I might.

I know.

Sorry, anyway, Director of CDC's briefing POTUS.

We better get in there.

Sorry we're late, Mr. President.

Dr. Rickman just caught us up on the domestic front, but I'm guessing the Africa part of this is gonna be the real challenge.

Sir, we've learned that the area of Northern Cameroon Mr. Santumari visited has experienced a cluster of Marburg cases unreported till now.

It's probably due to its isolation and its lack of medical infrastructure.

Compounded, of course, by Boko Haram's terror campaign.

So what's being done about it?

That's where things get tricky, sir.

Normally, the remote location of the outbreak would be good news.

Because it's more containable.

Local and international health agencies could implement protocols that would contain the outbreak.

Isolate the infected, educate the populace on how the disease is spread, things like that?

That's correct. If we could do those things, most likely the virus would burn itself out without doing too much harm.

But the spoiler is Boko Haram.

First of all, their name means "Western Education Is A Sin," which should give you some sense of how they feel about Western medicine.

They'll do their best to thwart any containment effort.

Partly for ideological reasons, and partly because they hope to exploit this outbreak... to conquer more territory.

So why don't we just cancel all flights from West Africa and focus our energy on keeping more cases from getting here?

Because they'll get here anyway.


Marburg spreads through the bodily fluids of people infected.

In crowded situations, it can be highly communicable.

If this outbreak goes unchecked, it will soon reach major population centers like Maroua.

And then it will spread from there via highway and air links to even larger centers.

21 million people live in Lagos, Nigeria, alone.

If it gets there...

We're talking about millions potentially exposed, and after that...

It's everywhere.

How deadly is Marburg, Doctor?

Well, depending on other co-morbidities such as the person's general health and access to quality medical care, the Case Fatality Rate is between 24 and 90%.

The key to boosting the odds of survival is early and intensive medical intervention.

Bess, get into it with Cameroon.

Find out how to secure the necessary medical aid without capitulating to Boko Haram.

Will do, sir.

We've got to stop this thing while there's still time.

♪ ♪

Ladies and gentlemen, with any luck we'll be back on the seventh floor within a few days.

Until then, if you're working logistics on Cameroon, you're in the TV room.

Matt and Daisy, you're in the dining room.

Any questions?

Yeah, what's the Wi-Fi password?

Oh, that would be, uh, "Professor Whiskers RIP" all lowercase.

We moved in the day after Jason's hamster died.

Ma'am, I have Jay calling for you on line one.

Oh, thanks.

A-A-And thank you in advance, everyone, for your professionalism, and welcome to my home, it's an honor to have you here.

Feel free to raid the fridge.

(machine beeping steadily)

Elizabeth: How you doing there, slugger?

Aces, apparently.

No symptoms.


Abby hanging in there?

Yeah, she's a trooper, and, uh, Chloe's napping away at home.


God, I envy toddlers.

I'm sure I'm gonna see you soon, but in the meantime, how are you keeping busy?

Besides not obsessively surfing WebMD...

'cause I'm totally not doing that...

I thought I'd finally catch up on Downton Abbey.

Ugh, I bailed after Matthew Crawley bit it.

(groans softly)

He did, huh?

Buddy, how far behind are you?

Blake: Ma'am...

Ambassador Aissatou has arrived.

Listen, I-I got to run, Jay.

I want regular updates on temp and vitals.

Texts every two hours, got it?

If they stop coming, say nice things about me at my funeral.

Oh, it'll be nothing but mortifying stories.

Three words...

No, please, don't.


State Dinner.

They accepted my apology.

Yeah, but God won't.

Point is, unless you want to be embarrassed for all eternity, don't die on me, Whitman, okay?


I, uh... I'll do my best, ma'am.

Ambassador Aissatou, welcome to my home, and also, sorry.

Please, Madam Secretary, a meeting at your private residence?

I am the envy of diplomats the world over.

We want to assure you...

Stevie: Mom, I need to talk to you about something.

Ambassador Aissatou, my daughter, Stevie.

