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01x08 - E.A.B.

Posted: 04/04/16 10:10
by bunniefuu

♪ All night long ♪
♪ Hey, now, now, now, now ♪
♪ Hey, little baby ♪
♪ You been on my mind ♪
♪ Look in my dreams ♪
♪ Your taste is all I find ♪
♪ Hey, now, darling ♪
♪ Where you stay out all night long ♪
♪ I wanna tell you ♪
♪ You know your daddy's home ♪
♪ All night long ♪
♪ All night long. ♪


♪ Here comes the sun, doo, doo, doo, doo ♪
♪ Here comes the sun and I say ♪
♪ It's all right ♪
♪ Little darling ♪
♪ It's been a long, cold, lonely winter ♪
♪ Little darling ♪
♪ It feels like years since it's been here ♪
♪ Here comes the sun, doo, doo, doo, doo ♪
♪ Here comes the sun and I say ♪
♪ It's all right ♪
♪ Little darling ♪
♪ The smiles returning to the faces ♪
♪ Little darling ♪
♪ It seems like years since it's been here ♪
♪ Here comes the sun, here comes the sun... ♪


Zak: It's the biggest game of the year.

Stands are packed. Halftime comes, the marching band is supposed to play "America the Beautiful."

This f*cking nut, he does a solo of the "Tiger Rag."

I mean, on the tuba.


Zak: Who pulls a stunt like that?

You know, people think it's easy, but to march and to carry that thing...

No, no, no, the physicality, right?

I mean, you got to be in shape, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, after high school, what then?

Uh, CCA.

California College of the Arts.

Good school.

Oh, yeah...

That's a good school.

Nice campus.

Yeah, you know, it's in Oakland.

Oakland. KEWB, channel 91.

K.O. Beachin. Great DJ.

My son just graduated from there, so he's a legacy.

Your son a Grand Funk fan?

Uh, yeah. He likes all the bands.

We'll set him up with some tickets.

And you, your wife.

Sounds great. That sounds great.


So, the loan?

Yeah, yeah.

This isn't good.

Well, I mean, now it's filled out properly, but your account balance is precipitously low.

Yeah, no, that's why we need to borrow some money.

Yeah, I understand, but the loan-to-value ratio, it skews negatively and you have, well, no meaningful collateral and minimal revenue coming in.

Our sales figures were up.

Yeah, we got a hit climbing the charts right now.

"Hocus Pocus."

Right, yeah, it's a song by Focus.

It's all over the radio.


Maybe my son knows it.


Allen, there's nothing you can do?

Old times' sake?

Wish I could help. I really do.

But there's too many imponderables.

You really had to stamp it?


This is a friend?

Once a putz, always a putz.

I'd like to stick that tuba up his ass.

You lose 90 grand of our money up some broad's snatch...

You never f*cked up?

No, not like that!

Really? How about we poll your three ex-wives?

Basta, both of you. He feels bad enough.

Yeah, and how do you feel? Do you even give a shit anymore?

f*ck you.

Hey! Hey!

It's our sixth f*cking bank.

We shouldn't even be in this position.

What the hell's wrong with you?

Either of you guys carrying?



We're standing on the brink, you're gonna do coke?

I need to focus.

On what, our impending doom?

On straightening shit out.

I built this company using dr*gs.

When I got sober, that's when everything got f*cked up.

That's a convenient interpretation.

Drug use, okay.

Drug use, not abuse.

I need it to focus. Keeps me on top of my game.

And besides, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Edison, Sherlock Holmes, they all thrived using cocaine.

Sherlock Holmes is not a real person.

Give me the f*cking coke!

All right, all right!

Take it. Take it, it's light.

Hey, can I get a ride to 49th?

I need privacy. I've got to call Devon.

How much of this shit are we gonna take?


Fine. What?

A d*ck. Two dicks. The map of Italy.

And finally, the actual logo for Volkswagen.

This is a boomerang.

I know a d*ck when I see one, Hal.

Yes, I'm sure you've seen plenty.

Excuse me?

I said I'd have them tweaked, okay?

What did Richie think of my launch proposal?

I didn't give it to him.

What? Why? Are you kidding me?

Am I smiling?

Look, I am trying to stay professional here.

Then do professional work.

This is a solid proposal.

It's gonna be a hell of a party.

If you want to change your image, you don't just get a new shirt, honey.

