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04x02 - The Burden of Beauty

Posted: 04/09/16 07:59
by bunniefuu
[chatter echoing]

Oh, my God.

Help me.


[theme music playing]

The Burden of Beauty

[heavy breathing]


No, please.

Please don't.

Please don't. Please.

[crying] Please don't. No.

[crying] No. No, please.

[sobbing] No.

Please. Please. Please. Please.


[muffled whimpering]


[chuckles] Moving on, people.

Let's reset for close up.

Sheriff's Department.

What the f*ck are you doing?

You're all under arrest.

The f*ck are you talking about? This is a licensed production.

There's no license for what you're doing here, assh*le.

Brock: Jesus Christ, son, pull your pants up.

You all right? Look at me.

How old are you?

Don't answer that. You're making a big mistake.

Don't f*cking touch me. Bunker, I want you to arrest all these people.

Don't f*cking say anything.

Shit, f*ck!

Go ahead, resist. Give me a reason, huh?


f*ck you, bitch!

Pony Joe.


Have I mentioned you're under arrest?

f*ck you, traitor.

Split 'em up. I need individual statements.

Where do you want the director?

Put him in the interrogation room.

Turn up the heat.

I want to talk to my lawyer.

Yeah, yeah.

Good morning, Sheriff.

Mr. Mayor, you're in my chair.

I heard you and your deputies had a busy morning.

Arrests don't mean shit if your DA can't get a conviction.

That won't be a problem.

Yeah, I guess it won't.

I'm not an idiot.

You think I don't know that every time your girl Cruz gets an anonymous tip, we're doing your dirty work?

I don't need to remind you who put you in charge here and kept you in charge, do I?

What can I do for you, Mr. Mayor?

What progress have you made on my niece's m*rder investigation?

Uh... We have a few leads.

Yeah, I read through the files.

These files are confidential.

And in case you forgot, you're still a person of interest in this case.

And if I wasn't out there wasting my time shutting down f*ck films for you, I'd have arrested a suspect in all three murders by now.

I expect daily updates from now on.

Really? I thought that was Deputy Cruz's job.

I want them from you, Brock.

Then I will make it a top priority, Mr. Mayor.

Thank you for your time.

You're welcome.

[birds chirping]


You look good.

[scoffs] f*ck you.

So what do you have here, 10 acres?

25. The woods are mine, too.

It's peaceful.

It's private.

[button clicks]


New place is great.

A work in progress.


[clears throat] Where have you been?

I guess I needed some time.

Yeah, I could have used some, too.

I shouldn't have turned my back on you.

You didn't turn your back on just me.

Job's dead.

Why, because Dalton said so?

No, because that's what they do with people like Job.

You didn't know.

There was nowhere left to look.


You kept looking for him.


Still nothing.

What about Deva?

Didn't you at least want to see her?

Lucas: I have seen her.

She didn't tell me.

She knew if she did, you'd want to come.

And Deva going behind your back feels like a betrayal?

I just... I need to protect her.

From him?

From everything.

That's not possible, Carrie.

It used to be.


Before he showed up in Banshee and forced himself back into your life?

I didn't say that.

But that's what you feel, isn't it?

I'm sorry.

For what?


[door opens, closes]

Hubbard: The losses you've suffered, the pain you've endured, all the result of a choice made by someone else.

And now he's back again, showing up like he did two years before.

If you're so concerned about my losses and pain, why don't you let my kids come home to me?

We've already discussed this, Carrie.

Let's discuss it again.

All I can do is make a recommendation.

Beyond that, my hands are tied.

Then what the f*ck am I doing here?

Tell me who gets to make that choice and let me go talk to them.

This is bullshit.

Let's talk about Gordon.

What about him?

Have you started sorting through his belongings?


The longer you wait, Carrie...


The harder it gets?

Trust me, it can't get any f*cking harder.

Hey, get those last three pallets loaded.

That truck should have been on the road hours ago.


Mr. Proctor, I was not expecting you today.

My condolences on your loss... [groans]


I'd say our terms of agreement were pretty clear.

Uh uh?

You and your Brotherhood manage my operations and I permit you to maintain yours for a bit of your profits.

