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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 11/20/13 22:58
by bunniefuu
The labs were able to get back the data from Beaumont's laptop and look what they found...

TT's first victim on Beaumont's computer.

Bring him in.

(He yells)

Help yourself.

So how's it going with Elise?

How's what going with Elise?

Working together.

Working fine together.

Mm. Ta.

Is she single?

Tell me you're joking.

Well, she's nearer my age than yours.

I'm not asking her if she's single.

Tell you what, I'm seeing her in a minute.

I'll tell her she's got an admirer.

Tidy your room.



There's a red Golf in the car park.

Key's in your bag.

In the glove box, you'll find some money to keep you going.

Why? What's happened?

Tell me.

Tell me.

Let me tell you about the pool again.

You remember?

We emptied it every winter.

You push him. I dream it.

And every time, you shove the bastard in.

He smashed his head on the bottom.

Looked up at me.

Tell me about the expression in his eyes.


He'd lost... We'd won.

That's what I came to tell you.

After everything that's happened, it's all going to be okay.

Nobody can hurt you now.

♪ Venez dans mes bras ♪
♪ Closer to me, dear ♪
♪ Donnez-vous à moi ♪
♪ Set aside all fear ♪
♪ Restons enlaces pour l'éternité ♪
♪ Yes, you shall be mine ♪
♪ Till the end of time ♪

Where is Stephen Beaumont?

We'll have him soon.

The evidence remains circumstantial, but there is something wrong with him.

Hey, listen up, guys.

Uniforms went to Suzy's flat.

Nobody answered the door, the neighbours say they hadn't seen her.

Because she's in hospital.

But there was some noise coming from there night before last.

Some kind of fight or struggle going on.

Pretty tidy.

Can't exactly have been the rumble in the jungle.

Somebody's been cleaning up.

So either there was no fight... or it got much more serious.

This picture wasn't here last time.

Yes, it was, I saw it.

No... When you saw it, it was hanging over there.

Stay there... Could have a crime scene.

Anthony Walsh, the pimp.

Bin men just found his body...

He has his head quite seriously rearranged.

Get forensics down here.

We may have just moved beyond circumstantial.

(Mobile phone rings)


Right. What time...?


Possible sighting of Stephen Beaumont on a ferry in Dover.

We'll get down there. Get confirmation from Border Control.

Should we stop it leaving?

No. It would alert him.


We get on, then.

Can we have Calais provide armed response units at the other end?

Tannoy: Ladies and gentlemen, this is an important safety announcement.

(Tannoy message in french)

TV: Police are appealing for help in finding a man they want to question over a m*rder in Folkestone overnight.

Police say Stephen Beaumont should not be approached and is potentially very dangerous...



(People gasp)


All right...

You need to talk to us.

About what?

Gemma Kirwan, among other things.

Among other things?

You think I'm the person that k*lled Gemma?

Why is her photo on your computer?

I keep records...of people I help.

Like Anthony Walsh?

He was just trying to destroy my work.

He was doing the same to her.

To who?

My sister.

She was slipping away from me again.

Put your hands were we can see them, Stephen.

I'm arresting you on suspicion...

(Mobile phone rings)


Distorted voice: I have something for tomorrow's front page.

Ah... Very generous of you.

It must be front page.

Ah... That's not really my call.

Besides, it's still early... Doesn't do to plan too far ahead, not when you work in news, if you know what I mean?

We hold the young in contempt.

Is that right?


A quarter of all those arrested in the UK last year were under 18.

Aw... Hard-done-by hoodies. My heart bleeds.

Are you at your desk?

Uh...yeah, I might be.

Society turns its back on the young. Makes them invisible. You will put the ones I have selected on tomorrow's front page, where people can see them.

(Phone cuts off)

TT posted his fourth truth as Stephen Beaumont's life was slipping away on the ferry.

Who was he, really?

Just another guy who thought he could change the world.

And the burning?

TT's calling his truth "The Youth Of Today."

He's highlighting the way that youth is treated or mistreated by the justice system.

TV: He was trying to sort himself out. Trying to get qualified, trying to get a job, trying to get on. It's's just so hard, you know? He said... He said, "I love you, Mum." Then he was out the door. That's the last time I saw him.

Dean Atkinson, 19.

Did two years for his part in the London riots.

(Karl takes a deep breath)

Quite unlike any burns we've come across.

We occasionally get them as widespread, but never this corrosive.

The chemical used... white phosphorous, we think... it's taken off 90% of the skin.

The burns are at their most intense here and here.

Could well have been stuffed in his pockets.

Where are his clothes now?

That's what I meant by corrosive.

Apart from his shoes and the odd strand of fabric, he was like this when he came in.

How did the phosphorous catch fire?


Takes a good few minutes, but white phosphorous combusts on exposure to oxygen, becoming something far nastier... something called phosphorous pentoxide.

