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01x16 - Clue

Posted: 04/04/16 06:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Quantico"...

We're on lock-down, ma'am.

There's been an incident at the guard station.

Call your mom.

My parents are alive.

Look, I-I know.


Charlie may have helped plan the attack today.

It's time you tell me who Mark Raymond is.

What do you want to know?

We'll say everything that we need to say to each other and then never see each other again.

The Voice: In the Senator's purse is an identical bottle.

You'll need to swap it out.

I tried Natalie's cell. No response.

You were simply telling the truth.


That is a lot to process.


The conspiracy goes back all the way to Quantico.

The t*rror1st...

We've been calling them the "Voice."

I thought it was someone from our class, but it could be... it could be anyone there.

What are you thinking?

About what?

How you lied to a Congressional committee when you said that Elias Harper acted alone?

Or the b*mb that was strapped to Agent Vasquez to keep you in line.

Or maybe you want my thoughts on you sneaking Vasquez and that b*mb into our office to steal classified Intel from an FBI server.

I mean, I hope there was nothing important on there besides, oh, I don't know, all the security measures for the upcoming presidential election.

I had no choice.

Ah, yes.

That convenient recurring line of anyone you say has been forced to work with this t*rror1st since it all began.

Elias Harper, the hacker Duncan Howell, Natalie... and how'd it turn out for them?

You yourself just informed me that this t*rror1st, with whom you apparently share a cellphone plan, detonated Agent Vasquez, threatened the life of everyone you say you care about, and tasked you into further tricking me to swap out the prescribed medication of a United States senator for something that you believe to be, but can't be certain, is harmless.

Did I... I leave anything out?


How can you be sure that these pills aren't dangerous?

Your lab analyzed them.

They're blood pressure medicine.

The only side effect is elevated body temperature.

And this t*rror1st said that if anyone else learned about what was going on, their lives would be in danger, too.

And yet you still told Simon and me.

[Laughs] I can't...

I can't figure you out, Parrish.

I mean [chuckles] you have no fear in having just admitted to a dozen federal crimes, not to mention if I look closely enough, accessory to m*rder, and if you're at all to be believed, you've just willingly hung a target on my back to save your own without compunction.

So, if you were me, would you believe a word you just said?


I don't know, Hannah.

What do you think?

Well, yeah, I believe you. [Scoffs]

And now I'm gonna go brief the Director.

[Norah Jones' "Happy Pills" plays]

Liam: I've been concerned about Parrish since the attack.

How's she doing in counseling?

She's strong... a survivor.

Built to be an agent, just like her father.

Drew Perales.

He's the one that shot the armed assailant.

Taking a life is never easy, but he doesn't seem to be affected by it.



How was the shrink?

Spent most of the session talking football.

She's a Lions fan. Can you believe that?

That's all you talked about?

Fletcher! You headed to breakfast?

Yes, but if the ladies start crowding our table again, you've got to share the love. Repeat after me...

"This is Brandon. His heart was recently broken.

Can you fix it?" [Laughs]

Woman: Shelby Wyatt's a bit of a question mark.

She was there when Perales took out the t*rror1st, but it doesn't seem to have made an impact.

♪ See your face again ♪

It's my belief she's found a way of coping.

♪ How does it feel? ♪
♪ Oh, how does it feel ♪
♪ To be you right now, dear? ♪

[Inhales sharply]

Shelby? Hey. What's up?

Looks like you are.

Now keep quiet or you'll wake Will.

♪ So pick up your piece and go away from here ♪

Liam: Will Olsen.

He seems uncomfortable with the outpouring of emotion on campus.

He's burying himself in his work.

Dude, what did I tell you about studying before 9:00 a.m.?

Why are you reading that?

I already told you everything that you need to know.

No. You told me how you created an alter ego to sneak back in and how you promised them money in order to rise through the levels faster and how you're secretly working from within to take it all down, but there is so much more, like how they kidnap people and send them to farms in foreign countries or how their money comes from owning the patent to podcasting or how they believe that our skin is poisonous.

You think what I'm doing is crazy?

No, I think it's dangerous and cool.

