01x16 - Any Wounded Thief

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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01x16 - Any Wounded Thief

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Blindspot"...

I think Jane Doe is Taylor Shaw.

Taylor Shaw has been missing for 25 years.

Yeah, and she's not missing anymore.

I had your DNA tested to see if it matched Taylor's.

You have the results?

You are Taylor Shaw.

You spent 25 years convinced Dad committed a m*rder that never even happened.

She's alive, Kurt.

Then why did you lie?

About where you were. Why did you...

Because I was trying to k*ll myself!

(g*n cocks)

(electronic voice) Stop looking into Tom Carter's disappearance, or people you love will start to die.

I can't do this anymore.


I don't feel the same way.

I know that you love me.

No... I don't.

What if I didn't notice?

David: I knew you would.

Our timing is... is just off.

Patterson: I wasted so much energy on why it wouldn't work.

I loved him.

And now he's gone.

You always act like everything's going completely according to plan.

Things are back on track.

So what now?


(beat boxing)

(tires screeching)




Sarah, it's me.

What's going on?

Give me a call when you get this.

(ringtone jingling)


woman: This is Bacchus confirming your reservation tonight at 8:00 p.m. for two people.

Oh. Sorry, I...

I don't have a reservation for tonight.

Booked under David Wagner?

He gave very specific instructions to call this number.


Wh-When did he...

He made the reservation last month.

Uh, s...

Sorry, I... I have to go.

All right.

Step in.

Thanks, man.

You talk to Sarah today?



She's moving out.

Any idea why?

Something going on with you guys?


We broke up.


(sighs) Last night.

What happened?


Doesn't matter what happened.

We're not dating anymore.

You should be happy.


I'm not happy 'cause she's not happy.

Come on.

I really can't win with you, man.

(Velcro ripping)

I really can't.

(elevator bell dings)

Mornin', Jane.

Oh, hey, mornin'.

Happy birthday.


It's yours... Taylor's, birthday, today.

Oh, I... I didn't even...


I got you something.

Just the person I was looking for.


Hey, Jane.


What are you doing here?

Uh, O.P.M. briefing upstairs, so I thought I'd stop in on my way.

I can come back later if you guys are in the middle of something.

No. No, no, no. I-I have to go.

This is a nice surprise.

I brought you breakfast.

Poppy seed muffin and cortado, just the way you like it.

It better be.

(both laughing)

Are you coming over again tonight?


I was, uh, thinking about being ambitious and cooking.



After last time?

That fire was not entirely my fault.


Someone got me a little distracted.

(laughing) Yeah! You were trying to heat up a pizza inside the box inside an oven.

Okay, maybe you should be in charge of the food.


I'll do that.

All right, so, um, see you at eight?



(giggling) Bye.


Morning, you're just in time.

What do we got?

Uh, an armored truck was robbed.



Yes, um, the truck.

It happened this morning in Rockland, or...

No, that's not it.

Westchester County.

It was Westchester County.

Tattoo connections?

Yes, yes, definitely connected.

That is an affirmative, um...

These are cell phone photos from the state troopers.

They said that the truck was ambushed by heavily armed gunmen.

The driver and a guard were k*lled.

Which tattoo is this connected to?

So this... square and diamond design is an exact match with the truck logo.

And I couldn't figure it out, but the symmetry of it made me think of mirror images, which led to geometric shapes...

Can we get back to the robbery?

Hold on a second, I want to hear how she cracked it.

It might inform the case.

Patterson: Well, it didn't really lead anywhere, but that's for a reason.

So this logo was created for a company that doesn't exist.

What do you mean it doesn't exist?

R.O.R. Security isn't registered with the DOT or anywhere, for that matter.

But if the truck wasn't registered, we have no way of knowing what they were transporting.

Clearly something valuable enough you need an armored truck.

And worth k*lling for.

Question is, is what was inside that truck?

(indistinct chatter)

(approaching siren)

(police radio chatter)

(camera snapping)

Second set of tire marks.

SUVs, judging from their size.

They converged on the truck, ran it off the road.

These doors were melted open.

A torch or a thermal lance.

No signs of what they were moving.

Guard got shot here trying to escape.

He didn't stand much of a chance.

These guys used armor-piercing b*ll*ts.