We must be an as*ault on the past.

It's like you purposely made a list of every shitty idea.

Balloons? Snacks? Cakes in the shape of records?

Guess what, Hal. Cakes are already in the shape of records.

They do sound, we do picture.

And the picture has got to be like nothing anyone has ever seen before.

Fashion models, drag queens, midgets.

I know it's hard to understand a hip party if you've never been invited to one, but Jesus.

I have been doing this job since you were picking out your prom dress!

Yes, it's the Peter principle.

You've risen to the level of your incompetence.

Who the hell do you think you are?

I'm done talking about this.

Well, I'm not.

You're a sweet guy, Hal, which is why you've hung on this long.

But with me here, you're a redundancy.

(LAUGHS) I think you're confused.

I'd only be a true redundancy if I used to f*ck Richie, too.

Two weeks' severance with a recommendation.


Penny, where's Richie?

In the studio with the Bits.

You think you can actually fire me?

Where are we on Veiniacs?

You can't fire me.

They're in Boston till the weekend.

Call their manager.

Tell him all new acts are playing the launch party.

No exceptions.

Richie loves me.

Not as much as me.

Now clean out your desk before I call security.


♪ Poor baby Sara ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ Left underwater ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ What a tragic end for the plowman's daughter ♪

♪ Big time nightmare, small town sin ♪
♪ I'm the bloody soul who tossed her in ♪
♪ Throw her away-a-a ♪
♪ Throw her away-a ♪
♪ Throw her away-a-a ♪
♪ Toss her in ♪
♪ Throw her away-a-a. ♪

Still letting that B natural ring.

I want it messy.

There's a difference between messy and sloppy.

Do you even understand what I'm trying to f*cking do here?


What do you think?

It's a sea shanty.

Makes me want to eat a can of spinach.


It's not that bad.

You set the bar high, do you?

Lay it down. One take, move on.

That's all the songs they got.

That's it?

I can't even hum that one and half the words were "hey."

This is the band gonna lead us into the future?

You were never on board with these guys.

Keep this shit out of here, okay?

Sure, let me break out my pom-poms.

Hey, Richie.

Man, you've had, like, 15 hours on credit, you know?

I got Paul Leka and Harry Chapin waiting.

Cash in hand.

Here's most of it.

Lester: ...see what's chicken scratch and what's a song.

That black guy's their manager? What's the story there?

Ask him. f*ck do I know?

It ain't something to get all worked up about.


No food in the studio!



They finish here, I'm pulling the plug.



Crack, snap. It should pop.

Okay, listen up.

You guys are opening for the New York Dolls in less than a month.

Do you have any idea how f*cking huge that is?

They're not ready, Richie.

Well, then they need to get ready.

You know, The Stooges wrote "Real Cool Time," "Not Right," and "Little Doll" all in one day.

You need to reach up your asses and find another song.

Well, if you're spending so much time up there, why don't you just take a peek?

Good one.

Now write me a lyric half as clever as that one with the music to go with it.

When I heard your demo, it stopped me in my tracks.

It was raw, hard, it connected me to your world, your experiences, f*cked up as they are.

Crime, relationships, dr*gs, sex, all the madness of this city.

It was like a f*cking soundtrack.

Like it or not, you're the face of the new label.

And if you don't deliver, there won't be a new label.

I don't need a hit, guys.

I need a Nasty Bits song.


So let me guess, you sang in a choir.

I didn't sing until Victor asked me to join Karisma.

That thing's not trained?

Anyone can sing.

Well, well, I work in the record business, yeah, so I'm not so sure of that.

Well, everyone should sing.

Again, I work in the business.

When I close my eyes, belt out a song...


I mean, I know it sounds silly, but there's an energy there.

A connection with the crowd.


It's like this flow. Electricity or something.

This psychic high that courses through my body.

We're like this giant organism.

Me and them, connected through the music.

It's me alone onstage and the audience, this massive, worshipful entity.

I sing and they belong to me.

Where'd you come from?

(CHUCKLES) Where'd you come from?


Gary, Scott Levitt.

He's the counsel for American Century Records.

How you doing? Absolute pleasure. How are you?

Did you bring the contract?

What? Yes, I do.

Okay, Gary, here's the short of it.

I've been in this business longer than you've been alive.


What I heard at Karen's bat mitzvah, that's the real thing.

