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01x01 - Episode One

Posted: 04/08/16 17:05
by bunniefuu




Marcella, what do you want?

Jason, you've gotta help me.

I can't.

No, there has to be a reason. Just tell me why.

"Look... I'll call you once you've had time to think about things."

What am I supposed to think about?

You didn't say anything.

And I don't know anything.


"I'll call you tomorrow, OK? This is not a good moment."

What was I suposed to tell the kids?

"I don't know."

"Look, I really can't talk right now. I'm in a meeting."

You went back to work?


You went back to work tonight?!

"Yes. I went back to work!"

Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

DTG Construction, SE1, please.



Hi, love.

Hiya, Dash.





Busy morning?

I had to take the car to the garage.

I thought it was brand-new.

It is. This was more the... human factor.


Er... crumbs.


Nice to see you. Glad you could make it.


So... How's the family?

Fine, fine. Time moves on.

Sarah turned 16 last week.


Well, say hello and congratulations from me.

It's not bad, eh?


I hear you've started doing concrete jobs for Brenthams.

20% cheaper than you're doing them for me.

They're a... new relationship.

It's a way of getting a foothold in new markets.

Have you got tired of your old relationships?

Course not.


With this new information, I took the liberty of rewriting our contracts.

(CHUCKLES) You can't do that, Sylvie.

I represent more than half your turnover.


It's a long way down, Phil. Metaphorically speaking. That... wasn't meant as a threat.

You'll drop by a third... but you won't fall all the way.


"Hi, it's Emma. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you. Thanks. Bye."

Ems, it's Mum. It's nothing in particular.

I just wanted to um...


I hope everything's fine and er... we'll catch up soon, OK?

Big hug. Love you.

Marsella Backland?

It's Marcella. But yeah.

DI Rav Sangha. I work with DCI Laura Porter.


It's about the... Grove Park murders.

Come in.

You might not remember it. It was a long time ago.

2005. Two women, one man, k*lled in their homes.

Plastic bags over their heads.

Tied around the throats with insulating tape.

Hands and feet tied... with cable ties.

Trophies taken from the scenes.

I'm impressed.

Well, don't be.

We never got him.

Yep. Well, it looks like he's back.

We found our second victim last night.

An eleven year gap?

It looks like it.

The woman we found last night, Carol Fincher, she lost her job at Bonn Electronics six months ago.

Laura thinks she interviewed someone called Bonn in the previous investigation.

But we cannot find the transcript.

The second victim was dating... a Clive Bonn?

Er... yeah. But a few weeks before she was m*rder*d.

We interviewed him, but he had an alibi.

Clive Bonn?

Yeah. Lives in Harrow.

Or did at the time.

Can I take a look?

That's Liz Harper. Husband came home and found her two weeks ago.

Hm. And...?

Carol Fincher.

Divorced, no children, lived alone.

Found her last night but, as you can see, k*lled before Harper. Mm.

Peter Cullen. Have you talked to him? He was our prime suspect. Mm-hm. It's not him.

He's behind bars.

For what?


k*lled his wife eight years ago.

So he has k*lled.

Yes. But not these two.

Yeah. Can I keep these?

No. Why?

Well, just to... look over with a fresh pair of eyes.

But you're not actually on the force, are you? So... you can't.

Do you wanna call Laura and ask?


DCI Laura Porter.

Hey. It's Marcella Backland.

Hi, Marcella. My God.

It's been ages. How are you?

Er, I'm good, thank you. Erm...

One of your detectives visited me today.

Yes. Rav. Did you find something in the reports?

I wanna come back to work.


This is DS Marcella Backland.

She's been on a career break for several years, raising a family.

She's gonna be working with us.

Now, Marcella worked on the Grove Park case back in 2005.

So we're pleased she's joining our team.

Right. Forensics have finished at Carol Fincher's place.

Same kind of plastic bag and tape.

Sorry. The same as in 2005 or on the other victim?

Both. No signs of forced entry.

All points to the same offender.

Did you get hold of Clive Bonn.


He claims to have never met or even heard of Carol Fincher or Liz Harper.

And what about the other suspects from the 2005 investigation?

Well, we've got hold of pretty much all of them.

They've been questioned and written off. Alex.

All the pictures we've got of Carol Fincher, she's wearing this Thomas Sabo bracelet.

Six charms on it. It's missing Carol's telephone and computer records.

She was registered with a dating site.

