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04x03 - Index Case

Posted: 04/06/16 18:57
by bunniefuu
What are you guys doing?

Come on, get back to work. Let's go, let's go!

Come on! We're losing daylight.

I'm not paying you guys to stand around holding your chainsaws.

Damn allergies...

(jeep honking)

(horn honking urgently)

(speaking in Spanish)

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Who the hell are you?

Chris Mancuso.

I'm conducting the site analysis for this pipeline, and I haven't finished my environmental impact assessment yet.

Which is why we're three months behind schedule.

Let's get one thing straight, okay?

There is no schedule till I say it's okay to proceed.

Your boss gave me the green light for some site prep.

You can't start any logging yet. It's not safe!

(shouts in Spanish)

(chainsaws revving)

(metal clanks)

(glass cracks)

Protesters have spiked the trees to stop your logging.

I am not the enemy. I'm just delivering a message from the board.

Which doesn't require you to come to my office and interrupt my work.

I thought it would be better if we had a chat.

Kierra Graff. I know everyone loves her, but...

She more than deserves that raise.

You cannot put a price on Kierra's contribution.

As the CFO, that is exactly what the board expects of me.

She is brilliant. She's almost as smart as I am.

Do you know how rare it is for me to find a peer?

You campaigned for the new lab.

Now, everyone's got to make sacrifices.

My work shouldn't have to suffer because you mishandled the budget.

Okay. It's all my fault. That doesn't change the fact that you don't get a blank cheque anymore, Logan.

Dr. Tenwick.

The raise stands. Fire me, or get out.

Why are you taking this so personally?

Because I'm trying to delete breast cancer by reprogramming RNA, and you are counting pennies.


Why am I being transferred?

You asked a m*rder suspect for his autograph.

After I cleared him.

And after you apologized for arresting him, which opens up the department to a lawsuit.

And that's it? One strike and I'm out.

I think there were multiple instances where you would have benefited from the guidance of senior personnel.

HR feels, and I agree, that you will benefit from a little more time working on your interpersonal skills.

So, what?

Am I going back to Robbery/as*ault?

Telephone Response, huh?

The unit has a leadership vacuum. Needs someone to whip them into shape.


(sighs heavily)

I know this is gonna be hard on you.

Well, I can honestly say things will not be the same without you.

You take care, though.


Now I just feel bad.

A work in progress.

Does this mean you're back? Flynn and Vega back together again, fighting crime...

No, no, no, I called in some favors and secured Paula Mazur for the team.

That's a lot of favors to call in.

It's still a lot better than your idea.

Come on, is it so wrong that I want you back?

You want me to demote myself?

Well, when you put it that way, it sounds selfish.

Detective Mazur will meet you at your crime scene.

You want to come, ride shotgun, see Paula Mazur in action?

You know what, I, uh, just got a call from the motor pool...

From what?

Motor pool. They think that you're using their squad cars for personal business.

Me? No.

I know, and that's what I said.

So, maybe next time, don't leave the grocery receipts in the trunk.

I got to get a new car.

You really do.

All right. Thanks, Boss-man.

(police radios crackle)

Excuse me. Excuse me...

All right, anyone wearing blue, let's give the floor to Ident and Forensics, let them do their thing.

I... You, excuse me.

I need these employees separated to stop them from comparing notes before we get statements.

Where's the body?

Good morning.

Detective Flynn.

Angie. Angie works well.


Listen, I got you a coffee.

Oh. I'm good, thanks.

Okay. So, uh, what do we got?

Spa-mosis, specializes in float tanks.

What is that, like a high-end hot tub?

It's sensory deprivation.

Clients float in a ten-foot t*nk of body temperature saltwater in total darkness.

Huh. I can think of so many other things to do with a Tuesday morning.

Apparently, it's therapeutic. Body's this way.

I got you a coffee.

(breathing shakily)

(vial clatters)


Dr. Tenwick?

Are you all right?

I'm fine, Kierra.

Do you have a moment? I wanted to talk to you.

It will have to wait.

But I really need to talk to you...

Go check on the gRNA experiment.


Let's get him to the morgue.

Hey, Bets, we still on for that drink later?

Depends on our new friend here. Male. Late 20s.

Appears to be in excellent shape. Except for the dead part.

According to the first responders, his name is Chris Mancuso.

Detective Mazur. They assigned two homicide teams on this case?

She was re-assigned.

