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02x03 - In Plain Sight

Posted: 04/10/16 03:07
by bunniefuu
So, I need you to try and remember everything Todd was doing and saying last week.

It doesn't matter how small or useless it seems.

Heather: Ferrari 458 Speciale. Personalised number plate, P-B?

So, Todd Wilson was a hero in his wife's eyes, but he did do a spot of auto theft, Your Honour.

There's one embryo left and it's just sitting there.

Your Honour, if it is property, it's part of Ash's estate, which she left to me.

Alright, I'm referring this matter to mediation.

This is Jane Carter. She was driving the car you crashed into.

She has burns to 50% of her body.

Major Hamilton, I put it to you that you did nothing because his weakness made you feel stronger.

You've got a damn hide. And you, Major Hamilton, had a soldier who k*lled himself because you preferred to see him suffer.

You want to get these g*ns off the street, you need what's in my head, and you'd better be ready for the shit storm it's gonna unleash.

By the way, did we ever get that ballistics report on the b*ll*ts from the drive-by?

It shouldn't be too far away.

Mm, neither's Christmas.

I'm dead if I talk to you.

That g*n was used in two other crimes - the kneecapping of Felix Murphy and the m*rder of Ashleigh Larsson.


(Sirens blare)

Janet: I got out of the car.

I thought that Ash had tripped.

Ash! Ash!

I knelt by her side, turned her over.

Her eyes were open but empty.

Lincoln: There have been 18 other sh**t in the larger south-west area.

What if he was still here?

Range of powers that the police can only dream of.

A Royal Commission.

What could the twins see?

I'm expecting them home any second.

That g*n was used in two other crimes...

Man: The w*apon used...

..the m*rder of Ashleigh Larsson.

Keisha: I wasn't going to just stand there and get shot too.

Deborah: What'll you do with the embryo?

It's part of Ash's estate, which she left me.


♪ Theme music So, George was m*rder*d moments before he was going to tell us who gave him his g*n, a fact that was supposed to be a secret.

So, the obvious question is, do we have a leak?

From inside the commission?

Unlikely. But possible.

Intentionally, I doubt it.

Maybe there's an outside chance there was loose talk somewhere.

He also lost half a kilo of coke in that car crash, though, which is a pretty expensive stuff-up.

Didn't necessarily need a leak for someone to wanna k*ll him.

OK, so what do we do?

Put our heads in the sand, say, 'It couldn't have been us' and carry on?

Janet, Terry's all over this, so why don't we just wait and see what they find out before starting witch-hunts?

OK. But until we know for sure, let's at least keep all operations on a strictly needs-to-know basis.


Morning, Janet.

Do we know if forensics found any DNA?

They swabbed the rope on George's hands, around the facial bruising and under the fingernails.

No result yet.

He must have been a terrible sight.

Well, this commission will not be intimidated. We'll just carry on.

We may have lost George, but we still have Felix Murphy, yes?


He was kneecapped by the same g*n used in the Nobakht drive-by and Ash's m*rder.

Significantly, unlike all these others, he's still alive.

He was shot in broad daylight, at point blank range? Yes.

So, he saw who shot him?

Well, he claims he never saw anything but yes, he must have.

He knows exactly who shot him.

What was he - drug courier?


Borrowed lots, lost everything, owed everybody.

His phone records linked him to several short-term money-lenders, but we never got enough evidence to make anyone a real suspect.

We need to get a summons.

I'll get on it.

He won't talk.

We can at least try.

And let's not forget about Todd Wilson, yeah?

His m*rder and the drive-by have to be connected.

It's another way in for us.

What about those missing three hours?

Still missing, sorry.

They're just blank.

We thought if Elaheh did an appeal to the public, ask if anyone might have seen Todd that day.

Do those things even work?

Some of the time, yeah.

But for every real sighting, you'll get 100 false ones.


Anyone afraid of a little overtime?

Let's do it.

Can I have a sec?

Keep your legs crossed, darling.

You've known for months that the g*n that k*lled Ash was used again on Felix Murphy?



OK, leaving aside your decision not to tell me, because I know you'll say it's standard procedure to protect the integrity of the investigation...

Absolutely correct and proper conduct, considering...