Meet. That's ME-E-T, not M-E-A-T.

Anyway, we're working out whether she's had any contact with people on that site.

Right. And was Liz Harper registered with them as well?

We're working on it. But the...

The four last unanswered calls to Carol's phone were from a former colleague, Joanna Duggan.

Right. Alex, Marcella - find her. See if she can tell us who Carol might have met.

You want me to go?

Is that a problem?

No, it's just -

You weren't expecting to work today?

Of course I was.

Well, then.

I feel so guilty. I should've gone over.

Why didn't you?


There were times where she wanted to be left alone.

You rang her.

Quite a bit.

You didn't think it was strange when she didn't call you back?

To be honest, I was a tiny bit relieved.

She kept going on about her husband leaving her.

Well, maybe it was the worst thing that ever happened to her.

Right. It's just there is a limit to what you can bear to hear over and over.

Were you aware that she was a recovering alcoholic? Yes.

And it didn't occur to you that maybe she'd started drinking again and that's why she didn't call.

I said I felt guilty, didn't I?

Do you, um...

Do you mind if I take this?

Erm... no.

Thank you.

Did erm... did Carol ever mention a Peter Cullen?


You've never seen this man?

Ah... no.




Marcella? Why are you asking questions about Peter Cullen?

Well, he's not locked up, is he? He's in an open prison, doing a work scheme three days a week in a bakery.

You said he was behind bars so he couldn't have done it.

Prison officers drive him to the bakery and back and a supervisor's watching him during the day.

2005, his car was spotted one block away from the first m*rder.

And he had a very good explanation for being there.

He had the same insulating tape.

It's a common brand.

And he didn't have any alibis.

It's all circumstantial!

We've looked into it, we've ruled him out, and, just so you know, we don't fly solo on this team. Clive Bonn.

He said he didn't know Carol Fincher, right? Yeah. Why?

Alex, get Laura on the phone.

OK, Mr Bonn. You said... you'd never met Carol Fincher.

The one on the right is Carol Fincher and the man in the middle is you.

Apparently, I was wrong.

When and where was that photo taken?

Why don't you ask the photographer?

I'm asking you.

The company was having its 20th anniversary in July, so I came back from Rome for that.

And met Carol Fincher. If met means accidentally ending up in the same photo as her, then... yes.

You fired her a month later.

We let 50 people go at that time.

HR handled everything.

Liz Harper.

You said you never met her either.

You got a photo of us two?

Is there one?


So... er, are there any other women I don't know you wanna talk to me about?

Or are we done?

Nope. We're done. Thank you.

Clive Bonn. Connected to one of the 2005 victims and to Carol Fincher.

Now if there's any connection to the other victims, I want us to find it now.

Mark. Contact police in Rome. See if they've had any murders similar to ours between 2006 and now.

Er, Clive Bonn had an alibi in 2005.

And he moved to Italy in 2006 and the murders stopped.

He returned three months ago and we've got new bodies.

Could be a coincidence. Could be but It's enough reason for us to investigate.

But we don't care that the murders started again when P.Cullen got in touch with the outside world.




What did I say about Cullen?

That you've ruled him out.

I think that's a mistake.

I don't care what you think.

He's in prison being monitored around the clock.

Forget about it.



Long time, no see.

What you want?

What do you think I want?

(LAUGHS) I don't know.

A loaf, please.

Anything in particular?

Doesn't matter. You choose.



Oh! They're beautiful.


Hi. Late. Sorry.

No worries.


Hi. Why? What's the occasion?

It's our fourth anniversary.

Really? Congratulations.

We got the roses from Grace.

Actually, they're from both of us.

No, they're not. No.

They're not.

So, did you take a look at the Lambeth Project?

Yes. And we're not going to change a thing.

What's with the Lambeth Project? We're breaking our agreement with the planning officer.

How are we breaking our agreement?

Well, we got to buy the land based on the promise of building a public green space on the roof.

It is going to be green. And it's going to be open to the public.

If they pay.

And if they don't mind crowds.

Over half the area's being given over to bars, restaurants and spas.

It's more profitable.

Profitability's not the issue.

We promised a building that was environmentally responsible.

Enough business talk.

Let's celebrate.

Why have a department for environmental issues if we just ignore them?

Because you needed a job. And, unlike my daughter, you can't actually do anything.

Stephen, Grace.


Henry, come on.




So you were home.

You still consider this your home?

Where are you living at the moment?

At Greg's.