The driver didn't even make it out of the truck before he was shot through the window.

Excuse me. Got something you need to see.

Jane: So there were three guys in the truck.

Check that out.

"Atropine and pralidoxime... for use in nerve agent poisoning."

It's the antidote for sarin gas.

So they were transporting chemical weapons.


Patterson... any idea where the sarin came from?

The USA CMA is located just 15 miles away.

Doubt that's a coincidence.

What-What is that?

The United States Army Chemical Materials Agency.

They store and destroy all of our chemical weapons.

Who's in charge there?

General Mark Sheridan.

Mayfair's reaching out to his office right now.

You got anything on the victims?

Yoo Jin Lee, Young Park, and Min Ha Cho.

All South Korean Nationals, clean criminal records.

Did they work at the CMA?


So where did they get sarin from?

I don't know yet.

I'm building out the Koreans' known associates here and abroad.

How'd they get in the country?

It was all above board.

They had work visas sponsored by the president of an import/export company based in Brooklyn.

Vanessa Chang.

Bring her in. We're on our way back now.

(snow crunching)

(snow crunching)

woman: Taylor would have been 30 today.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of her.

Imagine the beautiful woman she would have become.

Jane. Jane!

You coming?

Mayfair: How could this happen?

If they're in possession of sarin gas, it didn't come from our facility.

The only time those canisters are moved is when they're taken to be incinerated.

Even then, we've got a strict multi-level security protocol in place to prevent tampering and theft.


Oh, my God. What happened?

It's still an open investigation, so we're not at liberty to discuss details.

Did you... know them well?

I thought I did.

I sponsored their work visas three years ago.

I gave them jobs as drivers with my company.

So it could have been one of your employees.

I seriously doubt it.

We're gonna have to question everyone who had access to the sarin in the last two years.

Of course.

A month ago, I found out that Young was stealing antiques from my warehouse and reselling them.

I tried to get to the bottom of it and discovered that Jin and Min Ha were also involved.

You must have done background checks before you sponsored them... any red flags come up?

Nothing at the time, but I started asking around and I heard a rumor that Yoo Jin had ties to a Korean g*ng.

How bad is sarin?

To be blunt, it melts your organs while you asphyxiate.

Looks like you've been having some trouble with the IRS.

If you're insinuating that I'm involved in some illegal activity...

We're not insinuating anything.

Just trying to get the full story.

My father came to this country with $200 in his pocket.

He worked day and night to build a life for me and my brothers.

Money makes people do crazy things, especially when their back's against the wall.

I would never do anything to jeopardize my reputation or my family.

If those guys have a truckload of it, could wipe out the whole state.

What's the update?

Patterson: I think I got something.

All three of the Koreans turned off their phones at the same time, about 20 minutes before the robbery.

Probably so they couldn't be detected transporting the sarin.

My vector search found a known associate who turned off his cell phone at the exact same time.

Sam Lee, born and raised in Queens.

Now it's starting to look like a four-man crew.

Except there's no fourth body.

Welll, he could have been working for the other team.

Do you really think he was actually on side with the robbers?

He might be their inside man.

Makes sense... the heist team would know when and where to strike.

The driver was shot at close range, wasn't he?

Yeah, through the passenger window.

Or, from inside the cab.

(tires screeching)

Weller: We need to find this Sam Lee now.

Okay, his cell phone's turned off, but I have an address in K-town.

Weller: Okay.

Hang on!

Sarin gas antidotes.

God forbid you need them, but if you get exposed, you inject yourself immediately.

Internal organ failure happens within a minute.

It's not pretty.

Okay. Let's move. Thank you.


1-5-7, unit 5.

Fifth floor.

Always got to be a walk-up.


Hey... there he is. That's Sam.


(crowd screaming)

It's no good for me, I got no shot!

Me, either!



Reade: Go! Down, down, down! Go!

Hostage clear!

NYPD is on the way.

Nice shot.

Sam Lee.

Looks like some kind of security access card.

I don't think his building has a garage.

It might be where they're keeping the canisters.

12 missed calls from the same number.

Let's see who's so desperate to talk.

(line ringing)


Why haven't you picked up your phone?



The General.

Today would have been my one-year anniversary with David.

