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02x03 - The One That Got Away

Posted: 04/06/16 16:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stitchers:

She actually cried. It was real emotion.

I've never seen her like that. Have you?

You were inside my head. What secrets did you see?

Let's say I was trying to find someone who did want to disappear.

Your father?

It's messed up somewhere. You get him.

You're obsessing and I've seen what you're like when you're obsessed.

And it's not pretty.

Your apartment is completely tricked out with smart appliances.

Sorry, how much money do you make?

What is going on with you?

Climbing buildings, slugging people?

How do I look? I get a second chance to live my life.

I'm not going to live in fear anymore.

I'm Mitchell Blair.

How did you get in here?

I built this place.

Why do you want to learn how to hit stuff?

Come on, you got shot. I want to know how to protect myself.

You should be home resting.

I'll rest when I'm dead and buried.

Good to have you back, Quincy.

Well, look who's here.

I thought we'd almost lost you, handsome.

Nah, it was just a scratch.

Seriously, how does it feel to get plugged in the chest?

Twice. Don't recommend it.

So why did that guy go after you anyway?

Ah, LA Confidential, huh?

Have anything to do with that assignment you were on?

What are you, CIA?

Is Mulaney in yet? I'm supposed to meet her.

She's probably out busting balls somewhere.

You'd think she'd have mellowed since her retirement.

Yeah, "mellow" is not in her nature.



Mulaney, it's Fish. I'm up at Dano's.

You said you needed to talk.

You better not be standing me up, Captain.


Okay! What up, Millie?

Long time no see. Ah!

Kirsten, meet Theo, my brother.

(laughs) Ow!

(theme music playing)

♪ Take me inside ♪
♪ Take me inside. ♪

Why in the hell are you here?

What kind of welcome is that?

Don't get too comfortable either.

Do you see how she treats me?

It's how she treats everyone.

You should really be thanking me, Mill.

The house is dark. I didn't want to wake you guys.

So instead you just broke in?

Hey, nothing's broken except for maybe my nuts.

Where did you learn to kick like that anyways?

Will you answer my question?

I... I came to catch up with my sister.

Really? So how many dead presidents is it going to take to end this little reunion?


Hey, I don't need your money. I've got some business here in LA.

Business? That is the opposite of reassuring.

We're up, first thing.

Up for what?

We work together.

Oh, a little two-for-one action, huh?


Come on, Mill, you can't boot me out in the middle of the night.


He is your brother.

See? This one's got a heart.

Yeah, that's a recent development.

I'm not sure I like it.

You... one night.

Love you.

All I'm saying is the fact that we share a gene pool doesn't entitle him to just show up uninvited.

Well, I mean, he's here now. It's...

Correct, but he doesn't get to just impose himself on my life.

Who is imposing himself?

Camille's brother, Theo.

You have a brother? You never mentioned him before.

Never came up.

Older, younger?

Calendar years older. Maturity level?

Doesn't even chart.

Calls her Millie.

Thank you, chatty Cathy.


Oh, I like it.

No, no, no.

It's cute.

You will not call me Millie.

Millie is the girl I left behind in Bakersfield and I busted my ass not to be her.

So you're not glad to see your brother?

Oh, Linus. Sweet, sheltered, raised-in-a-stable-home Linus.

I guess a small part of me is glad, but most of me knows when Theo shows up, trouble follows.

We left him alone in our house.

He wouldn't dare steal from me.

From you, maybe.

Kirsten, you got a sec?


So how goes it? Any progress on the Stinger front?

Oh, I feel like he is a needle and the world is my haystack.


But I did ask Linda Edwards for advice.

The psycho evil hacker lady?

That being said, she seemed to think that I should play on my strengths to find him.

Your strengths?


Tall, blonde...



Yeah, no. She may be on to something. I mean, everything is math, so maybe there is an equation to solving the mystery of finding your father.

I just have to figure one out.


So what about you? What have you been up to?

You seal the deal on your motorcycle?

No, I decided to put the brakes on the bike for now.

A sensible decision.

But I'm always down for adventure.

You know me. Very born to be wild.


She was Fisher's mentor.

He had to convince Maggie to bend the rules and let us stitch.

And those rules are?

Hell if I know.

Mission clock set to five minutes, please.

Okay, team, let's win one for the Fisher.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark in three, two, one, mark!

I'm telling you, I don't remember anything.

Furillo, you lived there with him.

She's talking to a cable guy named Furillo.

15 years ago! I was baked all the time.