Gary Giombetta, you're gonna remember that... that cheese melon thing as the first meal you ate as an American Century artist.

My album, would it open like a, you know...

Like a gatefold, sure. Yeah.

But first we're gonna develop you.

Change your name, maybe. Work on the look.

I love what you got here.

Great stuff.

But we're gonna maybe lean into Ziggy a little.

Great, yeah.

Not a knockoff, but dress for the job you want, right?

I am gonna personally oversee the creation, distribution, and promotion of all your work.

You wanted one of these?


This is perfect.

You want one, too?

Oh, sure, why not? For the file.

I dreamt of this meeting all night.

When I woke up... this just flowed out of me.

♪ Is it human? ♪

♪ Caught within the orbit around your moon... ♪

Woman: Shh, shh, shh.


♪ Is it you ♪
♪ Am I human? ♪

♪ An ordinary body in a room ♪
♪ All out of tune ♪
♪ Am I coming through, man? ♪
♪ They're boarding heaven's spaceship soon ♪

♪ And I'm hoping that you're human, too. ♪


Scott: I mean, yes! Right?


Scott: Right?

Zak: Wow.


Heather: American Century. How may I direct your call?

I'm sorry, Hannibal is no longer an American Century artist.

Yes, I believe he is married.

I can't help what journalists ask about.

American Century. How may I direct your call?

Cece: You're out of Tanqueray, so I had it restocked.

And your meeting with Skip is in an hour.

Why isn't there any music playing?

Stylus broke. But Casper went out to Colony...

Tell them to put the radio on. And find Clark.

Devon call?

No, but you do have a visit...

I left three g*dd*mn messages...

There he is!

Find Clark.

Oh, the Focus song picked up spins, so thank you for that.

That ain't why I'm here.

I know why you're here.

Listen, she needs a little work, but I'm setting her up with Shadow Morton.

You know, produced the Shangri-Las, Janis Ian.

Doing a girl group right now.

What the f*ck are you talking about?

Nora. Your girlfriend.

f*ck Nora.


What do you mean?

She's ancient history.

I tossed her like a f*cking bowling ball.

She had a horrible voice. What, are you f*cking deaf?

Hey, cops came to see me.

Two dicks from the NYPD.

About Buck Rogers.

When was this?

They know that the three of us were at the Oasis.

They talk to you?

What? No.

No, I mean, somebody dropped off a business card, but that's it.

I got them at bay. I lawyered up.

I advise you to do the same.

But doesn't that make you look guilty?

Me? Us, Richie. Us. You f*cking k*lled him.

You smashed his f*cking head in.

What are you talking about?

They know that you were at Buck's house the night he was f*cking m*rder*d.

Yeah, I have an alibi.

Good for you.

But if I go down, I am not gonna drown by myself.

Listen to me, the only reason I was at Buck's was because you demanded that I be there.

I saved your f*cking life, now they think I did it.

But you did. You k*lled him.

You don't remember smashing his face in?

I had to pull you off his back.

I was defending myself.

Like a f*cking enraged animal.

Are you out of your mind?

Oh, you don't f*cking knock?

I did.

I thought you said to come in.

Use your head. That's all I'm gonna tell you, Richie.

Give it.

What do you...

Drop the f*cking Eddie Haskell routine and give it up.


Come on. f*cking more.

I'm replenishing tomorrow. Seeing our connection.

Jamie introduced me.

By the way, I'm still keeping my ears open for bands, going out every night.

I'm leaving.



♪ Wore my grandma's wig one day ♪
♪ I stuffed my sister's bra ♪

♪ I poured a glass of Cabernet ♪

♪ Went walking on my lawn ♪

♪ Walking on my lawn ♪

♪ Walking on my lawn. ♪

You actually do that shit?

f*ck no. I don't drink Cabernet.


That's all right, isn't it?

It's "Mississippi Queen."


By Mountain.

Yeah, it kind of is.

f*ck this. There's no more notes.

You serious?

Yeah, I'm f*cking serious.

We tried every progression. We're dry, man.

What if we do the sea shanty thing?

Like, we just...

Lester: E, A, B.


E, A, B.

Play it.

One, four, five?

How about I just play "Chopsticks"?

Give me the guitar.


Give me the f*cking guitar!

Everything has a foundation.

Shakespeare sonnet, bookcase, the Empire f*cking State Building.