And I've been trying to block it out, until I got a call from our favorite restaurant this morning... confirming a table for tonight.

So David must have booked it.

I see.

And on top of that, the "Times" published his last crossword puzzle today, so I feel like I keep getting these messages from him, and I know it sounds...

I think you should go.


To the dinner.

I think you should go.

Instead of trying to bury yourself in your work and forget about David, why don't you take the night to celebrate him?

Go to that restaurant, have a glass of wine, toast David and all the wonderful memories you had with him.

I... I don't know. That just seems...

I mean, he's gone.

I'm supposed to move on, right?

I mean, that's... the healthy thing to do?

Well, like I've said, there's no right or wrong way to grieve.

Sometimes allowing yourself to indulge in memories of a loved one is the best way to get closure.


Should I be paying you for this or...

Well, let's just call this two friends talking, hmm?

(elevator bell dings)

Any leads on the general's whereabouts?

We've located the phone.

We're looking for any friends or family within the area.

And alerts are out at all transportation hubs in case he skips town.

I just got off the phone with the head of security at the CMA.

She's handing over inventory logs and camera footage.

He has to have accomplices to have pulled something like this off.

Found some discrepancies at the CMA.

So when the CMA incinerates its sarin canisters, it emits gases that have to be reported to the EPA.

So, by looking at the amount of waste byproduct, you can work backwards to figure out how much sarin gas is being destroyed.

And that's where the discrepancy comes in.

The math doesn't add up.

The CMA isn't producing the amount of waste it should for the amount of chemical weapons it claims to be destroying.

What does that mean?

The general was reporting false numbers?

It's one way to hide the fact that you're actually stockpiling weapons.

So it might not just be a truckload of sarin that's missing.

Could be a lot more.

We're talking metric tons of material that haven't been incinerated.

We got something... two people in a general security team have had their incomes padded by some mysterious trust account.

For the past three years, these guys have been paid out over 200 grand each.

The general could have been paying them to transport the weapons out of the facility.

And the same trust purchased a large farm about 30 miles outside of the CMA three years ago.

Sounds like a good place to get off the grid.

Let's move.

So, Reade, is this the end of the great bromance?

What are you talking about?

(chuckling) You and Weller.

Well, clearly, this Sarah thing is getting in the way, so you guys got to sort it out.

You're making it weird for the whole team.

Sarah and I broke up last night.

What'd you do?


Nothing. I broke up with her.

Thought you said you were crazy about her.

I really don't want to talk about it.


I think we're looking at the tattoos too myopically.

How so?

Whoever put that truck logo tattoo on Jane had very specific insider knowledge, same with every other tattoo case we've worked.

We need to take a step back and look at who might have access to this kind of information.

What are you proposing?

We look at the connections between the players and the cases we've solved.

The government institutions, even the locations of the crimes.

There must be some clue that points us to who did this to Jane and why.

But right now, my entire team is stretched thin just investigating the tattoos as they come up.

You need more people.

I need a lot more people.

The director's looking for cuts, not added expenditures.

I understand, but this is the most important case that the Bureau has.

I agree... but everybody feels that way about their cases.

Look, I'll see what I can do.

Weller: There's nothing here.

Patterson, you positive this is the location?

Um, you guys are walking on water.

Weller: What are you talking about?

I'm looking at a satellite image from three years ago, and you're standing smack in the middle of what used to be a pond.

Well, someone drained the pond.

Ooh... not only that, but the electricity bill for that property is off the charts.

Jane: Well, there is definitely something here we're missing.

Fan out.

Let's have a look.

(distant ducks honking)

(sound echoing)

Weller: Did you think for a minute how Emma would feel about you being here?

I didn't do anything wrong, Kurt.

You may not believe me, but I didn't have anything to do with Taylor's disappearance.

Stop, Dad.

I have every right to be here, just as much as anyone else who wants to pay their respects.

You don't get it, do you?

No one wants you here.

No one.

Weller: Got something.

What the hell is that?

Don't know.

Hey, try this.



(grunting) Come on.


There we go.

Zapata: Set.




(door squeaks)

Don't sh**t.

Get on your feet and put down that w*apon, General.


Reade: The entire room is rigged to blow.

Disarm that detonator now, General.

Don't come any closer.

Disarm it!

Don't come any closer!