Pleasure to meet you.

Excuse me.

I'm very sorry.

Don't be.

Knowing how to make an entrance is half of politics.

The other half being a graceful exit.


(Stevie and Elizabeth laugh)

My apologies, as I was saying, we want to assure you that the United States and the international community stand at the ready to help contain the outbreak in Cameroon if you'll allow us.

I have my government's proxy to entertain all offers of aid.

A team from the Global Emergency Foundation is stationed in Ghana.

They're prepared to deploy to Cameroon right away.

They will be most welcome.

They'll travel to the affected areas, assess the severity of the outbreak, and set up a base camp for further operations, but they will need robust force protection.

Can your military supply them with that?

I will see to it that they have all the troops they need.

And then depending on the team's results and success, more resources will follow.

Well, as time is of the essence, we have a team here with whom you can coordinate.

Of course.

Won't you come with me?

Thank you.

(whispering): Hey, Mom.


Sorry about the interruption.

Don't worry about it, it happens.

What's up?

Okay, so I know things are crazy right now.

Um, I mean, everyone at school's wigging out about Marburg virus, and if... if now is not a good time, I completely understand.

We can talk about this later...

Five minutes ago wasn't a good time, but now's okay.

Okay, so...

Oh! Did Jareth tell you that I gave him a ride this morning?

Yeah, uh, he did, and a-apparently you bought him some boots?

Well, after Blake texted him the link, I went on the company's site, you know, just to make sure they still had his size and stuff.


You know his size?


Blake's really good at eyeballing that kind of thing.

So, they had this one-click purchase button, I was just like, bam, right in the corner...

Ew, Mom, I just have to stop you and tell you that this is weird.

The boy needed boots!

Who is he, Tiny Tim?

Okay, I shouldn't have to justify being nice to your new boyfriend.

We'll talk about it later.

Mom, seriously. (sighs)

This is weird!

You're weird!


Well, time to find out how much this hunch of yours is gonna cost us.


You're not the one who had to wrangle a next-gen surveillance drone from the Air Force.

How'd you get them to turn it over so fast, anyway?

I told you, I've got an old buddy works out at Creech in Nevada.

"Old buddy."

Shut up.

Okay, here we go.

Here's the gas station where the convoy stopped six days ago.

Which we noted at the time, but didn't think much of because, again, it's a gas station.

And, again, we're desperate, so let's just test Jane's theory.

Go ahead with the microwave camera.

Let's look underground.

Okay, now pull out.

Holy crap.

Look at that.

It's a tunnel.

Nice work, Jane.

Okay, great, guys, we got it.

That tunnel took some serious engineering.

Between this and the SIGINT, signs point to Disah stashing Hijriyyah in there.

Fellows: Now, this part's just a theory, but those trucks were there six days ago, and maybe they do a regular resupply.

Which means they could be back any day... and if Disah is as taken with his new bride as we think he is, there's a decent chance he'll be with them.

We need to get better eyes on that tunnel ASAP.

ASAP is a tight turnaround to scare up sources on the ground, but I'll get into it.

Got any old buddies you can ask for help?




We've just gotten word that the medical team has arrived at their base camp, and the Cameroonian military is securing the perimeter.

Well, that's good news.

Tomorrow they'll start sending out assessment teams with armed escorts into the affected areas.

Thanks, Blake.


Any word on Chris Santumari's condition?

No improvement.

Good night, Blake.

Good night, ma'am.

(speaking French)

This guy came in off the road.

Soldiers didn't want to touch him.

Says he's got nausea, vomiting, fever, rash on his chest and back.

All right, let's get him into isolation.

Check a CBC, CMP, and LFT and get a set of cultures.

Sir, we're here to help.

He's got a b*mb!


Allahu Akbar!

How many k*lled?

Seven, and most of the survivors are now infected with Marburg.

Other aid workers have lost confidence in the Cameroonian military and are now refusing to commit more personnel until the security situation improves.

Just what Boko Haram wants.