And I'd love to talk about it for five to seven minutes.


Maybe later.

Liam: The Amin twins.

Man: We've put a pin in that.

They were in direct contact with the t*rrorists.

We can't discuss either sister publicly until OPR's investigation is over.

OPR... Office of Professional Responsibility.

They're gonna want statements from you both.

They already know that Raina was undercover at the cell's house.

They just don't know if you were there on your own or under orders from Miranda.

♪ Got to get you out ♪

Man: How's Miranda doing?

She's taking it day-by-day.

OPR's left messages, but she hasn't...

She shot her own son.

Well, she shouldn't have let it get to that point.

She's in trouble, Liam.

What's your assessment of the class overall?

It's one thing to tell a shrink that you're okay.

It's another thing to actually be okay.

Today's exercise will show me how they're really doing.


Did you sleep well?


Um, about... last night...

And this morning. It was fun, right?

Yeah. Yeah.

Um, but I just, um, want to make sure that we talk about everything else.

Do you mean my parents?

There's nothing really to talk about.

It's no different than before.

They were dead to me then. They're dead to me now.

Shelby, you can't mean that.

There are so many better ways to spend the next 10 minutes than discussing my parents.


I don't know what to do.

It was an off-book operation, and I'm just a trainee.

If I tell them Miranda was involved, she'll be fired, and if I lie, I'll be kicked out.

Not many couples can say they've both been kicked out of the FBI.

Raina: It's not funny, and we're not a couple.

I just hate hearing you this upset.

Can I still see you this weekend?

I haven't seen you since New Year's.

I don't know. It's hard to get away.

It wouldn't be if you told your sister about us.


I'll call you later.

We were all reminded of something last week.

Life can spin out of control at the drop of a hat.

You guys went through something harrowing, and you should be commended.

All of you. Not just Perales.

But here's the thing.

In the field, what you went through, that's called Monday.

And how you deal with it is the focus of today's exercise... crisis management.

As agents, you need to be able to keep your wits about you at all times.

You have to be able to confront the doubts and fears that live within all of us.

Because if you can't, you don't stand a chance against the bad guys.

So gather up your stuff. We're gonna go on a little trip.

[Sighs] Last time we spoke, I know things got a little heated, but I hope I can count on you.

For what?

Well, in the time of crisis, a group needs a leader, and you're that leader.

I didn't ask for that.

Yeah, well, a leader never does.

But if you care about your friends, you'll step up.

They're gonna need you today.

♪ ♪

First round's on you, rich boy.

[Both laugh]

Hannah, stop. If you tell the Director, someone else that I care about will die.

Okay. The FBI has a system for handling madmen.

It's called the chain of command.

This person's in the FBI.

The second you call the Director, they're gonna know.


You're gambling with the lives of everyone I care about, including Ryan.


I'll hold off telling the Director for 24 hours, but there's one condition, non-negotiable.

I'm in charge of the investigation.

Anything that happens from this point forward, my call.


Okay, so this plan clearly involves Claire Haas, so we need to stay on her, find out where she's going.

I'll get us put on that detail.

Thank you.

Since when do you and Alex have conversations that don't end in screaming?

You up to something?

Yeah, like trying to get her kicked out of the Bureau once and for all.

That shouldn't be too hard after that crap she pulled yesterday.

And me stupidly believing she changed.

I wish I could help, but I have a meeting with the Secret Service.

Haas' team just changed her itinerary.



I guess she lost some ground in the Midwest, so she's making a last-minute trip to Ohio tonight.

♪ ♪

The t*rror1st had me give Claire a three-day supply of pills, right?

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow?


Claire's leaving town tonight.

So the t*rror1st's window of opportunity just shrunk.

Whatever's gonna happen...

It's happening today.

I'll never forget that day... biking home from school to see if the mail had arrived yet.

My father on the front porch with a letter from Columbia.


Which makes this the perfect place...

All clear.

No unusual activity over here.

Simon, you see anything?

Besides Andrew Holm failing a take-home midterm?


Look, thanks again for the facial recognition access codes.