Oh. Interesting.

I'm sure none of your people emptied the t*nk.

Correct. It was dry when we got here, and the body was covered in a salt residue.

Maybe he drowned when it was full?

Were there any sign of foaming around his mouth?

No, I'm thinking more along the lines of vagal inhibition, maybe a drug overdose.


And what... (sniffing) Is that a chemical odour?

Yeah, I noticed it, too. I'm going to run a full tox screen.

Smells like a public pool.

So, we have no idea how he died.

His personal effects are over here.

Well, he's got no medical restrictions on his driver's licence.

Why does a 29-year-old die all alone?

Was there any trauma to the body?

Injuries on the body suggested he tried to get out of the t*nk and fell back in.

Maybe he was weak from something.

What do you think, Paula?


(quietly) You get used to it.

Chris was our first appointment this morning.

He should have been out by 10:00, but I found him around 11:00.

That's when I called the police.

And was Chris a regular, Miss Marks?

Gabrielle. Call me Gabe.

Yeah, he said floating helped his jet lag.

He just got back from Chile.

You're writing a lot down.

Was Chris behaving any differently today?

Uh, he had a cold.

I mean, was he anxious?


What about the spa? Anything different today? New employees, new customers?


Gabrielle... are you stoned?

Only a little.

It was just a roach.

This place is dead in the morning.

I can't believe I said that.

So, is that maybe why you didn't notice that Chris was still here?

Look, please, please don't tell anyone.

Like the police?

Am I under arrest?

I think we can keep this between us.

Now, you said that Chris was a regular.

Did he have an emergency contact on file?

Yeah, his girlfriend.

But... can you call her?

I probably shouldn't, all things considered.

Yeah, I think that it would be best if we handled this.

Thank you.

Have you seen Paula?

Yeah. Wow. She's like the anti-Kennecki.

I mean, like, have you seen her in the last 10 minutes.

I cannot find her.

Well, I was going to go interview the victim's girlfriend, but I can stick around if you need me to.

No, it's okay, we'll catch up with you. It's all right.


Thanks, though.

(call ringing)

Detective Paula Mazur, MPD. Leave a message.

(voicemail beeps)

Hey, Paula, it's Angie.

Just wondering if I should still be investigating this homicide or the case of the missing detective. (laughs ruefully)

Could you call me? Thanks.

(incoming call buzzes)


Hey, Bets. I think I may have a piece of the Chris Mancuso puzzle for you.

Oh, please tell me it's the corner piece.

More like a working theory.

I sent tissue samples to the lab to check for elevated levels of chloramine.

Is that like chlorine?

Right idea, wrong chemicals.

If you mix ammonia with bleach, you get chloramine.

Are you telling me he was poisoned?

Technically, asphyxiated.

In high concentrations, chloramine is deadly.

I think someone turned Chris's isolation t*nk into a gas chamber.

So, now the only question is, was it intentional or accidental?

That's your department. I'll let you know when the test results come back.

Okay, thanks.

Do we have we any aspirin?

Excuse me?

Um, excuse me?


I mean, um, can I help you?

I can find my way off the Serengeti, but I can't find... the Brady Wing.

Oh, you think it would be alphabetical, right?

But it's actually Oswald before Brady except after Avery.

Just down the hall, left, right, left.

You'll like it. It's got a great boardroom. Boardroom C.

Which is weird, because you would think that they would just name the boardrooms after the wing that they're in, but I'm just... I'm going to stop talking, and I'm going to leave now.

So, um...

It was nice to see you again.

Uh, actually, we've never met before.

I know. I don't know why I said that.


I'm Chris.


Kierra, I'll be right back. I have a meeting.

Are you Dr. Tenwick?

I am.

Chris Mancuso. Savannah Consultants? I'm your 3:00.

I'm supposed to meet with your boss.

Yeah, he, uh... he asked me to fill in.

I should have been notified.

Very well. Let's go.

It was nice to see you again, too.

We're behind schedule.

(sighing awkwardly)

Kierra Graff?


Detective Brian Lucas, MPD.


Do you know Chris Mancuso?



(sobbing in grief)


These pipes lead up to the float tanks.

There you are. Bets called.

Dr. Rogers.

Chris was k*lled by asphyxiation with chloramine gas.

Ah, look at this.

Ammonia cleaner and bleach, the two things you need to make chloramine gas.

