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01x09 - Blindsided

Posted: 04/10/16 12:23
by bunniefuu
[erotic sighing]

I'm not your friend.

Maybe I can be, but not at 4 o'clock in the morning.

You like getting paid for sex, don't you?

It turns you on.

Getting paid.


Say it!

It turns me on!

I miss you already.

How did you get this number?


Just want to talk.

I'm sorry, I don't know you.

Look, I just... I wanna talk.

I just wanna talk. I wanna talk!

I'm sure this is uncomfortable for you because obviously you're very close to Jack.

I just would like you to talk to him because he's threatening me.

And disrupting my life.

David's intentionally throwing the XHP case.

That's a very serious accusation.

Play it.

I will make sure it is not going to trial.

She knows about Quorta.

Take it in all the way.

You like getting paid for sex, don't you?

It turns you on, getting paid.

Say it!

It turns me on!

[sound of telephone ringing]

Skip Hadderly's office. This is Christine Reade.

What did you tell Ana, you f*cking c**t?

[sound of receiver being dropped]

[typing on keyboard, telephone ringing again]

[receiver picked up and dropped]

Hey, I'm gonna go this way.

[telephone ringing]

[receiver picked up and dropped]

[telephone ringing]

[receiver picked up and dropped]

Holy shit!


[man grunting during sex]

[telephone ringing]

Skip Hadderly's office. This is Christine Reade.

I need to see you in my office right now.


You know why.

You like getting paid for sex, don't you?

It turns you on, getting paid.

Here she comes.

Turn it off.

Turn it off.

David wants to see me.

[knocking on door]

[door opening]

You wanted to see me?

Shut the door.

I'd rather leave it open.

Shut the f*cking door!

I don't... I don't know what to think.

I have no idea why you would do something like this.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

You don't know what I'm talking about?

You do this kind of stuff all the time?

[pushing key on computer]

Take it in all the way.

[sex tape playing]

I don't know what that is.

You don't know what that is?


Take a look at it.

You like getting paid...

[man grunting]

Say it!

It turns me on!

[erotic breathing]

[sex tape continues to play]

It's all over for you.

You realize that, right?

It's all over.

Who sent you that?

Who sent it?

You sent it.

I didn't send that.

No? Look!

That's your f*cking email!

It didn't just go to me, too.

It went to everybody.


Is this about me?

Did you send this to my wife?

I have no idea what you are doing.

What's your angle? Why are you doing this?

Talking to Erin?

Like sticking your nose in things that have nothing to do with you.

Maybe my email got hacked.

I don't care!

I want you to delete all of our communications.

Every email.

Every text.

That's not me.

I don't care.

I want you out of my f*cking life.

I want you out of this building.

I want you to just disappear.

Hey! Do you hear me?

Delete everything!

I do not want to be associated with you!

[whispers] What is this?

[sex tape playing in background]

Take it in all the way.

You like getting paid for sex, don't you?

[whispers] Is this supposed to be funny?

[man grunting during sex in background]

[whispers] She recorded this?

You like getting paid for sex, don't you?

[whispers] It's definitely her.

[sex tape playing in background]

[whispers] She's lost her mind.

You like getting paid for sex, don't you?

[doors shutting, women giggling]

[sex tape playing]

Take it in all the way.

[erotic sighing]

You like getting paid for sex, don't you?


It turns you on, getting paid.

[passionate breathing]

Say it!

It turns me on!

[man grunting during sexual encounter]

[sound of door opening and closing]

It turns you on, getting paid.

I'm glad she's getting paid.

Say it!

It turns me on!

[muffled voices talking about Christine]

[young men laughing quietly]

I'm-I'm so sorry, Skip.

What-what was it that you'd wanted me to check on citations?

Check the citations and... double-check the data.


[Christine's deep breathing]

You know, if you wanna...

If you wanna go home, and take the rest of the day off, it's...

It's fine.


I-I can understand if you feel uncomfortable here right now.

Why is that?

Well, the...