It has driven me mad.

I've spent the last two years thinking it was all dead-ends and now I find this, and... and all morning it's been like this one question pounding into me -

'What else? What else does he know? What else hasn't he told me?'

Nothing. And can I believe that?

There is nothing else...

How do I know that you wouldn't keep it all to yourself, and why would you, when you know what it means to me?

We have worked together for years.

You know I wouldn't jeopardise anything.

I can hear news about Ash and remain perfectly calm.

There's nothing tying the Murphy kneecapping to Ash's m*rder.

Yeah, right. Apart from the w*apon.

And you don't think that was investigated thoroughly?

I don't know.

How was it investigated?

I put one of my best undercover officers straight on it.

He worked for six months on Felix.

He got nowhere.

I understand the significance, Janet.

Whoever kneecapped Felix knows Ash's k*ller.

We haven't gone easy on this.

We have just come up against a wall.

Can we talk to this undercover officer? Please?

I don't know if that's possible.

Well... whatever he can give us on Felix Murphy would help.

OK, fair enough. I'll look into it.

Now's a good time.

When I can get to it.

It won't take long, Elaheh.

We just want to pop in and have a quick chat.

It will just be Heather and myself.

It's OK.

Amin doesn't need to be there.

Are you OK?

What about you?

Did I catch a look earlier, when I said we should bring in Felix Murphy?


I thought so.

I understand why...

My opinion?

It should have been left open for discussion, considering it could be a death warrant.

That said, I think you're right.

If we talk to lots of others and don't summon Felix, he's gonna start to look like the odd one out.

And you know what that'll have those other people thinking.

That he's already working with us.

So, he's safer going your way.

But you've got to make it an open hearing.

None of this closed-door stuff.

Everyone's got to know that he kept his mouth shut.

Point taken.

How do you think they knew George was going to talk to us?

Oh, they would've known I got him arrested, and everyone knows he generally did what I told him to do.

That's what kept him out of jail all these years.

Wouldn't have taken much to put two and two together.

He was a friend of yours, wasn't he?

I know how it is. The lines blur.

He mucked up a lot, but he wasn't a bad bloke.

There's a few you'd rather never been born, but most of the guys I represent treat me well.

They listen, watch their language.

Better behaved than a lot of potato heads, that's for sure.

And us prosecutors.

Your words, not mine.

Except we do see the pain and the damage, of course.

If only you could spend more time with victims and we understood the defendants better.

Then we'd have justice instead of a legal system.

Mm, pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Neither of us can say we never made a mistake though, can we?

I've had my fair share of aborted trials.

Lots of convictions too.


Elaheh's right to speak to us.

You've got your wish.

What's that?

Me spending more time with the victims.

Uh, is that a priority?

I'm just looking at the prosecution of prestige car theft...

Can you drop that?

Um, I need to talk to you outside.

Flat white?

I don't have any money, so...

Oh, no, we can start an account if you like.

Thank you, I would love one.

How much do one of these cost to set up anyway?

Career change on the cards?

Oh, it's tempting some days.

Uh, not that much cheaper than a cafe.

You save on bricks and mortar but then you have to pay council fees every time you make a stop, and you have public liability and...

The bureaucracy's expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.

That's not me, that's Oscar Wilde.

'To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune, to lose both looks like carelessness.'

Studied him at school too.

Hm. Thank you.

No worries.


Uh... You know that Ash and I conceived through IVF?


Ash's sister is taking me to court over the last frozen embryo.


I have to file an affidavit before the mediation, and I've just found out it's the day after tomorrow.

Deb wants a court order giving it to her and I... I don't want that.

Well, at least not at the moment.

As Ash's partner, shouldn't it belong to you?

Well, it does, if it's property.

If it's life, things aren't so clear.

The agreement that Ash and I signed was that in the event of separation, we would share the embryos equally.

And you only specified separation...

Look, I'd really appreciate if you could find me some law.

I've got to convince Deb that if she goes to court she'll lose, and then... and then maybe we can talk about it properly.

Yes, of course.

Do you want to use it to try for another child?

Well, I just want the right to decide that in my own time, when I'm ready.

I don't want that decision made for me.