♪ Maybelline ♪
♪ Why can't you be true? ♪
♪ Oh, Maybelline ♪
♪ Why can't you be true? ♪
♪ You done started back doing the things you used to do. ♪

You start with that framework, embellish it a little.

♪ Come on, baby ♪
♪ Let's do the twist ♪
♪ Come on, baby ♪
♪ Let's do the twist ♪
♪ Take me by my little hand ♪
♪ And go like this. ♪

Maybe you dirty it up.

♪ Tell me what I say ♪
♪ Tell me what I say ♪
♪ Tell me what I say right now ♪
♪ Tell me what I say ♪
♪ Tell me what I say ♪
♪ Tell me what I say. ♪

Could be pop.

♪ In the summertime when the weather is hot ♪
♪ I don't know these words, so I'm about to stop... ♪


♪ When the weather is fine, got a woman ♪
♪ Got a woman on your mind. ♪


♪ Go around the world with a woman like you ♪
♪ Ain't no thing that we won't do ♪
♪ Sell my soul if you want me to ♪
♪ Down with the devil, have a drink or two ♪
♪ Round the world with a woman like you ♪
♪ Ain't no thing that we won't do ♪
♪ Hey, girl, I want you ♪

♪ Hey, girl, I want you. ♪

Or straight up rock and roll.

♪ 737 coming out of the sky ♪

♪ Won't you take me down to Memphis on a midnight ride ♪

♪ I want to move ♪
♪ Playing in a traveling band, yeah ♪
♪ Flying across the land, trying to get a hand ♪
♪ Playing in a traveling band. ♪

That's a skeleton.

Everyone's got one.

Then you add the flesh, the hair, the eyes.

You do that, then you got a song.

Gonna get some air.

Wait, hey, hey.

I knew all those songs except one.

The second to last. "Woman Like You."

Yeah, what's that?

Just write what you feel, boys.

It ain't magic.


Skip: So LaMonte will give us a deal, but it sucks.


LaMonte, House of Sounds, he'll buy some of our old inventory, but he's lowballing us.

Savoy Brown, Lemon Pipers, Status Quo.

Plus I'm throwing in some sweeteners to boost the sale.

Grand Funk, Slade, Donny Osmond.

"Alone Together" is still charting.

It's a sweetener, all right? We're lucky to unload this shit.

Okay, but that kid's one of the only things keeping us in cornflakes right now.

Donny's not selling anymore. We got 10,000 copies of his record in mothballs, man.

He's old news.

What the f*ck are you talking about?

I pay you to fudge sales numbers so that they work in our favor.

Now that we're out of money, you want to send a top 20 record as a cutout?

All I know, you know, is somewhere someone or other is skimming from something.


The one who smelt it dealt it.


Right, 'cause I'm a f*cking idiot all of a sudden.

Hey, look, man, whatever you're implying...

I don't give a f*ck. Truly, I don't.

Okay? Whatever scam you got going...

dumping albums into the ocean, selling them off a truck, cutting deals with jobbers to keep your bookies at bay...

Where the f*ck do you get the balls, man?

My balls?

We're literally on the verge of bankruptcy and you're accusing me?

We signed him! Done.


Great, let's have a party.

Kid's incredible.

What kid?


The kid I told you about from the bat mitzvah.

He's a beautiful man. I mean, he's amazing.

The kid. Gary is.

Does he have a demo?

No, we're gonna cut him one.

How we paying for this?

I'm gonna mortgage the house. That's it.

I'm just gonna cover his advance, pay for the studio time.

It's gonna keep us afloat.

Zak, you can't.

f*cking house?

Hey, listen.

I'm trying to make things right here, okay?

The 90 grand, I feel terrible, so...

Listen to me. You have a family you have to think about...

No, no, no, Richie. Remember that night at the Mercer?

You felt something. You had a vision.

Okay, this kid, it's the same thing.

His voice.

He's in a wedding band.

Beatles played at a titty bar.

You got to trust me on this, Richie, huh?

Like I trusted you.

Okay, fine.

Just check with me before you do anything...


Cece: Richie!

Where is he?


Man: Whoa, take it easy!

Woman: Hal!

Get the f*ck out here, Finestra!

Cece: Richie?

Hal, my brother, calm down, man.

Come on, we're all in the same boat here.

The whole company might be going under, you know.

The f*ck are you doing?

Keep the f*ck away from me!

Okay, okay, okay.