You lived with him! What was he doing?

I didn't follow his every move.

Wait, that's weird. There's a boy here.

It seems like he's listening to Mulaney's conversation.

Furillo's son?

Never mind. I'm in a different memory now.

Mulaney's apartment.

She's got crime-scene photos, notes and maps tacked all over the wall.

A m*rder board.

That's how she tracked clues in a homicide investigation.

I thought she was retired.

She must have been working on something from home.

We didn't see anything like that in her apartment.

Cameron, let's keep things moving.

Okay, Miss Marple, what else you got?

What does RFI mean?

"Remove from investigation."

That's cop lingo for "remove from investigation."

"Detective Daniel Powell."

Powell? He was junior to Mulaney.

She always thought he was incompetent.

Ask Kirsten to ID the case.

Kirsten, can you see what case she's working on?

The Ripper case. The RIP k*ller. Eight victims, all posed the same way, on their backs with their hands folded on their chests.

The serial k*ller?

That psycho terrorized LA for years.

He was never caught, was he?


Mulaney took lead on that case, but she could never find him.


(keyboard beeping)

(computers whirring down)

Mulaney was att*cked from behind, knocked out with chloroform.

Could it really be him? The Ripper?

All things point to yes. Perp took the m*rder board.

She must have gotten too close to catching him.

He was the one that got away.

The Ripper's victims ranged in age from 22 to 48, both men and women.

Highly unusual for a serial k*ller.

An equal-opportunity m*rder*r.

They were all k*lled in their own homes and MO was always the same...

Chloroform, strangulation, RIP pose.

Mulaney wasn't left like that.

I think that that was purposeful.

This time, he didn't leave his signature.

Must have figured no one would tie him to the m*rder.

Or he didn't know we had a secret w*apon.

He started k*lling 15 years ago.

Why did he stop for the last seven?

Maybe he was in prison? Or left LA for a while?

Or he controlled himself somehow.

Until Mulaney picked up his scent.


She had a lot of suspects over the years, but the guy you saw in the stitch, Joseph Furillo, he was the first victim's roommate and a suspect.

But she could never make him for the m*rder.

It was so long ago. How do you remember?

I remember things.

So we checked out Joseph Furillo for you.

He was in prison for the sale and possession of marijuana.

But paroled recently after serving...

Seven years?

Six and a half.

Close enough.

Where did you see Mulaney question him?

Out on the street.

He worked at Pacific Charter Cable, truck 613.

Let's go for a ride. LAPD is emailing you the archived group of files.

Okay, I'll look out for 'em.

(phone beeps)

Oh, still got a way with words.

I should go check on my brother before he burns the house down.

I'll come with.

I want to meet him.


You met my parents.

Your parents were nice. My brother is a douche.


Fine, I need a ride. Come on.

Taco cart?

Well, you didn't seem to like it when I showed up at your lab, so...

I'm sure you know why I wanted to see you.

There were extenuating urgent circumstances.

The victim was Quincy Fisher's...

I don't care who the sample is or was or wasn't.

You don't get to select our cases.

Then who does? You?

You made me Acting Director.

You want me to do my job to the best of my ability, then I need to understand the mechanics of the cases.

Fisher's friend...

His mentor.

Yes, his mentor.

There is a purity to our cases and this Mulaney thing is screwing with that.

Well, we've already stitched into her.

We're gonna lose Fisher if we don't proceed with the investigation.

Then it seems the decision has been made for me.

I just hope you haven't ruined everything.

Okay, what... oh.

Wow, he got off his ass. I'm shocked.


Great. What fresh hell is this?

You're doing a dish?

I actually did all of your dishes.

You're welcome. Oh, what's up, man?




You a friend of Millie's?

Millie! (laughing)

Camille and I are friends from work.

Oh, yeah? What angle are you working these days?

I don't have one. I have a thing called a job, which you should try sometime.


And thank you so much for cleaning up after yourself, but I think it's right around that time for you to gather your things and...

Whoa, you're going to kick me out in front of your friend? I mean, that's just cold.



Hey, Linus, let's kick it, man. I think the Clippers game is coming on.


He seems nice.

Joe Furillo?


Hey! What the hell...

Don't move!


Come on!

Whoa, might want to think twice about that.

What the hell were you thinking?

That's the beauty of it. I wasn't.

I didn't k*ll that cop.

I didn't k*ll any of those people.

Where were you last night around 7:15?

Out for dinner.

Oh, really?

With knives and forks like real human beings?

