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01x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 12/12/13 10:36
by bunniefuu
I always suspected TT was police.

Kieran Ashton was on an original suspects list that matched the profile of TT.

Till I pointed out he was dead.

Ashton had impacted wisdom teeth. We've had somebody come in and compare them with the records from the French autopsy.

Kieran Ashton's still alive.

John is a friend! He sent me flowers to cheer me up.

Don't be so bloody vulgar!

Becky says you're not bad, you're just weak.

My first girlfriend... She moved to South Africa. Still chat on line.

Jesus, Dad.


It's three in the morning. Go to bed.

(Laughs) Says my teenage son.

Uh, I'm a tortured adolescent.

It's what we do.

You, on the other hand, are a very old man.

You need your rest.


Hey, I was thinking, how about you and me go to the cricket one day, up in town?

You hate cricket. You know nothing about cricket.

You once asked when half-time was and who was winning between Pakistan and Britain.

I'll get some tickets, then. Next weekend.

You might want to wait till the season starts.

But, yeah, all right. Nice one.

Good. All right.

Night, then.

Night-night, Adam.

♪ Venez dans mes bras ♪
♪ Closer to me, dear ♪
♪ Donnez-vous à moi ♪
♪ Set aside all fear ♪
♪ Restons enlaces pour l'éternité ♪
♪ Yes, you shall be mine ♪
♪ Till the end of time ♪

So you were good friends?

We were friends. I liked him, certainly. But...

But you... had a connection?

You knew him, as a person.

What was it you said, that... the devil will be in the detail.

If it's him.

Do you have any photos of the wife?

I'm sure I could get some. Why?

I'm trying to build a picture.

Get as many pieces of the jigsaw as we can.

See which fit together.

Because the more I think of it, this man who lost his... career, his wife, his child... all the things that place us in the world, that make us who we are... and then compare it to what TT says and does... the more it seems to fit.

(Ringing tone)

Laura: Hello?



Hi, it's John Sumner.

Oh, hello. How are you?

I'm good. How are you?

Yeah, not bad. I'm just trying to work, but my kids are off on an inset day. So it's a madhouse.

thr*aten to put them up for adoption.

Always worked with my boy.

Oh, a man after my own heart.

Listen, I have a job interview in town for 1:30, but...

I was gonna suggest a coffee afterwards.

It sounds like your hands are pretty full.

A coffee would be lovely.

I've been press-ganged into taking the girls to the zoo for a couple of hours.

What, Howletts Animal Park?

Yeah, we got sent a couple of freebies. So...

Have you been?


I spent many a happy hour there with my son.

Why don't I just meet you there?

I'm sorry. I'm intruding.

No, no, no.

After would be perfect.

No, it's fine.

I could use the extra pair of hands.


It's no problem.

I'd love to.

In that case, why don't I um... pick you up after my interview?

You're only ten minutes away.

Can be my compensation for crashing your party.

No compensation needed.

So the report said
she was on her way to visit a friend in London when she crashed.

At one in the morning, with her kid?

Yeah, that's weird.

Maybe we should talk to the friend.


You know, if this is Ashton, he would have needed cash... Lots.

He had a house. He could have remortgaged. Maybe some savings.

He would have needed to start transferring any funds out of his accounts and into new ones before he died.

No matter how cleverly he did that, there'll be a trail to his new identity.


Kieran spent a lot of time with psychiatrists.

His father was an old soldier, like Delplanque, and he died alone while Kieran was in Witness Protection.

So he couldn't have gone to the funeral.

I don't have any number for her, just an address.


She manages a restaurant in Arras.

She's here?

Arras is about an hour away.

You drive.

She'd had another big row that day with Kieran.

They'd been having serious problems for a long time.

What sort of problems?

Kieran was...hell to live with.

Paranoid and...irrational, and depressed and um... just incredibly angry about his situation and... he took it all out on her.

So she was leaving because of that?

Yes. Mainly.


She'd met someone as well.

Do you know who?

She never told me. She was never... comfortable talking about it.

I think she felt very conflicted.

But she told Kieran.

God, no.

The way he was, I think she seriously thought he might have hurt her.

Was it serious with the other man?

I think she would have liked it to be... but maybe felt he wasn't as keen.

The man Zahra had met... it was me.

I was divorced from Suzanne. She'd moved out...with our daughter.