You know, the Soviets tried for years to weaponize Marburg.

They appreciated its lethality, but couldn't crack the delivery system.

They didn't realize that all you need is one infected fanatic and a little C-4.

Three cheers for human progress.

So, what now?

Try to muster up some African Union or UN troops?

No, that would take months.

By then, we'd be looking at a full-blown epidemic.

So we suit up the 82nd Airborne in biohazard gear and fight the insurgency and the disease at the same time.

With all due respect, sir, such an operation would be singularly dangerous and bloody.

Not half as bloody as getting it through Congress.

Well, you two better get to work then.

All right.

All right.

Well, unless somebody has a better idea... that'll be all.

Get a better idea... fast.

Blake: But isn't luring us into a ground campaign in remote territory exactly what Boko Haram wants?

Yes, which brings me back to that whole "better idea" thing.

Man: ...can guarantee your safety despite fighting with us.

Wait a minute.

Inshallah, this disease will flush out the unbelievers.

Who's this guy?

From our caliphate.

Where's Hadi Bangote?

Normally, they set off a firecracker and he's waving his sword all over the Internet.

...struck down by the mighty hand of Allah.


Chris Santumari's condition has taken a turn for the worse.

How much of a turn?

This morning they determined he has "clinically deteriorated."

They gave him the experimental treatment.


The first human trial, so they're down to Hail Marys.

Call his wife.

Ask if I can pay him a visit.

On behalf of the nation, I want to thank him for his service.

Yes, ma'am.

Take me to Bethesda.
Henry: Our hypothesis was that the convoy would return to resupply the house.

Looks like we were right.

According to Jose's sources on the ground, several men got out of the trucks, some of them carrying supplies.

They went into the gas station, but they haven't come out.

Thermal imaging shows they went into the tunnel.

Any of them Disah?

Yeah, before we answer that... this Marburg thing... do I need to pull my kids out of school?

What, it's so crazy that I have kids?

They'll be fine.

Honestly if they're your kids, Marburg is the least of their problems.

Fellows: Anyway, one of them appeared to be the leader and matched Disah's physical description.

Problem is that his face was completely covered, so our sources on the ground couldn't make a positive I.D.

Who are these sources?

One's a freebooter out of Tripoli, posing as a traveling merchant.

The other one's an ex-spy from Chad.

My guys have worked with them in the past.

You trust them?

Hell, no.

They'd probably sell out their own mothers to make a buck, but I trust their greed.

The question is, if there's a 60% chance Disah is currently in the compound, do we drone it now, or wait for him to come out to make a positive I.D. and risk missing a clean shot?

Can we do it without k*lling Hijriyyah, who's most likely being held against her will?

No time to put boots on the ground and raid the compound, I guess.

There's a Delta team on an undisclosed JSOC base about two hours to the east, but by the time they spin up, Disah will probably be long gone.


Well, no sense in going to all this trouble to k*ll a man only to not be sure he's dead.

Let's wait for the positive I.D., then we'll hit the trucks.

I'll consult with POTUS, but I'm sure he'll agree.

Oh, listen, I know there's a lot of noise out there right now about the virus.

I appreciate your focus on the job at hand.

Keep me posted.

Elizabeth: His wife's name is Vanessa?

Yes, they've been together nine years.


Two daughters, Aisha and Kim.

And he still went.

He told Jay he'd want someone to do the same for his girls.

No interruptions, okay?

Yes, ma'am.

Mrs. Santumari?



Look... it worked.

The treatment... it worked.

That's incredible.

Two hours ago, I was telling his parents to hurry down here because I didn't...

Oh, God, where are my manners?

I'm so sorry.

Madam Secretary, this is Dr. Hart.

It's a pleasure, ma'am.

Ah, believe me, the pleasure's all mine.

Doctor, tell her what you told me.

Well, his fever's down, uh, his vitals are stable.

We are very optimistic.

The drug that we gave Chris works along similar lines to ZMAPP, which was developed for Ebola.