And that's what you've been getting. I check the accounting myself.

Which is why I hold you responsible for any errors.

Or omissions for that matter.

You've been running a side business.

Mr. Proctor...

What happened this morning was your one and only warning...

Mr. Bunker... from now on, my cut goes up by 10%.

Do you want me to talk to Mr. Watts about our new terms?

That won't be necessary.

I didn't think so.


What are you going to do about the arraignment?

Why should I do anything?

My men are solid. I can vouch for them, but the director's a freelancer.

There's no telling who he'd rat out to save his own ass.

Mr. Bunker, you seem determined to prove your ineptitude.

I'll deal with it.

Somebody pick this shit up.


You don't seem happy to see me.

How are you?

Never better.

Rebecca: Good, 'cause I need your help.

With what?

You ever heard of Aaron Boedicker?

Yeah, a meth dealer.

Rebecca: He and his clan used to just cook up in the foothills, but now they've started selling it in town.

Lucas: Sounds like a problem for Proctor.

No, it's actually a problem for me.

They were experienced cooks and I was looking to branch out on my own a little bit.

I warned Boedicker that Banshee was off limits.

Let me guess, the inbred drug dealer didn't listen to the 24 year old girl.

Rebecca: I'm asking you to help me fix this.

My uncle finds out what I've done, I'm dead.


It's not my problem.

You drinking yourself to death in a sh*thole motel room wasn't my problem either.

I'm going after Boedicker with or without you.

I just thought that with you I'd have an actual chance.






Drop the g*n, bitch.

You drop yours, assh*le.

Why the hell would he do that?

'Cause if he doesn't, I'm gonna blow your f*cking head off.


Well, since you asked so nicely...

It's okay, son, I got this. Get him out of here.

So, is this a social call?

'Cause my memory could be failing me, but I don't remember inviting you to visit.

You didn't.

Then you're trespassing on my land.

We had a deal.

You've been getting your cut.

The deal was you wouldn't sell meth in Banshee.

Do you have any idea what my uncle would do to you if he found out?

I never much liked being told what to do.

Then you're really gonna hate it when I shut you down. [laughs]

Shit, girl, that there just ain't never gonna happen.




Lem, get the girl inside.

She and I need to have a little chin wag. [laughing]




[Lem screams]



I don't think you appreciate how much trouble you're in, little girl.

He'd better not touch me again.

And I don't know what I was thinking getting into business with you.

You're the one who broke the agreement.


The problem with being a pretty girl is that over time you get the idea that you can do or say whatever the f*ck you want.


I'm gonna do you a favor.

I'm gonna remove the burden of beauty.



[dog growling, barking]

Hesher here chased down a rabid possum a while back.

He ain't been the same since.






[dog barking]

[Rebecca laughing]

[laughing continues]


You f*cking bitch.



Oh... Jesus Christ!

You okay? Look at me. Look at me.

Come on.

Come on.

Rebecca! Rebecca!

Hey, Rebecca.

We don't have time for this.


Get down!



[fire whooshing]

[faint music playing]


[band playing]

♪ Yeah! ♪
♪ Yeah! ♪
♪ I know, I know, I know... ♪


Not the kind of bar I would think you'd hang out in.

There's a lot you don't know about me.

I'm sure that's true, sir.

Is there a law against drinking in this bar?

The sheriff asked me to ask you to wait.

Wait for what?

I'll let him tell you.

Nice car.


What are you doing here, Hood?

I was thirsty. Thought I might get a beer.

You're not here investigating the Bowman m*rder?

No, sir. I told you, I'm retired.

Yeah, yeah, listen.

Someone's out there k*lling young girls and I'm a little under the g*n here, so I'm gonna ask you again, what are you doing here?

One of the guys in the band had a thing with Rebecca.

I figured I'd watch the show, introduce myself.

No, you wait here. Bunker and I will go talk to him.

Kid's a hillbilly drug dealer.

He's gonna run as soon as he sees the uniforms.

Then we'll know which one to grab. Let's go, Bunker.