And...uh... as Zahra had said, Kieran was hard to be with.

So...I'd been his cover officer for such a long time, that I felt responsible for them both, even when they were in France.

So when she started calling me to talk to I was there for her and then she started coming over, and I was a shoulder to cry on.

And for a very...brief period... it became something else.

And I never...

I never imagined that...

I could have something to do with her...with... that night, with her death.

Elise, can we keep this Zahra stuff to ourselves for now?

If it affects the investigation, they have to know.

But if it doesn't, and right now I don't think it does, I don't see why we need to tell them.

It's done. There's no point in being ashamed.

I just think it could be a distraction.

People are gonna have an opinion on this, rightly or wrongly, and it could compromise my authority and I could get taken off the case.

If it becomes relevant in any way...

Yeah, obviously. I'll...

I'll tell them immediately.



What did she say?

Oh, um...

Ashton's wife was taking a break, basically.

She was leaving him.

Do we know why?

Well, Kieran had some very serious issues, by all accounts, and um...

Nothing that doesn't tie in with what we know.

How are you getting on with the bank accounts?


Adam, can you get that, please? I'm just sorting the kids.

Yeah, just a sec.

Hi. Um...

Is your...mum in?

No. My dad's wife doesn't want her living here.

If you're after my stepmum, she's upstairs, beating her children.

Laura: I swear I will leave you behind.

Make yourself at home.

(Girls arguing upstairs)

Laura: Your scream is just so annoying.

OK, can you try and just put your toys back in the box when you've finished, please?

John, hi. Sorry I just...

Worth the wait.

(Email alert)

It's him.

(Laughter and squealing)

One two three...

OK. That's enough now. I'm gonna give John a break.

Come on.



I was scheduled to be slitting my wrists in front of Cook Me The Money.

Mum, look at the elephants!

I'm way up on the deal.

We sent a postman in with a package to sign for but there was no response so he's either just chilling or he's not there.

I think it's unlikely he's just relaxing.

What about alarms... cameras, booby traps?

Well, there's no expl*sive detected by our dogs.

The alarm and camera system is a Manifest C16.

It has a smartphone app, alerting the owner remotely to an intrusion.

Can we disable it?



So, the system does have inbuilt sensors for power cuts at grid level to stop false alarms, and I've used my considerable sexual charms on a sweet young boy from Omega Energy who has agreed to cut all local power for 15 minutes.

As of 4:30 our time.

15 minutes?


You get in, you see what you can find that might tell us where he is, you get out.

And if he comes back?

Well, left-of-field, but if he comes back we arrest him.

Seriously, I don't give a toss about him coming back.

What scares me shitless is him not coming back, him realising we found his house and then disappearing for ever.

(Children playing)

You have to head back?

Not yet. In an hour or so, maybe.

You don't seem like the sort of woman who has to have a meal ready for her husband.

I love to cook for him, I just can't remember the last time he ate a meal from the oven.

Oh, he works late?

He works late, he works early. He works too much.

What does he do?

He's a policeman.

Oh. That sounds exciting.

Still nothing.

(Radio static)

OK. Let's go.

You always push the terror cell theory, right?

"Ground Zero, love. Everything you know is wrong."

Karl: Looks like it's empty.

Keep looking. There has to be something.


(Door squeaks)

13 minutes.


There's got to be an order to this stuff.

Maybe if we can find the beginning we can find the end. Start over there.

What's down there?

Oh, yeah.


They've got slides.

There's just so much stuff.

Stuff going back nearly ten years. It's insane.

We absolutely can't leave any sign of disturbance, Karl. When the cameras come back on, he will see.

How long we got?

Six minutes. Come out now if you think it's too much and we'll rethink.

Guys, you have to see this.

Just follow me. Come on.

Let's go.

OK, you have one minute, guys.

The power comes back on in one f*cking minute, and then he will see you, so you need to be heading to the door Karl, we need to go.

Email printouts between me and Zahra.

We need to go.

OK, you have 30 seconds.

I want you out of there now.

He knows it was me.

He's known all along.

Shut the door!



(Chatter of girls)

Laura: Aw, he's gorgeous, isn't he?

(Low chatter)

Oh, there's another baby one there.

So cute!

Can you see it?


It's so small.

I know.

Hey, guys. I think there are lions and tigers just up there.

Lions and tigers? How exciting.

Girls: Lions and tigers!

