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02x02 - Here And Now

Posted: 03/31/16 16:08
by bunniefuu
Oi, mate!



A young man was shot dead last night down in Bankstown.

So, we, as a government, have decided that 19 is enough.

What are you talking about?

A Royal Commission.

So, our goal is to give the government a set of recommendations to reduce g*n crime in this city, that's it.

And the only way we can achieve that is by understanding who's illegally importing these prohibited g*ns and how they're being circulated.

There was a T-bone crash on Chapel Road and Heath Street about three minutes after the sh**ting.

Turns out, that was between a woman by the name of Jane Carter and a small-time dealer called George Healy.

So, how much shit am I in?

You're facing dangerous driving, leaving a crime scene and possession of a controlled substance.

Detective Inspector Andy Campbell, George, and you're under arrest.

Why'd you run, Keisha?

I wasn't gonna just stand there and get shot too.

Richard, where are you?

Keisha's bedroom.

OK, will you get out of there?

You were supposed to bring her in here.

Oh, my stars.

That's all hundreds and fifties.

There must have been half a million, at least. And blood-stained.

The sh**t kills Todd, she runs off with the money and sometime soon they're gonna meet up and split it?

Yeah, so if we leave it with her, she takes us straight to the k*ller.

Lance Corporal Parker, you gave evidence that in Corporal Allman's su1c1de note, he wrote, 'Major Hamilton's never let up on either of us, ever since Uruzgan.'


Sure. You coming too?

No, he has to prep for tomorrow.

Todd bought this at one of the shops from the casino complex the day before he died.

It was a surprise for you, Elaheh.

That's what he was doing that night.

But how could he afford this?

Well, he obviously got hold of some money.

And he also made an enemy.

Hi, um...


(Shouts in Farsi)

(Tyres screech)




Have you been hit?

Just glass, I think.

OK. OK. You'll be alright.

(Speaks in Farsi)

It's OK, Baba.

♪ Theme music Any idea who would want to do this to you? No.

Known enemies, recent feuds?


No idea at all?


People who do this have no respect.

So, the sh**ting started, and you ran to the front door while you were under fire.

Yes, I was so angry.

Angry enough to risk your life?

Unless you knew this was about something else.


You were shouting.


What did you say?

'You moron sons of goats, go lie with your mother and brothers.'

It doesn't sound so crude in Persian.

Is there anything else you can tell us? No.

I left Iran for a safe country, and now this.

Where are we going?

(Speaks in Farsi)

They need to talk to all of us.

What if he comes back?


Is this the arm? No other...


Can you give us a moment?

You have to help us.

I have no idea.

This was intimidation.

Please, just tell me what you know.

Can't this wait?

Don't you think she's had enough to deal with?

Susie... are you OK?

Hey, I'm fine.

You were at the Allman inquest.

Karen's my sister.

I'm Susie Nobakht.

Amil's my husband.



Yes. Excuse me.

You OK?


What were you doing here?

I can decide who I visit.

At least tell me.

How will I do my job if I don't know where you are?

You're not my bodyguard.

I'm responsible for your safety.

Alright, alright, point taken.

The father knew what this was.

I think we need to get you checked out.

No, I need to get home.

What time do you call this?

Oh, there's a spare bed upstairs.

Feel free to use it.

Andy called, gave me a heads-up.

Sounds like you walked into a firefight.

It was a drive-by, Tony.

Sorry, missed the fine detail.

Hard to hear what he was saying with those bandits screaming in the background.

How were they?


You've got to get this babysitting thing sorted out.

Or stock better Scotch.

How are you?

I'm fine.


What were you doing there?

I had to talk to Elaheh.

Must have been bloody important.

It was.

I made her a promise.

I had to honour it.

Careful, your compassion's showing.

You might want to tell Andy where you're going next time.

Don't you start. I wasn't putting myself in obvious danger.

Just be careful, OK?

Time to go. Come on.

I have a PhD in stating the obvious, sorry.(Chuckles)

Supreme Court tomorrow.

What, now the babysitter's reading my mail?

It was on the bench. Bloody great Supreme Court seal on the front.

Thank you.

I'm serious about that Scotch.

Come on, out.

Thank you. You're a life-saver.

This is Detective Inspector Andy Campbell with Heather O'Connor from the King Royal Commission.

Heather, could you identify yourself for the recording, please?