Why don't you try your comedy act on my parole officer?

I ate with her last night. Sushi.

So that's a no on the knives and forks.

If you're so innocent, why'd you run?

Hand it over. Come on.

Ooh. I'll overlook this parole violation in exchange for you telling me why Captain Mulaney paid you a visit recently.

She wanted to know what I remembered about Chad's m*rder.

And I'll tell you exactly what I told her.

Nothing. I was a major stoner back then.

More major than now.

So your roommate was k*lled and you don't remember anything?

I found him laid out like a corpse and I called 911.

And that's all you remember?


Can I go back to work now?


Can I have my...


He's hiding something.


What what's next?

♪ Now I'm not looking for trouble ♪
♪ But when you look at me that way ♪

There he is... Danny Powell.

Fish! How you doin', man?

Heard about Mulaney. Shocker.

Yeah, 'cause you and she were so close.

You know she had a m*rder board on the Ripper case with your picture on it?

Why'd she focus on you, even though you're RFI?

Are you talking crap about me to civilians?


NSA recruits out of high school?

LAPD recruits out of Betty Ford?



Where you last night?


You think I k*lled her?

So I'm the Ripper? That is so messed up.

She came to me a few days ago asking about prescription pills from the first vic's apartment.



Like I'm supposed to remember something from a crime scene from how many years ago?

Why was she still working that case anyway?

Because she was trying to catch a k*ller.

She was retired! All she did was poke a bear.

She wasn't m*rder*d. That was su1c1de by obsession.

Now if you were still a real cop instead of an NSA puppet, you'd know that.


Easy, gentlemen. Take a breath.

Back off, Blake. No one made you referee.

Still, why don't you calm down, go back to your corner?

Whew. How are you, Quincy?

I know you've had a rough time lately.

We're here on the Mulaney case.

Agents Clark, Goodkin, this is Andrew Blake.

He's a psychologist that works with us as a profiler.

Did you ever consult with Captain Mulaney?

Yeah, she came to me the other day.

Wanted a fresh set of eyes on the Ripper case.


(both laughing)

Dude! She did not?

Yeah, bro.

I'm telling you, butt-naked through the trailer park.

Wow! Millie! You were a wild one.

First of all, only he is allowed to call me that.

Second, he's not allowed to call me that.

Third, it was 100 degrees that night and I only went outside because our trailer went up in flames thanks to that genius there, so...

It was a grease fire. Yeah.

I was... I was making bacon.

Drunk at 2:00 in the morning.

Beer goes good with bacon.

Do you want some?

Bacon? Yeah!

My boy!

What are you doing? Stop being so friendly.

Nothing good can come of this, trust me.

Just meet him halfway.

(knocking at door)

I don't even... I...

Hey, is Engelson here?

Wh... why... why would he be here?

'Cause he said he would be. You his sister?

I mean, I don't like to admit that publicly.

Is he here or what?

No, I'm sorry. I haven't seen him tonight.

Well, if he shows up, tell him Duke wants his money.

Get in line!

That bastard owes me 600 bucks. I'll kick his ass if I see him.

Sorry. Better luck next time.

You brought your crap into my house.

Calm down.

I can't believe for a second I believed that you might have come here to actually spend time with me...

Millie, I needed a place to lay low while a guy who owes me a few grand gets flush.

As soon as he pays, I'll settle it with those two punks.

Get out.


You lied to me. Big surprise.

I mean it, Theo. Go!

Actually, you probably are gonna want to slip out the back.

Yeah, "meet him halfway."

Oh, my God, listen. If you want a mojito, order it yourself.

Yeah, I can't do that. Thank you.

This is a cop bar. You're the girl.

Yes, I'm the girl.


You two are partners?


Yeah, professionally.

It goes way beyond that.

Look, it's my job to read people and I'm reading a lot of unresolved tension.

(laughs) Yeah, tension? There's... there's no tension.

Yeah, we get along just fine.

Sometimes we even like each other.


Yeah. But you know what's funny?

I actually live, like, two blocks away from here.

I never even knew this place existed. Yeah.

Dano's is a well-kept secret.

Yeah, not so secret. All the booths are taken.

So Mulaney asked you to profile the Ripper?

Yes, but she died before I could give her a formal report.

So what can you tell us informally?

Well, from the evidence, I can say that the k*ller is single, in his 50s by now, uneducated, blue-collar, antisocial, hot-tempered.

The way he poses the victims in the classic peaceful corpse pose suggests he comes from a strict, perhaps fanatical religious background.