Just keep calling Laura's mobile, will you?

Hey? Hello? Hello? Adam.


Adam, it's Dad.

Are you...? Where have you been? I've been ringing and ringing.

Sorry, I was online to Becky and had my headphones in.

What's up?

Nothing. It's OK.

Um, is Laura there?

No, they all went out a couple of hours ago.

OK. Do you know where she went?

She's not answering her mobile.

No idea.


All right.

I'll talk to you later.

Is everything all right?

You sound a bit weird.

Yeah, everything's fine.

Well, I'll catch you later. Oh, Dad.

Her car's still here. So I guess that means she went off with the accident guy.

What accident guy?

The guy...he pranged her car and he's been round a couple of times, and he...he dropped by this morning.

What was his name? Do you know?

John something.

Could it be John Sumner?

Yeah. John Sumner.

Yeah, I think it was. Hey, listen, I think it's fine.
I don't think anything funny's going on.



He's got her.

You said you used to have children.

Did your wife get custody?

Oh, no, no.

I had a son but uh... he died.

Oh, God.

I'm so, so...sorry.

Yes, it was a car accident.

Oh, that's absolutely awful.

How old was he?

Young. He was...nine.

Naturally, it... doesn't get a... whole lot easier now... five years on.

(He sobs softly)

I still get so angry.

I'm so, so sorry.

Poor man.

No, no. No.

No, no, I'm sorry. I um...

You were having a nice day out. I didn't mean to put that on you.

Come on. It's absolutely fine.

You look like you're coping fantastically well.

You are looking for work and you're sane...


If anything happened to my kids, I just...

I mean, I think I'd just give up.

No, no. You'd find a way through.

We all do.

(Girl cries)

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Mummy, come quick!

What, baby?

Think, Adam, think! Surely the kids said something.

They must have!

I don't know.


I've been in my room all day.

All right. I'm sorry. You're right.

I couldn't hear anything.

They're working on triangulation.

Have you got Sumner's picture out?

Yeah, they sent a national red alert for him and a green Saab 900.

(Phone rings)


Yes, Chuks?

All right. We're on our way.

He's just used his debit card.



It's all right.

It's all right. Mark, take care of him, will you?

(Car engine starts)

(Car drives away)

I don't know what to say. I don't know how to do this kind of thing.

It's fine. It's not you. There's nothing to say.

Baines is already inside.

Got us a couple of takeaways.

Yeah, good idea.

(Door bangs)

Why do you, of all people, always have to push me?

You always push me.

Get off me.

Thank you.

We're looking for a guy who used his debit card here a few minutes ago. Spent £7.45.

That guy there in the cap. He's just gone.

Excuse me!

Excuse me!


Police. I want to see that debit car you used.

So you're Karl?


Said you'd come. This is for you.

Hands in the f*ckin' air!

It's Laura's.

Laura: So... Well, we should probably make a move back.


Oh, thank you. It's been a lovely day.


Girl: Please, give it to me.

You just said...


Give it to me!

OK, girls, we're gonna head back now.


Come on. We've had a lovely day.

I don't want to go home.


I'd love to show you something, really quickly.

I know how pushed for time you are but I think the kids would love it.

Yes, yes, yes, please!

No, we really need to get back.

It's just up there. It's five minutes' walk.


Please, please.

It'd be a real treat.

All right. Quickly, then.


All right. (Chuckles)

Oh, don't forget that.

Don't forget your sword.

Man: He took off.

Down there and turned right.


Where are you going?

He thinks he saw a Saab leave on the coast road about 20 minutes ago! I'm gonna look for it.

Every traffic officer in Kent is looking for it.

I know!

I've got to do something.

Listen, Adam's on his the house. Could you go and be with him?

He's not on his own. He's got armed officers with him.

Fine. No problem.

You think it might be good for him to be with someone he knows?

This is what a friend would do for someone they care about?


OK. I'll go.

Thank you, Elise.

Laura: Wow.

Hey, look, bunny rabbits!

It's Napoleonic. It was built to repel those "damn Frenchies".


It's amazing.


How come you have access?

Oh...friends in all the right places me.


But I saved the best...until last.


(Phone beeps)


I'm sorry. I have to get this.


Two secs.

Of course.

Laura: Looks like it's gonna rain.

Sorry about that.

It's all right.


Thank you.



Laura: Intriguing.

OK. Play along.