Are you saying that you want me to go home?


No, no.

Stay if you like.

Forget I mentioned it.

[men gossiping, laughing in background]

[whispers] Why would she send that?

[whispers] She probably rents hotel rooms on penthouses.

I think she's in business in New York.

Yeah, I think so.

I mean, she's so f*cking dirty, like I...

He was f*cking her in the ass? There's no question.

She's messed up, man.

Who sends out a sex tape in a law office?

I'd still f*ck her, man.

That doesn't say anything, man, you'd f*ck anything.


Don't mind me.

Keep talking.

Excuse me.

Oh, sorry, I'm in your way?

No, no need to apologize.

The coffee sucks.

How's your day?

How do you think?

Well, I can only imagine, especially for interns.

What exactly can you imagine?

Just have a lot to take in.

I wanna make something very clear.

You're making me feel very, very uncomfortable.

Yeah, uncomfortable how?

Wh-what are you talking about?

I think you know what I'm talking about.

Interns are all spread too thin?

Alright, you're all... you're all overworked.

I don't think that's what you meant.

I dunno what you're talking about...


Let's all just take it down a notch.

I'm sorry for my friend here.

Please get your hands off me.

[theme music comes up abruptly]

[whispering] She's still here.

[whispering] That's so embarrassing.

You can't go in there, she's in a meeting.

I can see that.

You need to come back later.

Excuse me, so sorry.

I need to talk to you when you get a second.

I'll come back later.

[restroom door opens with bang]

[door to toilet closed and locked]

[operating smart phone]

[rewinding voice recorder]

You just have a lot to take in.

I wanna make something very clear.

You're making me feel very, very uncomfortable.

Yeah, uncomfortable how?

[sound of rewinding]

Are you saying that you want me to go home?

No, no...

Stay if you like.

Forget I mentioned it.

[more rewinding]

Is this about me?

Did you send this to my wife?

I want you to delete all of our communications.

Every email.

Every text.

That's not me.

Hey! Do you hear me?

Delete everything!

I do not want to be associated with you!

[door closing]

f*cking psychopath!

[picking up receiver, quick dialing]

[telephone ringing on other end]

I'm about to jump into a meeting, what's up?

Hey, I was just calling to say hi.


Is everything okay?

Yeah, I'm just busy.

What is it?

Ahhh, I just...


I just can't wait to see you tonight.

I might be home late.

You sure everything's okay?

I already told you, yes.

I need to go.



I'll see you later.

Bye... I love you.

[whispers] What's her f*cking name?

[picking up receiver, internal phone ringing]

Kayla, can you come in here for a minute?

Come on in, have a seat.

Close the door please.

[Door closing]


You and Christine are friends?

Sort of.

I'm concerned about her behavior lately.

Have you noticed anything? Has she said anything to you?

No... No.


She-she didn't tell me about the video, if-if that's what you're asking.

I mean why would she send something like that out?

Well, I...


We'll never know, of course.

Um, when I rotated her, did she say anything to you?

Did she confide in you?

No, ahhh...

She didn't say anything, but she did seem upset.

She didn't say anything?

It's okay.

You can tell me, it's all right.


Okay... Ummm...

She-she wanted access to your files.


She needed to verify some information for Skip and she wanted to cross-reference some of your prior cases.

And you gave her access?



It's okay.

I don't care, I just need to know.


I-I thought I was just helping her out.



Jeff's not in there, right?



I wanna make something very clear.

You're making me feel very, very uncomfortable.

Hey, buddy, got a minute?


Have you seen the video?


Look, I uh, She's gotta get out of her, I tried...

I-I did try.

But she's...

I think she's in shock, and to be honest with you, I-I don't think she sent that email.

Oh, no she sent it.

She is totally unstable.

You know and Kayla said that Christine wanted access to my files.

She said that you told her to cross-reference for one of your cases?


No, I didn't ask her to do that.

No, of course, you didn't!

I just want to make sure that you and I are on the same page.

