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01x06 - Nowhere Man

Posted: 04/04/16 09:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Family."

I'd like to order that cake.

I'm just gonna grab the box.

I'll eat it here.



I paid a fine, I registered...

Then they're gonna see this...

Please turn it off.

You're the one that likes it, 'cause they're so little.


It's gonna stop now, you sleeping with my husband.

Do you think you're special?

You wouldn't believe how many women take their panties off for the dad who lost his son.

I think he's lonely. I think he misses him.

I know how to get him.

We'll be done with it, and you can move on with your lives.


I need to use Adam as bait.

Danny's not home.

I left something up in his room.

She's a reporter.

She's a blogger.

This is Adam's room.

I know who you are.

Gus. Paternity test. I got the results back.

It's not him.

Adam: Being alone changes you.

[Dog whines]

Come! Touch. All right.

Other voices disappear... until you only hear your own.

[Dog whining]

And when you start to listen to it?


Touch. Touch. Yeah.

You become capable of anything.

We can draw him out. He'll take the risk.

He misses Adam that much.

Oh, can we please just not...

How would it work?

It'll be in a public place.

He was taken from a public place.

We'll have agents everywhere. He'll never even get close.

No, but, he'll be watching, he'll be right there.

Yeah, but, so we can get him.

And then it's over.

What do we have to do?

Send the bastard a message and hope he gets it.

He bought me a red plaid shirt.

He liked me to wear it.

He'll get the message.

[Reporters shouting]



I have a question!

How are you feeling?

Okay, okay, guys.

I'm a public figure, my son is not, so...

What did you miss most, Adam?

Just being normal.

Doing normal things.

Uh, like what?

Ah, I don't... I don't know.

I-I guess just... friends and movies and swimming, pizza, Bill's Burgers.

Anchorman: On his wish list... movies and Bill's Burgers at the Kensington Mall. And what did you miss most, Adam?

Just being normal. Doing normal things.

Like what?

Ah, I don't... I don't know. I-I guess just... friends and...

I'm enjoying this helpless and pregnant act.

I can tell. Bill's Burgers.

Oh, you had one yet?

Uh, maybe tomorrow.

Thanks, guys.

Got the sports section?

[Knock on door]

Good morning.

You sold me the cake.

Yeah, I sold you the cake.

What are you doing here?

Uh, you forgot your rewards card.

I never signed up.

I signed you up.

I figured anybody who houses a six-layer buttercream on his own should benefit.

Thank you.

Uh! Do you have a girlfriend?


Uh, or a wife?

I-I'm... no, I-I'm only asking because you seem so comfortable eating by yourself, and I don't know how to do that... eat by myself at a restaurant.

So basically, I never go out.

Just bring a book.

God, I'm so bad at this.

What I'm trying to say is... if you ever want to not eat alone... we could not eat alone together.

[Indistinct conversations]

What's so urgent?

I have to show you something.

I'm not interested in your lady parts.

It's a paternity test.

[Laughing] You're wasting your time.

Danny doesn't have any money.

It's Adam.


You don't want to comment?

What do you want me to say? Congratulations?

You must be very proud.

It's quite a move up from girl-on-girl features.

How about the truth?

Is that's what's important?

Isn't it?

[Laughs] Not to you.

You want a five-word headline.

You want a hero and a villain.

You want "is he?" Or "isn't he?"

And the truth is... he's both.

He's my brother and he's not my dad's son.

I... I don't...

My mom had an affair 20 years ago.

My dad's having one now.

They're not perfect people... live at 11:00.


Print this trash, and you shatter a kid who spent 10 years missing a man he thought was his father.

But I guess he's already in pieces, so the more the merrier.

Don't text me again.


Hi, we're running a campaign together, remember?

You might want to start calling me back.

What if it's not him?

I know... I know. It sounds crazy and maybe it is, but there's just... He's different, okay?

I mean... ever since the moment when we saw him at the hospital, there's been something off about him.

He's different.

RNC wants our student loan restructure plan today.

And is Claire still having lunch with the Housing Commissioner tomorrow?

Why can't you just be happy he's back?

Because he's not back.

We should get on debate prep, too.

You know Lang's already on it.

You want Chinese? I'm buying.

[Knock at door]

Ryan: Hello?

Willa, you okay?

I'm your sister, Ad.

I know.

I'm your sister.

I know.



[Breathing shakily]

[Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London" plays]

I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand

[Music stops]

[Sander whirring]

[Whirring stops]

Jane: Seriously?

Did I wake you?

That would require being able to actually fall asleep.

[Groans] I'm sorry.