He's shit-faced, man.

Whoa, you're drunk?

So what?

All the pills you pop, the f*cking downers, and you're gonna judge?

Listen to me, Hal. Come on, let's go in the office, okay?

So you can sell me some more of your bullshit?

You said, Richie, I was okay.

I wouldn't be let go.

What the f*ck are you talking about?

You fired him?

That cayenne pepper c**t did!


The Bread albums.

Hmm? "On the Waters." That was me.

I'm the one made it a hit.

I'm sure David Gates would beg to differ.

Hey, hey, relax, man!

You have any idea how hard I pushed that album?

That's why "Make It With You" was a hit, but you don't even understand what I do.

Richie, you don't even know anything about me.

I understand that you're upset, okay, but this isn't the real Hal.

You're right. It's not.

You're Jewish?

It's a pentagram.

Spirits forgive me for what I'm about to do.

Oh, God, he's a warlock.

It's Satanism. I saw it on David Susskind.

Hass and Zorn. Anger reborn.

I call upon the king of sorrow to curse your days, your months, your years, both yesterday and tomorrow.

No one will hear your cries now.

All right.

Choke on all your lies now.

♪ Radio reminds me of my home far away ♪
♪ Driving down the road I get a feeling ♪
♪ That I should have been home yesterday... ♪

Where the f*ck do you get off firing anybody?

You wanted him fired.

I needed to do that.

It... it got out of hand.

I... I tried to give him some simple criticism and then he insulted me.

He insult...

Mussolini with tits.

More like a steward on the Titanic.

♪ Country road ♪
♪ Country road, take me home ♪
♪ To the place... ♪

Honeymoon's over, sweetheart.


♪ All right... ♪

If you jump, I want the 15% back.

♪ You have a one-way ticket, babe ♪
♪ I don't want you to come back here no more ♪
♪ I got a one-way ticket for you, babe... ♪

You were right, what you said.

About me not understanding what you were doing.

Truth is, I wasn't really listening till I stopped thinking about f*cking over Richie.

And when you did listen, what'd you hear?



That song, "Woman Like You," whatever.

She was a long time ago.

So you did write it.

I moved to New York to get away from a girl.


When I first started playing pubs around London, she'd be the only one there, hollering, cheering.

Why'd you leave her?

♪ One-way ticket for you, baby... ♪

We got studio until morning.

Why don't you teach us your song?

What Richie said about our music, how it's a mirror to our lives or whatever the f*ck it was.

Let me take your song, rearrange it a bit and make it my own.

♪ Take you where you want to go... ♪


This is pointless.

He f*cking trashed it.


I dig this song. It's funky.


Look, man, it's not my fault that Dwayne and Rico got fired, okay?

I had seniority.

Not in the mail room, you didn't.

You know, Julie asked me who in the mail room we could do without.

He was gonna fire you. I told him not to.

Yeah, because I know what the f*ck I'm doing.

Which is better for you.

Is it better for the company?

Far as I know, Rico and Dwayne didn't steal records.

You looking to get shanked?

I'm looking to pay my rent, same as you.

Look, man, I get it, okay?

It's f*cking boring doing this shit all day.

That's what reefer is for.


Look, you really want the day to move, you bust out some of that powder.

Huh, the blow, man. I know you got it.

Put it on the f*cking table.

It's not for public consumption.

Yeah? We're in private.

f*ck it. Why not?

There you go.

Just a couple.


That's good.


Dj: Ugh, sock it to me, mama.


You got so much with my magic touch.

How could you lose?

Holy f*ck nuts!


♪ I wanna come back... ♪

That's Isaac Hayes, right, on the radio?

Mm-hmm, old jam.

Yo, them records I clip, I give them to a DJ, he's a friend of mine.

He plays them at a club.

I get free drinks, p*ssy.

And you dance all night.

♪ Is really satisfying... ♪

How could I have missed this music, man?

Get in here. Get in here, white boy.


To the left.

Oh, so...


♪ Hyperbolicsyllabic- sesquedalymistic ♪
♪ I can't sleep at night... ♪

She's dead!

I'm so sorry. It was an accident.

What the hell happened?

They k*lled Citrine.


Her cat.

They didn't k*ll her, it was...

They threw her down the stairwell. Evil little shits.

Hey, don't talk to them that way.

Oh, so you want to start with me?

What are children doing in this hotel anyway?