In that case, many patients were symptom-free and on their feet in a matter of days.

Now, we cannot be 100% sure, but we believe that Chris is moving in that direction.

It's a miracle.

Sometimes we get those around here.


I'm very happy for you...

Thank you.

...and relieved.

Listen, anything you need, call me directly.

Thank you so much.

Doctor, can I speak with you for a second?


This drug could be a complete game-changer for us in fighting the outbreak in Cameroon.

It's very promising, I agree with you.

Unfortunately, it's still in the experimental phase.

W-W-Wait. (stammering)

Come on, I mean, desperate times.

Can't the FDA fast-track it?

The key component in the drug is derived from genetically modified tobacco plants, of which we've grown very few, so even if the FDA gave us the go ahead today, we would still be years out from having enough medication to turn the tide of that outbreak.

How much is there?

After this morning, three doses.

Thank you.

Hey, you're asymptomatic, right?

Hello to you, too.

Yeah, as of 20 minutes ago, I'm fine.

So even if you had the Marburg virus, the only way I could catch it is through the exchange of bodily fluids, right?

I'm starting to feel sexually harassed.

Well, don't worry, 'cause you're gonna stand over there.

No problem.

You're braver than my lawyer, by the way.

He would only review my will by phone.

That's fantastic news.

Chris's wife must be so relieved.

(chuckles) Yeah, she was.

Selfishly, I'm kind of glad the doctors have an ace up their sleeve, even if there are only a few doses.

Did you watch the Boko Haram video?

Weird that Bangote's not in it.

It is, right?

Spectacular attention-getting attack, you'd think a megalomaniac like him would take all the credit.

So, what are you thinking?

I'm thinking he's got Marburg.

Talk about poetic justice.

Well, it only makes sense.

The disease is highly communicable.

He's at the epicenter of the outbreak, and he's crossed paths with at least one infected person, Chris.

Let's say he's gone off the grid because he doesn't want the world to know he's dying.

He's on record as saying the, uh, pure of faith won't get sick.

So he's embarrassed because it turns out science is real.

So what?

If he's sick, what else is he?

Terrified of dying a slow, agonizing death.

I think there may be an opportunity here.

You cannot seriously be thinking of offering that man one of the few We've got to contain this outbreak. existing doses of the cure We have got to have a cease-fire you've got. in place with Boko Haram.

You've got to be kidding me.

Jay, this drug could be our only leverage.

So you'd rather give it to a mass m*rder*r than to any one of the decent people who've been infected?

I understand.

No, you don't. This thing has a 20% to 90% k*ll rate, and I shook a sick man's hand.

I have a wife and a little baby girl at home, and I-I-I could spike a fever at any time.

So, if you came for my blessing, you don't have it.

Look, do what you have to do, but please don't sit there and tell me that you understand, Elizabeth.

I'm sorry, ma'am.


It's the right play.

I just... my nerves are, uh...

It's all right, Jay.

You should pitch it to POTUS.

But maybe we can talk another time?

Of course.

So, let me understand, this deplorable k*ller... one of the worst psychopaths of our time... has fallen deathly ill, and you want to give him a shot to make him better?

For the moment, it's not about his morality.

Well, tell that to the schoolgirls he kidnapped and enslaved.

Tell that to their parents.

Look, I'm not saying he's deserving.

I am saying that his interests might align with ours.

Wrong, our interests align with the disease.

Just let it k*ll him for us.

Okay, then no one's in charge of Boko Haram.

They keep up their insurgency while the virus spreads unchecked all the way to America.

We don't negotiate with t*rrorists.

All due respect, sir, we've already negotiated with this guy.

We were intermediaries for Iraq.

Oh, that's a fig leaf. Trying to get the girls back, that was our play, top to bottom.

No matter how valid the reason, once the bad guys know that they can shake us down and get away with it, it's game over.

Then our only other option is to send in the 82nd Airborne.

(scoffs) All right, fine.

Say we give this monster the shot.

What is to stop him from turning around and blowing up more aid workers?

