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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 11/14/13 12:22
by bunniefuu
I assume I now have your full attention.

I can't go home.

Stay here if you want.

Do you think you frighten me?

That was a mistake.

I want people to know why I am doing this.

Stephen Beaumont's out of the country.

Find out when he's due back.

You had a visitor?

No-one, that's his name.

I told him all about you, he was very interested.

We shall all be getting closer...

Tomorrow the sword of justice will swing. the truth.

(Clock ticks)

I'm sorry, sir, there are no available appointments for Dr. Jacobsen for the next two months.

Mr. Robertson.

Benji, how are you?

(Soft thud behind door)

We had to improvise. He didn't.

You're still only improvising?

I think what my colleague is trying to say, is that we had to intervene very rapidly, and that played to the gunman's advantage.

(Phones ring)

Word is coming through that a triple m*rder has just been committed in the same area as the poisonings.

Do you think that could be TT's third truth?

Any comment? Anything? No?

TV: Unconfirmed sources suggest that the death toll has risen to four. Dr. Edward Jacobsen, a psychiatrist, two pedestrians struck at random in the street, and the perpetrator himself who apparently committed su1c1de.

(Phone buzzes)


What is that?

How the mentally ill are treated. TT's new truth.

Back to business, Danny.

The world gone mad, what is that? That's the message of your... samurai is it?

If we abandon the mentally ill, if we send them back to their homes untreated, in the end their sickness escapes.

Well you'd know...

Danny! Danny!

So contrary to earlier reports...

Are you watching the news? Listen to this!

...the attacker did not succeed in taking his own life. And is in fact currently in police custody. More news on this story as soon as it comes through. Back to the studio.

Oh, dear. Can't imagine that was part of the plan, was it?

We better hope he really is some kind of gibbering loon, otherwise he's gonna spill the beans and then where would we be?

(Tt breathes heavily)

(Line goes dead)

He messed up.

I think so.

♪ Venez dans mes bras ♪
♪ Closer to me, dear ♪
♪ Donnez-vous à moi ♪
♪ Set aside all fear ♪
♪ Restons enlaces pour l'éternité ♪
♪ Yes, you shall be mine ♪
♪ Till the end of time ♪

Got any CDs?


Don't like music?


My parents took me to see the Spice Girls once when I was 14.


Do you like music?

Yes, I do like music.

What kind?

Oh, I'm a tart me, I'll dance to anything.

You listen to lots?

Not as much I'd like.

Stuff gets in the way, work, life, marriage.

Marriage gets in the way?

Of some things, yeah.

Like sleeping with other women?

Where did that come from?

Can one woman can really replace all the others?


It doesn't really work like that, Elise.

Have you never been faithful to anyone?


And I can't imagine anyone being faithful to me.

You're too modest.

Robertson's has been transferred to medical forensics.

We can examine him when he gets back.

We can search his flat now.

(Siren blares)

All unopened.

Two different types of hairs in the bathroom as well apparently, so there was someone else here. SC.

I think we need to find SC fast.



Have we got CCTV in the street?

There's one across the road.

Right. Take that would you?

Benji Robertson was Dr. Jacobsen's patient.

He was being treated for a particularly severe form of schizophrenia.

He's in no condition to be held on your premises.

Let alone be questioned.

He is our only link with TT. We just need five minutes with him.


You're not above the law, Detective, and my patient is not beneath it, he has rights, which I intend to ensure are respected.

And what about the rights of his victims?

Happily, the two are not mutually exclusive.

I'm just going to question him.

You are infringing his human rights!

So arrest me.

Five minutes.

Five and a half. that what he calls you?

What do you call him?

Is he French? British?

German, Swiss...

I can't tell you any thing.

Why not?

Because I didn't finish my mission.

Yes, you did Benji. You did exactly...

I didn't finish my mission!

The person who was staying with you, SC, does he know them?

She's still there? Sophie?

No, she's not. Do you know her surname?

How old is she?

Just a kid.

Where is she?

We don't know, but we need to find her.

He'll think you talked to Sophie about him, and then he'll want to k*ll her.

I want to see her.

If we find her, and bring her here, will you tell us what you know about him?

I hope you think that was worth it.

Oh, I do.

(Phone rings)

Do you think that was worth it?