You're not fit to be a mother.

Darlings, come.

Why would they even do that?

The nine lives thing. They thought it would get up.

Estella, Jesus Christ.

Where have you been? They're in there.

Sweetheart, just pour yourself a Dewar's and I'll be down in a minute.

Delphine: This is not acceptable, Stanley.

Can you please? Two minutes.

Honestly, I hated that f*cking cat.

Still, you got to go.

I left you a check this morning.

This is the Chelsea, sweetheart.

You're in a room I hold for artists.

You got to pay in part with your work.

I understand. I will.

Can you just give me a few days?

Are you sure you even want to be here?

I mean, your check says Greenwich.

You could be staying at the Plaza.



♪ My one and only prayer ♪
♪ Is that someday you'll care ♪
♪ My hopes, my dreams come true ♪
♪ My one and only you ♪
♪ No one will ever know ♪
♪ How much I love you so ♪
♪ My only prayer will be ♪
♪ Someday you'll care for me ♪
♪ But it's only ♪
♪ Make-believe... ♪

Monotones. "Book of Love."

Full publishing. Yeah, that's right.

Oh, you didn't know? What, did you think it was a Hanukah present?

I want the f*cking money tomorrow!

My lawyer? Listen to me, you Armenian piece of shit, you don't pay up, you're gonna wish I only sent a lawyer!

What are you drinking?


Oh, whatever.

Man of discriminating taste.


Everything good?

Oh, yeah. Mets are winning.

"Monster Mash" is a hit again.

My whole world is upside down.

Yeah... you're not the only one.

Well, you're single again for the first time in forever. Enjoy it.

I wish I could.

You know, Devon and the kids...

Sometimes shit happens, makes you rethink your priorities.


I f*cked up, Maury.

I f*cked up. I...

ACR's running on fumes.

I need cash to maneuver.

Ooh, boy. Ooh.

You're barking up the wrong tree.

I... I was thinking...


Chapter 11. Fresh start.

Can't do that.

I can't do that.

Zak, Skip, I can't f*ck those guys over.

It was my decision not to sell.

It was the right decision, but I...

Zak's gonna f*cking mortgage his house.


Have you ever seen somebody choke to death?

Hmm? I don't mean like on a piece of steak.

I mean like get choked.

It's quiet.


I don't know, noisy at the same time.

I don't know. That make any sense?

The guy's pissing himself, his face is turning purple, his eyes are bugging out of his head like he's trying to scream, you know, but there's no sound.

Three days ago, four, maybe, there's this guy.

Name's not important.

Owns a few hundred jukeboxes, all right?

Got cute with Galasso.

Some deal they had.

Well, Galasso invites him down after hours, straighten things out.

Maury, how you doing?

Maury: Right here.

Like he don't got his own place to make a mess of.

How about some drinks, huh?

Good idea.

Give me a highball.

Maury: While Tony's pouring this guy a whiskey,

Galasso comes up from behind him.

He's got a cord from my lamp, wraps it around the guy's throat.


What was that? I can't hear you. Huh?

f*cking heaves him over his shoulder.

Right? Like Santa Claus.

And he lets him hang there.

Five f*cking minutes.

Here we go! Ah!

Ooh, yeah, Tommy.

Maury: Lamp cord cutting into his hands.

See, Tony? You use your legs, you never throw your back out.

He was sitting right where you are, kid.

And now I don't got my g*dd*mn lamp.

Well, I'm not stupid enough to f*ck over Corrado Galasso, so...

Well, if you are, you won't stay stupid very long.



♪ Oh ♪
♪ I went downtown ♪
♪ I saw Miss Brown ♪
♪ She had brown sugar ♪

♪ All over her booga-wooga ♪

♪ I think I might join the fun ♪
♪ But I had to hit and run ♪
♪ See, I just can't settle down ♪
♪ In a kinky part of town ♪
♪ Ride on ♪
♪ Don't you know I've got to ♪
♪ Oh, baby ♪
♪ Ride on, see, I just can't settle down ♪
♪ Oh, I'm leaving town ♪
♪ Kinky reggae... ♪

Am I a horrible mother?


Please, enough moping. We've had a whole day of it.

Allow me an evening.


If you want everything to be tidy, you have Greenwich.

Today they learned about gravity.



You met Bruce?



How's it going? Hello, mate.

How are you doing, brother? How are you doing?


