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03x16 - Alone with Everybody

Posted: 04/02/16 08:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Originals...

Freya: If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall.

One by friend, one by foe and one by family.

The spell you used brought me back as I was when I died in this body.

When you were a vampire, you were...

A psychotic maniac.

But you're worth being good for.

I love you, Elijah.

And Jackson knew that.

Out of respect for him, I have to let you go.


There was never any hope for you, brother.


Vampires are coming for the last of the white oak.

And now my sire link is undone.

Those very foes will come for me.

You're going to run.

Elijah: Don't stop driving till you're absolutely certain that you are safe.

Klaus: You don't have to remind me how precious my cargo is.


(Lively music playing, crowd chattering)

You can bet the competition's gonna be fierce.

Not if I get to 'em first.

I've waited long enough for my shot at Klaus Mikaelson.

If anyone's taking him down, it's gonna be me.

♪ ♪

(Dishes shattering)

Oh, my gosh! Okay!

Oh, no!


♪ ♪


Marcel: Come on, Elijah.

I thought we agreed.

The compelled waitress dumping those drinks was a nice touch.


But you're the one who wanted to keep the Strix around for security.

As long as we have a legion of Mikaelson enemies in town, how 'bout you just let 'em do their job?

You know, Marcel, I was just looking for a little me time.

Well, as soon as they know you're safe and sound, they'll be more than happy to give you all the "me time" you want.

In the meantime, if you stayed put, maybe they could devote more of their energy to finding out who's got their hands on that missing white oak b*llet.

Can I help you?

I believe you already have.

So, if you're looking for an easy target, you're looking in the wrong place.

Some free advice, Mr. Griffith?

Know when you're outmatched.



(Starts to chant, stops)

I was expecting more of a fight from the regent of New Orleans.




Who are you?

I'm just a hired g*n.

Unfortunately, you're in my way.

Absolutely not.

You need to blend in.

We could start by losing the $1,000 jacket.

Tell me again why we're on a scenic tour of methamphetamine country, not compelling a jet to some far-off, preferably tropical, destination?

Look, I'm not the one with an army of pissed-off vampires coming after me.

Can I have the keys?

On a scale of one to ten, exactly how much am I going to despise this little plan of yours?

I'd say a solid 85.

Oh, good.

Marcel: I don't care if he turned into a cloud of smoke.

Your job is to be Elijah's shadow. All right?

Don't let him out of your sight again.

I remember when you used to bark orders at me like that.



Those were the salad days, weren't they?

Come on in, Josh. Have a drink.

Take a load off.

Tell me, how have I wronged you this time?

Well, you said that the Strix were as good as gone once we figured out who was k*lling their guys.

Turns out I still need 'em.

Mm. And in the meantime, me and the rest of your benchwarmers are supposed to do... what?

Besides keep the bench warm?


But I've got a better idea.

How's that saying go? "If you can't beat 'em..."

(Snaps fingers)

You want to join the Strix?

Not gonna happen.

But if it makes you feel any better, they're only staying to protect Elijah.

So I guess they know about the auction, then.

For the last existing white oak b*llet.

Wait. You mean your army of fancy-pants vampires didn't tell you about this?


Though, that's the thing about ancient vampires, isn't it?

They don't pay attention to modern things, unlike your friend here, who minored in computer science and wrote a paper on the Dark Web.

Bottom line it for me, Zuckerberg.

I ran down some online rumors.

Turns out someone claiming to have the white oak is offering it up to the highest bidder.


Could be a fake.

Vincent: I wouldn't bet on it.

I had the white oak b*llet, palm of my hands, and then some ancient vampire lady, she rang my bell to get it.

Now, I think old vampire, I think you and your new friends, but it sounds like this one ain't one of yours.

Ah, Freya.

Would you mind telling your security team that I'm a dear and beloved friend of the family?

Well, that might be overstating it.

For now, let's go with "necessary acquaintance."

Hmm. Flattery will get you everywhere.

What do you want, Lucien?

Question isn't what I want, it's whom.

See, I've known the Mikaelsons for 1,000 years, but you, Freya, are a new variable and I can't help but find myself intrigued.

Don't tell me you haven't felt the spark between us.

Uh... this really isn't a good time.

Elijah: Are you quite sure?