We have the girl's first name, right now that feels like progress. Hello?

DCI Roebuck? Charlotte Joubert, I need to see you urgently.


Is that possible?

Erm... Can you give me some idea what it's about?

Somebody has just sent me some information. I don't understand it, but I think it might be connected to your investigation.

Just hang on a sec.

We could send Olivier?

I imagine she will only want you.

I've got CCTV to look at. Go.

Where did it come from?

Alain left it in the hotel the morning before he died.

Peloton. I've never understood...

That's a cycling term.

Yeah, I know it's a cycling term I just don't get it.

I don't get why they do it.

I don't get what it is in this case either, obviously but...

There we go. All right.

(Clock chimes)




I've got to get back.

This time of day is so strange.

When I was a student I was sleeping with my professor and I would go to his room in the afternoons.

The light was pretty much like this one.

We would always have wine.

He would ask quite formally how my work went and I would say my work was going very well.

And he would say good and put his hand on my knee and that was always how it started.

That feeling of climbing the stairs to his office and knowing exactly what was going to happen next.

Take me to bed.

I can't.

You have to.

You have to because I cannot unsay those words now.

I know you have been thinking about it.

About how it would be like.

It is only an hour in the afternoon.

A lost moment that only you and I will ever know about.

I want to go to the toilet.

She was there.

Who's that then?

A girl with furry boots.

She arrived in front of Benji's flat just as we were leaving.

Aged around 15, brownish hair?

Sophie Campbell. Forensic services just sent over her file.

Her prints were picked up at Benji's place and she has got a record as a minor.

He saw her.

Who's that?


He saw Sophie when he took the sword to Benji's.

We have to find her before he does.

What are you doing!
(Phone rings)

Hi, Elise.

What are you doing? Where are you?

I am at Madame Joubert's still.

Benji's dead.


He committed su1c1de, swallowed a cyanide capsule.


We've identified his lodger, Sophie Campbell, 15 years old, TT saw her leaving Benji's flat.

He knows who she is.

Right, I'll be there soon. Bye.

(Birds squawk)

It's encrypted, nothing Mathieu couldn't take care of though, I imagine.

No bodies found in the last 24 hours matching Sophie's description. We've sent her details out to all services and increased patrols, and we've got her social network pages under surveillance.

Her phone is dead.

There's a charger with her prints on it in Benji's flat, we scared her off when she went back to get it.

The parents are separated and the mum got custody.

She told us Sophie didn't come home the night before last.

And she didn't call the police?

It wasn't the first time and she'd always turned up before.

But what's the connection between this monster and Sophie?

We believe your daughter's been staying with him for the last couple of days.

Oh, my God...

It's all right, it's all right. He didn't harm her.

We saw her safe and sound this morning.

We've been able to trace her route thanks to her mobile phone.

But since this morning, it hasn't emitted a signal.

We have no way to find out where she is.

Do you have any idea?


We'll find her. Don't worry.

No, we can't say that.

For the moment, we don't have the slightest clue that might lead us to her.

What the hell did you say that for?

Because it's true.

For Christ sakes, Elise! Sometimes in life you have to lie!

She knows I can't guarantee she'll be found, she knows I know, we just play these games to make life a little... easier.

You're angry.

Have you never lied to a child?

Or to someone who's suffering, someone that's dying?

One lie leads to another.

How do you trust someone who lies to you?

CID. We've been looking for you.

Some of our lads paid your place in the country a visit yesterday.

Your neighbour had rung, was worried about a young boy staying there with his mum?

One of my boarders. Some scumbag wanted her on the street.

Plods found gak all over the house.

But didn't find her or the kid. Any clues?

Sorry, I thought they were still there.

Anything on that might help us?

I doubt it.

How about I be the judge of that?

I just picked it up from the repair shop, they had to reformat the hard drive.

I've nothing to hide.

Come down to the station and we'll sort out the paperwork.

Ah, Bravo. Bravo. Luigi, par ici, par ici.

(French rap plays)

You smell of smoke.

Do I?

Don't tell me you've started again.

(Doorbell rings)


You forgot this.

Oh, ta.

You going home?


Have you eaten?


Do you want to eat?

We don't do boiled beef and carrots any more.

Come on.

No-one can say that his cause isn't just, at least everybody I speak to thinks so.