Heather O'Connor.


This is an electronically recorded interview with ourselves and Hassan Nobakht, otherwise known as Sam Nobakht, being conducted in State Crime Command, Parramatta.

Sam, could you please state your full name and date of birth?

Hassan Nobakht, 5th November 1994.

And you agree that no-one else is in this room?


'What if he comes back?'

Your words to Amil.

Who were you talking about?


You know who shot up your house.

No, I don't.

'What if HE comes back?'

I never said that.

According to Constable Thompson's sworn statement, you said it as you were escorted to the police car.

I don't remember saying that.

I have no idea who did it. I...

When did you last see Todd?

He and El came over for movie last Thursday.

What movie?

Oh, you wouldn't know it.

Taste Of Cherry. Iranian film.

What did Todd think?

Said he'd been in traffic jams more interesting.(Chuckles)

I told him that was the point.


Not that Hollywood ending crap, you know?

You're two years into a film course, yeah?

Yeah, but Mum was my first teacher.

Whenever I go back to Tehran, we'll watch films and check out the cinema museum.

She's a filmmaker?


The film culture is strong in Iran.

There's a lot of pride in it.

Todd's done something to get himself k*lled, and he's put your family in the frame.

Are you sure you never saw him...

I only saw him at home.

Amil is the one who went out with him.

Where to?

Ask him.I...

I don't know, you know?

Sports club?

Cafe next to the cinema?

And they went for qalyoon on South Terrace. Shisha.

That's South Terrace in Punchbowl?

Yeah. But you won't find anything.

We're not the ones they write Hollywood endings about.


Do we know how many sh*ts there were yet?

14, according to Forensics.

Lucky no-one was hit.

No-one was meant to be hit.

It was all about fear.

It didn't scare Bahman.

Janet, oh, my God, Heather just told us.

What's the latest on Elaheh Wilson? Are you alright?

Yes, fine. Stitches and shock.


She was sent home this morning.

I don't wanna overreact, but shouldn't we be in lockdown?

No-one knew I was going there.

It wasn't aimed at me.

But you were shot at.

The house was shot at.

I've got a Kevlar vest you can borrow if you like.

Was it hers, the bracelet?

Yes, thank you.

I should have been there too, but glad I wasn't now.

Yeah, lucky as it turns out.

Alright, interesting night last night.

CCTV footage from Station Road.

An unidentified person stealing what we believe to be the car used in the drive-by.

It was found burnt out this morning in an industrial estate near Greenacre.

The cops say they'll doorknock there after the Nobakht street.

Someone really has a vendetta against that family.

Yes, but who and why?

The son-in-law's dead and he had a shitload of cash.

OK, the first thing we need to do is build a detailed picture of Todd Wilson's movements over the two weeks before he died.

So, we need e-TAG records, mobile calls, everyone he met, everyone he talked to.

Already happening.

And any word on Keisha Gibson?

We've got surveillance on her and the money. So far, nothing.

She goes to work, comes home, doesn't move.

We could help with the doorknock today... Yeah, that'd be great.

What about the g*n used in the drive-by?

An American Zodiac PT92, judging by the shell casings.

Same type that was used in at least 15 of these sh**t.

Is it the same g*n or just the same type?

Well, we'll know soon enough.

Same g*n as your mate George's, too.

Well, the cops had taken his and he was on remand, so it wasn't him.

Yeah, but all Zodiacs are prohibited in Australia, so we do need to know where George got his and who supplied them.

Likelihood is they're all from the same illegal importation.

Want me to talk to him?

Well, what's he facing?

Two to three, give or take.

Going for bail today.

So, what makes you think he'll talk to you?

I'm serious.

Why should he cooperate? He owes me.

I'll appeal to his better nature.

George Healy has a better nature?

He'd be facing six to eight, if I hadn't helped him.

Yeah, but what else have you got to offer him now? Nothing, right?

So, what do you suggest? Well, I think we need a stick, not a carrot.

Such as?

We search his car again, find a few more kilos of coke.

Now he's facing 20.

You wanna load him up?

No, I wanna try a bluff to get a result.

No, and if we do get to that point, I don't want to know about it.

Are you confident with your relationship with George?

Yeah, good.

OK, well, let's talk to him together.

My g*n? Yeah, sure.

Found it up my arse.

Anything else you wanna know?

Listen, George...

I don't know who you are.