I know from the outside it probably seems quite straightforward, but just I have this, um... it's like an emotional attachment.


Anyway, I know it's not rational.

I'll get to it.


Robbie Carter?

Detective Inspector Andy Campbell.

I thought you should hear this from us first.

Last night, the man who crashed into your wife was k*lled.

She was semi-conscious for hours after the crash.

And her burns were terrible.

She'd smashed her head on the steering wheel and the pain was...

I can't imagine.

Since then it's been one long fight.

So frankly, whatever George Healy went through... he got off light.

You've either got to believe there's some sort of karma to everything, some ledger somewhere that's keeping track of our moral debt... or it's just all a mindless bloody lottery.

She was just going into the office.

She said it'd be quieter on a public holiday.

There's no phone calls, you know?

It's just a mindless bloody lottery.

This could speed up the investigation and help get you answers.

No. I can't.

Won't take long.

Just a short piece for TV.

Please, we don't want any more attention.

Susie, we really think this will help.

Don't you want this to be over?

We've been through enough.

You know, people think that we're in a g*ng or that we're t*rrorists.

Elaheh is getting abused on the street...

This is a chance to change people's minds - about you, about Todd.

Look, we appreciate what you're trying to do here, but please, just leave us alone.

Elaheh, this is your decision.

Our house has been shot at.

One of your witnesses has been m*rder*d.

Whoever is doing this, this is how they deal with people who talk to you.

So, why would I go public, ask people to dob this person in?

If you were in my position, would you go through with it, knowing you were putting your family's lives in danger?

Elaheh, this person has already targeted your family.

You need to help us.

Why can't the police do it?

It will mean more coming from a member of the community.

Once they hear you speak, they won't think g*ng member or t*rror1st, they'll see someone just like them.

Silence only normalises this behaviour.

This community needs someone to stand up and say, 'Enough is enough.'

You are in the best position to do that.

Oh, it took a little convincing.

Well done.

Heather's liaising with the police to take calls from the public.

Can't we handle it?

Well, it is our operation.

We've got the 1800 number.

We can second staff as needed to man the phones.

Sure. I'll get onto it.



Oh, upgrading the server. It's OK.

Your VPN's trying to authenticate with the old one.

I'll just force a manual group policy update.

I got onto that guy we put on Felix.

Yeah, when's he coming in?

(He's already here.)

Senior Constable Calder.

He's my undercover guy, except he's undercover again.

I assured his boss we wouldn't blow his cover.

I appreciate you agreeing to speak to me.

Um, right. So...

So, how close did you get to Felix?

Pretty close. He had no other mates.

Right, so he's a bit of a loner?

He was back then.

He actually started gambling to help his fiancee's sister.

He wanted to bail her out.

Instead, he gambled his ex's $50,000 house deposit, and then he pawned her engagement ring, which is why he had no friends.

But you gained his trust?


But he was terrified of the guy who shot him, and he would never say who that was.

So, threats of jail wouldn't work?


Financial rewards?


There's really nothing we can do to get that name out of him?

He genuinely believes if he told anyone who shot him, he'll be dead the next day.

I wish I could be more help.

Thank you.

Thanks, Neil.

Now this is what I call an open-plan office.

Oh, hey.

What are you doing here?

Just, uh... doing some work.

I've been stuck inside all day.


Actually, it's not really work-work, it's more a favour for a friend.

Looks legal to me.

Good guess.

What's the case?

Is an embryo, only eight cells big, life or not life?

Hm. Well, whatever your answer is, you'll be right.

What do you mean?

Well, how many whiskers make a beard?

Everyone agrees that one isn't, but a thousand is.

So, it becomes a beard without any of us being able to clearly pick the moment.

So, everyone will pick a different moment, and they'll all be right.

There's your answer.

Um, are you done for the day?

As a matter of fact, I am.

What, you weren't waiting for me, were you?

What? No!

Well, seeing as we're both not working, why don't we get a drink?


Why not?

I thought you might be dirty on us for putting you under surveillance.

I never said I was buying.


So, what can I get you?

Uh, whatever pale ale's on tap.

I've just got to zip to the loo.

Uh, schooner?

Come on, Richard, you going to get me a straw as well? A pint.