Adam, he kills people, he kills people, real people in the real world, not in some cyber pretend world of yours.

Churchill k*lled real people, 25,000 at Dresden, and still tops the charts of most popular Britons.

We admire people who act and TT acts.

Let's face it. He made those bastards cough up millions.

They didn't cough up a thing, Charlotte Joubert paid the money.

All of it? Why did she do that?

Don't ask me.

I haven't had the chance to talk to her about it.

Didn't you discuss with her today? You were there a long time.

No, I just picked up the memory stick and left.

You don't like it?

It's a little bland. Do you have any Tabasco?

Er, yes, I think we have got some, haven't we?

What the f*ck?

Immaculate conception, eh?

We don't have to keep it.


Why are you saying that?

Laura, what's the matter?

I have moved offices temporarily.

I am at Suzie's. Yeah, that Suzie, she used to be somebody Suze, she still likes to party though.

Everyone has got a price, but you'd need to be quite a high-roller to get her convent school arse...

What are you doing here?

Yeah, of course.

(Knock at the door)

Karl? Did you get my message about Vernon Campbell?

He's at sea, so he couldn't have sent the texts.

Okay, Sophie went back to her mother's house yesterday evening.

She nicked her credit card.

She got some money out an hour later.

Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can.

(Phone rings)



Philippe called. Sophie just logged on from a cyber cafe.

Also she bought a new charger 20 minutes ago, but the phone's not transmitting yet.

If she answers her father's messages and she tells him where she is...

Exactly, we have to get to her before she replies.

I'll text you the address.

She just sent a text, "Daddy, sorry, phone problems, just got your messages, call me."

Sophie Campbell?

DCI Karl Roebuck. We'd want to speak to you.

What is it?

It's all right, you haven't done anything wrong, we just want to chat.

(Phone beeps and vibrates)

It's him.

Right, we need to buy time.

Text back, say busy, but call in half an hour?

Oh, my God.

Yeah, but he's been ill, Sophie, it's not his fault. We believe he was manipulated by someone and we need to find that person.


No what?

Not someone, "No-one", that's what he called him, the one who brought round the sword.

Right, okay, so, did you ever see this No-one?


Benji never said anything about him, what he looked like or where he lived, anything at all?

Only that he was very interested in me.

We've got to follow up on the text or he'll suspect something is wrong.

All right. What are you thinking?

That we set up a meeting this evening at Sophie's house.

For real?

One that she actually goes to?

It will look the least suspicious to him.

She'll be fine, we can protect her.

All right, text him, see what he says.

(Phone beeps and vibrates)

Absolutely not, the port would be a disaster.

Except her real dad is landing there in two hours, TT knows that would make sense to Sophie.

Maybe, but he's picking his ground.

And if we refuse he'll suspect something is wrong... we lose contact completely.

I don't care.

He will start k*lling again.

She's just a kid.

This is a rational choice Karl.

We catch him now, we save future lives.

Maybe, but at the expense of her.

She is 15 years old.

You are always hiding behind your feelings to justify your choices.

You don't think rationally.

Oh, really.

I'm not judging you. I'm just observing your behaviour.

Do what you like, I'm going back to Calais.


We checked all the roofs.

All entrances and exits are covered, we're about as prepared as we can be.

We can't block all access.

It must look as natural as possible, otherwise he'll sense a trap.

I hope to God we are doing the right thing.

Campbell's arrived, send Sophie out now.

Radio: We've got something, control.

One of the dock workers is on the move.

Karl what is going on?

He's taking something out of his pocket.

Karl? Karl?

Take him. Take him.

(Police yell)

sn*per! Get down!

Radio: All buildings sealed.

We found a b*llet casing on the quay side.

No sign of the sn*per.

We were swept out to sea by a wave.

My father got me in time.

Not your sister though.


Sometimes I wonder if he had had the choice whether...

I'm very disappointed.

It's an absurd and useless hypothesis.

I would have expected better from you.

It really doesn't work like that. Take it from a dad.

So, the labs were able to get back the data from Beaumont's laptop despite the reformatting.

And look what they found.

TT's first victim. On Beaumont's computer.

And there's other women on there as well. Of a similar type.

We're not dealing with a serial k*ller who targets women in particular... of any type.

Fair enough, but how does he explain it though?

Bring him in.