[music continues]

♪ Your thoughts are being read out loud ♪
♪ So everyone can hear ♪
♪ We know your insecurities ♪
♪ We know your biggest fear ♪
♪ Your thoughts are getting worse and worse ♪
♪ You're picturing your mother dead in a hearse ♪
♪ You plague your friends with the worst curse ♪
♪ You can think of... ♪


♪ Everybody knows, knows what you're thinking... ♪

Get out of the way!

Ow, man!

♪ Everybody knows, knows what you're thinking... ♪

Get out of the way. Hey!


Man: Look!

Bunker: Here!

Shut up.

[tires squeal]


God damn it!

[knock on door]

Come in.

Mr. Franklin. Do you wanna sit down?

You wanted to see me?


I've been going through the case file from the pornography arrests.

The evidence is overwhelming.

I'll have no problem getting convictions for all five defendants.

Withdraw the charges.


[scoffs] Why?

I have my reasons.

Sir, with all due respect, you told me to throw the book at these guys.

And now I'm telling you to let them go.

Mr. Proctor, there's only so many times we can do this before people start asking questions.

I'll worry about that.

Sir, frankly, I don't understand...

And you worry about me.

Was there anything else?

No, sir. Thank you for your time.

He won't be a problem.

[music playing]

Take a seat.

What the f*ck am I doing here?

I said take a f*cking seat!

What happened to Rebecca Bowman?

How the f*ck should I know? Why am I even sitting here?

You're not even a cop anymore.

That's right.

That means I can kick your f*cking head in and not get fired.

You dragged me here. Why don't you go f*ck yourself...


All right. All right.

I liked Rebecca. We had a good thing going.

Till she dumped you?

She didn't dump me.

Things just got complicated.

Complicated how?

Can I get a beer or something?


Complicated how?


I should have never told her about my f*cking uncle.

Aaron Boedicker?

They did some business, right?

She was his business.

He was cooking that junk up in his bathtub before she got involved.

She's the one that gave him cash as long as he didn't deal in Banshee.

That was the deal.

I told her he wouldn't stick with it.

And he didn't.

That's when she started acting all crazy paranoid about everything.

I thought that she was scared of my family, but she said they were nothing.

It was Proctor that scared the shit out of her.

The twisted shit she told me about him.

Man, you have no idea how f*cked up that guy really is.

You wanna know what happened to Rebecca?

Ask that m*therf*cker.

All right, go.

Get the f*ck out of here.


[door opens, closes]

Seems this girl's ghost has got you all out of sorts.

Yeah, I owed her one.

Must have been a real big one.

You got something to say, just say it.

Seems like you owe Job a lot more than you owe this girl.

There, now I've said it.

[plane engine roaring]


Se?or Proctor.

Welcome to Pennsylvania, Mr. Loera.

About your niece.

[speaks Spanish] _

You should take time to mourn. Business can wait.

On the contrary. A life can stop, but business must go on.

My operation's been growing exponentially since we last talked.

Expanding my distribution network is of high priority.

Loera: How does that benefit me?

Market dominance.

It's no secret that the Sinaloa's partnership with the Chinese has hurt your bottom line.

Once the cartels got into the pill industry, you could no longer control the market pricing like you did with the cocaine and the heroin.

They're moving product across the border... twice your rate, just a fraction of the price.

The increased traffic is just causing you even more border headaches.

I can offer a local pipeline without any of the risk or expense of having to import the product itself from Colombia.

No disrespect, but I deal in a very different volume than you do here in Pennsylvania. Your ambition impresses me, but I'm not convinced that you can play in my league.

Then allow me to convince you.

Very well. I expect three tons ready for pickup in 14 days.


When this transaction is completed, I expect to be your exclusive East Coast supplier.

Do we have a deal?

Se?or Proctor, I've heard the stories.

You're a dangerous man.

But a dangerous man in Banshee, to the cartel, is still nothing but a mosquito.

Failure to deliver is not an option.

I'll see you in two weeks.

Judge: I reviewed the complaint. All seems to be in order.

Are you prepared to make a bond recommendation, Mr. Franklin?

[clears throat]

At, um... at this time, Your Honor, the people would like to withdraw their complaint against all five defendants.

Are we discussing the same case here, Counselor?

There seems to be more than sufficient cause here to proceed.

