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01x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 12/05/13 03:35
by bunniefuu
Distorted voice: It's over, Danny. Five truths. Final truth. He's still free and now he'll disappear.

He isn't hidden by his politics anymore. He's shown us that he's angry.

We're a little bit sad you got thrown out.

I cheated on Laura. She needs time.

I'm sorry and for ruining your day.

We think TT's police and he was too, so they might have known each other.

ZP Holdings director Marco Brun. Fabien Vincent, French police suspect.

It's the same guy.

It's the same guy!

(Wind whistles)


Man: Bonne journée.

It doesn't matter that they located him, this is our case.

We should be making the arrest.

He was their man... Okay? They didn't want us here at all.

What's he saying? What's he saying, huh?


(She cries out)


♪ Venez dans mes bras ♪
♪ Closer to me, dear ♪
♪ Donnez-vous à moi ♪
♪ Set aside all fear ♪
♪ Restons enlaces pour l'éternité ♪
♪ Yes, you shall be mine ♪
♪ Till the end of time ♪

Sometimes a low-key arrest can be the right thing.

Or they didn't want us anywhere near.

Cos they had other plans for him.


If he was once one of them.

We've got the area on lockdown now.

Anything on the officers that were shot? Jesus Christ alive!

Who's she?

Andrea Kerrigan. Anti-t*rror1st Squad.

Worked with her at the Met.

You slept with her?

f*ck me, it's the lost Commissioner.

Roebuck, you spineless twat. How the hell are you?

Great, thanks, Andrea.

Given recent developments, it was felt in London that a more direct senior presence was required on this case.

Thanks for the heads-up. You've earned it.

This is Elise...

Wassermann. Hm.

Other half of the crack team that couldn't manage a simple arrest.

We were not part of the arresting team.

We have to find Fabien Vincent and get him back into custody in the next 48 hours.

Or heads start rolling.

Do you have better people to replace us with?


If anybody is going to find him it will be us.

Elise, I don't...

That is not arrogance, I just believe it to be true.

Don't worry, I don't have any problem with arrogance... if it's backed up with ability.

Quick pre-meet?

Thank you.

(Chatter in french)

Not your type.

Have you spoken to Dad?


Do you want me to move out now that he's gone?

No. No, this is your home now.

Thanks. So, what's for dinner then?

Tofu's a bit weird really, isn't it? No taste.

Well, it's a canvas. You dress it with flavours.

We're having stir-fried canvas for dinner.

You gonna eat any?

(Phone buzzing)

(Music playing)

(Knock at door, door opens)

Adam, I'm just popping into town. The girls have got after-school club.

I'm just keeping you in the loop. See you later.

(Door closes)

So TT blows up his own messenger.

What do we make of that little twist?

Danny Hillier outlived his usefulness.

We still don't think he was chosen at random in the first place.

It is much less specific than the other truths.

It gives no clue about future targets.

What is the history of Fabien Vincent with the French Secret Service?

Officially he left several years ago... to go freelance.

But it seemed there is still a relationship.

While freelance he took part in a g*n-walking op that went horribly wrong.

As they so often do.


Yeah, his company, ZP Holdings, were the straw buyer in a deal for tagged r*fles from Eastern Europe.

They were allowed to be "walked" from Georgia to a particular final destination.

That destination being Libya, for reasons I won't go into.

But they disappeared on the way.

One showed up in the m*rder of five members of one of the biggest drug gangs in Northern Marseille.

A couple more popped up in Cyprus for reasons unknown.

But of the rest... Nada de nada. Thin air.

Although there were rumours of Al-Qaeda and North Africa cash.

Nobody could pin anything on our friend L'Ouvreur.

But they didn't endear him to the Libyans, the Eastern Europeans, a wounded Mafia drug clan, or the DCRI.

All of whom would happily walk the double-crossing fucker into a shallow grave for it.

Have I left anything out?

Get me an up-to-date list of all his aliases, will you?