And you bloody dogged me to the cops and now you're both sitting here, expecting me to roll over.

You should be thanking me.

Thank you for getting me arrested.

Oh, don't be a dickhead, George.

I was looking out for you.

Pull the other one, it plays Jingle Bells.

The cops were going to bust you one way or another. I know you.

If I hadn't been there, you'd have done something stupid, like pull that g*n on 'em, made a run for it.

I saved your arse.

Piss off.

You owe me, George.

I'm dead if I talk to you.

Anything you say will be in the strictest confidence.

Bullshit, they'll know.

OK. This is Jane Carter.

She was driving the car you crashed into.

She has burns to 50% of her body and hasn't regained consciousness.

There's already a growing social media campaign focusing on her as the face of innocent victims of crime.

Now, depending on your cooperation, we could ask the DPP to separate your possession matters from your negligent driving charge.

And I can tell you, a jury's going to be much more sympathetic if they don't know you also had dr*gs and a g*n in that car.

So, can you think about that for a second?

Get stuffed.

Well, that went well.

George'll never talk while he's more scared of them than he is of us.

Maybe we do need a bigger stick.

Not Owen's, though, tempted as I was.

So, he was serious?

Oh, he's an ends-justifies-the means kind of guy.

What about you?

I just want to find a real stick.


Everything alright?



OK. Um...



I refer Your Honour to Document 12,concerning application to vary rates over the period May to June 2015, inclusive.

The issue is fair notice of rate-variation to the plaintiff in the subsequent correspondence.

Do we have the necessary tables, Counsel?

Yes, Your Honour.

Then I'll consider applications and we'll reconvene on Thursday.

In the matter of Deborah Larsson and Janet King.

Take a seat.

You filed no paperwork, Ms King?

Do you intend to be involved in proceedings?

Uh, Your Honour, I intend to make an oral application to have the statement of claim struck out...

Are you from interstate, Ms King?

I ask, because you seem unfamiliar with this court's processes.

Oh, with respect, I was hoping not to waste Your Honour's time.

I don't care what you were hoping, Ms King.

There is a process, and we'll follow it.

(Clears throat) Yes, Your Honour.

Let's start with some of the more basic paperwork, shall we?

Such as an appearance, which is UCPR Form 6A, and then a defence, UCPR form 7A or 7B.

(Keys jangle)

Just looking...

Got one.

(Mutters indistinctly)

This... Ah, is that the...

I'm just gonna say that's what it is.




Thank you.

Now, the matter at hand.

Your Honour, I intend to ask...

It's not your turn, Ms King.

You will go second.

Yes, Your Honour.

Ms Larsson?

I'm Ashley Larsson's sister.

Ms Ashley Larsson was the defendant's de facto partner, and is now deceased, yes?


Uh, my husband and I, we live in Brisbane.

We've been unable to have children...

My sympathies, Ms Larsson, but this is not the Family Court...

Correct, Your Honour.

It's a property dispute...

This is not the probate list either, Ms King.

Perhaps you could refer to your affidavit in support of your application, Ms Larsson.

Um, Ash and Janet had IVF.

Uh, Janet has children now, twins, but we're still trying.

I'm 39 years old. Ash is gone...

Ms Larsson...

There's one embryo left and it's just sitting there, it's my last chance, but she won't even talk to me...

In short, Ms Larsson, you want a declaration that the one remaining embryo held on the premises of Sydney IVF Ltd is property.


Your Honour, if it is property, it's part of Ash's estate, which she left to me.

No, it's life, it's not property.

You just said it was property.

'Cause you won't talk to me, and now here we are...

I'm referring this matter to mediation.

It's not mediatable, OK?

There is no middle ground with this.

And the defendant has seven days in which to file a defence.

Any affidavit on which she seeks to rely must also be filed in seven days.


Would you like me to spell that for you, Ms King?

Mediation will take place on or before two weeks' time before a registrar of this court, and both parties will supply written submissions outlining their position.

In the matter of KMFH Holdings and PB Limited...

Janet, can we talk, please?

How are the kids?

They're good. Wonderful, actually.

They must miss Ash.

They do, but, you know, mostly they just get on with things.

Four years old, last month, weren't they? Did you have a party?


I'm not trying to make you feel guilty.

Well, maybe I am a little bit, but I really miss them and I wish it wasn't like this...

Sorry, Deb, I have to go.