Or we all die.

These crates.


Mustard gas.

Hydrogen cyanide.

Nobody gets out alive... if I take my finger off this button.

Your job was to destroy these chemical weapons.

Our enemies have chemical and biological weapons.

You think that we're setting an example by burning our stockpile, singing "Kumbaya"?

It's delusional!

We need to maintain the stockpile.

Did you sell it to a foreign country?

I needed a way to pay for this facility, so I sold a nominal amount to South Korea, our allies.

Then someone found out about your sale and ambushed them.

Thousands of lives are at risk now... because of you.

Do you realize how selfish your actions are?

I lived through Iraq.

I saw innocent lives destroyed by chemical weapons, kids with horrible deformities, entire villages wiped out because S*ddam knew he could get away with it, that we wouldn't retaliate.

That can't happen again.

What are you doing?

You're not going to detonate the C4.

You don't want to die.

You did all of this to save lives, not take them.

Weller: Jane... You stay back.

(General screaming)


Got him?

On him.

(click, beep)

Zapata: Don't move.

Who stole the chemical weapons?



South Koreans had a liaison.

Vanessa Chang.

Weller: Stand up.

Stand up!


She double-crossed you?

We've been doing deliveries of sarin to Seoul every quarter for the last three years.

She's the only one who knows the ins and the outs of the operation.

Who is she selling it to?

I don't know, but when I realized it was her, I was afraid she'd come here.

I knew I needed to destroy all this before it's too late.

How much sarin is missing?

40 canisters.

Did Vanessa help you move the weapons out of the country to Korea?

Through her company.

Weller: Patterson, search Chang's shipping logs.

See if she has anything leaving today.


Okay, so...

Looks like her company has three containers set to sail for tonight.

Two are headed for Japan and...

Hang on.

Looks like she had one set to sail for Thailand, but she changed the destination last week to China.

Contact Port Authority.

Tell 'em we're on our way.

(siren whooping)

Container should be in here.

Hey, it's the same logo as Sam's keycard.


(clink, gate whirring)

Nice work, Tasha.

(sharp whistle)

FBI! Freeze!

(overlapping shouting)



Jane, with me.

g*ns away. Too risky with the sarin gas.




(gas hissing)

(gasps, coughs)


The antidote vial is broken!

Weller: Here, I've got mine.

No! What about you?






Hang on, Kurt!

She needs your antidote!

I'm on her.

I got it, here!


(air hissing)




What's your target, Vanessa?


(air hissing)



What is your target?!

(panting) You're too late.

(Weller coughing)

Hey, you okay?

I'm fine.

I'm sore where you stabbed me.

Sorry, next time I'll just let your internal organs melt.

Reade: We just checked all the containers.

36 canisters of sarin accounted for.

The general said that 40 were stolen.

Whoever Vanessa sold the sarin to took four canisters.

Presumably to use on home soil.

Do you think she was helping them with an American target?

Who do you work for?

Thousands of people, including us and your own family, could be exposed to the sarin if you don't help us.

(slaps table) Who do you work for?!

North Korea.

Your container was headed for China.

The plan was to move the crates through China into North Korea.

What's the target here?

I don't know.

I don't believe you! What is the target here?

I sold them the weapons, that's it.

I had no idea they were planning to use them here.

The South Koreans pay me to help the general.

But the North Koreans made me a better offer.

The North Korean government is behind this?

They're a radical faction within the government.

And you have no idea what they're going to target?

I swear to you, I don't know.

We found these in one of the sh**t's cars.

Vacuum cleaners?

Not exactly.

They hollowed out the inside so they could fit the sarin gas canisters.

We recovered two canisters in another vehicle.

But four are missing.

Two more are out there.

Zapata: They also had these.

"Ripley Custodial Service."

They're gonna disguise themselves as janitors.

Well, we know the target's local.

The question is, where?

What'd you find?

I'm looking into Ripley Custodial Services.

This company cleans five buildings in Manhattan.

Any obvious targets?

The stock exchange.

Big IPO today, Ockman Industries went public.

There's gonna be a lot of press there all day.

45 minutes until the closing bell.

They'll want to hit it before everybody leaves for the day.

Let's move, now.

(traffic noise, indistinct chatter)

Jane: It's been 25 years, but it's like it just happened.