I'll work through his British contacts at our end.

See if I can find a tie-in with Danny Hillier.

So let's get him. No more bollocks blaming the Secret Services.

Next time our seal comes up for air... you lot better be ready with a f*cking big club.


(Gulls cry)



You working on something?

Oh, the great unfinished novel.

What's it about?

Love, death... the State of the Nation.

Still addicted after all these years.

You okay?

Not really.

Anything I can help with?

Oh, I don't know...

I don't think I know anything any more.

Tell you what, you have this.

I'll go get another.

Then you can unburden yourself.

It's not like I have to clock on anywhere.

Karl: Hey, just wanted to find out, can we speak to the DCRI officer he took hostage?

Also, how are the injured guys doing? Call me back.

You've been a big advocate of the lone wolf theory in this case.


Ground zero, love.

Everything you know is wrong.

If evidence proves me to be wrong, I will always reconsider my views.


Olivier thinks highly of you.

Good. I think highly of him.

So are you going for his job when he gets his Paris promotion?

Ooh. Didn't nobody tell you?

I'm happy with the job I have.

Very good. Nobody likes a woman who's too ambitious, of course.

It's probably why you and Roebuck click.

He ran from the challenge of authority as well.

Perhaps we think other things are more important.

Lighten up, Sundance. It was just an observation.

Look, I'm gonna go back over and, I don't know... check up on Danny Hillier's flat.

Can I call you later?

Okay. Enjoy.

I have a very high opinion of him, actually.

He could have been a contender once.

Oh, and, of course, he had the pick of all the ladies.

You know, I'd like to say you remind me a lot of myself when I was younger.

But you really f*cking don't.

(Laura chuckles)

I should get back, but erm...thank you.

You know...

A problem shared is a problem doubled.

I've got this website that I've been meaning to update for ages...

Happy to help.

I'd pay you, obviously.

No, I wouldn't let you buy me more than a drink.

Well, we'll see.

I might even overcharge you...

Demand dinner.

So where will he be tried when we get him, this Fabien Vincent?

France, I guess.

It will be a long old process.

What is that?

First appearances, sir, I'd say it's a cock ring with a**l intruder.

I know this because...

No, no, Chuks, your private life...

I had to catalogue a bunch of evidence for the Villier Street raid.

You can get them on Amazon.


Another reason for them to pay more tax.


Oh, God.

Oh, God.


(Screams) Adam!

(Door slams)

Call an ambulance.

What's he got that for?

"Giles Haddock". That's his real name.

What's up? Think there's something fishy about it?

I didn't know he changed his name.

Yeah, I saw it in background checks.

So why didn't you tell me?

He's got no previous under the name.

His passport and driving licence is under Danny Hillier.

(Mobile rings) Did you know that Tiger Woods' real name... is Eldrick.

Yeah, hi.

Have you got the kids?

Right. I'm going straight there.

Gotta go.


What have you eaten in the last 24 hours? I'll know if you're lying.

Coffee and ginger nuts.

Okay, I wouldn't exactly post that on Mumsnet, but it does explain the dizziness and nausea.

Are you under a lot of stress at work?

Not work, no.

You want to chat about it?

There's something I need to discuss with you anyway.

You okay? What happened?


I was just telling Laura the correct medical term for the useless flap of skin at the end of a penis.

A man.

Ah, of course.

You need to look after your wife, Mr. Roebuck.

How are you feeling?

Oh, it's nothing. I can go home.

Laura is undernourished, stressed and anaemic.

She needs rest, proper food and iron.

What about...?

They're fine.


Both heartbeats are normal.


My husband's a detective.

Castor and Pollux, Ronnie and Reggie, two of the Bee Gees, but I can't remember which...

Barry and Robin.

Maurice and Robin.

Barry's the one that looks like a lion.

On this one your husband might be correct.

I'll leave you now. Your meds will be arriving shortly.

Although given this is the NHS, I wouldn't take shortly too literally.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I'll run you home. I'll take care of the kids tonight.

