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03x17 - Delaware

Posted: 04/02/16 03:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

Hidden one: By sundown tomorrow,

I will be the one true God.

You love these humans so much, then you shall die among them.

I need the rest of the Box.

It is the only thing that will stop him.

Crane: But... the Box can only be regenerated in the Catacombs.

You fight monsters, then you save the world.

Crane: Betsy always said that the flag was her greatest achievement.

Somehow, it allowed them to enter the Catacombs.

Are you ready to go back, Lieutenant?

Let's go.

Not too terrible.

Really, Crane?

You know I quit coffee.

You were forced to abandon the pleasures of the caffeinated bean during your stay in the Catacombs, but you and I both know... your strong desire... for the cappuccino con doppio caffé.

We cannot hide who we truly are, Lieutenant, and if you and I are to yet again face the possibility of the end of the world... we should embrace the fruits of life with a full heart.

How true.

What's this?



With... maple and a hint of Meyer lemon.




New gourmet donut shop opened up downtown.

I wanted to surprise you.



Manna from heaven.

Yeah, seeing as how we are going back to the Catacombs... and it's the closest thing I can think of... to Hell... you bet your ass I'm gonna drink this.


That's good.

You got a little something...






I'm scared out of my mind of seeing that place again, and no, I'm not letting you go without me.

Whatever you do, I do.

That's the deal.

Truth b*mb if ever I heard one.



Oh, I do that very well, don't I?


Jenny: I'm sorry, but this does not work for me.

Joe: Me neither.

We've been down this road before.

She's gonna work really hard to gain our confidence, and then screw us over again for her megalomaniac boyfriend.

The Hidden One is my husband.

Or was. Since he cast me out, I am now nothing more than one of billions he will slaughter once he achieves omnipotence.

Crane: Which is why we must allow bygones to be precisely that.

No, you know what, Crane, I'm with "J" on this one.

You spent months k*lling and terrorizing people, so, no, I'm definitely not over it.

It matters very little if you trust me or not.

My only wish is to save this world from annihilation.

(door opens)

Reynolds: Is now a good time to join the team?

Join up just like that?

I guess I could pretend like I never saw what I saw.

Oh, God.

Go back to my normal life, but I'm guessing that isn't an option.

I'm just here to help.

This is not something that you just rush into.

If the world is hanging in the balance, I need to do everything I can to help.

In for a penny, right?

It's an expression.

(laughs) I know, yes.

If anything happened to you, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

This is where I want to be.

Here for you.

After all this is over, you and I are going back to that house on Virginia Beach.

Make up for some lost time.

I'm gonna hold you to that.

Welcome aboard.

Eight hours, that's all we have left until the sands run out of the Hourglass.

When it does, the Hidden One will become omnipotent.

When-when you say omnipotent...

He will possess the total power of the pantheon of Ancient Gods.

Enough to destroy every living thing in this world.

Crane: Our plan involves a two-pronged strategy... the lieutenant and I will journey to the Delaware River where we should use Betsy Ross's flag to guide us to the Catacombs.

Once there, we will restore Pandora's box and use it to drain the Hidden One of his power.

Abbie: Meanwhile, the rest of you will do your damndest to delay him.

Slow him down by any means necessary.

I know this is my first rodeo, but we seem very short on actual Intel on this Hidden One, and why the both of you need to go back to the Catacombs.

It can only be restored if both of the Witnesses are present in the Temple of the Gods.

If only one of them goes, the mission will fail.

Jenny: As in, you're not going?

It's your Box!

Pandora has provided us with detailed instructions how to access the antechamber within the temple.

While she stays conveniently out of harm's way.

None of you stand a chance facing my husband without me.

I am the only one who knows what he is capable of.

Time is as much our enemy as the Hidden One himself.

So, I wish us all Godspeed.

Crane: Oh, Betsy, that's beautiful.

These five-pointed stars... they practically shimmer.

(chuckles) An illusion, created with a little gold thread.

I daresay if all goes well today, this may very well be how I'm remembered.

(horn honking)

(tires squealing)

You okay?


I can drive.

No, no, no, no, apologies.


My mind was elsewhere.

Let me guess, December 1776.

Crane, Washington cut you out of a mission that could have changed the tide of the w*r.

You were his protégé, his bravest officer, and instead of taking you, he took Betsy Ross and Paul Revere.

That would haunt me, too.

'Tis not simply the vote of no confidence from my commanding officer, Lieutenant.

When Betsy returned from the Catacombs... she was changed.

The Catacombs changed me.

Yes, of course, but... this was different.

See, Betsy and I, we... we were very close.

We were as close as two compatriots can be.

Until she came back from her mission.

And we never spoke again.

Just one letter... terminating our friendship.

A tactical as*ault is off the table?

He's a god.