No toilet paper.


(Indistinct chatter)

(Laughter and chatter)



Uh, hey, is this seat taken?

Yeah, she's in the bathroom.

Um, sorry, I'm just looking for my friend.

Is she still in there?

Tall, attractive, pretty.

I don't know, go and look for yourself. She's not in there.

Voicemail: Hey, it's Keisha, leave a message.

Um... Hey, Keisha, it's... it's Richard.

Uh, is everything alright?

Can you give me a call when you get this? OK, bye.

You don't need to do this.

It's not what's best for our family right now.

Everything OK?

Just nervous.

Well, that's natural.

Just take a few deep breaths.

Remember why you're doing this.

I'm sorry.

I can't lose the people I have left.

El, Karen and I will be by your side the whole time.

I'll start talking and you just come in when you're comfortable, OK?

Just speak from the heart.


When you're ready.

Lina left her fitness thing.

I've decided to hold off on Felix for now.

Second thoughts?

No, just need time.

I want to organise another undercover operation.

On Felix?

But this time, we'll use a woman.

Why makes you think a woman is more likely to get him to do what you want?

Says the man who drove back to work to pick up his wife's pedometer.

(Chuckles) She's got you there, mate.

Right, I mean, think about it.

No, no, I am, I am.

He does like to help girls in trouble, Neil said that.

And you have experience running this sort of operation, so I was hoping...

Sure, happy to.

And it stays between the three of us.


OK, I got it.



Hey! Hey!

I got your fit thing.

Aww, I just went for a run.

Well, you have to do it again, then.

No. (Both chuckle)

How'd it go last night?

Alright, I think. (Sighs)

If Elaheh's appeal doesn't work, I don't know what we'll do.

Well, I think the skill's in sorting through the nonsense, otherwise you'll drown in it.

Just think laterally and, um, you'll be fine.

Should we be worried about the Nobakhts?

What if they're targeted again?

No, if anyone's gonna be targeted, it'll be those who know what happened, not those asking for information.

I guess.

It just suddenly feels as if everything's on my shoulders.

I mean, Felix won't talk.

We're struggling to find any other viable options.

If this doesn't work, it's on me.

Be careful what you wish for, hey?

If there's useful information, you are gonna find it.

I know you will.

But if no-one saw Todd and no-one comes forward, then that is not on you, and we'll find another way.

Well, I hope you have some ideas, Detective.

Now, finish your breakfast, please. (Chuckles)

What's this?

Your undercover operation.

That's how we arrange the intro and character background.

Are you sure pursuing Felix won't look like you're actually chasing Ash's k*ller?

We're chasing whoever shot up the Nobakht house. I'd be remiss not to.

And you think that's all the AG will see?

It's all he'll read in his final report, unless you think one of his golf buddies might tell him otherwise.

If he sees a personal vendetta, it's not gonna be because somebody gave him the heads-up.

Circulation of illegal g*ns cannot be understood, let alone fought, without operations such as this.

OK, well, we need to find a female cop, and the State police can't help us for all the usual reasons - time, money, people.

So, we're back to the Federal Police?

Do you think this will work?

If we find the right person.

I could do it.

I have the experience and I'm across our objectives.

How do you see it playing out?

Gradually gain his trust to the point where you ask if he could get you a w*apon.

Am I a criminal or do I need it for protection?

You're a cleanskin with an abusive partner.

Basically, you're in fear for your life when you ask for that g*n, and he'll be a hero protecting a damsel in distress.

That's doable.

This isn't a decision you should make lightly.

Felix isn't a hardened crim.

Oh, he's caught up with a pretty heavy crowd.

I mean, the majority of the kneecapping suspects have multiple convictions for as*ault, firearms, kidnapping.


Can it wait, or...?

Alright, on my way.

Is that information about George Healy?

Uh, could be.

I'll call you when I know. OK.

Just think about it.

We'll talk again later.
Thanks for this.

I know it's above and beyond.

Hey, I'm always happy to help.

So, unfortunately the courts are way behind on the technology.

There's not one single judge that's ordered that a frozen embryo is definitely property or definitely life.

From what I've gleaned so far, the embryo disputes that have made it court are almost exclusively between heterosexual couples.