No problem. All right. Stay sharp, people.

Being accepted here was the proudest moment of my life, and that's why I'm so honored to return here to discuss our National Security System.

Senator Haas?

May I have some water?


Thank you. [Sighs]

It must be the pills raising her body temperature.

Maybe it's part of the plan?

Man: Ma'am, here you go.

Sorry. I think I need to cut this short.

Two EMTs coming your way.

Simon, I need confirmation.

I got them. Woman's on the list.

She's clear, but the guy...

Simon, I need an answer.

Okay. Just give me a second.


Sorry, no one gets past with credentials.

Lady, I'm just trying to do my job.

Oh, what a coincidence. So am I.

Almost there.

Credentials. Now.

Let's go. Easy does it, buddy.

[Camera shutters clicking]

Whoa. What are you doing?

Simon: Found him. He's clear.

♪ ♪

"Do you understand your rights as I've explained them?"

Arresting a suspect can start to feel routine, but there are always unknown variables, situations that go from routine to crisis [Snaps fingers] just like that.

And if you make an improper arrest, you could set a m*rder*r free.

Pollard: This drill is simple.

You work in pairs to subdue and arrest a perp or perps no matter what gauntlet is thrown down.

But you have to find the perp first.

And you don't pass until you all succeed.

Good luck.

All right. Come on, guys.

Nail this, and drinks are on me.

[Cheers and applause]

[Tove lo's "My g*n" plays]



♪ Heads turn, your body burn ♪

sh*ts, huh?

What, you didn't like my pep talk?

Is that's what you call buying a win with a round of tequila?

I was trying to boost morale.

It's been a tough week, at least for some of us.

♪ Feeling free ♪
♪ That's my g*n ♪


♪ That's my g*n ♪


♪ That's my g*n ♪
♪ Mm, mm, mm, mm ♪
♪ Mm, mm, mm, mm ♪


♪ Last night, you were who you prefer ♪
♪ Because of me ♪
♪ Wake up messed up ♪
♪ But you're still happy as can be ♪

Whoo! Yeah, Alex!

Way to go!

You know, I like a cheerleader just as much as the next guy, but maybe try a stage whisper next time.

You ready to do this? We need a victory.

You better bring your "A" game.

Look, Sistemics' IRS filings...

Hey, hey, hey. Now is not a good time.

To be tax-exempt, an organization must be operated so that none of its earnings inure to a private individual.

But it looks like the head of the church, Daniel Berlin, bought a yacht.

Danny Berlin isn't the head of the church.

Hugh Warren is.

Or was.

Berlin replaced him last month.

Where did you see that?

♪ You're fine, you're mine ♪

Danny knows me.

The minute that he sees Mark Raymond, he's gonna recognize me.

Haas and Wyatt, you're on deck.

♪ That's my g*n ♪

Let's do this.

I want those sh*ts.

♪ That's my g*n ♪
♪ Mm, mm, mm, mm ♪
♪ Mm, mm, mm, mm ♪

Nimah: I just got an e-mail from OPR.

What do I say?

The truth... Miranda was running you.

At my insistence.

It doesn't matter.

Miranda was in charge. She was supposed to know better.

♪ That's my g*n ♪
♪ That's my g*n ♪

There he goes again... part man, part machine, all Fed.

[Imitates expl*si*n]

Just call me RoboCop.



All right, let's go, RoboCop.

[Clears throat]


You k*lled someone, and they're cheering you on and you're gloating?

RoboCop was a dead cop who turned into a robot.

Not a happy story.

Why do you care?

'Cause I've been in your shoes.

♪ Do it gently ♪
♪ Do it gently ♪

What are you doing?

Practicing my arrest procedure.

[Handcuffs click]

Hey. Hey. Get these off 'cause we're about to start the...

[Chuckles] Okay.

Ooh, I see one part of you that's ready to go.

What is wrong with you?

♪ Gently ♪

You used to be a lot more fun.

Ready. And...

♪ ♪


[Cheers and applause]

But this is not about me.

Yes, it is.

You don't like how I'm acting because I'm not acting like you.

Someone died last week, Drew.