Each t*nk has a filtration system on a timer, so they empty, filter, and then refill.

This one's Chris's.

The timer was set to activate 10 minutes before Chris got out of his t*nk.

What number is that?

Number three.

The top's been popped off Pump Number 3.

See the screws?

They could have loaded that with chemicals.

And then set the timer to start the cleaning cycle while Chris was still inside the t*nk.

Yeah, you fill it with chemicals to k*ll him, then you wash away all the evidence.

(gasping for breath)

(inhaling sharply)

(gasping and panting)


Do you need a doctor?

I'm fine, thanks.

It's just asthma.

I am... very sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

I understand that Chris just returned from Chile?

Yeah, he got in late last night.

I had to work early this morning, so we just decided to stay at our own places.

How early?

I was here at 7:00.

I wanted to meet Chris for breakfast, but he had a spa appointment, so...

According to the employees at the spa, Chris travelled a lot.

Too much.

Oh, is that a bit of a sore spot?

Only because his boss was a real ass.

Kevin Suvanto. President of Savannah Consultants.

You don't sound like a fan.

Chris did all the work.

Suvanto cashed all the cheques.

(knocks gently)

Kierra, you know this is a restricted area.

Thank you, Logan.

Detective Lucas, this is my boss, Dr. Logan Tenwick.

Would you be able to confirm that Kierra has been here since 7:00 this morning?


Here's my business card. On the back, there's a number for Victim Services.

Please do not hesitate to call if you need to talk to someone.

Thank you.



Something's the matter?


It's Chris... he's dead.

(sobbing) He's dead...

What kind of work does Turner Bioscience do?

Reverses the causality of human genetics.

Cure every disease before you catch it.

Something, something... "RNA" this, "crisper" that. It was a lot of jargon.

And you think Kierra's alibi is weak?

Her boss, Logan Tenwick, confirms that she was there this morning, but security is pretty soft.

Could she make the chloramine?

Anyone with Internet access could pretty much figure it out, but... a Ph.D. in molecular biology and a Master in chemistry sure doesn't hurt.

She also really did not like Chris's travel schedule.

Women tend to k*ll passively.

Paula, you with us?

Uh, Kierra Graff, victim's girlfriend, molecular biologist.

No stranger to lethal chemicals. Soft alibi.

Yeah, I agree with Lucas. Maybe she thought he was cheating.

I didn't say affair. Did I say affair?

You implied it.

Detective Lucas is the first to fall, ladies and gentlemen.

On a technicality. Lay it on me.

The affair jar?

Yeah, it's a new game we're playing.

Anytime someone says that the motive is an affair, 20 bucks goes in the jar.

What if the motive is an affair?

Then you get what's in the jar.

Digital Forensics got us access to Chris's email account.

This message arrived today.

"We on tomorrow?"

Who's that from?

Untraceable email address, but there are more messages from the sender.

They're all short and enigmatic.

"Checking in."

"Should we meet?" "Got anything for me?"

That's not very romantic.

Chris's responses are strange.

It's jumbled strings of letters and numbers.


Some kind of code?

I can ping the encryption tech I used to work with in Intelligence.

You worked the Dodd Task Force?

(cell phone rings)

You heard about that?

(call ringing)

Hey, Betty, we still on for that drink?

I'd like many drinks right now, but I'm slammed.

I finally got Chris's labs back. It was chloramine...

That can't be right.

What can't be right?

Code Orange. Call it. Now!

Betty, what's happening?

I have to quarantine the morgue.

You what?

We discovered an unidentified virus in Chris Mancuso's blood.

And the body is still infectious?

Everyone has to be tested. Everyone from the crime scene, the station. If any of them test positive, then anyone they came into contact with

will have to be tested.

Betty, are you infected?

My blood has tested positive.

You got to get to the hospital.

All they'll be able do is manage my symptoms, and I can do that from here. What we need to do is prioritize containment.

What is it?

I don't know. We can't identify it. It's going to be fine. I reached out to the CDC.

I'm sending them samples from myself and Chris.

Is there anything I can do for you?


Keep your distance from anyone who looks sick.

Good news. Test results are back, the whole team's in the clear.

That's good.

Did you get some sleep?

I had a couple long blinks. You?

I thought about it.



So, the CDC confirmed cases in Chile.

Chris is the index case in North America.

I've asked them to keep us in the loop for any information they may have.