You could be making history.

Well, hang on, your instructions were to keep me out of court.

So, what have you found that says, 'Deb, you will not win this?'

Family Court, Queensland, 2009. Divorced couple, ten leftover embryos. Husband wants to donate them, wife wants them to succumb as per their written agreement, arguing that she and her ex can't have separate lives if a baby is born. Court agrees, embryos destroyed.

Can I use this?

Well, your agreement is more ambiguous. But in that case, the court refused to compel one donor to become a parent against their will.

Yeah, but technically, I wouldn't be forced into becoming a parent if Deborah had a baby - I'd be an aunty-in-law.

Emotionally, you'd have to feel connected, you could argue.

But it would still largely come down to the judge's discretion... since it's Ash's egg, not yours.

Well, that doesn't matter.

Deborah may share blood with Ash, but we decided to share a life.

We chose each other, we went through IVF and... and that was our future.

You know, I would feel like a parent, and therefore this decision is relevant.

Maybe we should argue that the embryo is a person.

You're talking about collective intentions when you make plans...

No, if it's a person, it isn't bequeathable.

I can't say it's part of Ash's estate. I can't own a life.

And then it comes down to a debate over Ash's wishes, which is exactly what Deb wants.

Yes, apologies. I haven't had time to think that through.

It's OK.

Todd wanted to know if we were having a boy or a girl.

I wanted a surprise, and he agreed to wait and see.

When he died, I decided to find out, like he'd wanted to.

Our son, he'll never know his father's love.

Someone saw Todd before he died.

Someone knows something.

It doesn't matter how small.

If you saw Todd on Australia Day...

Andy was right when he said it would stir up the crazies.

'Sighted Todd walking a pig in Redfern on Australia Day.'

As you do.


I reckon a third of these we could ditch immediately.

Are you sure you want to risk missing something real?

Hey, you want to help us out?

I can soon, I'm just doing some research on car-stealing.



It turns out high-performance vehicles like that only really get stolen on order, when the stealer knows he has a buyer.

There's no point otherwise.

They attract far too much attention.

Where does that get you?

I don't know yet.

Oh, you go, I'll be right.


You alright?


So, what do I do?

Someone has to tell her.

We can't sit on this.

Did you get the email?

Nearly gave me a stroke.

Does it mean she's gonna have to stand down?

Well, shouldn't that be her decision?

It has to be her decision, which hopefully I can help her reach.

How are the phones tracking?

We've had 68 calls.

Most are your lonely types, attention-seekers.

Any confirmed sightings?

Not yet.

Tony, this is a surprise.

Uh, a word, in private, excuse me.

The DNA tests came back from the rope around George's wrists.

One is a cold hit.

The other matches the DNA on the balaclava that was found near Ash's m*rder.

You must be joking.

Why would...

One possibility is that whoever k*lled Ash was a contract k*ller.

Say that again?

It could have been a contract k*ller.

They k*lled Ash and then they were hired again to k*ll George.

Renner: Or it's secondary transfer.

Someone else touched the rope.

So, the person that m*rder*d Ash may have k*lled George Healy.

He's handled the rope used to tie George's hands, yes.

And the Nobakht house was shot up using the same w*apon that k*lled Ash.


We've assumed that whoever shot up the Nobakht house did it to get the money that Todd had ripped off.

Well, the problem is, we don't know and he could still be after you.

Perhaps the most judicious move is to step down from the commission.



They'd think I couldn't handle it.

Your safety's more important than your reputation.

And the AG might even make the decision for you in these circumstances.

Being the Royal Commissioner, only the Queen and Governor-General can dismiss me.

But there is no shame in stepping down.

You think I'm safer at home than here?

No, you're right.

Even if we up the security, he could still know where you live.

At least let me take your kids to your mum's, until we know more.

And we have to find you a secure home base.

Yeah, I'll call her now.

But I'm safer being high-profile.

Hiding in plain sight.

But with precautions, yes?


I think that's it.

OK, cool.


Hurry up, Mum.

We're going to be late!

You're gonna be late!

We are. Here, grab this.

This one's for you. Give me a hug.

Now, listen, don't let Tony sing any more of his silly songs, OK?