I'll sleep in the spare room.


Hey. Oh, don't cry, don't cry.

I'm sorry. Please don't cry.

(Mobile rings)


Oh, just speak to her. You can't stop working on the case.

I want to be on my own for a bit now, anyway.

Just give me a second.

Sorry. Here I am. How did you get along with Andrea after I left?

You two have fun together?

No, we did not. She was rude.

Is your wife okay?

Yeah, yeah. We think she is.


I've read the psychiatrist's report.

That was quick.

Although we thought an obstetrician was more useful than a shrink in this case.

No, I meant...

I know what you meant.

But thanks for asking. I hope you didn't have to write it on your hand.

"Ask Karl if his wife is all right."

Very funny. It says he was extremely arrogant, always looking for new experiences.

Executive summary: highly-intelligent sociopath.


Aren't they always?

I always suspected TT was police.

He's not.

But he was.

Hidden cameras found in the tunnel and the barber's shop were the kind used by the Secret Services.

Did you find anything at Danny's flat?


Don't know.


Well, I think I'll be in my flat in about two hours.

Call me if you need to talk. I'll be working through the night.


(She cries out)

Get her down in the end?


Brown Bear. Have to read it, like, 50 times.

(Chuckles) Yeah.

Is Laura asleep?

Her light's out.


(Opens bottle of beer)



(Opens another beer)



Do you remember reading to me?

Mm. Course I do.

My favourite was the one about the kid who goes into the garden at night, because he's scared and lonely and he can't sleep.

And then he makes friends with this little girl in the garden from long ago.

Yeah. I remember.

Becky says that you're not bad, you're just weak.

Oh, good. Thanks, Becky, whoever you are.

She just means it's immature to blame your parents.

You have to take responsibility for who you are in the now.

In the now, eh? Does she write self-help books, Becky?

It's my first girlfriend. She moved to South Africa.

We still chat online.

Did she break your heart?

I was pretty gutted, yeah.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry.

Got over it in the end.

Hey. How you feeling?

I thought I was different.

You are different.

I'll never believe that again.

That's what you've done.

This is Chuks. Please leave a message. Cheers.

Chuks, call me, will you?

There's something I want you to dig out for me.

(Ringing tone)

Oh, hello. I thought you were at home.

Erm...give me a call, will you?

S'il vous plaît.

Andrea: All these coastal towns, they remind me of school trips to Dieppe.

When the boys were obsessed with trying to buy flick knives.

Dean Hubbard gave me his in return for sucking him off on the ferry.

Karl: The very definition of fair trade.


You remember Operation Riga?

Of course.

Kieran Ashton was on an original suspects list that matched the profile of TT.

Until I pointed out he was dead.

On top of your game as always.

Danny Hillier was a passenger in the speeding car that k*lled Ashton's wife and son.

And you didn't know that at the time?

No, because his name back then... was Giles Haddock.

He changed his name. Why?

The case never went to court.

But at the time I read through all the witness statements in the file that went to the CPS.

I checked through them again this morning. It's the same Giles Haddock.

So, we have a prime suspect that's French and... bonus ball... alive.

But you want me to consider another one that's English and... wait... oh, yeah, dead.

Not consider, exactly. It's funny there's a connection, though, isn't there?

Everybody's connected somewhere. And Ashton's dead.

Hi, Karl. This is Cecile. Have you heard from Elise? We can't find her and we are very worried. Call me back, please.

What's he doing here?

Why is there no CCTV outside the hotel?

France has not as many as...

It's partly civil liberties.

f*ck civil liberties! Give me the good old nanny state any day.

English people can't take a piss without appearing on CCTV.

So don't blame us...

Two women have disappeared from the same place and we don't have a f*cking clue where to start looking.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just worried.

So are we. She's our colleague, okay?

It's Superintendent Kerrigan in Kent.

I need all records relating to Kieran Ashton, please.