Okay, well, Chris's flight was a stop-over.

Only a few people got off with him here.

Two of them are infected, plus the one from the spa.

So maybe it's already contained.

I mean, I hope so, but...

You're worried.


The k*ller put distance between themselves and Chris's m*rder, but what if they came in contact with him before?

They'll keep infecting people until they're caught.



(groans in congestion)

Dr. Rogers probably got sick sometime during the autopsy.

Yeah, probably.

Sorry, I didn't realize you guys were close.

It's okay.

Any luck with Chris's codes?

I played around with them all night, but nothing.

I had an idea on the drive in this morning.

Hey. How's Betty?

She's working through it.

Good morning.

Detective Flynn.

You really can call me Angie. You got a lead on the codes?

Not a lead, more like a theory.

Oh, I like theories.

If it pans out, I'll let you know.

Okay, so you're gonna... work on the theory.

Uh, I will cover the interview with Chris's boss.

Did you see him when he returned from Chile?

He wasn't due back into the office until this morning.

What project was he working on?

A pipeline through a section of Valdivian rain forest.

We were helping the company map the best route.

Did Chris's passion for his work cause any problems with you?

You've been talking to Kierra. She hated Chris's job.

Always worried he was cheating. Paranoid.

She wanted him to cut back on travel, but I needed him to be mobile.

I had to make him an offer he couldn't refuse.

Did he refuse?

I'll never know.

I was going to give him the offer this morning.



If you're looking for Dr. Tenwick, he hasn't been in.

No one expects you to work at a time like this.

The experiments...

We can assign someone else.

I just need something that makes sense right now.

Well, if you want, um, time... a counsellor...

Thank you, Mr. Morten.

So, you cracked the code?

Books from the city library.

Reference codes. This is a book of poetry by a local author.

Backgammon Strategies, Economic History of Iceland, Essays on Canadian Action Films. They have nothing in common, except...

Nobody takes them out.


Forensics went over and picked them up. So far, nothing.

Well, according to Chris's last email, his contact is waiting for a new code.

We need to pick a book and send them the reference number.

Yeah, monitor the library, then go pick up whoever gets that book.

On it.

I'm happy to run that down.

Oh, actually, no, I was hoping you'd come with me.

Chris's boss just gave a long list of companies that he works for, and Turner Bioscience is on there.

The company Chris's girlfriend works for.

I'd rather keep on the library book angle.

Unless this is a "courtesy to the new detective" thing?

No, no, it's more like a "let's solve the m*rder together" kind of thing.

I'm not saying no.

I'm saying the land you're considering for your new facility isn't viable.

Semantics. It's another way to say "no lab."

Not on a protected marshland.

This report is full of faulty postulations, bad assumptions, and what ifs.

It's bad science.

Hear the man out.

My work is infinitely more important than a handful of ducks.

The ducks would disagree, and they're called a "flock."

Unless they're on the water, then they're a "raft" or a "paddling."

I've found three other parcels of land that match the specifications you're looking for.

Thank you, Chris.

It's a temporary delay.

Tell that to the people who are suffering because I have to work in substandard conditions.

If you want me to build you a spaceship, don't give me stone tools.

I think we're done here.
(siren wailing)

Can you tell us what happened here?

One of our researchers collapsed.

She said she had a cold...

It wasn't Kierra Graff, was it?

Yeah, how did you know?

We need you to go back inside the building, please, sir.

I don't understand...

Everything will be explained.

For now, just go inside.

Inside, please.

Kierra's in a coma.

The doctor confirmed she has Chris's virus.

Oxygen deprivation.

There's complications from her chronic asthma.

How'd she get sick in the first place?

She said she never saw Chris when he got back from Chile.

All right, so she's lying and, obviously, she's our k*ller.

Or she came in contact with the k*ller, and they're infected.



There you go.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

(baby crying)


An unidentified virus has sent several people to hospital. City officials are asking everyone, please stay home. There are six new recorded cases in town, but according to the CDC, none of the new patients connect to either Chris Mancuso or any of the known cases.

That has to be our k*ller spreading the virus.

You have to catch whoever this is.

We will.

Take care of yourself, okay?



How are you holding up?

Um, I'm sleeping on a gurney in the city morgue.

You look tired, too.

I'm okay.

Well, rest up.

I'm not gonna be in here forever.

(cell phone rings)


Tenwick? Morten.

There's been an outbreak at the lab. Some kind of virus.