Ooh, thanks for telling me about that step.

Little step. There we go.

OK, girls. Watch out for the step.

You good?



OK, I need you to stay very, very still for a couple of seconds.


You're standing on a pressure-release switch of an extremely powerful IED.

The second that you take your foot off... the fuse mechanism will strike the detonator with a spring-loaded firing pin... compressing a friction-sensitive pyrotechnic composition that I made myself.

It does all that in about a tenth of a second.

Good luck, Laura.

You don't deserve this.

(He closes the door)

What... What's the surprise, Mummy?

No, no, stay there.

Stay away from me. Get in the corner. Get in the corner.

And put the sofa in front of you. OK?

Yes, Mummy.

Just stay there.

But what's the surprise?

Just do as I say now! OK?


Just do as I say. OK? Do it. Do it.

It's gonna be OK.

Hello. Yes. Police, please.

(Phone rings)

We've just had a report of a man acting strangely at the fort near Delford.


Green Saab's been spotted parked nearby.

f*ck. Right...

Children's screams could be heard coming from the building.

f*cking hell!

You know your dad is a good man, don't you?

I mean, I think he can be hard to understand sometimes, for me.

Maybe for you.

I think he's made mistakes but... he's a good man.

Which would make it funny if it wasn't so f*cking unfunny.

If what wasn't?

That it's this case that's helped me see that.

Or was that part of TT's plan?

Dad meeting you, me meeting you.

Becks getting back in touch.

Cos actually it's all that shit that we've been through that's helped me get to know the stupid bastard better.

I mean... (Laughs) how ironic is that?

Who's Becks?

My ex-girlfriend. Why?


Laura: Bring me that chair. Bring me that chair.

OK. Good girl.

Get back over there now, quickly, and keep your sister there. OK?



Oh, God.

(Siren in distance)

Where are they?

Girls! Girls! Girls!

Oh, there you are.

Oh, my babies. Ha-ha!

Are you all right? What's the matter? Where's Mummy?

She's still inside.

They said she had to wait for you.

All right. OK, you go with the nice ambulance man.


Go with him. He'll look after you.

I'll be with you in a minute.

Where is she?

She's fine. She's inside, Karl.

What's happening?

You can't go inside. Karl!

No, she's my wife! Get out of the way!

Laura! Laura!

Karl, no!

No, no, no! Don't come in!

It's an IED, Karl. She's standing on it.

Don't touch me. Don't touch me.

Don't touch me, please.

The b*mb squad have arrived. They'll be here any second.

Don't touch me, please.



It's all right. It's all right.


We'll get you off.


We'll get you off. It's all right. It's all right.


It's all right.


(Pulsing beep)

This is unusual.

How are we doing?

I've never seen wiring like this.

Most IEDs detonate on contact, not release.

But this one...

We shouldn't even be having this conversation.

Fuse is already tripped.

I've no idea what will happen if you step off.

He said I had a tenth of a second.

Karl: What do you think?

Could it be more?


How much more?


Half a second? A second?

I don't know.

Give us something.

It could be any second now.

It could go off any second, right now.


It's OK.

You've done everything you can. Thank you.


I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this, but when you step off, just run.

OK? As fast as you can.

Just run.


I'm sorry.

(Radio chatter)

Come here.

The father wants the children taken somewhere safe, away from here.

Yeah, no problem.

...had to do it herself cos she didn't want anyone near her house...

You have to go to your car.

They need one of us. You know that.

For the kids.

(Beeping continues)



(Beeping speeds up)

(Laura coughs)

Elise: I just spoke to Adam. He's very relieved.

Karl: Yeah, I bet he is. The paramedics are checking everyone over. I reckon we'll be back within the hour.


I just wanted to ask if you'd mind staying till then.

No. No problem.

Send my... my congratulations to your wife and children.

I will. I will send your congratulations. And thank you, Elise.



Have you seen Adam?


Karl, it's me. I just read Adam's messages to his girlfriend and I'm concerned because it was Ashton's boy, his son's death, that destroyed him.

So why would he want to hurt Laura?

Adam's just gone out without telling me. He's meeting Becky at a car park at 7:30.

I don't think Becky's real.

I think Becky's TT and everything that happened today is a distraction.

I'm driving there now but I don't know if I'll be there on time.

Call me back as soon as you can.

I'm sorry.

(Adam sings softly)