I saw him with my own eyes.

Finn must have come back when Davina resurrected me.

The spell was tied to the blood of the Mikaelson line.

Either it worked on him, or he found a way to hijack it.

Either way, the only "how" I care about right now is how long I'm going to make him suffer before I k*ll him.

Restraint, brother, for now.

Why? Finn is clearly the one spreading rumors about missing white oak.

He's luring Nik's enemies out of the woodwork.

It's all part of his tedious revenge fantasy.

Freya: You're wrong.

Those rumors began before either of you returned.

Finn's innocent.


Pardon me, luv, but Finn has tried to k*ll the rest of us more than once.

He's an enemy of our family.

He is our family.

Finn's return is an opportunity to mend old wounds and fix what's broken.

He didn't just drop a bloody vase!

He m*rder*d me!

You seem certain.

Are you honestly siding with her?

Time and again, Finn has demonstrated nothing but contempt towards his family, so you tell me...

How can you be so certain that he would return to us in peace?

Our sister knows me well.

Though perhaps you're right to doubt my intentions.

By all means, let's discuss our family quarrels.

I believe we're long overdue.


Well, I can see why you wanted to come here.

I feel safer already.

We're closed.

You don't look closed.

We are for you.

Well, perhaps you failed to notice the hat.

Hayley: I'll take a bourbon.

Unless Hollis is still serving that moonshine of his.

Well, I'll be damned.

I got this.

It's been a long time since you danced on my bar, Hayley Marshall.

Haley: It's been a long time since I danced on any bar.

(Both chuckle)

I get in a different kind of trouble these days.

Hollis, meet Hope.

Hollis: Oh.

Look at her.


City boy, huh?

Wouldn't have guessed that.

Klaus: Never underestimate the allure of indoor plumbing.

Hollis, this is Klaus.

He's my... daughter's father.

It's a long story.

♪ With my old six string ♪
♪ Took all my good whiskey... ♪

We just... need a place to lay low.

♪ And poured it down the drain... ♪


You picked a pretty rough time for us around here.

A lot of folks are giving up on the pack altogether.

♪ I got nobody to blame but me... ♪

Well... for the reigning dart-throwing, tequila-sh**ting champ of Willoughby Lake?

I just wish there were a few more people here to give you a proper homecoming.



You guys settle in, I'll pour the moonshine.

Baby drinks for free.

Looks like we got a good news/bad news situation on our hands.

Marcel, I simply don't have time for this.

I got a bead on the b*llet.

Whoever found it is offering it up to the highest bidder.

Of which there are more than a few.

This is your idea of good news?

The bad news is word spread.

The Strix are, uh, spooked.

And they're usually such a laid-back bunch.

Well, with that b*llet out there, half of them want to bury you alive.

I can't blame them.

You die, they die, too.

Tell them that the Mikaelson compound is quite secure, and with the addition of their own forces, absolutely impenetrable.

No one will leave here, no one will enter.

Do you understand?

Maybe this will stop their infernal bitching.

Giving me enough time to win that auction.

Or k*ll the guy who does.

Godspeed, Marcellus.

Kol: Take a swing at me, huh?

All these sidesteps and parries... even the way you fight is boring. It's an odd critique, considering all your flair and flourish couldn't keep you from being bested the last time we faced each other.

Perhaps we should let them fight.

After all, they can't actually k*ll each other.

Elijah: Behave yourselves.

Particularly considering we'll be confined here together for the foreseeable future.

What does that mean?

I believe the term is "staycation"

You see, Niklaus isn't the only one who's inspired revenge fantasies.

Right now, we are all at risk.

So... while Marcel works to retrieve the white oak, I recommend we dispense with all of this posturing.

Get down to some good old-fashioned family bonding.

♪ ♪

Klaus: I'm quite sure this glass hasn't been washed in the past decade, which makes it the cleanest thing in this establishment.

And you have hit your complaint quota for the day, congrats.

(Phone rings)

You are officially the worst.

Klaus: I seem to remember you knocking on my door to join this little road trip.

No one had a g*n to your head.

What was it... couldn't bear to spend another day giving Elijah the mournful doe eyes?

(Clears throat)

That is none of your business.


It's only my brother and the mother of my daughter in my house in... oh, yes... my city.