We only give him half the dose.

The CDC tells me that it'll ease his symptoms and lower the viral load, but he-he won't be cured.

We withhold the second half until after all the containment protocols are in place.

Beats sending our troops to fight an insurgency in a hot zone, but it sets a bad precedent.

Well, then what do we need?

Another fig leaf?

Say we did.

Cameroon's a sovereign nation.

Maybe they invite us to negotiate on their behalf.

Then technically it would be Cameroon negotiating with t*rrorists, not us.


All right.

See what they say.

Hell of a world we live in.

I couldn't agree with you more, sir.

Make an old man happy and tell me someone in this building is actually gonna k*ll a t*rror1st today.

Our source on the ground gave us a positive I.D. on Disah about a minute ago.

We know which truck he's in?

Middle one.


Now we're talking.

As soon as they're on the open highway, we'll hit him.

Drone operator: Target is approximately one minute out from engagement zone.

(electronic beeping)

What, w-what is that?

Sir, we're intercepting a cell phone call on an open channel.

We're blown.

He just told them to get out.

Then take the shot!

Henry: Russell, there are dozens of innocent people in that market.

The collateral damage would be too high.

Targets are leaving vehicles.

Permission to fire?

Tell me that we are doing this.

Damn it!

Permission denied.

Copy that.

We've lost visual contact on the target.

Jackson: We had him.

We had the man who dirty-bombed us in our sights!

One of your sources screwed us.

Next time I'll be sure to find more reliable snitches in a failed state on 24 hours notice.

It's only a matter of time before Disah figures out Hijriyyah had something to do with this.

Hard to imagine that'll end well.

So our best lead comes to nothing... and we'll get a girl k*lled to boot.

Banner day here at the Dalton White House.

Maybe it doesn't have to come to nothing.

Nadine: As you can see, we're up and running.


It's good to be back.

Smells like home... and bleach.

Ambassador Aissatou is waiting in your office.

Thank you.

Got anything to cheer me up before what I'm sure will prove to be a very difficult conversation?

As a matter of fact...

Hey, they look great, and nice work on the sizing.

I don't know why Stevie thinks this is weird.

Me either, ma'am.

I can feel your sarcasm behind my back.

Cameroonian doctors have contracted Marburg after rushing to the aid of their Western colleagues wounded in the su1c1de attack.

Nuns have fallen ill running clinics because there is no one else to do it.

Saints on this Earth are dying and you would give the cure to the very devil himself.

And in doing so, I hope to save thousands, tens of thousands of lives.

"Hope" being the operative word.

Isn't it always?

Mr. Ambassador, I know you hate this plan.

So does everybody else, believe me... but do I have your government's permission to attempt negotiation on your behalf?

The few remaining doses will be given to Westerners, no doubt?

Don't bother to answer, Madam Secretary.

We both know how this game is played.


For the greater good, on behalf of the government of Cameroon, you have my permission...


...and we thank you for your effort.

(door opens)

Ma'am, I have Chris Santumari on line one.


Now if you can believe it, I have an equally big favor to ask of somebody else.

This is hello and good night because Mama is tired.

Hey, Jareth!

Check it out, boot buddies.

So fun.

Mother, uh, a word?


Hey, baby.



Henry: You've never thrown a football?

(whispering): What's up?

(whispering): Okay... you guys have got to stop.

What, making Jareth feel welcome?

Stalking him.

Dad's going full Single White Female in there.

Oh, come on, stop it.

He's not.

What is going on?

You guys have never acted this way with any of my other boyfriends.

We've never liked any of your other boyfriends.

Oh, my God, Mom, is that true?

Kind of.

Obviously, Harrison wasn't great...


...but Arthur was nice.

Nice and old.

What about Mike from the tenth grade?

Let's go way back.

You guys were always encouraging me to invite him over.

To keep an eye on the little perv.

So, what, you guys think I have bad judgment about guys?


I think you're young.

We want this to work, Stevie, because we want you to be with someone who deserves you, that's all.