Off we go, off you go! Come on.

Come on.

Come on, come on.

Quick, quick, quick!

(Liam mutters indistinctly)

No singing, Uncle Tony!


Say hello to Grandma for me.

Now, give me a big kiss, give me a kiss. Love you.

A kiss on the lips.

I know, I loved it.

I'll speak to you tonight, alright?

(Liam shouts indistinctly)

Thanks, Tony.

It's only temporary.

You got through it before, you'll get through it again.

Now, who's up for a song?

Both: No!

Their obedience to their mother sickens me.



And let's go.

(Children chattering)

Federal Police have completely locked the place down for the Felix operation.

It's lucky you can stay too.

They mustn't think you're too much of a security threat.


OK, this'll be your room here.

I'm next door, and there's a room down there for operations.

It's not much, but it's secure.

Will you be OK?

Yeah, I'll be fine.

(Door closes)

(Birds chirping)

Chin in, ribs in and breathing in.

Warrior two.

Breathe in and breathe out.

As you sink a little bit lower.

In yoga, we listen to where our bodies should be, not where we want to be.

When we do that, we find our truth.

Where are we on Elaheh's public appeal?

We've had 102 calls that pertain to the time frame...

Well, look, we don't have time to check every single one, so forget the attention-seekers, yeah? Be smart.

Andy? Bianca?


We'll find an excuse to take you off the commission.

Seconded to Canberra usually works.

'Cause no-one will wanna visit you?

Oi! I grew up there.

OK, we'll get all your IDs and your Facebook page set up.

The higher-ups will do their checks and balances, but what we will need is some form of identification.

What's that for?

So, Bianca can prove who she is.

It's, uh, for worst-case scenarios.

I have a tattoo on my hip.

No tattoos.

Only something you know that you've never told anyone.

Why can't you use a tattoo?

Both: It might not be there.


Richard, not now.

I know, but your ten o'clock?

Shit, thanks.

What about an answer to a question?

Um... the first woman I kissed.

Um, full name?

Alright, excuse me, I have to...

Have you read the affidavit?

I skimmed it at the lights. So, you found a case in New South Wales?

Well, it's semen, not an embryo, but it's more recent, involves the death of a partner, and they actually go into whether human tissue can be considered property.


Well, following the death of the husband, the wife wanted to store the semen sample and not destroy it.

She thought that after he died, it became hers.

Now, the judge concluded that, in law and common sense, the straws of semen are property.

So, following on from that, the only way Deborah can get the embryo is if Ash specifically gave it to her?

Mm. I've texted you the citation.

Semen and embryos aren't...

(Horn honking)


Semen and embryos aren't quite the same thing, but, um, good start, thanks.


Now also, I'm still looking into stolen Ferraris and...

Uh, not now, Richard.




I'm sorry I ran out on you the other night.

What happened?

(Sighs) Um...

I, uh...

I think I had a panic attack.

I thought I was dealing with Todd's sh**ting, but, um... suddenly, I just...

The worst part was I could...

I could smell the blood in the bathroom, I could...

Have you had them before?

No. What, do you think it'll happen again?


I just wanted to let you know that it wasn't you or anything.

If you ever get a spare night again...

I know who to call.


Maureen: Deborah, would you like to start with your statement of position?

Uh, Mr Cusack's prepared these written submissions.

I always wanted to have children.

I mean, more than Ash did.

But I didn't find the right partner till my early 30s.

And we started trying straightaway, but it just hasn't happened for us.

The doctors have said I can't become pregnant as I am.

But if I implanted Ash's embryo, I'd have a real chance, and the child could share our DNA.

Now, I'm not saying that the embryo in storage isn't a physical thing, but it has huge human importance to me and my family beyond that.


Also, um... Ash and I always said that we would be each other's donor, if it came to it.


Janet, is there something you'd like to say?

Deb, I'm not gonna change my position.

I'm in the middle of a Royal Commission, and I don't have the time to give this the necessary attention right now.

But once that's over, I promise we can sit down, we can discuss this properly.

Please don't force this now.

I have no choice because you won't respond to my calls, my texts, my emails...

Now's a bad time.

It's always a bad time with you, Janet.