Weird. It's almost like you're making this all about you again.

Hollis: Hales?

If you're trying to be discreet, start by turning down the volume on the lovers' spat.

Is everything okay?

Someone tried to rob the Gas'n'Save down by the highway.

Kayla was there.

I heard it went bad for the bad guy.

Kayla McInnis.

Her first.

Hayley: Wait, isn't she, like, nine years old?


A girl I used to babysit for.

The last time I saw her, she was playing with dolls.

Now she's k*lled someone and triggered her curse.

Where is she?

The cops let her go home.

Little trailer down by the creek.

Where do you think you're going?

Klaus, I remember when I triggered my curse.

Now Kayla is going through the same thing.

And that's your problem how?

I used to take care of Kayla when her mom was drinking.

If ever she needed someone to talk to, it's now.

In case you've forgotten, we're supposed to be keeping a low profile... it's hardly the time to go play youth counselor to a bunch of misguided wolves.

It's just down the road. I hardly...

In fact, I think this little experiment is over.

I hope you enjoyed your trip down memory lane.

But my life, our daughter's life, takes precedence... a fact you've clearly failed to grasp.

From now on, we do things my way.

Do we know this guy?

Random enemy of Klaus.

Elijah spotted him in the St. James.

If he's here for the auction, they must've sent him a login.

Check his texts and e-mails.

Uh, I got it.

Josh: Yes.

Sofya: Welcome.

That's her.

You are the lucky few, chosen for your extensive resources and extreme prejudice toward the Mikaelsons.

Whomever's bid proves most alluring to my employer will become the sole owner of the last piece of white oak in existence.

Opening bid is $5 million.

Shall we begin?

Josh: Whoa.

A fleet of oil tankers?

A dozen casinos in Monaco?

Yeah, these guys are not playing around.


Type "Aliquid sub sole."

It's Latin for "anything."

An infamous Strix rite.

It means the whole order pledges to fulfill any one command.

You really think that's gonna work?



(Phone vibrating)

Sofya: Congratulations.

4:00, 318 Toulouse Street, Suite 1.

All right.

Let's go get our prize.

I think they reacted as well as can be expected.

Given your history.

I know you've had your disagreements.



Such a quaint way of describing it all.

So you are listening.

There can be no reconciliation between me and my brothers.

You told me that things would be different.

They already are.

Your presence here has assured that.

Look, when I said I wanted a change, I think you've misunderstood me.

I'd still rather die than be part of this wretched family.

Elijah: Freya, would you excuse us just a moment, please?

Believe my brother and I have some catching up to do.

So tell me, how was hell?

Is it warm this time of year?

You always had a penchant for idle chat.

Well, perhaps we could discuss something a little bit more constructive.

Do you intend to thr*aten me into being a better brother?

Depends. Why are you here?

Could you believe me if I told you I'd changed?

Have you?


And no.

All that time trapped alone in Freya's pendant, I was able to reflect on what we've become over a millennium.

I'm still sickened by what you are.

But I'm done trying to atone for past sins.

It is curious the way you speak as though you and I are not the same.

We are not the same!

You see, I still have a chance at some small happiness.

And I'm gonna take it.

My proposal is simple. Allow Freya to put me back in a witch's body. Let the two of us go, and I promise never to look back again.
Congratulations, Mr...?


Aldus Charlamaigne.

And the pleasure is all mine.


Joshua, isn't it?

Tell Marcel Gerard he cannot stop the inevitable.

I answer to someone who wants the Mikaelsons to pay for their sins.

And so they will pay.

In the meantime, make it hurt.


Always a good girl.

Let's get out of here, shall we?


There is a scared kid out there, and I can't just turn my back on her.

And tragic as that may be, it's not my problem; neither is it yours.

Get in the car.

We're leaving.

We're not going anywhere.

And I suppose you're going to stop me?

Perhaps you'll get Cletus and your other foul-smelling friends to help?

Those friends of mine are helping us, Klaus.

No questions asked.

Despite the fact they have problems of their own.

And all you have done is insult them.

You don't get it, do you?

This is the exact reason why we're here.

Maybe if you hadn't been a d*ck to...

I don't know... everybody, then we wouldn't even be on the run.

I have always done what I needed to do to protect our family from numerous enemies.