We have to sort this out.

I need more time. Well, I don't have more time, don't you get that?

You have other options.

What options?!

I've tried everything.

And you've wasted the last year.

That's unfair.

No, not returning my phone calls is unfair.

Cutting me off from the twins, that's unfair.

What are you gonna do with the embryo?

Are you gonna have another baby?

Please don't walk away from me.

Right, are we rolling?

Stay with me.

Ms King, do you have any comment on last night's sh**ting?

Last night's sh**ting demonstrates, more than ever, the importance of the commission's work.

Doesn't it prove that g*n crime is out of control?

No, it proves we have a job to get weapons off our streets.

Do you believe you were the target? No. Next question?

Was your appearance at the Supreme Court today a distraction from your work as a royal commissioner?

Well, I wasn't facing any charges, so, no, not at all.

It's a completely unrelated matter.

Thank you.

What's your reaction to George Healy being bailed?

Hey, did Andy talk you through Sam's interview?

You mean, the places where Todd and Amil hung out?


We've checked the sports club already and I'm getting more CCTV on the rest.

About time you pulled your finger out.

George made bail already?

He was released half-an-hour ago.

That was quick.Uncontested. I tried to call but you didn't answer.

Yeah, I know.

Cash is on the move. What?

We just picked this up.

How many people are following?

None. They're doorknocking in Greenacre.

I've called them back now.

Don't worry, I'm going myself until they arrive.

This is it. George gets bail and Keisha heads out to split the cash.

Where is she? Oh, she's going left down her street.

Stay online.

Janet: Can you see her?

(Sighs) Negative.

Maybe she wasn't heading there.

Where else could she have gone?

There's a strip of restaurants half a kay east.

Come on.

Eyes on Keisha.

Is she with anyone?

Solo and on the move.

I know if we lose this, it was my decision to let her keep the cash.

I didn't say anything.

Bianca, what's going on?

I'm on it. Just wait.

She has done this once or twice before.

Has Keisha contacted anyone?

No calls in or out.

Hang on.

Bianca, are you OK?


She just walked past.

She looks nervous.

Is she still alone?

Yeah, wait.

She's on her phone.

Are we getting this? We should.

We've got a TI on it. Lina?

Well, it's a text.

We can tell she's sending one but we can't read what it is or who it's to.

Do we still think this is the meeting place?

Hope so.

Think this is it.

Target's stationary. Looks like a live drop. Stand by.

How's she looking?

What do you think?

One person on the ground, public place, no idea who's gonna rock up or how many.

Pretty dicey.

How far's backup?

Five minutes.


She's seen someone.

Well, do you recognise them?

I can't see his face. Stand by.

Is it George?



It's Richard.

What's HE doing there?

They're talking. What...

What do you want me to do, arrest them?

No, just bring them in.

Get uniforms to handle it.

Next time a person of interest contacts you for help, you will share that with the rest of us.

She said it was personal.

I don't care.

It reflects badly on my commission and suggests a lack of discipline which I won't tolerate, Richard.

You know, we won't get anywhere if you keep running off and talking to people one on one.

Like you did with Elaheh?

I'm just keen to understand the distinction.

You know very well that's entirely different.

Let's go, please. Now.

I thought I was gonna die and Todd just gave it to me when he was looking for something.

I didn't even know I had it until I was half a kay down the road.

When did you know what was inside?

Later that night.

You didn't look until then?

I called the police when I got home.

After I got back from the station, I had a shower.

I had his blood all over me.

And you waited until now to bring it in?

Well, I didn't know what to do with it.

Do I turn it in?

Do I give it to his wife?

Do I keep it?

Then I heard about the sh**ting last night and I thought, 'God, they k*lled him for this money and they still want it and I've got it, and I've just... I've just gotta get out of this mess.'

And that's why you contacted me?

OK, two questions. Who's 'they'?

And where do you think that money came from?

How would I know?

I don't know anything.

Ms Gibson, did you ever see Todd with a man called George Healy?


Have you told anyone else about this money?


Ms Gibson, we must ask you to keep all information regarding this money to yourself for the duration of the investigation.

Do you understand?

OK, you're excused.

There's a waiting room over there.
Janet, I'm sorry if I nearly messed everything up, OK?

But I really did think I was just meeting her as a friend.

You can pay a very high price just for being yourself in our job.

She's talked to the police.