And the good news is, there is a terrific guy in that kitchen, and he's crazy about you.

You think?

No, Dad and I just like acting like idiots.

(laughs) Fine.

The boots were too much, right?

Kind of.

Yeah, I see that now.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Okay, I'm gonna cool my jets.

I'll tell Dad to do the same.

I'm glad that you like him.


And despite your opinion of my track record, I got this.

Of course, you do.

Put your fingers on the laces like this...

On the laces. and then just give it a little snap with your wrist at the end.

Dad, come on, I'm open.

Oh, my God, Jason, could you be more Death of a Salesman right now?

Uh, Henry.

Henry: Baby, get this, Jareth has never thrown a football.

Really, huh?

I was thinking we'd go to the park and... or it's too late for that.

You think?

Good night, everyone.

Good night.

Good night.

Thanks for the lesson, Dr. McCord.

Oh, hey, call me Henry, pal.

(whispering): What's happening to us?

They're here.

No g*ns.

(speaking French)

How we feeling, Hadi?

A few days ago, I was where you are now... then they gave me the cure.

Now I'm immune.

I'm not afraid to die.

Of course not.

You're the emir.

Give us the shot.

Give us your word the aid workers will be safe.

I'll hold up my end of the deal.

Because if you don't, we won't give you the second dose of medicine.

You'll get sick like this again, and then you'll die... but it will take awhile.


One more thing.

We want the girls back... all of them.

(crowd cheering and applauding)

(camera shutters clicking)

...where these young girls have been held prisoner...

Nadine: Very nice work, ma'am.

Thanks, Nadine.

Sure wasn't all me.

The reports so far: the cease-fire is holding in Northern Cameroon, and the doctors have been going about their work in peace.

They're making good progress containing the outbreak.

So, for a deal with the devil, we didn't do too badly.


Look who I found.

Daisy: Ah, welcome back, Jay.

Hey, man.

Wait, the doctors are on board with you being here, right?

No, I'm contagious, and I went AWOL.

Oh, good.

Yeah, I'm fine.

It's good to see you.

And speaking of duty, we have the nation's business to attend to.

Uh, ma'am, about my outburst at the hospital...

No... don't worry about it.

If I'd been in your shoes, I would have said the same thing, believe me.

No, you wouldn't have.

I wanted to ask your permission to spearhead a special project.


What is it?

Getting production ramped up on the Marburg drug, so there's enough to go around.

That's more of a CDC, NIH thing.

It's not really a job for State.

Well, I'm making it one.

Sounds good.

Look out, Marburg virus.

(silenced g*nshots)

(woman screaming)


(sighs) Well, I hope she's worth it, 'cause right now, she looks like a scared kid in way over her head to me.

Yeah, well, don't tell the attorney general that.

To wrangle this rendition, I had to make it seem like Hijriyyah held the key to Hizb Al-Shahid's entire network.

Maybe she does.

Fellows: Either way, she might not want to take sides against her husband and her father.

I suppose that depends on whether she thinks we're on her side.

Yeah, also depends on whether Disah believes she's dead.

There's only one way to find out.

Fellows: Copy that.

As soon as the operators are clear of the tunnel, the Reaper's good to hit the compound.

Let's hope Disah believes she's still inside.

Otherwise, we bought ourselves a very expensive, scared kid.

Soldier: We've cleared the tunnel.

Fire when ready.

Reheated lasagna, baby.

We are living the dream.


You want to go fool around on the couch till it dings?


So, how was your day?

Oh, on balance, one of the good ones.


Well, that remains to be seen.

(door opens)

Stevie: Hey, guys.

Hey, there.


Um... so, we're gonna go get a bite to eat.

And we were wondering if you guys would like to join us.

Yeah, sure.

We could get a bite.

Jareth: If you don't already have plans.


No, no plans at all.

(microwave dings)

Elizabeth: Oh.

Jason, your lasagna's ready!

Jason: What?

I already ate.

We'll just... gonna grab our coats.

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