Trying to take him down with brute force is su1c1de.

We need to focus on the Hourglass.

This is where you offer that help we so badly need.

In order to maximize the energies of the Hourglass, he will take it here.

Bear Mountain?

Pandora: It sits upon a focal point of ancient energy.

Energy he will use to amplify the forces held within the Hourglass to an even greater effect.

His vantage point on the mountain will make his final victory all the sweeter.

When the sands run out, the power within will flow with the greatest purity.

That's good, Bear Mountain. We have a target.

According to Washington's journal, Bear Mountain is surrounded by a large amount of intersecting ley lines.

Say what?

Sophie: Geomagnetic markers in the earth, supposed to conduct mystical power.

Okay, is there a way that can help us?

Pandora: The ancient power of the ley lines can be channeled.

Focused... for a specific purpose.

I say we fight fire with fire.

Lieutenant, would you do the honors?

If this doesn't work, you do realize that we're just two people on a boat, singing the anthem.


♪ Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's ♪
♪ Early light ♪
♪ What so proudly we hailed ♪
♪ At the twilight's last ♪
♪ Gleaming ♪
♪ Whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪

(magical chiming)

♪ Through the perilous fight... ♪

Lieutenant, we are no longer on the Delaware.

This is the River Styx.

Gateway to the Underworld.

Abbie: You ever think of how many times you and I have technically died?

You were buried underground for centuries, choked out by a Sin Eater.

Buried again by a tree.

Trapped in purgatory, your jaunt to 1781, abandoned in Ancient Catacombs...

You have endured much, Lieutenant.

I can endure anything.

It's the losses that wear me down.

My mom and Corbin.

My wife.

My son.

I prefer to focus on what we have, and I have a partner of the highest caliber.

Better than Betsy Ross?

Well, she was occasionally rather pushy.

Prone to talking with a mouth full of food.

George Washington?

Well, now there was a great man... but a great man with legendary halitosis.


I really beat those guys?

Oh... handily.

You... never waiver in your faith.

In what we do. In me.

And you know how rare that is, don't you?

When it concerns you and me, Lieutenant, there is no greater certainty.

Port bow.

God's wounds...

Washington's crew.

Frozen in death's rigor for over 200 years.


The web of ley lines we seek begins at this spot.

You heard the lady.

All right, how many of these do we need?

They must surround the peak in a precise formation.

Only then will they trigger disturbance of a decent magnitude.

So, we're planting spikes across the whole mountain?

Yes, with haste.

Time grows short.

Is she always like that?

Trust me, man, this is her being nice.

These men aren't regular Colonial troops.

Crane: Washington hand-picked his team for the Delaware mission.

These are members of Knowlton's Rangers, the best militia fighters of their time.

Got musket ball strikes on the bodies, and behind the trees.

Shrapnel from an expl*sive charge on their boat.

What the hell happened here, Crane?


I recognize this handwriting.

This was written by Betsy Ross.

"Our last hope to win the w*r has been lost. Soon after we set off, Captain Revere was ordered to return down river."

With Washington on this mission, Revere would have been needed to lead the attack on Trenton.

"And as for General Washington and our band of brothers, our hopes of reaching the Catacombs have been violently dashed."

"Despite best efforts to safeguard the mission's security, there appears to have been an insurgent onboard."



Die, traitors!

For King and Country, you bastards!

Take him!

Abbie: "A saboteur."

Gunpowder! Over the side!

Abbie: "This slaughtered the entire regiment."

Yet somehow Washington and Betsy survived.

They made it to the Catacombs, retrieved the Eye of Providence, and return to 1776 just in time to take Trenton.

Except you said she was different when she came back.

Said good-bye to you in a letter.

'Twas as if she were a different person altogether.

My, God... what if that is exactly the case?

You think the woman that went on the mission, settled in Philadelphia, and had all those kids... was not the real Elizabeth Phoebe Ross.

We don't know that for sure, Crane.

Washington made it back.

I'm willing to bet that Betsy did, too.


Yes, yes.

You and I both know, Lieutenant... victory often comes at a terrible loss.

Reynolds, we're done in our sector.

Got less than an hour by my clock.

15 minutes max, and we'll be set.

(birds screeching)

He knows that we're here.

Everyone, take cover now!

(thunder rumbling)

Oh, my God.

Go, go.

(thunder rumbling)

Nothing to tell us where or how to enter the Catacombs.

No communiques, no maps, not even a compass among them.

We've lost our way, just as they did.

We came here to do a job, Crane, so keep searching.


Dead men really tell no tales.




Zombies again?



What the hell is that?

This is a dark magic charm, giving its wearer the curse of eternal life.


This is surely a tactic of General Howe's.

He persuaded one of his spies to sacrifice his very humanity in order to sabotage Washington.