No photos. No snaps tonight.

♪ Ride on, come on... ♪

Just one?

Piss off, man.

Come on, give the man some space. Come on.

♪ I went down to Piccadilly Circus ♪
♪ Down there I saw Marcus ♪
♪ He had a candy tar ♪
♪ All over his chocolate bar... ♪


Galasso: So this loan, who's on your label to back it up?

Richie: Grand Funk. Dr. Hook.





They're British.

What song do they sing?

Jesus, a lot of them.


Sing one.

(CHUCKLES) I'd rather not.

You shy?

You come here looking for a handout, you won't sing a song?

♪ Bringing you all the love ♪
♪ Your heart can hold... ♪

♪ Come on, feel the noise ♪
♪ Girls grab your boys ♪
♪ We get... ♪

Who else you got?

Donny Osmond. Nasty Bits.

Jose Feliciano.

Richie: Yep.

Now, him I like.

He's f*cking blind.

Plays the guitar, he can't even see.

How much we talking?


Just to get us back on our feet.

Yeah, we got a sound repayment plan.

I bet you do.

100 grand, five points.

Tony will have the cash by your joint tomorrow.

A check would be better. The accounting.


f*ck am I gonna get a check?

Cash will work.

Thank you, Mr. Galasso.

Really, thank you very much.

Did you tell him what we talked about?

Not yet.

Rondelay and American Century, you're gonna share office space.


There's a f*cking genius idea.

Plenty extra room, right? You're laying people off.

Why should he pay rent when youse can split it?

This way, he'll be there to look after my investment.

We'll keep the names, run the companies individually.

All we're sharing is an address.

And you as a friend of the court.



In bocca al lupo.

♪ We know and we understand ♪

♪ Almighty God is a living man ♪
♪ You can fool some people sometimes ♪
♪ But you can't fool all the people all the time ♪

♪ So now we see the light ♪
♪ Watch it, we gonna stand up for our rights ♪
♪ So you better get up, stand up ♪
♪ Don't give it up, stand up for your right... ♪

Couldn't help noticing you from across the room.

John Lennon.

He's having a hard day's night.

(LAUGHS) Right. Apparently.

You made a valiant effort.

He's getting randy, so Yoko set him up with a little orchid and told him not to bother coming home until it was out of his system.

Her name is May Pang.

Hey, can I ask you something?


Is that a Hasselblad?

♪ It's not all that glitters is gold ♪
♪ Half the story has never been told... ♪
♪ It's been a long, long time ♪

♪ Since I've got you on my mind ♪
♪ Oh-oh ♪

♪ And now you are here ♪
♪ I said it's so clear... ♪

Sorry to be a bother. Do you mind just one?

She's impossible. Forgive us.

I wouldn't ask if you didn't have such a kind face.


Thank you. It's the silver button.

I have it all set up.



Shall we try one now with your heads in the picture?


So, what, do you work here or something?

Matter of fact, I do.

In charge of keeping the ice cubes cold.






Come sit. Have some champagne.

Oh, thanks, that's sweet, but my friend and I are only here for the night.

They say if you come here, sometimes you can see a celebrity.


♪ Stir it up ♪

♪ Come on, little darling... ♪


Why don't you have Leo drive you home?

I'm gonna walk for a while.


You okay?


The more the merrier, right?



I'm sorry, Richie. I just...

Hey, stop.


I feel like I did this to us.

Hey, listen to me.

That was me, Zak.

All right?

We wouldn't even be here had I let the sale go through, okay?

But what's done is done and we move forward.

Right? And we reinvent this f*cking business.

Whatever happened, whatever happens, you're my partner.


Come on.


Ahem, Mr. Finestra.

Looks like you could use a ride.

I'm on the way to see my kids.

Oh, yeah? Well, you know, they're probably asleep by now.


Devon: Mm-hmm.

The Au Go Go.

Hendrix and Cotton.

I was there.



Also '68, Quicksilver Messenger Service.

Mm, Fillmore East. "Pride of Man."

No f*cking way!


I could be lying.

But if it happened in New York between '66 and '69...

You know what?

You are talented.

But I'm assuming you know that already.

I'm gonna have my editor credit you for the one of John and May.


I don't want my name on that.

♪ Right beneath the silver moon ♪
♪ Don't stop your carburetor... ♪

But this one, this will pay my rent.