She's given a statement.

There's no trial on foot.

I mean, where's the impropriety?

It's about appearance.

I can't ban you from seeing her, but I'm just asking you to use your judgment and consider the image it presents.



I just wanna forget any of this ever happened.

Which is totally understandable, but not necessarily healthy.


Well, studies have shown the effects of trauma can be mitigated if the person actively works to remember the incident that caused the original...

I'll shut up now.

That'd be good.

So, I've been under surveillance for days?


Kind of wish I'd known that.

Might have been less scared.

Well, thank you for... everything.

So, see ya.

Any news on Todd yet?

Well, he met lots of clients and we can follow his car to a lot of places, but nothing unusual.

Have we counted the money?


And the ballistics on the drive-by b*ll*ts from the State police?

Haven't arrived.

But you think Bahman knew who it was.

Yeah, but he won't say anything.

And Sam gave us nothing.

So, Bahman won't talk.

George won't talk.



I don't know.

How is she?

She's back at home. A few stitches.

Hey, listen, I know you've built up some trust with her and we need to make sure that stays in place.

But still, you know where I'm going?


Look, I know you're right.

Let's do it.

You can't tell me you're a sharing, caring couple and you had no idea what he was up to.

It's one or the other.

I know this is a hard time to face facts, but your husband is dead, and it's our job to stop Sydney's streets from becoming sh**ting galleries.

So, apologies for being insensitive, but I can't believe you had no idea what your husband was up to.

Who was he dealing with? Where did they meet? What was he selling?


We know that's not true.

He wanted a loan to finish building the nursery, because after the fire, we had an insurance claim rejected.

They said we started it, which was a lie.

But Todd had it sorted.

He'd organised a loan.

That's all I know.

That's why he was...

Who from?! Where did this magic loan come from?!

Did he give you a name? A company name? A nickname, anything?

So, you're willing to let your family become targets, all of them, rather than tell us the truth?

It is the truth!

Right, Owen, I think that's enough.


It is the truth.

Elaheh, we know that Todd had a lot of money with him when he died.

$300,000 in cash. OK?

Well, obviously that isn't normal, and I don't think you're a part of whatever Todd was doing to get that money, but I am hoping that you can help us.

Because he did do something.

His death wasn't just random.

So, I need you to try and remember everything Todd was doing and saying last week - it doesn't matter how small or useless it seems.

You never know what will help us.

Susie Parker. Netball.

Revesby Girls.


Lina, yeah.

Hi. Karen Parker.

From the inquest.


You're both here with...

Uh, Elaheh, my sister-in-law.

Oh, you're married to Amil?

Married to him, work with him in Bahman's panel beating shop.

See too much of him, really.

What about you?

You're a lawyer now?

Yeah, a lawyer, married to a cop.

How are you holding up after...?

Oh, we're fine.

Shocking, but we're fine.

Has Amil said anything to you about it?

No. It was good to see you.

We weren't in the same year, she was in the one above, but when I got put up to the firsts, she was my captain, so we knew each other a little.

Well, you still have to declare the conflict of interest.

That won't stop me from being on the commission, though?

It shouldn't. It really just means you can't have any one-on-one chats with Susie and Karen, which is unlikely anyway.

I just don't want to be sidelined, which could happen if I gave Janet half a chance.

I always feel I have to prove myself to her.

Oh, who doesn't?

She's not singling you out.

Hey, have I told you how nice it is to be working under the same roof?

That is what will get you sidelined.

Hey, I've been thinking about George, and as much as it kills me to say it, I think Owen might be right.

About bluffing him into talking?

Well, about needing some sort of meaningful leverage.

Well, don't tell Owen he's right, you'll only encourage him.

It's a crazy and wild idea, but how about we just go with the truth?

Some mates of Jane Carter's set up a website.

They've raised more than ten grand to help with her medical costs.


They posted that an hour ago.

I'm just so overwhelmed.

Ever since that low-life ran into her car.

And everyone has just been so generous.

I just wanted to say thank you.

Really, all we can do now is pray.

I checked with the hospital.

Her condition is deteriorating.

At the moment George Healy's facing two to three years?

But if she dies, he's looking at manslaughter, or even m*rder if the police find he had enough reckless indifference.

And m*rder's 20-plus, George, on top of the other charges.

Which is a significant increase in jail time.