The CDC hasn't identified it yet, but they think Kierra Graff's boyfriend

brought it back with him from Chile.

Is Kierra all right?

She's in a coma at Brookview General.

You need to go in and get tested.

The symptoms, what are they?

Like a flu. Bad fever. Cough. Headaches.

Advanced cases cause blood vessels to hemorrhage.


If I start to see any symptoms, I'll go to the hospital.




(whispering) Sorry.

Maybe I can help.

I'm looking for a Finnish translation of a lesser known Prussian Opera, and you are wearing an off-the-rack suit.

Eg Koyte Poyte.

You know it?

The suit may be off the rack, but at least I had it tailored. Also, you're under arrest.


I'm a cop, Lady.

Be a quiet cop, or get out.

Thank you.

So, I will pick you up at 6:00?

Sounds great.

Dr. Graff, you're late.

I guess you are, too.

Mr. Mancuso.


See you later.

Bye. See you.

It's an unusual choice, a scientist of your calibre settling for arm candy.

I know, isn't it great?

Besides, Chris isn't just arm candy. He has a Ph.D. in Ecology.

Oh, did he major in a particular type of moss?

I'm surprised. I didn't think you were the type to hold a grudge.

(cell phone rings)

Mr. Morten?

Thanks for speaking with us.

Well, it's not like I'm going anywhere.

(sighs) How are you feeling?

I tested positive for the virus, along with five other employees.

They're saying that we're going to be transferred to a hospital soon.

We'd like to ask you questions about Chris Mancuso.

Yeah, okay.

Did you know he was dating one of your employees?

Oh, of course. Kierra Graff, one of our top molecular biologists.

Did you do business with his company?

Savannah helped us pick the site for our new research facility. They started dating after Savannah had completed their obligations with us, so I didn't see any conflict.

Was Kierra involved? Did she have a personal interest in the project?

Only in that it would double available lab space. Her boss, Tenwick, he was the one determined to see the new lab built.

Were Tenwick and Kierra close?

As close as Tenwick can get to a person. His team calls him Hal behind his back. Like the maniacal computer.

Oh, so, nobody likes him?

Kierra does.

Was their relationship purely professional?

There were rumours of an affair, but... nothing concrete.

You are more than welcome to call a lawyer.

I am a lawyer.

I'm the one who sent you that code.

From Chris's email? That's entrapment.

Miss Tensel, Chris is dead.

Oh, my God.

No, no, no, he can't be.

We were so careful.

I work for an environmental law firm.

Chris was my source.

The books. Those were just dead drops so that he could feed you information?

Sensitive details from Savannah Consultants.

Chris was the whistle-blower.

Against his own company?

And his boss. Suvanto had zero ethics.

Pay-offs. Kick-backs.

So, Chris wanted to get back at Suvanto.

No. He just wanted to make it right.

Suvanto had no idea what Chris was doing.

(message alert chimes)

This is Lucas.

"Turns out that Chris Mancuso was getting ready to blow the whistle on his boss' corrupt business practices."

Huh, so Suvanto is back on the board.

According to Lucas' suspect, Suvanto had no idea what Chris was up to.

Our k*ller has to be sick, and Suvanto isn't infected.

So, Suvanto's back off the board. Let's check in with Bets.

Hey, Bets, it's me.

Okay. I'm on my way in now. I'll call you when I get there.

One of the Chilean patients just died.

This is not how I'm going to die.

Betty, of course it's not. Don't talk like that.

The CDC has narrowed down the virus to a handful of possibilities.

They've hit a road block. They can't figure out which pathogen it is until they have a clear understanding of symptom progression.

Well, there are hundreds of cases in the city now.

But none where we can isolate exactly when transmission of the disease took place.


They need a sample from a fresh infection.

Right, and who's going to volunteer for that?

Listen, the hospital should have sent you Kierra's lab work by now.

Yes, and to answer your question,

she does not look like your k*ller.

You're sure.

The virus grows exponentially.

Best guess is that she got sick five to ten hours later.

You don't usually make guesses.

Yeah, I'm willing to make an exception. (coughing)

Listen, you and I are going to go for that drink.



Look, it's obvious, the virus was manufactured in a lab and released on purpose.

Okay. Next caller.

CDC sent this over. It's a vector map showing all the confirmed cases of the disease.

It's gone from bad to worse.


I heard they shut the airport down.

