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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 10/24/13 09:58
by bunniefuu
Danny Hillier?

Who's this?

You should ask the police what is happening in the Eurotunnel. They found half an MP and half a prost*tute.

I like to remember the people I help.

Wait! Wait! You can't just leave me! You can't! Please, come back.

We shall all be getting closer to the truth.

(Dance music plays)

I said cash.

How about cock?

I don't take tiny instalments.

How's your brother?

You told him we're getting married yet?

You leave my brother alone.

Tell him if he keeps spending so much time hanging around my b*tches... (She laughs) he's gonna have to start paying.

Get you, Tupac. This is South Kent, my darling, not South LA.

Anybody else spoke to me like that, I'd smash them up.

You'd smash em up!

Yeah. Yeah, I would.

Love you long time.

(Phone rings)


Sorry to keeping you waiting so long, Danny.

Something really important came up.

What, more important than a b*mb in a car?

There was no b*mb.

What's this? We got a federal police force now, have we?

Elise Wassermann, French Police.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know who you are.

So tell us about the telephone call.

He said he left two bodies in the tunnel.

Yeah. An MP and a whore.

Your car was seen picking up that whore.

What? When?

July last year.

July last year I was in Prague.

Besides, if I did pay for gash, which I don't have to, I think I'd aim a little bit higher than some crack-addled tart off the streets of an English seaport.

How would anyone have access to your car? Twice?

Well, I haven't got a Scooby, love.

Can we have a word outside?

You must be pleased to have the French on board.

She's about as useful as the Maginot Line, that one.

I hope the trousers fit all right, Danny?

The only clean ones we could find.

I'm going back to France.

Maybe he will calm down and stop showing off if I am not there.

All right.

We'll tap his phone and put a remote hack on his computers in case...

Where's the DCI? The k*ller's put a video up.

I brought them together to show a simple truth... There is no equality before the law. That is my first truth. There are four still to come.

There's no CCTV there.

He must have hidden cameras.



It's here.

What do you mean, it's here?

Shut it down! Now!

Find out how he is doing it.


One last image for you...

Look, she comes apart like the Eurozone.

You notice what he said. "I left. My first truth."


Like some Old Testament God.

With four more truths to come.

He wants to punish us.

♪ Venez dans mes bras ♪
♪ Closer to me, dear ♪
♪ Donnez-vous à moi ♪
♪ Set aside all fear ♪
♪ Restons enlaces pour l'éternité ♪
♪ Yes, you shall be mine ♪
♪ Till the end of time ♪

"Assuredly it was one of Constance's bad days, one of those days on which she felt that the tide of life had left her stranded in utter neglect. The sound of the Bursley Town Silver Prize Band aroused her from her suffering..."

I need my medicine now.

It's not really time.

So much pain.

Here you are.

Thank you.

(Seagulls caw)

Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women.

Blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Jesus, Holy Mary, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Hey, Suze.

Where's Laura?

Don't know. With a client?

Saw you on the web, Dad.

It's pretty awesome when the bodies just come apart.

Yeah... and they say the internet de-sensitises people.

So who's the babe you're chatting with?

Chuks. Remember he came to the New Year's Party?

A French colleague.

What's her name?

Fifi Croissant.

Yeah? Well, I would.

There's a fairly large assumption behind that statement.

What time would you like turndown this evening?


What sort of chocolate would you like on your pillow?

Yeah, funny.

You sleep very deeply.

What are you doing here?


You can't just... walk in here.

I got you this flat, remember?

Yeah, by blackmailing the lettings officer.

He shouldn't trade council flats for sex.

What do you want?

To make sure you're okay.

Do you have money?


I've even got a part-time job.

If that man...

Oh, please.

Do you remember those holidays on Tresco?

He took me spinning for mackerel.

The colour of them in the air, green and silver, the sea flying off them.

They were thrashing around... their heads smacking against the bottom of the boat.

Bloody eyes.

I was sick over the side of the boat.

He laughed.

Tell me.

I've already told you.

Tell me about the expression in his eyes.

I have to go.

I'll find a job for you.

What are you doing here?

Stay away from my hostel... and stay away from my sister.

Oh, your hostel. Your sister.

Check out Mr. Charity.

Why don't you f*ck off to Africa and teach HIV awareness to the lions?

Do you think you frighten me?

Do you think I am one of the girls you can just slap about?


That was a mistake.

You know, I like your sister.

She's original, she's got spirit... and she wriggles in bed.

And it's only because of her that you're not face-down in the harbour.

So why all the hostility?

Is it 'cos you can't have her?

(Doorbell rings)

That seat's taken.

Very observant.

One of yours?

One of my what?

I'm guessing it easier to get a gram of stepped-on cocaine in this place than a sandwich, but it's nearly lunchtime, I'm very hungry and my balls are aching.

Try again.



Gemma Kirwan.

Good. And?

And what?

And she's dead, so what else can you tell me?

Talk to Tania.

You'll usually find her up on the Dover Road.

They were spars.

That really is all I can tell you.
I'm looking for Tania.


Well, well.

I haven't had a close encounter with the passenger seat of your Mondeo yet, officer.

I am a cut about the rest, Tania.

Can we have a chat? About Gemma.

Can we go to my place?

Who is this?

It's my son... Mauricio.

You didn't mention him.

Does it make a difference?

The man you were with outside, you must not talk to him.

He said he would help me to find a job.

He's a violent pimp.

He might hurt your son as well.

Pack your things.

Are you are throwing us out?

Pack your things.

Is that your boyfriend?

Stephen? I don't think he's even kissed a girl.

He's posh, talks nice, just like you.