I make no apologies for my methods.

Do you even hear yourself, Klaus?

You're incapable of even pretending to be a good person.

And you can justify it all you want with strategy and us versus them, but at the end of the day, the enemies that you have are the ones that you made.

Is that what you want for your daughter?

Is that how you want her to see the world?

I'm not just gonna stand back and let you raise her to be just like you, Klaus.

If it's your impulse to trust in the kindness of those outside the family, all the more reason you need my protection.

I am gonna go speak to that girl, because she needs my help.

You're gonna stay here and shut up!

I've earned at least that.

Hayley, listen to me!

There is a very good chance that one day our daughter will be dealing with the same thing that Kayla is dealing with.

And if that day comes, I hope that someone makes it their business to help her, too.

Being kind doesn't make you weak, Klaus.

Kol: Elijah's just going to go for it.

Uh, let Finn steal a body and start a new life.

You need to calm down.


You know, I've never been in a guy's actual bedroom before.

Are you even listening to me?

(Chuckles) I am.

But you raging about Finn when you're stuck in here and can't do anything about it isn't going to help.

What you need is something to take your mind off it.

It won't work.

Is that a challenge?

I just want Finn to suffer for what he did to me.

For what he did to us.

He will.

I promise.

(Both panting)

(Heart beating faintly)


Don't you guys know bullies never win?

Cutting it a little close on the rescue there, aren't we, boys?

Had to give you enough time to do your thing. So... did you?

Oh, yeah.

She's gonna have one heck of a dry cleaning bill.

You're sure you can track her using his blood?

(Chanting a spell)

You'll be pleased to know things are going just as you said.

Sorry, road's closed.

About to get a second line through here.

Hold tight.

(Window rolls up)

You're certain?

Then of course, consider it done.

(Knocking on window)

Marcel: I don't think we've met yet.

The name's Marcel Gerard.

Free piece of advice.

Know when you're outmatched.

I don't get paid enough to die.

The person who pays you got a name?

All right, then.

I have a feeling we can jog your memory.

You don't understand.

If I give you his name, I'm as good as dead.

And now that you've gotten in his way... so are you.

All right, Finn.

Let's see how you like a taste of your own medicine.

Elijah: Whatever it is you're planning, don't.

He cursed me to die, Elijah.


In front of her.

If nothing else, I owe him for that.


And perhaps the best revenge is simply to expel him from our lives altogether.


He doesn't get to live happily ever after.

I haven't made my final decision.

I only ask you stay your hand.

That's not your decision to make!

Control yourself.


Unless you can't.

It's worse than I remember.

The rage.

The hunger.

I'd like to blame my anger on Finn, but it's been growing worse since I came back.

I never did learn how to keep it in check.

I never really cared to.

But now you do.

I couldn't live with myself if I hurt Davina.

But hurting the ones we love, whether we mean to or not, that's just what we do.

Isn't it?

♪ This heart lay down... ♪

It is who we are.

♪ On the ground ♪
♪ Faint glimmer ♪
♪ Once steady ♪
♪ Where are you now? ♪
♪ Someone tell me how to feel... ♪


♪ What is real ♪
♪ And someone tell me how to feel... ♪

I am so sorry, kiddo.

♪ Someone tell me... ♪

I heard there's not much of a pack left, so I thought you might need someone to talk to.

♪ Oh... ♪

But here's the thing that you need to remember as you deal with all of this.

You are a lot tougher than you think you are.

And no matter how awful you feel, you're not alone.

♪ So slowly ♪
♪ My feet can't carry me now... ♪

Come on.

There's someplace I want you to see.

♪ Sweet glimmer of hope ♪
♪ Where are you? ♪

Finn: If you're searching for Kol, just follow the screams of the innocent.

You'll find him close by.

Actually, I was looking for you.

Poor naive child.

You don't know it yet, but you're on the wrong side.

Did my brother ever tell you about the Novice Dulcina?

You remind me of her.

Innocent girl, beautiful voice.

She promised herself to God, till Kol caught sight and found her pretty.

Within days, she'd broken her vows of obedience and chastity.

Within a week, she was dead.

He'd grown bored.

I don't believe you.

I think you do.

It doesn't matter.

Kol's changed.

But you're still the monster you've always been.