Oscar: He never moved on.

You sure you're still okay with this?

We can't risk tipping these guys off.

It needs to be a simultaneous takedown.

If we only get one, we risk the other one setting off the sarin.

We have no idea where they are in the building.

Weller: Patterson just sent me the floor plan.

Zapata: No visual on the suspect yet.

(elevator bell dings)


We're trailing one, but we can't take him down till we've got eyes on the other.

Jane, down there.

Okay, we got eyes on the second suspect.

He's on the trading floor.

Ours just entered.

(whispering) Flank him.

Zapata: We're on the wrong floor.

We'll never get to him in time.

I got him!

Jane, what are you...


(crowd screaming)


(handcuffs snapping)

Should have seen the look on your face when Jane jumped through that window.



You all right?

Yeah, I'm just trying to finish some paperwork before I get outta here.

I can wait.

No, I'm cool. I'll see you tomorrow.


I know this is none of my business.

I think you're making a mistake with Sarah.

You were really happy with her.

Like, happier than I've ever seen you.

If I were you, I would hold on to that.

You really think it's that easy?

You ever wonder why all of us are single?

We chose this job for a reason, that's who we are.

We're not meant to go home to happy wives and husbands with kids.

It doesn't work that way for us.


Thank you.

It's so beautiful.

It's my pleasure.

It belonged to your mom.

She bought it when you were born... to match your eyes.

How did you...

After she passed away, some of her things were sold.

I knew how much that necklace meant to her, so I bought it.

Now it's yours.

Do you want to buy me a birthday drink?

Yeah, I'd love to, but I've got plans tonight.




Another night.

Yeah, okay. Of course.


Thank you.



Reade... a moment.

Take a seat.

Am I in trouble?

Something's been bugging me ever since our chat the other day.

I appreciate you being honest about your bias against Jane, but...

Everything about that talk just feels off.

You think I'm lying?

I think we're wired the same.

Even as a young agent, everybody knew me as a straight sh**t.

I'll take that a compliment.

The only time I ever strayed from my instincts was when I was scared.

Now, I don't know what you're dealing with, but I think you need to tell me.

I told you the truth.

I'm sorry if you don't believe me, but I don't know what else to say.

Anything else?


(muffled rock music)


Five grand.


Thank you.

Could I start you off with something to drink?



Bourbon, please.

Blanton's, neat.

(indistinct chatter)

(sighs) This was a mistake.

I know, you're more of a Bulleit girl.

Just... coming here.

We love it here.

David, you're dead.

Details, details.

Did you bring my crossword puzzle?

David: Think you can finish by the time dessert comes?

Is that a challenge?

We'll start easy.

52 down, Midway alternative, five letters.



You still got it.

Reade? Really?

(ice clinking)

I wouldn't want my sister dating one of us.

We come with too many complications.



The thing that does have to stop, though... is you always worrying about everyone and everything.

What are you talking about?

I saw that look on your face when I brought you that muffin this morning.

That was not a normal human reaction when the girl you like surprises you with breakfast.

I was genuinely happy to see you.

And the muffin.


(laughing) What?

We've been down this road before.

This is usually the time where you get cold feet.


We're having fun.

We haven't had a fight.

The sex is good.

Whoa, back it up.

What do you mean... "good"?

(laughing) Okay, great.

The sex is great.


Keep... keep going.

(both laughing)

What's your point?

My point is...

I don't want you sabotaging something because it's going great.



Now throw me around like a rag doll before the Thai food gets here.

Yes, ma'am.





Oscar: We need you to get closer to Weller.

What do you mean closer?

We didn't anticipate him getting back together with Allie.

You want me to break them up?

We need you to be the one person he trusts the most.

I can't do that.

No, he's... he's been through enough, and...

I see the way he is around her and I think that she's good for him.

It's not about what he's been through, it's about the mission.

No, I can't.

Yes, you can.

We're all making sacrifices.


What "sacrifices" are you making?

You think this is what I want?

We were...

Do you have any idea how hard it is to meet with you and not touch you and not tell you that I love you?

You think I want you getting closer to him?

I don't know what you want.

(indistinct chatter)

"Got one... Patterson."

Wait, you put this in for me.

Got one what?

Did you solve another tattoo?

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