So why did he stop for seven years?

That is a good question. In rare instances, a serial k*ller can contain his compulsion or channel his rage in some other way.

I hope I've been helpful.


Thanks for your time, doc.

Oh, and I hope you two resolve things.

NSA, it's a lot of responsibility.

It's not healthy to be so unsettled.


Uh, did we ask for couples' therapy?

Yeah, no, I don't think so.

When can we stitch again?

Refractory period's not up till morning.
Excuse me, miss, can she get a mojito?


What's up, man?

I reached out to a couple dudes I know, but no one's gotten back to me yet.

It's cool if I crash here?

Yeah, how did you...

Millie's not the only one who knows how to use a computer.


Yo, check out that flat screen, dog!

Porn must be ridiculous on this thing.

Hey, man, I don't think this is a good idea.

Oh, look, man. I'm sorry you had to see what went down between me and my sister.

But I mean, you know how it is with family sometimes.

You love each other, you just drive each other crazy!

Yeah, actually, I'm kind of on the outs with my father right now.

Exactly what I'm saying. And, look, if you don't want me to stay with you, I get it.

We're cool.

You know what?

It's all right if you stay here for a day or two.

Awesome! Okay, yeah, man!

This is going to be much better than staying with Millie anyhow.

She is such a tight-ass.

Hey, yo.

Oh, are you two...

You're a real gentleman.

Good for her. She deserves it.

What are you doing here?

You don't like it? Arrest me for breaking and entering.

I just had to hit something today.

Bad day?

With a capital "B" for brother.

I hear yoga's good for stress relief.

Screw yoga.

So the theory has been that the Ripper's victims are all random.

Right? Men and women, all different ages, neighborhoods, backgrounds. But what do they all have in common?

Think about their jobs. We had a pilot, a surgeon, first victim was a bus driver...

They were all responsible for other people's lives.

Ding ding! Point goes to the brainy blonde.

Good work, except why would he target them?

That's as far as I got. I don't have the answers for everything.

I've mapped Captain Mulaney's memories back 15 years, but they've degraded. Can't vouch for quality.

Well, still worth a shot.

Hey, you got a sec?


He just showed up at my door.

You should have locked it. You didn't feed him, did you?

We ordered in.

So nobody taught you never to feed a stray.

He's your brother. I mean, he's family.

He played you. He's been playing you and me.

It's what he does.

We had a long talk this morning.

He feels really bad about how he left things off with you.

He's trying to make things right.

As soon as he leaves LA, things will be stunningly right between us.

Come to dinner tonight.


Come on, I'll cook for the three of us.

Maybe if you see him in a different space, you'll view him differently.

Linus, stay out of it.

Just kind of hard since he's camping out in my apartment.

Just give him a chance.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark in three, two, one, mark.

Mulaney's at the board again.

The section around the first victim is glowing.

An emotional hotspot.

She's comparing the evidence log to the crime-scene photos.

I think there's something wrong with one of the photos.

It's the pill bottle, but I can't tell what the prescription is for.

No record of prescription dr*gs entered into evidence.

Yo, starling, those pills weren't recorded as evidence.

But there is a picture of them.

Can you take me back to the time of the first crime scene?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, hold on.

(fast beeping)


I'm here.

So you weren't home last night?

I slept in Laurel Canyon.

I need an address.

No, like, I slept in Laurel Canyon.

I... I passed out outside somewhere.

I came home and found Chad this way.

Yo, Fish, you're not going to ralph on the vic, are you?

Oh, Fisher, you're here.

You look good in a uniform.

You never told me you were there.

It wasn't my best moment.



What's the matter? You never seen a stiff before?

Knock it off, Powell. Fisher?

Yes, ma'am?

You were first on the scene?

Yes, ma'am.

Was anyone here besides Mr. Furillo?

No, ma'am.

Get out of there!

I'm bouncing.

(computer whirring down)

Furillo stole the pills.

I told you before. I don't remember anything about that day.

What about the pills you stole from the crime scene?

I thought I knew you.

You were that rookie.

Mulaney realized they were missing. It just took her a while.

The statute of limitations is up on that.

True, but not for that bag of weed you had in your pocket.

All right, she asked me about Chad's meds.

I figured, why tell her?

Why'd you take them?

I thought it was oxy. I was going to sell it for street value.

It turns out it was Zoloft.

Street value, crap.

So your roommate was depressed?

He drove the same miserable bus route every day.

Wouldn't you be?