It might be a good idea to remind ourselves that the last thing we want is a combative atmosphere.

If this goes to a final hearing, you will lose and that means costs, which can add up.

Just a few more months, that's all.

I'm running out of time.

I'll take my chances.

Deb, first I'll draw on established precedents to argue the embryo is property and therefore part of Ash's estate.

As her sister, you have no claim over the estate.

As her partner, I do.

Well, there's a precedent for semen, but not for embryos.

Secondly, I paid for the IVF, therefore I own it, whether it's property or not.

And thirdly... Ash would not have wanted you to have it.

You have no consent.

I do.

Consent as defined by Sections 16 and 17 of the Assisted Reproductive Technology Act requires written consent.

An email from Ashleigh to Deborah five years ago, dated 8th September.

'You could always use one of ours. We've tried twice so far. Maybe you'll have better luck than me.'

This was sent before we were pregnant.

You're making suppositions about Ash's wishes after the twins were born.

There are over 120,000 embryos in storage in Australia.

This is the floodgates opening, Ms King.

You don't just need Ash's consent.

An embryo is made from an egg and a sperm.

But the donor was anonymous.

You have that in writing?

It was in one of Ash's emails.

His name's Tim Dolan.

We all met at Sydney Uni.

Our friends know who the donor was, but we deliberately told everyone else it was anonymous.

How can we accept that this represents Ash's true wishes when there's another email, to Deborah, where we know Ash lied?

You need the sperm donor's consent, and you can't rely on Ash's emails alone.

Well, we clearly won't be settling this today.


Hi, Tim, it's Janet.

Um, look, I know it's been a while, but... could you call me when you get this, please?

It's urgent. Thanks.

'It's been a pretty shitful time, to be honest.

I loved Janet's drive when we were falling in love.

Her intellect, her guts.

But more often these days, I feel like I'm just an obstacle in her way.

I shouldn't bitch.

She's my entire world.

I just can't help feeling a little sad sometimes that she devotes so much of her time to restoring the rights of strangers, and the result is people closest to her suffer.'


Andy told me about the DNA link between George's k*ller and Ash's k*ller.

You know we can send that away for more thorough testing?

For what?

Hereditary traits, about hair and eye colour.

We can't identify George's k*ller through his DNA alone.

I mean, science isn't that good yet, is it?

Oh, it's getting there.

If you knew he was a blue-eyed blonde, that'd narrow the field at least, right?

We use DNA as an identification tool, not an investigative tool.

Not yet.

There are tests that can give you the morphology of the face just from the saliva on the rim of a glass.

Hang on, Janet can't use public funds to solve her partner's death.

She'd be after George Healy's k*ller, that's all.

Sure, and I can't think of any other unsolved investigation that that test might benefit.

We've already tested the DNA to confirm sex and ancestry.

There's a test in Holland that can give you eye colour, hair colour, freckles, complexion, behavioural traits, its left or right-handedness.

If I order this test through the commission, it... it could look self-serving.

Well, I can make a case for it, but it wouldn't be fast-tracked without the commission attached.

OK, a happy medium.

But it's all about George.



As if that'll pass the pub test.

See you tomorrow.




I'm early.

That's OK.

Wow, that's a great outfit.

These are my clothes. Kidding.

Oh. (Chuckles)

Um, listen, before the others get here, I just, um...

It's not too late to pull out.

I mean it. It's a great opportunity, but your safety is paramount.


Great things never came from comfort zones.


Kirsty here'll do your face.

Hi, come through.

Found a place that does these amazing pear and oatmeal things.

I'm officially obsessed.


So, where do we start?

Your full name, for the record.

Felix John Murphy.

Mr Murphy, is it true that last year you amassed a large amount of debt?


I wanted to win my fiancee back.

And the money you borrowed, you gambled, correct?

Oh, I had a win here and there.

Won 13 grand one night, but then lost it the next two nights, so... basically, yeah, I went into more debt.

Do you gamble now, Mr Murphy?

Not for eight months.

How do you feel today compared to when you were a problem gambler?


When I was at a real low point, I bet at my laptop for a week, living off a bag of rice.

But now I'm back working as a chef, growing my own veggies, just enjoying the everyday things.