Yes, Your Honor, however, the people have recently discovered new evidentiary inconsistencies and possible Miranda violations on the part of the Banshee Sheriff's Department.

In light of these unfortunate developments, we have no choice but to vacate the charges and decline prosecution.

Very well.

I take it there are no objections from the defense?

No, Your Honor.

Motion granted. All charges are dismissed.

These men are to be released from custody immediately.

[gavel bangs]

Pony Joe: I am free. Home and free.

Mr. Prosecutor, I'd like a word in my chambers.


Ana: Hey, Bunker. How you doing?

I can't believe this guy's back on the street.

Most of his actresses are underage.

He doesn't just sh**t them, he dr*gs them and r*pes them.

Nice to see you again, Mrs. Hopewell.


What happened?

I'm having my things removed.

I thought you'd want to redecorate your new office.

Thank you, Uncle.

You're welcome.

[door closes]

Lucas: Aaron Boedicker didn't k*ll Rebecca.

[glasses clink]

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

She was f*cking his nephew. Did you know that?

Who she f*cked is none of my business.

I trust you'll keep me informed of anything else you find out.

What if I find out it was you?

I got nothing to hide.


[knocks] Yeah?

Forensics report came back from the lab.

There was a positive match to the blood sample we found in Rebecca Bowman's SUV.

Help me.


Son of a bitch.

It doesn't make him a k*ller.

Brock: Yeah, well, it sure as shit makes him a liar.

Nurse: You're safe now, sweetie. Everything's gonna be okay. I'll be right back.

You don't really think he did it, do you?

Brock: I don't want to, but he and Proctor have never been best buddies.

You know, maybe Rebecca got caught up between them.

Bunker: That's not a motive for m*rder.

[glass shatters]

Without that, we don't have a case.

Yeah, I know.

And we don't have anything connecting him to the other girls.

Brock: No, I know. I know.

Bunker: And also you know Hood.

I know Hood just well enough to know that I don't know him at all.

Bunker: Do you want me to bring him in?

Brock: No, let's wait.

Let's see where this trail leads us.


Thanks. [clears throat]

Right this way, girls.

Welcome to d*ck Webster Productions. [laughs]

This is where the magic happens.

I want you to sit down. Sit down on the couch.

Get comfortable.

You want to check out some of the posters or, you know, some of the DVDs? I'm gonna get us some cocktails and then we're gonna start the audition, okay?

We're gonna make it vodka.

[girls laughing]

[chuckles] Yeah, buddy.

[chuckles] You got me.

You got me, lady. [coughs]

Who the f*ck are you?

A concerned citizen.

I don't think you want to mess with me.

I do.



How can Watts be so f*cking blind?

Proctor's got us running around like n*gg*r*s in the field doing all the hard work while that m*therf*cker just keeps getting richer.

[scoffs] Maybe all that time in the cage and Watts doesn't mind taking it up the ass, but I f*cking do.

I'm done being everybody's bitch.

Yeah, what are you gonna do?

I'm going to wait for the right moment and then I'm going to f*cking seize it.


Calvin: I'm going to remind the Brotherhood who the f*ck we are.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who sees how batshit crazy this world has become.

Please don't k*ll me.

Watts has lost his vision.

f*ck Watts.

He doesn't care that our families are in danger, that our future is on the brink, but I do.


Fortune favors the bold.

Power comes from being willing to do whatever it takes.

k*lling you would be much too easy.


Justice at any cost.

I'll be watching you.

Hello? Who's there?


I don't want any trouble, Proctor.

I didn't k*ll Rebecca. I swear to God.

You can tell him that yourself.

Please. Please.



[door opens]


[coughs, spits]

[footsteps approaching]

Man: Good morning, Job.


♪ I watched you from the dark last night ♪
♪ I molded your heart in my hands just right ♪
♪ But I lost myself in your eyes ♪
♪ Had to pull myself away ♪
♪ If love's gonna live in this house ♪
♪ Then you best make the most and not sleep ♪
♪ If you don't like the way she treats me ♪
♪ Then you know where the door is if you wanna leave ♪
♪ Then you know where the door is if you wanna leave. ♪