I'm just... I want to get this done before tomorrow.

What's tomorrow?

It's that Candidate's Night thing in the city.

I thought I'd try and round up some business.


And beechwood.

I upped my game.

Some kid's gonna be psyched at Christmas.

I'll try and keep it down.

I can take the power tools or the music, just not both at once.

[Door closes]

Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain
He was looking for the place called "Lee Ho Fook's"
Gonna get a big dish of beef chow...

[Music stops]

Claire: Oh... Honey. It's so late.

What if he doesn't see me?

What do you mean?

I look different.


Oh, my God, you're sweating.

It's hot.


Let's drive up the coast.

What do you mean?

See Kennebunkport, the lighthouses... just you me.

Let's just go away, right now.

And let's just forget about the whole thing.

I can't.

[Sighs] Why not?

I can't forget till he's gone.


I can't.


Okay. Well... you said he likes you in red.

[Indistinct radio chatter]

You'll be able to see and hear everything from the van.

What's that?

It's a tracking device.

What for?

Standard protocol, just in case.

In case you lose him?

He'll be surrounded by our people.

I don't care. He is not doing this alone.

I'll go with him.

You're too high profile.

[Footsteps approach]

Nina: It won't work if you're...


[Indistinct conversations]

You gonna eat that?

Want to play spot the G-Man?


Cinnabon. Old lady in a wheelchair.

She's, like, 80.


It's called a cover.

Dude... they're gonna catch him.

I don't want them to catch him.


I want them to k*ll him.

We'll have eyes on every inch of this mall in about two minutes.

More like 10, sir.

Why can't you believe in yourself the way I believe in you, Jerry?


You should go.

What'd he say?


He won't come close if you're near.

Hey, I'm not just gonna leave you here, okay?

He'll see you and then he'll leave.

You don't know that.

I know him.

Just go.

I want this to be over.


But I'm gonna be right there.

What is going on? What is he doing?

[Indistinct conversations]



No, no, no. Y-You need to stop this right now.

Hold. Everyone hold.

No, he is not supposed to be alone.


It's okay. Nothing's gonna happen.

No, you don't know that!

Hold on.

He's here.


He sees him.


Announcer: Welcome to Candidate's Night.

Come meet your candidates for city council.

[Dog barks]

Welcome to Candidate's Night.

Come meet your candidates for city council.


Milo, what are you doing?

Is this your dog?


I got to start saying "no" though.

He's always bothering people.

He's not bothering me. [Giggles]

You have a dog at home?

My mom says they poop and then sit on your couch.

Your mom's right about that.

But I want one.


Hey, you want to give him a treat?

I got some in my, uh, truck over there.


Ah, thanks.


Something's wrong.

He's not okay.

Stay here.

He's not okay. I know my son.

Keep her here.

We got this.

Close the perimeter. No one goes in or out.


You all right?


Uh, I think he's sick or something.

I don't know. Something's going on with him.

Did you see him?

We're gonna need paramedics.

[Breathes raggedly]

What was he wearing?

A blue jacket.

White male, 30s, blue jacket, brown hair, alone.

Suspect has acne scars on his face.

No one who fits that description leaves this mall.


What else? Hair still Brown?

Longer, I think.

Was he alone?

I-I don't know.

Think, Adam. Which way?

I don't feel right. I...

Buying out the whole store?

Well, I don't know if I'm dressing a girl or a boy, here.

I got to cast a wide net.

[Indistinct conversations]


What's going on?

I heard someone say "b*mb thr*at."

Oh, my God. Seriously?

Maybe we should come back for these.

Want to get some ice cream?

[Scoffs] Do I look like I'd say "no"?



[Knock on door]

Ryan: Willa, you in there?


You pull an all-nighter? Gary brought bagels.


Your mom called. She said it's urgent.

I'll call back.


Man: Scar tissue from an old untreated infection, probably from his time in captivity.

Claire: Is it serious?

It caused an intestinal blockage, which we can correct.

It means surgery though.

A routine procedure.

Nothing about surgery on your child is routine.

I understand your concern, but your son's overall health is good and I'm confident he should be fine.


Claire: Excuse me a minute. Could I... talk to you?

Uh, excuse me. I'm Claire Warren.

Would you have a minute to hear about my parking proposal?

Ah, I'd love to, but the boss needs me home.

And by "boss" I mean girlfriend.

Ah, well, good for her.


Uh, let me just... You can go on my website, and you can read everything there.

Yeah, looking forward to it, Claire...

Warren. Right. Right.

You... You can read everything there. Have a good night.

You, too.