Yeah, a t*rror1st. I did what needed to be done.

Whatever you did clearly isn't the same or we wouldn't be having this talk.

You have no idea what I did.

♪ Do it gently ♪

No, I don't.

So maybe you should stop psychoanalyzing me and figure out whatever's broken in yourself.

Go to hell.


♪ ♪
♪ That's my g*n ♪
♪ Do you think I'm easy? ♪


[Cheers and applause]

♪ Ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Boy, if you're gonna sh**t me down ♪
♪ Do it gently ♪
♪ Gently-y-y-y-y-y ♪

Congratulations on a job well done.

Now it's time to move from exercise to live drill.

But this time, instead of starting with a routine situation that turns extreme, you're gonna start with an extreme situation and go from there.

It's a crisis I can guarantee you've never encountered... one at 30,000 feet.

♪ ♪

Have you turned on the TV?

They're not talking about my National Security platform or women's rights.

They are showing B-roll of that woman body-slamming a college freshman.

I understand, Senator, but the important thing is you're okay.

Don't try to handle me, Miranda.

Just keep that Wyland woman out of my sight.

[Indistinct chatter]


What the hell were you thinking?

I'm sorry. I overreacted.

But it's better that than...

You will no longer be liaising with the senator's campaign.

The head of the New York JTTF shouldn't have been doing that, anyway.

But I don't believe in a one-strike-and-you're-out policy.

You're still a good agent. You just got spooked, and I still need all hands on deck for the town hall tonight.

So, do your job, keep your distance, and try not to piss off the next Vice President, all right?


Thank you, ma'am.

What's our next move now?

Give me the phone. I'm done playing defense.


What are you gonna do?

I am gonna send an e-mail to the address that you and Natalie sent the server files to.

No, no, no, no! I'm never supposed to get in touch with...

[Cellphone rings]

Oh, God.


The Voice: Who is this?

This is Special Agent Hannah Wyland.

Alex isn't in charge anymore. I am.

Oh, my God. So I hope you enjoy the sound of my voice as much as you do hers because you're gonna be hearing a lot of it... at your arrest, at your arraignment, with my finger waving at you from the stand and then one day...

You love your speeches, don't you, Hannah?

But I'm the one who gets to talk.

Now, step away from the bullpen and let's get down to business.

♪ ♪

The Voice: You know you weren't supposed to include anyone I didn't tell you to, Alex.

So you're both going to make it up to me by bringing me what I need to tonight's town hall.

Are we clear?

Yes, yes.

Yes, we're clear.

A package is being delivered to your apartment. It contains an envelope. Do not open that envelope. Put it under seat K15.

Heading to our row now.

Hannah: Copy that.

Simon scanned it, said there was nothing suspect.

Launch codes, anthrax, tiny expl*sives.

Yeah, well, he thinks it's a SIM card.

He's still checking.

It's so small that it should be harmless.

Let's just get it under the seat and see who comes to get it.

I wish I felt that any of this was gonna work in our favor, but I'm nervous.

Yeah, me too.

But that's what makes you such a good agent.

You see everything.

I've been wanting to tell you something for a while and not having you, like, right in my face makes this easier.

I owe you an apology.

I was too hard on you... for how you treated my ex-husband, how you handled yourself in the commission.

You were right about the t*rror1st even though I couldn't see it.

I was too busy making sure that Ryan didn't get hurt because after what I did, I just...

Alex: Which is what?

I mean, if you don't mind me asking.

I, uh...

I fell in love with someone.

Someone I was working undercover with.

Someone who, uh, helped me realize that although I'd always love Ryan, he couldn't provide me what I needed.

And when I told him about her, I thought he'd never speak to me again, but he, uh... he understood because he's just the best person.

So, in that moment, I promised myself that I would spend the rest of my life looking out for him.

Do you know why I'm telling you this right now?

No. Why?

Because nothing would make him happier than for you to sit him down and tell him that you still...

What'd you put under that seat?

You ready for your vacation? Hmm?

Did you bring your bathing suit, your suntan lotion?

Your firearm?