The family been in?

His mother's been asking.

She can't see this.

She has the right.

She does... And we have to prevent her from exercising it.
(Van door slides and slams)

Three more burnings.

All male youths, all convicted rioters.

All burnt in public places and dead within seconds.

Public places isn't the half of it... These are CCTV hot-spots.

He's after maximum visibility.

They're going up like moral beacons.

White phosphorous again?

On the first two. The lab is still checking the third.

Why isn't the website up?

What are you doing all day?

Here we go... Yes, police beatings, wrongfully arrested... disproportionate sentencing.

Oh... what's this?

So these are the poster boys for his campaign.

What next?

Next? Hasn't he done enough?

Get uniform to seize all CCTV footage at all four sites.

Run checks on all the names on that list.

We should meet in Calais tomorrow.

Why? They're all British.

The "poster boys" are from both sides of the Channel.

Why show French youths if you're only going to burn British?

I'll ask Cecile to spend the night researching the ones from our side.


I'm off for a drink.

I can't tonight, mate. Sorry.

Don't panic, mate... I'm telling you, not inviting you.

I e-mailed through the final copy.

The story was the burning youths.

Nah... Everyone's running with that.

For us, the story's how TT tried to tell us what to do.

And how we refused.

Keep up, Jonno, mate.

Why didn't you take Elise?


When you went back to Charlotte Joubert's house, why didn't you take Elise?

Cos Charlotte asked for me.

Oh, she asked for you?

Anyway, you saw yourself, Elise can be a bit clumsy around people.

Make up your mind.


Is it because Charlotte asked for you or because Elise can be clumsy around people?

Or are you just throwing excuses my way, hoping one will stick?

Did you sleep with her?

(She begins to cry)


Oh, God.

And I'm pregnant, for f*ck's sake.

I'm sorry.

Get out.

Okay. Okay.

Okay. Okay.

Right, you bastard, where are you?


It's Karl.



Sensitive Karl, the sporty intellectual.

(Door buzzes)

(Knock on door)

Wasn't sure, so I got you a cappuccino.

Maybe Adam will have one.


I swiped a towel if that's okay...

What's going on?

Adam stayed here last night.

I'll be outside.

(Horns blare)

This had better be good.

I don't have to answer to you.

She's my colleague.


You're my son. I've got to work with her every day...

Makes things just a tiny bit f*cking difficult.

Why does it always have to be about you?

Or are you jealous?

Of what?

That's what it is.

It's about respect, is what it is.

Well, start showing some.

Oh, grow up.

I did.

You just never took any notice.

I'm so late, it's not even funny.


There's coffee and shit in the kitchen.

Just grab whatever.

You know something?


You never even asked me my name.

That's intentional.

If I'm never told a name, I can never be accused of forgetting it.

You can't do that.

Do what?

Whatever it was you were doing together.

What was it you were doing together?

Don't answer that.

What are you trying to ask me?

Did you have sex with my son?

He's 18.

I know!

He's entitled to a private life.

That's the sort of thing that people that don't have kids say.

He's entitled to try and keep things from his parents, is what he's entitled to do... and on this occasion, he didn't manage it.

Did you have sex with my son?

Am I entitled to a private life?

Did you have sex with my son?



(Mobile phone rings)


Distorted voice: The youths were meant to be front page.

But you didn't listen.

No, no, I listened. I just don't do requests.

Go outside. There's something I want you to see. How would you get to work from here?

I'd take my 4x4.

On an average wage.

I dunno. Bus?

Walk it.

Walk it.


What's that, a bus route?

The correct molecular formula for phosphorous pentoxide.

For when you put this on tomorrow's front page.

And it will be front page.

We just had a nice little chat...

Her name was Kelly, she was training to be a journalist.

She wanted your help.

I should have warned her... Danny doesn't do requests.


(She screams)

Capitaine Wassermann?


Thank you very much, whatever it was.

He's changed country, changed approach.

So is he moving from the oppressed youths to the oppressors?

Yeah... Same truth, different angle.

If TT has taken Delgado, why hasn't he burned him?

Good question.

What about the kids from the riot?

The Cherfi family has a grocery shop right in the heart of the estate.

Maybe we should get up there. It's as good a place as any.

What's the matter?

He always tells us what he's planning.

Makes calls, posts... Why not this time?

Maybe we're one step ahead.

(Dialogue inaudible)

He smells of petrol.

He's handing Delgado over to the kids.

This list that TT has of all those mistreated by the police, allegedly...

Do we have one?


We can request one from the CNDS. They have all allegations on file.

It's classified, though, right?

Of course.

Yeah, same in the UK. So...

He's showing off.

Proving he can get any information he wants, even if it is classified.

Showing off or giving himself away? How did he get hold of it?

(Sirens blare)