Too bad good ol' George didn't see it coming.

(breathing heavily)

Or perhaps he did.


This letter's encoded.

Now if Washington suspected sabotage, or that the British were sending reinforcements to follow him upriver, this will truly tell of it.

Um... er, you don't happen to have... obliged.

Let's see what you've got for us, Betsy.


Are you okay?

Yeah, damn, that was intense.

Reynolds: Mills!

Everyone accounted for?

Joe: Yeah, thanks for the heads up.

So, the Hidden One took this round.

I say we take the next.

We got to finish this thing.

We got a problem.

Pandora: My compass, it's broken.

I cannot locate the ley lines without it.

Then we need to find another way to pinpoint them.

Jen, Crane's Christmas gift.

Crane gave me one of George Washington's original maps of the Hudson Valley. It depicts all of of the ley lines around Sleepy Hollow, but it's back at my trailer.

The sands will have run through the Hourglass by the time you return.

I'll go. I can text you all exact coordinates.

It'll be just like calling in an air strike.

Trust me, I got this.

Okay, go.

All right, watch your back, babe.

That was a hell of a show your husband put on back there.

Thing is, I don't like being blind-sided.

Mills, you're on recon.

I don't care if his real name is the Hidden One, I want eyes on him.

Wish me luck.

All right, the rest of you are with me.

All right. Copy that.

Seems to be some kind of portal or gateway to the Catacombs themselves.

I'm really going back there.

Only this time you're not alone, and we have a way out.

Shall we?

I have eyes on him.

Yeah, just make sure he doesn't have eyes on you.

Guys, I have a shot.


Recon only.

Come on, Reynolds.

We may not get another chance at this.

I said negative.

Stick to the plan.

Say again? You're breaking up.

(phone beeps)

Got them.

Tell Joe good job.

Get back here ASAP.

(phone chimes)


Mr. Mills, what brings you here?

Yeah, well, I was close by, thought I'd stop in and say hello.


Is it a bad time?


It almost impresses me.

The insatiable mortal desire to fight what you cannot possibly conquer.

I don't know what I hate about you most: the way you talk, or the way you treat women.

Let me help you choose.

I know well the value mortals place on love.

Let me take yours... and turn it into pain.

Ezra: So, you two are busy, then?

Uh, yeah, kind of, actually.

The thing is Jen's stuck up at the top of Bear Mountain right now... so...


You all right, son?


No, no, no, no, no.



You need to run.


(in spectral voice): Run!


Hidden one: The man you love... (grunts) is now, and shall be forever more... (bellowing) ...a beast.

(bellowing continues)

It seems like you're having a really bad day, son.

Sophie: I can't get a hold of either of them.

Something's wrong, man, he could have Joe or Jenny.

If we're gonna move on this guy, we got to do it now.

Just roll up on his ass, g*ns blazing?

This is about buying time, not endangering more lives.

We panic now, we're playing into his hands.

He's right.

No one... no place is safe until my husband has been dealt with.

Finish your task.

As soon as the last spike is planted, the energy in the ley lines will be summoned, and the disturbance will then occur.

And where are you going?

We need more time.

I will try and give us as much as I can.

No, no, you've helped enough.

We can protect you from him.

No one can be protected from a god, especially not an angry one.


(Wendigo bellowing)

God Almighty.


Joe? Joe, Joe!

It's me, it's me.

Okay, let's slow this down, okay?

Just like we did last time.


Stay back, Dad. Joe.

We're gonna have a quiet conversation, just you and me.


Ezra: I don't know what you're trying to do, but it's not working.

We need to go!

Damn it, Joe.

That's not gonna work!

It's a tracking b*llet.

We need to keep tabs on him until we have a plan.



I can't see a damn thing on my right side.

That's handy.

Okay, coordinates put the location about 200 yards that way.

Considering the baggage Abbie brought to the party, I'd say you're handling this pretty well.

It tore her up inside keeping you in the dark, you know.

Tore me up, too.

Yeah, I bet.

Truth is, you and Abbie weren't the only one to keep secrets.

I was tasked to keep an eye on Abbie, reporting her movements, moods, any details.

All covert, off the books.

Reporting to whom?

High level people.

Assistant Director Jack Walters was my primary contact, but I have to assume others are involved.

So, they used you to spy on Abbie?

I let them.

Look, I don't even know how much Walters knows, but he did refer to Abbie as an asset.

And now you think the fact that she's a Witness has something to do with it.

I messed up.

I can't change that, but I can do my best to protect her.

The least I can do is help save the world.

It's very different in person.


Stranger, if that's possible.

Your bishop, I presume.

A rook, but you did always say that it looked like a bishop, and it was just me trying to get an advantage over you.

I still don't know how to deal with the fact that those conversations... arguments, debates, thousands of them... weren't real.