However, if you provide us with the information about the g*n found in your possession, we can ask the DPP not to pursue the manslaughter charge.

I'll need a lot more than that.

OK. We'll request an immunity from prosecution from the Attorney-General.

It only goes ahead if you give us everything.

But we need the lot, George.

Any information relevant to the commission.

Who imported these Zodiacs, hmm?

How do they get into the country?

Where are they kept?

How do you buy one?

How do you borrow one?

Who from? How much? Everything.

But we find out you withheld information and we rescind your immunity, no discussions.

We know you're scared, George.

You don't know shit.

I can guarantee that any evidence you give the commission will not be published.

Your identity will be protected, your deposition sealed.

And I just take your word for that?

You're in no position to bargain here.


I know what this is worth to you, but it's not going to happen unless I get that full immunity for everything - the crash, the dr*gs, the lot.

There's no way we can do that.

All offences.

And I want a new identity.

Pretty big demands, George.

It's my life here, sweetheart.

You want to get these g*ns off the street, you need what's in my head.

And you'd better be ready for the shit storm it's gonna unleash.

My sense is the public are grateful that your government is taking the issue of g*ns seriously.

In my experience, the public stop being grateful when scum like this get off scot-free.

We all know that you can change public opinion about somebody, Lincoln.

And George's g*n came from the same illegal importation as the w*apon used last night - they're all from the same crate.

So, if this information blows the lid on everything, you will have a compelling narrative.

Unfortunately, I won't be the only one.

This woman in a coma - what sort of public support is she getting?

Significant online campaign and some traction with the press.

And if she dies, I'll have to explain to her husband why her k*ller doesn't have to face justice.

From time to time in a mature democracy, fairness for an individual has to be weighed against the safety of the whole community.

Oh, for God's sake!

Will you stop thinking the world is full of Benthamites.

Do you have any understanding of real people at all?

Real people are governed by self-interest.

Robbie Carter may want revenge, but everyone else wants to feel safe.

And you wanna be known as the man who gave it to them.

(Chuckles) And you feel confident Healy can deliver?

George is the key.

He knows who brought the case of illegal firearms into this country, and therefore he knows who triggered this entire crime spree.


I will let Cabinet know that I have accepted your recommendation.

Thank you for your support, Attorney.

Amping up the pressure on George by bringing out a big stick -

I'm impressed.

If it works, can you tell everyone it was my idea? No.



Coming through.

Janet, we've got something.

Two nights before he died, Todd Wilson got dropped off at the shopping strip on Station Road.

Is he...

Wait for it.Yep.

Ferrari. Pretty sophisticated anti-theft system.

Bet his ears are starting to bleed about now.

You know whose car that is?

Ferrari 458 Speciale, personalised number plate 'P-B'.

You met him at drinks after the opening. Former Mayor.

Patrick Bocarro.

Gold star for Janet.

Richard: Pause it.

That's Brett Bonar.

Who's that?

Lina: One of his mates.

He came and saw Keisha the day that I was in her, um, bedroom.

What are they doing now?

Just keep watching.

I can't make out what it is, but Todd takes something from the car.

So, Todd Wilson was a hero in his wife's eyes, but he did do a spot of auto theft, Your Honour.

What do we know about Brett Bonar?

One of Todd and Amil's best mates.

They went to high school together.

He's a security guard now.

I want to go talk to him.

OK. Take Andy with you. Andy.

Where was I when? Eight days ago.

I don't know, working.

We've got CCTV of you and your mate Todd breaking into a car that night.

Hey, hang on, I didn't break into anything.

So, Todd did the break in, you were just the accomplice?

No, I was trying to stop him.

It's a pity Todd's not here to corroborate.

I don't need this bullshit.

Let's bring him in.

Hey, listen, I need this job.

You want to start again, then, without the bullshit this time?

Todd was my mate, but he could be a real dickhead, always out for the easy earn, you know?

So, he just decided to break into some random car?

I don't know.

I didn't see what happened.

I'm smelling that bullshit again.

Alright. You...

You know he got ripped off by an insurance company?

Yeah, they turned down his claim after the fire in the house, right?

He'd been going on about it, really cracking the shits.

He'd had a few beers, so I was driving him home.

Decided he'd walk, told me to drop him in the car park, so I did.

So, the car was to make up for the insurance money?

Easy earn, that's what he thought.

But a Ferrari, shit.