Do you remember who prescribed those pills?

Sure, Dr. Kook.

Really? That's his name?

Dr. Kukra.

Dr. Kook was a hack shrink.

Show up with a referral and some cash and he'd dispense pills like a gumball machine.

Dr. Nick Kukra.

Lost his medical license for playing too fast and furious with his prescription pad, shut down his practice two years ago.

Where is he now?

Driving a cab in LA.

A psychiatrist turned cabbie. Does he fit the profile Blake gave us?

Profile's just a tool. We're checking hard evidence.

We don't know if this Dr. Kukra is our k*ller or just linked to him in some way.

Can you ping the...

GPS on his taxi?

Location and permit number arriving on your cells in three, two... you're welcome.

(phones pinging)

And Fisher, nothing says thank you like another self-defense sesh.

You got it. Let's go get him.

And let's leave the foot chase to Fisher this time.

What? Foot chase?

I just helped apprehend a witness.

Yeah, your daredevil days are over.

Maggie, I was just...

I'm already in the hot seat with Blair.

I don't need you taking any risks with this case.

You can't bench me now.

I just did.

Let them handle it.

Kirsten, let's go.

Hey, cheer up, slugger.

Maggie won't keep you in the dugout forever.

It's not that. It's just this doesn't make any sense.

I've been reading how serial K*llers work.

That's a scary thing to have in your search history.

I'll clear it later. But they classify them by motive and organizational patterns.

And the profile just does not match the Ripper's.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna go see a psychologist.

About time.

Heard that, Millie.

(phone pings)

Let's go get this over with.

Whipped up some of my favorites.


Um, no offense, man. This looks interesting.

But maybe some mac and cheese?

How about you eat and be grateful for yet another in a series of free meals?

It's all right. Saag paneer is an acquired taste.

I think I've got some leftover pasta.

Unclench, Millie. You could really learn something from my boy here.

Bro, you are so much more chill than the dudes she used to bring around.

Shut up, Theo.

No, seriously, a parade of losers.

You may have noticed that I have changed absolutely everything since Bakersfield.

Looking at your sorry ass tells me just how much.

Like you're so much better than me.

She ever tell you how she ripped off a church's collection plate?

Okay, bro, come on. That's enough.

Millie cons people. I mean, look, you can take the girl out of the trailer, but you can't take the trash...

What the hell is wrong with you?

You're my big brother. This is how you speak about me?

Down, girl.

You are so pissed off and angsty because your life is utter crap.

But that's not my fault, Theo.

You took off and forgot about me.

I did everything for you when our parents left.

It was your responsibility to be taking care of me.

I tried to help you and you kept screwing up.

Not like you, huh? Because you're such a big deal now.

Well, I'm sorry. I can't do this.

Camille, come on.

Linus, I gotta go.

Come on.

Nah, let her go, man.

She's just a stuck-up bitch.

Don't talk about her like that.

You treat your sister with respect.


That's a big set of balls for a little guy.

Come on, Linus, just take me home.

Yeah, you heard her, Linus.

(whipping sound) She said take her home.

I want you gone by the time I get back.

Well, the license plate matches the permit.

Doctor's not in.

The engine's cool. He's been here a while.

The lock's missing.

Get behind me.

He was looking for something fast.

Looks like medical records from his practice.




Agent Goodkin, you here for a mojito?

Sorry to bother you. You got... you got a sec?

Sure, have a seat.

So the profile you gave us, the serial k*ller you described, it doesn't line up with what we know of the Ripper.

Really? How so?

Well, he chloroforms his victims first, and then he chokes them, to k*ll quickly, silently, minimal use of v*olence. And then he carefully poses them.

Your profile would suggest a k*ller whose murders are full of rage, bloody, sloppy.

Interesting. I apologize.

I was working from memory.

If I had my laptop, I could access my notes.

I live like two blocks away from here. Do you want to use mine?

Is it that urgent?

It's just that my colleagues are out in the field and I'd like to tell them if they're barking up the wrong tree.

Okay, sounds like a plan.



Thank you.


Forensics is on the way.

The Ripper must have followed or lured Dr. Kukra here.

Apparently to steal something that would incriminate him.

Did you notice his cell anywhere in that mess?

No, why?

Because if he was lured here, maybe the Ripper called him.

His number's on the permit for his cab.



Got it.

Check the incoming calls.

I know this number.



Hey, it's Fisher. Did you make a phone call a couple hours ago to a Dr. Kukra?

Is that a real name?