Excuse me. Hi.

[Engine starts] ... for just a second about my parking proposal?

Ah-ooooooo, werewolves of London

[Indistinct P.A. announcement]

So, you have him?

We just...

The guy in custody.

That's what you sold us.

We detained a few people matching the description.

So, no?

There's hours of security footage to review, witnesses to talk to...

I put my son through this whole thing...

He was there.

These people sometimes know the family... be good if one of you could come and look through footage, see if you recognize anyone... even from years ago.

I'll... I'll go. You stay with Adam.

I'll return him.

Mm. You always do.

[Horn honks]

What do you do with the cupcakes you don't sell?

Uh, we donate them to a food bank.

Do they pay for your work shirts?

Uh, [Laughs] Hank Asher?


Why don't you like talking about yourself?

Oh, I don't know.

You... Well, you said you used to be a CPA.


Well, why'd you quit?

I had issues.
For me
When love was rare

Do you want to watch the director's commentary?

No, I...

Sometimes that can be helpful.

Love can be
I saw stars

Is that okay?

Shining in clear blue skies
We flow together
Once and forever
Love came for me
One fine night
Love let us see
How far we'll go


How good we'll be
We saw a world


No one ever saw before
It was the world

Please, stop.

Love can start

I said, "stop it!"

W-Wh-What's wrong?

[Breathing heavily]

I can't do that.

Fran: Why not?

Is it me?

Are you... are you not attracted to me?

No, it's not that.

Well, then what is it?

Google me.


Google me.

[Door opens]



Mom asked me to pull you away from your desk.

I didn't realize she meant literally.

Please go away.

You missed a lot of action today.

What happened?

Well, crawl out from under your desk and maybe I'll tell you.


I... I can't do it anymore.


Hold everyone together.

Who asked you to?

[Telephone rings]

Merry Christmas, happy birthday, good Yontif.

Got something for you.

They found it in the trash can on the second floor.

Did they get anything from it?

[Sighs] Not yet.

Woman over P.A.: Portable X-ray to Pediatrics.

Portable X-ray to Pediatrics.



Sorry, sorry.


Bunch of people wanted to talk built-ins.

Oh, a success?

I'd say.

Claire: What do you mean "he's gone?"

I bought ice cream and I started talking to these girls from school, and when I turned back...

Okay. Well, he's... he's got to be around here somewhere, so, we'll just...

Well, how long ago?


How long ago since you lost him?

I don't know.

I've... I've been looking for him... maybe an hour?

[Breathes heavily]

Should we get gauc?

Do they make it at the table?

Claire: Excuse me, have you seen a little boy?

I'm gonna call 911, okay?

All right.

Help me!

Excuse me. Have you seen a little boy?

Have you seen a little boy, 8 years old?

H-He's wearing a white T-shirt that has my face on it.

Adam! Have you seen a little boy?

And he's got green eyes.



About this tall.


Have you seen Adam? Oh, God, Adam.


Oh, God, Adam? Have you seen...

He's got a white T-shirt with my picture on the front of it.

He's about 8 years old.

Adam! Adam!


Oh, my God. Adam?


Have you seen a little boy?

[Both chuckle]


Oh, my God. Adam?

Why were you at Rockview Park the night of September 2nd?

I own a mini donut truck.

I make my own jewelry.

I run an animal rescue.

I'm from the Parks Department.

The PTA bought a booth.

I was just with my friends.

Did you see this boy?

Not at my booth.

That poor family.

I saw that kid.

I do, uh, custom cabinetry.

And I had some birdhouses out on display, and he stopped by for a minute to look at them.

Was he alone?

No one seemed to be watching him.

Were you alone?

At the booth, and then I met my girlfriend for dinner.

And you were with your girlfriend the rest of the night?

Yes, ma'am.

You mind writing down her number?

No. No, not at all.


Anything else I can help you with?

Thanks for coming down.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Telephone rings]

People are boring, aren't they?

Sheep with smartphones.

There's no one I know in this mall.

We got his jacket, John.

Well, that's great. That's...

I'm sorry.

For what?

Making things hard for you.

Cases are hard.


That's why it's called "work," right?

Come on.

Don't waste your time.

Choose her.

Choose your life.

Single male. Blue jacket.

He's been peed on, barfed on, flushed down the toilet twice...

He's a survivor.

Looks like it.

You always needed him when you were sick.

Mom, I was 8.


Oh, would you just mind, um, I think those are for someone else.

It's the wrong name on the card.

Okay. You're gonna be just fine.

I know.

I love you.

I know.

Hey, Mom.