Okay? Cause she's been pulling some shit lately.

But don't worry. I'm gonna take care of it.

I got this.

I want you to delete all of our communications.

Every email.

Every text.

That's not me.

Hey! Do you hear me? Delete everything!

I do not want to be associated with you!

[bathroom door opening and closing]

Why do you want me to delete all our correspondence?

Is it 'cause you're worried I'm gonna tell someone about us?

I'm not worried.

You're gonna do what you're gonna do.

Does Megan know?

Did you tell your wife about us?

I don't understand why you won't talk to me.

I don't know what I did wrong.

I miss spending time with you.

There is nothing between us.

Who's Quorta?

What'd you just say?


The shell company you were talking to Ben Holgrem about.

Stay the f*ck away from me!

You are f*cking insane!

That's not something we agreed to.

You can't go in there, she's on the phone!

Hold on.

I'm assuming you saw the video.

I tried to stop her!

It's okay.

Listen, I'm gonna have to call you back, I apologize.

You saw the video.

I saw it.

I didn't send that. I don't know where that came from.

I think it was David.

It's gonna be okay.

I think he's trying to discredit everything that I have...

Everything that... everything that I know.

I understand.

You're upset, you're confused.

No, no, no, no, no!

[whispering] He grabbed me in the hallway!

[whispering] He's trying to scare me.

This is a shocking day.

But it's gonna be fine.

Please stop saying everything's gonna be okay.

What do you want me to do?

Evans wants to see Christine right away.

They're gonna kick me out of here.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to tell me you believe me.


I want you to tell me you believe me.


This could get ugly, Tariq.

This girl...

Her behavior is alarming.

And I don't think we can underestimate uh, just how unstable she is.

We need to be very careful with this.


She's made a number of physical advances towards me in the office.

I tried to let her down politely.

I rotated her to Skip.

Did you f*ck her?

Gentlemen, I've got work to do.

We're letting this girl go, right?

I'm tired of talking about it.


Mr. Barr?

Thanks for this.

Have a seat.

Uhhh, yeah, yeah.

[Christine starting to hyperventilate]

Absolutely. It's fine.

Here she comes.

Have a seat.

I'd rather stand.

Listen, emails sent from your personal account has been very disruptive.

You have no idea what I'm going through.

You're absolutely right, I don't.

We need to send you home until we can further assess your level of involvement.

So you're firing me?

They haven't made that decision yet.

Okay, but to be clear, I'm not coming to work tomorrow.

Kirkland's not offering me a position.

And my internship's over.

It's not for me to say, but...

I'll get my things.

I'm sorry, she's out of the office.

Is there someone else you'd like to talk to?

Or would you like her voice mail?

[muffled voices in office]

Once all that stuff is done, if you have any questions, just either sh**t me an email, or call me on my cell phone.

Kirkland and Allen, may I help you?

[Christine having panic attack]

[breathing becoming more difficult]

[full-fledged panic attack]

[Christine crying]

Are you okay?

[Christine unable to speak]

Okay, let's sit you down.

There you go, okay.

What's going on?

What's the matter?

No, no... Someone needs to call 911!

Is she okay?

Just get her some water.

Please get her some water.

Okay, you're fine, okay, okay, okay.

Okay, okay...

[crying intensifies]

I'd like to have a-an ambulance, please.

Kirkland and Allen.


Discredit? You don't have to discredit her? She's crazy.

She's discrediting herself...

Hang on.

[sound of receiver hitting desk]

I can't breathe!

Just get her a glass of water.

Thank you.

911. Thank you.

[Christine desperately trying to catch her breath]

[inflating blood pressure monitor]

Hi, Christine, can you sit up for me, please?

Could you put your head up for me, please.

I'm going to put this over your head, okay?

[Christine struggling to breathe]

Just breathe normally...

Calm down.

Try to breathe normally.

Everything's gonna be fine.

I'm gonna have to call you back.

Just breathe normally. That's good.

[Christine breathing easier]

Slow your breathing.