We'll have to see after that.

Hey, about the car.


Forget it. I probably deserved it.

We're gonna have to tell the kids.


We'll tell them when they come home from school at the weekend.

It'll turn into a big thing if we both drive up there. IT IS a BIG THING!


I'm grateful to you for everything.

But these last few years, I've... felt alone.

Like... we've nothing in common.

Except the kids.

No, that is not a reason.

That's something you work at.

I don't... love you any more.





Jason, where are you?

"Why? What do you want?"


It's just, I can't quite...

I can't remember you leaving.

Really? Well, you more or less kicked me down the stairs.

Yeah. Erm...

I don't... I don't know what happened.

Erm... "Well, I do."

I'll... I'll ring you later, OK?


I'm in the bathroom.

Listen. Work have just called so I'm heading out. OK?

All right, darling. See you later.






These are for you.

Why am I getting flowers?

Well... it's a thank you.

For all your help.


I didn't realise this was gonna be the last time.

Well, I've got everything I need, I think.

Unless... you've thought of something.

I can help you a lot more.

A lot, lot more.

I'd really like to go on seeing you.


You're going to think it's worth it.

I promise.

Yeah. It'll be nice.


Sorry I'm late.

Not interested. We've got a third victim.

Benjamin Williams.

We checked Bonn. According to his wife, he was at home at the time of the m*rder.

There's a shop outside Williams's flat with CCTV.

Go and get the footage.

Can't one of the DCs do that?

Yeah. They could.

Mark? Do me a favour. Will you do an identity check on...

..this girl here?

First name Maddy.

Who's the guy?

Peter Cullen.

OK, send it to me.

But if Rav asks, I'm gonna tell.

I'm a terrible liar.


I wish more men were.

In brief, profitability is up.

Thank you, Grace.

Let's move on to the next issue.

Forgive me. Just one more thing.

Our project in Lambeth.

This isn't on the agenda.

I have an item on the agenda and I haven't finished yet.

As you can see, my brother's report clearly raises issues. So, Jason?

Couldn't the council sue us, given the current setup?

I...don't have the entire agreement in my head.

Well, we promised them a park.

Is that what we're supplying?

Well, that, like so much else, is... open to interpretation.

And if the council's interpretation is that we're not keeping our promises, could that affect future construction work on publicly owned sites?

Well, obviously it could, in theory.

Can they shut down Lambeth?

Oh, for God's sake!

He's not a bloody fortune teller.


Once again...

In theory... yes.

They could.

Thank you.

I'd like to call a vote on whether we should have my brother and his department take another look at the Lambeth Project.


Hi, there. What can I do for you?


OK. Thanks. Bye.

Karen. Hi.

Good to meet you.

You look... fantastic.



You made me go against Sylvie.

I asked you to answer a question as Head of Legal Affairs.

Everyone's angry with you.

Not Henry.

Everyone who matters.

So, why go against her?

Henry doesn't care or understand. But you're too smart to put your neck on the line, Grace.

Especially for him.

Lambeth might hurt us.

I was doing my job.

As chairman, you should be happy.

I'm not the one you need to make happy in this family.

And believe me, it's definitely not your job to make your mother lose face.



"Jason Backland, DTG Construction."

"I can't take your call right now. If you leave a message, I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

What the hell was that?!

What was what?

Little sister fighting for me.

You think she'll respect me more?

I was... just trying to help.

My stepmother already thinks that I'm useless.

How was that helping?

Help those who ask for help. OK?






You all right, mate? Peter.

I'm in the room next-door.

If you need help with anything -

Yeah, I'm not gonna blow you!

So you can f*ck off!

I'm not gay.


You can still f*ck off!

All right.


That photo... you gave me, on your phone yesterday.

The girl. Peter Cullen. I know which one, Mark.

I only gave you one.

Yeah, well, that.

I got an ID on her.

Maddy Stevenson.

You know, she was a much better detective than me when we worked together. Oh, yeah?

Why was that? Give her a long enough leash, you'll find out.

How long, Laura?

As always, I trust your good judgment.


300 quid?


Three. All right?


Thank you.


Hey, you. Hey, Samantha.

It's all right. I know who you are.

Well, if you can do it in front of a camera, couldn't you, like, do it live?

I've got money. I'll pay you.

More if you'll... do stuff. Please.





Show a bit of gratitude the next time people are trying to be friendly to you.



My name's Marcella Backland.

You know my husband.