You know he took something.

I didn't see.

Alright, it was a box, I think.

I don't know, he wouldn't show me.

I told him to put it back.

But that car alarm was waking up Rookwood Cemetery.

I had to get him out of there.

You say Todd was your mate.

Yeah, he was.

Any idea why someone would want to k*ll him?

My best guess, he's done something dumb.

Tried to rip off the wrong person, they've come after him.

The world's full of arseholes, people who deserve what they get.

Todd didn't.

No, listen to me. It's happening.

Just sit tight.

Have a bath and calm down.

Yeah, I will call as soon as it's here. Bye.

George has got his nuts in a real knot.

That's the downside of bail, not having a prison cell to hide in.

Hey, your Miss Gibson, she's hot.

If I was ten years younger...


You should keep her number on ice until we wrap up here and then knock yourself out.

Wait, she called me, OK? She's clearly under enormous pressure.

Oh, which I know you'll help her relieve. What?

I was simply...

I know. I know.

Sly fox.


According to Brett, Todd just did stupid things occasionally.

Especially when he was pissed off with insurance companies who denied his claim.

Did he know what Todd actually took from the car?

A box.

Says he doesn't know what was in it.

Do we believe him?

Oh, he was adamant, so on the balance of probabilities...

Is it possible that the money from Keisha's backpack came from him selling whatever he took from the car?

A 300-grand box?

Well, maybe there was a watch inside.

A 300-hundred grand watch?

There are watches that expensive.

I'm in the wrong job.

You going to talk to Patrick?

Absolutely. By the way, did we ever get that ballistics report on the b*ll*ts from the drive-by?

They say they need more time. I mean, it shouldn't be too far away.

Yeah, neither's Christmas.

Owen, can you come with me?

Yeah. Excuse me, mate.

Can you believe those State police?

I mean, how long does it take, for God's sake?

Oh, ah, hang on a sec.

I'll meet you outside.

Hey, Bianca. Thanks for this morning.

Um, unexpected result, but still...

Who would have guessed? Richard.


Warnings have been issued.

Listen, you've been liaising with the State police.

What's your sense of things?

In what way?

The degree of their cooperation.

I'd describe it as grudging, but not deliberately obstructive, which doesn't surprise me, if I can be frank.


Well, same as all State forces.

Almost anything you uncover could reflect badly on them.

Way they see it, they're on a hiding to nothing.

Mm, poor darlings.

They're just cautious.

You do need to know whose toes you're treading on.

Well, we really need that report on the b*ll*ts from the drive-by.

In particular, was that g*n used for any other crime?

You couldn't access that via the Federal database, could you, or do I have to wait for Andy's friends?

I could check, if you like.

Would you?

I'd really appreciate that.

Of course.


Hey, how are you, after last night?

I'm alright.

Actually, I barely slept a wink.

It's just you look like you're still running on adrenaline.

You don't know me well enough -

I'm always like this.

I'm serious. Being caught up in a sh**ting's traumatic enough.

I'm fine. Thank you.

I've gotta catch Owen.

Yeah, some idiot did break into my car. How'd you know?

Well, we were looking through some CCTV footage.

Someone recognised it.

Mr Bocarro.Vincent.

Thank you.

Pleasure. Any time. Call me.

It's nice to be able to help people.

Know how hard it is to get your kid a placein a preschool?

Yes, actually.

Where were you a year ago?

Right here in Bankstown.

If only I'd known.

Um, listen, back to the break-in...

Yeah, well, it's very sad.

There's too much of it these days.

You didn't report it to the police.

There was no real damage done.

The police have more important things to do.

Was anything stolen?

Uh, I don't think so.

Because on the tape it looks like it was, and we've identified the offenders.

Oh, of course, an old cigar box.

I keep spare change in it.


Oh, irreplaceable.

My uncle gave it to me.

How much would someone get for it?

(Mobile rings)


I'll give 'em 100 to get it back.

The office. Not urgent.

Oh, no, you should take that.

It's nothing that can't wait.

Oh, no, it could be important.

You should call 'em back.


I had a call from our mutual friend, the Attorney-General.

It's alright, but Lincoln's a tricky bugger, and the election next year's making him nervous.

As are you, for some reason, some recent conversation.

I don't know the details, but I told him this community needs your commission.

I told him you had my complete support.

Thank you, Mr Bocarro.

Have you, um...