In teams of two, with your partner, do whatever is necessary to keep the plane from going down.


Nobody move!





You failed.

Why? The hijacker's dead.

The passengers are safe.

That .40 caliber round passed through my chest, tore a hole in the fuselage, and depressurized the cabin.

You're all dead.

But nice try anyway.

Back of the plane.

♪ Please disregard ♪

Way to go, Rambo.

♪ My naked faith ♪

Think before you act.

Manage the crisis.

We're gonna be running this drill all day until someone gets it right.

So learn from one another's mistakes.

♪ It takes two to lay ♪

Pollard: I said stay in your seat!

♪ Can we dish it, out in daylight? ♪

Ah. Sorry, buddy.

Seat belt sign's still on.

♪ Can we stare ourselves down? ♪
♪ Can we maneuver honesty ♪

What the hell? Who shot me?

Yeah, why does he have a g*n?

Liam: He's an Air Marshal.

You subdued the t*rror1st, but failed to identify yourself to him.

You failed. Next!

♪ Now we'll never know what legends we could be ♪

Nobody move!

♪ Just me and you and you and me ♪

I need everyone to stay seated.

If you want to live, you'll do exactly as I tell you.

When he passes, tackle him.

Why me?

You've got a better angle. Go.

Stop telling me what to do.

You're wasting your opportunity.

I'll do it my own way.

♪ Please disregard ♪
♪ My endless hope ♪


Don't sh**t these people.

Whatever you want, whoever you may blame, I'm sure we can find a way that doesn't involve k*lling.

Liam: Good first step. Get them talking.

♪ Now we'll never know what legends we could be ♪

No! Don't!


♪ Why, oh, why, oh, why, oh ♪

Liam: Let's the twins' failure teach you how important teamwork is.


♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

You don't need her.

Let her go or I'll...


Olsen, Fletcher.

If a t*rror1st isn't afraid to die, what makes you think you can thr*aten them?


I was just trying to be a good friend earlier.

So was I.

I was telling the truth.

If you can't see that, you're more messed up than I thought.

You're bleeding.

Yeah, I'll take care of it once we win.

At this rate, that'll never happen.

I am done losing, okay?

I am done being pushed around and being left behind.

We are going to win.

And if you're not on board with that, then you can find yourself another partner.

Shelby, this... this isn't...

You know what? Don't.

I'll find one.
♪ Oh, why, oh, why, oh, why, oh ♪
♪ Now we'll never know what legends we could be ♪


You just shot the only person that can land the plane.


♪ Why, oh, why, oh, why, oh ♪

[g*n clicks]

Next time, make sure there's a round in the chamber.

♪ Why, oh, why, oh, why, oh ♪



If you can't control your passengers, you can't regain control of the controls.


[Sighs] Make it stop.

This drill is worse than the one with the fake b*mb.

So, what, do you give up?

We've tried everything.

Shelby: Look, just because you're stumped doesn't mean that you can't win.

Who is with me?

What, that's it?

What, you're all just gonna give up?


We don't do that. Come on.


So, what is this about?

Her parents? The way they died?

It's more than that. It's her sister.

It's the past 15 years.

She needs a win. And we're gonna get her one.

All right, guys.

When someone says they want to keep going, we keep going.

So let's go.

So in other words, when they say they're fine, they're fine?

Stop! We're a team.

We need to have her back.

That's not what this is about.

I don't understand. What is it about, Caleb?

♪ ♪

It's not my place to say.

You're still with me, right, Alex?

Yeah, of course I'm with you.


I'm gonna ask you one more time.

What did you put under that seat?

I was just scoping the area.

I saw you put something under there.


How come every time we've talked since that b*mb went off, you lie to me?

Look, Ryan, I was just checking everything for security, and right now, you're blocking my view.

Okay. Okay, Alex.

I'm gonna get ahold of backup if you don't tell me what you put under there.

Ryan, stop!


Um, Senator Haas is about to go onstage, and she's asking for you.


♪ ♪

Alex put something under the seat up there.

Look into it for me.

[Cellphone rings]


I was wrong about the envelope.