(Two more g*nshots)

(Two further g*nshots)

(Footsteps on stairs)

(Man's voice)


(Distressed cry and whispering)

(Two g*nshots)

(Engine starts)

(Gulls cry)

Should we question the waiter again?

No, he's got nothing to do with it.

(Mobile rings)


Jesus Christ, Elise!

Where the hell are you?

Do you think he's out of the picture completely... Monsieur Vincent?


He connects, but he's part of something different.

So tell me about this Kieran Ashton.

I was his cover officer in the Met till about eight years ago.

I had to remove him from a case that was controversial.

Controversial in what way?

Well, he was undercover in an operation investigating human trafficking and he found out some stuff that was inconvenient.

So I was ordered to pull him out.

Huh. That's when I came back to Kent.

Because you were disillusioned?

It was a mess.

Kieran was given a new identity.

And he settled in France.

He was brought up in the French Congo, so...

And his wife was French-Moroccan, Zahra.

He didn't adapt to civilian life. She was very unhappy.


She was driving in England, gone to visit a friend with their boy Sammy.

She got hit by a car full of drunken toffs on a stag night.

And her car burst into flames.

One of the passengers in the other car was Danny Hillier.

If Ashton is TT he would have known you'd make that connection in the end.

Except he's dead.

Zahra and Sammy were k*lled. There was no prosecution.

Kieran filled his own car with 100 litres of kerosene and lit a match.

Why was there no prosecution?

Because the father of the driver of the other car was very well connected.

And it transpired Zahra was on the phone at the time of the accident.

He would have k*lled the driver first.

Couldn't. He'd died in a jet-ski accident in Costa Rica.

Maybe genuine.

Kieran was identified through dental records.

His body was burnt beyond recognition.

Do you have the records?

Chuks is on it.

We're trying to track the English records to compare them.

Who told you the wife was unhappy?

She did.

So Fabien Vincent connects to Delgado through his Peloton operation.

He recruited and controlled agents in the field.

And the word Peloton was also used on Alain Joubert's spreadsheets, remember?

Yeah. Where was that kept in the house of memories?

In the spare room.

It works, then?

Of course it does or I wouldn't use it.

Will you talk to Andrea Kerrigan about Peloton?

Do you think she knows about it?

Andrea knows about everything. Best to pick your moment with her, though.

Oh, by the way, they've arrested your erm...

Er...I don't know what to call him.

Olivier was very hard on him.




Time of interview 16:09.

He wants me to change.


Good luck with that.

Me and Laura, we're having twins.

Yeah. That was my reaction.

Are you pleased?

Double everything. What's not to like?


(Mobile rings)

Thank you.

I'm hoping it will be girls, if that's not a wrong thing to say.



We tracked down the old English dentist but Ashton's records have been deleted.

Oh? Any chance of recovering them?

No. The computer system was replaced a couple of years back, so the hard drives aren't even there.

But...Ashton had impacted wisdom teeth which needed removal a couple of years back, in hospital.

And those records are still there.

Hospitals tend to hold them for longer.

We've had somebody come in and compare them with the records from the French autopsy.



Okay. Thanks.

Kieran Ashton's still alive.

Sign here, please.

Thank you.


It's not really Dad's style.

They're not from Karl.


Getting your own back, huh?


Bit of his own medicine. Was it one of your clients?

(Scoffs) You think I'm gonna go for some sort of revenge shag?

You don't know much about women, do you?

I was joking.

I'm overworked, I'm still angry, I'm pregnant. I can't have a proper drink.

I'm eating ginger nuts to stop throwing up, for all the good that does, except make me fatter and angrier.

The last thing I wanna do right now is act out some adolescent male fantasy.

What, to make a point? And what bloody point would that be?

Come on.

I don't know...

No, you don't. You don't know anything.

John is a friend. He sent me flowers to cheer me up.

Don't be so bloody vulgar.

"Sins of the father, Captain."


(Continues typing)