At this rate, it could hit half the city by next week.

We can use this. This is geographic profiling.

Somewhere in here is our k*ller.


No need to knock if the door is open, Detective. What's up?

I know an absence of evidence does not constitute evidence of an absence...

You don't need to justify a hunch.

Thank you, Staff Sergeant. I was looking at who was infected at Turner Bioscience to see who might have gotten Kierra sick, and there's one employee who hasn't been tested.

Dr. Logan Tenwick. He worked closely with Kierra.

Chris shot down his lab proposal.

I wouldn't want to be tested if I knew I could be sick with this thing.

Tenwick's colleague said that he was like a robot.

k*ller's M.O. is cold and distant.

No one knows where he is.

I had a black and white drive by his house. No one's home.

A suspicion that he's sick with the virus means we can serve a medical warrant.

(dishes smashing)

Damn it!


Logan? I didn't realize that you were still here.


I, uh...

I just had a little mishap.

You're dressed up.

Yeah, I, um, I have dinner tonight with Chris.

You look beautiful.

Tell me what happened.

I just made an error and lost my temper. It's...

I'm sorry, your plans...

They'll keep.

The board wants me to present in three weeks, and I just can't do it all in time.

No, you can't.

Not by yourself.

Do you think I haven't noticed?

You've been pulling your hair out for weeks, hiding your work from me.

I'm supposed to be your boss.

The golden boy.


This is just you and me.

Show me what you've been working on. Let me help you.

(firm knocking)

Police! We're coming in!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...

Guys, come on.

All right, go, go, go.

We're clear.

Look upstairs.

All is clear.

He's definitely sick.

Back room.


It's all work.

We're going to have to get Ident to duplicate all of this.

We'll have to get his computer to Digital Forensics as soon as possible.

Whatever gets us out of here quicker.

Lab reports. Just lots and lots of lab reports.

Kierra's on Tenwick's team, then why isn't her name on the research paper he published?

"The Genesis Project: Decrypting and Re-ordering Human Genetic Code."

It's a big-name publication, and preliminary research, but if Tenwick's theory holds water, that is a billion-dollar idea.

So she does most of the research, but he takes all the credit? Good motive to k*ll Kierra, but why k*ll Chris?

Cross-section of lung tissue shows extensive inflammation and viral inclusion bodies.

(cell phone rings)



I heard they set up an airlock outside the morgue.

Yeah. A little gift from the CDC.

That means you can step outside for a minute?

I can, but I shouldn't.

Well, I think you should. Trust me, it's going to be worth your while.


Is that..?

Your favourite.



You read my mind.

Are you okay?


Now, get out of here.


Betty! Hey!

(Dramatic instrumental)



Ok, easy, easy.

What are you doing?

What were you thinking?

Well, that's just it, I wasn't thinking.

You collapsed, I reacted.

No, no, you've got to get out of here.

I've been in here 15 minutes. I've got to be infected by now, right?

You idiot.

Betty, your-your eyes...

Yeah, it's an advanced symptom.

Well, we've got to get you to a hospital.

There's nothing they can do for me.

Well, there's got to be something I can do.

You'd make a lousy lab tech.

But you'd make an awesome lab rat.

Thank you?

We know exactly when you were exposed to the virus.

We can track its growth and symptoms from onset to full-blown infection.

I want to be excited.

Yes, it brings us one step closer to identifying it.

I gotta get up.

Easy. Easy.

(typing rapidly)

I need the results for the re-agent.

Uh, they're the same. Just like last time, and the time before that.

Right. I'm sorry, I've been putting a lot of pressure on you.

I'm just... I'm just frustrated.

No, we're not automatons.

You should... take the rest of the night off I just, I have a few things...


I insist.



All right.

Good night.

Good night.

(typing rapidly)

It figures.

The CDC isn't saying anything?

Nothing definitive. Betty is in constant contact.

Look, we're doing everything we can. Everything's going to be okay.

You shouldn't be the one comforting me. You and Betty are the ones who are...

We're going to be fine, so you can continue doing your investigation, partner, okay?

You call me as soon as you get an update.

I will.

It looks like Kierra planned to get away.

She just put a rush on renewing her passport.

The BOLO on Tenwick get us anything?

Just the usual cranks and crazies.

I'm sifting through incident reports.

Found a few possible red flags to take a look at.

You okay?


This is our haystack.