I'm not posh, I'm educated. Big difference.

It's the mum I feel sorry for.

She kept going to the Old Bill and saying how her daughter must be in danger, and you did nothing.

Every Sunday, Gem would call her mum at the same time.

You could have checked the phone records, seen there must be something wrong.

What was her mood like before she disappeared?

Yeah, good. She was up.

She said she'd fallen in love.

Who with?

Wouldn't say.

Only that he had a brain-shaped head and they'd talk about stuff.

What sort of stuff?

You know, injustice and that.

Political shit.

We took the piss a bit.

We said he didn't really exist, but she just got all serious and said she couldn't tell us.

Then one day she was just gone.

Did you tell the police?

It was in her room.

We checked to see if there was any clues about where she'd gone.

Does it mention...?

It stops at exactly that point.

Is it true he's put a video up and it shows the body?


And he says this is all to show how nobody values the life of a prost*tute?


We really can't win, can we?

You're really kind.

Do you want some music on? The radio?

I could read to you again?

Put a CD on.

♪ In Moore Street where I did dwell ♪

My Arthur used to sing this... Lovely deep voice he had.

♪ I loved right well ♪
♪ He courted me my life away ♪
♪ But now with me... ♪

Such foolish girls, eh, Suze?

World's full of them.

Why don't your children come and visit you more?

They have their own lives...

Their children...

Colin lives in Sydney, of course, so I can hardly blame him.

It's not fair.

Well, I'm glad I have you.

♪ ...on an ivy tree... ♪

I'll bring you food tomorrow.

I don't like it here.

You don't have an alternative.

You're in danger from that man.

There's a horse in the field around the house.

Do you like horses?

(Phone rings)

No-one can know you're here.

The boy is all right in the garden, otherwise don't leave the house.

Local farmers are not exactly sympathetic to failed asylum seekers.

(Phone rings)

I met Danny Hillier yesterday.


Who's Danny Hillier?

The tabloid journalist.

He writes about ordinary folk, sort of his catchphrase.

Ordinary for him means hating immigrants, talking in rhyming slang and not reading books.

Sounds like a tool of the highest order.

Yes, he is.

He should meet granddad.


Nothing ordinary about that old bastard, eh?

I dunno.

What don't you know?

Well, he didn't just leave grandma on her own to bring up the kids, so there was something ordinary about him at least.

He had a bit of a temper on him though.

Gave me a couple of backhanders when I got too mouthy.


Yeah. It's gone out of fashion now.


Where are you going?

You're washing up.

All right, no need for police brutality.

It was delicious pasta, Laura, thanks.

I'm glad you liked it.

You are going to have to talk to him properly.

Nothing will be solved by making him wash up more.

(Heavy breathing)

(He laughs)

(He sighs)

What is it?

(Mobile vibrates)

Bloody hell.

Karl, tell Obelix that I'll bloody k*ll her.

Hi, Elise.

What would you expect to find on a self-sufficient organic farm?

What? Birkenstocks. What time is it?

Somebody who produces and butchers their own meat because they hate the Zionist Occupied Government of France.

Just tell me.

I think I have found a slaughterhouse.

I'm going to check it out.

It might be on the farm of a man who threatened Marie Villeneuve.

His name is Joel Mougin.

Wait... Look... Just...

I'll be fine. I just want to see if it has one.

(g*n cocks)

I am not laughing.

What is your view of inequality before the law?

(Mobile rings)


Hello, Danny.

I know who this is.

The man the police are holding is only guilty of being a cretinous n*zi.

I'm sure he doesn't even know Marie Villeneuve had a little scar under her left breast, or that Gemma Kirwan loved her mother.

You're a sick f*ck, you know that?

That stunt with the car...

I have chosen you.

I want people to know why I am doing this.

I have chosen you.

I want people to know why I'm doing this.

He's trying to teach us.

He wants to demonstrate his superiority by exposing our moral weakness.

My son's a bit like that. He just decided to become a vegetarian.

My sister, too.

You were right about the photograph.

Manon was my twin.

She drowned.

You would have liked her. She was funny.

The k*ller said specifically that he has chosen you.

Why would he do that?

Maybe he's a fan of my work.

Round up the mindless bigots then, eh?

It's nice to se you hold the ordinary working class folk with such contempt.

Can you answer my question?

What's the point? You've already got the tapes, obviously.

Why did he choose you?

Je ne sais f*cking pas, honestly.

Keep him talking next time, ask him questions.

What is this, the Third Reich?

I'm a journalist, I don't need to take orders from...

We found two grams of cocaine in your car.

(Phone rings)

What sort of questions?

Ask him what he wants. What he hopes to gain by this.

Keep it vague. Keep him talking.


Yeah, with him now.



Would you mind checking your inbox?

What good are old people? They do not produce. They consume nothing except our taxes... so we leave them to die alone.

♪ He courted me my life away ♪
♪ But now with me he will not stay ♪
♪ I wish, I wish, I wish in vain ♪
♪ I wish I were a maid again ♪
♪ But a maid again I'll never be... ♪

Malmead House. People are dying.

♪ Till cherries grow ♪

(Phone rings)

♪ On an ivy tree... ♪


It's him. He's started.

♪ He went upstairs and the door he broke ♪
♪ He found her hanging by a rope ♪
♪ He took his knife and he cut her down ♪
♪ And in her pocket these words he found ♪
♪ Oh, make my grave large, wide and deep... ♪


Can you hear me? Suze, what have you taken?


No, it's Anthony, babe. You called me. What have you taken?

♪ And in-between a turtle dove ♪
♪ That the world may know I died for love ♪