I don't think it's a SIM card.

It's a component chip.

Component chip? What does that do?

Something small that can knock out the power in the area nearby.

[Cheers and applause]

Claire: Thank you.

Nice to have you here. Good to see you all.

This election is about one question.

Oh, my God. It's gone.

Is Amer...

What is happening?

Senator Haas, you need to get behind us.

We got to get the senator to safety.

My radio's dead. So is the cell.

It's the perfect diversion. No one can see anything.

Except for the Voice.

What do you mean?

The pills!

If the pills raised Claire's body temperature, then they could use a thermal sight to...

Oh, my God. They're gonna k*ll her.

They've got to get her out of here!

We're too far away.

Well, we've got to do something!


[Crowd screams]

[Sighs] Thank you for doing this.

No one else understands.

No retreat, no surrender.

You got a plan?

Follow my lead.

Nobody move.

I need everyone to stay in their seats.

If you want to live, you'll do exactly as I tell you.

Give me your g*n.

What are you doing?

Just trust me.

FBI! Don't move!

Drop your w*apon or I drop you.

It's two against one.

On your knees, counselor.

My name is Special Agent Shelby Wyatt.

This is my partner, Special Agent Alex Parrish.

Everything is okay. These men are under arrest.

[Cheers and applause]

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to speak to an attorney and to have an attorney present during any questioning.

If you can't afford an attorney, one will be provided to you.

Do you understand your rights as I've explained them?

Trainees, did you check the passenger manifest?



Because if you had, you'd know that the two hijackers had a third member in their party.

Oh, come on!

No, no, no.

Wait. You don't have to do this.

Look, you don't want to hurt all of these people.

Don't listen to her. Let go of the trigger.

Think of the families. Are you a mother?

Think of all the children that are waiting for them to come home.

By the time this plane's on the ground, we'll all be dead.

No, that is not true.

We're gonna save you. Everyone can live this time.

I promise you. You have my word. Please.


Please do not let go. Okay?

We can... We can all make it this time.



I'm sorry. You lost.

Then we go again.


We go again and again until we win.

Shelby: Alex, I'm done.

What, you don't want to win?

There is no winning.

They're just gonna come up with another way for us to lose.

Isn't that right, Liam?


This is what's called a lose-lose situation... an unwinnable scenario.

A Kobayashi Maru.


It's a situation you will encounter in the field and you need to be able to recognize it so you know you have no choice.

I know it seems maddening.

Sometimes, the only answer is that there is no answer.

Sometimes the plane just has to go down.

You're dismissed.

Shelby. Shelby, stop.



You want me to be a leader, then let me be the one to tell you this.

That was cruel and unusual, even for you.

Shelby's parents died on a plane.

You made her relive it over and over again? For what?

It's a lesson every NAT has to learn, regardless of history.

Remember the HRT drill Week 4?

If you hadn't made it through, you might not be here now lecturing me on how to do my job.

Yeah, well, we both know if you'd had your way, I wouldn't be here right now.

I asked you to take a leadership role in a time of crisis.

Don't blame me because it didn't go well.

You can learn from this, too.

♪ ♪


So what don't I know about Shelby?


[Crowd screaming]

FBI! Do not move, ma'am.

No. No, stop! Wait! I'm FBI.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney and to have an attorney present during any questioning.




I'm so sorry.

It's okay. You didn't know.

Just like I didn't know.

For 15 years, I imagined myself on that plane.

I wondered what it was like for my parents.

I wondered about the chain of events.

When... When they knew about the hijackers and if they tried to subdue them.

When they realized that the plane was going down.

And the worst part of it is I talked about it.

I-I gave speeches. I-I hugged other survivors.

This is a huge part of who I am, and it's all been a lie.

Every last word.

My parents made me do that.

And why? 'Cause...

[Voice breaking] 'Cause they wanted to get away from me?

They left me behind.


Who leaves their teenage daughter without saying a word?

And what... what could I have done that was so bad that they had...

No, no, no.


They left me, Alex.


What if...


What if there was a reason, you know?

A reason that they needed you to think that they died?