Have you spoken to Bao Long yet?

No, but he's been mentioned.

He's the sort of bloke that could help you out a bit.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

What was that about?

Just letting me know he has the Attorney-General's ear.

I already told you that.

And trying to swing our attention onto that Vietnamese bookie Heather mentioned.

And away from himself maybe?

Yeah, I wondered that.

Something's not right here.

Before you made the phone call, I told him we had footage of the break-in and could see who did it.

And he never asked who it was.


And yet wouldn't that be the obvious question?

Unless he already knew.


And if he did, did he already know Todd?

You know, we may now have to go back to... Actually, no, not you.

Get Lina to meet me at the Nobakht house.

Sure. Nice people skills.

Yeah, I do notice the odd thing or two.Mm.

Are you saying this is why he died?

Because he took something from a car?

Did he ever talk about Patrick Bocarro?

Or call him, or show you what he took?


We have evidence, Elaheh...

He was a good man.

Even good men make mistakes.

Todd would not do anything to put us in danger.

We think it was a small wooden box.

What's going on?


We're just... We're just talking.

Susie, we just had some questions.

Leave my sister alone!

It's OK, Amil.

I can answer questions.

Come on, hey?

Why are you still questioning us?

The police have been talking to Bahman all day.

Elaheh was interrogated by your commission. What have we done?

Your brother-in-law was m*rder*d.

You had 14 sh*ts fired at your family home.

Bahman ran out after the sh**t.

We need to work out what's going on.

Don't you wanna know who's after you?

But we've already told you all we know.

Do you really think we're not being completely honest?

Yeah, I do. So, it's all our fault somehow, right?

We brought this on ourself?

Is that all you can see?

Well, what should I be seeing?

What's this about?

I remember at school you were going to go to the US on a college sports scholarship?

Wanted do.

It never happened in the end.

I remember not knowing what to think about you. Palestinian?

What was that about?

And then Amil took me to Tehran for a holiday.

Full of nightlife, parties everywhere. It was like London.

If you could put aside the rules they had to live by, the people are fantastic.

Polite. Respectful. Happy.

That's when I fell in love.

They're a really beautiful family, Lina.

I hope you can make your friends see that.

Is this...

Iran, yes.

This is the view from our holiday apartment by the Caspian Sea.

The water is very beautiful and warm, although in Iran no-one goes in the water, we just walk on the sand.

The boys don't want to go in without the girls, and we have to stay fully clothed.

Someone's always watching.

Government informers are everywhere.

It's better now.

Ten years ago you would just be taken off the street.

At least in this country, we thought we would know who are enemies are.

But we often don't, do we?

Janet still out?

Uh, yes. Can you give her this when she gets back? Sure.

Hey, Potato Head.

George's immunity?

Express from Macquarie Street.

Conditional on the information he gives us, of course.

Let's bring him in, hear what he's got.

Can you behave? Refer to me by name or rank, perhaps?

I'll try, no guarantees. Coming?

We're just picking up George.


Let me know when he's here.

Any news?

Nothing tangible.

If we don't already have phone taps on the Nobakht boys, can you make sure we do from now on?

Oh, Bianca left that for you.

Oh, great.

So, what'd Elaheh say?

Did she tell you her husband was a car thief and a drug dealer?

Well, we're not sure Elaheh knows anything, but Amil does.

So, Amil does and Bahman does.

And George, who's about to talk to us, at least.

Ah, whose clever strategy was that?

Shut up, Owen.

Janet, are... are you OK?

Bianca ran the ballistics from the drive-by through the Federal database for me.

That g*n was used in two other crimes... the kneecapping of Felix Murphy and the m*rder of Ashleigh Larsson.

Excuse me.


George, it's Heather!


(Knocks on flyscreen)

No-one in there.

Shit, shit, shit!

Grab his legs. Grab his legs.

Well, seeing as we're both not working, why don't we get a drink?


Keisha, it's Richard.

Is everything alright?

Now's a bad time. It's always a bad time with you, Janet.

You need the sperm donor's consent, and you can't rely on Ash's emails alone.

Please describe to this commission who shot you that day?

I don't know who.

What's this?

Your undercover operation.

This isn't a decision you should make lightly.

We should take her out now.

And being the Royal Commissioner, only the Queen and the Governor-General can dismiss me.

Perhaps the most judicious move would be to step down from the commission.