We have to find the needle.

The CDC has tracked all of the cases in the city.

The green ones are connected to Chris.

The red ones are the cases that started the next morning.

The cases most likely related to the k*ller.

Yeah, they sent breakdowns on all the patients, so we're looking for anything that can connect them.

Hey, one of the patients lives near Tenwick.

I think I might have something, too.

Drug robbery at a hospital near one of the outbreaks.

Witness accounts were ambiguous.

Yeah, the only thing stolen are anti-retroviral dr*gs.

They had to know exactly what they were looking for. That must be Tenwick.

He must be almost dead by now. He can't be far from there.

Call dispatch. We've got to shut down that neighbourhood and search it.

Yeah, that's him. Definitely.

I caught him trying to steal dr*gs from the lock-up.

What kind was he trying to steal?


Thank you.

Officers are searching floor by floor.

Anything from Lucas?

Yeah, units are scouring the neighborhood, but nothing so far.

Has anybody checked the basement?

Dr. Tenwick?

We're the police.

You don't have much time.

We want to help.

I don't want to die.

Please don't let me die.

Please don't let me die.

Have you heard from the CDC?

They've got all our samples. I haven't heard anything yet, but we've still got time.

Less than 10 hours maybe.

(cell phone rings)


Hey, hey, easy...

Can I do anything to help expedite it?

What is it?

They identified the virus. It's a mutated form of MERS.

So, what? What do we do now?

We go on a date to the hospital.

Come here.

Welcome back.

How long have I been here?

You've been out a couple days.

(handcuffs rattle)

What's this?

That is what you and I are going to talk about.

Kierra Graff, is she all right?

She's out of ICU, virus free.

Doctors think she'll make a full recovery.

I never meant to hurt her.

But you did mean to k*ll Chris.

Chris... Chris!

We need to talk.

You want to talk, call my office, make an appointment.

You need to break up with Dr. Graff. Kierra. You need to end it, today.

God, you're nuts.

No, if you loved her, if you understood her, then you would let her go.

I need her. The world needs her.

She doesn't need you.

What? Don't you get it?

The work you're doing doesn't matter.

You shut up. You don't know what you're talking about.

Leave Kierra alone, or I'll take it up with Morten.

Take what up with Morten?

Half of the board had already turned against me.

A false allegation from Chris would have just swayed the rest.

My project would be over.

Tell me about Kierra.

Kierra is a rare genius.

Only once in a generation someone like her comes along.

She made my work possible.

And Chris was going to... take her away from you?

(gasping and choking)


I saw her letter of resignation. He was manipulating her, making her doubt me. She was going to abandon her future.

No. I am this close to erasing breast cancer from the human genome...

No, you're not.

It's okay.

I told you that when I made you take my name off your research.

I wasn't leaving because of Chris. It was because of you.

We just needed more time.

You're blind!

Your theory doesn't work.

I was going to tell the company, and Chris, he talked me out of it.

We were going to start a whole new life together.

He didn't see any reason why I should destroy what was left of your career.

He tried to save you. And you...


Logan Tenwick, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Chris Mancuso.

So I just checked in with Betty and Vega at the hospital.

Good news. They should be out tomorrow.

That's great news.


And the staff at Turner is almost in the clear, and Tenwick is on his way to jail.

It's crazy. I mean, all the guy had to do was leave Chris alone, the outcome would have been the same. Chris would have been dead.

Except control, right?

I mean, he called the sh*ts.

So, he tried to control life instead of letting it control him.


Can you cover for me? I'm going to go get a burger.

Yeah. I mean, I don't want to say the "Q" word, but there's not much going on.



I'm going to call it a day.

No problem.

Okay, have a good night.

You too.

Ever since my last car was firebombed, I knew... this was gonna be my next car.

Wait, what?

I did second guess myself, though.

I was wondering, is it practical? Did I make the right choice?

But I think I did.

Well, I'm glad you finally came back around.

Yeah, I guess this is what happens when a virus nearly wipes out the entire city.

Thank you, Adil.

Now those are some nice shoes.

Did something happen to Vince?

He was found dead this morning.

What... what... what happened?

That's what we're trying to find out.

He was moving stolen goods.

Oh! Oh! Who are you!

A lot of transports coming through here.

Maybe he was waiting for a shipment of his own?

This is payback.

(glass shattering)

(tires squealing)

Your guy might be our k*ller.