My mom lied to me for years about my father.

I mean, I wish she didn't, but she did.

And she did it to protect me.

What if they did it to protect you, too?

Don't assume the worst.

Now that you know, find out more.

You deserve to know the truth.


This isn't just about Shelby Wyatt.

Hey, man, I don't... I don't want to talk about this.

You know, I-I already told you that.

Well, if you want to take down Sistemics, there are other ways.

Tell me why you're after them. Let me help.

I'm on a rescue mission.

Who are you trying to rescue?

Ross Edwards.

He's my best friend.

We joined together, and then a few months after, my dad pulled me out.

Ross tried to leave, too, but they wouldn't let him.

Nobody ever heard from him again.

He just disappeared.

You don't understand what Sistemics will do to hold on to a person.

So I need to find him.

I need to get him out if he's even still alive.

And in order to do that, I have to meet with the head of the church, and it's hopeless if that's Dan Berlin 'cause he'll know that I'm me and then...

Then he'll just throw me right out.

This doesn't have to be your Kobayashi Maru.

There's another way.

[Door opens]

Nimah: Hey.


You want to talk?

You don't want to talk. You want to lecture.

That's not fair.

But it's true.

We don't match, Nimah... not anymore.

You're mad about Charlie?


I am.

Because if you hadn't blown my cover, Charlie would be home safe with his mother now.

The woman who recruited us trusted us... the woman you want to abandon.


I never wanted to abandon her.

But if you lie, you won't help her, either.

If they catch you, everything that Miranda wanted for us... the mission... will disappear.

How can there be a mission if you don't trust me?

How can I trust you if you lie?

You never used to lie before.

I lied about the cell because I wanted to protect you.

I didn't want anyone to get hurt.

And I didn't go home during holidays.

I went to see Simon Asher.



[Knock on door]

Pollard: Trainee Amin, let's go.

It's time for my statement.

Hannah: I'm being benched.

Suspended from active duty till further notice.

Plus mandatory counseling.

I'm so sorry. I...

I can't let you take the blame for this.

Let... Let me go talk to them.

Maybe I can convince them to go easy on you. I...

They did.

I'm lucky I'm not being brought up on charges.

Trust me. This is better.

Why didn't you just tell them the truth, Hannah?

You were gonna go to the Director in 24 hours anyway.

I thought about it. I did.

But I don't know.

As I sat in that room with all those people yelling at me for overreacting, all I could think of was, "Any one of you could be the t*rror1st."


The FBI can't stop what's happening.

And clearly, neither can I.

What if it can't be stopped?


You're the leader now.


You'll find a way.

The whole world thought you were Public Enemy Number One, and you proved them wrong.

I mean, and today, we foiled an assassination.

Claire Haas is still alive, which is how I know that you will find this person and you will stop them.

Because you already are.

Just... do me a favor.


No matter what happens, don't bring Ryan into this.

He needs to sit this one out.

I promise.

This is all you now.

What the hell happened tonight?

The Secret Service said you were standing right next to Hannah when she discharged her w*apon.

It was pitch-black in the auditorium.

It was total chaos.

Her finger slipped on the trigger.

Oh, come on.

You honestly expect me to believe that the best agent that I've ever known accidentally fired her service w*apon 40 feet from a Vice Presidential candidate?

Think what you want to think.

You want to know what I think?

I think you knew Hannah was looking into you.

I think she was close to proving exactly what it is you've been up to since you got back, and you couldn't let that happen.

That's insane, Ryan.

So... So you set her up to take the fall.

But here's the deal.

You're not in the clear because I'm coming after you now, and I will do whatever it takes to catch you.

[Elevator bell dings]

The OPR agents are finishing up the interview.

You can wait...


I told them everything, including you were under my supervision, Raina.

I was gonna lie for you.

I could never let you do that.

I made mistakes, but I'll always own up to them.

You two are too important to me.

I can't let my errors in judgment affect your future.

I am so very proud of you both.

Man: Raina Amin, we're ready.

Will: Can I have your attention now?

I have someone I need you to meet.

Danger, Will Olsen! You know...