I'm coming back.


Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

I told a lie to fix a lie.

Then you need to find the truth.

[Inhales sharply]

I-I don't know where to look.

Yes. See?

That is how you cleanse your soul.

I might puke.

You're not gonna puke.

I think it's physically impossible to puke after one sh*t.

Can we get two more?

So, that's how you do it... you just take all your feelings, all your stupid, ugly, annoying...

No. No. Those aren't my feelings.


You take y-your nice emotions, and then you just shove them down.

You just stuff 'em, stuff 'em, stuff 'em, like... like, uh, like, you know how you pack a suitcase, how you roll everything up really tight, and then you put it exactly where it's supposed to be, and then you sit on top of it and then you do the zipper?


Yes. Exactly like that.

And then what?

And then you pour alcohol all over it.

[Scoffs] That can't possibly work.

No, it does!

It's basically been prov... It... It's science.

All right, which has been around longer... booze or Jesus?


[Indistinct P.A. announcement]


Everything went great, he should be out of recovery very soon.

Oh. Oh, good. Thank you. Thank you so much.

So, the, uh, the blockage was here, right below his appendix.

We resected two inches of small intestine, and I...

What, uh, w-what did you say?

Uh, here's the transection.

Uh, no. Uh, about the appendix?

Uh, w-well, that's right here, but the bowel obstruction was underneath, so...

No, I-I'm sorry... could these be someone else's scans?

This is your son, Mrs. Warren.

I just operated on him.

No, but my son had his appendix out when he was five.

I'm pretty sure I didn't put it back in.

Uh, you have three kids, right?


Maybe you mixed them up.

Most days I call my son the dog's name.

That must be it.

Uh, we'll want to observe him for a few days, manage his pain.

[Breathing shakily]


[Pounding sill]

[Inhales deeply]





Hi, Mom.

[Breathing heavily]


Where is it?

[Breathing heavily]

W-What are you doing?

I can't find Monkey.

What... what?

The police must have...

I don't know, when they came, searched his room last night.

What are... what are you saying?

[Frantic] I can't his monkey!

I can't find his monkey and I...

And when he comes home he's gonna need it, and I don't know where it is.

Okay. Okay. It's okay.

It'll be here somewhere, okay?



Well, we'll find it. Okay?

All right.

Where is it?

Where is it?

Uh, where is it?


Any side effects you've noticed?

I get hot. I sweat more.

Hot flashes.

That's the hormones.

Any other effects?

Uh, the rest I welcome.

So no more urges?

Not since I started.

And that was?

10 years ago.

I was incarcerated.

There was a study.

You could volunteer.

You understand you're not required by law to do this?

I'd rather be an eunuch than a monster.

Every three months, then.

I know the drill.

I have another couple hours.

I-I'll be there as soon as I can.

Well, if you're tenderizing it, it won't dry out.

[Scoffs] Just keep it warm. I'm gonna love it.

Miss you, too.

[Phone beeps]

I ought to put a bell on you, kid.

Our friend has a dog.


They're still analyzing the fibers but it's definitely dog hair.

Well, that's not nothing.

Hey, stop that.

What is it?

That woman... rewind.

[Keyboard clacking]

That's Jane.

Who's Jane?

The one from the oil refinery that knew all about the bunkers.


[Slurring] You tell anyone about the paternity test?


Are you going to?

You want me to make you feel better or do you want me to be honest?

Make me feel better.

I haven't decided yet.


I haven't decided yet, either.

Decided what?


You're drunk.

Just... seems like that because I've been drinking.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Why are you here?

♪ The change, the change ♪
♪ The change ♪
♪ The change ♪
♪ Change ♪
♪ The change ♪
♪ Change ♪
♪ The change ♪
♪ Change ♪
♪ The change ♪
♪ Change ♪

I don't know how to do this.

Just... follow along.

♪ Change ♪
♪ The change ♪
♪ Change ♪
♪ The change ♪
♪ Change ♪
♪ The change ♪
♪ Change ♪
♪ The change ♪

[Breathing heavily]

Dinner is served.

And by "dinner" I mean, Jell-O.

These are yours now, honey.

There's no "Ben" here on the ward.

Thank you.


Adam: Loneliness is a dangerous thing.


It can turn you into someone you don't even recognize.

Who is he?

I... I don't know what you...

Is his name Ben?

[Inhales shakily]



[Voice breaking] I'm so sorry, mom.

I'm s-sorry.

Oh, God.


What did you do?

Man into monster.



Who's that?

A friend.

Lucky for me... [Footsteps growing faint] ...I was never alone.