Yes! And did you?

Forget making calls.

I barely have time to pee.

Did anyone else use the phone, Kate? Think hard.

Fisher, it's crazy busy. I don't know who else used the phone.

Let me talk to him.

Fisher, it's Powell.

I saw Blake make a call from here. Said he forgot his cell.

Is he still there?

Left here a while ago with that kid
who was with you yesterday... The one with the hair.

Here we are... home.

Nice. You live here alone?

Yeah, just me.

Huh. Sounds peaceful.

This is a great space.


Your style is very eclectic... and expensive.

Trust-fund baby?

Having family money embarrasses you.

No, not really. It's just kind of, you know, private.

So then I embarrassed you?

Should we get started?

Yes, let's.

Any progress with your lady friend?


Might as well take advantage of a free counseling session.

Yeah, you're right. But, I don't know, I just think now is not the best time.

It's the perfect time.

If you had told her how you feel, you could have found closure or opened the door to something wonderful.

You talk like it's too late.


She's left you in turmoil.

I can help you feel at peace.

Yeah, you know what? I should probably loop in Fisher.

(phone ringing)

Oh, there he is now.

He's going to have to leave a message.

You're the Ripper.

It's an awful moniker.

A g*n? That's not your MO.

I don't have time for civility anymore.

You think what you did to those people was civil?

What I did, I did out of kindness.

They were all tortured souls who came to me for help.

But none of them wanted their employers to know.


You know what could happen if a depressed man pilots a plane?

How about a suicidal surgeon? Would you go under her knife?

So you're their therapist?

I tried to counsel them.

I even sent the first one, that bus driver, to a doctor who could prescribe medication.

Dr. Kukra.

Well, he won't have much to say anymore.

Don't trust pills anyway.

No guarantee that they'll work.

You were their... guarantee.

I was their savior.

I brought them peace.

And I protected all the innocent people that they might have harmed.

You stopped for seven years.

I found a different way to use my gifts.

I went to work with the police.

You underestimated captain Mulaney.

Everything was fine.

I was fine.

But she just kept digging.

She made me start again.

I had to find peace for her.

I had to.

And now I'll find it for you.

It's a funny story, actually, Dr. Blake.

Um, I recently died.

Well, we all feel that way sometimes.

No, like, I really died.

And then I was revived. So...

I'm not afraid to die.

And whatever happens between me and Kirsten, I will be at peace with it.

The only person who's not at peace in this room, Dr. Blake, is you.

And you'll never be.

No, I... I am the giver of peace.

To everyone but yourself.

That's why when I'm done with you, I'm going to give myself the peace that I have never known.

I've seen what's on the other side, Dr. Blake.

And I promise, someone like you will never find peace there.

(both grunting)

Don't move! Don't move!

Stay on the ground.

Are you all right?

Now I am.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney...

So you were kind of a badass tonight.

- Kind of a turn-on.


Then it was worth it.

Seriously, thank you, Linus.

Theo really knows how to push my buttons.

And I clearly don't handle it very well.

You know I've always got your back.

So he's gone? Right? He left?

Yep, he cleared out.

- I'll see you tomorrow.

Yeah, 'kay, bye.

Will you stop? I'm fine.

Cameron, the way you've been acting, like charging right into things and you're so impulsive, I don't know if you're overcompensating, or trying to impress me...

No, it is not about you.

It's just how I want to live my life now, that's it. Just unafraid.

Kirsten, you know how I feel about you.

You do.

I know what you must have seen when you were in my head.

And you... you might not feel the same way.

Maybe you do. I... I hope you do. But... maybe you're just not ready.

And that's all right.

I, Um... I've just been so... flooded... with all of these feelings... and emotions. And most people have their whole lives to learn how to deal with them, and I've only had, like, a few weeks. You know? So...

I don't know how I feel. I...

I don't know what I feel.

You know, and I'm also... I'm trying to find my dad.

You just need time. That's what you're trying to tell me. It's...

Is that okay?


For now it is.

Okay? And if there comes a time where you know how you feel, just... just tell me.

Okay, and we'll just figure out where we go from there.


Good night.

Good night.

How do you feel?

At peace.


(door opens, closes)

Detective Fisher!

Well done.

It was a team effort.

I wanted to help from the beginning.

I even drove out to your house to ask, but I didn't know how.

Mulaney always busted my chops.

Thing is, she was right about me.

Never too late to be the cop she hoped you could be, man.

To Mulaney.

To Mulaney!

To Mulaney.