Who shot you in the knee, Mr Murphy?

I don't know who.

This person, or persons, took you to Lansdowne Park, walked you to a secluded area and shot you in the knee, and you have no idea what they look like?

I was shot in the knee, but not like that.

Could you give the commission your account of what happened that day?

(Sighs) I went for a walk in Lansdowne Park.

I decided to lie down in the sun.

A shadow came over me, that's the last thing I remember.

I woke up in Westmead.

Do you think you were shot by someone to whom you owed money?

I don't know who it was.

Mr Murphy, I want to be perfectly clear about this.

If I find that you are deliberately misleading this commission, I can have you charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice.

I understand.

Brown hair, blonde hair, glasses?

Couldn't say?

I didn't see them.

Mr Murphy, this is your last chance.

Please describe to this commission who shot you that day.

(Loud grunt)



(Mobile clicking repeatedly)

Please tell me you're not on Tinder.

Honey's honey wherever you find the bee.

No, it's my niece getting ready for her ballet Eisteddfod.

(Chuckles) Sweet. (Chuckles)

Sorry, but did you come off that commission thing as well?

The one on g*ns?

How long have you been here?

Since yesterday. I think they're gonna recall me today.

Yeah, yeah, they told me the same.

'See how you feel after a night in lock-up'.

Such bullshit. I don't know what they want me to tell them.

Yeah, someone gets shot on Australia Day, and suddenly we're all part of a big conspiracy.

They've got no idea.

Still... maybe I'm better off in here.

We should take her out now.

You were lucky to have scored an invite. Leave him wanting more.

Just saying, but you're in charge here.

(Cell door opens)

Am I going back to court?

They're letting you go. You can phone someone to pick you up.

I told you at the start of this operation that nothing you say and no information you give can be used against you in any court in New South Wales.

This inducement has now ended.

I just, um... I don't think we connected.

He, um... He didn't get my name.

He'll remember you.

Best on ground.

(Phone rings)


Uh, yeah, I'm on my way.

She's got something on Todd.

Four hours before he was k*lled, Todd visited a cafe in Glenfield.

3:30. Where is this?

Railway Parade.

He bought two coffees - one for him, one for his passenger.

Owen: Guy or girl?

Can't tell with that camera.

We'll get RMS footage within a ten-kay radius, see where they went.

We did that already.

What made you prioritise this tip over all the others?

Well, the cafe owner was the only person to describe Todd in a nice way.

Everyone else said he was this suss-looking guy, whereas this person said he was happy, very happy.

And he paid with a $100 bill.

Hey, hey, stop for a second, I've got something.

We're a little busy, Richard.

No, no, but this.

If Todd was trying to steal Bocarro's Ferrari because he had an order for one, he'd try again, right?

Because if he did steal one, and sold it, then that would explain all of his cash.

So, I looked up who else in Sydney has a Ferrari 458, and guess who bought one two days before Todd was shot?

Our friend from the inquest.

Major Simon Hamilton.

See, Todd's looking to steal a Ferrari. Simon Hamilton buys one.

Two days later, Todd is dead with a pile of cash in his car?

How does an army major afford a car like that?

But Todd doesn't have any connection to Simon Hamilton at all.

It doesn't make sense.

Yes, it does.

This is RMS footage.

That's Holsworthy.

The army base.

Karen Parker?

...have a boy or a girl.

I wanted the surprise, and he agreed to wait and see.

When he died, I decided to find out like he'd wanted to.

Our son... he'll never know his father's love.

He'll never hold his hand or ride on his shoulders.

Someone saw Todd before he died.

Someone knows something.

If you saw Todd on Australia Day, if you know anything that could be relevant... please contact the police.

Tim's here.

What is your position, Mr Dolan?

It's not your place to come in...

It actually is my place because it's my child I'd be putting in this toxic situation.

Have we met before?

Far out.

(Chuckles) We have.

It's in the past, it's not who I am.

Janet: Richard and Keisha?

You call Richard and you tell him you want him back at the office immediately.

Owen: Your extended family were desperate for answers.

Yeah, and so am I!

I don't know what Todd was up to.

Mr Hamilton, summons to appear at the King Royal Commission.

Man: Let's see what we've got here.