I'd like to introduce myself. My name is John Baskin.

I guess it's time to stop being scared of the Sistem.


You know, we're the same, you and me.

I was on the stairs, afraid to ascend to the next level.

Dude, you're... you're freaking me out.

Why? I-I'm just acting.

Look. I-I used to mimic people as a kid since I'm not good at social cues.

I still study them today.

Come here.


It's... It's how I get to know people.

And I couldn't figure you out, but...

All right. Anyway, so I've been studying some Sistemics videos.

What... What...

Why would you do that? What...

So I could help you go undercover, help you find your friend.

I-I-I appreciate that, but we're... we're talking about very dangerous people here.

I-I can't ask you to risk your life...

But you're not asking. I'm volunteering.

Okay, look.

When I was 9, I lost my sister in a car accident, and she could have lived, but my father wouldn't let the hospital give her a blood transfusion.

He was a Christian scientist.

Let's just say I'm not very fond of institutions that hurt the people who believe in them, and I'm not scared of them, either.

♪ ♪

All righty, then.


Alex: You need a spot?

I'd say no, but...

Yeah, when I have ever taken no for an answer?

[Sighs] Exactly.


All right, look. Um... you were right.

I was projecting.

I thought I'd worked through some stuff, but clearly, I have more work to do.

And you know what?

Maybe... Maybe I'll never finish, but I...

I shouldn't be telling you how to feel.

It's okay.

No, it's really not okay.



You were just trying to be honest with me, and I...

My father used to say that there's no such thing as the truth.

There's what you think, what the other person thinks, and then what the world remembers.

That sounds complicated.

[Chuckles] Yeah.

He was.

And he's also the reason why it's hard for me to believe someone's being honest when they say they are.

You can believe me.


See? I'm not used to that.

But I'm working on it, okay?

I am... I'm... I'm working on trusting the people that I'm close to and it's... Yeah.

Are we close?




I'll take it.

I missed the Kobayashi Maru... the unwinnable situation.


I always hated that one.


Probably because it had so much to teach me.

[Norah Jones' "All a Dream" plays]

I hate when I cannot solve a problem.

Caleb: The operation hit a snag, but I solved it.

Do you remember my roommate Will Olsen?

Dad, he's perfect.

Even when I know that there is no easy answer, I can't stop fighting.

Raina: I can't see you this weekend.

What are you saying?

I'm sorry, Simon.

Maybe sometime in the future.

Hoping for another outcome.

A different result.

♪ I can see it in your face ♪

A creative solution.

An unexpected answer.

♪ That everything will be okay ♪

But in the end, you have to realize that sometimes... sometimes you're powerless and you did the best you could, and life does not always give you a happy ending.

♪ To learn to be your sl*ve ♪

But it is still your job to do the right thing, the best thing.

Even when it's not perfect, even if it costs you something, even if it costs you everything.

Shelby, that's what you did today.

♪ ♪

[Voice breaking] And that's what I did, too.

It is time for me to say goodbye...


As your teacher.


For now, at least.

[Inhales sharply]

Thank you.

I know you and I haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but with Miranda on leave, we are short a counselor.

And you're someone that the NATs already feel comfortable with.

Feel liking coming back?

[Cellphone ringing]

You don't have to hurt anyone else.

Hannah Wyland has been suspended.

She's been punished enough.

Please just...

The Voice: Oh, Alex. I'm going to miss you.

What do you mean you're gonna miss me?

We're almost done.

All that's left is your final mission.

I'll be in touch.

[Cellphone beeping]

I don't understand. The plan failed.

Claire Haas is still alive.

Why aren't they more upset, Simon?

What if the plan didn't fail?

What do you mean?

What if all that tonight was just a smoke screen to stop you from seeing what they were really doing?



This is a police report from tonight.

Someone took advantage of the blackout and broke into Columbia's most secure lab.

Was something stolen?

They don't know.

They'll update the report throughout the night, but those labs were underneath that theater.

You know what Miranda always taught us.

There are no coincidences.

Oh, my God, Simon. Do you know what this is?

Our first real clue.

♪ ♪