(Chanting a spell)


Hear you're looking to steal the body of some unsuspecting witch.



What have you done to me?!

Get comfy, Finn.

I just locked you in that body that you hate so much.

You're stuck as a vampire for the rest of your pathetic life.





Kol, stop.


This isn't your fight.

I told you to stay your hand.


I'd rather take my chances out there with white oak than stay here with you lot.


He'll be fine.

Marcel has paid us a visit.

The last remaining white oak in the world.

Right here.

Sister, if you would be so kind.



Little witch has condemned me.

To this.

To remain a beast.


I can't bear an eternity with no hope of escape.

Can you?

♪ How can this happen? How can this be? ♪
♪ There is no ending, there is no peace ♪
♪ The darkness is so close ♪
♪ The light so quickly goes ♪
♪ And now it's all gone ♪
♪ Now it's all gone... ♪

What is this place?

The pack used to come here when someone triggered their curse.

Not to ask for forgiveness, but... to accept what they had done.

To honor the dead in order to move on.

♪ How'd it come to this? ♪
♪ How'd it come to this... ♪

I don't even know his name.

♪ How'd it come to this? ♪


This was his.

I have an old friend at the sheriff's department.

He used to get me out of trouble back in the day.

I called in a favor.

♪ Do you feel the pain... ♪

Look, the turning is gonna hurt, and your first full moon is gonna be a real bitch.

But like I said, you're tough; you can handle it.

You'll never forget what happened, but... you can't let the past define who you are.

♪ Ooh, oh ♪
♪ Darkness keeps its grip ♪
♪ Ooh, oh ♪
♪ How'd it come to this? ♪
♪ How'd it come to this? ♪
♪ How'd it come to this? ♪

Finn, give it to me.

Give it to me.

Come on, then.

After all this time, go on and destroy it.

Elijah, forever is a burden that nobody should have to bear.

You cannot keep that white oak in this house, Elijah.

It is already a beacon drawing your enemies to you.

Perhaps the best solution is obvious.

Entrust it to the one who loves each of you most.

I can cloak myself.

If it has to exist, at least I can take it far away.

Hide it under a thousand spells, somewhere where no one else will ever find it.

Until the day comes when... you're ready for release.

♪ ♪

Man, I really thought asking nicely would totally do the trick.

Now, your boss is jonesing real bad for some Mikaelson blood, and I just want to know who he is.

Ain't no need for this to get nasty.

You poor fools.

I let you take that b*llet.

He wanted you to have it.



(Wind whistling)





I understand.

(Neck snaps)

The ancestors... (Laughs softly) they don't want me to k*ll you.

They want me to help you.

They want me to help him.

And may God have mercy on us all.

Where's Hope?

With Hollis.

You trust him, I trust you.

Baby steps, as it were.

Seems I owe you an apology, little wolf.

I've given you a thousand reasons to abandon me, but you haven't yet.

So... thank you, for my sake and for our daughter's.

Perhaps you're right.

Perhaps... it is time to start living not by my decisions, not by yours, but by what we together decide.


For Hope.

What's wrong?

This was no random attack.

These wolves aren't just disappearing.

They're being hunted.

You think I should've burned it, don't you?

It's your call, not mine.

I sure as hell don't envy you though.

I think the phrase "sibling rivalry" is about to take on a whole new meaning.

I can handle my brothers.


The rest is gravy, right?

We'll get a name out of our new lady friend soon enough.

And without a w*apon, all the rest of the revenge seekers are just a bunch of buzzing flies.


Did it not seem... too easy?


Maybe I'm just that good.

(Clicks tongue)

(Phone vibrating)

(Phone beeps)

We got the white oak.

Time to come home.

Well, at least one of us has something good to report.

Because Hayley and I have just made a rather unsettling discovery.

Seems our friends at Kingmaker Land Development are still targeting wolves.

What we don't know is why.

This whole time, we've been so consumed with everything out there.

This auction, this swarm of old enemies... what if it was all a distraction?

Niklaus, I'm beginning to fear that the real threat has been in front of us all along.



Something wrong?

Very much.

♪ ♪

Hello, luv.



A Mikaelson witch, a white oak b*llet.

Throw in a dash of wolf venom and a case of champagne, and I'd say we have a recipe for some real fun.