It was just me talking to myself, trying to keep from falling off the edge.

No, actually, in a way, they were real.

I had many a rousing chat with you whilst we were apart.

They meant we could watch over one another.

And now after all this time... both of us wind up here, of all places.

Using my prison... to save the world.

I beat this, didn't I?

Yes, you did.

Ah, and this... must be your knight.



Pure chicanery.

Okay, Bobby Fischer, let's go fix Pandora's box.

I've been in this section before.

I thought it was just... ancient wallpaper.

According to Pandora's instructions, 'tis much more than that.






This must lead to an inner chamber.

(low rumbling)



Crane: No breath, no pulse.

I'm sorry, Crane.

Yes, well, this must have been where the Eye of Providence was kept.

Magical properties would have kept her... remains intact.

I had the whole temple and the Catacombs to wander.

She was trapped in this room for centuries.

She deserved a better end than this.


At least now I know the truth.

Look, Dad, I'm not sure what it is you wanted to show me, but I have to explain what you just saw.

Your boyfriend is a Wendigo.

The supernatural?


I know all about them.

For how long?

Since before you and Abigail were born.


I-I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, but I had my reasons.

Half skull, obsidian blade.

Just add some of his blood and say the words.

You know the Shawnee incantation?

Yes, of course I do, but...

Good girl.

Okay, just in case... we'll bring this.

It's a prototype ballistics w*apon.

It'll pretty much take down any species, but it packs a punch, so last resort only, do you hear me?

How much do you know?

About me and Abbie?

About... about Crane?

You knew Corbin and Nevins.

I was the one who took that picture.

What... Dad...

Jennifer, I know you have a million questions, and I promise I will answer every one, but right now we need to save Joe.

I owe August Corbin that much.

We should give her a ceremony.

Just a few words.

Let her soul be at peace.

I don't think that's gonna work.

Please, Lieutenant, we must honor her sacrifice.

No, Crane, I mean it's not gonna work because she isn't dead.




Ichabod... is that you?

You look well, my love.

Do not... pretend that you love me.

You never did.

The truth was in front of your eyes from the moment you first took pity on me.

The other gods kept me imprisoned for very good reasons.

Reasons that had nothing to do with benevolence, or mercy or love.

All I've ever loved was power.

When the last grain passes through, I will take your life.


Okay, that was the last one.

Why isn't anything happening?

I don't know.

She said it would just start up.

You would dare?!

You found my letter... on the river.

Quite... the mess.

Washington and I were lucky to escape it.

Ichabod, you are a sight for sore eyes.

Although you look... different, your... hair is...

Yes, it's shorter.


Right, Betsy, last I saw, you and General Washington were crossing to Trenton.

Oh, my apologies.

Allow me to introduce Miss Abigail Mills.

This is...

Miss Elizabeth Ross.

Tracker puts him half a mile out.

He's headed this way.

Why do you owe it to August Corbin?

That was the deal.

It k*lled me to leave but... it was for your own protection.

What does that mean?

(tracker beeps)

He's coming.


(Wendigo bellowing)

(whispering): I'm sorry about this, babe.



Ezra: Hey! Hairy guy!

Come here.

Wait, Dad, don't!

Joe, don't, no!





(whispering): Joe.

It's okay... it's okay.

I didn't know.


I love you.

(crying): I love you.


You had to, it's okay.

You had to.

(Joe groans)



(crying): No, Joe, Joe.

Joe, no!

No. (sobbing continues)

What did I do?

What did I do?

(low rumbling)



It is time.

(low rumbling)



(echoing): The man... you call husband no longer exists.

All that remains... is his final wish.

That this world shall burn!

Betsy, how are you still alive?

Bad luck, mainly.

Honestly, after so many trials, you would think we were due some decent fortune.

We were close to our goal... retrieving the Eye of Providence from this temple.

General Washington had spent months decoding ancient texts, preparing for this very moment.

Our perseverance paid off... until I became greedy, curious for more marvels held within this chamber.

(low rumbling)



Whatever sequence the general used to open this chamber no longer worked.

It won't open!

Betsy: I was trapped.

I'll come back for you.

Betsy: I could faintly hear his entreaties through the wall...

I'll find a way.

...but I knew full well there was no time for any rescue.

Priorities would force him to finish the mission.

I tried every single thing I could to escape... but I had not the knowledge of ancient glyphs as you do, Ichabod.



Somehow, the energies within the chamber itself kept me alive.

My hopes for a rescue began to abandon me.

Ultimately, I had no choice but to accept my fate.

You can fill in the blanks on the journey home.

Tell me, both of you, how fares the w*r?

Did we rout the blighters at Trenton?


You do know how long you've been down here?


We must be well into the New Year by now.

Which New Year?