♪ If it starts to rain ♪
♪ Keep on dancing in the rain ♪
♪ And if it's all night ♪
♪ It's all right ♪
♪ Dance on ♪
♪ You know it's all right ♪
♪ Gypsy queen ♪
♪ Dance on ♪
♪ You know it's all right ♪
♪ Gypsy queen ♪
♪ Oh, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
♪ Dance, dance, dance the night away ♪
♪ Oh, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
♪ Come on, come on, come on... ♪

You want some coffee or something?

We got a soda machine, too, if it's working.

I'm good. Shit okay?



14 years. Luckies before that.

Those are my brands. Then I quit.

For a month.

You ever hear of SmokEnders?

Oh, God, here we go.

It's a seven-week program.

They wean you off.

You should look into it.

Why am I here, guys?

Why is he here?

I thought you knew.


What do you think?

You got a lawyer, Mr. Finestra?

Do I need one?

Only if you did something.

Did you do something, Mr. Finestra?

Like k*ll Buck Rogers, maybe?


No, I f*cking told you already that I was with my father.

He told you, too.

The movies, right?

"Enter the Dragon."

I loved it myself. He was on the fence.

It was okay.

Back to Buck Rogers.

I want to call my lawyer.

So you did do something.

No, you're putting words in my mouth now.

He wants to talk to his lawyer.

Mmm. The phones still down?

Phones are still down.

So might take a while.


The Knapp Commission?

It's cops like you guys, right?


Let me guess, you read "The New York Times."

Look, whatever you guys think I did, I didn't do it.

Well, we think you k*lled Buck Rogers.

But you're saying that somebody else did.

So who might that be?

I have no idea.

Who you trying to protect?

Nobody. I just...

I respect that, Richie.

I do. You're a stand-up guy.

You think Joe Corso would do the same for you?


You think he'd cover your ass?

I'm just curious.

I don't know, okay?

You know where he is right now... Corso?

I mean, not literally. Just for example while you're sitting in here.

While you're sitting in here, Joe Corso's out on the town.

It's Friday night.

He's got some whore on his arm, vodka rocks in his hand.

And he don't give a f*ck.

That much I can promise you.

Listen to me, the only reason I was at Buck's was because you demanded that I be there.

Joe: I saved your f*cking life, now they think I did it.

Richie: But you did. You k*lled him.

Joe: You don't remember smashing his face in?

I had to pull you off his back.

Richie: I was defending myself.

Joe: Like a f*cking enraged animal.

Richie: What, are you out of your mind?

We picked up an interesting conversation between you and your dad, too.

We bugged your office.

You had a painting crew in there recently?

I want my lawyer.



♪ Go around the world with a woman like you ♪
♪ Ain't a f*cking thing that we won't do ♪

♪ Sell my soul if you want me to ♪
♪ Tie off with the devil, have a shot or two ♪
♪ Round the world with a woman like you ♪
♪ Ain't a f*cking thing that we won't do ♪
♪ 'Cause, hey, girl, I want you ♪
♪ Hey, girl, I want you ♪
♪ It's true ♪
♪ f*ck you ♪
♪ Hey, girl, I want you ♪
♪ Hey, girl, I want you ♪
♪ Dig a ditch for a bitch like you ♪
♪ All the pain that you put me through ♪
♪ When you're hiking that dress, I must confess ♪
♪ Want to bend you over, make a filthy mess ♪
♪ Round the world with a woman like you ♪

♪ Not a f*cking thing that we won't do ♪
♪ 'Cause, hey, girl, I want you ♪
♪ Hey, girl, I want you ♪

♪ f*ck you ♪
♪ It's true ♪
♪ Hey, girl, I want you ♪
♪ Hey, girl, I want you. ♪


♪ Ayo, ayo ♪
♪ Ayo, ayo, ay ♪
♪ Ayo, ayo ♪
♪ Ayo, ayo, ay ♪
♪ Oooha ♪
♪ Oooha ♪
♪ City, everybody's running ♪
♪ City, everybody's working ♪
♪ City, everything is money ♪
♪ City, all your thoughts are nothing ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Oooha ♪
♪ Oooha ♪
♪ City, elephants like buildings ♪
♪ Yeah, city, all them cars are roaring ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Oh-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Oh-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Oh-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ City, elephants like buildings ♪
♪ Yeah, city, all them cars, they're rolling ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh, wild safari. ♪